Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 1 Nov 1917, p. 8

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M.Russel l hox ê 5been wilth hie grantaàtler. Mzî' Pas. Kulht, or several imonthe, "liasreturaed '1, Qehaa. - ~ 'gone l» thehuïnt- urton fttr "the. Goodenôw, sud igliborliod ar-e wlthtur m - Wu.... ..~. 4Ieut ratiue Slo û111kg, ýot rallng. 'apple etplku, tlireublng and-plowlng tilt the lime mo jýuIl that, Short hanged as rheyý are for belp, the 'work le -far -behind. and it lo as If 11111e taRi plowlng would lie doue. The calllng up of Clame No. 1l for rnllîtary service le causlng farin- ers lfluch a etsulàepio . belug nweeilfôr practicsllly every mal, £0t1il1iiwethiu thse cte. >7 -0u1Sunýday neit -Qurterly Metig WiIlli e held -là the. Metlsodlt Churclu hèrae. Tht Sacranient, of the' JWr1! Suppër ail be aâdrnnlterecf et thé mornlng service. Tht evenlpg -service wIll be wltbdrawn. A Bible Choas social ivll be held ai the parsonage on Frîday 'evp-nlng. Every. A.1.C. fnernbe-paet. presenut, andi future-te oexpected to be present. MW. Frauk Milté, Who lias beeiî vPr.y 111 forsome menthe, andi hae been *Wuted upoui 1» lier twu daughtérs, bas been tal;ên 10 Lthe Oshiawa Hospital, as h er dtjughx'ers ivere comp)elle-d to re- turu home. Rt'.. W. 2%L Haig has taken up) resi- denci qon the Gofor liifarrn "ttth of *Groveelde. Ne. movéd frorn Coltimbus last Frldsry. Mr. Keiith Ml Nowbray' and wifé have returzxed from tlise 'West, where Mr. * - Mowbray was assting ln haryestlun. ýi o -IE The mouvlug Pleture show 'wq1teh wasg her. slut 1uraek len M<os'daY. , lie shoW people report rbav1ug spent moe mou0ey lt, lie vllagPe <au tliey pte hère. Urlal i Jes onOetober M >PIbe Yoant "lige namïe lllewsl*amrdtnlà.. Mms Jme 'ayûugrêbad the mis- forun t tt-cWit le C »avç.m m nt theChurcli, ulet sIêlid beèn emgmg- ed ,paeklug XÏIAS 6oxet for <i os and reclved -a lad shaklaglup ad- badly bruierd fac e. Mnr. -Lou AlItai, out-Toronto. spet tise. week-end with lbisyParmfm, here. Miss Gourlgy .oéf Toronte, spet lie .weekl-end,,Wlth lirparents.- The - mi tniende o e. mNorman Whltt ivili be pleaaed <o kuqa. -t l PrecoerîisgnicelyI- roin heu neceut OP- jeration. performld aM lier home by Dra. Archer & Archer. of.jon Perry. lie churches have bei paCklng Xmas boxes for the; boys f nom tifr tf- fereut chtches wbu are over"Se. The' collection for thse British Rled Cros.a. f ront Whltby Township bua net heen chrnpleted yet. but wlil be short- ly. Thse ainnunt wlll be $2.000 or more. Itle .expected that a fuit lieu of dona- ttIons wilIIb, publlsised lit thile paper next wd-t-k.- A pieellug of thse Presbyterlan Ctsurcets of Brookli nand Columbus was tu bave been isdd on 'Monday of îhli% week for the 'purposp of ealllngi a pasu or. Owlng te tihe heavy rails eîorrn a postponemnt h lad 1 b, amade, however, andth ie nit't'isg wlll b, held I t -clircis ai Columbus enêxt Tues-' i3rooklin people are glad ta welcome Dr. Janies 'Moore hsome agaîn. atteri belug ai the. front w us thse li6tls Bat- jtalion. He was badly woûunded ln thse atrm and shoXlder, and had to corne home for a i-est- He- annlved lli Brook- lin on Tueeday motung. havlnL got P ntr) %%lrby on the 6.30 arn CP.R.. 1Trtwoyest' 1 wuva s eitl of lIeavfandllupBW ilioTetgay body, deeide te t Friûit-* ive" bought tise fre joilstJu., Dow 1 am wt1 efl, i '1frr Ysil> box= 1 I ,eomuie« t'ativml FIRDJ. CAVEE. M0e. a h<>,6 for $2.âC0 tria aie, 25c. A t alildealeri orseut postpuI4byFEitt a-tives Lioited, Ottawai. Toronto. wbere be commeuced Ids new dutîca the beglanng of tlie w-tek. Wm. Goldring, of Belleville. vlslted at hie herne here over the week-end.. Xra C. Williams. who lbas been is.> ltlng inonde In Toronto for the past week. returned to Mr. and 3Mms T. Ptndar's. THOR2NTO'S CO)R.IERS. nheoPening of the new Sunday School will b, held on Sundajý Novem- ber Illh. A cordial Invitation la ex- îended to ail and the members of thse !%chool are especlally requested Io be present. Thte chicken-ple supper and concert willf be beld on the~ evenlng of l1;vme 3th. Tickets, adulte 40c., chlrn20c. Mrs. f. Ellioti and Edlth visitedi trende ln thte city last wX'ek.ý These heavy raine we are hav1ing ae-cauelng a îKerlone delay, to many or tbe ý =rs.Tlireehiug laesepeclally rerressi the leartsi*<iercplua ta ssl th es dâ ys due <q hâ I# ]ilz.emas B3rooh, et- .Toonoto. #Orsety et Sonth .Myrtle. tmade a vis- Uri. qêiorge-West vascaled to Port t»a41 rè*er <bat ah.la »iW conthe Oseislsat wee Mr. Edward' liaI. lotaIame or Ida frienda ut fer an *uttut lu hie tar. Tley lia mot soue tàr whei mmie o!lits friends believed ýJ1S Net liaddevelopedla%01,a5scrcher. Yust to let them see wliat ie aould do, bse rau lier Oralt up oue b=an d dowu *gain. <lieu le taMked'the eoppot whieh wus even-ateeper. AU tbis time those at. home could heur <lie iouts of <howe aceumtmed to drivIng horsts but Mn. Fisher lu due trne bronglit the. té% < a sta<sditilll, ue <the voms. I om say It was a mlra4p, they were biot upset; they miglit bave beecu kil* ROYAL TH-EÂTRE cVKRY MdONT Tih% Voioe o«m<the Wie," featuruig Bui Wilson. 1erery Moudsay Dght. wednesday uigb<, Broadway feat3ure. Admuou-Adulte 10c, obildren r5e. special show lc <o tel. le wur tax. MmS. PEIN, Manager Ioiuig jflefl train. Hk aas met by hIs brother. Dr. Irooklin. where a htappy meeting wltli We offer Oit& Huodffl. Dollar. Rcwmrd for bis fausily and Drooklln frîcuds took Da" caseof !Catarris t aenusut Se curei by Iunei Of M&flla<LIOMO place I s uuderstood that Dr. Moore Hall% Catarris Cum re.ds«WWkty iio dCaarrW. Cqtreha.en twfltken by Cre rssoe htr aprove H bbuinTaI' ia ilo ntssletive. cstarrh suiTeret-ifor thse putt thirty.five yeare. NO VItubSSnie<ll&i oring, because of its recog- SI tY RTLE. ti.rrugh thselondi and Muoea Sur .e« . --_ ______ Wnî.Maynr!i.o! lrookln. li îng thse Poison from the SBlondi sud hei. . S UNIB mUuiLL. croi'i e acarload o! t urnîps loaded isere hast Aller yoa have. takea Hrall'. Cat&rrh Cure I ut er .Farmners ted <btat Wisen cuber for 9 short (im. yOu h au wUruai tlmi- Ifod det le s sopie tfnptmspsae vemecut li rour general hetith. &sW4 tieiliIsewht tol -~~as~,ect of the, tailo)r'sa Irt. 1dear to f ee<t t egiteen cents a itiliel. iaI ' Catarr $n Cafr. etm sureed-i{Cu~ levtu rqle ett ft oi Moîsday for thse Purry oUndi -- dIstrict. wh'rt'ahey iIi T________ AVIUId[çe '~er buntîne. 1Ieihi"ta r Tvo carlSoapf côal arrîved authtIe illrncrgrteleu iaM.M W - ---mmwian n...e e-erv hrnsstn uBrookltn and nmate hisa acknowledge Hobberlin tuityto corre4y tvalue propoi-tion in-,the human -fgure ,....,relation to, con- I îv ý.,,p rf- g & ~*Illbel">'>tere cI~ithe dl weavcs WC mot, mond fdr 11ut- coal. îtsat every Pound wa-a hauled away. et $rs dollars-a ton. To havie every custierner share mlilIe onse îoad only. was aîiowed to a homne. Miss Ada Nicol apeisi t'he weekend ln thse clty.. Thse ralny veather liêhindeulus tarin. ens frorn finialng, 1-up (hein fatt work as quickly as tht>' would Ilke. Mr. Thiomase Diiff ta abput the' finit trouurd to finish silo ftllhg -and Ureshlag, which lie attrIbutés L e le act <"al he had eftiient help outside and lnl, altbougis n shortage ef labo: vis fear- ed aiuith.e unll.n prt et the souas. MI~es. Roltlto-Woisand Mark DuEf canvassed tus s*ectIUnlutht laterests of tIse Drîtial Red Cross lust week, and met Wlth a Iteanti respoisie. A grant patriotIe concert "Iii le hi-Id lu thé' Tenpraiste Hall. Plyrtît on Tbursd",y.NQyemWerlot. A iplen' did program will li prvide&.Dom 1 ofwen al. 7»î.Cobeerti cmmeus a 8 - oclock sharp.- Adsmiou. aduit& 25c., chilidevu oer S years, lie. ?OT lIIIY. Mr. sud mrm EIis, et Tor-onto.ar a ap éduga eedays wvtit Mrnd 34M. SMiss Jà Willis. or Torontto, spesi <li week-end at ber bome liera. TIhe Reer.Caý is lcholson.« th<e >Mit- lr lti ai ofthle Waren Mdille a»W t <lia otarlo datedUs <e 1$h day of, SPtaaibr. 1T mbeland Iusmentoailln the tollevitg 11lia e pats as erelu $et- forth, rleebos y v o Sstiu are sootier <ald, 1 shaU., Ila emoe~ »e t WHseli h publAffl*om <le 5*14 <"4&: ate«aary Werthse t, at mie jisrt 1tPÉm <uiaDeees.laur il . Il 71ai et wbO'r O1'KAKA. .~rCus<s Total $.$4 IIUS 250 1140 8V IIARA.. Pat'd es trnpa~4 Vapa*'d. - ~ lest caq .a Toroutg. M.Àvin Tnipp. o ono.sp-tnt the week-end with il» parents lite. Mn. W.E. Vanstole. et Whitby. bas been in t<ils vlcluty fer tht patwetk btiylng up a carload ut turullu. Mr. and Mesa. W. H. Bell and Misse Marienud Gladi-. Frenchi motored te Toronto ou Frlday last. TPh.e entnued ria are htudtrng tise, farinera wlth <hein tali work. AL34ONDS. It beiug Quarferly service la". <le MethodIsi Tabernacle next Suuday titre wii lbe noechurdli service herm and $unday Sehoolviii atart at <vO Miss Saie ninle.ot Sutton, isJ sp.uadlng a couple et veeka vitisMia Gertrude Remit. Miss May Dinsmas Sday Scioo citas heId à:box social lun<theshl. bouse om "*Wayereius lais Aver eajeyable urne W»- apeut. Mfr. Johna 4maa's sale on, Tuesla sold ai <liebimitaiPices W0.-t3 eiuascae dova sa Mody >tIsu ffl.4.lu A, tevtminutea 4<4< =aI liai gathered toe thle bdM*, 1 u. J. Allt" bas i-ated r.C Ksmpthome% 1sUe. lot aIe lhp ig, tVMIl Vitiimore yery sorty. JI ( lir. V.Iite vtalit a11 Ai l bsd et sales promply até""4t&. tmgmustoir »a«scma b. mwa t ~WHITBY, ONT. *«0 UaL Se ve &Mo~ s.sroft<o.- iied S81b" dr" 4u baut. -npoum we isuve iMU= iàore ralu It Will le too Wét - llteton aoMeiï op t beedu. <heur deuundl$lon o! Dordeus.Eer loya eltsenWalis Ijugýttete b. donet. epcll t t ,farmnlug ommitlty. toi70l1873a tieuocu. Good preîqéw Petatocs brô-îùgli jMawbf Whitby, li ùdr.yu~ Ot., vIen farin- Be lias ol to ?apd rs,0 litre last saturday thée ueâr future. se erg- 77. W. adviso the. purchase of Canada's Victory Bonde et a sale end profitable inveèstmaent nddition to being a help to your country. Aiiy Bracli of<b"sBush wIl tak 70-Jr subscriptioa vithout datés. eWHITBY BRANCH u MW»S. cw jio i i Pu Se toit . uai Will. Closs 011e --,Piov de The One'Huftdred Thousanýd_ Meti? .mi84 ~ ~ Wt" if.ai uiavee Aowr lh bre qJy1h, 1917 pb*altr..<Ie d If« tawmg oul o<.eege sdtssfoscvla i. i-i "fh a.<. t"t assaI tv âe m" ail'lg * bau.is Ais, 1<wet 6, haslssidm iom i a mmuth i à,"usparlo i.-' et *4MM Awgw -i4 fit f« uilsla *u.ms gusIt ,Cou=- Or OMTANKO nVoml lne.Guuo ru.as. -W11. UTI~ J. BoomDs!btuiNPrk IL Fosir. Cassusi- 4"5r..ai1-Mar. 1.MaYibI. Juli .le sW oir8 e. m l1 it A. cýiLPatuum , Dàver- . à1.Mar. 14. =s~le. JUIF *ew .20. No«. 21, Jans. 9. 191IL C 0-4u. 9Mar. 1~r1 " . Je5r SePt. Il.Nova$0.Ja. 1918.- (iBy zOrtie rB AREWELL. Clfrk of <h a«&st- @4ai Whltbi-,,Novetnber Uth. 1918. aatacbad.vbemlsewhflres ieolaimOs.d fui s.iiics. mlàwsd~ su apalcalisu aidai b~ <h. poa(âiasf or <~.r*~êC.wacdL - outii<at a Au I -t 4 m CANA"

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