Mrs. Ww Arnold, wlio bas been in faillng health for tIm, hau growii worss. The. sale of Mr. Goodenow's was well attendedp and the prices w-rs good. Mr. Fostero of Ouhawat who bais tpurcha"ed the, Goodenow property, oni qikeS$treet, la movlng i tbis week Mr. Goodmow wlll shortly start for his now home in Florida, and wfi live a few mà lea north o! Miami, and thinka the climate Ideal. .: The. friendsa ami chool mates of Miss Violet Parker, regret te, leama of ber failing bsalth at her home lu To- ronto. Mns. F. Loosemore, of Liudsay, le, vlsitlng at the. home of Mme. Nl. Loosemome, Àlarge nunuber attended the polit- Ical meeting held i the bail ou Baturday, alio the stock sale by Mr. Denny on the. same afternoon. A good representation from Beeth-, Wo keep the BEST G13NERÀL MERCHANT, BREAD FLOUR on hand Five Roses, Purlty, keindeer ALSO-: MARVEL PASTRY FLOIJR ONTARUO BRAN AN& MIQDLINGO OAT CHOP AND -CRLJSHED OATS. Get your supply now while the pria. is IoW. CEREALS 0OF AIL KJNDS. Fail Whieat Wanted. Hlghe0et Price Paà id. - Chas., 4ilsoni, Brooklln I f i GROCE RY SpECIALS A 600D B y> FORl 1H18 W ~EK 3 lbs. Good Dates, à Ibs. Good Black Tea, 35c Salmon, ilb. tUn,- - 25e $1.00 - 25c Gunn's Maple Leaf Pork Sausage, per tint Chbrlstle's Assorted- Biscuits, per, lb.,. A"- big , - G.oad SardInà eg, 2 tins for' ., - Laundry and- Tollet S6ap, 7 bars for 35c 25c' 25C 25c BROOKLINo ONT. R1:edeemed Here as *good as, cash to you, here, on the purchase of a K. & S. Tire. Take advantage of this' oppor- tunitv to izet K. & S.-Canada's leading quahity mend themn. complete. tire-we recom- Our stock is Ev, , te- 0 Que i4a. wvwz isogertof m treaI, imde a brie! vlilt wth the for-. mer'. graudfatber,,Mr.ÀA. Ke Mns. ill1Aa ýoue retumnedi m on - day *frOnu a twýo weeks'-vint in1New preachetiii Fmpr mme.014',efortop hepbeemi verir 111 o!fae tl rscov.rin.g aluei. Mr. Lzg~Miss Cheyne, Mn. andi Mus. Silver neo! Toronto, vited at Mme.T*4=aUV's Keen c-O ptlton le being showa in preparation'for the School Fair, oc- lober OU. Non Sudy w-fl be Rally Day et the ro Prs>'¶ri.anCburch. The cn-et..etepu la front o! lb.e aetho nit hucbave been complet- i h - I 1 Ij misa Jan.t M7cKay of 'Whltb> Vis- iied vihIMr. (r)John Moore ne- The sale of- cows helti by Oliver Dénny atFPiuu'. Botel lest Saturd.y, drew- a !airly gooti crowd. .&nc4oneer, Wmi. Maw-, uleldedtheii hainner and dusposeti of lbe animaislugood lime at fair prices. The Harveit T>azýs1viag service wil -eeld next Sunday afternou ;et 4,30 iu St. Thonmes' Ohuich. The,- Rév. C.S orto Vancouver- CoIleg¶. wll ho ii preacher. The choir o!Ali ~Saints' Church, Whitby, will pro-vide the. usic. The-,chumch w-il be decor- ated for the occasion. Mr. Thos. Chiin, o! Arkansoas, w-ho w-as iu the. village* ahtending the. fu-' nemel o!fbis mother, Mme. Eliza Chinur, ie visitlng fnieuds, here and i inToron- lo.- Itla seightçen years since h. w-as lust here, and'sees mny changes. Neerhy ail the. boys -o! his boyhood days have eue- or passeti away. New faces have taken, their places, and many new buildings bave been- erfct- ed, 50 that tie place seems rathei strauge. The death o! Mrs.- John Wells, whlch took place lu Toronho,,ou Sun- day, September 2th, reznov'es on. who w-as vemy muchl ioed in Ibis commuuity. Sh. hed lived hem. for a number o! years, sud w-as lhe wïdow o! the. laIe John Wells. For soin. tume she'has live4 wlth hem daugiher, Mme. Pike, at 41 Swanwlck Ave., To- iroute, w-ler. she died, lu hemý 82ud yeam. Hem funeral took place ou Wednesday to the family buryiug grounti, Myrtie. She I'evee . two daugiters, Mrs. White, Lindsay, and Mme. Pike, Toronto, besides four sons, Albert, Arthur and Ford, o! Toronto,. anti Franlc, o! Liudsay. Corne and bring your friends to Kin- sale Chicken Pie Supper in -Methodlst 'Churci, on' Mondey, Oct. Srd. Good progreni. An accident w-hidi migit bave pmoved fatal, happened ou Satumde-y to Mm. David Neale. He w-as helping, transfer the. Lxbrary books te lie Township Hall, and- was standing on the. runnlng board o! Mm. Wm. Ormile ton's car. They w-er. comlng down the. Mil? bh, w-heu Mm. Néeti.,s- judging the. speeti o!, juxnped off. He was throwu on hie head, w-hich was cul, besides beiug very mucli ehaken up. lie w-as camied te hià home, aud has since been under' th. doctom's came. After a lengtliy illuese tthe deabli occumred et lhe Ontario Hospital, at Whitby, on Sahumday, Septeniber -24, -1921,- 6f William RÉouty, lathie s69th year. Deceased was a sou of the laIe Thos. -Routley o! this place, and w-as well known and highly respecte(j lu thei-llage. He leaves two daughtems, Mrs. ToËdiff, of Barrie, Miss Mary Routley, o! Toronto, andi one son, Martin ]Routley, o! Brookliu, besides two brothers, James and Thoma:g, o! ths place. The funeral took place ou Monday, September 26tli, at 2 p.m., !rom the residence o!is son, Mertin Routley. Interment was mateienl Groveside Gemetery. J. E. Disney lias solti hie 155 acre fanm, ah lot 32, ear con. 7, to Jor- dan & Ellfis, o! Woodbridge, who are going minote tiaimying business. The new- owners are movixng onto the farm now. As Mm. Disney lias to give -possession on October laI, -he has ar- rengedti bseli hie farm nstock sud in- piements by auction on Tuesdey next, October 4th, announceent of w-hidi will b. ceeu eisew-here lu these col- CLAREMONT Judson Edwards, of Eas Michigan, and Miss Mabel of Toronto, were home gues of the -week. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. a MEETlb FIRSTand TIIIRD WEI 0f £ACH MONT! KEEP UT IN MIl The Disney Uadertal OSHAWA Phomo .10828, Nosw Motêr1 Pri ngle's, st Lmasing, l Eiw-arti, s ti. he iret Ia I s t*-for Y"aiand alf-lhe mëi: glass ~ dome any good. I aiad somét?4iig about -"Fruit-a.. *jp" bWâEg0diiUStm rob end 4eý%w& 0f i's 80n 1 Itries them. Afterfi" ý a few bozpsI a my e*nIehýW#s restore'd; anûd Mlle. ÂNTUMTTE BOUCER. Nes a box, 6 !o#42lO, trial size 25c. 4tdIr or. seut postpaid by tnù,a.tiesLimIted, Ottawa. rônto, w. ethe -Week-end gaesfa of Ur. -and-Mm .J ames EvaiYi and fsm- Well attenld ed oud interested An- nual Sgunday Schoo Rally ~rie were' held in both churches-Sunday lait. SHarold S. King$ ,of the Baptiat Par-_ sonage, Ieft on Monday for McMaster ,Vniversity, where he will pursue «an an, ]onor course in Arts. Miss Viola F'orsyth, now -of Mounit Albert, spent $unday under the par- ental'roof. The International Bible Study As.. sociation, generally known as Russel- ism, Millenial Dawnism, a Unitarian- body in a-church-knocking campaign, was represented in the hall here last Sunday evening. Some ten or ftfteeu turued& out to receive the knock. A very pleasiug'and instructive en- tertainnt was held in the Public School Friday afternoon under the auspices of the Women's Institute. -,A ~umber of vocal and instrumental sel- rections by the children were well rendered. Rev. A. M4cLellan, as chair- man, gave a brief addrass of appre- ciation of the Scirool and Institute work. Principal Wilker gave a very thoughtful paper on "The Function of Expression in Development," Miss Cuinnings, -a new teacher, gave an i- teresting address on "Agriculture iu School Work," with a demonstration in-clasa on the potato beetie pest. Rev. C. W. King spoke ýon "Story Booka and Story Telling," advocating a lar- ger use of character-forniing story lbook and story telling for the.young in their home, life. Mr. Ryan also gave a brief talk on Character-form- ing Habits in Sehool Life. At the close a social tinie and ice creani treat was given the young folks by the lad- ies of-the Institute. Sunday, October 2nd, will be of special interest to the members of the Baptist congregation in view of the Centenary Celebration services ou the' 9th, and the social function and plat. forni meeting the following Monday. Special prayers will be offered for the divine biessing upon the unique occas- ion. Therewill bet review by Pas- tor Kink <&e,&tOýçf Doints-of -n teïie t nthe ChckI4 huncbed years- of service at both services, and at the morning service the Lord's Supper will be celebrated. It is hoped a ful attendance of the members, especially the older ones. The audience room has been beautifully decorated, and it is al! but completed for -the Centen- ary Celebration and re-opening on the 9th and lOth. MYRTLE. Mr. John Shand, our faithful mail carrier r, wô asben inispoed.o RAGLAN ant, o! To- A number froin ler.ehtended lie -concert ah Myrtle ou Tuesdey even- ing lest, in w-iich Ben Hokea & Co., o! *Toronto, w-arethe principal enterý- ' tiners for the evenîng. Ahi report m~' uwba goo t ime. Miss Aggie .Ormiston, o! Brooklil, is -4sitiug hem parents, Mr. anti Mrs. J. J. Ormiiton. )NI3SDAY Mr. sud Mmc. N. Luke, Mm. anti Mrs. N. Huglison anti son, Lloyd, mohoreti rH. froin Toronto anti spent Suntiay witi relà tives here. ND 1 Quit. a number from liere attendeti Lindsay Faim on Satumday. Miss Dootiy Buckley, o! Toronto, - w-eb lie guesl o! Mme. J. H. Platten- k ing Sa. r. . Vance, o! Shirley, spent a few- tiys witi hem gieandpavents, Mm. - anti Mrs. W. -Squeci, lest w-eek. - The concert given under lie mue- tpices o! the. Ladies' Aid ou Fnidey Equlpoe.. evening lasî w-as 'a- decided uces Brooklln k FQr Everything in Patent Medicines. We have secured an assoriment of Genuino Briar. Pipes, good value ah $1.00, whlch we are isolling ai 50o. 120 Page .Scribblers ah Se. W. are agents for Pratt%~ Animal Regulator, oneo«of the best of its kind. W. have a full lino of Cough Symups, Wampole's Pro- ducts, Tanalac, aud ail good-Tonics, Tollot Goods, Choco-, latos, Tobacoos, EveningIandSundsy Papets. For Constipation we. have Niujol, Russian 011 and Parinol.- Formnaldehyde for Wboah Smut, Qat Smut- and ;Barl, smut. >"£verYth!noln. Patent MedIclne." Ciurch, on Monilay,- Oct. grd. 'GoU pregramn-- The telephono at "1TIi. Manse" ha, been transfeird to Brookilinn.- -W. .1lcerely hope the. choir wil at- tend Pmactioe regu1îuîy eviery We4& nesday eV'ening, ae only by !aitb.ful Practce-.w-hichsoInehhes means a lift1e mýcrifce-a w. have a_ good. choir, W. bave pleuty, o! gooti mu- mci . now, and ft wWEIbew-el worth wbile to vive our beel efforts to Ibis importantypart -o! chirh oemice. STe. W. M. S t ho Maflse ou Thursday - e#ening, September 29fth. Mies Iva VSýSce, Wluo haSýbe=uvi iting 'her grandfatheý-&r, .piirce, or Manilla Jet., eturnedý homo last week. G;REENWOODi Êvemyone -be sure t 1e- uh d o the undy Shool R*ily nent Sunday mnomniug, üOctober -2n&. The. Epwomth Leagie held a camp- fire and corn-roast o019 Mm. Gmeen'e flats on Fmiday evenIng. -Ail report ,a good timie. The* W. M. S., o!-the Greenwood Circuit met at the.home of-Mms. F. L.Green last Fyida, aftemnoon. - Ronà ald Wison aul bride, of Port Coîbomne, spejit seea dayâ with A. Trimble snd family-. , Corne and bring yo rf£riends ho Kin- sale Chiclken Pie Super lu Methodist Ghurch, on Monday, Oct. 3rd. Good .prograni.- - Mms. Ruth Behts, 'W{ho bas been vis- itîng lier sister, Mms. ', Boyer, meturned ho hem home lu Manchester last wee1r. Soin. of oum young people attended Lindsay Fair last Fmiday and Satur- day. . ,i1 Gordon McKay anci wife aud fam- ily spent over the - week-end with Jos. and Mme. Wideman. C0LUMBTJS Mm. P. Purves has been appoluted Township Clerk, sucçeeding his fath- or, who held -the position for 41 y-ars. Mr. A. E. Grass bas gone east to judge et sevemal faims.. Mrs. Thomas Wiicoxson le spendiug Ibis week with friends lu' Oshewe. Misses Marion aud Ruby Reeson eutertaiued a uxbeý' o! their fmieuds lest Mondey night.1 Giïad to report lù'1m.,-Fred- McGee recovered from ' hemr ecent illness. Several froin heme latthded Lindlsay Faim lest week. -m.,RTUE-STATION - Miss Harper, of Wiitby,- visiteti at Mm. A. Carmiciael's!,lest week. Miss Janet Rocs,: of Toronto,. has retumneti honme aftem spending a week et Mr. R. Rocs'. Mm. W. Grahamn was et Baie anti Sudbury lest week, ý moviug Govemu- ment stock. Col. Cecil Williams, .o! ' Toronto, Provincial Manager f!the Navy Lea- gue of Canada, will occupy tie pulpit et Xyrtle on October 2ud, et 10.30 e. mi., Raglan et 3 p.n., and Columbus et 7 p.m.- Corne ana bring yolir friends ho Kin- sale Chicken Pie Suýper in Methodist Churcli, on Mondey, eOt . 3rd. Goodl program. A sodial will be given lu inte base- ment o! the. Churcli 1 next Wednesday evening, October 5th, under the aus- pices o!thie Ladies' Àidi. A gooti pro- gramn is belug prepareti. Mm. James Cooper lies purchased tie house lately occupied by H. Mar- hyn, !rom" the Manderson estete, anti alter renovatîng it,, will take posses- sion. THORNTON'S CORNERS The annum? chieken Pie supper wil b. helti October l3týh. Gel your ticket for -your best girl! andi yoursèlf as soon as1 you cen. :A good progmain end e good cupper îs anticipateti._ M iss là la Smit, of Torouto, is vis- iting Ibis week with Miss Editi Stonehouse. Mm. Chiarles Elliott vislted wlti bis parents liere over Sunday. Mr. R. Lick's house ic nearing coin- pletion. - L Patrouize the School Scout Booth aI the Sciool Faim O0ctober 5th. Hot tee will elso be evailable' on liaI day for those w-ho briug lunch. Silo filling finisies amound hem. this w-eek. Tiresiing resumes agalu for e term Weddiug belle again soon. Who nexl w-ilsoundtiho gong. ]BASE UNE WEST Mr.' H. Reyunolde is metiing erom lie Richardison fam after 'ten. years' tensucy. Mm. R. Hoar ha. leaseti il for a borin o! years., Mr. anti Mrs. C. F. Amnott, Mme. E. Shory sud Mise Ida Stoýry, motomedti o Port Hope Seturtiay. Roger Rice reports fiocks o! wild geese aloug lie l4ke front. .. A large numbet 'o! sieep armiveti ou Monday 10 peelure ou thi.Hospital fanm. Mr. Diekie le retiming frin w-bal le knowu as lie Çollins- farin. Mn. Lomne Kemp is i. o lii. uew tenant. Mm. A. E. Stemyiepreeenltid al li-te railways o! Canada .xoept the C.P.R., au à n-important nieeting- aI hcg lest w-o.k. ýOn a.visilte ti.toun e>st w-o.k W. were gsî~ ed t6 se-lthe con, ue1' mw-h, hebeautiful pave- ment anti soin. o14 riends. We con- grahulate he 10w-n on ilup.ho-dahe « eppeemance,, anti hbpe ecelebration will b. a big auc~s.- - mli are serve,ZoiIbwed ny anu ee- J.M lent pýrogrm. Au orchestra £romu To;- W'hit>y. routo, 'led -bY H.H, 8trklaguds w-U en* tetin-swlth 'ChOlcemuSicw bMr. Jexnkinso! Toronto, wi rende eome o! hie choîce solos; Miss Kw-do!Tor- oui. tonsemvahory o!f u cni4 2 Mms Bail, Elocutionlet, o! the O,.- L. Col, legeý -Whltby, wlll b. preseanas- le e "t l making the. evaes enter-. -itaimnt-mo. uoUbeN-CoI along and bing youm b..t girl sudoa ôm hear the best progrmm o! the. seaà *on. Mm.. J.E. Wllems, of Toronto, w-il br, tie pia.nist for tii.eve g. Concert will beglu et 8.30. Chir taken by Rev. J. W. Bunner aI 8 o'clockç. Ad- mission, aduitesOc., cildmen 30c. LISESESAUasbKERAND vAiviveu WTHn You ARii FOR WEAK POINTS*' SERVICE Consguit us about knocks and grinds, the eteering and brakes, the electric îy-utem and power plant in general. HaveBkilled Mechanios repair your car. Our acosories and parts are the.boat -and are care-7 fully inspeotod before being -ass.mbld ln your par. W. have them. ' - Cali anud îe. Guaranteed Tires of the boit makes, Rose Tire Pumps, Johuston ,Cloar Ray Refloa- tors, Gasoline and 011. Try our- Varoc'ity Truèk »Grease forTransmission andf Gears. mugSAi âtiON, P---- t. AIl k"d of sales proplU#ae te. Ârangemuntefor sal eb mde atI lb.Gazee Mm - -Ter.# reasaabkBellandi lad. Phom&s WH ITBY, oNTr. SEE'ME, [ABOUT -YOUR EYES at, A. H. Au1ns Drug Stoie Tosday,_October. 4 Foi . ikesimOptiorat luTag <sij .,- (.pùta') TORONTO (Oppo; siSmpon's ?hI. tsdemaik, stampedlnn ~ Reaâd The 'se A B C Rules IAbout Batteries Adjustment and oling mi&e your bearinge. last longer- proper inflation -and careful driving make your tires. last longer-cleaning maires your- spark plugs serve' longer- and'better. It is worth re- mnemberingý that there are rules just as simple for mair- mng your battery last longea and serve more faithfully, Hemeam three rules ln A BC forai: 1-Put I water fegularly and, keep up the. charge. 9--Corne in every two weeks. for bal±ery service.- 8-Anti when your present bat- teywS" ouI, huy a Willard Threded Rubber Battery- the only battcry with Threadcd Rubbcr Insulation between the plates., Theom la only onue batry good enough for us to back by our unqualified recommeudation - that's the Wilard Thrcaded Rubbe1, Battery. Corne ln-and weyl1 ho you some recorda it ONTARJO BATTI3RY, SERVICE -STATIONý il Church Street Phène-2 Oshawa WhiItby Repbiesatîtatves: CENTRAL GARAE, Uaily Day vas L liuhoS S. 1aI t 7 Sabbaà hr Il wu. conducleti by our Supkntewdet, M~r. FRedman. Tiie elatendauce w-as gob>&t, .progrm la- Irvn MeBiln bas pemrly'coin- phleti hie silo fill-$9& forIbtis season.- Jos-ep hiPeniu 'd wffe arelcely alluatetiIla helr jew- homo. PROFESSIONAL CARDS Jno. E.- Farewe llKC. Bamister, Count mw Atme a.ýd CuaySolicitor. office,, Soôth Wing Ct. Hou.., Wbltby A. E. CHRSTA -BrmstrSolicitor, Notary Public. e.Ofie, Brock St., Opp. qutand Bank. -Moley to Loan. - W. IL KENNEDY Barrist.r Solictor'la th.pem Office-Dmuna Street one door wed' Of POU Off"po DR.*R.IT.M aLAREN Reaideno e iOffic Cor. Brock and Mary streStu, WhiQqy DR D. B. NEELY PHYSICUN dmd uGUON Ho6nor Graduate U lvuers1y fTomate Pout Graduat. London-Br,, Noae, aMW Tfiroat OMMlh and Ruldence: Tum ]uaOf the Btandard Bak DENTAL, B. B. Beaton, L.D.S.,, DADS. Graduat. of tbe Royal Colle"e of -Dental Surgeons and Uni1veraity etf Toronto. Office over Murdoch's Cou- fectionery Store.- Office houri, 9 te 12; 1 to 5.30. la. J. Hudson, D.D.S., L.S. 182 Carlton Street TORONTO Phono Nomth 5316 Opposite Ail"a Gardeus E. ýW. Sisson, D.DS., LD.&. Bel lons 29&. lad. Puom il Offce over AlIla Drug Store. HouM"-9 to 12 a.m.; 1i b &WG pu MARRIGE LICENSFiS, A. ILALL1N. lIer o! Marriage Llcuaum Corner Drug Stx>re, WbtWWz.. No witneuui reqûlred A. A. Robin»os BROOKL1N FLÎ>UI"> MILL8 W. M. LAWRENCE Your K. & S. Coupon is Il i 1. ST. With ýDyspMujý