6~ f , f.DA WHITWi, ONTARJO0s CANAb~ 1~Htf*SDAy. DEOIiMRRR ii ialq - - -r .' ____________ ________ _________ - , y .~,. - '~' -~ L.. A. G01>FELLOW & Soz<. Publishers s, p-Stop- Tht Couili fCPound gyrupof WlePine and Tarm oughs, Cold s and 290 per boà ttle. Je Et WILLIS lDrmagin ont op ticlan - MEDICAI aro.k nt-. L HALL * Whltby. ýScianton Coal qIMEPOT 199, Stove and Nut CoalI SAf Coul for ThretLieg. Lillit Smhthiog cobI. IF , R9. SLOW, Wi;Lby- Bell phono 9. Home phono 14. Winter Terni froni Jan. 2 Torono, ct- - rd t"-dY befoe-e the pabbc witi. dleacit record for ausceWvÀ voser. A truhiag îm t-hmhool b"Ipnas.thh. t. blggcr nnbette posttoe.ms rpoua, ty Ai-i-sagDow' teenter et enu May,*date. ThousadmiD mm sonb.e qufemi feoffice p »Iiont. Let uë train yee and w wM lde ut rtght. Write to-day for ounet ai-gocatalog w, .1. unit, - 1rtadpsl Cpt. xoagee nd ChaueuS..1 Faroes Waoted!a * luadred acres, noar Kingîton Road, wanted to leafe; alà o poultry businese equipmet and flock of poultry waned- to purchase. Buy or rent property. * John Fishe & C.. a moi sde M SuIdhsg N rWlitlty -Ontario ftul -tata Dealer*..»dates Ms.naged. F otr maanyieiiOlsBroekst. Dell Plions igt i4. Phone 70. Fa~s e Ai Sios ated Ey the 10s0. FamkUWiog 0Ob. Oshawa Nýmalt a a.pcattYýOtlald sellng. ~ ~lgtou %iSOew"-,iùftèe gond re- *ùfo 0ceê68,»Q0 0t.,Welite, 0hw. -*-4*ý - -- - -- -- -- ana the booes wer plaueu ini the pont 9- office. The task of thus prepartngand .......»eT. Of b packing the boxes was no mua 2222.i and thon. w1Io hl ar &ge of thé wark e., ( htie4 neapspf ar" deservtng cfthe odeeDuatUaik4->Y ~ . . .~ the townspeope. Oniy thon. Who have w ?o r, >x, fs.....4.061 seen know the Immense amétint of Wokl à Â1bpnI..........a n lconneo-tten w,$tlithe i1Ci~W & .a.mi. £Iflots ùieî Ding. addrenttig, stamplng. *ttc. «; AT. LawI.r mz>e ug,' fga suh a large nuuiU*r of ChraWaa.t box- etc.......... .......a, es. but the great délight With whlcWah » ,0* .. they wil bc recelved by the boysIn l». ç p '>oea etes .. u,.. the trencheg will'à MDIY fTObY those p ~bxese.........t... ,3 who gave of tbetr tinte and money, saeobxs.......064, To Misa Cormack, who hés dlroed .- this woi-k for the pant thi-ce years. ham b$1...... . 79, f0len a large ubae ofte work, and'Blnei sk.. her enthutlasm and, untiring efforts. ,AdtIono.I Cntributtons r«Ofl have beea rewarded by such a gltt t. sino. tast week are as ' Jowa---. aie- the Wbttby boys oversea4 as 'would doé Phaden. #2; .-ren7 $1; msLut-~ any town or city credit. The tewnn- ton. &oc.: J. -W Dowewnoy. $2: A7. T people-bave regpoùdog Most liberally 14mier, twiue for tylPpa persU; War tht, year. and a@ an evidenW*fe thelr Relief Society. -99 îaurt ,et seeks. generosity, there la a balance tW UO-icTmIkeare duo e 1Miisa !"mTSVlow credit ef the g(tt fend alter may4ng aU for tYpewrltintg al iii, addrmes aas expejîses. The barance rtil' e devoted tO e flVOFA f the. mon frm-Jbe MliI- to the same wônk ln -futue. or If met t&Ty--U*Dttl for USUdg in wrap. requtred, for other .patriotlc work; M Plng Dircla sud ecoveyfug t-hem to the ctcumstaneen 8hall require. th<,-DOoffce MIss Cormack han, prepared a irian- -FAchone et thbe boxes vms Yoeid at dm1l qtutement. whtch, ,tegether-,mit-h $3. This &ant1 # boin ghaaded tou>ter ber books, cheques anif voUchers, bas Ch&&. lode-for forwsrdins to 'lbhe beeix auditd by Mr. J. G. Hall, man>-; IrItlab Raf Croasln tAndon. so at-tu ager ofthtei.Donunion Bantk, and found abox Mi ayb ent to Clarsue 1(odg te be correct. -J WhO 8la Prisoner lni Qermany.- DR. MARS11FFVC!SS.AN1>IW~SuR f ThéUe nit sermon t-lut It bha be oe mly: » Iue4 rin e I« ~ * t-he Prtilece btthe Bt.Ajdi-tw»u i$oj ha*i weor Chrst; xL., nSibad e .entut lui a ttr4 tof suaon.ft*.. QUZ~LJTY SER- V.1e13 Ftuei Controllel, Appeî&JI 40. T f nolé eum~r avi.-nu, wionr roil 'o.t-, Alt#Oeugh' the. Mayor and -Counci htyemir tegeabies. ii 6i â. o td ReJ ut,11, C .i.L ao iu.To. bave enadevored to.-have cou runhd theul t-Obaidtd*o d UO$t--ae en iciil te W h tby te releve the present T eae-tt e hal m s g a*t d f r.A a 2et u t. (Ga r i i , -pTo . Mleyt larming scarcly, t-h. situation ta stili la mot- a money-naktng *tfir. Ward-1 SitWead Ëeia1 uatoFt e, .* aoSt vbry actite. At the Council meeting The F'inance Cormîittee report -%4tl Ug~d JmsCsslCi Geo. Chadwick. Ia on Monday evening Mayor Warren eeînm.nded t-bat t-he roquent of L . GratIr love l iaithIMan. Than This. addition teto tlis.on the ehurch roil are atated tai he had sent a telegram te Blow, for -a reébat.et taxes -on ceal Pt-o, David Bell,' kiled la actiow nu'the the Fuel Controller, setting fort-h t-he sheds at t-he harlhor -be-not grantsf,- The aboye 15 the.eopy'et an lnscrip.NotSe.sdwunegt.Ewr serious-situation here and -asking toi- Aiset-bat- t-ese accotints b. pald: - tien on t-hé brns'êtabtet iwhieb'was u*n- _Bell and Cpi. Charles Fraser, Pte. assistance ta getttng ceoai through t-O F. J. Jones, 1D.R.O... ..$.9.00 vle oqeb u~ fî~lite Capt. William Austen, on t-he honor roll, lsaa Whitby to relieve the scarcity and sui. John Noble. D.R. . .......9.00 Hlenry Lrea ,olyson or prisoner ln Gèrrnany. Mr. Owen cou- fering. The. repiy of the Controil.rs A. R. Rowland, D.R.O. 9.00 Mr. and Mfs&- jfr, Whitevale, cluded lis addrems with t ie beacutfu- Assistant, rcad bY the Clerk to the . George Iobb, D.R.O.......00 l nte MethaitdUere, on Sun- verses endimg wtt-h Counci. was 'tu the effçct that steps J. W. Wilson, D.R.O......9.00 day af terno»ý1st. -.VAryapo ae "Take up our quarrel wjth the tee, had been taken te have a couple of cars E. Copp....... .... ...... 2.20 Iy the. unvilug Of-the tablet- was hy To yen from falllng bands we t-brow hurrled tbrough. but that it was beped Leslie Moore.......... ... 64.46 brother ofilcer et e lOt-h Battalion, The torcb; hé êyours-t-o hold it high, the regular coal bouses would ho ahi. John MacCari........ .... ..36.00 Captailn James Mio, who îs ai t- fycbréak fait-b wlt- us wbe die ln future te supply Ille local dealers I CutoRvson was appoint-ed Present t e~ uluhrecever. We shall net sleep, though poppies wtth sufnc-îeeit quantities of ceai to fill nintn fteMyr h ReeadgIouwunga h rn.bo requirements. Whether as a result of Meurs. otin , et th eloatde ivesln g front meund ed -at the frsn. In i er ied. the télegram or 1101. two cars of cosiMers oliGodela n l nd it hrcwthem eorwe t t or. l iuesed. camne to local dealers last week. whlcb Mr-. Geodfeiiow lntroduced and gave a.d ii-evriiivce héla ln con. CaPt- Moore, lu bis address, paid a were fl thle nature of a-relief, but the the firmit reading t-o t-lrêeby.liwg , iInC1e n witedh tly -R emoywr <u eln rbt ebslt rte-a four- cars o! ceai for whleh uic town iy: (1) To provîde for the. Issue ef de- dUte b tbeReyv À E. Owen- -BA., ai-ms, Capt. MaJor, and ln cloqueni lias placed oi'ders, a month ago, bave bentures te the sum et $6700 for ex- pastor of tue c' 1r c,ldelivored a t-erms mamde it clear t-ut t.e pres.nt flot yet corne Into Canada. tensiqn of waterworks ma-ins, service veir> beitut ltul ridiueu dis- gi-eat conflict lu between the cause-et ILt wtwth these ftacts iu inin thîbat pipes, etc., to provide for payment for . hase 4o 0*- 9; $, 70r Who- freedom, aU personilled by tue &ngli> Mr.Conin rge th Conel onNio- extesio of-th elctrc lghtwirng;seever miii Save hi4'lte Shaw Jose it-.j Saxon races, and autocracy, as repre- Mi- (ull 10e Sht.ConcUl .0eextensionfo! MYe elc-ctb thetTettons.n'T daY e'<entiig toleavu e Stfl, uîturiied 1(2) To provIde for îssulug debentureabtweevrWh'q bslt o iysne y t0Te n. ToMugit waa tCourîtcalapon -ho noyedl that the to amount of $.0200 to psy for îow sake, .the samne ahl ave ut.» The by a volunteerChoir, under the. leader- Corei poitacomintîtce to go to levet-PtmPing station; (3) To Issue'*de- yeung mr-a ge.u 4 po. li fM.E .Danill, opedf Toi-onre to investigate the' coa4 situa- bentutreâ for $1160 for paymnent et se-I ects et a brtUfatýatreer and sai-tee. meimbers of tbe choira of the Whitevale tion and wit- powpI' to buy one oî- two crage laterals. ed hIlalite la tlie c*ýse of, freedom, but -V-et-bodiet and Baptiet Churchea and 0f net 111, vain, for h& md savof hisowi .he Lecust Hill ehdscur;te cars.of 3aeand. otThek :wo rubber factory by-iaw was given soul andi was carryfag on ina gi-eater -umbers were very aipropriate, and ,1r.Baéandi otthnkl wul tîs thîrd readlng and ptiseed. tspbere. It waà mot an ocètelon for [were reudereti excelîently. do auîy good Io send a commit-tee te Reevo Downey referred to thbe com- Toronto, as he said the' coal de-al-rs hiad munication from the Public Utilt donet' heIr best recent-iy 10 buy coal C3ommission, read ait-hde last- Cou>]l from Toi-ont-o ceai firms and cou4d get meeting. advlsing t-lat from JanuM würe müctred last wntek through the for aithue rate of $10 Der lightThe officp oetht-e Fuel Cent-aller. Reeve estimated tbat- the actuel ceaI fie'Dowueythoghtboter ecuts o li. crret sppîed -h à r. Alexander Wktsen, of London. son, Ayresanmd Evaus, sang t-me vbiy cou'ld lx' obtained by getting ilt-o tele- ,treet litgbting wsonly about;1300, iEeadondbiswy o lasgtrouagaveCan1 Crnes" ndbers "Tler Olt0 i gay phione communication willî the varlOtIS and even addlng t-be necessary nmouuî asa onteli wa torAsltheia, gav e . Cress, or sud "Rem emb re O Might fi-ms in Toi-anto l'roîn whom coal mlgbt foi- overheaci charges, t-be aumu sked flO n teetn drs aieMtb n.Tecoras edrdasin be obtalied. for. about $3350, was outrageous. Th e1 odIst Tabernacle on $unday eveulng ou dîd anthent, la whicb W. Ayres -t-ok (ierk White explaiued that lie lied own now pays e1600. o tis tebet whtMr.(OWatsn, t-be he i n te asa sl pa-, Mndy e" already donc a good dent of telephon- Mr-. Downey. seconded by Mi-. Whibveac-mu Mr. Wt-e*ny bas ste n u hM ' Wason hal ou Moaayea- ung-but that lue badI nternded te get- ln-ney, zueveci t-at t-is Couneil strongiylafrtas; melthas 1- -b x itth o i M-. at-sence.avle ta rtalt-e a t-o touch wit-l Toro-to bouses on Tues- pi-at-est agaInst the proposed lncreased fot nwh nbtg'ailrwtbgotszi uine i r~,a a tecondions la the t uaig capslunjextremeiy eatert-alinag, sdpe fth day. It- was Iberef9re arranged t-bat the charge for st-i-et igbting. That andEglnd.- lîtaeee t-eatly Mayor- and Clérk shouild ecudeavor ta Council la et the opinion teat the pres- inm maltLng -reter,. - t-o t-le erq- Intiso cme speed luit-o thbe firims f rom ent- rate la sufficient t-e psy fthc cent ef plaints th4t hl d nDvpbllcty ^as teo which t-licocai lias, already beemu order- supplyinig t-le power te t-he towu m >n.*aUt-y amna ý nafn oiles WHI'I!BY -CHORAL SOCIETY. ed, and ta hi-y also ta st-cure mai-c If Mt.Cnî bugt lwtibebt.M.Wa- suuLhsades tat nntrslg usclporiba possIble. t-ci-Ê4 appoint- a commît-tee or have thitheremsn aa o nu ixe-.hA>ute oi. t-beusi--c oner-l At tbe eud of Oct-aber t-be Clerk plac- whole Ceuncil mccl mit-t-ho Publie.* It-Woninsvîtabît- l a o rn g el en iy -laohtbh ral ocîty cd orders for t-mo cars ef ceai, paytng tiy Commission.Hetogttebdlrea e Iç M é îty oa Sctý for tbemn taadvanc(. and placet! orders t poosdwa uHetoohoug-h bât omithr oldb oo Ld -b ut bi nMonday eveninÉ for two more eariy ln November, lîke- raroped a was uuh tegl ,b taa hcte.buteh'ster f.f -u« oit-imintant. wise paying for t-len>. To date noneue rguta iwas prelynda boter a e Ahairn-etfimmMIri nadit-ion -t-everal hieb clans part bas arrlved. sible reduct-ion could ho reaclted by a Wlerùe 'thesaU, bt f 0lot1aoceioan by a hoir of 60 volceaÙ The Clcrk reperted t-le resultofetht-e, confereuce bet-ween t-be t-we bedies.mr - utmtnayli'f -aSGMU ie ychoir 0f'r. ErneatO' _votimug ou the -i-ubber tactou-y y-law ns Mi-. Goodfellow t-ook t-heamre view, çt-y1. any oeuntry , OCià n afo >1,tiem-ornicl valoos tellows: For Ijie by-law, 347; against, t-balmore could lbe aceomplisbled by athant a t&&êsr a ns ou. '.t- quret, ut , o reciain aby s VOM âioà u 41. Necessary- t-e carry 259. conférence t-Ian by vigorous protest.i-esîjtstht-e Umttin ttq.e- Iaî.mabret, o to oit*sy, sud ioli The Secret-ary of- t a O.O.F. En- without soetedeflaite movethi mnet t-h he "itm~te t bte Ctan. solos eby s f -teSty,, aüdei aoli. campaient, Geo. Moiat, Jr., requested Commission. There was neo-turther and Bill 64. nt af v o. bY olIst- z TiiaPuto. çà os bhait o! the lodge t-be use ef the support fer thts suggestion, however. g -!ý o. Music Hal for a meeting etftthe lodgoý and t-ho motion carrted 08e.lnldâi sente tinte in Jauuar-Y. hi wuld b. The neat jýeguJ r eèti «- th i r5i0..Tii' T~ts h -.Beoyielnl ho persoa hler. frem ail over the. dis- 18, t-h. lth bq&ng e!.eetion, dy, .te Y hte-whic waq'a. okent-W hP -ChIM t slut-s tOwn sie euu i t. t-net-, and ttUése wIll take part ta t-be A special st-atut-ory meeting tl o leb art- l aisat i'ia tienoyt urt o et a s pellart ti . r- socal mddane wic mii h hid n-probablybbe eid on Sat-urday. Decern. wpunfd oeno - ~wufp.s edî'tOaJae coe rt n atroê»ruof the-t til thbe early mornhîug train reaches 1ber 15. $aimer«.tg. h l1.h - Beetre oht-to er. 'sulleai pt- Mn. W~tson aif emPUmet rôn&sa, a Upport at tlt ocr - t-ete 1val o f Canadiasn, sud 16ld -oteneorffl tUb. isebers *ê. ýù#ittme XMAS i@xE& NFR waîrey BOY<S oveRIA ~-1îtini~wht-he- e~thuib-Oao uuewn ttlt iad mon unfYlng Iglory fer Caia hneu lie ad Whuýà t-b ewt On Sat-urday tant t-hofnual work et The statemnietfollows: adMoth-tani I t@ flOt-O ý teAU -rauà t m.ii'at-t .Wiilust- packlng t-be 122 boxes destiedfofr ne 'flo T aluerael. ïaawei Ã1166, toý]0eta tératq"0wI Whitby boys overseas was completed.' aanelu ian aT unnîn. ba-M.Wa-an."hmit-,Ië _ r ad M tk u lU tille -.poseF88 nô t expeiBua!ve npucv ftuelinosceor .uyDay -Woôrk Booti. for wlII IL4 local el-~ Qul -2 ï cau Ion, A. . 1awler The 4rocer WITBY Phones:z-Bell, 4'ý; Independent, 147, The Nà imi-Rý m Ar for shoes that ate styish i durable qualities, y et ar'e be met with -in urutroig bluWoni9ui B oys; "I see Our lHue o Men and Boys, atyur ervUewith AtThLo t