Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 4 Aug 1921, p. 5

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roop. of, Boy Scouts ast week ou the farm 4 near Twlu Stream be there%4or about Ben Hokes sund hie compsuy Park Friday eveuiug, August' *M. -and ~Mr. T. G. Vatcher ýau4 family have xuoved into. the esideuce at the' cerner o! Coîbomne sud Oentre Streets, formely occupied by the late Judge Smith. P. J. Suivan. lieensd plumnber and UimaiItII, Brock Bt. N%, Whtby.--tf. cixoose a f romthie spot at a greater 'd source o! the tewu'e 7AIDly. . . 1 Getredûctions i l ai nes ! white footwear at Peel's Shoe Store. SMALL FIRE EXIINGIJISRED. IOn Weduesday morning about 10M~ o'clock a. fine alarm was ruug lu for a fine which had' started inu Beni. Bryau'c tiuemitbîing shop. The blaze was extinguished, . howevem, before the brigade left the Aire halL- Mr. Brysu was repaimiug a ceal i eheau by'soldeing. sud hie torch ignited some o! the oil wbich haC u ento. the work bench sund floor. The cil biazed up stmungly, and Mm. Brysu gave the -alarm --Howeve, nigbbors humried in aud the blaze was extiug-I uished with the aid of "Prouto" fire.I extinguisher which Mn. H. A. Lebar 1 brought upon the sceeue ,pomptly. Mme. Thos. Gourlay was taken '. 1-racticallY no damage was doue. -Oshawa Hoàpital last week,whr she wae opeitated on for. appendiciti. SLINDAY SCHOOL PICNICS. lie0r condition îîs anxpmviug rapidy.JFupiisfrm Whty ee To save money- in footwear visit held aset Weduesday to out-o!-town Peol's Shoe Sale. ipoints. The 'Methodist Tabernacle Sunday Sehool rau speclal cars to Rev.M. . Sxsrlthfomenl patorToronto, where their pienie was held ,Of the Tabernacle 'here, was in town] at-Riverdale Park. Aboýut one hun- ti weok look.lng Up old fniends. Mn. I dred. sud sixty persous ejoyed the -Sexamlth had been iuvited toe tay at outing. Oakyillie for tie !ourth yeam, aud had' The Baptiet Sunday Sehool held accepted, but later Was relleved by te theïr picnic at R0oeebank, the party o! management and has eScepted a c0511 Vo1over one hundn-ed beiug conveyed by IngersolI, Wherê.he moyed lut-t mbuth.I motors, leaving at 9 a.m. sud etumu- Arthur W. Lynde, t.àchr of slg-, ing about 8 p.m. lng, teaches lu Whltby sach Mouday. The pienie of St. Johu's Anglican Phoe.118. - -f Sunday Schoô, Port Wbitby, was jheld the same aftemnoon te Corbett's Mm. ' Geo. S. Johuson, principal ,o! Point, and, at this outing also a mest the NoTthem Academy at Monteith, enjoyable time was spent.ý and formerly- Principal o! 'the High The Rebekahs held sa picule on SchçQol home, was lu town last week Weduesday afternoon te, Oshawa-ou- for a day. Mr. Johuston spent part the-lake. o! hie thzùe at the College, whee the summer course in Agriculture ia lu progreas. 'Ho. is on -a tour o! several towiïs, arrangiug Vo f11l vacancles, lu bthe staff o! the Academy. Laber 'Mn. Johnston will spend a brie! holiday lu Nova Scotia, at the home o! bis father.- * W. H. Kennedy, ar1 teet.Of- fice one door West etofPeut -Office, ebrated in Whitby on Mouday. -The cooler weathem that came with the sterm on Satunday night did net cause - such a cmewd e! people te, flock Vo the lalce as bas been customary during the past fow weeks, but some bathers -were sufficietiy enthusiastie te yen- ture into the cool waters o! the lake, Two basebail gaines at'the Town -* Park helped Vo while the timne away. There were many visitere lu towu -for the holiday, sud many citizens teek bl1e' opportuniby te spend the -week-end lu other places. - Sce the table o! wear- aV $1.00, $1.50 - Peel's Shoe Store. Women's Foot- sud $1.95 at Mr. Thos. K&bey, o! the North West, bas purchasea Mr. J. T. New- pomt's bouse, conr. King aud Dundas Streets, sud will take possescioji as soon aseMm. 'Newport vacates. Mn. and Mme. Kabey are speuding bhc ,eumlmer lu Caesarea. 'keYoum opportuuity te hear Beu H-o- oa sud hie' party o! Hawallasecomes Filiday eveuîlng. Augfuet th, at SBay Park. Don't mise if. Grand Garden Party, under auspiees of Catbxollc Women'a ILeague, lu Town Park, Whitby, Weduesday, Xugùst lOth. A splendid prograin consistlng o!'Wblt- by Jazz Quartette, Sengt. Parker, Un- quhant -Sisteris là fancy dancing aud readings. Dancing at 9 'cleck. Good muuic. Plsh ' Pond, and other attrac- tiens. Supper eerved frein6.30. Home- ma.de Coeklng. Admission iucludlug supper, 40e. ýChildreu unden 12, 20c. ' UNION CHURCU SERVICES. Deu't fail te attend Gardon Party lu Town Park, Whltby, Wednesday, Aug. lh. Good progrm. Supper and danco. NOTICE The Aero-Cushleu Inuer Tires are puncture preof, ne blow outs, ne punc- tunes, ne imeuts, ne road delsys. ýsaves temper, tires, Uime sud trouble. Write sud I will calsnd see yeu. Frank Haffey,' local agent, Breeklin. WHiTBY MAN LOSES HIS FATHER. Benjamin Leban, aged 76 yeams, for many years a soldier, who eerved under the conunand o!f-Col. Gforge T. Deunison,- died at bbhainoe o! hie sou, 149 Cumberland Street, Toronto, aset week, a!ter au illuess o! about- Vwo weeks' dumation. The laVe Mm. Lebar1 was borninl Shauley Basin, near 'Mou- treal, Quebec. He had been a resi- dent o! Toronto for ouly a short tinte, although for s uumbem o! years he bias been spending hie ine. at bis summer home at Belle Ewart. He was eugaged as a fariner lu Quebee, _but retired £rom business a !ew yeame age. He was a son o! the late Mr. sud Mme. Charles LeBar. The late Mme. Lebar, wi!e o! the deceased, pro- deceasedhim by ueamly 30 years. Mn. LeBar le survived by four daughters, Mre. Chas. Snudden, o! Oshawa; Mme. Charles Phelan, o! Niagara Fanls, New York; Mre. A. W. Stewart, o! Cunningham, Mass., aud'Mme. Wm. Hamilton, o! Oshawa. Two sous aise survive, Herbert o! Whitbyasd Ben- -Jamin of this City. CARETAKER WANTED. Applications for the position of Cane- taker of! the Mthodiet Tabernacle willl be recelved until the sixteenth day o! Auguet. Applications muet state sal- ary equlred. P. L. Beecroft, Reconding Steward. Ben Hokea and his cncert pamty,l The union.'services c«f tue iîttuodsi Eor LLUILiuu, ii genine LLjtxawailan mu- sud Preebytenian Churches, wili be sic at Bay Park on -Fniday eveniug, coutinued for the mentIt o! Auguet in Auguet StIt. the Preebyterian Churcb. 11ev. Mm. Robertson, o! Weston, will conduet ST. JOHN'S ANNUA L OUTING. te services next $Suuday. Rev._E. h nulinco t onBSn anyMrsfTrîon VheirvcaVio esud day Seheel was held on Wednesdb.y iset next Moudayfonter aain n at Corbett's -Point. The> weathermn ter-i-the rmnaining Sundays o! Aug- ust, iMri. Tumkiugton will have charge was more obllglng than usual, and fer o! the union services. once at least, te.old pmevemb !ailed- "lb always.nains wheu St. John's have their picnle." There did appean a Do't fail te attend Garden Party lu_ uasty lookîug cloud, that threateued te Town Park, Wbitby, Weduesday, -Aug. spoîl te easein the eveniug, but lb was lOth. ' Good prognain. Supper sud ouîy a threat sud sooft disappeared. dance, The picuicers in large numbens seon - feund themeelves lu thc water bathiug, AN UNSUITABLE BURIAL always a favorite pastime. Then fol- PLACE. lowed the races for Vie children. The A dog o! unknown enigin was !ound Chealnma1i, A. Dell, sud hie. little cern. floating lu the barbon nean Watsou's mlittee, had drawu up a very attractive *warclxcuse lasV week. A stone had prograin o! races, etc., for which good been tied around its neck sud lb had prizes wene awanded. They put ou a evlc"ntiy been Vbnown lunte water as nuxuber o! new events that provided en. a ueaus 0o! doing away with it. The tertainint for Vie'-enowd. There werE atone was net large eough, howeyer, about 300 at bhc pienie tItis year, beins sud the dog'e body, a!bem sturne rose te largest crewd lu years, and ail en te the surface. (V was a rather un- joyed tbemiselves te te utineet sud me -svory ebject for close poximity Vo pont eue o! Vie meet succeseful pieicc swiinuers, sud.,Counillor Wm. Maw, even carried on under the auspices oi who diseovered lb, Itad it emoved sud St. jobu's.1 -Great credit la due tii buied. 'People who wish tQ get rid Supt, Mr. - R. J. Goldring,. and bis stal of doges or other animais, are urged Vo o! teachers sud helpers forVie way h I which the picnic was carnicd out. BRK Hawaiiau music lu abundance a B3elileving that the mo'rchant reape just what ho saows-1 that if lihe hol,1'ds his goode at too, higli a Prîce, his customers wili fini other places and other. to*ns to trade in, and being firr'ýly convinced that keep- ing. cîps3e ta cost ie a wondor- fui magnet in trade getting, we quoýto yau SOAP, 7o PER BAR. Ã"nly" 10 bars tao ach custarn- or aýnd for oue week only. The hot weather has flot * affooted aur business in the least, it's simnpiysplendid.i Wo are grateful sud pase on bargalue ta you. 4 Tour Buwtneess Frlend Wm. Meekor- Wimtbv.Oni. HAv FORK KOPE'- BERRV BOXES.' PARIS GREEN .A"'SNATE 0F LEA' CANADIAN IORTLAND CEMIENT Dr'. Iilami FIy & Inset Desiyi Ceai Oit delivurSdl to ail parts oftown Everythlpg In. H1adware atilLOWSt PICes SALE eo. .Rc, W m b l'Weduecday eveuingi 7.30 p.m., Bible Stud:y in Panishi Hall. Subjeet, "Lifel of Christ.". Weduesday afternoon, Auguat 10, W. A. tes at -Mme. Collins' Cottage at Heydushome Park. BAPTIST CHURCH. 10 a.m.-Sunday Sehool and Bible Clase. Il a.m.--Moruing service. Subject, "The Oid Testament Way." 7 p.m.-Evening Service. Subject, l'New Testament Givlug." An important meeting o! the mcm- GOSTO BLIND .INSTITUTE. JoB. Veltch, who- has been an lnmate neVe oa o! Refuge here for corne urne past, left ou Tueeday tu enter thxe Canadisu Nationalý Institute fgr the Blind, Toronto, wheme he will romain. Mr. -Veltoh hlm plied a' sma.ll business about the streçte of Whltby, sud on leaviu.g wlshes to, thank. the publie for their kindilee sud courteey te hlm. He hags been eucleavoring for nome tie te seure admission tu tho Institute Iu Toronto, aud was pieaeed laut week te learn that ho was tu be accepted. t ' IP bers o!f the chureh will be held after SpEEDING AT PORT WHITBY. the ev'ening service. Allt who eau neorits have De anddrn possibly arrange to, be present, are to bat ekthteenaedduort asked o, doso. Whltby -past the echool pnoperty has a] bee so prevalent that every effort wlll el WORK STARTS ON DUNDAS ST. be put forth te stop it. The use of the PAVEMENT. Bay Park for amusement purpeses has -The Warren -Pavlng Ce., who have led toe ix riore frequent use o! the& been awarded the contract fer laylug'aide Street adjacent, sud this point le the pavement on Dundas Street, -have now unden the classification o! "Street t stanted work. On Tuesday mornnng Intersection," whore the limit le 10W men were on the Job startlug ta excav-'miles per houm. Driv9frs Of motor cars ste for laylng the storm sewers, the are aoked te observe cane lu driviug at work being commeueed ou the westen- 1'Vils point, as e as elsewhere aloug ly end of the sectIon, near Elizabeth.J the road. Acceidents have been uarrow- Street. ly aver ted, where cars have been speed- Several carloada of equipmeut, in- jig, lb i i he ientention te put a a cludlng wagons, roUlera, etc.. have been 'stop tel the practice before some sertous a] unloaded at the Grand Trunk station. cc~urrence takes place. ai The compUny has a slding for their W~.. own use at the C.P.U. station, sud a 1 big mixer, for mlxing the paving ina- PERSONAL MENTION. rt tenial, will be statioued on thi s eiding, Mm. W. J. MeîntYre, O! Brockile where the mlxing will be doue. was in towu for the holiday. The Warren Paving Co. have alse Mn. Bernard Barton, o! Tomonte, is opened an office lu Whitby, in the build- h4dlidaying with his parents heme. dE ing.lately vacated by L. P. Richardson, Miss Florence Seuthwell lias been on Vie south aide of Dundas street. Mr. visiting hem sister, Mme. A. Holliday.' John Kerla. tVie superntendeut lu Mn. Fred McCann and !aniily, o! change of wonlcs lu WhitbY, sud Mn. Toronto, spent the holiday with hie Geo.-E.-Rice, sou of Mn. and Mns. W. E. sisteme.'. Rice, of Whltby, le the cashier, lu Mms. C. Q. Frazer, o! Toronto, le change o! the office. visiting hem sister, Mme. C. A. Geed- fellow. Mme. Neilly, o! Toronto, lus been -UPPER SCHOOL -AND ) -ONOR 'vieiting hem parents, Mm. and Mme. M. MATRICULEATION- RESULTS W. Colus.-fTrno a The followiug liet centaine the Mr. George Kerr, -ofT anehs naines o! the candidates in Ontario been holidsying for twe welks wxth Couuty who passed ou *oee or more hie parents heme. parts o! the Upper Sehool Examina»- IMme. G.- M. Good!eilow and daugh- tien, or who were succeseful lu ob- tem are at Orchard Beach, Lake Sim- tainiung houer standing lu one or more cee, for a few weeks. subjeets e! the houer' matriculation M 's Lillian Lowe returned this exa.mination, or bobh, as the-caee may week frein a ýfour weeks' vacation at be.. Lake Rousseau, Muakoka. The part o! the Upperr Sehool cx -________________ ainination passed is first indicated a!- er each naine. The entmy (hon.)I shows that the candidate passed- the part with houons. Fellowing thereaf- ject o! the houer matriculation exani- ination: I. indicates first-dlace hou- n: u, . ore, II. second-class honore, sud III:, i *f hrd-ciass houons espectvely. spoïIYou.r wP iuules E.J. Allin, Math. I., I*tin I., French1 I.; M. S. Bravener, Eng. III., Hist. I., Buigineli Latin III., French Il., Gemman III.; B ilgIfro W. IR. Clarke, Eng. III., French III.. n pcs C. F. Cornwall, Eug. III., Latin III. French III.; H. M. Crosby, Exfg. III,'V n g ra d pc s Math. II.; A. E. Crozien, Math. III., ____ Latin 1., Cheni. IL., French I.; J. Cro- zien, Math. IL., Gemman I.; C. Everitt, 1W, sou auily XXX White Wiue Part 2.; B. C. Forsyth, Part 1, Eug. sund XXX Blended Cider Vine- IL., Math. IL., Phys. III.; H. M. Gar-1 butt, Eng. III., Biol. III., French III., gars- full et rengili - tie boit Germn III.; M. C. Harris, Part. I., Viea ael aaa Eng. I., Math. I., Phys. III.; L. B.i neamdenCnd, Horne, Part I.; G. H. Jackson, Eng. III., Hist. III.; I. M. Lockie, lEng. [I. Our Spices are guaranteed fresi Math. IL.; H. M. Mellow, Eng. III., and absoiutely pure. Hist. I.; W. W. MonueW, Latin III., French II.; G. R. F. Rose, Math. III., Lot un'fill the onden for Your Hiet. IL, Biol. III., Genman I.; R. A.1fvrt ei. Rynard, Eug. IL.,- Math. III.; R: M:.aoie eie Stephenson, Part 2; J. S. St. John, Math. IL., French I. w R D N IE2 i f el I t1 Bay Park on Friday evening, Auguet 5th. ST. JOHN'S CHURCH <Anglican) Sunday, Aug. 7, 1921. il s.m.-Moruing Prayen, sermon sud Holy Communion. 7 p.m.-Evening Prayer sud sermon. 10 a.m.-Sunday ScItool. Bright, bea.rty services. Comae sud ,*orsIip with us. UNION SERVICES. The Methodist sud Pesbyteriau cougegatiene will 'wonship together in St. Andrew's Chu rch durng the mouth o! AuguEat under te minis- tratiens e! the 11ev. E. Turkingtou. Thumsday evening, Auguet 4, prayer service lu St. Andrew's Chumcb. .Sunday, Auguet 7. 10 a.m.,. Sundsy Schol.- 11.' a.m.--Moruing Wonehip. 3 p.m,.-Tabernacle Euuday ScItool. -7 pm.-Eveuing Wemship. Morng olost-Mr. WV. D. Dyket. ,Eveunn solo-lut -Mis Helen Mit- *Rev. Mr~. Robertson, o! Westou, 'Ill be the, preacher at - t. Andrews Church, Auut 7th. Be sure te hean hlm. ALL SAINTS' CHURCSU (Anglican) i1 s.m.-IHoly Communion sud Sem.à mon. 3 p-.-Bible Clase lu Churci. 4.30 p.m.--Brookliluservie. 7 pmn.-Evoniug Frayer sud Ser,ý- mon- at Ail Saluts' Chumch. MARRIAGES. PICKEtTT-WELLER-At Vie MeVi- od.ist Parsonage, Whitby, on Tues- day, July 26, by te Rev. F. H. Howard, Mise Audrey Gweudoliie Weller, o! Kinsale, te Mm. David Russel.Pickett, o! Uxbridge. U. Fs I*liUWb16 qM PHONE 34 -Headquarters for Choie. Oroceries WH-ITBY, 014TARIO 1? Iii TwoHundred Pairs GOODYEAR WELT PBOOTS. ln Dark Chocolatet Medium aud -WIde ToO. Extr aSpia Sale. Prics $4095 Ail Sizes. Just Arrived To-mdaye R. BasettBlockWhltby Dominion Bankl, bas returmed te his d.uties here a-fter a two. weeks' vaca- tion at Marmnora. Mr. George Lowens, of Toronto$ called on -friends In town on Monday ,eu route -for Myrtle, whee he will spend a week with relatives.- Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Pringle and M!r. and Mme. J. E. Wateridouse me- trÃœto Kingston and spent a, few lays .with Mr., George Waterhouae and family. Mr. -sud Mrs. P. Mooney and son, of Niagara Falls; Mr. E. Mooney, Mr. TDunlop, Mr. aud1 Mrs. T., Dillon, of Oonto, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. John Fallon. Mr. aud Mme.- Frank 'Clatworthy and daughter, and the Misses Gai-' laglier, ef'St. Catharines, were week- end visitera with Mr. and Mme. W. Clat*ortýhy, Bmeck Street. .Mr. aud Mrs. AIbert Finch and Messrs. Dover and 'Greeuup,'of To- ronto, aud Mme. Hare, of Califomula, notured fmom: the city aud spent Sun- lay with Mr. and Mme. Perry John- stou. Mr. John, McKinnon, of Toronto', spent the holiday in town looking up ild friends. It Is a number o! yeams siuce he has been in Whitby, aud ho thought the town had greatiy in- proved lu appearauce. > Miss Kathleen and Master Biily guisey, of Toronto, have been visit- ing at thxe homes of Messrs. Stewart and Frank, Threadgold. Their'par- ents, Detective and Mme. Numsey were here alsc for the holiday.e Mm. an d Mrs. Walter MacCarl and M[iss- Lois Balsdor, Mm. Clarence Scott, of Whitby; Miss Femn Gregory, Mliss Iris Elliott, of Oshawa, motored to Omemee and spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Morcombe. TO ASTER LOYERS. During the past few wçeeks quite afew people who are lovers o-f asters, are complaining of their plants dying' as a mesuit of some sort of disease or worm. The cause of the trouble ie a lng green. worm, about an inchi long, 'esembling vemy- closely the stem of the aster, which attacks the buds and laves-f the plant so vigorously that In a short time the plant weakens and dies. The best memedy ýfor this is te CALL 290 If yen wanit to go anywhere in an Easy Running, Comfortable (3losed Car'. Comfor onud Cauntesy. J. PARKER Piano 290 PERRY ST., -WHITSY, ONT., w LIIi The Olsnoy Undertsing Go. (Stanley Disney) -OSHAWA Phono 1062. New Motor Equlpment, COBOURG Horse Show AIJO. l6th'to 2lsto 1921 FIVE BIG DAVS 85 Classes. $1 5,000 in Cups and Cash Prizes-for- Hunters, Jumpers, Carniage, Roadsters and Agricultural, Saddle Horses and Poules.. A Fiat Race sud' Steeple Chase Daily. The Hfighlanders Band 0F TORON"O will furniali excellentlmusie Ample Parking Space foi Autos. .For Prize Lîsti write to J. H. DAVIPSON, Secretary. GARDEN PARTY COMMITTEES You Nood Entertainors Try The 66IOLLV FUVE."" MISS EVA'BELL SOPRANO une W. O. DVKES' MR* E. W. EVANS IRAS@OPrCORNET mll. JACK PARKER date et Shrapmel Ddgers TrORONTO4 MISS NAZEL KENNV AT! TUE PIANO Tor terme aplyte BW. -EVANSý, Whltbys stareets, Whitbry. Sae at- 1.20, Sharp. Terms Cash. Wm.' Maw, .&uctloneer. Saturday, August 6-Auction sale of store property, and warehouse building, lu the Town of! Whitby, the property of the Estate o! the late James bong, also a quautity o! Bran, Shorts, Mill Feds, -Corn, Grass Seede, ScaleE4 Re- frigerator, NertiUzeri, cutter, Wagons, Sleighs, Hfarneas, and many other ar- ticles too mimerons toe enti. Terma and miful partIeulars made 'known .at Urne of -sale. Sale st 5 ocloclL sharp. Wm. Maw, -Auctioneer. Tuesday, August l6th-ÂAuctloi sale of 8 acrep of land, six roomed dwellung, turnüture,:Ilièmetg, sud other ar- tiçlei, the property o! the estate of the late Charles Hartle, at the. premss inu Myrtie. ,See posters. Wm. Maw, Auc#oneer. To Rent., For Sales Etc. FOR SALE. A parior cook stove (self feeder) in good condition. Apply Gazette. tf. TO RENT. Two flats, ail modern conveniences.. .Apply te J. Mclntyre. WANTED. Board and room in private fàmily by young business man. Apply- at Gazette Office. FARM FOR RENT. South of Oshawa, between the town and the lake. Good land and, excel- lent market right at hanc2. Immne- diate possession for ploughing. Pull possession April lst, 192g,. Apply bo G. D. Conaxit, Oshawa, Ont.- -tf. FOR SALE. Market gardon, about oe fruit, bernes, cuýrrants, good 5-moomed £rame bouse. Appiy1 Hughes, Ashburu, Ont. acre; wateri te Jas. o-71 FOR SALE.- A fast gmowlng business. Auto tire epairing sud vulc.inizing, good pro- fit. Pnice eau be arauged te suit purchaser. Aise' Overlaud 59^ carý lu good runniug orden, $250.. Apply te, W. K. Bmuten, Whitby, Ont.. GROCERYý Good mrelia eleaulng meg 329. ' Bliggy, cutter, si àngle bopielg1h, single hamuese, citting-box, Holstein mileh cow. Mme. É. -Baker, Byren t South. Agood cheap îwork herse, 'Sound lu every way, or rwill exchange fer auy other stock -ou fim deai; . alecù a few barrels early -appies wa.utecl for cook- lng. A quantity o! fat hoe waa.ted. H;.-A. Poweme, P.O. box 97. WANTED - A comiortable boamdlng hous for a youne, lady, wltbiu walkiug distance o! the Ontario Hospital. State termesud distance from-HosPital. ÂApply byl-et- ter te box 25,. Gazette Offie. - Foe SALR > Hometitcbiug, sud Zicotluýg attac2h- mente, fit any sewngbsnchîne. Pries, $2.50, Personal checks, 10e extra. Bridg- imun Sles Agencyi Box 42, St. Cath- aines. Ont. 7-4 FOR SALEg AT MYR-TLE,. 8 acres, 40 mode.-,from P.O. sud echool, eue-quarter mile fnrn G.T.R. station~, five-eighta mile fmom C.P.R. station. Hous, 6 roonus tone fouud.- ation, celiar, barn, atone foundationt uevem-fafllug spmmng. Suitabie for s ummer residence or market garden, splendid motor roada, 385 miles est cf Toronto. J. W. MdCuilough, solicitor for Executome, 15 Toronto Street, To- routo. - FOR SALE 2 New Brick Houmes for sale on eaV terme. Aise i1 farmn, crop sudimjple-' mente. Immediate possessIoi. J. I. Disney. Whitby. Stx4fgs and baud at iWei Peel, Wiaitby- VrIOLINS. d. :Rfftt i ways O Bat possie priesJ FOR SALE. -Soiid brick residence for sale, cor- ner lot, lariegreunds, 15 roeoinscn- venieuces, eue-quarter acr of good gardon with fruit.,' Apply box..28,. Whitby-tf. SPECIALS THIS WEEK! Packaiges Sun Maid Seêediess Rais ins, Gallon White Wine -or Cider Vinegar, 3 Lbs '. Black Osylon Tea, 2 Tins Emepire Insect Destroyer, E. Je CU RRY, Phone No.l1 55C 20C Grocer FO RSA LE ATr BARGAIN PRICES We are -olouing aur business, aud now offer' these trmotorm with equipment as rosi bargains to responsiblo per8nsn 1 Fordson Tracter, 2 Oockshett Two{ urrow Tractor Ple'ws- i Cookihuit Tracter Dise Harrow- 1 International Tracter Dise Harrow i MN-. Tracter Spring Teeth Cultivator These tractors have been, completely overhauled and refitted sinco using thi's spring. They are guaran- teed ta be in first class working order and will give as good satisfaction as new machines.'The implements have aiea been overhauled and refitted. Alareilufirst- rate working ordor. The tractors will ho fully- deuionstrated ta al prospective purchasers. For full particula rs apply 'to THE CANADA FLAX AND SEED COMPANY.- BOX 362.9 OSHAW.A, ONT. TWELVE hlgh-grade Business Sehools are operated byl CANADA COLLEGE and SPADINA A!liliated with Canada Business C BUSINESS -TORONTOi :oîîege, Oshawa A position awaits -every graduate. 2,000 ambitious young people take advanita-ge of our up-t7o-date courses every year. We train the BEST- Sten'ographers, Býoük- keepers,. Accountants, Secret- jes, Civil Servants,. etc. THE PEE.-$1 5.00- Per ,month. q080-00 for a Hom*, StuyC 968 GEco. BSPOTTON, Presldeut. ARTRUR SPOTTON, 7104 COLLEGE !1- 1 ýl 1

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