Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 15 Nov 1917, p. 7

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a,,, trots.e iuc. a - mmd Tii. tati archard 'svrk seUlnet b. r Alw*0Rig, or sstase ci dgarii done tantit you have pieketi UP aitl tii.;Atb.m tln. fWIa* teCo<IwW daydapplema sud put ltent out et wt 6the w"Y, No um wvie ovas««ie o«- ch.A;tivillIsve tinta tO moltl*j _ __ _ wlth D14 s' teVp plt eVt r b. am non"-L- -*i"«bave ii- "e m tons ~suiedi&MWlait trl of P« Cul#vua « sioi o um et bafodr eaow or Mai h retB tiat l ta t ous seUwla d e _7Ze 4mslwUrtklauivfsu.pdrls < t" 01nns . rmi rainsqtth niwt «au d o ozBor ae for, mm unle b.bl's et om i»eu fl The mof a wba l a fram two tCeS ttwo tom ti& etthat cd a r~ Many people -a Make a Fama.x U a1eL 0 me Tobgaesfutbavé um Cà*t**taia ft l5seclhli TIlà bette easIt é uista chiefly of rièh. sbâong 1 bndb..U2ha , raicB .9,ott amealg t. bve ioé lu a 04 ting e eI teas grown in the famous d)strict Of Aua'in o tlmàppî. &td aet.ive. Shr dded NIortIxern Indila. mi La bari. udouaq c Buttoe and $sm abonUidmot b.e et- u breae ~because t a et" Gl th M..r Moring oup of!1 per C* -Wh> WI Kept Good by the ~~~Don't miii tu too strong CZtJ o yea.tkn Sealed Packaga bwlfm Mh p"powder, s on S,@ d~i ahb. dzIawn unchSe& " e clsc any kind. Food o Xave anIY oe efr.ah Menea mi aaa b1egl-m wfth Shred- Sdai. It wouldbe agreat belpIf the V t -~ - -volua&war rationed amount w. erv- ded Wheat Bisuit for break- The inga Bead,' EE MGNEIC ORT PO Ed. t' table. The. meat poition maY fast and enids with Shredded become serlous uniecooouyla mx- vu înm& SCItfSr supper. During his recent tour in the Nortý. -yte deo he m uercime& azan he King very nearly became the vi-1- yOeNeieo h ou Asu ndi do not farg totehav" a waèk- DC1iCiOU8WthShCCdbB ,i5 ;imn of the early ctosing order. An Points North. ly pota d <ay,. IthIout brS5Ii beffnes, or other frià . official of his suite visited a local bak- Why does the compass needie pointma in MI 1 es shop after cloç;ing hours and ask- riorth ? Because the earth In a rnat- Mmdcla Cnada ed for bread. 'ihe baker's wife re- net, not differing essentially in it s TIPDosNe)1EX RerSE. fused it, pointug out the reason. rnagnetie properties frorn. a bar of! T D 'A DE EGS twi iiu itka ro "But it is for the King," said the magnetized steel. Overstudy and lack of exerclaeniake saad andi grim. I waîted for the. rail- off iciai, -and -here isn't a bit of bread It has two poles of greateat inten- thit bloodleic dmiLn Study do. net way train; the light was low and dim. on the train." 'sity, and, like most large ateel rnag-iuel hr hl tahu tnIt aea at n ri a hr «'I don't care if it is for the Queen,- nets, there are severai suppiementai l uiyhr hlia coluis I an tls. n rmacrthr wathe reply. 'I dare not serve botes of lesser intensity. Just as the st*lad be sencrInoh -on rn ext e ppe and dan the pdace, adlokn yOU. poeo ndaangntatat h is. But lack of exercise and over- unto me caee "But I demand it." endl of another, no the magnet potes atudy la a comblnatlon that bainga on 46"Oh, Jack!" she cried "oIh, de,>' aid "*I arn sorry," persisted the wornan, of the earth behave toward potes of! SL VItus Dano.if your boy or' girl Jack!" and kisaed rne.as ah. spake, "but 1I must refuse to serve you." the compasa needie, unlike potes at-,~ sbo ataadpI iteasdte okdaae ad rgtnd "What can i do?" asked the off iciai. tracting, and like potes repelling each, lnttnt, b a& a fickle appetUte, la criet:- "You might see the police," wa.s the other.I unable ta, stand stUh or ait stil, FYou 'Oh, what a bad mtistakel" suggestion. But it is not correct to a sythat thel-us remember that health la much 1 said, "F'orglve me, mmdam fair, This was donc and the King got his needie alwaya pointa north; there are! more Imp>ortant than educatlon. and for 1 ar nont your Jack, snd as re- bread, though even so the conscience few tocalities where it doea sol and mr reaol egvn aeedi id ~ekasywgvli tagt of the baker's wife . stili obviously, these are constantly changing. 1anad recreatioli. way give it back" troubled ber. An irregular line drawn frore the! 8ee te, it at once that the child. dome1Ant aines that niglit Ive often, - -+-1mouth of the Oronoco River through not vertudy, geta plenty of out-of- iatooti upon that piafr dm u GIRLS WHIEN !INthe east Coast of Hayti, Charleston,tdour exorcise. aleeps ten t(t of ever> only once in a na' whole 1f. do WITH LEMON JUICE S.C., and Detroit, Mich., representaitwent>'-four liaurs, e5 d ta esa nefs. hig cre ahl. - very nearly the Une in which there ina rellable toie Uke Dr. mitIane Pink Make a beauty lotion for a fow cents t10no variation to-day. Pjila unttil the caler returus ta the. -north end of the neetite swings stight-! Me nomal. For growhi cdâldren ff You grcbrha Ui lenoa ad ay]y teo the weutward; in ail places West; who_ become pale aid thin Dr. W11- I e rde,buM Itti drug store or tollet 0ouiter will suppl>' of it to the eastward.- At the mouth't iaPnkPISanno OI oetflé. m aw t" you wtth three ounces of orchar-d of* the Columabia River the variation:llin »,,t Pll are t uI>'bsaletut ïuIR ité 1 r ,. c mhu wllofrafwcns que(ta of the comnpaaa la about 22 degrees tlist con ho taken. These pille bulld mt@ 11004 S7Srý trb white fr a fewcents. ue..ethe « ab julce of t.wo fresh lemnons into a bot- east; in Alaka it Ia frorn 40 to 60 up the lood, strengthen the. fervea em uTb ae f -fle tie. then put la the orch.ard white and< detzrees .east;-,m idway between New and a*lt nature In keepiai PICS wtth m* w «W D- âm, nhake well. This maien a quarter York and Liverpool it in about 35 de- rapId g*o"t' Whooping cough is due ta a apecific plat of the" very best lemon aki grees West. '~"gtD. Wllibuma Pink Plisgr i.drtonoài.dsael ~hltncrand ompexin beutiler The magnetic north pote 1o; at pre- tbrough auy dealer tin edlctne, or by onewha.t ludefinite. It usually lista known. Massage this fragrant, creaiiY sent on or near the northwestern mail postpaid ai 60 cente a box Or si four ta msix we.ks. It rnay become lotion daily Into the face. neck. arm shore of Bôothia-Peninsula, in the; boxes for $2.50 frorn The Dr. WlUiasUchatsdlatm hlogr Ita and hands and Just see how freeîca northern part o! North Arnerica. Its Melce eCo.. rokviUe, Ot. veryonad as uAchldg fer ngl tan, mallowness, rednesa and rougb- position la constantly changing, and d _in _C__Broc __Onfrm woptig o ug Ahdu drink ness dîsaphlear andi how smooth, soft in 600 yeara it han moved bal! way fo hoig cuhsol rn and clear the akin becomtis. Yesl1 round the geographical pote. The Orîgin of pausporta. large quantities o! wster dally sud It ro- -------andote -iut--u r -,akLould b. in the-open air day aud ou is rprisaante bçaulfulPassports, which are 80 much in mvi-nght. FlITLIN VILA!< USE. dence et present, began as sea-letters,____________ Anthrax. 1 i~'c guaranteeiIlg a safe passage for ahipaMnrdsLnmetC. mtd The diseuse o! anthrax occurs 0 F B ADlB Y ' 0 » T ABL E TS;A form o! aea lettei wus app idd ti 1Gnt'aLiment'i Co. iUmI was amonL sheep, herses, cattle and other- the Tieat>' of the Pyreneel in 1659 Gtlerwnfez-In rod acn. -1916 urini herbivore or grain eating animals. No Thousands of rothers keep a box of The more aamilermpachpnetla Siflipî animal of amy o! these classes la cap- Baby's Own Tabletslu thOe bouse as a permit authorizing a person te ppesa MY blp snd back badt>' and was ob- able bf resisting anthrax infection long as; there are litlle one about. lato or out of a count.ry. Ai such kltlnaete usea r. 191. or 14Wn. rdia. providing suitable conditions obtahi. Among thîem la Mr1t. Marcel D. Le.! woutd seern well within the province o or liute urged me te try MIN- The dlseaie lisa aso liable to attaclc u- Blanc, M~enramcook West, N.B.. wbo of an>' Governinent ta refuse it toa fty R LIINIMPONT. whicOt1 Idld vida man beings although it does not ap- says :-«-For thpta.st flf teen years 1 idividual who proposes ta undertaket.moiaisaorrsut u t- pear epidemically in -man. Many have nover boen wlîhout Baby'a Own a journeY for an abject that Governýth e moi arnas wflats eultrny lifa! cases have been reported where men Tablets. Whenever any of. rauy chu- ment does not appreve. In. tact, 'per. Ynnsiq>'1 .î have died as a result o! contracting dren are alling tic Tabletu rapt>'mission ta circulate," as our Geellç- l w o o i~~~~f a t o rika s o ! a n m a s h a a v m n d n a t h m o1a f y a r i h t . anthrax fromn the skinning o! an lIn- rellee themn. 1 have sucb falmtly red epeoilIu avrM o fected animal or froîn bandhing the them that 1 never hesltate li eo f ,red xpeskl fvrsu e .UNS diod from the disease. This Informa- who bave littho ones lu tue home." THE MIGMTY PEN Whnuwsllabouup e> tion is brougbt out l41 Bulletin No. 23 The Tableta are. aold by me& nhe Whe purpa... e t ok am ao l of The Health of AnimaIs 1ranch of deelera or by mai at 25 cernta a b)ox 'hat sunarmy of 2.,000,(>OOpele laafotwI PU 'bot P the Dominion Departin ent o! Agricul- from The Dr. W'liUams medicine Co., arnd -ailla foüntalu peistsla the amas- !quales, afo l -..anud abut up ture entitled "Anthrax." The bulletin hrockvillle. Ont. 1 1tath'etton a est su emi, luagsPuae tpli»deLayra OC lit wrltten by Dr. Chas. H. Hlggins, ' of The Pen Propbet tua"gIVeas sipris- i.paa bte t. pathologist, and deais wîth the lb. INORCKARD ANI) FIFLD. ment a.rpa*teLtai"'helynO!ei "1 wlmkefe jec s ;of ccrr ne thodi. o! as lie f, lamîbU& ha*tr.ava"onf tin i necti on diagnoaioeé t Wl 1 eùb«I, i natead o! thiagreat .rmy la growins at a tre-DOUIOS OU WbO us pointeti out Iluat the careé%a of tii' zo man 'pork baisrels dow n lathe tel-, mondeu rfatS. 3,00091E15l8Pti IONY mO anIntal that haa had the cdiseiae ahoutd lar, w, hati more appîs barrels. "d" tost year by the Warm ads oii1IZK>OSMn' '6a dtioyned b> tire. curm beolu taken l. rp. o s oantsu 4a ISO hag0t 851U Send i. otlar cs res bcet The-uld tha animalse dskhnnedtailti aete aime.e, ahise.mta alat&Uetheapmbeb n" dsllhnr store ft Ceuta Ao doaga .y thrie ai y.cwte1-6c-tpte ah dwugi.h. 1 ldatYile> ýd U a t. l b% p est, ~mtu nmm%* Ro«i, bae Thlck Wlud ved uia forÀI ~~*.maUIeeYOM bW. V.mu 1.A,. m51 Ly s *. s~, WObi& Te1wýWoI II* a. e aMd ah. ad-I etable Compopud Pinkhamesamatve and took$LOOwartli sud lu two maudis was a weli - sonan stter tiaree. doctors usd 1 never vouitd tt.4d up strsigbt agaùLu 1wuaa miti- vife for meve yean d I recomznended lthe Vegetibte Compoundti t evM eiy- issu te take before bfrdi sud miter- wsrdu, sud tU.'m allgot along a. ulcely tbal it surely lsa agodsen to mufferlng wemen. if woeuen wlah te write tat ,ne lIii bedenegted to auawerlhm. 1 .-MJENMM orEs,802 E.North St., Lima. ObUCO" Wommn who mufer i trm dlspkae-. meants, veakuesa, ln'egutarities, uer- vousitaii, backache, or bearlug-down pain*, need the tonle properties etflth. IN FRANE MNION EXPRESS OREIONCHEQUES lES WÀIêSNDMOmN-m IRMFD ERIJPTWMNS ff nent, Itching and Burning.) Cuticura IIealed. 4 re trouble which I1Lad affccted m tztsonl>'. It first camne in watery «listers under the'akin ani4ewercecratcht thbeybrokée.causinga mass e p Of Sorm erapions tuaI -0cana cd dlaflgurement 'top iing, burcing and Io"a afiSsle .The trouble l astda t aie year and, aller using thc Cuticura abnîroSoap and Oktrnent for heglçd. " (Signed>MbiseaAilcenEwr44 M Zn St., Estmn, Que. eepyor kia-decar b>' dail>' use of CUicuira Soap anti Ointxnn. 1~rFiee Sazuple EBach by Mail ad- dr$s.posi-card: "ICulleuru, Dept. A, eaitn, U. S. A." Sold everywere Machin.ry Fo-r -$a-d 1 WHEELOCK ENGINE, 18x4Z.l New Autornallo Valve Typa. CompIJrewlth aupply end exhanat plplnik flywheeli etc. WiII aocept $182W0 cas ifor immedilate sale. 1 ELECTRIt GENERATOR, 30 kLw., 110-120 volts, D.C. Wili accept $425cash for immmdtateisaie. WiII acc.pt $M0 for Inimediate sale dItIon enmd new one would oeai ab" PÛLLEYS, Lamgesi»e. 26x00-S8O; 123.0-4 20; x ialthough b.It la lanexCellant con. 412 le1206-4&. .On* 10 lnch, other 14 laoh-dlaoharg443 sc. Cojronado #eao POLO, MOTORING, TEN IIAY AM 1Dsu- FIH 10-MoleGoi Hôtel la .quIùthr Sxrnkks ytm )0 "rI t T.Front St. WestToroxito î,Califorola NG AND) BOAING. ighout w#th Automatlc, .JOHN i j. NmelqAN. N Expkun T-ll I T f r of tiit c)tfll in a town 'ý ro aý bis le ta i i Blum" faêr thé Walker Hom ( The. HOMa cd pi.utY)as@»M ath axrv*iln Tarant. The mals, s srvGb Mud tue home4ike apoiatmti coSttate the magnet tuat drave the= Oiere. 1¶oon Dinner Oc Evenlng lMnoe 75C. THE WALKER HOUSE, IToonwI F.,a o',i TORONTO, CANADA ()*a. Wrigt &Co., Fr005 I h W hêubag yourPiano bobt M o.havlug an "oTQ. HIGEL-w PIANO AOTION 1 B-lâne MOP mKRWAL MATES Ç(4

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