Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 22 Nov 1917, p. 5

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'mber 2S. ý 1Bible Clasea ,t 10 ýaîd 7 îî.îî. ADouble'Vstb 'Il Feet of Jt9ilr, srnions on-'Tiie Compare 'thes ,prto.eowIV" e ooftI. Ipaz -buy early you wiII stave M6, ey sud am rh secure anything in ourstoe fr Comnmunity Silver Ihermtsu, Pat.'icisa sWdieoegan Pattema Prices delirvered: 12500O. Siieraton or Patictan tea spoonit. a dozc'n ...... .... $6.00 235tü1. Coffee Spoons, a-dûzen $6.00 112502, t)e-ssert Spoons, a doz. $11.00 125-1 &1. Table Spoons, a dozen'$12.00 125(#4. 'Mediumi torks, flat hand- l es, a dozen....... .... ..8$12.00 125(1.5. Dessert forks, fiat, handilez, a dOZA4si......8 ... 11.00 12506<. Individuai pie forks, a dozen ............. ......11.00 12507. Medium knilves, hollow handh's. set of six .. ..... $9.00 I 2.508. Dessert knlves, modclled handies, set of six .... .... $7.7I5 1-'509. Medium knjives. modelleti V hanâles. set oLsix .... ....8$5.00 12510. Dessert knives, modelleti liandles. set of six ...... ..8$4.90 12511. Fruit kniveg, modelleti itaudies, set of six .... .. ..$4.50 1'-1>512. Orange or grape fruit sposet of SIX ...... .... .$4.00 I modelied :haridleu, a dozen. 87.50- Bassett's prive> 5#c, a doea esàl, in tome cases 76cv. Adozen lems 12560. Sugar siiell, each $1.00, Bas&. 12561. Butter knife, 81.10, Bamsetî's pricp..........ec 12558. Berry spoon. cacit. $3, Bas>- etî's price . . . . ..... .. ..$2.00 12659. Coid nicat fork, each, 82.00, Bassett's prie.......... ..2 Alarm Clocke 12836. 30-bour, American madie, nickt-l.plated alarm dock, vitit cou-,ý craleti bell. Plain Arabie <iai. Aev.1 cuirate timekeeper. Guaranteed one i year. Price delivered 82.25. Bass- ett's pri«. 2&c. less. Our Alarn Clocks cmbrace a lUne In price frai» $1.00 to $S.50. 12836. Weil made alan» dlock witb nickel-pla.ted case. .1ias shut- off lever andi 30-bour movemnent. la glaranteeti for one year. Prive de- i i vert $1.29. Basstts price $1 .00. Bassett'a prive 50c. a dozen l's. boyGo 1847 Rogers (auy pattern) 32472. Real £'bony m liary brush- g etç. finest, quality stiff, hanti.drawn. 12550. Tea spoons. a doze» ..$5.50. extra long bristUes. Price delivereti. 12561. Dessert spoonà. a doz. $10-00 a pair $2.&0. Bassett's price 50c. 1±&52. Dessert tanks, a dozéïn $10.00 plar les 12553. Table spoonsi. a dozen.$11.OOj 32673. Real ebony mllary brusb- 12554. Table forks. a dozeut. 110ne with concave baek andi good qjuai. .12565. Hlollow handie dessert Ity of pure bu-ites. Prive delivora'd knlves, a dozèn ...... ....1500 a pair $2.76. Bassetts prie c,c.a 12566. Holiow haudle table I pair lbau. icaives, a dozen ...... .. ..$16.00 32674. Real ebony military hair 12557. Butter sprenders. a doz. 19.00 bnatahes with aite rows good quai' '. 12562. Dessert knives, solid model- liy white bristies. An exceptianal led handios. a dozen.8., 7.00 value. Prive dèliveroti, a pair, $2.25. 12563. Solid bandJle table knlves, Bassett's prive. 50c, a pair l'a". 327.~lebonymrilitary hait- 'brualea. soeldbaçx wlth attffI, haàda4' drawn bristies.Vet rrical Prive delv«ed. & potr#42.5Basa. ett's prie e. ,-a paielysa. Sft àÙr large tt&Ï of Mmos clotes brusithait bru i atimaL- cue glecmo.' ParWsian bry s;tock ms4ytitng that la Bot clama AIL We have hair brushes, however, as chesp as $1.24, sud lt ipite up te $6,00. Minrora maulcure pieces, and anyliuing thaVyou muay wn( at Ilke prices. Ail we ssk of you 18 te let us show you oui values. Ouir ivory ls ast grained celluloli. We have watches ai $1.50 to $110. You mau Bave money ou a *'atcIt here, andi be sure of whai you get. 12620. Womcn's O'slze huntlug sty le vaicit vititFortune quality gald'fled e. cornes plain for manogramn, or la engraveti patteMf. '12624. 7-Jewel Walthani more- ment- Price delivereti $12.00. Bass et t'a prift Sort ions. 12625. 15Iewel Walthamn fIo0ve- men. PrIOeLdelivered $16-71. Basa- ets price 60c. loua. Whben you invefit ln s a lcit Malte it a life-time invesinient- Psy en- oug It o secuire a vateit that ls madie to give a lite-Urne of reliable mer- vice. Do not miss seeing oui ladies* wrtrt dchtes. $12 to $40, 'Pisait' We sou ail gQod kiîîds of Jewelry, Watches, Clocks,- Canes, Umbreliaso Fancy,- Goods, Fouatain Pens, Rings, Safety Razors, China, Grafonolas,. Society Emblema,4 Diamonds, Spectacles, and we fit Glasses, as welI os do ail kinds of IRepaîring tà Jewelry and Watches. Our inventory shows that we have a stock of over $15900Q. Our prices are as low as the quality o! the articles we seli wiii shlow. WE CAN- PLÇ.&SE YOU. R.N. in the Block with the Balcony, Brock Street South, - Capt. James Nioon%, wto vent e-ver- seas witl lte liStît Battalioit, viii I aîîegak hiu<le NMusic Hall bote on Tues- LOCAL HAPPEINGS day evening, November 27th. Miss Got. I pîo-uided by lte Miltar.V Houliai I ~IFsani. Silvor colotion ln aid-ot lte ISoldions' Coinfonts Club wark for titi- - rceturne.d wound-ed. A %Vaf-nnauîFotfrillot'eln <or Xnas. i3assett's.j We <-gret t10nte ltedeath 0f the wivtf the cediton af the Bowtnanville Ieviric, eatdti xtenti aympathY. Fotuntaiti Fens, 'auraiiteod perfect la fevery way. J. E. Wills. dnuggitt ànd opticlan. AIl sites boys' fleece-lineti underwear reduced ta 49c. por garnent ai W. G Walter8', SatuTtia>, November 24. GIRL 0F TWELVE DIES. Hilda Norma», a tUile &irlof 12 years utf age, who lived willa ber par-~ ents lan te soutiher» portion of the ton», died ait Saîurday last at'or a leîigtlty, lineesfrein titbercttloails.The luneral ai s ielti on Monday atternoon. A» Englisît Carvinfi Set for Xmas. IavidRon & Waterhoulet are- nov - partners in tite garage business fong»- e-ny carrieti on by %IcKtnley & David- son. laupravemonis have reeentiy bec». inate te lte bulding occupioti. Tht. youngl-ustness basalresdy hienume wel catablaheti anti-rfei't'a a verY lteraI patronage. MeiVs whire- Initial 811k audites' ch iots, regular value 76c-.saeiesle 49c. ai W, G. Wsjtea-- Reserve 4Mondai-. Novrebr 5tb. for the oncert b>' tht o urd o be givon -tu he.Maglase 1MÂ&1,coNw eariy sud.se "Mad»feareua" ad ber compay Pl' youus fotliowvers. O.>'vii giv tbl~ hui-ri voboru t *b*"- Aasis; S -'4 centlL ' ceenasaqu4s l<eep tu i md -thb, Stch soel tàl Si. Andrew's Cituretoùe». ýrl4Ayeven- Iny. Novenuber 30, isBal tof0.L. C., viilgivo the addrvss et th r »e- Opticlan WHIT-BY Piatinutu ant igotti pendant* anti Lavileers for ladies, $I.25 te $200.00. Friday c-eniug. %;oveibrr lOtit.,-wIll bbe ehe culsin e(the Si. Midrew'6 so- cia by thei ladies ofthUe Preébyterisu (iturvht. A itrogri vIich itii-l I keeptng wth ii itai-e cf ette cocas- ka» viili e -prerldedi and tefrr"bet s viii ho servtdLAdmission 2s*o Mes»'- bers snd frI-ldouis thla.e o-egatton ar" urged t attend and support thé efforts -et the teles Ib.Admission 26e. Wttiiay tioatScleis trptq Tise Trelaurrof the Soldt fra' Coià rO- Tn 3101 Mouday evénlue MJ forts Club wlsahes I» a4novlegme iti1h, ICe.p te, dae trf and t anks receept ,cf te Ohowlog dons. lfer tuntitel' a*ounme0nl. (ton& for titir Christms wOtk'- 81-__ dents etfhltsoP Bethune Coll' age it -_ awn, -25.75: stittents et Ot tatieLad-Md O&W 0 le-i' Colloeé.Whlîby. 413: Mi',. i nria w~e»o(*Rlnlitot thé- ans Toronto. $1: a les-tnd, 25e. - ItéU",ailit td ef AnUahs - - Illh.e dwattb45$dsaoe Mr. Aimer Wortelk, eof -Torete, là tu lova for a fi-v dayb vstttint atie homeocf bit fater. Ail ladies' Jabots anti colia. s-i-gt lar prive 76t. te 81.00. -.eprtve 48e' cakh t aiW, G. IWlters'. temarket.-,Weý have cuétmens who, hatehad themi in steady.use, for 28 yeiars aud are still giving god, serviée GEO.M.~ IEWhltb ~erythmg :là,u auwape at,wmstPpgie i The W*r IBetSoclety wabte, grtofully. seknowlMedgo ite relpi of 47,00 ýfrom Dr. C. F. MeGillIvray, Incas. urireotltd"Young Conerraiive cmi>" Iéýe inro4lMi90 and vhich bas Ince Idisbanded. Reep lu minci ihe sunuil bazar of the &. C.Churcb tu lte munie Hall on Tbunsdsy, Noiemb' y ht. - l'et serveti tr 0 ovo Sý1EEP SAIX AT iýICKM11NQ. 25 purebred' Cetswpld beep snd aImba viii be'sold - vit thetiiUMiteti caille snd young cattie at 'Qulgla ae, eue-hait mile norlt etf'Pickern& oul Tuoaday. Nevember 2Mi. The abeep snd caill are ail goi aud there la neo reervo. Youl knw, ef( cour.. ltai cevery la- duslry et «Wny imperlane bua a aer o( ils -oývu, ieuete wiahbIlgwve ils unîteti mines-i iy vay oet drerilsut sud subacrlplons. Thoe ifftedlt do ibhs intaite PaPer Muva ie sMd continue to bo usetul te item by .-g. gresalvely adyoettitug thefr lInereats. you bave a pap-r tuai for over twentl' six years bas hi-en lookins atter lte intermas0t1lte fasIser Rave Yen giron it your suport? Il net, mte ltat yen- aub.clb '«r Thr WOekly S"- et Vioreot, ltth rmr'1bsiesspaper, tfrom lte irewfl't lime te t1e lft 0et jauuary, 1919. i. viiieust yoe-oly ose tqlisrbut yen viii ud lte 'doUai- volt sid profttably ajuet. A goo ttmily cev, young. lt"I&l ftrosior couiiug ft'MI& 5bOYty. »r- &1gre or Hoistn. Apply Box 103# Wltby. -, COUNTY ScOuNC-C0U$TY OF ONTARIO.' meo adourne imeeting et te Co=-. oet Onta«ri v1iibé . ol.Puralsumt t' et lqevemnber, lOaaut t té broute îwoe'fob-lu tÀ atternooi4 la tbe COCoall Chamtbe.rs. WhItb<. » Aloemmualisstte elaid betore the Couneli, shoultibe-torwilHed te the Clerit, proeïly crt"lled, If A* cous, ihoy -shoniti holua &tlouai tbrte days belote thé meetig oet toCouliki. -Daieti ai W tîb iislShdy t k C Fo Idi[ary co'!ghe thi.e. known Patimf preparation& ire eStetlve, but for..atb arn thbaî, bronchiai or lung-. affctins heer iasno e en -diàcovered- a better remsdy titan COD LIVERQIL. 'Il yen want il thée good of the Cod without the. dînag.e4bje taste and odor- à the nausatiug- effeèts., take ourj -EmoIsisu of' Coi Livor 811. I âpala&table and acceptable te the atomadh. It buuIds Upbroken dcwn tissue. t,\as a spccitic action on the membranes of the air passages. Good Fer-'Childrin .Good For Adulte. Prico-50e ani $14.0Per BOtth NeobeA.D. 1#17,, tb?.fr ma, 0. drosesanti deucrlptlott. sud full pas' tlcUlassOf their -el"an d senrlt.y. lit aftr'lte udd date the oecutors vii prooe4 to distrIbute the ams Os f, RUG and STAI te saMi deceased asiouget the parties w entitieti therete"iaulsregard -ony ýW I IBY, I telie dim et viet(sh,ailtenLeave jour order lror VTe 'l'orotOe ueaiTrustsCorpor ~'eniuie, 191?.-ITo Rent, For Sale, Ec NOTICE C l RDInTORs A.» la theoBlate of Jeromut ,Jesepit oley. wIat 1b»litTown et Whlby, llnte County: et Ontmnlo, Gentleman, de. Notios la bereby giron pursnant toi Section se. R.B.O.. .914. Chutier 121.1 that alcnodittors anti ethers havlngl dm s sainatu. blateo et tu si1 Jereulalu Joe»h Feley i e <ied -oui thé 131b day et June , 1917. anre.e quîlr-.oxor ,btre lthe 151h-day ot Oe@m'ber, »1st, t* moud by pool. ps», =atio 40vlri' te Toroule Guera TrssCorporton, Tomaete, Ont,. ibe exeoutor e«t lb, viiiet ite deî au fftl partlculsa ln- -wnltint "$tt Iat elsinua a ttuu t et thelrsecountd am the nature of li, aocurte, It ma beiti by lteua,ý I1 - A" t ub, notice titat all;ersncb la DUnrttood -dotet lt . 1Matti xecuOr vl poedtoriiribute lte assot etft mad d.eeusd amuisthe partie a. titi>tbtitelte, aviug regard, oDWlyto IUotloe&MaOdtat le »aId executer.. VUI net be ilàw. el!te said aimeu or Au7 par ltuereot téa8y Pron or Perm=u bhe» ueS. nott» . a.» net-taqe been reeevwd by It aIlbe lIme et-metl Ilatd u T«.ro t (iii12tb day of, tolwtor for titi t FOR RENT. - Rot water beaied Cfait.and prr, r4pnt- cd stngly et togeiber. Seî>arate4» trance. Apply R. N. Bassaît. Mbitl Y. FOR SALE OR RENT. T o ad a hait a res lin W h "î~y wih sevin-roomed brick dwelling. el~ trie llghti, furnace. batbroom, etce. i0 app4leorchard, property udapabîe 1r lgarding piepose. lFor full Parti- ulars apply. The Toronto' Generali tTqss Cerporalion, 83 Blay Street, Toronito. - LOST.- Swtday »igllt between- the B:îptlst Chufth and IL .M. Qulntou'a stoiel a Peritian limit uevk fur. Fluder î4e*s rreturu to Mms.Quinto». and gpti réuurt FOR.SALC OR TO RNT. 100 acres, sonth bail lot 4No. I43, 8, Plekerins Township. Gooti bilt g11, bamn wlîh atone atablint, gootiut tle oft ûIlitIvalln. Possesson teplou ai oncE'tuflpossession Apruil »M 181.o b*rmt apply teA.W. hiichsrdpozt. W il -Ii* ;aim eot 10, 160aMd- m m, Ou.Fr MS TO l ,-i a"ïT 4 0 "IBLDS TIONERV STORE EONTARIM Piano Tunin6 'vitî ne. WANTED. An omclers' widow w1tb two clildren' agied fle and seven, seeks titrfe fur-; nished rooms ln a house willh modem convenlences. WIthoun board. Apply- Mrs. Allen. <hoe Rectory. -If. WANTED. Apprentice Io drug besiàess. lApply- te J. E. W'illis, druggli and i optia*a, Whitby. Ont. WÂNTED.- G4'nerai servant. Good wages anxd permailcot position to competent gir1l Apply to *Mrs. Ruddy, Ceintre Street, sout etotf tt House, Whltby. --22 ST .AYED OR STOLEN. prom iTiUrry Wade's pasture, adjolàu- 'Ing Pickering Village, a boy fthly, ris- lng 3 years old. two white hinti feeti white strip on. face,- Pleame,hIfgoru> Donald Munis, Plekeriag, Cars F.è stl 'ai IONOR RXOLL. lie4 ut -Titi- speviai mal*at ai M iwuês olm Fil- Mi day clii>'(Novwdmr 281t). -34&M i . udmes,' rboo RotertS% 1 . tamous pisy. viSii hieiaod t. the efia Wtby MIIUai-yMot au ash, o Wdaoaar. NmwIBib>#a0* te- 17, Itis esaouy d.ema WIi~S b luîà 4 ti tels, s *rtiqdsfl*igi mud t iu*tla ,- i.Wm alavIII be mte.4 foe , ts.powllm t*i-SMd for ie , hiespitai.Wtt o-fuié ate m i nt6rsoit atcb fer Ibo d BASS ETTI M,

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