sit anat the- rate the gods are- selig, theré îi not I' e' Winl pay yo.u to 108e o thte iim -coming Ladies5 Suits CotsDresse-s, Pu, WE have move up town aMdhave s'ecured a splendid,about two weekswe. 'Il be'v "~ ~ tocar ayOur stc enwsoe os Ve ovn- the goocià « we are oing toq SACRIFICE ou th~e clais of merchandise w.sel!.. ý Our customers are always satisfi-ed w -ith thegodCcause 'hyar Ureo and the best prives, and wheu we oay we are sacrificing Our stocèk, Y'ucan Ibe sure yoli are gettingupto-date afford to miss. > pot, wish! tby, know )est styles o~u cannot *Very, stylish Sport Coats in Sand and Pekin Blue. Reg. $25, for $12.95 Navy Tricotine -Coats witli fine em- broidery.: Reg. $40.00, for ...0$4.90 Velour Coats, very stylish.inM-olman styles, Taupe shades. Regular $55, -f or ........ ..............$26.95 Afew large size Velour Coats. Reg.- $55.00, for.........$6.95 Large Suits in Navy only, the best of -Styles. Reg. .$35.00 for . $95 3 only Suits, Navy, Serge- Reg4. . -$35,J for ................. ....$ 18.95 5 only Navy Suite in best qualitj Serge. Reg. -$40.00) for ...$=295 3 ýonly Suit&, beautiful Navy Trieotine 'legular $50.00, for............$79 3, lovely Navy Trieotmne Suits, very stylish. Regular $55.00,, for $31.95 7 Winter -Suits. It will pay you to get tliem now for next winter. Reg. $55.00, for .... .. .....$25.00 A lot of dresses i.n Taffeta Si1k, ex- tra quality in. different shades. Reg.- *25.00, for ...... ...... ...$.9 Another lot oi Taffetas -inbeautiful styles and materials. Reguar $25.00- fo ....... ...... . .... ..$12.95 Also a loet of 811k Dresses for .7 Georgette and 811k Dresses. Regular $35.00; for.. . . . Algo diiother lot of very nice Silk, Satin and -Georgette Dresses.- Regu,- lar t3 and $40, at 0. $87 A, nice lot of Jersey Cloth Dresses at regular $25 for. ... $9*75 an-14,95 A nice lot -of good quality Serge Dresses% Serge and Triaotines. Reg. $25.00, for........$17 Win~? O5tga~L& .1a!4 oppor- tunity Vo buY fOr next wint;er. These values eannot be èfYen again. We* must elear'them out. ÈReg. $40 and $50, for .... i............$75 Also a few at ....... "$10.0 A couple of dozeu MIddies left. Reg. $1L5P, for .... .......$1.26 Two Dozen Voile Blouses.- Regular $ ...... ......75c. A good aasortment of Gingham a nd Voile Drýesses. ,Reg. $11, for . .$, M I~. M M SAUE'SCH WAR- TZ No Goods Exchan'ged, No'Mone efnded an4ýNoAteaions Made 1)ring Ti ae 136m8 Simcoe Ste Se Phone 7e5,OQýpa wa XY.?.A. GIVE PLAY IEFoRE the teachers'under bim, for the zeal LARGE CROWD. sud'assiduity- displayed hy tlem, as evide¶nced in the good resuit of their sytm fteaching. (Continued from page 1) A sôcial i id of the funids of Ail1 satisfaetorily, and their efforts were Saints' Churcli achool hou-se -will be mucli appreciated. Miss Jennine held -at Mrs. (Dr.) Ham's on'Tuoday Wriglit, as Miss Neville, accompli&l-i evenîng next. ed lier task exceedingly well, and leftL A lodge of the Independent Order nothin.g to be desired. of Odd Fellows #Will be opened at the Of thie maie perforniers, Mr. J. . Masonic Hall îu t - tw this (Ths Bradbuhr, as Hon arti, Eres day) evening at 8 o'ciock. Brethren Bradury asYoug Mrlo, ad of the Order (rom -Toro>nto, -London Laurence Agg as Hastings, fied'and other places wil be present to their part,% as few amateurs usaily 1 týke part iu the inauguration. do, thir work beiug paiaistakig and -TIhe laying o! the corner atone of exceediingiy well doue the new Catholic -Churcli at Duffin's% *The other characters, Iarry Jerii' Creek is advertised te take -place on yn as Sir Chas. Marlow; Mrs. Ashitou, Suuday next, at 10.30 osclock . Bis Sydney- Erskie and Ronald Agg, as Grace Archbishop Lynch is annouuc- servants o!, Hardèastle; -Mr. -HEarry ed to offiiate -on the- occasion. Y'eu. JQrzyn, as Landiord o! "The Tbree Archdèacou Northgraves will preach Pigeons," A. V. Wilson, Edward Gur- tlie -sermon.L riey- and Sydney Erskie, frequeuters,1 The' Western Hotel,-Mr. Bandel, iA o! ~ ~ M th- ;Tom esoca h it will be seen by advertisement, lias inebriated servanit of Marlow,- were I taken the above hotel, which lielias ail excellent i their respective parts. newly- fitted up &ud renovated, There was a large number o! rèe- througliout. prêseutative pecopie o! the town pes Boots and Slioes.-Mr. Collins bas unt, the hall beinig well filled. opened business i tlie sliop lately A nunaber of young*ladies acted as kept by Mr. Bandel, on Brock Street, ulaes, sd dd teirworrluB-and las on hand a splendid stock; lie Betens then a e vra aleo keepa the' old place aicr tlie Beteentheace sverl oung Royal aill going. girls &old içe -ereana and caudies, ý Ratin of Volunteers,.-Atte p whih srve t saisf areal want, proaching sixteen <aya' dr. Of the a volunteers iu camp, -the follo.wig 8- S- CONVENTION ýTO BE HELD daily rations will be allowed to each, NFT MYRTLE. officer and man:-14% lbs. bread, 1 jlb. xet 1 Ilb. potatoes, 2 oz. sugar, (Contined £ro page ) IFcoffee,*1-8 oz. tea, 4% oz. saIt,ý (Cothied ron pae 1 1-36Z. pepper. The following are 7.46-Address. Rev. -Mansell Ir- thie establislied rates of pay pet diem Win.. "Relationship o! Home to Sun-1 for officers and men:-Lieutenaut- day Sehool. Colonel,.in command of battalion, Musi andofferig. $487; major, $39M; captain, $2.$2- Address«.-Rev. T. A. Halpenuy. lieutenant, $2.18; sergeaut-major, $1; "Te Cbild'Iu tlie Midst"." . - semgant, 80c.,; corporal, 70c.; private, This Year's Officers. .5. c. Oifcersfbr191ae President-F. T. 1Row;ey Whitby. lut Vice-pI>Àe.- Bey. E.W. 'Row- land, Bicirooldin.- Rnd Vice-Pre&.-J. M. Kenuy, Whit- Sec.-rug.UlesM. le. Sleep, Port whitb7. ÇhlMldre'Divison- Mn. Keit Lawreie, Brooklinu. yomas PeopIe'a--Boys, Mrm 0. J. -Clatworthy Oshawa; Girls,$ r.W. A" lVW'M. Lawrence, Brooklin. Home DepU~- Mrs. A. M. Haigs »donay-umWm. Pûrves, Col- unbi- TempUcS-mnBW. IL Baladon, Wbltby. WBUPT RALF A OýeNTURY AGO. the Chronicle, May u, 187) Sem4.*nukl IiZmDbOVIOD @ he INSPECTOR -HUTCHISON ON IN-. SPECTION TRIP <TO WISCONSIN.- Inspecteor R. A. ýHutchison Ieft lait Fniday for thie State o! Wisconsin, Vo whicli le waa requested by Vhe Min- ister o! Education tu goVo iunvstigate aud report upon thée systeni o! cou_- solidated schools in operatiou there. He was accompanied by Inspector Benson,,o! Windsor. Climatie -sud .other conditions lu Wisconsi are.similar to those in On- tario, aud 1isà beieved that su inves- tigation o! the manner iu whicli the consolidated seools- are' carried on there will be o! great -value hi deal- .1g itithe problema in Ontario. The selection o! .Mr. Hutelaio as one o! two intpectors te niake the eu- quiry is.a 'fiue complimenitVo bina, as well as.,ta the Inspectorate of South Ontario. Iuci-deualy,- the opportaaaity thua given to-.enquire into actual con- ditions at finit baud will be o! special benefi tVo thie sehool sections lu the Inapectorate that are particularly iu-, terestedn the oubjeet, sud beiè £am, perhaps !ew coumties. tbat bave more neason Vo be iutersted'tha nOtazid. a-A BAEWELL PX ul lü. T . ....n.i sum- pat- ne 1 l .1 .1'PI iplph llIl1lrlglph 1 Iljpg ~~-I-;v i n,,I . roDage at the sale, sud everything put up sold, at good -prices. Tlie -hous, ownedfiby Mr. James Miller,i was also put utp for sale, and was knoeked dowu to Louis Levine at $4,960. Sincè that time, however, it- is underst;ood, the sale lias been can- ceiled.. Auctioneer Wm. Maw was in charge',o! tbeproceedings. MUSIC LOVERS HEAR FINEý CONCERT. The musical programn given by the Toronto String Quartette at the On- tario Ladies'-Coliege last Wednesday evenig& was one o! the finest concerts of tlie seasou's series.. The Quartette ,was assisted by Miss Gladys Hart, A. T.C.M., pianiste, a graduate o! the College. Precedinig the program. Mr. Leo Smith gave* a short talk ou the character o! the. prograna aelected, whicl included uumbers £rom the workso! Mozart, Brahmns, Schubert- Willielmj, Cliopin sud Frank Bridge. Iu the "Hemn Trio" by Brahmns, Miss Hart presided at the piano. and gave an exhibition o!flier very great abil- ity. Sincelier gaduation frona, the 0. L. C., Miss Hart bas contied lier studies under Mr. G. D. Atkcinson, wlio aise assisted i the program. The Toronto String Quartette is composed of!'Frank E. Blacliford. first violin; Erlaud Misener, second violin; F. Converse Smith, viola4; Leo Smithi, cello. Ail o! th'em are out- standing artiste, Mr. Blacliford and Mr, Leo Smith beig .mu rsicians o! exceptional ability and promineuce, and tlie entire prograna was therefore of umusual mnit. 8SEE IME About Your Eyos AT AH., ALLIK'S DRUG -STORE. TESIJAY' MAYlth 'Tu a - M. t» 6 p.m. Fe En- Luko, REqGTN 167 logesIL. (upatafru) TORINT§ A e«failing remèdy for Appendicitis. Indigestion,, Stomach Disorder, Appendicitis and Kidnêy Stones are ofiten- caused by Gall Stones, and misead people irntil. those Suferera faIkmoNwa vwatis the trouble.--Marjat±'& Speciflo 'willl elieve ýStandartd Tourig Car. Hus eeryrefinem t~uwuddemand in a hzgh-piecr One-man top with- snap-on utain fsees ls windows in -back. Sloping, double ventilating wi*ndshield. De mountable rlm. Tire carrier. Non-skid rear tires.. Leatherdoor grips Horli bùttýn mounted on top of sern colum. Seating space re-arranged to give maximum riding Comot lens. Ileadlights equipped with approvenon-glare" Eletric storting cand (gltin9 eqalipnmn furnished, if desiired, at additionacoat Ford Motor Company of Canada, L Ford, Oýnt&rio .14 $ f t 'Y t- r/ff. -- 1 N 97men hie"Po-or. Out of ev'ery 100 'men o 3 lay up, during their productive yeara, sufficient rm-oney -Vo enable tb.em t o retire to a comfoýtabIe, indepeudent old age. It shoi.ild not han wheu one cousidere how small a sum invested annually for a few years in an Endowment plc wifl 'sure a competence for a mana., deliuing years. Yet we contiuually see and hear o! nid folks slaving for a meagre living or ,depeuding upon the charîty of friende or chiîdren for support. You do' ,ant- Vo corne Vo that, do you ? Then conut- EDWIN SNITH."soi'16 WHIT BY, NT -1