Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 1 Nov 1917, p. 3

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VtKd - - p e«9 Fes 8teenstrsu ouscron JL' N. -d Wetar The two main objectivez of the Franco- rtish offensveslu the. Battie oi Flanders, which is expected te continue ail wlnter. The. attacks below Ypres -and towardB Menin lighten the task of the Canadiens before Lens, and, in fart, threateîî the whole Lille neighborhood By tiie tbrusts uortii of Ypres and towards Roulera the Gerruan tenure of the wliole Belian coat and of the aubmanining bases i1.4hortene WIRELES8 TELEPHONT MJR REIAL A90OUND THE WO1SLD. AGAIN TIUNS A despatch f romn Brantfolmd aya: AGAINS HUNSWireless t.eiepbony to al parts of the. world, more than a possibility, la Prac-. tically an achieved 1tact, declarebd Pro- Tons of Explosives Dropped on fessor Alexander Ceaham Bell, speait- Factories, Railway Stations iag at a-mass meeting hold here, ter- and Junctions. lfinatlflg the ceremonleit of the unveil- Ajing. of the Bell Memorisi. - Al UC5sMLCII rom dn LAUUOi U7i- The.emînent invenwor bic l recenti Ana official statemont on aeriiil opera>- experiments wiierehy mientiztm.poke 110.15 issued an Thursday night readu: trom Washington, DC., te Parts, "On W ednesday night Lactonies and France, by w ýord of zmoutb, tiie cou- raîlway commnunications in the vicin:itY versation being overbeard luIfflo-. of Saarbrueclaen were attacked by our . ulu. The resuit waa achiuvud by'tiie aeropiane ,qjadrons with excellent attachment of t&elphonss t. virelou rusuits. Over liree and a 'hall tans apparatus, and speech te all parts- ef of explosives were dropped on the the world with neither wires nor bat- Burbach worlkm, juet vernI af Saar- teries, is looked forward tp iii the very brtuecken by naval machines. The near tûture by Protessor Bell. damage caused wam considerable: - 4 -- maaiy fir.es wore oberved. - ALLIES WILL STANDý "Three thousand three hundred BY THE RUSSIANS. and thirty-tive pounds et explosives were drappcd on ra!IWay stations, A despatcb trom Lolidoir afys: - 19, junction., geedas dlings ln aud anound tiie Boude ê ofCmmnonu-bisa Saarbrueckeu by another aquadron. Lord Jlobért %Cocg catugorta»deled6 Muny direct bits -vere obtained, re- ramons tbat lii Westernpo*eraver sultinr in numerous Otplo*Ious. Oue coutemplatinu a eparte .pescoet tUn train proceeding te, Saïnbruecicen re- expens" et Russia sud RUM.nla. lBe ceived a direct hit fin- sa big bomb suidl-te rumors ver, ea y ou and was deÎtroyed. A total of fivo agmeniz, Russla, wltiih e e o? d tons et explosivim vas dropped by us, ceuraging Rasits. Gseat Britain vas det.rmined, he BRITISHI SHIPPING - said, te *bid. by 118 Ru"sd ail> aM LOSSES INCREASE. Iasmliat ler t, CongolUdWte ber nov found Iiberty. lge psid trbut. hto t A despatch trom'Lontton ays: Au valut resstance 0f IRU»"anl lu& lncroase lunlte losis etBritish mer- perlod o e'xeepti<>aI d1«Iutr.,s*a chantrnnn through mines or aubinar. trial, andi ssured t.». Rumailn p.. laie-si is netod ln -the. Admiralty report pIe tJhat Gr«at .Eritaln vould nt, de- fer thec current week. Seventeen via- sert thernIn lhelie rs , cIais sclaI .r;er 1,600 tens and elght undor - 1,r.,C toens wer. sunk. V. 9. WILL CHARTER 80»P The Admirnlty statement toliows: To JTALIAII GOVERNM T. ArrivaIs, 2,648; sailinga, 2,M8. -- Britiqh merchantinen over 1,60 A despatcii trou Wasbugtoum ayn tons sunk by min«. or submarlne, 17; Tii. Sblpplng Board agr..douTu- under 1,600 tons, 8. day to charte t i tallait011"Govnral- British flsherren sunk, none. -ment appro tmtey. 25 mm Britigh -nierchantmen unsucess- 1 commandm ed l d iIp 0f a8wag tully attecked, including CoeprevIbus- gregat. 0f 100,000dsidwefgb$7 bita, ly, seven. to r*UelirItalis sortaedetsiipplu In 1h. prevîou's weuk tweliru British1 t Isupol ritl> neàd Mou vessmes over 1,600 tons, six undeir liat Great Brtain bas bffl - - tonna"e. and ene- flshiug vessa ver. France sud 11.1>%îthb sbiplug hi zuuk,,nie t Ils mergene> sdà buitoeuê eeetiuue tu.40do.in 1w corf loeas MONTI'8 EXTENSION i jpg )utp~grqirmu ON SMALL PACKAGES.& ANOTHRUW A- dospstch trom Ottawa uays: 1%e In,5 OA NU1 pkNt 74Md Controller bas g4tended b> eue - mouluth t.epuriode durlîl i i hmasu. A despatb fies.Wubtgt MM facturer$ sud vbi>lsalers,*"udretaII.. uogwhr-knot p«,5AwM 1î*ý ors, îsspectivoiy, aie t. bi purmtted to Trami e u bridar .p,W u t. soU azniflpackages of cereals, cos- [p redia ts.t«isi.4b> l 1. i produets, Sot, oréther foobdm auw i '11 u ilais l -W tii. ptoduct e iit, 0oeI u- U., M. rime ,p..A, beau , bukeist, 11%m 14 a*mtag. de moi" ers- - tA oe. alra * b oit to ea.1g t Uteas" aI» m i at«Defl «,Il1917. _Fe«ru" "l b. esi fl -ý0M cm teo--the -ilop ff lie ilEfrI(<pla liii ~e etti tu. y'wuaru re1tt4lgfeafBg Germai *Udt tam svue 'madon àt," uadrifu net,ýsn, lqf9ed te lalMualsaplateau,, Md on ii, irésIby-iitilek »" t vilcirmodrodiUme oi~~~ipiam 0fM it " Gabriele, but, ia lI1t0a88zag. ~ }- r i Y., NorIsrn Ç3.8;Noth Nt. 3n40011No. 5.-' ?Tff lie tOo81~ l.I.utha Ov-o. 3LU t, 87Uc No 1~f d-0 to 1; sr1vg~&31;October, ,i 0*.. »in-.33.15bld; IIuy, 8816 ld. W 4 oia Toronto, 001. 39--mattss oolc beaVv minr.,8110 t $13;do,.gs" héavy Wlut.r. 110.74 to 8$IL ; b c atie cio !1. lu1te $81.25: OO as 04 8.5( 9..08: 1. omna d..n.um,t54 to d.do.- ,- . mo. 7,10te Il. unemr orant to t.-$ .1 ýd..*u b bl. 8 tô buther' ~WN, chies 8881 tO8 89Lde, vi0t.3.5;cne nut "q>tru.st $8, miiher, goos i o -ual; to 81is: mo ou.a de, 815 to ~ $1 t'~±'11m 1l u4mht. -run. ý o»t- hlary.131* o 7.5 7.3lip. -Qakâ Uiielb le1. pr ffli: psg b.81 .- .0 per b". t Tota 'T to 87.50. a$If t8.84 %M40w. 112.40 to 8MF.1 fft. f1.71; eau 1. Il 1917 81.35 toit Oafts.rto C am $1 3.>sd- . I& o t. Ipoe tatModem a t to lb.. 1 to#&2S eloo . CA loe grelutii wrld wtut orAut 14.; ~ ~ ~ t ilry h. m87.0 er10 plasis 1 inh kvnulk, wOuped sU mss VeIghead o a . the real liât ve-22,500000.Thi e eudou Tm* -OU tl*- appalllnt figure Offly wm.A duspatcàýh frniOtawa maya 301. (>rdefflr-in-ýUCUdil basbeam ùpo t40 tcooi 410,u 0 t1a oo4s x *C Olu I8for.i000 tma mov , rtm o u mrcby * geýt* pobtInt u Ca" 0'oeagu»» hunm. mta >1 l00 a0 u . th* rob1tio4, 0f lism aumk~e I 1to lac; 1 P r IY88£.* -m ab. i%<xs f lxaïrt.Gt, 0f nàii reO 8u Hmibl i' fCama u m.rel me elm e mmm fflie-b o Ge&WI." ml.b..Co"trlienva uadebecus.tb hlh a& .xl ;Weï-e -big-sou"e tam »0 Muisoig t UI f1511>e-,ffim Ottsd 4t.able t» purchaa 1t. To r lu ele1Pnc..204 Rsa,...000 oe b ým S a mbtrarr would « b e i' , - W tmo i tair to ti 1isOdlOré.à r.e.. 8100 e . 2,0 1 7e 0:- Win TM sa*w hbat* ii npno 7'.,týr 2~~ i O ~fiiyrso fleUl ~ . 7,8S Ale.... 8,0 i. ~ Und«> a du*llIt mliotmeat of Amner-1 au ma- Immifor canada"350 y l00, 1>oAur ant,.2O00 s. t tb e l adallnit kt n, ab u t, ,00 ks NO. 3 ; o.4 v ta.e ameorian on1o 0 nomIal;No. . d3., 36 W 14S accordiug b ftroights outaide. 134rler-Msittn. 81.10 te cordIns te fralghts outaldu. Rye--No. 2. $1.76.se freights outalds. .Mauitoba four-FIrat PatoU bag-a, 311.10: 2ud&do.. $11; ut ara', do., $10.60. Toronto. Ontario flour--Wluter. ae ampe.. 35.0tI baxu. Montri Toronto. l2t 5hlpuliut Mlîfe.d-cd1i0 lot@-Delve rea! frelghts.U- sinclUded- ton. 835 sehortS, o $4,2; 'midi 46 3to J46; goosi fe ,Ur. Hav-Wo. 1. ne. Der tôn. $11.60; înixsd. do.. $10 to 81 Toronto. seL--car lots, per tOn.! trm4 Toronto. Butter--Creaznery. solide. pe to 48c; prnts. per IL. 436 oW Pu on.. as to 46.. aesuing to trade at the toilowlng £rit"e Cheese-New. largu, à to 23 231 W 8Isle; trIplets, Ili te iasru, soc; Ivins. So; trlplei Bute-Preshdairy. choice.. cr.amury pnints. 46 to 4C. m Egm-Now laid, la carton&. ou rcartons, 460 .dputryZ-aprlng ch tem 30 owl. 30te 220; squaba 84 te 84.60: turkeys.as teWSI Sprlng. M8; wee. lic. Lire pu1ry.Tu9Ms.3 chiokens, lM..; bons. duksSorns.lie, eee. lue $3.Î0;.i12os.. 83.00. No. 2 Btralned, tits. 11'sand 5u pur lb; 10'. 1ià tele. or*. Buans-No Canadla beas1 outil tat o et otber; impoil pleke& .$37.50 per bush; Lima "KoWoi. n--track - Ont 91.45 t0 11.75. Bunoked mua5eam mdi $le; do.. hesvy. si te 17e: -ce' ttc; roea.27 t teScn-breaki le to 40c; bachi, plain, 8os Cue-mets-Lent cleart te 2&C . lb;clar belilea,. li te Lard-Puve lard. tierces.21 tubs, I271 t 3; poilu, li coud. Uureet 231te 111e; rPao.. ni e de weser.>i8. : do. etraf. No. 1 8 .4 > 71 1 t5prijwb.at leateute. rt 811.cWSI10; mrn a 85.15. BM.llOt4;gaiel, ~.0d.bas 90- Il.$4 il c 10 uu lIl $1 vlyN.8 er b6.s.ot& Bgg-Vae.I . 8 e ,e1-uel li;No7 .mok<t.io 4t.41. poùatoee-Per ,Wi 881t:e 83.31 to Umug lie theI Ivom hirb tbe gx W mr Darllag hi Ne'~ Yerk Tribune. ccnSiior U= ~ IEPtOiNCES Tais Smigt. Wrue s8t l lb.t dlsdbetgoîot At FILJènblisbubeen Rpotard prv icàii;i ueru lidtseis ru 17 Sir John gtfrllig Max*oil, iBart, ba" bon ecosen -Mssista'nt CoyboUer. of Tiaiboifor Seotianid. - Tii, adm of £140 bsbeu ize bvýLho -sal et0f aï, eotrtifeets on otMl eh'utett lsgv Ti.Kilwlmn u~ séuiet pence per t'as compared- wlth' laut James Graanbas just con:pieted, Mify years of service on tii. sta f e lb. Glasgow Cirporation Ligbtlng De. Information -han been recerve d tiie deatb at Capetoiei, South MArica, of Johný Poison,_ Min., formerly of Aberdeen. II The. Duoezulipe Sehool Board bas agalu bad under, conuideration the. qÙestiof et povldiug a second ichol for Rtobth. Tiie weddlnig tooic place lin, eu~ aide Par"a Church, of Captain T. M. S. Min. Henderson, Jf.E., sud l-,Mis E*7lal Hsd" a W&B of Eliug. <Geoike .amloson and* Sou, tixubr ,merciisntg, .Aberdeeu,.. vie fln*l L8ý for iiaving failed to give -up an lun- surincecard t*0 oneuof then', von- At the. annual nmeetig oi tiié Sot- tlsh -Traction Englue -Ownern e ld at Stirling, WillliamBoggie, Dunfenu. li w.ui te.eeietd -president' R.F"A.thé hiie asbeen aw*dèd lbhe Madenze,7 Iama$~Gardens-d1ul Funiosi, Wlithy & o, oli mpeOl , bave pSureasd frouM azi «-'- Gsxdiùer of Glasgow# lis iiet of fourteéu car- -vaisicutée440spo f hi-o s1 auïdn--byÉlt 8friRobent,-and L"aded laie tr tzp aeou Que totlb. 0I~ vio» a àtaboufrii ..,55,OOOAifles ...,,.,.J ,..14,000?ruualans..'..4 w.. 800AlUoa. tOuais - -1 r A 1s ts o i..

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