Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 15 Jul 1920, p. 4

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k. - akmina.s&n r » 40trvWlds I ai&HiIuhs, par.w» tidk 4e-*ut YS. Ad de b91#v. wk a re. - -Té,tura -basc to s ti D.S rrmomu la~ tbb Da., i&m Ths hang itbatk >hyail » pmnng man umbrefla i thO bI a*istal. iTt fflr.e Iosea wetsi w b4 liais tê the upUm i» trength, and tréquenuUybecomes AÀ au ng M O 8wo06e t#be'nd uit fi dlag. Troubles froek masta s1w &Mu. aâtwrs neesthrowu off wltiout any An ftelilug haM must tat yo ae01clty aMUgi.exaerabuitpropo-g o uld tjm&ITy sc. tiona. Other symptoma o!. tliis uer- Au jtMhing rigbe sn6 meut, th vouls condition are poor apetite, head- Yeux w'oud sbake bsn4s w" IR achea, exhaustion alter littie effort,- stranger. ud. freipiently distreas alter m*als. See4ng the new a ucu .ve thO Ift lTe cause of this debillty la gene?- aixouder meant oSe would smaur* ally starved serves. The blood, whlcb money. Cives the. ervona systein Its food and ProIbably mnost of ýus a" "speesIý power te work efficlently, has become tios .butthe n mmber. 13, jugt as tua sund weak, sud until the blood re- pepl ver. a long tifme sgt>. 0ev o gain* Its toue and streugth there ean epertitions viii amuse-a subsequauit bu e oIzprovemeut In the condltipa et, gêneratios, as thoe remnled by o0= the serves, ln cases of Ibis klud D r. -re*der amuse usq. OxnJy a subsiquent Williams P1ink ilUs wilI be feuud the genent.ob e«m safely laui at supe- very best'medicine. They make rilh, stitions. Soc4êtes *as put to death red blood whleh feedusud-*treusgtheius for laughitg 4 @ei.t f bbc the qtarved serves, aud lIbis wsy tieus of the >eek-.. ri-stores the sliffres to fl a lth and A agd -"d is retsued ih etrengtb. Proûtof t his is fouuidIluthie shredded cabiiage -frt lttWue, wv cal4e of Mr. Fred Sander, London, Ont., Frenchi dressing. who says: "Whlle on service with the In India, cbêpisins are maùintaiUed Isperisi forces lu Africa 1 conpletely te mingter -to Brtish subjecte, as iii lest niy healtit through continuaI hard- h1 armty and navy. Ehi» and shock. I was sent back te jjnessant sctivity does net alwffl, the base hiospital suffieri.ug, se tbe doc. indicate Întelligent 'industry. tor said, frorn laervou.s debility. Alter Do not think that you are aaying spedln sane rn inhiebosita ~smart thÎngs, when you rtsy thingÏ was lnvllded baek te Euglaud as un- that niake other people smart. fit for furthlr service. After spenàdlng Naval, gunners are now firilig a long turne lu Netley. Hospital, I was rng as of more t-hail 2,000- yards. given auy diacharge,' but was atil a - shoeiîng an -archa-r" menus coves-. weak anud servoue wreck, absolutely ing its flukes or poinits.-la wood to- u fofr -wurk. >I1hadt neither thb. iake them grip 'aetter iu soft giýoUnd. #Wrngth uar ambition te do anything.- rortnto was incorperated asa: city îx~l4ttie I oct~edforthre o forn 1834, with population of 9,254. menhe itha cvîluindocor,~bo A difficulty lsý a ýchal'lenge te cout- llnalIy sdvlaed a Change of ëciniate. 1 age, tbought, eï erg y und perseverance. was terrlbly nerivouis, suffered f seau Onta rio î nin w n BleelileassýQ, smotherlng and sluking anIdin wr sd Manus Huindsctue Lalge. sPelis, anid painsInuthie bear-t'; my First paysîent o! niothers' peénsions bands aud feet were always cold sud lu British Cînba~ilbe anade iu clanarny. At tbis tme I declded te J uîy. couac ta Canada, sndsBhortly alter________ reaching tbis country wtas advised teý ir- Dr. Williamns Pink Plls. Altes 1 TaeStuff TIatCountsŽ- h ad ta kenthue pluls for soine weeks 1 Tfhe test o!asmnu .s lbhefgbt he niaies, foeuud uyselif lrproving. 1 contiuued T ' egr-t that lie daily shows; liaklng the pilla for several umenthe, The wyay ho stands on bis !eet sud 'wiit he rcuIt that they fully restored taises s y healtît. ?.Iy tiervesý are now as Fate*snrun.erous buxupsa ud blows. *icpady ais a rock-; ny appetite the'A coward eaun ie 'abn tbore's litst, and zuy eyes and skis, wblch bad 1 naugbt te !ear, turnedl yellowibh, are clear anud Wheu'sothiug bis progrosa bars, be-althy looling. ,I feel Iîko a r.ew But lb taises a muan ta stand a» snd n lu very~ way,. and fit fer any- cbeer thing. 1 have àlnèe reconmended lte Wbile some other fellow stars. pills te scver-al frieei, sud know o! meveral cases where they wero bene- Il lsn't -the victary after al ficial iii bhe influenza epîdenao. 1 arn 'But hie figbt that a brother makes: o! tlie opinion that shauld any lo! my The man 'abo, driVen atgainst-the waII, returaied s-oîdier -courade8 . use Dr. Stilli stands up ereet andz takes Williams Pliik Pis for sheli shocis,'lTe blows of fate with bis bead lbeld they would bo a great help ta them." higit, You citU lot Dr, Willlamas Plik Pilla Bleedlug, sud.bsuI£ed, und pale, tbrough any dealer in aedicine, or by is th e mn uwboll wi I luHie by and by, mani, post pai0, at 50 cents s bo or . For h.. ls't.afrald ta fail.. '--%Ub'oxe for 2.50 frosi Thb. Dr. W11- Ws hie bumpe ycu set, snd the jolts U1aws Medicine Co, Brockville, Ont. vnst Y .A carnel, viuen burdeiued, can Irsal twenty-five miles a day; when uth- burdened, as many as'sixty to seventy mniles.- 1 Dairy cowa of New Zealand prodc ni oe .tbu 400,000,000. quartu of! k U.auly, thpeCMate perffuuntrg dairying the puar round. Put an asbestes rmat nuder the pan visecokiug ostueal or anything o! tisat sort, as it may tien b. ceoed nsuck longer 'alîhout burniug. Aud thesiiocha 'Ibat yens courage Miho iuars of serrew sud vain regret, 1 The. prize ltat escapes your bauds, - 'at test yens ,mfttl aud, prove yeur Il ia't Hie bleva ,.u deo3,- Bu 4* taMvwEs yentaise on thc good eld eartii Tisat sEhws if yeur' staff 1, real. Tar-macadam bas giron 1h. beal service o! aziy kind Dfet areet psving The Boy"'s Surm@r N4s -'1 l' 11.er. stt ur>.Ptiees. 26 a to 6lM si»Su I -i -punv feature that enahlee the usrto keop the blad. sla~withoUttakhug aay- tfâu pari. It tins Pte- 'vexitp duil bles -.angd 7lb. epuoof buying, nMW oncm Ycot'abot be' lteref1ed h inetcozom f blattes, but ~surely yen vaut a goqd shmv -fhat l le iy possible itis ~fpurc4ase iS Only $.OO- comet.'wltb strop an& tacel blades i an attractive sssrt- ment of asste suit any Puir- -Pèse., AutoStrop Sdety lPtazojr C.., Limait*d AutestUoDp Eilaing, Tronto, Co.ada, Prne Shrbs aeFlwig Many -ihrubs-should lie prpined about this time,. especially those that.fiower. I'f one notices. the -spireas,- golden beils, Illacs and honeysackles it wIl le ob- served that the bloomns are-on the- tips of the branches wh Ich were produeed last year. Beneath these fiowers, there are strong growing shoots starting at the preeexlt tîme. Therefore, as soon a&~ the shrubs finish blooming they should be pruned bacfc te these vegi- tive shoots ln order that the strength of the bushes may cause -long shoots to bloom next spring. In general, al brubs should be prunied after they bloomn, rather than before, -tolnsure good fiowering the following season. MOTHERa, X1california Syrup.of Figs't Child'sBstLaxative Accept "aitrla syru» o! Fîga only-look fer tHiename ýCallfornia On tae package, thnyen U. are sure Year çhld la-hiaving lte bout sud- Meut9 luaumle ss physl forer lite 11 alpin acit, lver and boweis. Cblîdre[n love ils fru ity taste. P.ull direcetiong oni esb _boîtll. Ypa muIst-sayCai- Eaagih babies wiii net bave t. su-- fgr froua a -sage rationfing or- short- ages , acoordfing tea -system Whkh vent lut> operation in Euglazd -erl in the . mfftuaI. '<'h.-Leon" Dl Telegrflh".Yee~ty asfflwed:- OIU-der a nemw seiv est-byt. Min Wy, a .H- - lu cor I ullaticu-Witbiu* 1Msisr ee& sgystem unîer wb4eh-foc&nii1ae' j m.ttees vers atbot*iecte graak-xtra 1ulowaasw, of sugns up>4o a -nzui aencf40 ùuoe.a Wek-for *eil- Aie ne t» Yvam oae netteui supplies viii.be: obtaine uMtaes suerai *gl'tilns :fte M« e effeet -of tins'change_ vil b. whereas andin' tbe preseu - Sys- n extra ration dt four ourees eau be ,btained fer oidren, betweeun «"s çf six and .lghteeu néafias ding entreg Who are certified toi ineutet f -nau adtlenmsupply rthe uew -preoedure -theextral larola ELeMUILh.- ýý ._ rune. Thtingi lookeit bai aIt tO stait vien the boat's seédule resut "ýSailing trous St. john,- N-B.-I a=Oi 11h.L" The 13 wu,, bo lg emqugh bacause a t errible gaie set lu' vils suc e t tat Il vas-de >emed-adt-, visable to. délay 111e sahing tventy- Capt-Ceook, the commander, coe- saud bkthse Duke, ga-ve a solemu p)ro-ý mnise, "Your Rxcelley .viii be lIn Uiveibeoi aI lie appointaitUrne on the- *stroko of the edock-lt Ihies ea n- glues eau .manage, It" Steam <auges wese .nover. se popular. Stoem w ere, lhemoca. A spI-lt et- adventure tigh teu- ati tha narres of aU. on boaàrd. ' hae DIkk. kopt hlsi-ate. Jtat as an uftter7,tlioaglt, the_ Hooý- doà!tb»è 13 trled te, break the )ukes promise byhauguas a dense log Over theMsy but by- cautions naviga- tion Capt Cookbrouglit bIs greal vos- sel tô anches oppose tii. oýPrlnce's, 'I Lang Stage at Liverpool- at Aix Wclock on teiornung of March- 221ad- .hie date> and lious scheduled for Its arrivaI. IWouIdServe. If word or'deMd f mine, To. any who regSe, Can. ýbW brn I'cheer or bxigh na n the way, 4lIow k1adly -would I ser ve! Fer, heartsa te aching her,, Féeet o.ften go stray, Andi fesrs cf i il urnerve; Éo- leat frein-right they swerve, I Woùld (do aU I may. -Fred Scott Shepard. Mothers 'ýçho Iheep a box of Baby's Own Tablets iu the -house mnay feel- *tIfat the lives of their little ones are reasenably safe duriug thé hot wea- ther. Stomach troubles, -choiera in- fantuos and diarrhoea carry off thous-_ ands-o! ýlittie onea ,every summer, in most cases because -the 'mother doe not have a safe niedicine at'baud to, give prômptly. Babys Own Tablets relleve these- troubles. or if given oc- casio0nally to the weil child wîll pre- vent their coxning on.. The Tablets are guarauteed by a -geverninent analyst to be absolutely harmleàss evea 16 the newborn babe.- They are e-ý pecially good iu summer because, they regulate the bowels, and. keep the stomacti sweet and -pure. *They are sold by mediclue dealers or by mail at ý%.entýa abox from The Dr. Williams M-idicine Co., Brockville, Out. * Ifell froni a building sud received. wh.,zt the doctor c-aiod s very bat svirained ankie. sud tbld' me 1 mu!tnot -wslk ou It -ferthirea veeêkS. ' l0 141INARDIS LINIMENT sund iu six- dayu 1, waê eut to work agafu. I Ihiai i th. best Uimentnmade. ARCHIE E-. LAU.NDRY- Buddy Ke4v, scitoolmaster lu a ~rural coundil scheol ri as recentllygivi x-r as aon té thse lowest standards -onde. formation q! rain by -the process-ef eaporatiou. "eOU aili notice," h idi , ttiat during,, lie eveuiug fofl.6*Ing ra. lhoI -sùmmier day-somethiug rise!à r-om lte surfacee!fte-ponds. Iwhat a'itr" fOne. olitary baudgrad"all$-ereepsý up. "God boy.I can see yen are thinis- iug. ' WhaI lil?'t G. B.-"2Frega." SAY 6"DAMNODYES" poor jagil4*.on DmntDe. A-, -Off -Cornsl N-0.Paitil -Wi.. JIMnY. 'JumL" ustthe- fond mot1ir te ber amartIeleven-yeargold. *!wat be- came oêt t 11111tte pie I made for yoa aÈ a treat yaaterdsyt- Did yen est l1I' "No, Maxima," answeredlJimmiy with agvin; ",I1gave lîto my tachert seee nstead." '¶Trhat vas very ulce and genemsa of yen, Jmmy, c omplimanted lits imollier. "Anit dd your teacher est '4Yes, I Huaisose, answered Jimmy. "Sha vasu't at seool!te-day.' j~£DANDERIj4WI Hurryv! «AÀfew cents stops hiait - falling and doubles its beauty' A 11111e "Dauderine" cools, clear..ses and iaises t4e feveriait, itcby scalp- saft and pliable;-thoen-this stlmulating. tonic penetrates ta tbefamished bals roots, 1revitalizing auýid invigorating'e every.hair In-the bead, blipa stoppiuag the bair falliug -out, -gettlng Ibis, scraggly or fadingý. After a few-applications ,o! "Dauder-; ine'" yen seldein find 'a. faîlen baîror a particle -o! daudruif , besides every bairshows nipre lîfe, vigor, brightuess, caler aud thieku-esa. A f ew cents buys a botle of de-. lightîful "Dauderlue"xa't auy drug or tellot counter. Canade's Navy Leagup has over65, 000 maenabers. Atk for Mlnard's cad: talcs ne otiter. -A ll a n im a is u se h c ir h sd ' le g s - t e plyîug' the balance. Y. 1.ae iot, ià- ie appm=race- ih bings utuiyour beauWy te its fuli' On FaceandlHands& tcG ri eý ezl si-td sa ir. The ~ eczeasmuitedi*n tc:fe J~ wiGhtSb-- w23 Dot tkef= isaaiib4 4 îaaeÀ iit un Iboep Minarr's Lniment ln thé heusél Misery May love Company. but - those vise have licen her- guysts do, net recommenit theWrhostessi. * MONEV OROEIRS. -Seat a Dôminlon Express Maney'. Ordor. Pive Duliare costs three cents.- Caiad ian Society -for- Protection of. Bards bas. 5,0<0 members. iaard's Liniment kfoi' e everywhermr Canada 'has 37,000 square miiles-ot O ability ahd Igood l1a'connections-î a tailor or cloing mn Can Earn Bigm~ sellngý Men's Made-to-Measure Clothe 1ocaity. Style, quality and value of gaerme fro* n Oçeaan b Ocean. Adcress-in firsi -with fuli inforination to P. 0. Box 105,1 I1~ i is. mi ,11l -About Par littie nced1 reputationJ and- depeny all road cor. fies the statel MYou can't better tii-es Gdîned3 ~ ONLY1 TABLT "BAYER" ARE Not.ASP!rin at Al without the Pais, »iMe Dayer" or jeu are zbot' Iaau5 Sn Eur., Aspýiraut ail. 'Tablets - Accept osly "Bayer- Tbet flets co!,t butà Aspiiun ai' an unbrekeu 'Bayerj Isese l argt ýAsphIile te tradio mark <rezluteied in canada) of Ba' &c.tieideitûr of saIIc-yIlcacfd. Wblle It Iluwell known massafecture. te a»uat thse 3sb!lc agaInaut lmitstia'iB, the ' win be ztamnped ivt ub-el;gncrai iiude mark, the. 'Saa je1 1 ý,l '0 -

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