Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 13 Dec 1917, p. 3

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itou. ro ;(i) 1118 . hthoghl 'nd cal-r dtsialbpent ladm ih Ntiutilimug - ,'~'t I t5.5 t, 0.mj Thtle 5 itM«rt <tiuthum illan. and dm l6tem bcoq te cosatructi uWi>. M&st-altu =W a cnlw en>uàm M es, anui .1Ilic rtu»e0r and h iSatug ss*ten'a,iuer<nu< f.. ad tSvice and 'n<er-uauon a«bout 9 ao nibrredln< ad Us. JsedUtu &<aiasa bout tise isunea. de 1Irmg.Co-*"entve aetibota. investg,,eit;. andi snburnswr Tise Wemei opî t he Farta lielsa use n tbm Uer teeue planning am imakiag (ta Iluir kitelci u-mkas In flattei-4 dpetit (0 >chuld- ren -theux" .Ih.redruag and De»i. twse ti ete.. drf-4t& alrnsandt other femle.a,-s ntere%4t ciare W het~ n gardeuint ced fl<wer (;iv" n.-wu o! souena taw". Pbr ai*1 vudL.,torge%. s-cal articles onr. Ool.y .ueiriat > elpertu no(sot srum.areapusse.uen ont-hte Iate,ý4and m'.Ob FARMERS MAGAZINE ishair-bfe 1Mu2%nnY retuIu d-taurimn- a. oae.dt Iouidw .sem a prt»a b. at i.a h >o .aCm. .' FOU Iran i<et ut 5I t b SC S.,Zrliuuq t l IV)per ea Thypre ir" i- sy li butri, .ti i ail if4t-n ro ' leA[ZMEitS M i7[E su yuèu- Uaam 44£C 7b>1 woIl a lisaainer or a Astlsu, eerpais tmI 1Ui4mil~te Have il f(ou-ta tiluihg The prie ii one UnIiar per )>ear. oui '»en d it te pu. and 4remlu ut'a le.wemyeta (c buj t j'Irtcî publabers: The lacLeai ublsdUjiSCo., LMd, li s ;vesaî &va., Terente a' m-q Hirst's Wil Stop Pain, That's Sure Thse thing to do firsti s t.> STOP THE PAIN. fi you have neundagne.yhegma.. tiaixiquussy,,or S&me thier paiszful aiIoect. you have Dot Less living iighî, 7511 have not been eafing th&'right food. or you have becia dosung uouneddiu uhauld not do.i , Nature wiIl cuire you ifyowl give t a chance, but is the meantime STOP THE PAIN. Hiri'a Pain Ex. terminator WinI do it aund do il quiMky.( if ito>7a* toothache. STP THE -PAIN wit HL-eta. Thons get lbe tooth fixsd. y' - --.~ --e ILI. 3 SUP-PORT Vote- foý tut 4f"I th "d fer-kI laig la thse iiit Ge#al-yif b" Te vititdmrawnorvnu d"14 a . anadýian-Firme-es 'Y zlirot sitset me aatz"515 71 711les e lu 'A propre M«AZifeporta . uaaazi..a is fer %»N .jjj Qum UN ION GOVERMN Lîberals and Conservatives arce Unitcd The People Muêýt Unite 0 Ir Mr. sacsairs uttmeis ire~ true tisaithe picshas hed beat hy thtelnioaisia, vhy di i e i.Las irrites gSU bus, cari>' ta the gam. aI de »oMe.burin£ îbemselves? Canada tus von vend-vide fan s-ad glory b> tise prores et ber àm dSera. Shail t e ov hiunirtî te th l>roud nebeordt of sbadonug the wu ,andtirlavIng isefbrave saas 10 suifer1 te th'e eud? À vote te iabandon the vu wiii pieutiste Kaiser migtitly. Dls.ir. 31. J. Haro la îaklnig a ver pronotinced anti outa"oken stand 1 lever or Unicu on ernment. He mail a stirriusg sp»ech on Prlday nlght lmi nut tho Union smeeting ln bte Comuaitta. reoun. ad hi- I. bookedti t speek a aaeellniàg% ii laver of 3r. Smnithsliai me: .et..lDr. Hunre gives grooti reason <or *'ttit- hope btahela la hlm."* l.îrsfront Wttiy boy* ai tlb i<rosu tudicut.te thmt iey are gr-stI3 overworked, Whis l lite renson? Ti rems-on -la that ttern are not enoualt t mi t l.i've lî.m. Il must be re m.nst>elmrM d hauCaaudieaantaît.bhart tihtlr oas» s'urk asatigne thétitu. and lwi-n t heUr numler-s tlwlustile tise re -tamtta îa-r-çiarily havre unto ar ilis '%Ir. tasliair sdnsltied allais womeit*e liiittglit Wlathy tsatiIf mue.qoiý dlers w,,r., rýqilr,'d conscrIption e"i fIlle usly vsay la getithesu. H-e ciaimed, hows-vsvr. istha lucre ver. yet 116.000 maen lit Engisnd wlio liadtint oi hent aas 10 it,-front. 1.t lu lnteresting le know th-asi r. Sinelair 1-s usol oppoaed 10 con- scriîsîlon. Il,' la In grave errer, ioAw- loVor. lui;..tiélng tisat usemen> are net iteredt. luasteati ot 116.000 fighting ment taeluug lut rt-erre lus Englan i lite le, sad tu b.' only 16.000. Theu',.-are usa lî t d ta o f ouutdtd, l rg e nuasher % lot forrt-i-n. construction mess, et Arm2y IService nmen ln sarlous capaclttes. Thia le ow thse 116.0400 menuliq censlosed, Tît" Tufriem(., é'or cail.i attenation 10 tihe factishaItishe Dominion 0-oyerri- ment,. thi'Provincial CG-ecrment and the. Gornu..sîai tis te Unilted States did ti-ss uait te Lake a referendum of thse peojle beoro seusdlnt relief ta tise strîcseu cli>t fHalifax. Nel le have isasre-d ta tits ali oulti be Inhumas.' Il would blieequailly Inhuman te refuis. te eeusd aid te Canadian boys flhtln& desperatoiy fer lb. preservation of env lib<rties lunlFrance and Beigluns. Il wii requtre te usîeti and full sîreuagtb et Great liritain andi aU her *onr ise va lavr ,lad biom ,ljt salUIons eft ider s ogd lu thse wuas suitff be abaorbotiallr tise var'lut*ê clvIi adi ltutsrW l Ut.. -Tisoperaai 11035 « the îbt m»piUtthTrlbw4asit revmbatbe s icuRtasisot&oM. »f-abor. -ot atone on Ibe farms, ht In ailt'. ctUtloëýIr ,ifi**a M Ulm liboalm trous efri pusaulsit brrlatoroeOur armse aittie fruat-*a t tiey om'o lm tske#.t-4ise lab ber etàp% BIt 1 If iCs huma, brosses, s raina or otiier i!ajsuisu frons eccdeaj SOP THE PAIN with lliroC. Nature will doelb.es'est, and do t quacker i you TOP THE PAIN. Hirst's ilPain. Exterinator 25ca bottle SOLD »Y ALL DRUGI-Ts MuAr T jaW.ded'b T. up om s l Us 4" T të 11a0 tosèe wh utt t. Isr M a. ai s d isafwmiy, a ~~paf -or thiskI~ ad Ias suce . seul u h er d i t i. la i aYs erd m ou hi" £uee u RY t I2NDO.WliDn il tk tai. te hy tha testhé QldeJetttht Uiethool JuillertuIl Umcag1ti8reo9boytheNordàer j IUack. Robert T n oinHgh ttThrough (ho g ear conrbutI ps m to ot sà.~ . w w~t bq mmU n t tk uou owîn repiy to $Ui ndis t ia h x r i ble. t ma r . e au th the elo l r U t aeka Ire,. H t al mai ,~s< If Hauw I Ik ü*a,< dHflcbo ys id la bife.~u. fl Co nmplivre 1h. lTr te kax f Wbs. ~ U arg ment, maiehy No. N. W. Rorthe &om I lîl *tak e a t Oeui> wit a. ~ ii ~ ~ ~ , u T. out. lait. Batu r4ay vcu(dm"a s ta th etea u h i i.b e ofhi ut h ji s so he M se i a Êh M i t * g nMm .Thet Minîsterof dthtar uaits..Cas- tees Ulm ar ilond t wa i," bo ys.s hdwd04 ii u ik w s M M* «~sf.M ~ s f.h aj~ eoe m"-t fgue h.poitonIngierlso ai" et e ul oy.ash, ptth udu y 0s Dow n. TD i er- tut whîc=_1hou m anad jetih o nist e d u States U t tak N.oîld g glî~ 0 r et e f S d m r ii a e <ri o i la bisly hoitiah.bavgaGov éItti Receied curnUuil and HncesM .0f ttu oug l thei. flo M nreq u ti sD Amp 4çl.rw tot pa *Rt th U et h I a ouch, e «. Cana eailradum- g rratiu e ?r.pull* el nyerbalnd.>hrney aina wiirci I wM arI t yoto cie priIaîuLu he hatiamc gratitude ma Ifeat teif enesf theok re ow 'i a4 rss u tM h.1w,.. v r. Ca ad t Ho ..W o-dy va epeudnt ____ ___ ___ ____ ___ ____ ___ ___ ____ ___ ___ blosda1miptOi cm« Ho sk Sud Td, titt scntheUsteInt hifoebaicmatr--' - É - - _ ___ soi te b stt g 5.4 ruet. lais uhe vhlclser e tbusiness e prbloapor.antert4ie4a mLn Item it depeudedta VIIhi ty h rjs ud nowtm aThs Fub " i'- ow».U»* cd Uberbistaupp eb thCandPo sito nan rs0 nai e wl o.a e t eS d qr hd w e h Â. ALLN, Dugglt. Withy als ai aiiy a end orhaveta do er fui la thtab. tndrugglatsndlmemileOutarlostolt-s. partea ain ththue of toneen my. zas. Ltd - . lvpdasilan iindusO (1101181,wIre u ne un equae falor o ueAa r p l4 st" h tp o be or th e asi<d mer t th of b sic m a e ri a a a g d l l r t t d r m P P I . y t n v r b l r t e e d a i n s w l e l e I s ;ï e* be î tt euM b"-a e COtofatvmPriiato nth a uc ituCl abêst Ir, Mofay, Dc 24 191 am Md rSupposeth Va Cana oday saidW.eenoi mue bestat hm. oset oîi e«deb id i. b e a e y r m " w l ey u , e an r d Te i t ed S tfa y te i C A SHW The ceu bh. dailry tht ldfbutom nadvasn.an tri~.~~ A1rI gu gr t ha a vteir.sot atholY nd endaypoplin o(obisrcoultr ______________________________________ theo' b estd sein anontas r o to 10p t ho ai .the wy-wat o ul bem tht i ---m ahavydragIndustrieslsI iigh luint quarar..uir lcoieslus th e pure err t ne hse 0lascmaterli eylrlt hs 3.s siuîr Ta lest ho-a , 1Oa0 cOus.2j101 na Strae It ou-nthe co.'mf-om? T e u o e Caie 1nada s us t c arr h iaiss, 120 b ilbi Must ti-a. lifitm.rio:ng to continuemaide hy atdese.Lh are ef clu tee lng Il n ( ey ust o u t w are oaing oa7 ve t n a d B n . . . .1 fai e e lsas r s ci . nl vie ti o sen y roer aîîtlolhti<ts e o "otalktat se.'us uuaroasoabie the> lri lrugt Mr o ITE w' fend Ca n b for billn 4the mm>' natff al ndplras10ouasbe caumxfo eu- r rs ntov ..... li.orrl...... 7 G wh ýla i t suaoraoîhers trgor. 11% lesUsitedae s onger a vialacor. ld Il o rsI lev a c 2îtSrd.Uet rictibf.reburter.. 3l disassî reus for CanAdmi tthe ave. 1h.' m. f e av t a re oe --ra geid eln 1onibiutori s......qun...1 Rs id ustbe arrfiloitRuà rouadmt h u dnand h..ir a saa dfrta ersîo f t e nhuit ar dov e ars . anti IfrAt rg. 17 ut 0 tr lu 2 methmtap o ur wn tesho ry , on.les, Cndat cees t e . a fat h ie '"t ier 2............4 3t àok 00. SO ibn... dhe re atgthen o m -om yu otisellbusiness ofntiselis îrucarry.lut Casaa 12b0e t o aeIDE OK ari% ot vlunterin- i1.cn hoy mst o thewar ursores!1400 in. aricupituralni-i [3 at2 i . res e mo couîry (hn l votatar' e litme tj IfthetInîr Stteatek tsaI 5 t andamitrBank:r........ mti-s it e b rease. . dT To voSi fo rno >er tmre tfo ludeioid a emreaUtleduatRaan et Duer S ye or..I3 BUTTEosvs oR.m seec vo itetulenthe any >ticîaa rin de- ,jilite0fCs nadaTh Uidtaa te.Tse man e elinon ba. Cle,. 3 rown br10 adli . ..utter 75t *ten tisenadat bu t inga teee 10 Onco ff woalk bo hiting th uua ecaue urd - 0 years and uaer 3 years ori i dot . ..n ~.. ... .. 7 Ma nîa orie ante rr li ioy. a ei tt'u ongte a tanl ufactrtaaad Maste orelydrs, aii 111t 5I o u utt .. in 7 .ac or4el i. o dg.o o. atioy- hu.. I..5i64 Mnd i ac ia fr Carada tha to ha-e the fudact eoat iuenes oifrncb tifk. ir river, 15is andIs ri. mIbn. butter i ? G fit pacy be w n alle sanuCn adaaemaoyeT To-a factor In t e r, nd r 1.. ba.d... ...24airoe k n..... . o.... ..i dtioralnto thpeus 0f and-.ti of îh tue uaasv O Um Iesatînadlen Dredre' .bod ~De, rsWod 7 conr hnl outiyeiltet I h-lc ttes rba dnda a gist it nose. 114'ésl 9r.ars of _hoe- % 5 suea bs re bugî tpbyti "igOiar ookt at. ndbuttri ve 2 y nr or mina i te r. e .e. .. 1aaumi 5 ln te for Uioan oernornti l a t t twul atthe ai ttr a aduse iota.... .....435 2 ouesbmt-ad votnxto en a y p rtculr anin-lie o C na a u astrke T e m n Ffl ai S inge reruCol r, I hiio,..... ... 5 6 Io tre an' tc. bt i la ay.nvotaer cu- of1 tal aot mhittld h e 1 ail tins. vo- 15% andanoer 3 anti ' nt 1Ldm "lai ,'7 paperfataleuils On tarie ofpport ingMr. CrDenr lTtis le saDriverdent orMeluyer0fculee, padin....r1,Ist pr5 badean aer... . % pir. îte o ah itadt » atS eslMir. Sicltir a e fts te ewmla ihatte ---t-a--- ies us or - b. t. iN. loaretî, rond-and eu e copus ol,7 o iscpra elng "o g@"M.S U ar~ i> cntnione ersutsbloi lr eth, anAt. n hr e d vtg oie ubiemii a irgg, e mterln vbandayn oli andois . - .1 5 Z C r. am rj *î 7 ia g ru andvenslng s p byttnl M.Ct1 oniu aoytelbrthes*Biga rvet bfarine iaorme 'as hre o loeit eUt t Ineel. tl otwrh at thri e btar o saida"Mie 'ou-TIM bIe ri5tiS aa i ms4bdwlthttodé lsespa.rsareSuporîngtis Unonou bisoccsio yur allt t m r 15 aera...n........... 550(air, àytviîla buta k shraelf theI l . e alty. 0 parto sofi 0f anada.lit artekDier 0 k uIbUn.îe ricevib liais 0f uit.es~et. Tser.isTntabal Isloet aouby etah Wji hitlc s read 6li a ndrtuis, g@i1 V 0117 a *i'and#l Onaio s, orveky PapertiS îthauribiher s~ikr h rd is ~a it ia ats.... , < uVhr184 ey Nlr t-.ti~ cadiats Prear i tobaud otIlRUl toada Il> on a ve thss e Iis ct to .ia i Isse * ad drypitsoni, Poter t" fSoruth quOn ta sPlti Ur. teks an aet lia n lucUdet Or vbetbO- el3A , ry- 10 11 ri e - lp ko Wns b eur . i$ted-n?I« s t. Sincair If aIl wbcas e o th n r e .les" tatv esuaarb t <ie I . -Sàk .. f ew t oneb"Q c k Pm.oi p&peg býIug *bouht., M thbert, varseter s- " el Wl.ad A14 =- A 7n I> y bjp~tatingwnblié & A ar hiltiof r revunei br shedlutb a d ushosare 'Ti rffltradlit«. »t geese, lay*lb.. ot is. trrsoed tru.a .%vc, ropig r. h e vapapg,*I ter bl a y of , a etruggncb a alermns e Word te ,, antold es tcts.ý. ......1 l' & . 5i0' ot. SouthO aarle an c m.e ttho orte Mp reIontinume tiaîusâo taclag betItis t t aiesoÊr eetie nf aî,ad* 10e-no aged e ma à mth.d n U.Sie r balsletpIn Atets I e aft.-ot.anoeeà larknw, n trin ha ar an"Jir 10- *ioTUê,,>,,,,t*co b m4e1 b be0 -

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