iU~ il b. caf Et 'Xn"'s.~with one appftcq-- 0til No nxig Ready- for. us dry. A fertilize! as-well -as a poison. pure paris Groom in r4lb., 1/2lb., 1llb. pkgs. Ji E. WILLIS Drugglst and Obptician MEDICAL HALL 8r~~k St. Whltby. Cap Cannêl goal Juot Arrived mad if 14 storeb )tics. was reeently askel to il positions aI f rom U 039 #loupe r Mtb and teiru ai (rom 81.4S 0 r snitat tu lPays t.. cet a Ssnl .aai if7FougSM' the alght kind sncb as Maar be had nt ail time ln tht. ebool. Riglt nov tsu excelent tinte te commuence à conue. Or rztaaogae ln fire». Cet oe. ,cor. Venge ad Chai". StI. w.J. inoe. rimaipal F11Trv ACRE FARWa WITH BUSH îFORSALE. CASh.. -FîrrY.AcitsFAux- y ,50boeod Newmrltet ; twenty. nine niie from Toronto. mile anti a haIt frrnmMiropoltasa eIcîtri.p car lUne; con- veulent te ,fllaqe 1 ton acresof nîapie-bnub, vainal>le for tîmber ami& ngar-making; xenunf streai ; bearn5g orchayd ;eight- toomeddwellnt in good eider; raine bars andi stablte -; ocatet i u nice country resi- John Fisher, a co. *Adelai0e Eat, TORONlTO Wbltby -Ontario fW tttteDeal ra, tates Masaged. Peoperies bought and oiti. -Nt termsesaply Ieait Ofce, Brook St. ll -Phone 193. lad. Pliono 70. Fairmis of Ail' Unzs Wanted n'y the m' iake a sipeeialty cf laund seiliiu Lisé rour place wiii tas for good r. suIs.Oce, Bond St. West, Oshawa u eep RE, MILITARY I1osPITL The 1rls isue of a new -tortulghtly paper. publlshed by the Whlthy Mfiii tary Hospitii, has -madielits *am>eorl ance. -Whitby'Miltary Hospitl~f Dier' Is a 16-page paper, sie aot _7 hby 10, and contaIns Items of luterest rle- garding theo dotngs at the Hospltal. -Thie articles appearing therein area mixture of the grave and-the gaY. Thie editorial staff has thosen Itt coMetî walJ, and no doubt the Meni of tùe HO&- pital will ftnd a great dealto aInterest and a51111150 11105 thfr lt e s MOf the. "Soft met." Ail phases of the MHS- pital lUfe are covered. In addition there,,are soute good editorlal notes, and "Naughtyblogrfphies-Nos. I1ad 2,** dealtflg wtb the lite and Yorks3 of Maor- Weld. O.C, and iif the Quer. termaster. The -Sof t Diet- sella ai Se. a copy. Ifyou ce» write beller stuff 'titan our-.costriutùrsý yen are lut- lb. mas we necd. Dring h sie"g and ew ili pîîblinlt, lt, If yeu eoum'l ie,.theway] the paper .1labeIsg esilucteit write le lb.e etiltor. 'Don't' umble your coms- plaints tsi-ô a glassof2. - Gi-b your lInk pet. and oer tie- top. PStt yenz- grouceitobpros.. niynteor if you libremalte a seng fet t;hutlfot elthie love 'et litho, gel It off jour ce8t.1 W. istIve te poase, but gee! w. ýb*t W.V b.e toan fi Te ".M. that »Went MiHli On et o! bound ataî llue o'clck on a wet morringl - Did the toMbé her bes i, bu t* ing or diS iho Bîuti? Great coîl! Why don t ohé o! the cUera get snnrieêd? W. vaut an- ot.bem torebu gt Preeso ', coult *#ite More,.bt ibtawit Ilk bet tu leave WeId epousgi aloime, LNA1GITBORAPlE$--NOê. I 0. C, - WA tCb. 'George M Weld vas bor a a teiv itra. Ont. i«4 1r«. Tti . ar wwh ýwreç5k h iRUus4atera. lu ee7wmreS b 8r p O esv n '-ofi laes A-F Tayeog Lee end~ C.W o... ......... .1.. tauls as A. a .... ....... .1.00O 15......hol.... .. .. . 25.00 B ~anlt-* -10 Ge0 oe rn.............. .0 3:00 W. Granan..... .... ... .U > Benri .... ..... ... .......10 ý j GereDa.................1.00 1.00j C. E.Mountai. r..... .........1.00 1.John Vteyjr.... .......... 1.00 5.00- 1.oH Doyan...... ...... .. .....1.00 1.00 . aston...... ...... .... ..1.00 1.0.00 1.001Thon. H. Allas...... ...... .. .2.00> 1.Smatler am5¶ints ... 2.50 1.0,Total ...... ..... ...... ... ý342.25 Jw~ Sir GIenholn* V presI¶liug JusUci 815.. lu mes~1o4 -a. ~ere..th$s wo~k. 1 aier- andOT. ~Ai~ tiuSLýsi '04 Geu olaieïïïi&Ola4sd the pepeo he GoUWty 4oularlqmi nthée - Orm Jae )iorow "-y&Annie" Fred, fatthtiiere wa t ie'Côcoiù gaOl iJ O. aflba liriett&and11 P.hltp sot a slg1 z¶lià iti awltig triaJi SProul GregorY,, Gtoderbam & Co. roç I -e y offence.,,' ITli- 1o IISO1#hé ad, paitlff.- RJ. 114e frdeenans ldcatéd 4L. veXy oul i&nd ate f -The firat cas'ecb wai before the à falrs ln the Coùn y - --e b p1 îJury, wus held ilraerai, ad UP to the would continué.¶Levwr, ter-tlï fleetgolng to prose, W«Iedndiy fore, no crijÙma s# to,_oeine*bcfoe vening, waîii Ula rogres.The tue court. Therw etr-"foitr civl os. à rosecutlen oceupW Moaday atter-t one befSreý a yurUyi hxer imojuiry. _ ue, ail oft ?eedW, and a part of The cases -en tfie(teobet 4,-wre aïfoi- . e"dsdaymorang, and the iletence lows: coIRhhem edt.wai'ds uceaon Wednes- Jiar 1ay. Thcre d414 sot sftm; to _b asy tpreospeet et ad onceluslon of- the case A. H. ]Robinson V&. ROx*. Eroolis. G. jby, 1h.e nng- as a large mber of D. Conant and W. K; 3fMh r1or plain- witnesssworn to b. çalled. wtexa. T~ure fseeDOMusa t ýtens rccéved uinée., .4, s4o giadîr givea thls Wfete tlsuï and an*Ã"uute: - Samuel Trees & Go ..... J. E. Farewel. . .. Mrs. J. E. Fa"ewell ..'à Addlîlonal .OO..subecripti Dr. J.J. Har .... .i .. MISs tApp ...... .... ...... *E. W. Evans <addtiongl) J. M. Fraser....... ,ÃŽ. Pludar....... ...... .. Mrm. Richard and MIhsAda Sit Joshua Smith ...... ...... W. R. Mgdlil............ .. F. E. Harrison ...... .... . .Nr. and Mrs. W. D. Brooks. à Mm. V. M. Brown ...... ... A. E. Lafete............ J. Wilson ... ... ...... .... W. J. Sawdon....... A. Ferguson........ ... F. Meyers .......... ... AI. Brune ...... ...... .... Wm. Young .. . - J. FtshpOole ...... .... .... D. irbeck ...... ...... .... Harry Morgan....... .... . Frlend ...... ... ...... ... A REIST FRI The folioiln g letter, jut (rom [t.-Cel. Sam Sharpe, or Ontario Côtinty Battalion, r appeai for the boys of the thai shoWdd find a response heart. Thbe letter Is self exp and requîmes ne comment. In the Fieldi. f rance. Oct. Dear S r: -Just a word te (God bless tttem) of.he var rttlc socleties thr6ughout County and the City of Tom elsewhere, whohjave so gener membered the- boys overseas: Never.shall I %rget last 'litley Camp, where. througb ?,.rosIty of a certain Society la and of certain ladies In--the. c were able tu give Xmas cbeer man In the llGth Battallon. the whole Batts.lio» asemrbleï M.C.A. Hut, had # good con tlwu lte »grab bags,- and e 4ssed arousd and took a "gr eue weut away -empty bandei Claus ws neyer qdb-le, i whole lot cf us. Thbe boys1 been ln France some mentits weather bas got la, and auqjtb laae Ise~iaia t turtlcIa appe.p-lsnga - noappr«clabe lI ,suAi*t<AW' iùtieu tw yosa. with-,t ' mor Arm>r anti Nayy -a~u alte-grentI r_ t de amu Y«,rusbwaéhuet a eco etoffood bcyon& the physîal r. smaw .usu.a w£fl l-tle -fartus food *»es t quiremuonts o(rthe sehiier or saibor, let; -Tu- plan a b«ttlelea et -biglil alg- Pforwts wa -a-ostO re ilireat- tact tint he bas liiagcd tei pick 1 hPnfcne Utt1h. best -planis vIi fi tied lfd st'*1,o*rUêzs elght wounds during -115 - ac4 111r fthee StUsanda erlau 11of.5 111000whO ar- n etè. nla=w went snd got kumslt muîrl.d la 1ÃŽ17. lug 'IMers., -Thê- ftAt- plaî 'thatt oevluoed - tat or sldlers -vould b. Oeaven kaows- enly wbal ie- ¶vii1'do 'atrikote, - . studeut ofnttiltary ýdW botter off -If *a-thilrd et tlb.tocti: ûeit yearl- tarim i. the. perou porathos t-ha"e bsUed le Iheni ere c utOL t" .The aulberltios bave marke4 d= tdaftY .laue&.te oeb am. - DýUr pcl »ginth,*"but he Bts us te a 5T admoinasrAtt owuld lb. shoclteý1 at - ________________ the poudérous portions "ippiD. iThe - tii-oc uiduaag Prtuetpleis et- ulhltry ROUTLEY-4 IË vu mnory f*. -ANNUÂL BIBiLEI SOCiwr nutrition aOî the tpIIoWing;. Thé-'food J . 1Rout1y,:Ashburui, who -dled on CAVAS..must b. au lie lu uitaittr4- It austi Octob"r 201h, 1916. - WexellntLuqualt; tPDe1 a laê tabed, Our be at li- Withtn a few day» the o Mloctor fret., et, ail Iaainu ~asê. ore,. the WhItby Branch of lte-" "4mer CaI&U Ment, As -UUim 5005oea - wml* Ime more. lada Bible SOcletY vW tiMnmathe !%'ë toWWtaltwht o! the gaufl OUn o te ii g 4%t One, 01 tt Mit- work orcf malIýg the anai.îfgnAruly rcin-andIti is th11e m eas we missblanOs-wbo 1.ved hU 1 üb.B* fer ~ ~ nil to in!.o 1eScll' iI pîthe x InýCrps-AsUT- ai,,.Wprnt-adIuzly b" ,been dota& an u *t8ntlarge work aiog tb». s»Iie.,lvingee mas ! tt* anaîianfar eu Cpy C Whitby have tu t bý'attrec e yas beesgenerous ln hheir gtvIIIp t.elte work cf 11e Bible SoIcty *'uost - " muth se0abefore 1the ouà r* o! lite - ii Wecutve Comlitt!f 1 he SctY" request For lthecoiteetoraa equrteeui and wtiolc-heaIetd receptiqia, - ltatI the.parent Society -moi- rmlve supportIli sé way dImuMhWed bpatane of tuber calis. Yvery COItitltoinonq0 «IiLeappWplatéd. no malter 110w 90M M IS IN WWARTt ?ME. . A.T.Lawler, --,,The-Grocer' Phones:-BeIl, 47; IndependeAt,. !71 - --~-- - PeeI5S-hoe Store Te ý COSANUT IMAE for e!hQelsthae-t& yih n the sanie ime posses durabJe ar qua litiesyet a e t e 1isi8 i rie be met 4itti Ëu ' atogfeturé unlies for- We? -mNige4i Jeis ~sçsÇ andInfants.-o 6~e 4r ~44'~ey Dy4'Wiork Boots for men and Ios ,î your seti woi, 0111' 1 u reMi. .ITY SERVIeE 'J') h «Present conditions seem to imdi- ,es ~ te a severo shortage of (Jannel as well as other coals 'the. corning j- -Seasc>n. We are suggesting to our e ld friends and customers that thy rder now. Our MilÇreek -Caýnnel we regard of ex-eptionaIIy. highà quality-the hast we know et. Also car of the -éelebrated LilIy axithing coal received this week. Soit coal for threshing. always in stocle EIL BLOW,, WhiUiy I o~r sle' viib.IneMa, YoCuS eevoureARN bIO POWnR Ifyou are ttmced bere.. I Rio ars ad. GOAL K our iter- 2.16 eau on- y-. i.' . e '-t a - Ã.- -2.001 1.25 DNt 55S$T& fPOINT 1.0 Total...... .... ...... ..$941 ..1.00 'The subscriptlon eofJtlr. E. WV. Evans- 2 .4 Thwa $.,but n'as errer teeuSlY given as There -ls a M'nln i-4Ia part oFtbc; îhera >4e- about 4 subseribers teo the 1.0 ý 1. he alaceis here bLcknOwledgeId. world 'who representx,î te - ouriw *" of 1f ral Amerte an boan out et- every hun-1 2.001 In gîing the names otfithe Can- thlnki.ng. a pretty geoi b ae.t u- dred perseus. They euly ieeelved B2. .... 1.00vassers ln the Redi Cross canpalgn the ý_ , 1. 1tI Canada.-for th1e mat war bIan the 1.001names of Messrs. E. R. Blow andw.msatr.-Wlneè 1. Prehcher wère only about 41.000 stabacribere or .00 Ni MJermyn were omltted f romn the word lni bis churcb dettvtr -~r ~ e' a nvr 0.Yti aap.h -~ _________________ thi maiges gh,s v tory Bopds that w1I probsly bç la- _________ . -round te the ventry.,to -éll-the preWchei' sihid te -yiejd about 5%%.' what a fine sermen t,,was. 'lien h. ,The. frst thiig anyone sheuld doe, IB -,noes home and repats - te te his ln our opinion, la to Set rid of the. Idea brother, und they talk *'Ter (le p'oint that there -là uiy_ýtltC IYOled tip and- the' peop1pe ii rsrmon tlt the -investtnX ln thu a n..lt lstrUe that bardent. But ibis jt1cùlar mins 1e patlriotto spiit 13 appEetl te and recelved Those at home have neo reasen tobeb.neyer sees the. nermon1lthut v Su, hit4 equally true that a great and gen- the 11ih -êshamed or the record the boys of the * isarîy next men&hi *tt 19es pub- erôus.reypense la -expecteti on- tb11 nakes an County are mitking. We have htind-jlie campaign ever 'putonhîri C ' ada greund. But tii. new war Ions la i Batlaiton reds of boys ini our ranks who are the j-111 b.' opeaned te, get OibsrptIons fer itrahief bisslnes< Proposition: ln eyery equal et any who have donneg the îthe fourtia Canadian *a ioarÇ, the e4.; Proftable and eunvenlent Every lanatory. KluW's uniforin. and tbey are meassn- I Vittory ioan. The f-blnà pe-ophîe hitiimas and Ãevery woman wlIth as muchi ing up te the best and bravest- lu district must bear Jnmn e: -ýthat as- fifty dollars -te -apare- sbould aoee France. Ithe. appeais are ditrect*d teà eae4 and, cf, these- ýnew bonds. and neot o:iy tint. 10, 1917. 1 sbenld lîke' te have a show r fer every eue et them. W lis st werely, but e hould- help 'tte show others the the îadi, lite boys on titis Xrna Eve, Somne 1lthewel.off meCad.wte wa-are. worth o! hesé _bonds b'y t'cemmeaid' -iotus pat- wherî' in France": Socka. haudker- brisa asked le- luveat. Jt la everybody. l ng -themü evea-ywere. Titereaders ef Outarlo chiefs, balaclava caps, mittons. scarfs. The liltie s-.srmons wh1eb1_ wi -tbistisDaer arm among lie mnlt tbrlfîy. ente. and. etc., weuld he moot acceptable. I etpecid uti.avlst but rosperoýusast publcslie al reay~-te Caplaiu Norman Fainhead, quarter- 1net- b. laites as butis 1telb. e-lo-ý4o Doeiion. Wheîi theimibscriplions tg, nsVr, or te the underslgned, ddesî1peuople eniy. Every-. man andti wéman, lb, Vicoer>,-toan are atidedi up temo Xmas at cd te the 1101h (Otaio County) Can- r sheulti watch for thene advertteeemnwts lte, VVrlou8s districts .14C! ub-4-istrlcts, 1 th ý,en adian lnfantry Battallon. B. E. F.. land stafl s9w te galber tbt.i te à ee, e exlect tttlm te showýthat this part t Termite, France, they. wi1b. gratefuily ac- sary moaey l e, buy either &. ftty ;or-dflt e, great DominiOn- bas been - true Ounty. we knowledged. handred or a AVe hudidot a. owtuo 0Ils traditions sM Juet iniis Doppr- r to every To the ladies -- one asd al-wto and~ dollar bond, Iu tbeýVU1ted St.atm tunlties. W. had have ln aily wây coutribuleit te theI Nt. ,d lu n y. coýmferts of our boys. let mue say yeni cert, anc are indeed miulsterlng aigels, and yo'u i< 1 à each man bave ithe sincere gratitudi et alil anits: ' 91J ANDKÀ Y ei. Sauta Yours very slncereà ly," reav e nowWhat NepoleOn said ,Xlxm bhel. xli ay. -,Ths lucludes eoffe*. sait. bakng ýlo ofn~tene soidt ier'rttousý.th*eirlr bo~wde. vinepiar, Aiïoêrisg extraca âer winâter O. C. 116th (Ontarie County) Canadienm ,t«. bsbeu ~ 4* mluing the foIW value0e- th._ratios Intantry Battahlon. - -- ieeerae r " 4Hbréeu titey are cl>sdluent&1_- aid