- wwem ~ ti~wrli, tk, &Mwo mms.Grgg. oet Clarmot avs Ighrdaughter. Mn. C. W7_. _I1lott ~t~hertMlii ati vi.Barrett, Mn.' Bllanti Mies3Bell, of Mlitdeni. et Moit hUiS ae bre attendlng aýoxvIsIng, witb- Kvl.'anti bin. A. C. tbe. tunéraà 1 et théIr 'motter, wboft ElItott. 91at. took place 01St Ia>'L. Mr, Alber't {hinn s.nd !amuly utofi ba." Wager antid djLhter, o! Oab- idf romthoronlto on Sunday andi spent! swa re sta>lui#-for ittile witb >f vs.te dy, -wtb ismothor bere. lisne ee ei.misa Edlth Séot. o! Qsb9ýaà ,forai- Robt. her;hroy 18 eavlo Îag for ipërly of BrOoklil, b»as 5!t' 1t£1 p.owintwere h pcst<rm ~frfroîn the North Wpst, iwbere she ban 1the wlter. .beeri for the puat year and a hait., X ies Armour. a forpam teacher in na~~?.Lur.RbiOiY tba scbool ler.la tbctest ofe~ue~eo TedyuitfI ' anti Mrs. L. W. Fergu . Mis.Mac.Soaes, t~oOnt~pOlt tem that tbeir, grandeoui; Pte. Milton~ 1W4 week with ber parents. Mr. and:Rbfl¶.bt be Olddl i X irs. Viponti. - ie Mr. and Mrs. C. Morrison andi cbild- pollowiTig is a Btaten1Ont cf monpy$ retn, of Toronto, spcnt thie week-end subscribedefor Red Cross -In the differ- -with Mr.-anti Mrs. Reegon. ent divisione& ofthel Township. *. r.Norman Wilims of Bownlan- Division -No. I -Collectons. E. Licli, vilre, visiteti lasi- week with Mr. and- . Caforth. M. McTa.ggairt. Amnout ire. N. W. Coiwiil anti famihy. ejjbscrIbed. 4227. The pulpit o! St. Thomas' Churels Js DiVIsion No. 2.--Colhecto1's. F. T. 210w, belng supplieti by atudents. .11r Rowe. A. W. Richardisonl. W. Kemp. U'erguson. of TrinIty College. took thoP Amotint siibscribed $19". ai acrice on Stunday laet. Division- No. U.-..Collector5. R. X. 1 b Mis. John KerrIis flow 50 poorlySW'ebbei~ .1ws r v H. Souley, A. Iiannam. jïj to, be confineti to ber bed. Àmount subscribed. 5II2. T bi- 'r. ani Ms. Chus. Grass were ini Division No. 4.-Colleciors. W. H. -_Bx*xnpton,-for a few tisys tlis week. Gtithirie. E. Pardon. Arnount subscrib- etc M"iv. A. W. Crawforth andi baby. bM et. $206-55. din CiaWa, visited with Mrs. K. Beam- Division No. 5.-Collectons. mno. 3. Bû isI il o Tuesdav. Moore. W. Ormiston. W. A. Drydeni. Mr. _' +, sn celbrated is '419t-Arnotint subscribed. $605.55. I miw'enWonnaeWii .Wormn who feelweak, langud anderesSd4 wî~ ~' pale n4 ;- and ie os, appe'&- ,,tite aud resa ek-'~a toi ttwl -~ ~ ~~~~~h puOytebod -ep~ rgarfsof cigesion, reuate the liver and bowels), '"nd strengteV the syste. t long ham been knownlta I ~ gtowa~<Wm~~ or tey quîckWcorrect amaMs9t ekwm o h ewnwgy ailmnents, -mprove the aP.pett5pui the .blod ntire.sihh ealhY conditions. ey are 1eafe te take as they are'pULrelY vegetablean ihu I aaïfut dru. A few doses will bring better -pfits, mprodh and a féeelng Of fitnessm ih >8mir. Ci a"IU.S.nec.bse b. --The above revard will b. pgîd for information that VIII tond -te the gonîî~Ctiou of any-ptl'so or persotîs fo*nd Kulty 01 - ýa.1l4 f srîtuproducts sucli as poultrY, cattle, honte, grain or,- tu tam aclinety frein faruners ia -the Townships ef Whitby and, adOsbawa. - Tbe Coancîls oft th Townships of Wlaitby atid Eabt Wbitby1 ---bave 1ýse'ome reapenisibie for the reward and viii pay ame for thi Toabp f Wbitby, liast lityandtheib j To*is"of sbawa aud Whistby &sséciatioul for Appreheadiuis a4rsa itlg'Pelons. I e.. LWALLCEELMER LICKC, 85 St. ose St., Monteal. April 4th. 'For ovcr two years 1 m'asik and iserable. 1 suttered from .cnstnt eadarlhes, ad haît Paipilaion of tht reart so hadlythat I fearod 1 would die. 'here seomed te ho a lump ia my tomacli and tlt ~ConStipalkOa W. [reatful. 1 suffered freontPaiMfis nthe Wik and Kidney Iisease. -i w w streat(-( b>' a pi ysicin y a mda hiair andi hie did me no gôd at ail. tnied " Fruit-a-tives I as a Iast resot. k - isi u ...i .at rcf e xffl. 1 was really In trO.O1oll -lniTctrî ,o~ br~tBue5i~ TibSa>e at t*é adiad 'VitcW file~iIf ~ 'a I a ti à hbÀd ad A Bot oasnanè vctorY.- tone; xv 8i W> O 4 as b u s w t hb th e:'fa U 1 10-Pl T l ai à tred Th0, h t a m e d o f l el d . T. e l a d V lc to ry .É üCT Om4 aiey , N t hel3 .. l n ~ I [n g , g e ttin g re ad y fo r t e ,9 1 9 - a r -j e th ê r l gh t. C a n a d a b ila th e m on -f f î ! s o ck a n d lm pI e t s,. h Ciluet - c , ready t Pil P eerty of A lbert M a key, ot. 2, co . MissSjaer, vhobaS>eenVi~n~ or vtoîy. t's a matter o! liftingth Mr. Rowe, Principl of Pickrn roltyT.Seatod "0k ber uiepl>e*, F. '.IGree, for the Past Ioad. Ws a unatter o! what touX' 5 topublie. Sceeol.has reslg>ied, his posi -arp. Seebs.W.Maati- ment, bas let for a 'ftÜrisit--at do if, and W wii be the driver. tion te take effect at thet cormence- er À ~easnîeveîng~ Wbt'sth bet tamfor this Job?1 ment o! the New Year. WednesdaY. Novembel! 14.-Auctiofl. ývrch lt- Frla eyflifg en nthe sa_____________________________~le of bouse, lt untle b loO IÀdi<Ai s e ei ros Soe.the .. - tyof ithe estate of the-late Mrs. Geo. betia-suwe frth oys eses.H Eysnstone, Brookinh. Furniture solti ci Ller Éintteei boys we redand - eslu premises of John Colwill,,at 1.30 p.m. startti o ther 4ayto bys wo areQT A U iUii *Au~ sharp. o l.W. Maw, auçtoei pééan see billmsoc an imemnB.ter stKeod'l b o miflimi'waytbYs: bTbursday, Noveiber l5tbSý- AuctiOn. conorybote bemglembta the bRdb-hressproperty of John Coombe. 'Reacb 'Tp., one t e ffl lng o Noebr 9. A ootio0 CANADA near Rigil Point. There wil ho 23 pOan he an beng f sver.M1s9 itîL. Ago ED OFC TRNheati o! Shorth om icattie, togetber with -p4à gm bas Torono. wlII de.gMsst u all the usual stock-ant imluapemeuits. -As rener usul ay Thelemot odeu lndi Mr prheofhi. Coornhe la -tvlng Up farming. tr U uni b . he d mao nd Dr. - s- everything will ho solti. Sale at 12.30, James Moore of Broolin. Jut return a a as__oyJfU hap m Mw tOleer eti trom France. il give an atidresese a safe and profitable investment in addition Atractive greting cards cannot be in bs ow inmitale wY.improvid Iupon as suitable gifts for la bs oa inmitble ay.to being a help to your countrY. YTESTTO.Any Branch of ibis Bsnk wyl take 1 your distant f rientis at ChristmnaS. See MsJ ughcnSpeTIN. as w £5 10173 your subscription without charde. Our samples now and get a choief o wih iline t on se. las wT? the best lhues. Otdei'e taken for later B RA NCLI dlveJ.Asledd age of cards wit fiens t Troe. elver. in C.A GodllO e VY . asono Wfi i as ITB IIA C frorn $1.25 per dozen Up. No troubl Mr. anti Mia. W. GC.ra.ham spent Sun- day wlth Oshawa frientis. Mr. and Mrs. G. Houston, anti chilti- ion, o! Toronto, spent the week-end ai J. E. Beaccck's. The Methodist Sunday Scbool bave dticded t holti their annual Sunday Sebool Cbristmals enteriaiament on Fritiay evening. Decernber 2lst. Fuller partIculars laten. ijrpnned and twelve bOXeS Madoe COMOUS wei1. NMw 1 eau Nyorl alday and thero Mr. Archie Bishop bas been under arenohhadcles n î'i atnn tho docto's care with blooti poisontniz Ileat Trouble, ne ConstiPatiOn, flO Mr. Thoms Atiamon etturneti to Pain or Kitluey Trouble and Ifeed ike Detrot a r v'llg bs mn a newkeing-and à t wu "iruit-a-tivCii" frientis here. that gave me biack My> health". Hallo,.e'eii passeti off very quictly Ms>'gARTHURI LAPLACNTE. bore. Thie Hydro people are busy iluese 50c. a box, 6 for e'2.50, trial sie, 245, t.a sbuiling Lhein une. At ail*leaers or sent postpaid by --rt a- ives L im it d ? O tta a , O T.H T Y Mr. anti Mrs. Jobn Drauçr, o! Pick- ____________________________ering. spet Sunday with Mr. andi Mrs. IL. W. MeIBrieti. W. Harris. Amoutit Asbby. subsrbeti. $347.F. Miss M1argaret Wllhis la speiidiflg n Division No. 7.-Collectors. Mark a few days ln flic city. Onif. R. Heron. Arnuont subscribeti.. Miss Emma Goldrtng visiteti with 'S R.é;t . frientis ln Toronto over the week-end. . Division No. .-Colleciors. W. A. Miss H. Lawrence. of Toronto. is Kerr. W. Jobtistoli- Amoulil subscrib- speuding a-few days witb her atint. ed. $203.0.miss B. Lawrence. Gadttlsubscribeti. $1986.20. Re. F. Glover. f St. Peers Churcli. GrandtotalToronto. wbo intentis golng west short- It la earnestly requesieti that aI l y. preacheti bis farewell sermon at St. monles subecribed I>, pait Iin te the joiuWs or( Suntiay nlgbt. -Treasurer. net haer thaui Montiay. No-M. Wni. Goltining. cf Belleville. bas vember 12. 1917. A ful list cf a&l been at bis borne bore for a few days. mcney paid wil be publîsheti In the Mr. andi Ms. Giles andi Miss Etbel Gazette anti Chronicle ln the Issue o! Gîtesspent Suntiay with mrentinl To- Thursday, November 15. 191. rnte. B. S. FTZ<4~IULIn tTene areunleve re Cc Ia t' l~Vvl'te t wrrat a4r uebad t h* thee ad ' seat et tbl 'ait@Ue heC nt tOttarlo. ated the 15t a t8piIb! *7 ý e .v pp bs adeuntwG ath .UwDSt1 o ré"or ettae t2efflau4gal batea "tetfott.Ihrb ipl tt ~iuubm .~t M*t &rê'oO08 pad. l , liIpliPge at lba'&SuBuPt h ta toqOd uU b>' pmlýW &aUetit be aa"m eds. 00 alle m à "f os il 0." 1A. 8t8b~2lb 917. at lb* bout et 1»t Lot ToW"Sgt? 0F RAA Cou -AcesTaxe* ass Tolti Q 50*U.f~ »s -*14.60 T3 10 8.06 0 116 Con. -ers T«ms ate-Total Sa$ 1.- 4.61 -~ ~~~2 mil141 81 -48 'mWUWI OUX8iiDe Paie t t ,Or~ rp I DEATH 0F MRS. MILLS. iueh when tbey malte a Suntiay School After an inesa o! over ire imonths.th itiofherobey tatb chaimed another of the oldeat esidenîs o! Brookîti tin'Elizabeth AUDLEY. aukeli. rellct. o! the late Fnank ill&s. Mr. H. T. Loi-e's onction sale on )n the 24th o! May ashe wta seizedti h Tuestiay was attendeti by a very large Sparalytie stroke f nom which aile lin- crowd anti wa one o! the oest suc- wreti until Saturti mlig hast. To cessful thai ba licoU elt in thîs vi- be oier nesitienis sho vas kaowui a a enity. MlIoves. stock was In gooti leepiy coU5Oiet1Iiou5 voiiini. a Mdnt coudition, anti as a resuit blgb pnices elghbon anti loiig inothee. Sbe was oepid. The sheep w«&e bougbt In &x vreeks oltiwtten. ube wasb'ousbt b>'. a block tefr $1900. ave*egIinx over $33 or parents frmein glant t iis coup- per tucat. Thc piga moiti eceediagty Lm Tliey eventual> set-led on tht-e i alse, anWel as bor*s. The pelje rarm wbere the brickyard UIOW.&8Mda. of ibis coamuaitY are -sony to loft nortbvwest of WlhltbY toThi. asti wbere Mr. and Mm .Là ove andti teir famity. ber tattuer madie bricks for miany years. TIicy intenti to reside la Toronto again. froo there they move t tea tarin sean insale. were he vent te shool. Eora la 1130. anti bavlng attalilitithe hLMONDS1 ripe' ag o! 87. asesaw tilany changea Mr. ChiLapm1.or tPlekerint.-wll ad-' inth leVillage. FIity-seYeil years age tirs the Suntiay S581150 next Snday. abe anti ber husbanti movedti t ber Mies Violet Dickie vltti over Sun- laie nesldellce on RalhToad St, wbCe'ii&y with relatives tauO.hawa. nearly ait of ber fainl>' was bora. 0f Misa Sadk Priagle retUract on Mon- ýa famfl>' of thiniceil seveui survive ber. *ay te ber home la Sut-ou afier a Mmra Thea. Wlckett. Arcola. Saur.. Jos- riaitwiti relttY es . epb Mills, o! Cle-velandi. 0hio-;Edwat't. The travellng pubîlOic*ong the ICli- Cartyle. Sak.; WillIiam. Corêns.ti. sien Roati nov aMIle and My. "'Qoot Mlberta; Albent, o! Moutta Deanis. anti Road&" Mmr. O.Barrett. MottiDens; 1ms. Mr. LaeKciltP. Mlii Ealco e up. Nitra. Merniten. la rehitea nthe tic- 1iss Peari pascee.Mis etoul Dma ceaseti was a Methedisi. andtihie fu- per andi Mr. ferty Paa»Çe ome t waa on Tuestia>'wus taien by Rer. Darlinhto on Suntiay andi vlalted over Mrt. Foley, o! tue Metbodist Chanci.t.hie week-end wlth fnlitS thefe.,ý On sSada>' mang aboUt atecaflok CARD OF TIIANICS. line broie eut lu lte udt-cl, betufe.1td The familly of the 'laie ?Mvi. Mliiias&I. It at #i p ab seuiuOt-bhala&yb. wt-sh tgc tbaak lte olt ienda anti acigit- fore boltng otêti ett ou8114ld bons wtt. have bec en »mladti them j&nu, The scliol vaslusturetitalte inether. net only ln bertbat Iinesa ikai>e Lent Ii"alhtice CefSil. On but ibrotigitait ber trouble 41fting he Monda>' a sebolxmeeting Wa= bell rfectalrem-*wheii the, aaalone. eiten Ih waa teeldei4 hala nw Uh00 -b. bItî il qcet. Xi" Wilson. Ibe teacher. la apeninug a week- aIhber MOW'S TED? bo»W 'at WlngiaDitU ti rihel' Si 1 *« queCfflRasSied Doar. en 4aor u'anaawn:sare made.', C ""' r. ntiMM. W. aasivitO M W* 0014tani C m b lm br -aa boa t k s h t 1e w qitk.e iiid V $*k$ ir, p tt e?, forCatré ..r Mr. Nortaii ee a nth i lk 64 M04 & **om SW UuvC.eeto. li. W* b.,M 0 -te utoain ba U a"W.*C.tsrek Ce Ott TuiflQ" Y mi * -.m eà t*r0 la cm M.0u00- os- et hevrt ~ i e , saati Pstet aB' pat4wselapat'. Cn The Military Service Act, 1917 DON.'T LÎ;ý ýtmomm., - DELAY MILITARY SERVICE ACT is pRased; the - Procla- Irmation issued October l3th. It is nowi the bounden duty of every man in Class One to report for -service or daim exemnption. This includes ail bachelors anid widowers without children (flot otherwise exoepted) who were 20 years old on the l3th October, 1917, and whose 34t*t birthday did not occur before January 1st, 1917. What To D<> 4> tô your Post Office and asi for tie form for eporting for service or for clahming exempfion. The form contains cIem instructioin for fiffing in. Do t" not later than NOVEMBER lOth.à Beware of the Last Minute Rush NwPgh $0 many' th3,Musan of reports and dlaim to b. deait with, the. ush of-Cam OneMa wiil grow heavier day by d4, You will waste lmsaof YOMw im ad ser your own best intcrests if ýou avoid the inevitbl Th.Ipv i@ bcing enorceti with *UiC Gov.mýntand the. People ftrnly béhiad it. Obeyth.Ilaw. Do it tocay. Th.ý Multwry SsToioe Cownc I - I ta- Umm IL 1à C JL Ueclenaz4 m Sem'ice Acte 1917 1 >,ý. - *1 L presidout. pffl à ne Military Do It TOUAY