Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 22 Nov 1917, p. 4

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Sbox«s. ili Goiêri%Inun e cpm> ibs ballot q Thé boys wl10b are helng selecffl, by the -Tr1ibnal.to fight that treedom aflsty flot erlah trarâlbe eartila ar - grcatJy .honoroti. Insteati of Iamenting * their'fate anUblaming ,the 'ri-btnals_ !;f tbey are 4eiied exemption. Uiey sl:oul rojoice that they are chosen to Aeof that noble bandi wbo cIli drive Mun trighlftulneits te Its doom. 'rheno are days et etllciency andt cor. nervation of renources. Conservai [on af energy sheuld -be as etuuly oh- served nas of foodi or'ffîet. Everybody kIaomr that there la a* great waste of cnergy luinbe delivery etftnilk. of meùt. or groeck. dry gooda. <etc If 11w dullatioun ad ovt'riapiaitg of de- Iiývcry services could he eut out. a con- iiiderabte savÎix lu coït coulti be af. fectei. «Hee lu where-ceoepvrative <de- llvery, coines uneful. Whén help la so ice eveçy possible effort sitould hi mado tW save, wiiccefiiary latter. In- forma tion as to thc werkIng oui ef a a cheme eofco-eperative- delvery. ta- ken'frin an çnquiry carrieti oui -otfie-- iaUlY In the Uniteti Stces shows that flic general sivlng In lnvestment andi opcratîie cents, by cemparison with * the Sndlvldual- systernu "wbleti heyt.- PlftCM.,ess 4b.»*r cent. te &0 per ent. The 'liratI nvestigation cevereti nome ferty-seven citîca andi towns. andi of tho--se t(1w co-operttlv(, ystem bati been found a success in thlrty and a fallure 1u1ve, 'hle Infthc balance the results were st!lu doubt. These towvns and cittio were scattered vil oves- the Unit- ed States and iimnberedi lu population litm 1,000 to upwards of 200.000. NOMINATIONS FOR DOMINION Recturniing Olicer John W. Croxler, ofe Port Perry, belti nomàalùens fromn 11 çl 2 'ciock onu Monday At the' Çoun. cil Chcfamber bore fer the pnkDowe' oi -,oevu tnahations ter etndîdatet fur t11tqDallen pftâmet *ut theý c lettion oén December 17th. <%aty tw. »aMInaltiops wereTeOeven, utasty. Wm. 8muitb, cf Columbus, sùioas 'cMdIdate. RadtI We., 8l ~ar, e Oshaewait, as a LauierLIr. of Vînl -andgB0" lte0bD tu restared I"bi .sthan tv"d s he buaS la woI4kL-MIS Vinci ýa " .s pst~nlco4 ing thvo Vhdus "Ç x.H4. AýiN. DrugaietsW 1 bi: aise the TK& t: I5t$ls u a1l otUlo toUais. Union GoVernnient Sup- porters Select Wm. SmIth* <Continueti froua page 1) any Oovertlm#ot whleI refusesz to a& ept the Ilv'll. 1u..-vlew ot aiis.- sali r. smtthii.j "if we ane serlous In our pretéets a,: loyalty to -the bors at thc front. ILlit our- duty to suppttrt the Union Oovrern ment andi consertiption. *"To suit my own conventente 1 1 would hbave ailowed this leetion eam. paigu struggle te so te anotheari. in If elected 1 frel, Utat Iî ilto b. 0fte tomne assisance Lethef c oyerameflt Ir,, an agrieultural way. a*ad se 1 bave bave soma ambition t te rprsent this1 rldlng for -tb e ut -short. terza.j Had tiare - l*exiaà cob oe f1 of a uJeaire o- choose seme*rsOý ese 1 wpuid have wltbdrawia but lm.a1 des, the clrcumutances 1I"1hah aceptL the nomination. *i'here arv lutsil on the p lalfrni wtth nie a.wttb whom 1 have differet Inh formc' er 1 utI ecithat the time lins colise wheaa we cua shulce bands. 1 appvai le îhem andti t my cflier frieaids to weik logetber nOw Dot te àwnd me to Partîgnient but te *apport Union Govt-rnuacut andi se heIp'wlai this terrible war.Y When Mr. Smith and Mfr. ?owlcc rose andi ehook bsadi on the piaffera, .the ilarge audtestçe madie the bUilding ring wlth chlfe Mer. G. D. Conan[. pMS7oW ef Ostawa. <briwlao srrved 11< t lsbth meeting 'aa sakedti o spe4k l.. 41,dM 80 britoy, pkdgIng bit support ta Mr. Smil .tithSPIII. sftsd t. spotUnIO overumepr A slenid tideon the. quqtatteus ~f 'the 51 1,ee4*Ily , by A. J. £pssef Suew oK.C., t vt. XI,, lhL Eaecutle-D.Job-a Ioore, W. L.. Parrlsh. (NPtrri)X Q . . IOuS, mdWfbî.A. DL. Gr oU <G .oo A large number-vf ladies- were pree- '*nt t f tii. rang angsd Save their t* niost- undIvideti support te the Uniosi andi lsnproeev0ts during wbteh the. Iervîes ave beet 1M4 In the sebeol botse. A»l SaintiÉ Churth v o « pracaci htsemo"sd'wae slt by -te ste r, Re«. R. W 141m nsd 1tht IL«». C. X. de P'arier. « C"awa, liuarbesi.« f Dmillk. and JoS epl Fiotcher, ewtàwtdt 1f'.-e nise fo Illsve ft i ntîdd Uf», otanttag e lme "a»a apeelal s tttsfr the- ellenlng1 pry. &S w"Il*$asà"tfme n um>rerl. ditection of the chor leader. atlou ctt he intertor,. pmcatteàcou- nm sdtn e a ev ehurcb.- ut la aiw a mel etâahort anti impr*âwLee be"i>- ty for f hbe ,mgrgatimou. Reeftialy adimbirat a -th.e hoie et tho celor sehetue for th. elingu et the bave and chamcel. A brilKht andi cheorftl golden iait. very belpiaillaüi lIelljgbtlaig t tuaS big Itelor,,it see sIeaaddly- ,to bring eut the- beauty et tbt aa. lima- beflng thiat. lathe d#attuetWeteat ehii rhitectture, Blshoir Swccey Blindai lu cloquent ternista th#%~ ettlkflag charsterltlUe eofAUl Sluts ebuiarh, Vhl1tby. -It appearathe bul4. Ila mao et the largetand sud Iil-. r. isa-utadth*i.blggest ciies etCn «a tpure otble torni4 andsuIo1 g iscray diraiby viitarete.tôt- xOnosi. , it1<la .opttortabtcand DIoBL smlibly etuiped fer'religlu servlces, as wecl as bei.g Iumpressipgly Vcrr spproprlal.ly tih e e vasu*frel tbp e qp.d pealmas spoldntcd for the service. but tu addltoa happuma te b. me e t the pilsas for, tht cveu. iitg e tadste«eutb dayof t te t -tb ia- date ot flac opeu -~O baw.uamiable e by iveiinge tae ll»rd et IfouIs-4b Puao is> 1fverse. IK*isori. lie recailcithe '»iaiaiof- th owudalob-a 10nl9Ocib«-r.-1845, B.A,1.Tij., of e Jtr-iîz.' >son -The ( e'thr O r imuttn) '~~L TORONTO wmll have 3 High Grade Used Motor Cars'to of fer- For Sale mi front of --WLLM AYRES' BLÀCKSMITH SHOPe, 4-I1TY * --i.Stdeba ker six 1 LIghtMcLaughln' lOhevrolet - 41 h ;odruumuhgorlr bgain prîces. No r f'lcs.ca-rs wi, ceasonableo.f f er 'A e ilx' Shi 235 125 125 12 12i t 12 12 f 12 12f 12 12 RIE refuùsed.ý Watanid seelabove and, save$100$t Cash, Victory 'Bonds or BnkabIe Paper Taken in IPayment, Fetatycr Bar. e, v. lly. b. dd iel linos.cw Itag Uitc borcli snd g 416,000, about les Slaire ot ther prestait of thae ehurcit prtp. 'ne rmcory. a îlaey yLoauR -.5 '-j re w yE er ta le 1v os fettousi 1 iýi mil 1

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