Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 15 Nov 1917, p. 2

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:~Cei~tietu la O - - lu L~IFtC w-tII -Durlng Knighthô-od Years Children Need Moet Patient Treatmi By Helen Johnon Keyes in a fermer articl, w-e decidA Cthtt cyguiro will We good if tbey are given a, Nkbec.. Shal w-e look turtiiet inCo parente' duty and privilege lu Chus Beys and girls ettChe kuightiieod age, frein tee te tourteen yeanu, are wiid, strauge aud iucosnprehenaihlo te uloot grow-e-ups. 1Baye w-sut te fight, te tirow- stones, te bave - secrets. Tuey are 1k. Cth. knights w-e rend of, w-ue wet ont te ueek sdventunes, te try hir sw-atds agaiuet otuer brave kuigts; w-be made 'trouble just in ordor te mezud it; w-ho loved nska sud diagulses, iiards, dungeons and cates. These knghts secin absurd and' cbildisb te us, buý hey wor- shlfpped Ced, uerved*Leir country anA w-us rue ta tue host iu themelves. Girls beçeme seutimental, mysteri- ous, full e! giggles. They ire lus whlesoeotuan the boys eftheirae but tbey cen b. led eaaily te uw-et- noms and religions entuuasm. It in a fine, brave age, botb for our girls Suai beys. '11 le an ae.o! idealism, o! hero- worship and roverence. Tuey find ont someWthin thon which geees tuem an iuaight alw-aya lutotile bigluer, rabiot aima of lite,-W.d ~net w-sut eut eilidren te become Cithe sort of mon anA w-amen w-be terget Ced hecause thoy have tee much te dot whoa llght lave becauso hy are coacerned eaSly about mouey, tw-ho me uotbIng beyondj te mono;ïtny o! tue daily Casks. Allo* heu thon- tue Opeclaprew prln>grsste4 b1> titisperiodtuaj thrb -ýJt û1, -Th.y w-il!never for- et It itssAplttw-illeome baiktoM m.tnlt w-toudays bave -grun ta, tolerably del!l. tWM -I ie 4beaVI*r dow- the' n, ltCe .land et promise. 'Troogb IL w-i! ailes h.t lhe t 115 nover Iaïn land -.orsa" wbut w-ihd kae.w.., ow tb "become aas lltio ciii dren," WaaCe.r ynur b ibisud do ai. *lafis g, try to =renueUtbCat " ekof tiseir doinlu de»sO .at 1Imsm animal staeOtIeyw-are ru!ed by CtirW stoenacba; lu tii. Maragestage Iy fi"sun"a;lint4uqpenl od igbood Id.M. hvetakea o14et 1grow- jute mauaity.- -Lot thons b. Co-peratgrs et ter,nont me laberers; make home a pleasant place for thons thelr'htrds; give thons cheettul roomu o! hir oi where tey ci sioe semetimes. Respect tuons lot hem kuai you do. By Ch. ime tuey ane faurteen begie to beioug te Ch. generatic w-blch tbey sae reelly living. perlod lauts frolsu feurteen toe egi yeats ofa e ,Tuey ihave afI uuderutgnding than before e! 1 erty, of truth, ef peaceful relt Nevertueleàs, tuere are strange painful citanges going on ie bedies sud mind4 whicii nake1 adolescent lbe s sd girlirestlosu htappy, cross, uitttidly. Tuoy desite sud neeti heurs o! tde, they requin. to e Wmsuaged an almo.st -divine patience, for are uuffening In many ways. 1 self-aasertivenenssud hoir unrul tai us te the utmest but Chiu i an age for Che disicipline of w Reguler, w-bolesome w-ork, on tarin aud lu tue- home fhouSd b. plojeit bat neoagu n ut intg, n-epyug qpn thiela«cpat It la -an age cf rebefln., nyo ginl w-be bavea 1ways beenobe 'ua stedy he odisobedient unrefle. Titis mood Wil! pas&. you havo' iem geie sisl*spat ru*yt.hip aytg) w>rué ide forw-eemepssdcmp ablp, 76U wmW nimjurelh M, Cha b7a tge, 0090" t W-if unwln emastiser lh. n.lW"b 14 MW"%g~ fasdy lM4ee4104o,t OUt ite routine et dsIlylabor, to imb t a btar ts ecitilin audye t«i WesuMbened. "iku later. peuhipo rede. thesa u te uaei. t e .s r -, ly.'nmmd ustua ttie ba Y.s.wbat 1 usent.wbas .a<gd4W-m W-Il . ua W omý Dd1U.ar. ,umw» awj v-- '"r" v. uv..ç W. %W AêceresDr., Johnu IIub.t,.W Of WloPbbllqC. 8WtA 'Tc wiful IM« te.itnjuries Chut théy th.msýeea pr'odlsoe usC -be th - "NOHINQBUT A CQLW Avery fs~at ctor in catchlng Cold -seem te b. the. exclasiveý, cqrdIIbrium by-Passing frOm tii. sU- race prQbablY 414 ret beglu to perhented home, where one getas into fie until it began to bàild bousm a perspiration, into the freezini ope& to"Wte cloChes. The îit leaiIthy. living lm the constant and towaxd the Èandlcechief J&V& right adjustmtnt of internai -rdla- wlien boumses osuWb. h.bç cions to external relations. Normal Then,, instead of a glorjoug4, b.. relations8 are thrown- completely out vigorons batting witbh the liîemq of gear bythe procedure just stated. peopie erowded inUto theWfr ou An intimate featurce of the cern- beated dweilings.- and then they mon cold' je catarrh, inflammation of gan, te know the nature ofe the mucouu membranes of the noue! Fresii air abounds ail over the and throat. Some catarrhs have a face of God's earth, exceptinl nervouu relation.. People nervouuly h ouss çieh man bas bouit. cxhaasted-neurasthenic--are apt te fresh air, but the. want of it, is get a catarrh in the. fail and flot toi1 cause of many disaeases, the prefa( be rid of it uiitfi winter iu well pImt! whîcha.Sre colds. Sueh folk will 'have a nervous ca QUESTONS AND) ANSWERC tarrh simply from the apprehension of catchinig eold. Catarrh andithe. Nasal Duct The meglected cold, considering its I have -catarrh of the. nose. consequence3, is the. meut serious of nasal- passge îsa choked up, =a hq1nan ailments. Could its Éum total the.eye on hle.affected side te bec In suffering, money 1081> inconven- feverish and to feel very .enargi ience, in its infection danger, and in Anwer-Dont temporize for a the-fatalities whicb are otentimeu, ment, There îa at ieast inflamm thongii perhaps remotely sequel te It of the lachrympi or tear duct, w --could this uum total 'be-propêtly runs from the eye-socket te the1 appreciated, neooone in hie fn8e Posubly alun extension of the. would say th# co'n'mon Med -l a arnhal inflammation te the orbil, trifling thing. oye sochet. Thei- common cord -leads te,, pime- isposes to many dîseases, by weaken- yser u. ing the. body and by destroyxng the. What in the. cause 01 a silht etr protçetive propçtIeu aglnstgerme, lig ftbling ini the throat, a kind of1 iniierent in the \ mucous membranes ne&a -that kefpu me from uwailom of the nose and btruat. To tire dis- -The troble in at the. Adam's 'PI easea the commo'l cold leada pre-em-- Amswer-J could net of course inently--consUMPtion and pueUMOn- sure in the circumutmncs; but la. The captain of the men of death trouble is probably globus hystel nd 1is firot ieèutenant, pnemonia,au the doCtorg COl t-a SYMptci acceunt betweee them for more thasi hysteriaýT Better be exammned1 hait of ail huma&T meetality. ever and b. sure. - d httheri W014 aoe4tr te. of 64 dmi . oc, -tt inoos M u utet 1wa-a bmg*êin e M, lnooe -ýf7 - Sd s k.pt .nt prde ofabout #rmie, (Jolb. 4L i 6,oem> a h lf If ]juzi U" msii. Par Mterehm ¶t uIImage eropJ 1D e * oeget.ýp . .w mk 4AmSO,& - . &t #.: iiý __ _ _ __ _ _ s f1« a tii. Centrol ft »Mtslaf lu - t? mdtimýb7 bis b.. UsâlCht ho -. w Ipttbss rwugS - on e! Otaw-a. ln 18D5& AMtbil aspi"eof boevlu thé, weth! » Di}l.uentt»aiîit s.t ~i ~4 SO le on Sd. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ av ofiIa htCeuaIi4U I umI n ei.isi~ ~ a5l~15l# de. t. b RIoo4 boeNT; N 41er nid, tu 4t* uaRafrt S <1 OeiTe AU6..t~ ~j te " atii-I NOVEMBER 18This Departmmnt l fer thel us Iun am ede~o ft qidViCS Leuon IL eiimih'sPraer n- fUn expert on Afty.questionrea4ngsit edMrPe04 4to. i y@UqUsI Iýssn LLNeemaW Payr An- 0Of sufficlont ge ierai interesti l wllibeanw rud'hg hieu 1W swered-Neh. 2. 1-11. Golden stamPed and addressed envoi e- la encloséd wlth your itta OlP answer wîîî bc- mailed te you. d4rasAgronottýa'of Wilso .pub>!4hii Text, Matt. 7. 7. Co., Ltd.., 73 Adelaide -St W.. 1oront9là JEri TueTe O! il ea Verses'1, 2. Nehesfiah's sorrowful fu amanCutenace aroused the sympjathýr of CH.-l have a pece off i orbe our te five peeki o! the ma(Lr àiiu et &ý tii.a k Mng. ' Nisan-The &rot-ota hat 1 wieh ,te plant l. neit lurgervreybugvu edrsl I.iick e IJYthe Jéiîishbyear, correspontling t te i .rn. hudIsra a~roi culivating, the bOan5 -b.careful or bi' dIl" petetin latter Part of March and the. openin eg o iet in Luplowed?ntte ia ondpy.Beu ~ I~4 u ! kelalqrecsn * weelts o! ApriL Twentieth--See o.e1û D eu f _________________________________________ment on preceding lessen, vere 1 Aýger i wouiti Êdvise to' rocs a*$~alw o~o u f S these reets.. or- cuitivate the, beans Since Nsa receded Chislev by sev- have your sod ground plowed t15fa4l, we he r'W1B1ce tiiOYO 1 ith, . ~'~~' __ eraliuieeths, Neh. 2. 1, coxnpare with1 and allowed te stand over winter. dagr.!1ped~e dises a-u ente, I Ecuite fWith Root Seed I 1, implies that the eveets earrated Tinspdatngaur nto !th ier Asfa.re bea h ate ose r. n atr 9td l ce1; hichas1,tie sfactoty be yb-Growing in anaa tosenarate i chapter 1;tok lae stie than plowed furrows in the Springl before saisatY work. colds 1 L Feeding PsU Lirters. Iimprobable. The event. o! chapter you disk the. ground ie preparatien P.T-, ii Your Opinion what '0 sur-s Pigs raised by a m ture sow get a 1ia have tanspired le the, preced- for corn. On very heavy s<op it i ietvrey ofp tt o aket- sur- g th rbesta h ra bte tr hl on jg, the ineteenth, year of Artax- ometimes advisable te plow in estrawy the I wlsh i tOf 1 d a sixracre th. ha r oriemethat the pgreat better ptrftwbu on g adhgveerxes. Belote bim-Better, follewing 1manure ,in order to open up t4 esoil.'fIdtaiaaluheprn. W t th weegrwngtutsed . .sed of Young, immature uow. Te increase m;"-3.l, he t almaur t meiesa swe~cde and faIl tureipu, mangels, anid the number e! brood sowa by selec- have charge of the wîne. Sad-The s mtmsavisable te plow insta :begut o - Saw grass seed in front or be- tofedcarrots, May ueem ratier in1- tien trom last !all's litters, oee aoûfld cu phearer was expected te b. cheer- manure in order to give bodyl totehidheiac ualksedr1? sigeificant te the average Canadiae hoetetrfybedcetd fui, hence when Nehemiah came into thsandy landhebut onn normal bain soI problm iste-da andleave ont row~esmdthe royal presence with 'a troubled jthe treatrent recommendTi. .14isa audvlam % ih imfigiven Answer:-ld . There le ne bestvait annoe t o mf t itltheheCaadanpnti-bviedeusal . reard erhentnaceai iùiditey ttacedth butreuis.o!poatcufo al aret. roes t.n attention. Sone torrewreo!ehora theeuls farmer.1,notably the dairy fariner, in- a atiket for, a ceevenient seagom atentnd. Ther w ofnecato o! L.J.:-What la the bes at y teserfZutaet for ataretsAgrîcutura The asmuch as it iu directly coneecte4 Pige uired by mature boars are physical ill-health; hence the king, plant and handie a beau crep$? Are College, whe hais given the. subject ilig with the providing et that itdiprsgeelylaerad methit diagnosed the. case as one o! mental bean harvesters gatisfactory? What crfladln tdrprsi~i came ablîe stock food that in geeerally refe»L whule Young than tiiese sired by in-: ageey. The days or months et werry la the beat soi] fer beans ? 1mest recent bulletin tha t for table 'ed. ted te au 1roes". mature boars. It lu expected ta and tasting bai left their marks.ip a mo- In 1915, Canada imported a total o! h al iswl b arwdas e y1Soe afraid-Or, werried lest, havingi Answer:-l. Beans do be. on a quality, Empire State, Rose'a New In- thMai it'wl . arwenal expîained bis case te tth. king, he fairiy compa5,t well prepared seed-bed vincible',e Rural New Yorker No. 2, aon1,927,818 pounds et turnip eeed, and as october. At that timue the sows ,Weuld refuse bis request. that la loose on top. Tyti rv nWieEephant and Sttay Beauty are DOS& ,6 ond !mne an etwt herpg bud .alwdt 3-5. In tesp anse te the king's te- a fertile soul that la neither ex4remely'al', good petatees. Tiie firut f our s.ed. Ie 1916, the imnport et turniP run je the open wbere .tuere la an'quest Neheienaii uaburdened bis beart. light, nor tee hey and comP1lt i.rakaoe75 hn5dgdo u »W~ ee dwlz>dled ta 160,855 pounds and abundance of green feed, claver, al-- eferever-The usual formula at soil should be well drnined.i Beans basis o! 100 for perfect table pots- , the theimport of mangel anai beet -seed faits, tape, gr rye. If the sows are! the pening at-ýan address ta, the king aeaqikgoig hr-dsnd'os hyaeas ev iles to, 686,7b7 *pounds; and fer 1917, the. !ed qloppy feed at.that time the ii ' (Dan. 2. 4; 3. 9; compare 1 Kings 1.r uc-rwneotsaoe, es hyaeas ev ileu figues sand t 21,37 pouds or gve alibeal meyn of n3S). My tathers' sepulchres-An in- early maturing crap. An abýindance For early potatees, Stray B-eautys figresstad t 21,39 ounu fr gvea lberlmout e ml k. 1 dication tuai. Nehemiah was a Jeru- of available plantfood je ne ded in Howe's Premnium, and Early Ohia tank rang- tutnip seed and 891,677 paunds for When tue pige are about three salemite, or even tint be was o! royal order te produce rapid grovwdh and bigh. 2. As a general rule Gurim f r-Mangel and beet seed. This means weeks old they will want te est more' descent; for Jersualein was particul- maximum yield. On a mediu*m loam alfalfa has given exceedingly good' Mu htCanada impotted a total et the"e than the milk they can gui frein their arly the burying place of the. kinge. soUl the application of 200 te 60M resuits in the middle west. There are pbe. motimportant tarin seeda, iu tue mothet. A amal haîîow trougia "The ncients attached great imaport-.1. 0 b yeure of 1916 and 1917, whieh fanls should be 4lace where the<>e ceytet suce te the houer o! prober interment,1 poundu pet acre of a fertilizel carry- otiier hârdy strains belng introduced short Of the -import of 1915 alone of, get to it. Scald som o muddlings, 'and ja*d the deepest respect te the ing 1 ta 2 per cent. ammoni and 9 froue eeed _whîch je imported froem *T"Ilusroory, ne mllin ponds It tirand ourin sme il ftheailk de hepaesad at the tiiought oet acid along witiiier en ptash. if broadcast in front of the diska, or the )M of Pinl .addCa rcial~eyî wealti eti. lut into the conditions lu the. holy city, which it ie obtuinable, will give tits rapid conveyers f rom the. grass -aee<i box- he-Pound et field root seed used in tbUs eed -about a tablespoonfut of might invelve a dosecration of bis start and vigorou3 growth. Sulecesatul msy b. nttached se tuat the. seed le That Canada was -runming a great fully over tue trougii. They wim get esce te sucli posslbility would net bè beaux growers apply tilefýrtilizer sown with the. grain seed, f allilur risk O! hatvlng ber supply of root seed tuee det ram tue molasses, put tueir! without effect on the king. Lieth thraugh the. attachmnent eft tle grain'tiirougi tiie boot. On a sandy leam tramEurpe hutoff, or haly, oseste Ee end iapitsud t waste-.--The effects ofthtei.catastrophe drill, eitiier et sesding time or co1 soil, if the. grain is net sown tee deep- fromEurpe hutoff patlyor holy, ose totii fed, ap t, iet B. C. 586 iiad net entirely dlsap- or two weeks previous te plan'ting. If ly, the. latter metiiod usualiy will give as a resuit af tue w, was regrettully eat. i peared; but Nehemiah may have been you have no fertilizer attachÏnent on the. beet results. If tue grain la be-' ptedicted le an Experimental Farme It will not b. necessary ta drive tii. thinking ecia1ly o! tue events tue grain drillspply thei. rtilizer- îgsw m depy oeei eut bulletin eetitled "Growlng Fileld Roat, pstotatue trougb again. They wîll ec iin -Era 4. 7-24. Request- houha lime distributor ous ing ow ve oter deepl, heeve, i Cead a nisud Fear S"le116. le'to ey sholmb edplcamte wd arm fnd ake inquiry whetuer tuer. was any- drilllng, but b. sure te wenaç in the seed te drap btoadcast in front etftthe tu uidbulti, n ppa ue ad, wceeah ay t ny~ ,!n e migilt do. Ptayed-&,ilent- fertilizet by thorough disklng ýnd bar- disks and te rely upon its being ther- the as- b a irpe!edl b doe eemiab was pr.-eminently e rowing the sal belote tue ens are oughly eevered by the. chain drape rthe lu b may issueai "easbenone le nth.trougb ltC may be put where man of prayer (Neii. 4. 4, 9; 5. 19; 6. planted. 'Thee emon't o! . eed te wiiciifolbow tue drilling attachinent, ther n mnyisuesof"Sesoabe Rnt",tue eow eau dlean itup. Alwaya 9. 14;- etc. I it pleasiés-Tbe eur plant pet acre depeede ul n tue or if press wheels are atta-ched, tuey suad distthbuted b h Dominion )Exper-i fend the pige in a dlean traugb. 1 formula wiien meaking proposas t rety. rwo ofu «io h ildpsttese aifcoiy 1bed- mental Farine Systeza, te Canadien 1 Atter teeding the pîgs ln this way i the_ king. Build-Better, 'rebuild." et orJva fCl lldpstteue aifcoiy an e frmes ad ohes iterste inthefo6-7. The king readily grants the. te- w W armes su othru keresed l tii to a week or Cwe, coarseu fend cen a.o!ebma.O e-Te ori_______________4 i n eed supply being kept up, urgmig ttiieh.used, sud :saur orofbutter-milk in jui4Wor Canada ceuId net ifford te take the; tiie place o! sur oee t lk But eu man denote simpîy the favorite wo- baiss tue hated cemmunity, Three thy lk r eylg uhi~~ urp -aiswtu ee dt ik ue n mno! tho harem. fThe tact o e days-To test frin , e o ony and M-10HEST PRICES PAID the rskor elin oniipot fm urpe holdconine o sal tegrain feed -prsecelamentioned becaus. Pet- teoOrient hfimeelf. For POULTRV, CAME, on lu either under pnevailing wan conditions, and fe.d tiie pigs while it isý wanu., sien queen3 were kuain Ca exertte EGOS à FEATHERS- This or immediately atter the conclusion et Incresse tue amount o!te feed astue we11ifunean theit busa- >1... write fort -articulara. bteen pence. It wau empbatiCally sUated pige grow. bande; but Nebemnish does net sa' 1 ire ht"aaasol aehrewhether the pre3ence o! the. quecu fV.M . se..àsr 00, rme tui Canda ieldIak besin -!Pigg ted un thie mauner shouldo!frgunretadpr- eih0pode twann Cm,' ,ledor hindered bis cause. It Oa9I»1e> t oatr.ai pr'op- dependent o friniaret ndpotwig inspira wain ime the. king to enemsty Wheu Poultry lu Ri"pe akt tieus. duc.eat borne what now bas te be whee they are -about eigbt weeks et or might l.ead hlm to hide hue interest T. ~ !w ut yug su rub tm abtead. Canadien aga. If tue warm !eed ln continued, ini the affaire et a servent. Haw e yu their tarniers should net only try te maeet tuer. will be ne check le tue growtu long-Botter, "wben is your Journey fuît grown,~ plump sud WeilInlhd Lb.. tue, emergency demaud for field root by takiuug thie teewvaway !nom lthein. t o bogin?" When do yen wish ta Itis 1 ripe for a choice roa uoly e , u-j seed lu h. immediate future, but s*ho Always give *9 pgea ar, r an&i bai long do ypu expect te -short time. It la Wall finisbsd hen I ry te ,estsblisb a permanent seed- tplace ia wiiîch t ". Denloner t1l oPojesda Urne fat sud issu meat are well ttermlx- O RAVC i P. ê miel--,tfor nie departure and pets= sou-~~~~~ 1twn uutywic eiuk o 'mach air space aheve tue nest. length et tue heave ci absenc e t- e oo rpote A mfîih hIp te ue at'once and Reap wltb thenu independent of- auy otiier Veu:-' Give an opportuuity for an abundance, tete--To serve Cie saine purpose eseiI !owileeaku flavor,,sud do snot xuue- Bonefîts of Hlgh -Prices% the tt". The bulletin w-eut furtiier and'- a exercige aud a v teyc ed I'iidt ausot. Goveror.-Of sent an appotlzing app ear4 wben so rvlig [heir predic ted"hat -many districts e! lu practirable te puah t tem te popular Cth. districts betweeu Buse sud Jetu. prepated for tue table. Tue 1 lesh aj>- Imess Canada whýçre reot seed growing in markuet legiits iiy tuele th iey are;selein. lncluding local offiels. Be- pes e urunken sud -th. e sane IeN List and ShlppinesT.oa FRE a net unkuelin at presest, will prove t.lem-, aaven menthe of âge. The. gainesare- tue Eupbrstes; but boe .ail the. terri. dey ans, tue m rords. selves net only ahi. te produce s.ed ef' made more cheaply, hefore Cthat turneý tory Weetothe ti Tigris mueC b. meantdysdtuh ithe 'good quality, but ise to hoesepecially, than it is possible to make tbem after 8.Nebemiab aise made provision Be! ere st»arting ta lay, tf.pullet eni- wel adated a se. raiiug" ' 1hat ge. A tru petietsw. eist fr buldIn matu.lan mkes u Idal materbuttjtershe finit. ITe wlht extent Chia predictieut ime net mies planning for tue fali litr, têws nnw;ti ae ~ bssstdt a i.feitMm la ions justilled, wlU hW show-n by h. data and w-heu Chey arrive we abould mako es thet lie was a Jew i. eflg5.teugli. Whea tue apurme of .cok 0and follow=ng, aowing w-bat resuits 1in the mniet o! tiiem. fo eet-Or, -t4park;". tue word las, hel -barden, the flaSh ougbsi illet rot eedraieng -or obalne latue[~ lebrw finte! parais." wicblu Rg ft l no a dsirlil udteo 1- t- i 1 i i L

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