'week . R1*no l iit hsartr anud lt a ûaè2ÀplyeR. N Basset. Whitby. W~Jj%~ ~ ; friss Supplément ta thé Whitby Cazotte and Chronicle, November 8, 1917 BEINO DDRESSING PAIRCELS MR INVESTORS SÂF'(rARDED BY PORT HOPE WÂL OVIMES. GVERNIENT.Port Hope, October2 OPTICIANS1 Postmnasteru thiroughout Canada have The way the Government la sale. noids, Port Hope's old( recently received advime regardIng the guarding the general public ln invest- ln the hospital here tl i2 Dot. a "aide line,with et. We manner of addressing parcels to sol ments is plainly sbown ln a circular ter a prolonged illnessi re otitins 21Y it diers overseas, which it would be well recently sent to its subscribers by the a resident of this towx &r piin mi t1 u for everyone to become fainiliar with, Home Telephone Comnpany Ltd. and aIl the barbers now profession and we trîve ail our as by following these Instructions the In getting out th.e new 6 Per Cent.. here served their appi attention te the proper treat- loss of parcels in the mails may be ob> coupon goid bond Issue this CompanY's hlm. He came into tl ment of 6ee. viated. board of directors first autborized the 1906. when, for a $1001 Parcels to overseas mnen sbould bewr1'Issue whiceh was ýtben ratified hy two- ed to Toronto, sixty-1 REFRACTINO the na.me and aildress of a second ad- thirds of the shareholders. twenty-four hours. Fci dressee to whom the parcel may be This bond Issue and aIl legal docu- deavored to walk to7 F. E. Luke, OPTICI deljvered if I s impossile tdeliver, ment ln connection wfth It were pre- turnIn thiKy-six hour Veg t. uiais .ould b o te front of thepre ene, harristers. Toronto, and were e-b*,ng thtrty-elight hu rîîimîe MîlîîO nwhî*re stamps and declaration are amined and certified to by the nion minutes.« On the other aftxed and the second or alternative; Trust Comnpany. Toronto. he cola psed by tLe roa 8118 01UV 18 CO[ at:Jdress on the back. The Issue was authorlzed by the considerable money on Inin I1IAtIf neither address ia deliver-abie, the 1 Ontario 1Rai!way and Nlunicipal Board finaliy had to soul out g(x>ds wili be lurned over to the mniI- after tire company subrntied wtth 115 bavtng practlcaliy ruix COUN'TOP -ONTÂRNO. !lîary authorities for distribution, ýapplication a prospectus containing One son. Howard, a drj 1917 I'arcels wiiJte returned to the send- the followng: - esîer, survives. 1. WHMY-Min ILL. K5ctonveil, Whbt>7, 'er if a rtrduest for return in case of i A chart of the territory scrred bN Car&-Jan. t. F.b. 6. )Mar. ri. APL 4. »a 1. Jutae . jul î . ~S s.L 4 . oct.. z. . uon-d'livery is made by the sender, tire company showlng the extent of Dec. 4. J an. 1. 19 18. such r((intst to be wrltten on the the present -sisem and aiso lndicatlng O UR TT OSHAWÀA MiIKL. Ldotîuil. WhkW>7, cover of the parcel at time of posting. w here nows lines are proposed. for O GÂR T TH! cierk -iJa. . Fea. 6. Mar.6.A 4.ly1 This plan bas been adorrted at the wltlch the additionai capital ls to be i safietiGAto 1 Jane ù. Sept . 5. .1.4. Nov iDe .a. t safn hn eg 4. 1919. 1r4 qu--st ot the British Post Office. ilst'd. 2. IRO('GR&M IM. Gleeon. O.r.nwood. An appraia !lt omsadbs-agalnst allen soldierst (jerk of n. 4. hores an Mu!iE,1-11-- _,___ -i 6. Nov. -., Jan. 6, 1918. L. PORT IIERRY J. W. Durnhamn. Port Vrr. Clerk Jan. 6. Mar. IL. M&7 4. July 6. 1,jt 7.N 'v. 8. Jan. 7. 1918. 4. 1 XflltII)CE R. J. Moom .Uxbrldg., Clark -Ja~n. 12, Zr. 16, May 8, Jutl 10. SUPt. 18. N-. J?.an. 11,. (80> à . ( ASNNNTON rom. iL LFoe,. Gênnlng- tcr, r.. Jk an. il. Mnr. 16, May P. JuIy Il. -ept t1. N,)v. 22, Jan. 10, 1918.. 6. 1(EA \ETON ( ,.... A. l'ater-w,.n. Beaver- ton, (Irrk. Jan. i , Mar. 14. M&, 10. JUlY 12. u N-. .21, Jan. b. 11& ley,. ]vri, Jan. 9, Mar. 13. l.lny Il. Juiy 1 . .2', a.20. Jan. S, 1 19 J, E. FA IFWF1.l.. C:Ierk of thre Peaaa Olisney Bra-s. FUNERAL DIRECTORS and EMBALMERS WHITBY,) - ONT. hi Ilir,î rand lutterai Cl't> if A lr- trirk, o Icaskets andl t unlýr t ..1 11' lwgiy~S on TE LEPHONES Got Vour Coal lit re ou are mure Clean and Bright Olur coal tm wtrll éjcrteej Wv izrtirutiotcprompt de- livery stigool 'ter' uce Telephone No. 182 Jas. Sawdon WhlItby, - Ontario j R E). S.-James Rey- lest barber, dled ths morning a!- s. He had been n for fifty years, w doing business renticeshlp wlth the limelight ln wager, he walk- -four miles, in tur times ho en- Toronto and re- i-s, but he com- ly once, his time irs a.nd nineteen rthree occasions )ad--ide. He lost ithese trips and it bis business, ned bis beait.b. ruggigt, in Roch- EE READING guard our homee of wbose pur- ilar course she la hn a better Dostion to do her full share and though oppo*. tion is unlooked for, repressive mea. sures are provlded i the Act. 0o MAR.RIAGES. ROBLIN-DUNC-AN.- At the parson- age, Whitby, by the Rey. A. E. Foe- ter, Miss Mabel Blanch Duncan, of Colborne, to Mr. Frederlck A. Mo. Lean Roblin, of Brighton, Ontarlo, DARNES-CORNER- At the parson- age, Whltby. by the Rev. A. H. Fos- ter, on November leI, Miss Reta Cor- nvr, of Whitby. to -'%r. Le-onard Darnes, of Oshawa, Ont. Proferisiona1 Carda LEGAL INO. E. FARIEWELL, K. Ba.rriteLr, County Crown Attorney mml SOK I>RCATDIY FIERnsbossno1o sreoL h s issme are ail aware. Bout it is aiso %UUiouur 'OCK APPECIAED B OFFCERconittinvl> in their ttrritory as weiî as very Important to guard tbem against 0jfto tloth vtng Court House, Wbltb7 Mrs. WV.J, Mayor, of W%ýhltby, has a*stattîmnicrf those now served bv other insidious foes that creep In un- rec.e-ived a lîtirîr from a Canadian ofil- this companyv. and showing the pos- dor the disgulse of frtendty enter-tain- - c. r, witioni she had n..ver beard o! pre- si)-é addtr tu«ali srbscrîîwrrs1 rs to pluîtder and destroy the cher. A. E. CHRISIriAN %iouns>. but shi. I -tbr-.r proud ofth(e A stienrent of tire quantitt of poles. iished Idoais. tbe lofty standards, tho arer o4ie. oayPbi.Eç Iiîiiso! ii- lotter, Nvhicb are as cross arnis. lîracks. Insrutatîirs, wti-scloar vlews Ihat have gir-en the bomne tara..Slctr oayPi.Rc frtlows - cnti s. iiusnruinients and oither acc ssor- Meslircer f., Brook Sti, Opp. Standard Bank. i-ar Mr-, Mayor- -slogîthi r w mb thu rosi of the nia- If you ii l famrillarize your young A f dai s« ago I r-cî-lved through n. rt:l and litîor rîuiiire-d 10 bnttd th(,~ît with tbhe best reading. they wilî Morley te Loan, t'.4 nmait tu o r-try fln- l'airs of socks, lnuréî-ssary to s.'rve the additIonnal ot be lk-lv to craVe what is Inferior U:tvkit ie-d and cart-fîîliy pack- (1 ;n' r:ri and dvioratiztnig. Tire Youttî- Com- DNA -dlia p;arct'1. crranratesr, \n * r i f animai frclpts ant ilIan ton is a to'eflinfliience In!DNA TIi,-.ý, ý-cke art, c r1amnlt a- reasurer iiir o.post-d Ilu- r.a.îtga taste frr wlirnî Is 0.-st in HryJ tduDDSLD t'mon1 bnoctrra1Is4 tIi- re Verv warni crfi!zeid ç \si, ni r.' compard w 11h the riadtn9. Il b on gnard at the' read-,HryJ îsn .DSLDS .:r cr'n0'trii i. -ar but bscause tit r -ttcg aie'f, Nothtng cliri. ni-lflori 8u.oesor to W. Âdama. 1h. , %uoti' hw igigt on tlii-m havie .Af tPr îîr ttlc ltarinc nd tlo f1lt1 î lS 1 ts rhaIt.ngî-. But OffIce, Dundas Street, oppoite Pogt s i n r14 ' r y,.-:rs o!faitlirft lscrvlce. ' h r t - 7'oat br: rnf r: -iti r dires t he-crabbi-d and dulî andi OfBc*- Bell phone 122. Ind. 64. If il-. y oîîi f rrir fuir r runtrv Vtre î'.ts ond ir-sir \irrn grîriti i,.' th. asir.. t(tni-rrv deaiisnt ts Tht e ,Lnt- o s .-' s :1!t* z.- iop are Ci îrirrintr' a.nd NMiinitpa)t l llord taîotscouniterslgît. rut It on gîtard -WIIITBY, ONT. t -'ti rî rr'Id at tri'long In brîng- ru i ru r rs-n idit- V.lrt. 1> ;il> oiC rai'~dn:c ete, n._ t>1 ac- Iot.i t!> rourî:uo wid. Thse isnitia. ad thý- ptianfor-Tlit.'t'rrtntantonIt s $225 a year. 1If BLAKE B. BEATON, LD.S., D.D.S. sini-cn1 goir ow ard WL tîbv be- ili,-r '2îni/tiaof i- CoinnîriN. y yrrîdoi) ot kitow %-Ilîry ail nît.-ans sind Mrduateo!the Roya l ite o! Dental %%n t t s- o r ( doîr i bu(.te tmake nmyr-: tr' n.Iri-d inAder th- d trci-rton (if 'fi r sMtii'iir clites gît Iîig a Fcrecast Surgeons and University o! Toronto. t!> r. afti r the -strifi- is over. 1i Iti-v . fîr h r.1 Ittrt. î. i wbtti>((x ianewi iG. Dr. D.eD. Cook, of Toronto, la taking w I1k- esiut î-day 10 cali and tLank >of ¶1tr, tidoO-r- r>' nîrd t' edinDr.Z.> nI ,.-rs ' (tu r <fi-r itheitd- ii: 'îrroalyforr te iniigration you 'o!fi.inpeii>-nt i lirt-Il ndinstr y I1.Tht> Yoiths Conîpaffon, 52 issulesD. etontheplatondulnthr e aee Lau 1>-c in 10tire y ouh of our an'm.. th rirrghioit i-- Vt'il. d ta- in 1918. I Olme over W. M. Pringle's bardwarê Triîstlng t1hit tis note NNI111 ind you As a ba.sts forr îstting, M.à Nr. Shaf- '-. Ail the 1ematling Issues o! 1917. fietiu- t l-Il , w% I1 and that you w-lit 11lte to see a 4 r ui-d tit- atir-ts it of ib.- Cipany s 1. The Companion Home Caiend ar tOilt 11Pirn..t Il.1Pbcru.10 iasbttFa peace liroclaitned, 1 remaln çropci-rtynadi-,b'Mr.. J. lHeriman. for 1918.t--- Grate!ully yours, lait extrerienrcîd eletia nginte.r and THEF YOUTIJ'S COMPANION t G. A. MÀcDo%,.o. 1 teicîrbone exiiert of Trîronto. and'(un Commonwealt-h Ave., Boston, Masts. 0. Arthtur Le. L.0. S., D.0D.8. Captain.l accoýinlt innrî-îwrrî aadi' by Thorne. iNi'w suhscriptions receir-ed aIit auaeo teRya oleec Ntlboiland & Co., charti rdi-d acounit-! office,. t Gral uie onsth Rodo llb Uiertof anlis. of Toruînito.1DetlSrenanofheUirsy TiMgTabe. n aditin t thi toromly %ithlofToronto. desirea to announes tha T rau~ ime &bl. baddiionto tis o cmtit1tetîtho bas taken Dr. Sgluon'& practie and tii- Ontario Cointpatlîts' Act t ilVs at-c- COMP>Ui.StRY SERVICE IN 1,5. l rprdt otnetemrea I ist-'-. ti-iir' fferlnn t: e rti es o tb j pi>i Ill c suti-critittot to file- a îrroslîiect rii i 1 txiOti 10 P i~r - sed witi t.'I>rvnclal Secretary contain- Mes&iIiRIliOL. -Of over Alltn's drug toe Hours ii fuairaittment and certiti It b a anter o! record itut'rtiîed 9 el ono 87. in& ilpin cat ion as foilow s --S- sItltr that I'resident Ltci - - - ~Incorporai i'tiund.-r titîr Ontario ;f ra tnp îg 10poeu. Lt SCivii War w-itt voluntary trojs I A .R BN O WHTY . CTO. T OtIaI15At î.t u15,tîrrîed to conscripîtion'i 1. l< iS lwP g rthTni nes ds-In order 10occlcure thtec sary forces. tjndortaker and furniture dealier. WH-n 'et6 &iTB1YGJUNCTIO. " " ci. 'rîo foalnd lîtgre liofth U1 e sIir- Siîîcé Lincoln lis regiarded as one o!f ..M -le & M.,4 > 1 -ongKa10-10' ioa rsiofthens amui ae T>ts)es o iii..- it-tht- grenit-st statesrnen this continent Bell and Independent phonoes. Day -21 ? j. I- j..o pin tro ht lneTîehn omtrylas iprodtie(ed, Ilitistsructive ai tholO! night. 7.5 60jP. m1 i i Air. E1iIleesr, Farner. Cedarprî-sé.iitstage of Canadian bistory t10: aROOMJN, - - ONT. 9 30 P-Tnsi-t'vhou Fhi-jdeair with Fahe problema Su.nday trains leave for Toronto 1),rit- I ackà îy,. Mantifactuirt-r. ______hou_______________the________ 4.52 a.m. and 7.30 p.m. rmTrno'îrno-Vîi~ Fuller. Merch>alt htar .---- -trains stop at Whitby Junction st Gte iîve-r; J IlJones. Farmnet Bal-' The Presidet was war'qed Lht __________________ 8.20 and 10.10 anx, and 9.30 p.L m. Frud E. lr.si.Mnfc-îe.g-rve dlsordc-A migbt follow the I enforcvi-m-rt o! the conscription law,, UP-TOWN STATION. trotnlIi: RbeJon ooi-.Pylfl. ulîleb hIt wius argued. was In oppiosi'NCH LO S L O itoun %'jrh 810cnt ,i-. Mrkhun. T (CMrAvoy. Gnt! -it ir>i pîîlgaN&SL O 6. abt tuà :)pin man, BaIsaffl; Walter W'ard. F-rmer, î 1ineoîîî îook the ground tliat domo- U UR'< R C.P. R.Lj (lai-vmont; S:uart \Markaiy.Geýntlemuan. qa hr nte Wtct ~Jc m ltag-:o.l ~* Willim lOy-or.Farm- tracy tu-ans tuteîashrinhe *"W TB Go GoIWest 6e a unirCobm.ts iardvt-n;a tuill ns In the biessiiîgs o i> >n. - 9~I W 2 No d(,t-.ttt', or d-ix-niture; a repIuiiic. and decided on the firm en-r - on-forc.eent o!fte irw. Ail opposition -- STAGE. eîock itave ietissuod bY te O u as irîtui repr.-ssed. Leaves for Irougham aM 10 a m.à r. Pan y tîîî hi t -i l cdngt O ilt cîterng the lîresent 88ar, the ROYAL T HEATR E Ed warda.ý proprietor. -va-i-s f in the date bereof Uite i nte oted by rîast expTr 3. No p-opîrtï 15 10 13v I)trcharied t1tairm'iyaope cop-EVR NOT MAILS CLOSE 'raqurdwhlch Is to bo pald for lee n rmtyaote opl VR IH orht o tbir eeSO "brdbno- o--srie-The Voioe on lthe Witt," foaturing loi >et-6 S iia.. For Port wMtb.-. oýiflt Now tht tCanada bas adoptediaaatm- fDon WiImn eap, Ian.4... ,iL.k a_.-m ss ilfiv <J 11>1 *fahran... a --., .. Highlands CANA Hm~ of the led De OPEN SI iDEER-November 16111. hiclualve. ors distrieet !Ortau agai. the cpm M» r st ta Novemkbe 11111Pan thelboPr iytag Kaort f5 k. mmt a1vay fr3M for mous tla trou0 vembu M80. Wrtte r MW a i% 1i. aunt t 1 GeneM uLS Htt 1o bC. Eoeataq. rat MURDi S.,. P.M sucb niont-ys as wllI have to b. ex- par 0&"% t îi ended Io extend and improve the Tel- ephone Sà stein of lte Coupany. Foiw Ih.i5a. 4. Ne commisson bas be-en pald witin îlte nexitprîvcodlng two ".ams or will ho 1payable for undlerwriting E~~j or îr'oeurIng lté undt-rwring of lte llllà tm aqin bond Issue herttnafler mentioned. 5Nothinl ias ubî--u paid durIng thenoiext pi-ecidintb ire-e years..or 12 imid to ber pald in cash, saaros Of nh I dî>berntutres or debenture stock, or otti- A DA eT S4curt les t n rmw lot ud the Kliss so issue and soit stock or bonds of public Comltanies la ainttocL 1ex0- EASONS at-i5 10 o emSurat8 he forniaieI o!o te'w coipanles it bowever tends tO r lo5t to Norisabar make thf s0euritUCi o! public servt< Compauilessale an InveatiRent LU Or laif to NovMebr oa b. tciiretd- Mme et (ho otbc lut It la a d niaes Oieae6 per oniL Lr, incud.tng Tim, CouçKm &Id bds o~t the Rouie Tel maR là trou NeVU& .phou s ornpmnY CelcalliattIwdve t r0SM laehisiv 1» Sla local *eme u»msesail assure Mvtiie.of Ontalo them double bmet t giviaS hein a Caa.adiaa ovau- good haleaditY (meum a ddition Ste Queb«o t he te 1h41,Inveaufflt »Ms ltot» pu b. opesmm plant t. imprevea"mmd uiargo (1141 ce -i Sby laVIUg a tu ât t 6e. mhu Ihr wIlii WHITBY DÀRKETS Wbed, ai. ----......-.---2.0 Wha*,goo .a....----1.00 Bart .------------------1.16 9«».a .... .... .. ... 6,00 a . .. .... .... .... .. tu Pesa.... .... ...... ..8Loo Dtaakwh....-----------II Oati ...... ..........o0.60 R*u Qovar------------010ý Aliiov operbpa ...6.0 SEAY. Pr tam.... ....12.00 1.00 4.00' 1.14 LuS 0.60 10.00 10.00 13.00. Ylou p« Met .. .... .. F1 t. (bepm atd& et .. . -8LISt. 1Lob ceaumoal.... .... ...-. 44te f1 Dvmai« ton .... ....40» to.40M Ma?, o.P« tonI... ..D4&6 QD 4&4 0.k tdri.....100 te 170 AX..mba ea......1.0te 35»0 Laube6 dramM .. .. ..5.0te 8 Bom. d4J1.i........*20t. 30 Tnt .... .. .... .. .."te8 ..... . . .... ene. A4as~îouAdute lUe, e~d rcn Sa. Spcii iow lCc to ali. 1v WL aL ax MR&. PERRINI,-Manager, A. L &LIN. Immr cf MarTtag LMmu. Oomw drugS MomWhftby. NO vUauwwm qutr.i, &VOIJN "ue I&&LS %dw*. be OMO" uwlieL WM. MAW 6eM In.êi. Ua.a - fê I o 0" 1' - z -mm Hà r e a8teË7' hb e 4 B.01911011 Son Goal Dealors Phone 70 WHUTOY, ONTARIO We Have Soveral Cars of Coal on the Road. Order. Lakon for Nut and Stove Coal. .W. have a1io a car ot No 1 Miixd Siaba. ALSO HAVE 1& 1 UiT GAM Orders cDuIvôei AnyWhere Sa Towu. 9