Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 29 Nov 1917, p. 3

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"-tpr tWo c as.s-hi weretreferred te flic- WTibtnad traom àthci- TNÎbunale. Thése -. WWe pet for ' Monda>'- niorn1ag. lta aI tborwet-e 11,& cases. beard by Wkitby Truuahi Po. 222. or (hoe 16Z Ct the app>ttcants memsureti up -tri andard, or wnOre olîgib1o. for service. ,Vitix of thos ci-e denleti exeinp- tien, andt teive were givea exemption t«r short termes. la reatlty the Tribu- -biat seiected 68 àptn for service, eut -- et a poasibl'é 100. Tho-te were 76 per- 80e-s le categorie. lower than A, anid thesoe de noi cone wfthin tlits cati. Whitbys percrg-ge. fberefore, aven: --.agedaeari>' 39, ibich (s probably on" Of. (ho hi5iep4 la the Province, The foiiowin euaes were handleti sinn mt weks report: Richard F:rice, attendant. was lut fie second categor>'. B. Morris Shaw, a farrn baud working for W. H. Bei, R. R. No 2., Whilby, m?.y remada vwhet-e la, n.a-s le Is ln Aiother younX farmier, George Ed w-ard Wr-ay, bocause of bi-lig in F, Categoq, May <iglt itlie Hun liv lino- ducseg. Tues, Wood, cou , XWlilby. May Balie*t Opini0à DocCav ontion,. eknevu doua so 1 couilti ot do my houswork. 1Ibad octowdEti Iqi- e nitrIeti abetVIe A friend toldme i'Z«I*OLÎ- alee i ni' doctor about it, matih. epledIt certayins thé b.tm.dUine that =na b. hati toda>'. -1ceUdnt- give y-ou 00>' betti.'1 took it- andti ida> 1 am as volta au srog a& n oa coulti wish to bc, andi it% v Vîol that -savei ms.5-Mru, Prank A. Moi-- key Aâh St.. Bedord. Ohio. *eguarate.OÙifmous ced iver an" iron tonic for al mauch conditions. AH. ALLUN, Drugglat, Whitby; aiseat the best druggists li ail Ontario toîns. de ltp sauie. takft the oath or to agirai. He dtd flot Harriâ -Est-i Wallace- la flic nmanage-r Pr0Iduc& aîivdecumentary prooj as to et lte strod!ico housa 0( bis uncie, E (,ho. ttttits or bla particular sect, and B. Wallace of Glen îDhui Parm. Hi&s 50 lie IviIi ftght unleesl the Appeal Tri- unciêe appliid for hi& exenmptioii. daim- ijunal itels him off. 1IL9 th value Of bts ServiCeS t lie ba-William Robert Iticiardso.li. frJiner, ium. latbuappîlicat ion waits ratîsterred Oshawa, category E. to a Moaitreal Tribunal, by request f > Hector Cameron. faraier, Oshawa. Vie WYhuîby Tribunal.- fanmer, E. 1-Lnry Charles Ries, (arnmer. W %hi:- by. M2, dlld t appt-ar.'ami was di,,- Chas. Plum, 1s. agent GTR.. wbo, allowed by defauli. wa for a tliep ai thie uîî-town station., MrsChiiii ofBroklii, ppert- inbu t who is now at, Por-i Perry. dld flot, support of tlie aim ot ber son, Fred- appear. and was destied exemption. ; tek Hay Chiait. The young mani George Jaines, farnier, ýWhbyrae w1yvetslit Toronto. works Iu Robertsons gary E.b.cae ciuî4> tactory and la tbe ckl<-f support Claretîce fltwrougili Brookliîî. Tarin- of bis inother. The- Tribunal tIdouglulfer. waS denifrdexemption. althaugi l e lit would look tveill itikhaki.j . , tflicOnIlY beLP O!tais fatiier ont a A native of Endia. evideîîîly, Inter farin of 100t acres. Slnit. ib> nanie. who works for R. J. Joshia Maudsaley. Whith'y, arin lab- F1--*îiîu, Kingston Road west, wag un- orer, category B. abita lu ualiry. beint- in category E. Dewart Richard Cai-rutlier.ut, fariner. W. R. Wet-tlake, Wliltby, waa alcw Whiltby. Isln lB1. eti exd-nmptioîîtiltI (lass 2 are callod up. 'Erne-st Rlussell Allîti, fariner, Whlt- iFarold (lully. accouintant, Milltary by, E. Hosplui, Caîe gory C. Fredt-rlck Farrow, gardener, Oshawa,' Fri-derick W. Jones, Whllby. trgrç'- E. ler. categor C. Lois Dtarborn. Oshawa, set up R MW-llingtonl Collins, con. 5. Eazt daim of beiîîg a coiiitetntious object- W!îlîhy. wasthplitefrst coiascientious oh- (orbill as lie liad been a soldier ln jectbr beforo tlivi Tribunal. He said lie France and Belgluai lie was not again belonzg(-d to the Latter Rain and Pen calied uipon to serve. tecosatl MoNenient. He dec llned toi Hughl3ennett Magow au. accouitant, p e W4ktiflg~ wait uour~i Andrw L Oriuigti Lib"u Z-', ý, -," Gerge atoar, SOtiopiifap, -watts>', wub not-auocasfui ln>hM4 applicatIon. oves tbough'bis vocation la Impôrt ant. Attfred iennetlt Brookes, machinlat, Whltby. denioti exemption. Re wanted' to e ho r-exalnoed>but (ho- Tribunal denlei hm. Harir Daunt, an eleetriclan, w3xkng on the Brooklila Une, whose homejlatu Delaware, Ont, wias qent (e (he Tr3ibu.ý ual- ln bat -place, Chai-les Wmn. Lynde, farmer'. Brook-ý lin, e. Chartes Grahamu, Port Peiry, Lai-mer, donioti exemption, He is the son o,Ç Thos. Grabilln. thme mIlitai-y represent- ativu. of the Port Peri-> Tribunal. Ho oins and works a tai-m of bis own, Win. George Bui-ns, et Oshawra, son ot a member eft(he Oshawa Tribunal. was sent ht-ie to hocticaît with'. Iis tather wrote a letter, settlng fprth i-ca- sons for- the exemption, but (liey wiere not strong enough te -,et -the young man off entirety. He gett(lil January 10, oni>', LETTER FROM A COUNTY 'bLD BOY -NOW IN THE C.S. E-ar EdItor,-I lurnet wth (bmnucli1 Intcresite othe' reading of the GAzF-rI->t ANfi C ofîrtu;e Naiember ISth, be-!J cause of my> Intintate acquaintanc*i with se niany persons meutioneti ln. that issue in connect iomn witb the Wtmit- t by E xemptiomi Tribunal andti ho South i Ontario Liberal ýIass meeting. - Througli ttese yeam-s of lieart-reud-! (tmg war 1tLaan aid Ontario Coutl> -- - s,,S e55 M Nb. ColÙ L4O M~tIi 3 - bus, Ni emb ita.' -1917 ý itis e . cieeék Chl o>ll ~ iwèeln aè-Freenedi't Oo t e , Union S.S. X., '.'-496; -P wlth by pu triotie conmittlea'and 0%m- libe" is an olit-scboo1tnatèe & minet. Bu*ckeir &3plltifte8. J. - Guaiais, 2We ibave aJonk-e2term1nated_, lle- YS h~eld la lgh irespect by blitel- îcl blti, a-5U EITR 4i1~Ufft4fyUAmeïi , adthe -to-w *tidents. 1. teel, iihm ht iy 10 r. D. S. Holgsalai-y, s C Anadasought Io lie dealt .h ie -a trteeidtiosacrifice WXi. PUi'rves, slai-y, $;;Wm. purve SauayDetbr -uco si n'mm eptig the tmiântiun et ýbis $5,25; Oliver llubba-d, wi-e fe1efet25 co-ws, -thse-property orlffarry 1li-- party, at -hte n-at the very $15.5ô, \ansttat Biindel'sote, t il gretet f acrflçi. iaPàtriotle:hon-' MOVed by Ur- mGlover, se1ae 1byi t twr.o ick hrW a'-ai for-.Party! P1'èrsna mbitions! Wbat Mi'. Pascoe, that membersof the rCefa- lq ee.. I!.&-.UJ.. ~do thèse count for at thoç criais et a cil be pada0 oti:-,Da-ô-, IWdedy eebrSh-r<ï Nepialium uiur Icountryi bîistory?, Shame on the Cmi- Reeve; $70: John Gloyer, Deptcy.Reevse of 60 ee ctte tacluÇreit atls io trois tese(o te lasud$65 H.L, aaceCouncillor, $"o0; elfes-s, cows, etc.; also .horâs and' ColgeS~TOIOOtP tu-n hlfi- fonm.thé -duty that lies flear- Levf Ellns, Councittor. $60; j. A,.o- m sep h rprye-Ewr o:t, th e w:rs ofa re - theuamds i, Ngo. tM e -ghe, th rei ofAwd -- MSMI E st gfthe wu rtsetal inome heu- it,$8. movei, secondetby gh, lot 18.,con. 7, Pickering, . WF II UE TIA NE M E MaY the voters 1 of uthny Ontario e y- . gauctioneo .r. De.., Mi. Editor- Of eyes- enat their wny watéhlng thel-__________ Thanki for yourimdness lInal*Mvehg eutcome et the cleètionà ot December me the piivilege of appealingta yeur 17th, and praylng (bat they may bel i-caders tb]W-Christrm stime on IenaUl ise eaough te stand behind the Un-I -tJ4w Hospital for'Sick Cblldren, thi Ion Ges-ernmnt sand Vlctory, If (he!1 &"Sireeeot et ail Charles," 'wbhiehau boys irbo have tone ssnd are detngIfl J as its mtsste3Jke carset the he)lîcs, their bit ai-e net given whole-heaj-ted l e t - thé"sick the rpple t and&t f eormed. support and the Cana ian l ne he d ate There nover was a year lan the bis- fuit trength le the united efforts et tory of the Hosà1tai uhen funtis tei ail par'ties snd ci-etds, each lnulvidualf - carr-y on th. work irere -more needed toing bis "super-bit," ire may be foi-cedwllb bed tth fI1ivn t esad " than noir. to irail treai the depth et oui- despair wl ehl tte0 igtmsadplaces. Your purge la tlie Hospltai'a Hope. "'God save oui- splendid men. ill of whieh will be addrlessed -by Yeui- meney lights thiq candies et - BrIng (hem safe home again. -- mercy on tihe Christmas trous-of Got cave oui- men." the troubled. roadway of inany a Jlttle think that because one party bas noteat bthe osiapltsao-g Ptsd etya-yBrtDontW .S I è,u .. lite, been able te ýpush (bis migbtlest ofI Uno Goeum n Se t arn asklng yen for aid, for theada against (ho opposition et mati nil oyrmn Càndi4ýte and some of aie foi-, open purse of the Hospital's frlend la Ithat fhere shoulti be a change of iead- ilOwing speakers the hope of the Htospital at Chi-tatuma. ri. Remove tlhe opposition hy support- just as the open -door et the Hospital% inthm e Union Goverument. and ,in 1 Fe La FoWkeq x . mercy La the hope eft(ho littie chilltren place of heing a di-àg on -the wbelsa o etG iro Ihi-ouglieut the'year. * elp puslitheh id chariot Ex R bet rlrsn,- Cells on generouis hearts are mas>' Yours very truly, I '* Me Ioltby, Dr. .Eiaie, .1.G Ir boy. tiave nebo my nette nmgn ueeause 1 mn tase aimes. Lalits ou n te spital' ot my pride in Canada andi the part' ai-e Man> ai ailtinties. -and ese&-ally the Canadian boys have been tnking 1 ben foot anti fuel anti drugi anti ser- in thrs cemîfict for hurnanit>' anti the1 vice ents ai-e soarinïg -hlgk YOU saf et>' ofdenerattc government. At: know t(h bgb enst etliving. Do'you the pt-tsent lime If is- qulle difficut know the high cost ef healln--of to answer tht(- polnted questions ýasked helpimmg the heiples o ha#)plnesâ? nie lit regard 10 the futurt' actions et What you do (o assit l he(h bebt in- thle Canadiau ipeopfle on the- question of vestmneat-You will ever make. "The- Seleclive Draft- or "*Conscrlp- j Do you realize uhat tbis chai-ity Ia tlon.» 1 dolag for -si1k chldi-en, not- only et Il appears t uts on thiq sidu- of th, Toi-ento, but for aIl Onltrio, for eut of tLm& o be Impossible (bat thie Can- la total Ot 3.74ù i-patients lant year milan boye cati be deserted by the home 1 646 came fi-om 254 Places outsîde of folk after making sucli grand sacri-1 Toi-ente. The field te Ho Hspital'&' fices for (buse wbe lRave remainet at 1Service cavre - the catir. Province- borne. It also seema (the betgh l-m4iom lthe otta watote e ai-off Kenora folly t hat because of -Party Feelinîgs"- fri (ho bordera eft ho Gi-eut Lakes a portion of the Liheral Party et Sotith te the faithest extheriy district.. Ontario opposes conscrlptIpn. Unilon- The H-ospitai la dolng-a mai-vilous Gotrernmenî anti a leader <St- Robert f woi-k. If you côuld se the ehîldt-%,it Brei-c) .wîh a clear-cut poiicy to fol-. wlth crippled tui ih,- club teet, andi otlter deformîies, ybho have left thie H.-1ospîtal wlth sti-agh(ened lîmbs andi perfect correction, your retsponse ta oui- appeal -weuld lieA-nsant. la (hoý Orgthepedtc Departmns u at year a total et C30 lu-patients wer. troated; and 1ru lthe Out-Patient Departmtn 4eéwcm-e 1,946 attondaices. Lot your mone>' andti ho HospltaVsa curses the lires, crippites l lb tering littie euitisa. Mess>' mobilise.t(ho pou-ms of help m sw o e - s»d heallg for the. Hopltal'sdrive day anti mlgbt aca"t tke tronches leber. disas ai& pain -asi death asIthe Iles o e it. oas (enrbai tt, ieyrlidolln"t6u dio (ho Ho4al -adollar mubsclbed. tate h bert>' lmoi (bat copen (he" prisons udf pain axd4 (hoBïastillesoe diseaso, ndi sOttslittis ohuidri I te brhethe hDpu-eAli, 4 titit.filic l ho ese>' of Ge<s -sunlight. Wl!youSe»ad a dollar, or more !t S- you cam, te DonulasDvitison, Sete. --tary Treau rer, or t e - - -- - Chi-marot(hobar oJTrustee6 A.W. HoLLisDAN-. ___Ritsh Cit Mn nesota. FUST WHITBY COUNCdL. Cotincl met this 4ay. Ail themmr- bers were present. Reeve Dea rborn in the chair. Communications 'recelved- fgom W, P. Dobson. Thos Morris. Hy- à o-Elt'vtrlc, Commission, W. A. Ntç- Lean, H. A. Butt. J. E.-Fàreie11. K. C.. -andi the Siel( Children's Hospital. Mir. Ellias, seconded- by Mr. Glover, m9ved for leave to Introduce a by-law te, appoint Deputy-Returning Officers, Poil Cici-k and I >olltng Beoths for I holding the Municipal elections for the year 1918. "te by-law was read thrce tlimes and passe-d. Mir. Ellis, secondcd -by Mr-. Glover, moved that Floreace Probert be given retund çS taxes $2.74. CarrIOd. Mr-. Paco. sçconded by Mir. Neabitt, 4bovod for lé*ave Wo Introduce a by-Iaw- to -authorîze the Reeve azid the Clerk of the Township of Easit :tby te signun nagreemen. wltlî the Town oe, Oshawa und Mrs. Margaret Conant i- ipecUng the opentug o; a road through lots miumbera S6sand 7 ln the Broken front concession of the said - Town- aýhIp'%f Eust, Whitby. The btyiaw pass- cd the Council andiwuras gned and ýMoved byjifr. Nesblt. scondeti by?, Mi. Ellaso,.that the Clerk andi Trua itrer bo granted-ts uin et $25.0 0 -cover :posta ati -4uawtai. Vried. xeItoeti byMr-. Gloyer, ded 1wy Mr.wàd ittatat the.foliluaecounta Jloads andi Bridges.-P. S. -Frech, uon, $500.' 8mue1Gluer. $26; vet.t Morgantt *.Albert -Toms. $44,60; Trho&. voe,455;Jhn Wilson, $1.70, W. F.Pob-n,$1Î.40; -Sinclair1 Bre.. 5,4; D. W. RoQgers, $12.70. ~. ~cboo -0. ClUIox ... o. il soF. La Mason, Wauh+den Of the. County, Mayor Conant, à * Oýhawa, Capt, Jam'eg MNoore, MW.D,i- and o1iher.s Intludlng -ladY:-ý speakers North Oshawa Brougham Seagrave Manchester Pickering Ra lan- Utica - Claremont Whitby Greenbank, OshaWa Brooklin Whitevale Port Per-iy - riday, Nov. 3Oth Saturday, DPec. at - Mondair, Dm ,3rd' Wedesday,,Det. 4th Wedi"y. -Dec. 5th -TltIay, Decjlth r riday, Dec. 7th - Siaturd'-àyp'!Dêc. Sth-: - MondaY, Det - Oth Tuesdav. Dec. t Thursday,,Dec. Tuday, -Diie Friday Dm p.me * 0 Tué8day, IJeC.> --1Wedîesd .w Dec1 both' at-pm Other promine4 speakeri these meetings later. Ever.Vbodv J. F.- GRIEI&SCk4N wil .ani ,DR .H 0W .many_ Victory Bonds flaie y*ou., boughtP Have you put yourself tô any real in-e convenience to buy Victory Bonds? Have you denied yourself 80111e p leI personal- gratification, so that you' couId- invest the money saved in Victory-,Bod? Have you realized personal self-sacrifice -tg L'oan- a great .success Unfil you to hevery limit n&t~ dp'ne 5: 4 r all at 8

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