Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 13 Dec 1917, p. 7

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LAUEY ~ Eapp.alags Ssii. luaraN tub ol latent te 'trié'- ipinch- Ilot wa- e ci tili Ihis wil in thu 1 t it -ty, of a.good package s ýtea Iike,,Red Rmse w dd, packaàge "te keep it h&1;càn% care -W Sir Edward Carson han bera on a 1wU.eiysod i 1bulk. guest of Sir Douglaat Haig. ]Red Ros, e a aways Mary MeNamara was fined forty twd in the sealed shillings at the Limerick Petty su- p alai wsc io n s fo r h a v in g lig it - w e g h ts hin ie r It ~OC. - SIThe Cooteffl Urban Coimdl have decided to allow -more lIght for public Un, IF use this winter, and are relaying gas me., and the horroro -of dîscomfort,, At a meeting of the citIzens of which these men went courageousWY, Castierea, it wa» decided te takesteps T E C U A E ND throghlHe bad psased ayouflg aso onceo have the onlgtd y Rlmand muddier than any creek, wrîting a Alrenme of laborers have left letter home te his mother by the light the South Of Ireland for Englad, ,of a fikrngcni.h on where tbey have engaged for inland AS SHOWN IN THESE SKETCHE.S oldier had looked up as be paased and, transport. Ole TIIE WAR ZONE. had made a joke about hs oozy rest-:ý The death took place recently at1 ing place Other soldiers were ini even May'ville, of Edward Egan. principal4 woraecondiion.of the à rm of John Egan and Son, of " The French ariny is à'il ing Waterford.- 6.1 Neyer- K new How Goed a World 9'hs, adh;'bircuaehanz tracter demonstrion was Svven la Till I1IVent To Fight," Says by ."a. young lady frose Dublin on the Evervwhere in the French armny prenises of The O'Connor Don, Clon- NWounded Man. there is higb apprecîation o! the Brit- alis. Castierea. Ini the wards ol a big London has- isb soldiers, and aise of the Ameri- The plot-holders of Toomnovara have pitAl 1 stood at the bed,4ide of a frail cana. Mon of both armties are looked AlrentdD.OmmShte, sct nar o th shadow of a man. Hie had a gentle, upon as tbe Frenchmen's worthy com-AlomnÇnnteewibnades timid aie, aind looked mildly through rades, and any day you will hear the and a cheque. gold-, spectacles.. lie had a cruel, Tommies' and the 'Sammies' applaud- Mrq. Walqh wal awarded £800 et wound in his back and had struggled ed in the French trenches. 1tbe Dungarvan Sessions againat the -painf ully bark to life after a period of The ather day 1 met a man just ne-- Lux Navigation Company, for the-losu gt'-*Otatefering and danger, followtnt turned from Rheims, "the city of Ger-, of ber htisband. a rnemora.klc battie onl the fields of mantF; damnation," as it bas been call-1 The Derry Board of Guardiana re- France, wie le Adafr. e.I ;i othfa hti asported at their asat meeting that thore Hié wat an American-and a school- I-en a scene of desolation, beha en- weetety-ene cases of scarlatina in maliter, lie told me be had joined the joyed the mont deligbtful lunc hi a the wvorkhause. Canadians eigbtnen montbs ago, be- life there, and told me he cosidered' Two lodging-house keepers were cause his conscience had prompted the French wornen the most comptent fined £2 each et Armagh Petty Ses- sions for not suppl)ying their lodgers tim.Witb every. disability and lna. onleartb. wt egsrtlncra tural ahrinking that (ta Uc imagined, The zstreets <of Rheimns are grass- Ith is tationtbaGrinn i lt o lie had thrown 1imgelf into the infer- grown, ho sai<l.* The gardens are neg- no called war. le< ted. The cathedral has its chancel language t.augbt in a number of pub- We talkedj a littie whi, for be. ha,, roof destroyed and its altana. smaahed l ic scbeols in Oklahoma. no friendà in L~ondon. andi lie was ta bits. Ita facade, which a fre- -----0 glad of a easual visitor. <quently been- descri!)cd as the most S[.RIOUSILLNELS"SAVOIDED "Jt's a queer, mad sort of world, beautiful îhing in the worid, is broken, i Îsn't it?" I said. 1 marred. desecrated. 1Mn elu in" bsbe Hie looked at ni e piottusîingîy *-But Joan of Arc 4till rides trium- Mai-a crai[ne.hsbn tbrough the gold-ririimed spectacles. p)hatit before the cathedral," he addcd.'avolded by the Promapt une of Dr. WU-. "No, no," he said; "don't sa ta- 'le statue bas hsrdly been teuched lian,' Plnk Pilla. _These pilla actually please don't say t-bat! 1 have thougbt l'y German sbeilla. enricb and pturfy the blood. and In a great deal about it white I have îeez-i There are stili some thousanda of 'this Way bulid up the ueystem, tone mnd Iying in bcd zrnel it is a ver>' good inhabitants lkit in Rheims. Little, strengihen the net-ves and lnvlgorate *oi.ld, and 1 never knew how izood a chîldren ftiîl pilay fearlessly in the th vital orgiane-con in empy i4teets.Serlous disea.es generail>' o world it wtIs tilt I weiît ta igbt a lp.'sres But cellar dwellersi Franc!" ar tbo ule.from 8ome simple disorder that hau Spiris. IThere is a certain amount of tradebe, egotd Therefore any thia- -Myd and Iligb Sirts to. omeryan Gen are stil, nlig of the blood should be locked up.t He toi<1 me, ini an alniost awe-struck there, and even though there are noouaa migBn.nd ors4ts voice, of the wonderfui kindrneys, coin- raiîroads and very little petroi (gage. luness shou.ld be avolded by the use lot Dr. wiliasPiknl. radeship, courage, dutifulness and un- line) export is stili contrived. 1 PikP lua. lathe endiîîg patience and endurance of the, For the courage andI the rescurce of case of Young girls and womealb.th men with whom he had been thrown. mani live on in spite of war. I o Is ecemthryin am gteuty- "i4 nelver knew thut men could be as 1 i I t btm hn n aey good as, that," bie kept repeating. and te lead te a veneral breakdewn The Words of that Ameîicèan sdioci- (>RICIN OF- OLEOMARGARINE. In health. This cau ha avoided by the master came back te me when a' day ocesalonal use of Dr. WtIIlams' pink or > Ieci-1 hl,&;t-nedtg c, bigButer ubuitue Frstinten4 atPilla, whlch are sultable for the tacet. tLOnddn railroad terminus as atcnve>" Order cf Napoleon liL gis-e yaat ewttto.-,be liw of wounded arrive*çi in a Red Cross gleyu 4e appetite, Improve yeur train., The scene revealed splendid1 It la interesitnirte note thst war,'digestion, toue and atreagth en weak. stoicism and self -discip lie. h~o whichhbati been the -deciding factor'ened net-vos, baniehb depreesion ad h. idle to say there was nover a groan 111 ,nducing the Can adian authorities 'iack of eaergy. clear the complexio and no tnibute te humait weakn esses tO 0110w the manufacture and sale! or pinîplesansd blotches, cure pain la amnong titis mass cf sufferiag and dy- of oleomargarine lanttis country, te back and general weaka«.aa cause ing- men. Yet- there was - such cheer- should have aise bosu iargelX lustin. jthe disappearaCOe o!hedaches. diazl- fulness, such hravery, go much'mental li eStablîahing ft flrmly as nees ad' hart ilutterinO. Qive thee tbonght for others, auch courtes>' and an article cf diet ln Paris, and la !pla a faIr trial and you ulU soon 4o<e; gratitude toward thoâe who mînister., general througýout France. The tacts a wonderfu chne luyur oo ed to them, that I was armazed. are these: 1 Your splrita wlI brlghten. good healh The other day 1 watt discussing 1,Etperor Napoleon 11I. was ansious land strength wiiJ rotmand you wMi courage with a group of soldiersà. One te f urnish Uic worklng classes cf. tee) li a new perses. You Cam Cm. of themn said, *11 wat afraid before 1 France with a substance whlch would; lirai Lins ias,t# mf b went in., ad 1 was afraid afterward, serve the purpos. of butt. bjave mm * o«yor 1éà#Ie"t 0by7*iè but 1 wasn't afraid wite 1 wa l i'"the a&mue propO**In >t«ioar, y"* be a, ho 504 ailtliomudà ofhoos Andthat', the vkw Qf thé ws»jorlty, lino"s eh0A$Y p d.L ne thd ,&le«.sultferrn Iavi beau "Morod to ,êhere courage la cu* rndahe' ofeed * sf'r the discovy of anw heelkb and us u a r sconcerne& TCemiots et9«u « WlUluds Dr. lte awful fear ia retrospecit, but ai-1 started. experlWtinhg, &ud at length Y"em a gm t lis pîle ibougli aY ways st-ng.coui - -lt&%'t-e&-t-- c_.wrl nti uprs mdcs lalro pa.- -n5_&o" -é Bluclc-snd-white clsckd worstud la used for titis stunniag mis-st drues. meCali Pattera No. M-00, Ladie Droit. Pattern in6 aise;34 to 4 huai - Prie, 20 cona. ise Egyplian goose i. c emeli bmigtly coored goose kepi fer -orna-ý Imental pus-posesand rerély s»M lu tâtas country.' h resMbles 1h. wld gçmnse a bpe sud weigbs twe pout4os-, leus Inum u amss are 6ecepte W by mel C*literanda4 Paymstmn lu 3ui 1foitheirflui face value. There teno, botter way te aond monoy ta o boys la the~ If you are net fortwiemtu useugis t. table or bobeacà la oïpe » uom san'. -sndud st 4t-wlb 910- thse itimToPI&peucl~s 'n uJapau pâM icé wlsch a feu '*as ge vas »orted 6ri,0o0oQo -pèneis ~ ï!hoprcUý tlay Uukuoyu te ime"p .o ! oiwhieh caie *fto 'm" tlansd lad,, meriealaao e ucesiy. mazw. But wu theh pouingof t ~~ ~ ~ ~9Paama sitVdtise-ban a-rliung -by Ruropean confiet-Geia ucs builfding, ioe-p1aut. upply were eut off antd native rieni is tbe ivhole Wheti a Unu ! re=ntie re ,were ne les facturera, who badl beenproducinJ rplusl h erto Plats eon=su lOfinluconparatively amal an dtlbl ~ ~ <> ~ disrici whlb comprimestise northera tics, seized their oppertursiîy àandd hai! of!'theoDogdmiea epublie. Now thse Most-ef W .Ila1914 Japan cxpcrl- bak'd *"c * "fwth mift every tova ui 2,500 inhabitants or ed over 9,000,00 tend pencis snd inî âaI.stlite fuitm aotw. mmh»it .--pan i1916 thse numaber lxad increased 0~ ~~~~ ~~~ Santiago de lon Caballeros, 'îith 15,- 180O o heeh (rMginla à in~ 00 inhabitants, thte largest tewn in tion that man>' of the markets wo*i ibis rugen, lias s tes ton plant wbich by tihe oriental.will be hJld by thez sellaîScetai 4 per hundreâ peunds at after the war, for they -bave the ad the. factory and twenty-five cent. ad- - vantage cf very cheap, labor. go-est ditional d1divered. Tise other, towns, o! thse lead which they uw» la importefi whicis range inu population from- 2,500 fraif Indin and te United States. te 7,6S0, bave tee plants cf item co te three tons cupucîy. The pnies cf UA'sLniaent Curos couw. e les at these plant. vary from, $2 to $4 Pet hundred pounds and about 10 A soap, îne griddlo ig an etonomy1, Per cent, additions), if delivered. as il requiresne gzreiasing. It is a The principal consumers'e! ice are'ils Lest afler it lias heen used a gooýl the cales, clubs and isotlIs, but there wie la beginning te h.e a maît demand fer ice frota pnivate families. In view cof' _______________ the____________of____andthe__g, Ni W L"ID EGOS. POTyLTRY.PES -- isehig pre. f ie ai tsegrowiagk beans. hoaoy, cuios a aîed Pttl;h ri prosperity of lte country. it in sur- ~est IVont. Jf.Ar3alt For therested that it mighit h. possible te lu- For t e due so e!fthse largest clubs, estes Chill Daysandhotels o te atheir ewn plants C IJ D y8and refrigerators.N "r batai'AI. e W<toti NDEpRFV Parin Exehange. tlrlstajje building. Burfalo. Nue York. VESI LIFT A CORN w""XICAVEN AND îl1lLL"-S*oeu IOFF WITHOVT T PIN wfldborgs gi-tdest *Owo* n a rs vend beyondtsed ifr aftsrdeatht 40piges- cur-.l eQh ta p 1a nlL M Lwt 484 lft A v*nue. -aronto. JCincinnati man telle how te dry ~O .tIns up a corn or c"llus e I t lfte c l bat.rna ho4" «U mui. 'Yitb Off Wlth flnguae ls lut. ee at.100a114 0 - - - -o WYcu cor&-peatered mon snd womeu need suifer no longer: Wear the alto.. that nearly kilIed ycu boforesays titis Claclunati authouttg, bocause c fow "u drops ot freeoe upgled dtretly onu s «IS tender, achlng ocra or callue. stops itOI 1S1IT sereneas at once sud soou tho cor-n or hsrdeed calus 1~ osofeau be Ilfted con;. soot and aIL. vithout pets. A amanl botte ofrmuxou coules very II ~ yu.Pu 11111eetaiauy drue store, but viii poMl Imalt OM g r - --l1tely tako off .vory hard or soft cotan *MOT'I ~ Lm'~t ror ccliii.Titis should bt tcd, as t ~ 5 J~~r fl Inexpouelve and le sald nôt tPI NO A QTIO 4 ~ tatouthe sum-rcaading skia. .4If your drugaet hasteat reoae tell hl!utogort asmall bottle for you trm m hia uolesclo drug bouse.lit la aile slaff sud sots lite mao ovry M MO.U ask.1s17,dw 11 Mpdutgredil *te ia.Pl brig ui it zeunatc ches,. Au qipilatic cf ica.Uiment wl the psain in diasppear. For o raia, 4lameliacksu*e mck,spahs. use IxIIc, Iwus cun Waiall, Ou -1 vus our, ~is~iuis L Pas-Maie, < nome gocd The Make a for eh* Wwkes TmPle) uun a, dvo i u*.bms.41 limi E*if VI 'Il - -t ýlïl;ýh4i

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