* An___ Oouih WILLIB' Compeunfd SyruPOf Whblte Plue and Tap -C'ulghe, Colda and Bronchial Tir0iý,4e8 25c peirbottie. JE.WILLIS D, galet and qOpfila MEDICAL HALL j Srtk 5. * Whitby. GERAISLVERY oViORY LOAN BOND Your 11o01ey wiii flot save y<ou whefl -the4oe As at the door. It WlUl b. toc late then, as it was In Beliuni. andi Beituul s now a desert waste. "F'or your babys sake.- yotir littie .oautig baby. lying Ln Is cradle, yot'm happy. bright eyett girls and boys grow. bag up, what chance have they lu the Sfuture 1f we LOST THIS WAR? Suy a VUCTORV BOND$ *"EnR. SLOW. hib DU lphone 9. Home phions 14. [NOM[ yur EIINB POWEI Tour s«v-ices vil b. la 4.mant il Igin art trealuel bête, Fars aul LPj -_______ Bad'Mix Up of Cars-No Person InWuede. As SaAestrj ot nai At 5.10 a.m. Suniay mornlng a bad An' tue day cOaches zan4 Ilemr reelv- When bJt1er hM ney8 éer mil.ee.Wydos' edi apieiruebittn oe agr-fomr -enWo Ne1 a gen ertS of rltio ever hrkMr. Sincamae wreck occurred haif a mile west of the 148PeUrle313 OO1.I e omryears, 1m .wb 1ene 1 > 1,e gtbg peeli ooy ea ptehird.-bave been dfl . Oio W Whitb9' Junctioui stationl on thie min Tire exprs esneswr pkaaie o oiisirptd uloly eela iel le*-,of military Uine of thie G. T. R.. buot hn which. Iiiir- to and sald t hey diii not xecetye s.vm ÀRf 'to im~~ e~gmlthèlr- e. Why.:hsn1t -Mr., Sinclair made acuioualy. no one was lnjured. bi tc hf t oiio 0kpry4feec5 aind =404-t@ 41 ~ ecruitung speeches. l'il teil you The express f rom 3Montreai. due. here plac. -ontthe u.m~e platfei'i l&UpN rtof! *1». Re bas sald, Il wauldu'ttanke. at 4.52, which was 15 minutes late. was 'Two eiigiqes em r entmi iWwifroin th 1e maie O vrift.ft tinue fer 1£à .recrutting - speech because smre one Jumi getting Up apeed after stopping at Lindsay. whIch tool<tepke e ieeetru t eiletb it ubi ould-sask me why I dldn't enflet my- the Junction. wheu t met an ea-coaches ta Toronto via Port Ferry 3ad taniro-otther'fft y incainAsuala ocrlte b bound freigbt train. Wbden about thi mi1a e cnierZ$ttan " - self-inter- "Mr. SicarlIo e ie e center of the train baibeen reached a Traffie was tieti op on tire Une all esîs et curher POftital pox.r.-$o li cause be', not a volutet. Titerefore fffed.aoded car whîcb had. broien f " dY. tilti ereWnnso hat ait train s echsoute onutrô now the ýa»roachIngSlas not An favor of conscription," the torward trucks,. shot out to%mrds way were dverteil ta the other reUte. Dominion, ie ttin wAt gl&c rime to e aiDr. Kaiser. the north. The plt of tAhe passenger About nine o'clock a wrecking train afeS n ds ecodltlons ý'iuever bW, lie urged iitai-mers ta look aheýd train struck rAie sautAi front corner of and crew arriyed trom Belleville, Mid fore experiençeg. Fw Win. Stitb, lâte. furtiter than the mere matter of ack thie car. Thie engine was ihrown bodiiy bSuti igts teering up. 1conser!tAe ucaer-fr etir -On-' e!t Mm. Aip. off thierails andIt nto the ditch, wbich There Must have been nearly Itty men taiol, will. duflag tihe leCtAoii ccqIW -itJ 'lt essential that men Aie k-fi on was sallow aittis spot. TAie engint lnth*tiecrePaepor w, the buli ar wbotoiret lbe- jpIgix, have ith sppo t senly e!t t e i.fartas,"le al, «"but let we 1tell was nui upset. and tAie engineer and gun ta remoye 1h. bags et bran end l Vnthe-NVarý C«»Mserva, ,but eoriybu sometirlug, that As mtlporlAlit. fireman. who were [n their iiears, got shorts tronm tAie asmed cars.Tlai t mauyOf thO stslwarýtu-ol- te Libers! Iii ,Germuny an thie Wihielumtrame êla off without a scratch. Thie tender of the iras Pl led on lte batiks ut each aide. 1party. Q14 liues o e d haveben a m#:, et Canadam4 u mhi the besi engin. iras torii tramtiRe platform and Thie accident occurred lu a deep oui, b1roken down - ad- :~iM80 tuat, afatmstua ked on il. Parmers. marna fiung tu thxe south. Elgiri freîght cars which made tAie work ut magae more ireli as ailier' clrêOuU 4ý- t8*C 8 tM&Y o Iebelt youtr tai-mare.m.arkcd were thrown Ato contusion. -the livo dmdtbe tithttheJi.VnIû0bnýOMW10e As n i-otfor ithe cut-thront tGermany as forirard cars betng badly smashe.d. Six Ail dà y long croWda of curlotia cti- roAdY %Vicli On tire iny te)giclok'y. rewarls for t&i- services seul0cr, other cars wore tom traom their trucksj zens thranged thie spot ta sce (te hav- Thie Union Convention blu1 on Sat- âtany win., . *riten vitere lii Y*,* and throiru squarety acrouss the racks, oc ubicA thxe accident hait wrought. 1urday afiernoon last An ibemtuiO bUtaims be? -1 waxtbthf=ai-eso!t the teari ng Up roadbed and batiks ta thie and to watch thxe pi-occamofcfearing Acre, ut mmcqiirM. Suiitk *=a atted eouuîy againeitte- Intrigues of Ger- soutA i itAiterriiic force. A nlnth carnp,, whitch was ntersing Al itseli. and accepted thtà 6I omnfip o! lte in- MmnY. The lBritish ilcol ad oui- arny wasderilit i to orward endi Iehg ineAfe auAes. Iton forces.,masu atead', by sevyeral cf brave men stand betireen us " These were alt loaded i wtAibraft and an-d placed theut uhere desired. hundred cenlirniatlc fus»jnits. 1%ett t-meia i murirr.Ofulmef ,shorts. 1 t was reaîîy nuraculous ltat a11ttendance 'uns pi-ob<tbil >« as large tem - ow -tu tireur heuretne' On the pamssnger train Lix'-car neit rît-es ieebt. w A rien a-fs Rt lte Lihera! Cblil#ePloa itiler lu concluitltg, Dr. Kaiser mititireir lu Ai wek.butthtRadta ethehismacecbuidcenti Aistntntoi thie tender mas a lisai express. This curred irhen this pasiteuger train -ias l h ek u btW e ëe-bsnm.btdcae i neto was Jammed mIaothxe side o! a frelght ai iis maxim~um speed. noting coul peceed, Saturday belng a pncir more ta support thie nommie, of lte coJivO- Mar, and none o! tAie remnaining coaches A have savedIt njuries or iteaniromai-îuntavorabie -day fei- busihk%ÃMs men 0lion. lef th mis. houh. he assnges prsos. u mn'attend. Ailaclions t tt6hedAIg mere Mn..F. . Foute reternedt th 1e citar- letttAi rais. hougt Ai pameners ensns. I mlI-repi-Oeeted. bowevaér.,,-td uhere acer o e! .galherIng en lte plaifarin as every reasan to think ~Iat'tic de- anl remarlîeit that « POlitits males __________llberalions were smaistry tia il st-rauge,, b.dfellows." lieu wirehave 1-U RV NO~iK 7Fparls of thie ons;ltueneY. which lMr. fongAit eut political batties ln former w HI B W OM EN - R AIZ-Smitht wAtt contesi. Au so Lfer as repre- yemrs ere mou comblaung for lte Pu- Ssentes! by tue delegetes. pose e Wh~IIÃUIUSte uni- W'Union.. TO ' SUPPrTuï0,1r UNION G O%'V i I Mr. F. L MasonR«ev et fosttaa. 0T1%is meetng ore ta-dY la Oeefor tîoek uitechair on tic op*iAng et thc tie purpese of t ng ail meniuho tmeeting. and *en1il t e platerni désire to Win lte Wu nd hI o *11 » El WNhltby wom,,nýAiave entered pollutes. gettng nomen uponlite vot*i-s liste. itb hAut men pri-it at h bUlPart- ssmIlauliaI cuit by sinkung, pollUtI« r atid have organizédti re upport th-eUn- a nd gettIng ouitAihe voit, upon patng les:* m wle-IP.F .Fvte, îhe lualltt tcur aaa. t on Govérniflent. day. l ex-M.P. Dr. T. E. Kalsei, Dr. JO w ll l btie 'rU figit-tie IsUUe e Over 100 iremen asseuubled An thie Mr. F. L. Maman urgt-d thlt tce Moore, CSPI. Dr. James ]m o r. Ë~. uit Qerrnnny -to s fini*h, anld50 ire music hall on M1onday eyenlug for rthe turnes of ail iomen enited te vote Warren. F. H. Annes W-.' UPariluit, muLst .UUd"tat h Ae obaitnuet@nB.ý purpase et effecting an organization should b. pla.cet! upan thie lisis--nat R. H. Holthy. Chas. Calet, M.1.P., '"Canadalias douc uplendhdui o fuer. 10 ~ ~ ~ ~~- Ieadnagailentufranchise nione ihose uho veulit proise 10 slip- Lt-Col. J.. F. GQiri i .. B.Ever- W. have tour -divisions ut lte front. extended Lo temale relatives o! sol. port tAie Union canîllate 5kon;. MH. Purly.-Geore ý& Rosa aMdfWben Ilieboys-coebcImot0 dl-ni. TAie meeting 'vas quite ettiu- 1Mr, Wm ,Smtth mas plensol tit Ae otiiera. be sAict lo okthtem ntité-cye mil slastic for Aiginnenf. anit resulted ln had lived long enougli te sée lie ln%-!- Chairma.'iMusait cxjilalnc4 the sap' 111 virbat I could toteammipl Yotlq tAi oransatOn a!a Wrnii' Le- artalcitaxges tint hai t uleenplace 1 tesson for calllng the- mes$inx. li- e- "c cnnto tb litai e are aSetC- gue. wlth tAie tolewing oflccrs and [n Canada. He believel thelime portel lte remitu or tAie M>000"0( etii led .>y an asswaItin mtit 11OUMaSs committee: Aai coneuhen momen mioulitbave a* comattee ! of m«e rva itl te et uebee. rThe trouble mth =y ou orrîcic'u,.vote la Dominion andi Provinca t1Uberma. ald staledt lat 8 p.ai-mult and hrceee te i-odS- trid Lait- * Presidenl-Mrs. George Rosa. tairs--nel only tAe relatives e Oilot ftic dienite rjetioil .4Union pro- ici, As iai irh a Asbl by lhe gQit Vice.liegdeL-3tlra. T. G. Whit- liera, but 9aItquaoheil mometL .Hee posais by lt-c Lleral Co,4ueun o ( Vicu, mitili 1je nhukaite ltebel An- udt. ~sait! tAiemeeting irasa arevelallote eeier11,ti14,i vsbln eelse 1ui4 dti riimr8- Seceîry.Mr. G M Godflio. tm as te tAei nterest mmnbo ul- e,- *#'pu l« uitam~ as- pire. lMen te o tclbre et Of58 Treasurer.-M-.G E ai, affaira. INteacptbe 0al 1upporters-MsLC.BaRve.teaign miltbir ese a.eiftea 0<O ca-IMmF-Mun. lilp made a lengthy und [W et -uni"on Qovenielt. - -thc iMiti Iuiro-I kuowle ittarea Wai 1-Mnr. J. H. Perry. spitlug spWc e eb ste ni-gel lte "Il mtatterfl- not tea odd Mr. fet. hne s v oflil be striain U t Ward 2-lira. W. J. IL Richtardson. wmm tol support Union oewreat 3moen."Whehbsir that idJ 1 a a Ip-pont lna aiti Euroecsn country- Wart S-34ea. Dr. >M0111Wvray. a» the ouly way lu wmhlci o mére xL% -ioraConservaulIve Ut us mai-t btita bleu 0K bis sasi but do nt Ward 4-ia .. -Wilils.' support tfoi- ticuible tellem novWIglit- Imnual Wuicrely, iendC 0s l. 1, sleader miro -ta neaailtdby an Wad -To be named later. lug CunadasbIloes ua e e lI ieA i.l sl- li.- Thie speakerseof- lte evm-ilu mer. nft th*e truchhs ow 4 ~ ~ iai.081M0, ta . UD~ >eIi et~ i# Dr. . Kaisler, F. L MIamon. "d large priAnal moveomets for- the Ici-'of' Union somitbt tVI tCapoç%plai ticvus' depaua~<eî t dmra id - i'41aoud mb er- Mes.Margaret iIIsIep, repneeanthle uelatmil mora lt olf-,etti- oclî1wcxeptIi* oerioliaersscit lIa i beh1ons lt-eOnat*in '1 Wuh-WrLguSie urW i lte ladie lto-gel liaI aimettU% vas avrable 1tote-i try I c a Wcofflus eleellon hüé eir>0910 Mrs. George A. Ross presilcil andl tire.wu melici-Uberai on Caui%eav*. oviemeicit lce, -' S Ont arsio uluol, biq plieit- nmadestiable ntroduetoryreinai-ta. ti-e- now-titert sieuld be oné ue Nomiinions vi-il heit l 15-for» *Ctéo rfor aor" Ûa Mmra.Roeawuas cvenor et a coonuite! anolys s4 ud r WPS~alta msifulowing a, motion W Dz almqt tia" z «U- ltpe redtof Capala À", vAiccieba ccuapPoiated te arrange v*InlAie mar, muid to %enl lmuWc4e' Xj. EL. iigw .that ltee met*i 1oa« pilnce er tites'u out1waz for titis Meeting. - ailto tic aimlles Osrem& Tte nc ll ! «Ina -n open c=as«Uiatla: nom-1.8 mu* Dr, T. 13. Kaiser tiaughtl ltaI l mas Itsý ain'tis è.mvýag Vas, tic eaM u-y'a tte a -candidats; t$lithé< ti siece amn ta sensa on %,W1. Te prIkilentudl litIwemen w1";.tO ut o te icMilitai-y sevce Ad. li rim, tutu', audi X' Itt", m alai" e vet ~ ~ atei.ervie* ativewrin th ireStAton-ioea ol u lae pi .putleao et j itheltd5.1 bm! tbe W>ted m . Yo«-tOpold * OY a~b* Uhon8 i basve bfef l tvesa velSola l theall-a ntrvter .w «wobad, Iadiy gien iber[ Titres Dinb/hluaWtUe *' gOs iill *1e e~t »E.mdi" . fiemitt eliesure ai a iaecau it al Wot 8inIt.-Y T. e,,»Oteri i&bpbII t>0*1 'n' t.aé1L eYe O QUAL The,,i Low &Soi, PiibIIîhers and- SI3RV ~wIer 'ocer- Wli4ipBY Phons :-eIl,4t; IndePendent, 47,, PeeI'Shhe toam for slîoes that are styls n durable qualities, yet Bare ut b. met witb lu -oUr stirong fi See o ur linellof 4v at th e2.samue Liime OQS5 It expoeie in prie., can ature limes for- yDowy" ,Work Bootq for at your Uunded oi-osnoar Kingston,, nebd, wautçd loi...; aI4".utry busihess equlpuent susl dock of paulVty wante4,,.to purcitase. ' Buyl gr reat propefty.- John Fsher £A<COU lbSrssu amd& i.pm .t 4 Whltby *Ontarlo otaoiloted, mpiztLu olArac. ?hlPot,.tIibub nimIi 1 MillS: ifd Ail SUCoS WatU - By hho mo seittae and a "Maeirs 01 no lie",sh mt i"mow or bte bien otu seus. or- ut $ie nuisam sert-IcI, Ail lulel to& Výoteilt BaIlit ýsubteta.1 qumw g fr a vote tic vesa mum 31 ycars tf As, bave yesided la Can- for twvei-o monthe. antuaa t. i uiti pnalty fer tirmry day. proviens 1tPt isue t th ttthtorisig lte c% ýit. A1 short le»mmW44 gion 3as" ""Ioaity of lad seugung &e- wïti us for igoal i-- bdtlux-et lte me«tingtleli *sa mu*. te a 0 tà anksf-W br 9rese. in jeeda&s NO RESATE, 0FTXE ON -VACANT IWlStîga proptime et -bexomtntsor t. ma ter M uSi i a wide-sprcad ,&ieyqmojite *et it- a a evingif posaibl mission of t&,"ia.on vacat - poopents' b. taule by 16e <YOUO *us nippu u nlte mba > lic éTomnair. QOots4tom, 00 CounciguMaay4-tWll o htuei-. aoral itM- AI thie pfatits uwotuig Io te- bei IiitIniLt (b14 10 queuta for r*et et S w er. vomi.forI- 1DIS 4- ltOi th ane tram Dr. 'W.. AdMn. vitemkM 1917,ÇZ WrI- Tic for a rtiili%*e ofb»l! a yrce-s uui s on thi 1'IS uiU eh ui bnou i s.la On Tie ftce - '11* -id MePC lByron aI-t". -viicibas ben wyà ceMq"Mt@* * s8it$e Blute Sepumnher. '1914,theootites' itIM PMI4M *5 7 Mir. J. C, Iffyde. via asiete fs-ebMls .tbwrb1A5**W* o< lames on ibs.store p-tye.ts Sru8~ du" aii,-co1. lkit lam beel ama m b wy* od, e t nc pe CnsinlAlt la tIt 104 cm lieue reamwmtmrea4l-ll4& ltaiti tbe b neI1%bùttbmt» il',W é tAnAs rnnma fa rouh lta*&W10 eau ~n au-»y Wu. r. 1m.Bt t - ý 1 , 1 ýbocer -