* up" the 3eavrtoz puý tshprligà of aubi 1keariy %l1 the de, salaria. pald to. thd Metà odia Mbusterii mlttee t wh id hai for itsAaim to M litera the. followlng- iaariei, lu addition .se or houa. reuI; cutba $1 800 itowe .of- 2000 and upwardi Mrt. A.KAmes, of knowi finautial man Lait Saturday ig wer. counted "aI ont Brock Street in e centre of > th town. -impoossble' for a Pei thi. uidèwalkte the a. buggy. Soin. of1 *ety <ere driven i& Intention of remainù -,eveing, and yet thej them inlufront 1f li steaul ot on a aidei bulmua mea Welcon toms e towu, it, i BEAVER 'A 4 mai" % JUPm . " OM i u Ot 09 ÀX-or s- te iL. -In, Ume tbeY -wO~i bec,, aboumnsà wben l could b t Msme w.U acquahi miite m mad iatJ~UI~ Ieriae s sconveniasli and any reteeie tostree4 oWuJ4 " t iot'ia auch.a buaypar t euetown. jdirectly aud b. und.rstpodf"t Mqtor Car mers im asked ho take whvierees aà presuiMt it la uaualy-e- * note alud endeivr te correc t hia n-4 ceeoeary tg -ia~ a point by 4ercl- ua lie JUftic te lother isetoits Te conm- img it -a3 -on tile street vime. Ml ci hu cmiude.d Dring a Ulim UtBrown livesn or TMuar 1mSdW fthle parking of cm .on ýthe ma'n cornern Ur li as tak-» edefinite ateplte tisaI Tie probleine cleeof atsi WM mmaitoeue tbnt faces.evey Coud eletedý * * s à * thse ralepayers. -TherahIave boom Tht eople et Witby-bave become tisMeswithinurécent yesrs wheu as very subserient te lthe Isigist. niayxasoiluinaddition le ft.;ainist tetrett ire s i m em laI etti e B tye-o~ ut aI ue our etRevisien in Ibis conuection on Mouday evening b lait BStuIday. The se Âmar yffl ndi caté hhat at lsat 41 la being real- uî t»z. deubtinha very happy ifra .m t 1 1 tissmeone bas te talc. upsthe viien hé ",I«-ha'At .wýhole ,question nmd lry- lu bring 1ï> valatonscaIl preertles wbich did relisup te- date.' Wheueuet lait oeuet flt ffer tue'cbance-for auyoue. tôetflb.. ratepayers make an. houest * 1k. eîtort hi keep thçir taxes paid up (sud * . * il la usually tisose viio,'ene 'would gf put or- iiut tlsiuk .wçere ,lest able. hi*pay taxes E lsutu psatutiuetai tieWho do, keep theni paid up), tisere is mrîptî<n p ceuent walks reodfltlf 5p1'P 4 by ne reasqau why, 1h. otser hait sisould eerptou up the. Council bia ecied, It l b6h allowed te put off paying their just **; *.*' bti bout lire. milles more delti.t aIis regard for ont, two a:nd euominationâ' avea of, pei'nlineit 'alkud will Practical- evenlhree years- Il requires a more Yoieteu te oaaywt ueadwednWI strict cellection tIbm Councils in tise te mincrste heexcept lu isolated cases..-Tise eirecton pahav'e insisted on. Wheu it la re- dr iunlteis. i - many new -residenses tisi year hasnin.r4tstasyarie us aiSp ort > fed te tue siecessity et laytiigwaI.pad$îo t h .k u wueeto ir. D. G. Rident, whee iere - ae 'ieciuos$1re0eus moey th bte hoinlirreweie. tby,~~~~~~~~~~~ la'ceay y ll ntlklloee,~ Cause taxes were not pald. tiese er- icur fe lb.iiiii t tu wok prpesd wlI' è due oumesa ef the -situation la apparent. mÎniMU& i altbis year. *Practlcally onsemiiic.lebxs1v t150 fnrepalr- s$* ed this year will go to psy- intietI pîS(w opulatra ir- *W innypeolein Wbitby knaw on money borrowed because certain las $2t00populaties.theainet ;fmore dozen citizens evade, payuient of their taxes La;$00 lucilesor se efthtie streets cf th t4 1 ?We as loig as possible. No wonider. tue 'Torontc, lb. well. Venture te sy not a -very large. pro- -May6r sud otiser- members of tue s, l Cisimmn etportion efthtiepepulation.- Tise' lisI Council are determmined te take vgr published l ibtis 'issue oe thle streets. eus steps te co'rïéet tise evil .t ow-. g * *upeon wbich cernient asidewiallcs'are te iig tax relis to drag alcesg for seveèr- jisî 57 ;notor cars ho coistrucl will'ecouvey littie to aI years. Le time parked ou tise average reader, eircetlM'u 50far twoý blocka lu.tif. ashie owu uts-cet la affectedll unies. lie At its meeting on Monday evening it was almost securess map cf. the towa nd se s tise Town Council took ste:s te com- erou te gel from il as s guide. From Ibis fact arises ply witis the necessarylegal proceed- road te gel lu:tto la 4ggestion Ibat bas been made ho- mga te secure assistance frein tise tises cars appa-fre Ibiul h*sneer been acted Prévincial Legislature and -freintu 1te tew u wi±is 1th e PO . it l isi t. ig u -posta mw ilt u Coe u .e lc un - t~u b di ng-tie pe - iug for tue wlee naines<i tsesr ossol oplaced 'urnent Pavement tisrougis tue town ei owim- tise 'corners ow the, main sîreets, whicis it isas licou decîded bo get an lsinéis places. in- iatIesut, mÎd tisus almost .every street estimate on. Tise .Depsrtment et tét. wilie thse-lu tise town weuld aI seme peint lie Higiswas, byý legislation ]tctntly eu- se every .Wheolzsdicatedliy a_ igu post. This would -acttd, -offers finaucial aidAte nunicip- ig bardhy fairi<> .cosl seme meuey,.but we feel sur alitits in constructing permanent pavements wisich will terni couuectinig liniks iu the. provincial system. Tise- touis et Wisitliy Proposes te lay pave- ment ou Dundas Street frein Garden st. te Elizahotis -St., or, te put il moecearly, trom tise corner leading1 ___________________________OR___ROUCH___ te tise- old PFair Grounds le tue resl-8 deuce et Miss C. Thomson ucat cf tuec toWn. Tise Kingston Rond up te tuese i ê< *4 LAIN and SH MN LIES, twvo Points- la designaîed as tue Pro- e vincial Highway,, and thus tise sectionh i BO R nd READY ROOFUNG. proposed- te ho paved lu the towu eiti »hiitby -osd le a coenecun hm s p4~*1 ~&UW.& D ncto Order.,betveen lion postlus tke ~. <.,.According te the new legislaijon, t town wili tiserefere lie ahi. bo secur jer souulhop tgc *t theo ffice te lnUre seme fnnilasitnefroin lhe aetory "FerVIce.nal'asit Province and will tins lie lu a position Co t lay permanent r oadway. at . Inch ali . A D C AY ROD CI les than ordinary cost. It isploposed r a tac ur m g ep u't n ai s t t etuirdptuemcent onli eiug * E local mnenant cm gêt -tueecai ,but WN T V N .ibtdifficulty lu bsducéiug e l - e * *' J ens te linlnghlm -cargoes owiug te ________________________________tise allow deptu et tise ltanir. At M-the preseut juncture liseré is lems coal1 LEAN E. I maot eaà s1h.automobile a-y mer% ke tii. mac, but-lthefOn ish aii<l equip'ej I .60'Tourng Cia art evideais of IL. *t hrc>ughout to ineet the esqufrenz ou ooriste. TS: itby, phon&-290 hitby, plon-e4O9 rtiý. in toi thn hreias Isatyear at I secure cargoeà , by-.w ater, Ithem- May, be a cosIs-hortage bore whien tii. oIl weather: arrives& Thé eâncfilitnd tbp-talc. definite action vithiat feîiw th". days te have the dredgijýg aene Speed- * -* ily, -but tbe. ciizens ca:-h.lp byr- garding tisecaseas their outle ~* ati.;and boibarding the_ Goves-ý eusmeut with requesa to - meke 1la"te m th 1snucb Premier Drury, eoeispying nearly five eolUmnà - ot newspaper apacé, appears to ho devoted tle leged! rmaens, net for the ippointinet Of a commission, btfor thro'whià verboazd the whole ilYdro-R dil chin. After reading the "ýmeifdum» 'oe culà care- le helpbut feel -Ibat ftt oue'amdcou- tenta give more tissu.a lâit as te iMe nature otf indiug thati»e Governmeùiî would mona apreciatefror i. on mss'on that is hi te ppoited. "The Goverrnent even triesri« inake it appear tbat the. p eeple oft-lii.ý provne are carryÎng apl enrmous snd onerwis buiden .by ressen. of iiy- dro power and lit dëveIopment. .Much la made of -thetact that th.. province as emdorsed the.bonds. municipalitie s for Power and light de- velopinent and in other wayé- helped- to fnuance, the hydro power'aid llght pirojeet; these7 gUaranlees and-ad- varices are referred hi as "Idbts l- stead of às a sound iuvestmient lu. a successfiil going concernw* ih l really what they ame "Whatever the Cabinet - ahy do or think thse record of tlie -Hy.dro Com- mission so far is one that nienit. con- gratulation sand confidence. Altiiongl the fight niay lie drawn eout, we b.- li eve that thi. Commission 'il crn Ilirouih witjs flying celons. In the mneantime It should ave the hearty co-oper ation snd support. of Oshwa snd every ethermumcipality.that la- directly iuterested iu ils undertakings. Thse " Reformer"I believes tsat thse f6orthcong investigation miilresuit in tise vindication of the Commiission's poliey, and moat certsinly i satisfy- îng ýevery 'tair nsinded person as-to the honesty sud public spirit et ils chairn an mneibers.p» A garden Party wll b. isold by ti. Audlcy- Metisodjat Sunday Scio on the beauliful laWu f Mn. Chales Pssckrin, *Audley, ou ffiday, Juiy 23nd. Refreshint booth ontise grounda. At 8 e'chock sharp eue of thee litI concerta .of the. sasen ulli be given b th1. l [owiug: -Joe. WilIianis. singing com- edlan, will gv thse Prograr, assisted t»' Miss lie aci, clocutleulsan d Mis Hogg, bn itpilais. Orches-i tra in attend. Premier Ds'ury la ýeecte-d te talc the chaiy. À4misuouI DEPUTyiIREEij. McBRADy R.E- .CEWES SERIOTjS INJURy. Deputy-RetMcBrady, cf Oshawa, net with a serieus accident rceuîly. A11cr attcnding a session -of thteBoard Of Works Consittee at the -Town Hl," ho teois n-a-treet .b!ar for home. lu a 'lightiuig frein- the car. gettiug oiff before lise car sloppod. ise was tisrown eo the pavement 1He néeived serionus bnulaes te thse rigist aide of higEface sund .head, -but mlore serlous -were -those cf tise chest. The force ef tht fall slunued hlm for a lime. Ht iras -net lucapacllated for' wenk however, and is now.feeling SPENT-NIGUT ON LAK E SCIJGOG. Mr. Mike Pinuegan, cOf Osisaira,:had ni experienehast week tisat thougi eovel wu snoue tee peasant.-Ho iasà lhng frein s mon aunchin lu Lae kugog and the prepellon 'gel caugisi thse weed. 'Resonling lo oas n. 1nninu rwed man>' miles, but iras merlaken by darnues ali au4 eud rnet ocale the shere, Iiually h. *dld -se id tied up aa I 11f. iwrn!te pend Le-nlgbt, net kn6wlng licre-ho waa. eé siept -a cwu'>ipe et hournsbut- iras pe sini ï nsoat atisé nigislby-lise 015,sgsn-euf thse trees, ete-. Fii re carce. lis ieeti. Fnnl&up ys, but lhis au inlèesting lime BAIN CReUae -Pi PAINTSI eAn ~Keosnc Ols SCREEN No.* 1 Amnerican 014, 40C gallon 5 Onlv, whie they No t mrican 06ic gallon 2 Only,.reg'lar 2.9 DeliveredFree ln town. Ma-à >chine OUI19, NO. 1, 50e gallon, W INDOJ~W LAWN'MOWERS >%Q LAWN 5Oin!y, Assorted 2 Onlyq 50 f.Ln FARMER'S AND WORKMEN'S O01 WORK .PANTS -AND SHIR Over $1 ,000.00 Worth Purc.hascd at Last Ya You Know Wbat This Means to You An Extra Large -AsS'ortrnent. MlkidaTres anid Accessorles. CompeteStock of Machinery and -Sark ugs, SOc,60 ~ N mbr f Good Hou'seS Fe The ISNE HARWAR an MPE mna, fuleu u our -jear ejd Md wîvrereeiizning' ou lb.speela [n~ ~ te em ie. thesinnutou è & d y ' fr ein lie . l2 tii e t J ul y c e l e- ' me inaIteg rweulr.Hn i 1t axmeioa ciden il .9.25. -Wi« ~Mri.. amisreacised sleps 'cf thi eacWtue taihad ,un- mevig #tther-ts ,adase fell &Wands où t tishra k tse ileels uidng. over Wth *feet. She waatak-- e Pe t H ope hiss italI r r. a ni !aio ir s' rform e T hé ei t as se.,flyiPb tit I *had- i. axuputatd abcove the anlcle'-sad. ut a tird <lite frot part Ofthtie t foot- vas> rem*ed. -. - - lie doctesa repot hem couditin o- io i l y e<d- bi mexu -P nom liraù stat aI - btg bac] Tl~ i eBrigade 'bav e asked fr a oper louder fire. alarre.They 4aijm thai foo<t -naiauthe Imembers eam 11ar tIr oue t »'W Ju use, sud thS rconteuition la iquit. eI Y lubiecee. An.electr mrenx orbell wapld make, mu&h more COli »i&.-. sud would le a faMryeotme aiu>ho f the. mter. Notïl1l ie ciien auhar î ýAfi'aluar*hé&it la 'rung oum- the, be li ow nuewhich serves quiteê 'well ai au incicator otft i) io urs- of _ srtimg and alopping Mi wqr ,in the £«atories, but fals dowu oentl as a" éesof alarmiung hownapeWpe O h in tam O tf rme oeple liviug -almost l ina-thie t.of thetovu did not ail .re b aia1twhthHemrySt Hciiocli,. oecuned. Weka -ifll, Ubert St,. re- 1 u, a iona I Dunlop Traction Trea d, sllghtty Dunlop -Clippers, 30 x3j, at $J18.050 One week only.,at thîs price. AUTO I l -Whltby, Ont. lruç mP& miiithe. a. Imm" P.M. 1~ > 7 1 1 -1 1 ývour è-an-- 1%12 don- .4dwe E*,-- d IMPLEl thé