Nues Most Be loved. (Continued frein page 1) defr.d to rn4ksthe by-law apply to all equally w'ell.- The âmne gnent passed on Monday eveninréectife wbat was apparently an error in the on 1 l~lby-law. Public Utility Commiîssion 'place(i befere t1é e Cuncil a request for a credit of $8000, te be applied to-capital account' during 1921 -for -water an~d light extensions and im- provements. The Cçmniission guar- 4axteed te return, to -'the town each year sufficient te ,p4y the principal, and Interest on the debentures'issued to previde this suin. Âçcrdigly Téwn Treasurer Jack- son ~was authorized te borrow from a bani the sun of $9,000 -te provide mucb credit, until debentures can be Issued te cover the amount - The't Gerrnai gun presented te Wltby as a. war trophy, bas been newly palnted, and thie Chairman of Town Property was authorized te have it placed on a eement base iii front of the Armnouries as seon, as possible, Mr. Burns reported that the bçýbbit in the beiýrings of the town bell, had Ieeii bsdly worn, and that it should be attended te at once, as.the bell is glvlng a littie trouble ini ringing. Thie Coniwitteo ,on Town Property was given power te bhave the matter at- tended te, and the'experts who erect- ëèIthetowr çillprobably be caIled te look it eveil. A letter was'read from Mrs. Geo. Scott complainlng of thiecondition of the sidewalJcs- on seme of the, back sfreets. A petition signed bhy several prop- *rty owners was presented, asking that the cernent walk on Byron St. which ends at "lBurr Lodge",. corner, b. extended one blockr further south. The Streets Committee had already * deait wlth this matter, deciding ncot te lay the walk this year. Jas. Isaac, caretaker, of the town 'buildings,. asked for a week's 'ç'aca- tien, cornrencing August 6th. This was grante4. An appeal frorn the cornmittee in' charge of the campaigu for funds for Um m -- - - Dundas -st., ,t l'i1l,11 BOX88 the ' - . i pital for oni- sumptivýes, that'wn of ,Wbitb>y grant 4900 toward t.he fend being raised, was net deait with. AWord (rom Stuets. (Continued from page 1) Beaides our, work we enjoyed the heurs spent in playing baseballswim- nging and dancing. These -periodS Of rré«ration kept us fit fer studY, and prevented our. beconiing too brain weary. They also tauglit us the value o! play in rural sehools where that aide of éducation is ofteu sadly ne-.ý gilected. We had two afternoons for outâoor sports ini which every student took part. We certainly- enjoyed themn * at the tixueè, but many aud loud were the after complaints concerning sti.ff joints aud muscles that were- protest- ing about too mucli exertion. July 23rd was 'a "red-letter day" for ny of us, as we saw the Falls' at- Niagara for the first time. W. went frorn Toronto via Lewiston, aud came homo, by Queeuston. That his- torie country -was new te a greatl number, aithougli meutioued se often during the scheol year. It would be impossible -te describe our journey and. the inarvels thnt were revealed te us. The Falls is indekc a wonder- ful work of Nature, o! which "Ino ton- gue its- beauty can portray." . This trip was an education in itself and furnished food for thought for sev- eral days. On July 28 we took an excursion te the Ontario Hespital-this, tee, was a littie education in itself. Hfere we satw serne o! the wonderful works of insu; we were given a new conception of mental disease;, and we came back realizing how unselfishly people give their lives toward aiding their lese fortunate brethieu. As- we were shown through the buildings we could net help but experience a seuse of deep gratitudýe for the great blessiug- o! mental and physIcalhealtliwhich is ours.) On Friday eveninkJuly 29th, we heId our closing concert and masquer- ade hall, both o! which everyone thor. oughly enjoyed. As a slight token o! equmwlamÀu- ma Standard Touring Car Has every reinement you would demand in a high-priced car: One-man top with snap-on curtain fasteners, glass .windows in back. Sloping, double ventilating windshield. Demounta'ble rims. -Tire carrier. Non-skid- rear tires. Leather door grips. Horn hutton mounted on top of steering column. Seating space re-arranged to give maximum riding comfort. Headlights equipped with approved non-glare lens. Ford à Electric starti«g and lightin qipmet furnihed, ;f dsred, at additi*onl cost loto Copany of C .nada, 1 Ford, Ontario Whltby, Ont. respect and -9tltii4oVfQr.maiy kind- Thee -gaines betwveen the, Hospitl Mer.iLSs *[4tii. W-.Â. bave been auOi1g the HogIanid and Miss allace ,were -M=de beSt sem at th Town Park this, ear. tl' re'pntsofbouqet$ «P roses- and haveatajrcted an uuaBlar&eA Though the. student& feIt t1lat thesemller of sî>etators. - were very slight toens, we lhope« jack McCarrofl sprine is )u ke I they -would be appreciated for thleir runuing te fIist and waz torced te re- good wishes that went with them. tire frein the- gaine. The team: - Miss Wallace's fittiug reply proved WAÂA-.Bex~p .(Cf our hcla ipe nd were realized. T6 non, C.; Todd, 3b.;, Quinton, lb., B. te lnan adiessudt althrconnct rown, se.; F. <yçonuor, r.f.; ChariVon, exd ourany a wit hecilege, WO 2b.; Robentsm0ý4 lt.; McCullough, c.f. exted or harteitthauks for al los -Jaclt McCairoUl, lb; IHum- they have doue te inake ouistya hes ss; nce b. onhel p1e4sant one. s- Meaure, nS..; JincCarrb.; l c.; Cab- To the teaduingstaff, too, w WeO qan, cf.;Ros, lf. rsu, p. a doit_ of gratitude for the trouble Wc. oa .. rap they bave taken te make Our course Jý Red Sox 8, Leafs .- both profit sud pleasune.> Au<f te the ý The -Red Soxand. the ýMae>e Les residents Of Whitby ilot Us again re-1 Were tbe contendens lu the Town peat that we appreciate thieu, kzdly .1League gaie ou Tuesdaly eveOii&sund aspect teward us who have» spont tiko i whlle there were parts efthte -ftxture greater part o! ouir beidays here. We that loeked like a rosi coutest, most ef have eujeyed al the privileges o! thot the gaine was decidedly a Red Soi a£- town as weii as o! the Colloge, sud it tain. The Sox bo.d jîm Connen lu the is with a d eep feeling 01 regret tha box, sud tho Leats had littie succesli' the second Y'ear students realize tit connoctlng witb bis curves, thle esuit -if examinations .de net prove their beiug that bits wene ftow and far be- Watonoo-they have no excuse for tween- On the other baud, Todd, who coming back another year* started on the rnound fon the Leats, WaS*. bit early aud ofti, sud bad te retire - lin favôr et Pellow, wben the itlainle BASEBALL was dou eynrepail'. Peiiow held LeAfs Win Again. the Sox dowu betten, but the Lests' By theclose Score ef! 10 te 9J, thle ceuld net put over tbe needed rune.. Inishlu 1AféTOn Ia vçfryThe two t.ey did get rnatenializOd trorn Thunsday evening. Once - More the. Red Sox-Chariten, 2b.; Jim McCar- Irishl Woreshort et playens, aud were- roll, lb.; Moore, ci'.; Douabue, 3b.; G. Unden the bsudtcap Of!ha'ving oiily five O'Cennor, c.; F. O'Connor,. If; J. Rob- Imen wlth which te': eÃ"e rtsou, n.f.; J. O'Connor, p.; Shepherd, lu spte 'of that fact, tbeY gave thein OPPOnents a 'bard tusoie, sud were only beston ln. the lut lnning. The Lests had the better of the gaule at tho start, sud JumPed ente joynt-s curves, but à .tter the third Inning, -wben Poilow bit a two-baggen, theY ceuld do littie, aunI slowed up considenably. The- Irisb staged a battlng rally iu the third, wheu eacb et theln Carne te bat at leut once, sud some et thein twice. Led bY "Bob" Brewný, With a two base hit, tbey ranuUp thein tallY 4nd tled the LIess, Who ouly succeeded -lu the Jast lniugitu amzuering eut s 10-9 victory. Tbe line-up:- Irish-B. Bnown, 1 b.; Maffey, sj. s.; Joynt, P-; McCullough, c.; Bnagg, 2 b. ý£ap1e Leafs-Todd, s.s.; -Hall, c.!.; W. Brown, p.; Quinton, lb.;' Pellow, 2b; Jack McCarroli, Sb.; G. Brown, c.; ,Watts, ..; Webb, rf.. Town Beatà Hospital. -1o0more;exciting -gamle could have been desired than. tht staged last Fni- day evenlug between the W.A.A.À. and the Ontario Hospital. At the outset it appeared that the Hospital had the game nalled d<»vn for -thernselves, but the W. A. A. A. made a garnison finish, aud Pulled eut a wîn by 12 tefi, after varying luck. Bill Brown, who pitchcd for Whitby, was net fit particularly bard in any ene inning, jbut allowed enougb bits to give the Hospital two, three or four in succession. Ou tbe otheý haud, Bryan, for the Hospital, re- tireO/ the W .A.A.A. in one, two tbree or- der kie and then was teuched up for euelig hits te give Wbitby five nuns 1in oee nning. In tbe third session, Quinton bit a borne run, and other hits _fellowed scening runs. The ide was finally eut wheu Geo. O'Conuor tried te steal berne. Iu the fourtb iuning Dry. au bit the batter with the bases f ull, forcing in a run. Bill Brown then bit sately sconlng two and the tally was Il te 9 for tbe Hospital. In tbe Iast Inn- lng, tbe Hospital was retired without a run, and -tbe -W.A.A.A. caine -te bat witb a determination te do or die. One af- ten anotber of the batters hit fiafely, aud witb ouly oeeout, and the score il o 1, a safo bit over second scored two, ansd the gaineW-as over.\{ mc *2 ~Ij4 Limited- -~ 'J' FORD DEALIERS Thos. L RowPo -j Lests-Hall, s.s.; Týodd, p; w. Browni, Sb; Quinton, c.; Pellew, eb.; Mowat,l lb; Roulston, r.!.;' Forester, c.f.; Watts, 1.. The Town League standing ln the second hait of the scbeduie uow is, -Won Lest Mapie Leaf s....... ... ....2 1 Red Sox ...... ...... ......2 1 Irisb ...... .... ..... .....O0 2 Civie lHoliday Games. On Mouday mrnring the Red SPX piayed an exhibition gaine with s teain known as "'Deverell's Nine" or the "Maseus." It was s gaine teatured by heavy bitting sud mucb ruuning, tbe Sox being on the big eud et a 26,te 14 taily wben the sinoke cleared away. The Red Sox uotcbed ten runs lu the first innlng, five lu the tourth, sud nine 'iu the seventh. The big inuiugS for the sidewalk layerà was the' fourtb, when they got six:' The tearns hîned Up: Sooe-Moore, Charlton, G. O "Counor, F. O'Connor, Robertson, Failon, Sbep- berd, J. O'Connor, Gendren.^ D everell's Nine-Deverell, Sheridan, Peilow, Butler, Smith, McCuilougil, Scott, Wilson, Guiiver. 1lu the aiternoon the Single Men snd theMarried Men nenewed their feud, aud7this time thec Single feliows got a vlctory by 8 te 5. Tis was a reai gaine, as it w-as net until the eighth nniug that the single men get decided- ly 'the lead by scorng two runs. This advsutage tbey beld, but the Benediets crewded thein bard ail the time, and made thein exteud theinselves te win. Lt was a first-class gaine te provide the spectators witb au afternoon's amuse- ment. The line-ups- Single M1en-Geudrou, F. O'Connor, Pellow, Todd, B. Brown, J. Conuor, For- resièri, Fegain. G. O'Connor. Marrieci Men-Mowat, Wilson, Moore, Butler, Barten, Huntley, Gunyou, Mc- Cullougb, Maffey. A GOOD SCHOOL. The Canada Business Coliege, Osh- awa, re-opens on Monday, August 29. Nine out of every Ve-n stenographers and bookkeepers look te Toronto for positions, therefore,' y4u should get your -training at the C.B.C.,'Oshawa, hnd have the Canada Business Col- lege, Toronto, place and help you in a position. Spotton Colleges are the largest trainers lu Canada. Forty- two yesars' experience. Mail courses. Special courses for farmers' sous. Write for particulars te Canada Business College, Oshawa or Toron- te. -9 KINSALEI Friday oveniug iast was the occas-- ion o! a pleasant 'event, wheu theý mombers of the cenununity gathered. in the hall te exteud their-good' wish- es sud congratulations te Mn. sud, Mrs. Gibson and Mn. sud Mrs. Germ- ley, four young people who have ne- cently entered the rauks e! thé beue- diets. An enjoyable prograi was rendered by local talent, followed by games, durng which Mn. sud Mrs. Gibson were bliud-!olded sud pro- sented with a large basketful o! use- fui sud beautiful household necessi- ties. Mrs. Gibson very gracioiisly thanked honrnmany fnieuds for this kindiy expression o! thein fniendship. Mn. sud Mrs. Gormley were unablo te hob present owing to the illuese o! Mr. EAST WHrIBY COUNCIL Couneil met on Mouday at Columbuns., Ail the members prosont Reeve Pas- cee In the chair. Minutes read aud adopted. CommunicatIons read frein Dept. of Hlghways, Oshawa Hospital, G. D. Connut, H. J; Paukhurst, King Edward Sanitanluin, Clerk o! Clarke Tp., W. X.-Trick & Ce., Hfydre ElfcVnic Power Commission sud the Free. Hos- pital fr onzqipptives. Moved by Dr. Farewell, seconded by Mn. -French, thiat- the Reeve be a dole, gate freinEast Wbltby to attend the mne eting at Onono te protest against the abaudonlug ot passeugen traffic on the C.N.R. Carnied. Mr. Nesbitt secended by Dr. Pane- weU, mnoved that the contracter, T. B. Mothensl, bé psid the sui O!f.45150 ton building suad fiMng the -Harbor bridge accordlng te contt Canuled- Moved by Dr. Farewell, secended by Mr. French, that the tenders o! T.* B. MoDtheralilfor building th.' bridgesl knewu as. the Beath bridge and 1h. one. on the grd couoessiio pposite Lot 7 be accepted. C&nied. Moved by Dr. Farewell, seeonded by] Mn. prenich, that »the Plan subinitted by G. D. Conaut± be>ng the subdiison kuciwu as g"3o»»Jebrae>Point,"Da~t e o Lot 9, B.FP. be appro'red. <3arried. on mion et Dr. Farewell, wSnded by Mn. pFrench, a By-LSir te prorde tes' the isue of Debenturelfoer the DpurT- p0M of proYiid ing 1 mMe * pay forthe ene tion oft-an addition tote .Publi SeooI bfsIdipg ln s i ~W« r4 three anm nelsd puased on motion or- Meurs. Uni d Kn.- bit, the tolowtng «CeOith wepas&- * ordsoù TRACTO-R $755.00 f. o. _b. Whitbyl- Ont. HE 'Fordson Tractor is buit with 0over-strength* in every part to withstanfd the strains.-of constan heavy work. It waS tested under every possible condition of. faim work before it W-as, put- on the, market. It- has been tied, out by thousands of farmers in the past two years and- has neyer fallen down'on'its dlaims. The. Fordson is simple- in design, flexible in control and operation, Letus demonstrate this tractor on your farm. When we sell- you a Fordson we *are here to keep- it- running every day. in the, year. We have 'For-dson parts and Fordson mec.franics. The Ioiversal Garage 1H08. Le ROWE, Proprietor Ford Dealers Whmtby, Ont. r Roads sud Bridges ou T. Shortridge, $4.00;CýW.H. S cott, $87.70, T. B. Motherill, $460.00; W. . Lind.1 say, $86.25; J. E. Davis, $39.00; W. A. E. Scett4 $42.00; H. Ashton, $9.75; MiltenA Cochrane, $61.70; Jos. Greentree, $7.50:, J. Gibbs, $9.20; C. Tuson, $9.20; C. Gibbs, $9.30; P. C. Hayward, $6.50; W. J. Trick, $77.91; J. A. Sykes, 5140.19; Pediar People, $235.40; W. H.. Thomas, $4.50; Wma. Beekel, $1.80, Ch as. Steven- PAINTING PAPER HANGING j DECORATING We wish te infor-n the public that we are now prepared te handle al kindUs QI aintin-,, aper ±ianging, and Decorating. Twventy-five yearsj experience. Give us a trial. EATIMÂýTES CHEEII FULLY GrI EN. JAMES BROOKS, PERRY ST. (P.O. Box 121) WHITBY Telephone No. 304f Sranton'Coulj We. have on hand Pea Stove Naut .lgg . 1 OU, $10.00.- Burrows, Ne, 2, ý725.00; F. B. French, Miscellaneous No. 6, Union, $100-00. Jes. Greeutree, Salary, $136.80; King Cou'ncil adjournèd*te mdeet September idward Sanitarium, Indigent, -$220.00; 5îb, at 10 o'clock, m E. Grass, S.S. No. 6,' $150.00; 0. H. Wm Purves, Clerk. Banki .T(bTAL-ASSETS OVÉR NINETY MILLION S Whitby Branch: - e C. A. McClelIan, Manager, Brooklin Branch: - - H. H. Loosemore, Manager. Have Famous Cattie- lt-pays te improve your stock Thougli the initiaI nci o introducing a famous brs.d lnto Your herd is considerb thora is money in the venture. If you need backing for tlils, or for lacreaslng your hmr&, -Consuit the. Manageis w THE 1EDOMINION BAN WHrVB BRAc! 03HAWA BRANCH, BROOKLIN BRANCH, e e c NHEM#YMimge«. - - - E. -a. CROS%% uma.agr Keep Yourself Informe o UR Unthly ,ommoecW .1Lspt vesthe. finacwaland a.cp jditon broughoti, C.pada. wh bso e pjuotona. aWlém1:l? 'y THE CÀNÀDIAN BANK 0F' COMMERCE. PAID-UP CAPITAL RESERVE FUND e~~~~ 1 1,oo * - $Iseoo0oow il WHIltBY BRANCH, C. C. Parsons, Maîu The WhEtby SeedC.oirn H1ave on hnd a Stook of the Leading Varie4611. FerWilzger The Beat Fon Gardens. Puill Une, o!Soratoh'Feed, Bran, Shorts, Bread and Pa, bFlour, Oit,;shed Oats, Oat Ohop4 Mixe4 Chojp, Oorz 0C BARGAINS 1 Brantfo0rd Buggy,. new, steel tires, $175 1 Percivai Buggy, new, rubber tires, -$185 1 McLaughiin Buggy, aimoist new, $90 Ifarness and Repairs of ail kinds kept ln-stock. Auto Rugs, Buggy Spre'ads, Overalils, Smocks and Shirts. I = Corne and Have a Liopk He-A. LeBair Farm 1mplement Store ing by Ma-il NYand varied are the types of men who conduct M teir banking'wth The Standard through the post. Busy =enwhlo live far away from auay basic flnd that our banking by mail saves them, making special trIpa ta town, aud la satisfactery 'n every, way and quite, simple. W. psy Interest at currerit rates on such accounts Write or cail for fuil particulars. THE STANDARD-, BANK Soift sd SMIthling Coal Sois Agents 0. L. à W. Ssamton Soal. 'Wheiesale and Retail. Phoneo POuR WMITBY fluGret Figlssh PrePairatt#m anoessd hivigoates the whole -erosSYte. inakes new Blood jeod Veima Used for Iermos Aga"LyMetdand Drain Worr, 12qid~re~i Lsaq/En alitation 9 ailingMeuoe.rSorpebox. 3. foril Sotby ald vwor in dlplain jgonorecelpt of prie.N e. aah maiLed Your Sommer Oloan Dp!1 Summo'r is herie. Don't for- get when. you are thnough with houueolauüing te calltia cget thé .Oid lags uRbhî'S orsca-p ibon, Secosd-Haud Furniturs i Iohu you may -wish te get nid o!. Ne' NEBKEL, -phone" 2, Whltby CLEAIUPI1 Lot Stein Do ILà Htghest Cash, Price aid* for al kinda o-f-Jýmik, WNIDYOITe 1 1 ý!,î 1 Mill