%Cet post Offic. &'-ÃŽ' 8%1b.divlltOflNoi 5, bouge, .W i btîh day of oebr ue- clock in the sltei'. -i@rkB office, Iii-the mi ite bven t1,xîd for the ap. c'rmol,sto attend at the vte IStt i Ile eek.* T ttt (.aIIr iit std Cor- t h. 1r (of te be afli.ItN ittcaonh Cm' .I ::T.5tpub. 'n1 - dy er t < :i î-nant- i ri ,roped i,,~l. ti,îrq #l(> day - si t'. d eAct. nxtends v. .:c1b the 1 i.i" Itaenty- leiae * ,idi he -------------- iasting ~tion o kr S cd QovCI' eri cent., i xi & J- STE ONT@ onf Clin .da's thie t.he te ory the ee the 2'dge ,thre 'J 'i s -i MhIitiy uis WITH MIRROR ln Black-and Khaki Leather. Size 3j x 41 inchies and il inch thick when folded up. Light to carry-weiglhs only U~ ozs. Outfit Contains Silver plated self.stropping razor, 12 blades, best quality strop, an indestructible trenchi mirror, ini pocket editiotn leath- er case, price $5. The first time the Auto Strop Razer hatt ever been preseîîîed in knockdowîÇform. To ail the mn overseas to whom gifts ivili bc se'it thi,; Xlmas, it is uurîecessary for u4 to dvell upon tho dcesirability of the Auto Strn1, ii, a Xmras gift OrdepEerly. ImmadiatehDliveries. BASSETT JewelIr amd Opticlan la the Store With the Balcony. Brock St. WHITOV openîag.,-servlce of Thornton'Ë Icorners-UuionSunday$eeoul Hll ,wl, behed onSunay, ovemer ltb. atl 2.45 pm. Thle seron Ilà - reech- ed by Rèv. Gerge Yule, asiWted byl other pastors frem Oshawa.' On Tues- day, November 13th, from 5.30 te 8 4).m., a, chicken pie supper w111 ho held, foleowed b-' à concert at 8 o'clock. Ad- mission te bot, adulta 40c-, ebldren 20C. 'Miss Bail. of the O. b. C., will give the address of the evening ln the Pres- byterian Church on Friday even- ing. Novcmber 3Oüth. Keep this date in mhîd. -e- [lturinr,.tlie year 1919 the r.rs '-n'ai proises tn be more profitable and itrsigta those, engaged in agri- 11t1,111iha ai any time during thie îîast îw.nty-six years of ils production. 'N.wý%s and i Vîws froin- the Farm ~byl \v. L, Smtli. for îeny vuars anc of The SnîEditars, will continue ibis' niojsti pasiîg and îîro.-itable part of theý paprr. Th- farm mnarkmas %wiit be ;ziv(.n xtra atnd cia atîtntion by Mr. t rata' and Nit. Thurstan, while minv otter, Nwtt! rantrIbute lrom week tooe'k. tap-irs of intcrtsita those art- ixutly nýgigd in farin work. One Dol- la.r taol]ti.anuary .41ft9, is a small tiefor 'P),, n.a taper t bat lias ;a lonig ttid -faiilfltity suri id the farrn- jig t.sîs Van carntnùido butt& r t (tattn tct> utoancf. X asnsi fl-ith»ofi lita Ltberals of SautI, tîItaria \il1ii abl wd on Tue(sday ,ift4-rnot>i *Navoiiib*-r il, .in ibe Nînsic N,I lbît. aut 23f) a-clock. Tb i epairs wh ich have bev-tintapro- gri-ss ai AUl an C'(hurch for the pasi f4.xawi-- are about comnplet .d. There Ni i 1)e a sûrirte of re-oijîeniiiu on Fr1- d-y v-n Novembe-r 16. ai v..taht c caut. a wictithe Blhoiip oai1îh-e muî'ra n sic by tht- chai r.1 WV. C. " iIriLrA.SrIT _________________ __________ ______ tAinti iai -Nit'ctit g oaI th-WIlitt Y Horî:t iIl iraI Socet y has- be.-rî ad -A FAU'T (Wi . jtrîivd titi Fridav, Noi .'nttwt' 9tlî. Wttli tuî' ut)î-îtagi- litsaria- ai 7tr'o2p t in tihe Arrttitloffice,. atiguiltî t Ilisut%%arn I t t t l w t-ia - ru tii-n a fitrl îtîii-ting fa i t hst and li- lot s a mIhiiLtstr jan kits onattnduit o takec î-uîdii,,,nig îîunrs J anis yrqtiu a sIteo' n ei d a da N f rain Ilt el r cd. tiabit s, tif. unt-N 'fruti r.- isurnii itt.d t ino dvst roy tuarlt-.%a bai sof 'r.'tîd a daN M-utis read3 -ta-mar urtitti. $7 taI for'i'r fuîîly IniA.\uirca. Tiat ý ?i o(è0a i W G .Wa11t-urr Is iii.' situatitonu tit iti titt. ' States. i - and titappity "Canada hi' obligedIoi a R îî'itA . ED) (ROSS DOSA- suy- 'sanie ur-'TIONS. 'lii 'suaut'tiîlc.-iit-a ls'rci si-s aititi W%'Itil)yIl 1,cS~huiol it la 4 -1-id an I-ridity cviiiiîîg. or-a lt r tiTtire tu-Iiii-bcî-,-seitastiti u 1it, .îand a lit crarv iîrogrîin. bto . loIo the itlin it i- edACross îPubt- llshi-d duntng tic 1,.51 Iwo wêeks arc' aui faiiows. rib. dontion matie by Jrtd-e Niciniyre %as titi first rmade Io the campalgn inlu W hitby. but ao lng ro aclturl< t error. wmas omai ýd irotît lir- D\ost tl Isiietitd s NI Johlaln i'r - .. . . .. . F. 0 M iss '"allaiî. l..... . .. ... .00 t t'en ti gle, V. tt sui an it 'tgi r tut ;îd - siîts iu aiirc o ord. r, $-*ila titiidig-u t ii r iî t W ; W al tirs 2 -t ri tsrt t e o rd ù-r. 1 tao 4.madt t() ni-aui-miim 7du v W.- FucactiI M Iss 'filinîa Eriskine us uî %%ig titlt I t.dy. e p.s,r! pair aud aller friuids tt Mtit t i-aI îr t ati - Ilth ut a al uîîerat' pnrici'S Star,' open --e---9':jtt t.lI ni 10afi 10 SeM, l ta >onr Ni s t i S.S i-A11it.,; > h1 wt rdt-i is tow NMa i>r ice'Muniîiy.ttaar t b" t ray (liii i-icen t ty dont..-d fa-r p ,a tni cii i-' I ritt i i- ti osisu hy Mrts.laiiR i s. 'Tbt' i'raC-1s~ tii'matit teýd ta 21. 1- tlit) Pci iati's hosi-ry- lit W. G. 'tr. Mirs, itabort tilas cattrit hîîld ta lis-- io1 lt-tua Lod.- eta 1 l re ifor coutforîs tCONC~ERT AT MILITARY BOSIITAL' fo titlii. solvr. . A lange niumber ef towiispeoffli- were -o--- - in atteuidancé ai the new thealme et WV-desday. D'c.'mber t. is the an. -the Nillitar' Hospita on Monday evea- itîai sale af fancy-worli, aprons, home-1 ing ai the concert b.'ing helti there mnatis cooking. by tuet Ladies' Aid ef1,The- prograti put on wai Of a Very bitb lte Baptits Churcli. Fuit panîlcula"irsorf merit H. ltut.hven Maction- lator. jaliL jirobabiy the grenteut baniteft-In'l 0 Canada. waz the teadir attraction. Te('outil), oi Otntario Olti Girls' As CIciyfloc y Ede Pgot eociponwiliboi t hir egum mota.stngins; coîni-dian. J. A. Kellytht' s'ell. lsociauion wii on i u-mr;aiqdy otatutknown characi.er artist and enltie- 141, t ih auitoiumai ie >ubicqulat. andi Madame Maedoaald. itianlît. 4LIbn th audiorumof hePu lit ne sodiers ihern&-ivee.turtied outInlu lAbarylit4 put.0-goodiy ntatbens. antîthere s'as a largoe uuenu o . uîuna neUinItU 9M -- .--- audis-nce. tic ev-tning ef Noveniber 30th. IA ma"s Meeting of the Lilsenais of 0 SotiiaOntario i -1he hid eun Tt.teadaY The regular manrhtY meeting ef! fueafit4rneou5 NeVe-abPr 13. n te Music Womntis In8lifîtt' ill net ho heiti un- lai Whitby. at 2.30) oock. tl the ast Friday o et iimonalu. Noremiber 30th, owiutg Iolte omens _______ Institute ContenUes lan(Centrai Ou- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - tarte, whtch w1!l be heM iln Toronto. *la. i "November 2lst. 21nd. 23md. Mrr'. Géo.via" w A. Res, Pres.; Misa1. i. Meleiitn. se- 8zR"o' E Ladies' $4 Black Taffela ailk -*klrîue "W. M.sry A.* 'e06Owmsa ud. ertiîced te $3.90. Saiurday. Nove-tuber IN TU& 10, ai W. G. Waltera'. k M T O IT U C Mn.,E. N.-Oranger and i lidren , of a Ni tS .l1 scarboe et.. pett he week-end wIli Sund yN g t No.I ber parentsa, Mm. and Mi. Jaut.'Smtb ti. Pte. Herbert Elilothasi wmlîtén loi his mol-ber bore te the cite-et that bo expééts to b. able te &pendi Chrismas u t htoe in Wîby. Hemb. han lieft ieFr nce e.1914, anti ho *eli t'amu- tdbe leave which lie antkiipates s-lUI be gaieibimi Wir ReIef Society wiiil ho hcld la (h. CopsOili Chunter on Mondtay. aternol. r'loember itb. au 3 o'etock. Mm. Gqrbeit, 'Of Toronto. wil *Peak o" 84Mht Conjervalleit ut Resourme.- it la b2W d <as-tLhon. wtilb. a lartte at- tendianceo0f ladies et te î own. Tlere bae ~brenrrerts *bout Io"o s-o s-e offort* <bat Pte. -zE. R Id -bée* ta Pmranc.. There la clst' r Oof avalbleltai- F14r. Dird vua la France - for sev.ral raoutts. t t-t thbe B . CAmatwiMUN'Ds a, the l.towu hailt Whitbv. Pasob'. 41f JIumà ttdItWtY ServiesWin! beaussi by lent They are the most eeonomical on fuel and most durable range on the market. We -have customers who have had them in steady use for 28 years and are stili -giving good service. GEO. m. -RICE, Whitby' -Everythlng Un Hardware at Lowest Prices. BAPTIST CHURCH- Sunday, November Il. paior. Sunday. School anîd Bible Class at 10 arn. Services atIil arid 7 p ni. Eveting subjeci. **Thé- Cloth.'s ai jrss'This is thc (ansi et a sertes whtch the pastor uuill prcach eou the Pei-son of Jesîis. 1 Evî-ru ody wulcome. MUSIC EXAMIINA'IIJONS. Mr. Erie.st O'tX>liha ma-le arrange- mnis itlî lteToronle Conservatory or Mtusic ta faurm a spt-cial local cenire ln the Trwin aofNviîby for holdingë'cx- niin;ttni i fhts puilu npiano. stng- tng, th-ory, v.-.Th.Iis us an oppertnty whtch wtt!. tno dautîu, bu appreciateti by studîxîls w shtnng te quilify for ihes.- vci.aljýiiitlotis, as lte:vlil. la future, bý' siei-dthe lcttcanlence anîd ex- P. u1se af go;ng te Toronîto for ilium cx- amnaliotns as tîcretofore. The firsi of tîte-se tsaminatitoits wiii 1w eid durlngI iuîtdsumnicr of next yeaî - and- cerît- ficîtpcs amarded 10 stitcessfil Pipils wiliItis- the saine int-v.'ry respect as tbo.st awardûd 10 sitidents ta)ing the .-xnitiutin uTarante. ('andidates dîsirin;. te cîtter for nexi mtdsummcr i-xanmttîtîitn sltouid regisier ilicir nain s w ilt Mui. QJl as i-arly as pas- Gond jvlt.-, jta mens overcoats at W. A.ýT'MN ASISIZES ('ONCLUDED. 1h.- Assizeg. whtch were tn session ail of lasi week ai the Couti ouse ht-ru. tnder i-is L.edshtp Sir Gtî-n- tiolimu Falconbnitigl'. uvre concludi-t on Saitîrday. The Oirsi casa-. Robiason vs. Brooks, a jur:. case. dragged aiong outtil Iliurs- d.y. lTe Jury dismnutsed tbe case and decideti tha.YRobitisoii sliouiti pay ail cosi S. The Townî of sif&a claimeý4 dam- ages tram ihe Pav'ing ('ernpafly thal hiat laid sanieeoft ib asphait pavement ui its sîrecîs. owittz te ailied I mpro- pur consirticiton. etc. Deciston neý- Mary E Ni. Hannab vs. W. J. Rob- son was a suit ariing out of lte wiii of the tale Nirs. W.Robson. unotber oif titi' partit-s Inveiveti. Deciston In ili. case' was ai.e resiA-ru cd. The Inirrs e! the W. C. T. 1. wene fort nialit.,ii aîing îî-t l ieniaItîtecir itactrb:. meeting on Weduîesday lasi Miss Agnes Sprouie. MIssionary te thc liut.mbenrcampa ln Neniluemu Ontario. Miss Spneult- gave a niestiinierest- iîtalk on ber work, relftîing many la- staaci-s. boîh serious anti cerni. Ste aiseo telt et what the' W. C. T, U. Wfr nien are deing tbrough thbe Y. M- C. A. fer the beysi ai the front ln previding boeu soup. cocoaatiieoffee for them, as !bey conte eut et the treuches. At the Provincial Convention heiti la Cornwall ln Getober, h waa deOeldt 10 glvet' ilyeam Z$25,000 îewar4a ibis Soup F'und. and ln ordet le provide the funtir' lu was auggeated tuateeb uifon boid à alver thimble and Lrlnk#t day. wben they will ask cvery clitsea te leok througb ibeir pouaefaIOis jet broken. tiscees. unwanted bltaet gold aUd silver trinkeis, discarded JeWeIl7 or table atit-er. soitti or tnipiel-.Patea_ lTe Whitby bracb ofthbe W. C. T. U2. inlendt holding a tinket day. Par- ticuilars wiil ho glvî'n liter.- Boyre Resmty -matie Tweed Suite toi ages 5 te 15 ai W. iU. walteonS. SCISOOL REPORT FOR SEPTE>JBEJ Sr. 1V.-,bIuyiS$bped ol stark. nie"loîuda. Sn. 1Li-Franir COrnt) MtI Grayr. tà are*b O c ui. iJr. 111.a- en RmebSi50 A Coral!. Margretm athiioli. SSm. il.-IttIuise, sourMoor inter. 1Il-Manuswi CeineL a iceltey. AUU mIeJa*. Jr. il.-Mary Erawly, u. Ra NÃ"TIICZ !M t% sowho tock, wlre mat en Hal- loweeA-kindly returnte Thet>. King, Whlitby. PO UND. Ablc spa.nlel deg, wi th four whit mak nfeet -and white mark on breast. -Owner* may-ý have sani*e by PrOving ProPertY arid paylng for this -advt. Apply te F. O. Compton,-%Whit- by, over Mr. Blow's ticket office. TO RENT. The choice first fiat (5 roems) over Stephensons bank building; imme-d- late posession. The' flat is t'qilppcd with water. sewerage, and tollet, con- veniences, electric fuxturos and lamps. cheice bank vault. cozy back yard. aise aise ceai and woed prünilses, u'iîh ce- nient flibr and cernent walk tor clothes Unes; ceilar accommodattin gore. cernent ftoored, etc. Appt:. ai St'-plv- i LTA54LFAW~L1L44J 113 IYKII1J 1-. -[ No matter wh1ere -~ou litre, you can buy fromis by1 mail and receive - fîervice as custom inperson. .pracicallyothe ame-'l»,Igli class rs who visit our store ad ti4e veniently (Io so,- tt don't do without41thi9-g that- j' are actually neel ed while your. visit,, is1leliiyd Just phone or ma, l your order and wewl do the-1I rest. We have e'jerything sold by up-to.date drug, stores, -,-0yon Maý always be sure of receii ing- just what von order. Cultivate Ithe Parcel Post Habit, t'Sa Real Convenience. WfiITFJIELD'lS. DRUG land STATIONERY STORE WHITBY. i ONTARIC Leave )Oflý urder for Pianio Tuniutg %with ris. FOR RENT. FOR SALE. Six-roomi-d brick house eor rent. A »%ason piano, wîh gplay.r attach- good locality, conveniences. 'Mrs. J.B. mciiit. Clicap for cash. .Apply box 3, Powell. Gazette, Witiby. -20. GIJARANTÉiED FOR 59000 MILES1 UNIEDTIRS heanadian Made Tire ai1- 'UNIED TR 18 SoldDirect tb Car Ownerss United- Tires Always Make Gôo Nol At E xpeîiment 'A L~7 Tested Tire Setter Than Most U nited Tires bell. Wi1temina De H-an. .STRAYED. Inter. Fr.-Heleýn Rodd. Grace New- On te the prrenIlses ot H. Pishrr, loti mati, Beatrice M.%cMahand. 125, con. S. Whitby, a pair ot caille, on Jr. ÇPr.-Jack Hutchison. ('lifford . red and one' roan. about a year olti Hil. Joe Ilasceun. ;owner may have sanie by provîint Class A.-John MIath ison. Gordon poet nipyn xess Bradley. Roy Hall. rPryadpyn xe8s On roll 165; averrage 145.j FOR.SALE OR INI RENT. Jr. IV.--Jessif" Todd, Tom Henstock. S. Pickering Township. Gooti buildings Doris Roberts. barns witb stone stabling. good siat. Sr. III.-Normnan Cormiack, Charlieof cuttivation. Possessidon ln plougi a,, Arnott. Chlarlie .aw. 1 once. full posseesion April 1, 19)18. Foi Jr. iIelvi Arnott., Vera John- 1 ternis aPPIY to A.W. Richardson. Whii sion, Susie Lintrner. by, Ont. t 1 Sr. Il.-Harold Rice. Ronald Agg. FARMS TO RENT.1 Anti Anderson. Jr. Ili-Birdie Thomas, Vera Rob. Threeft armiOe 100,- 150 andi 200 crts, Catherinie Howden.j acres r.BPectiT.lY. te rent. -AIt southýof Jr. l.-Walter Hawes, Haroldi Tuck- End 01110 te Oshawa. Firit-claLts soil er, Russell Yeo. a.nd builtà uga. Good statee OfcuIltiva- Sr. Pr.---Violei Yeo., Rebecca Ber- tien. Possession te plow aller piles- man. Mtax Pollock. Ont e&OP.tful! poiseision April I. 1919.1I Ni. Pr.-Orval Gilluspie. Robbie Bird. APPIy to G. D. Cenant. Obhawa, Onti J r. Pr.-Drury Ridgt.-y, Gordon Wii- Dftteti Auguat 8. 1917. - if. son. Lii:. Barileli.j DISTRICT REPRESENTATIVE On raoll94: aeiirge-90. WANTED. - 0 -At Once for WVhltbY and lite County THE REV. HENR-Y A. FISH 1,:; ofOnti.rio. Good opportunity for a WIIITBY. ,Ilve alesiîni, experlence fRot flOce&. on Sindy eenig net, ovebeesarY. Big Prospects for the' seasois On ttnay venng e~i Noembr rbusinless now sîarting. Write fôr futr- Iltln lathe Methodist Chiîreh the Rev. 1iher p&rticulars.Soe&Welno. H-. A. Fish, of Owen Sound. Pasi. Grand r tn elntn ('liapiain of liii Grand Orange Lodge 1 Thte Olti Reilabie Fonthill Nuîrseries,** of British Northt Amprica. wil preach Toronto, Ont. -22. a spertal sermon to local Orangeen and ilîcir sympat.hiseras, taking & fer___________________ lit, suibjeci : -" Religion. Cltlzepship and loyally." Mn. Fiali nequires îîo introduction te auîy Canadian atîdi hvl-~M l. .-nc.- Titose wbo b ave hati the piea-1 hevrivuvuvuo suire of hearing hlmn preach befere will be thene, on Sunday nigit as a mater of course. Tho"e uhe have heretofore Cars3*Plgwu miss.-d ibis profitable andti edfyln g pnivilege wili have much te regret If Fer meSali aiebonmidi Sap th.ey atlow the opporiunity te slip. One of Canada's forernost omrar andi a Methodlst minisier of the Torontol i CleVrolet Repais Ccnfenence, 'Mr. Flsh's rare .'lequence -and bas profoundiy stimned Protestant ton- gre-gatitons froiniNewfourndlanfd to Cheveoielt service. Victoria. Few, If any, are better quai Repaire on ail kinda of car@. A li ed te speak on the above subjeot. for uine Of Aesas»ori a lways on hjanti. Mn. Fish lias gîveil tipwards of twenflominion Tires, ;ussline sud 01. .,y-flve years' study te religlous. Social and lmperîal niatters particulatIYlu 'i w £areinstalinug the fanions tîî<-r relatiinslîip le ProtestapritM.Iiiiiuzt-SPigfl lieçtrie Start- tAi a tîrne when Gerrnany fondly look- ing and Lighting Synten oun Ford ed for an armed i rslng ln Ulster. NIr. cars. t5ee eue belge buylng. Fisti had the unique bonour of repre- 1 u sent1lng Canadian Orangeil nandi irot-&eaU Llverl 8C661uutlon. speaking oi tiheir belfot freinthe saine »Ce a Splittorti as Sir Edwand Cafsoti at >CIIOi v. 1Belfast on the- 13th Juîy? 1914. Ilis ser- vI rces bave ever been ai the troc dis- SAflSFACTIOI OUAPANTIS 1 pesai er any werthy cause andi ne min- 1 stér ln Canada bas done mort', If as uit Inlti'sts ln Amenrit. Tueetarain Ceutti lOag, WIITBV eto a quiarte'r et a century>s cea8eless Bell PhOD 147. lad. Piton 69. effort on behaif fethltee aUSes 1w chant' _________________ ptons bas Impairetd Mr. Fies sPbYsic- 'a! strengit, but net bits Intellect; 'hi$ mmid la a vast gttTlieUM et taCti vit- 1aliy Interestlng te lte PretestMitîe- lPte oft tiis Dominion. DIuîing mmRny !years ef expéenuce he h" aeacumulat- ed kilewledge ikbt hi$ Unique pOwMr iof oratory enable 5dm to place I*ledf the public tna aremarkably econe ati ;torcible mnna. An lntolkbettiaI brout a wails these wbo attend tise Metbotiist 1Chureit nett-Stuaday night. ____ TI 'Vtey« ntu, WV Eby. tu mWLL p w wRSele t, >S, Arti e M R*%eves ast IIW#t4 number mil,#îtfor e %m uç tV -mm i U"S e. ,eo Âuee< J1 1e~, grade quality, pledg- d by a -guarantee tiat- ineans ibme- tlîing. ,The entire yearly output isSold te indiu'idual mtr- ists who discard the makes furnished'with their earor, ià fav r of U nited - Tires. Ml g.' ani Reciaimilng kmïý- Llmited - I- Brantford Office, liiltnOfie il KIing St. 322 KiagSiE - i t-.- i s- i -- --I I thie goodaco let~ go od foi ouo' ouseom mobk i wie