Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 25 Oct 1917, p. 8

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Mtrs. John. Pile i>a*Seý &W« 01u i" Kifs DortMy Vîipopi. Who-vont te tiig lieti ler, tihegrenIer ..part etofber 'riùm *,1*anti loved i 11f twho kaew- ber luit Nyýk. BlQlXnrnnSl a idl'kl~?hv 'l1 i mmbera oet. theEpwortli 1. anti a lovint *%We, snd lier doilh W1l tue willI le enterlainetiat -the homo de.ply regrettoti. UeO ilweus, lastung et, Mrs. D. HielidBlyon Halloweeni over four yem ., wasbornevithiChrist- Tho cengreeioi1. an& .Epwertli Lona <an fortitude. Deceaitti as bora L i &me pf the Methodiat ChuteR pacheti IAberdeen,' Scetianti, and, viieli thi'oo flicChrstuia 4mfJots n Tu.sdy Jyeara cf age càmue te canada 'WitL. bler for he oysof~ei*chucliwhoareparents, who settleti on a tarin tient seving -at the 'y. Taunitoni. She la survivei by lier lias- The tmilyo i<-s, '7iewlubI bat14,WT nece,'Misa Armatr0l, .. vWho te h' lunkIe ends sud nelghborslia aà liai5t y&vd -tt th îatr vlbave eWn se kIwi te thotu dur- IMrs. Arnoîl-. inl)akôt~2~ff Ing their receflt trduble_ anti bere2ave. ors, Mr. Murray Armstrong, et Chater, The congregation efthle Presbyteriaii Oshawa- Thie tuneral service, which Church are preparing Christmas bex- vas larzely atteutiet. vas colduietei es-for -the boys ot the chut ch wbo are by Rev. Mr. Haig. cf tRe Presbyterini at the front.j Clurch. ut which the deceaseti vas a -,Mrs. Morris, n-be bas been sîayng fat îhft membol'. vltli ler motlwr, Mns. Ketchen, returu- M. ..FleinutoVcer edto teler Reine lu Ottawa on Tuesday. Mrs. J. W. Ewen, 'Mrs. W. B. Taylor. M r. Eti. 1lcBrien, -beh bas been lunsait frlenit, Mr. Saunders, ut Toronto. tRe "%est for some turne, has retu .rneti motoroti don last Sunday anui speul and suldth. bnkery lu SMr. George t-be day .at the- home ut 31r. unit Mrs. Enynes, wbo wili now- mu It, as Nlr. George J. BligRit. Wlllsuu bas given up thie business. Guaner John Ketchen, ot Toronto, ASHBIJRN. vlieeti vîl his grautifather. lMr. Alei. Thi annual Thankofferli services lu IKetchen, -over the week-end. Ashburu lust Suuday w,-re largely ai- 11ev. Mr. Rintoul, of Perth, will tendeti bX -apprectatîve audiences. Thle Preach next Sunday in the Prsyt 'ntgs-rvtee in particolar wàs a real 1911 Cliurch. treat, a8 picture aller picture was S Mr. John Robinson, ut Toronto. vis- uArown upoxk lte sceen, depictiuig ives h1eu *#-th illS Mutiler, Mrs, Tomlin8on, asud character5 and avoue.. Seidonaif on Tuesdaî-. over did a cougregall" ieav'- Burns' Mrs' Milis, W-ho lias for the last ilve Chfurcb exprlessing IV 'eanest toues inonths been suffering tromn paralysis, their dliglîl atI belîg present. as ou lib t-u removei tot Oshawa Hospital. at Sunday niglil. The suie by Ms -Ber daughters. Mrs. Barrot and Mrs. Edua Ashton vas tartlctîlarly pleas' Piles, Nvho have beeîî atîeuiug iter, ing, accompauleit asiln-as by apprecia- are returulng lu Ihelr homes:, tive scenes us well as the verses sung. Mnr. James Boyce la unit.r te duc- The duel by Mrs. R. Heroti aud Miss tor's came ge present. Lily naifoîr %vas niost aupi'alinig in -0tern --ortn- at -A veouî The Price should not be considered -without reference to The' QuaIity In A the work of the House of Hobberlin Lirnited quality cornes Ifiret. There je not r cormor ný luailful workmanship i any, garmnent at' any. price thani eranates frorn this farnous Hou. W* are Reidy ýith new samples and new style&. - xcusv.Alt* Hobbcafn T.ari W.M, Lawrenace P$ookilln, Ont. sî>lrit. %Itogethter the service stands otut as a prumnîeut milestone ln the hislory oft îlis coîtgregation. in their increust-d interest and ,iiberalily lu milsions. Agulli and agalu on loaviug ilit, chorcit one'coulit heur compliment' ary wvords î ti-reit regariig Dr.L7Marsli, ilii.' poptilar î,astor of Pickering Presby- t eriaî Clturch. whou conittcte thlie ser- vices.Theo Dr. also gave aît Illîîslrated lo-ture it Utica Cîturcît on Moniity .ýv nîîg. whiclt nas most enîhîîsiasti- c.lly n-ceived b:thie large uudience presen t. ALNIO;D8. itev. Mr. Totlen, of Greenwood. preachr-ti bre lasI Sîîîatay andi Rev. A. H. Fobter lool is pince at Kinsule. The MsaWilllis, of Wititby. vis- lied witit Miss Mary MclGmegor on Sun- day lat. Miss Ros" Gas(mofu Toronto, visileit uver the w-ekzend ni lier htome here. Qîlite a *iumber from here nîteudeit 11w cltickeîî pie sopper ut Kinsalceno Moîîiay liigbt. Mr. Wm. Okç- was ln Toronto ou Monîiay. Mr- and Mrs. Oliver Rteeder. and-r Chas. Reeder, et Scîîgog, unit Mm. Jas. Dusly. ot Greenbauk. spent Suuitay ni J. Emerson's. MYRTLE STATION. Rev. Mm. Jeblin. of Seagrave, W-ll nc- eupy the plIlplat churcit next Suuday eveging, aud itiiiiproe-ch lu th. inter- esta of missions. Mrs. George liligil, cf Whitliy, visit- Pd wlth Miss Mandersen lasI week. -Mr. - Faîînlng. et Kinsale. viii boIt au auction sale ofet-lie here next Saturday. Meuers. J. Blrkelt andi'W. Wiles eave nel week on their aunual deer hunI. THORN'TON'S CORNERS. Tare r vit - therewokeelnllth litrmesi, er ok spcal The shnov. S uligl en hie ia tne.S pidigssibo eris comietioas avasoble denysare - causeti trm-t. U ffvlcuiîy dlaysge bauildng ma-th er- rmtlny.it is bldit inmt eeae rytbng -hI belsp hord thbe eeingon nday, Nvemb aer forthe p n nSnaNvme Mmh. N us elRi mrv unMr Nie tr'eatmet ho ls bevn taklng for the past few weeks. Taswes Sait of Laid fu tTaxes. É virtue or a warrant under the band oef the Warden andl the seal of tbe -corporation of th# Oouaty et Ontarlo. dat-edth 15t.h day et September. 1917. commomidinp me to e Nv> upon thie lands meîtloned la the, fellowlng lisI for arraas s tftaes thereon a.nd doite as herei.n set forth. 1 bereby give notie thtli uqnlss bcb arroars andl cosis are booner pald, 1 shall, la compliance vith' thue Anisuatuent Aet. brocée t t seli by publie auction the siit lands. oren %much thereot as niay b. neessary for the taxes, at the Court Heuse, ta, the -Tewtu of Wbltby, an W.dinesday, December 2611I, 1917î, aIt.lîo heur of twê o'clock in tiie etternoon. - .,- '--TOWNSHîIP OF-RA.i.t Acr> Taxes - Cost Totale 50 419.0 «11"0 $1140 TOWNSHIP 0F mARk Acres T axes Costa Total TOWNSHIP 0F BROCK. Aoes TaxeseCos n Total 2,103 2.50 4M5 Con Acres Taxes CeaIs7t i 2 & 12.16 i 2.055 4 Q>WNHIW CT T9A4 rsTaxesCok.Towal lU? 'L67 l4 Lupal'ti. Unpat'd. Pat'd or LUnpW*d. Utipat'd. Pât'd or Unpatd. Pat'd. Paitd or Uapai'd. Pat'd. Tardi. Pt4or tZapated. PatId. M89Casgrai st., Montrea. Âpril 20th, 1915. «'lu my opinion, ne other Medicine ln the worlul is so curative for Constip>a- tion and Indigestion as " Fruit-a-tives ". 1wasasufférerfrom these complaintsfor five ye.ars, and my sedeutary occupa- tion, Musc, brought about a kind of Intesltifal Paralyis-witlî ,asly Iikad- aches, belohiug gus, drowsiuess arter eating, andi Pain in the Back. 1 tried pis and mieicines of pîy!sicians, but nothinghelped me. Thenivras induced te t ry " Fruit-a-tiveà ", and now for six montits 1 bave been eutirely well. I atviseanov eewîo suffers from Ithat horribe treuble-Chuonic Constipation with the resultant indigestion, to try " Fruit-a-ti-.es", andi)-ou kili b. agreeably surpriseti aI the greaýt benefit you wili receive ". A. ItOSEN-BURG. 50c. a box, 6 for 2.50O, trial size, 25c. At aIl dealers or sent postpaid by Fruit.- a-tives Limiteti, Ottawa. BALSANM. wilh hi-r tather, Mr. Richard Ward. -We art- pleas'-d tbu lear ltaI Mrs Richard WardIt l improvîtg utter hor recetit iluess., A number frona here ntenIded'tit chickeîî pie slilper ai Ki sale. George unit Mrs. Lee-anuIra. Fal mer isited al, .H.Junes last weol Mr. James Hortup lins pîîrcitusedm nov Cl.vrolet car andit la ow learulue lu drive. itOW'S TitiS? We offer One llundî'ed Dollars Reward foi any i-soc of Catai-rh that cannot lie cured bi Hal* Catarrh Cure. 14all't Catarrh Cou-e bas been talLen bi catarrh sufferers for the pest thirty-five yeers and has become kuown as theia it relabl re.nedy for Caa rt-h. Hall'.t Catarrh Cure aet throngh the alood and Mucous Sur..wes ex sielinir the Poison frein the BIot and heam ing the diuoea.-ed portions.. After you bave taken Hall'. Catarrh Cun for a short lime yluwil tec a rel ,i. proventent lu your -gXeneral health. Star laklug Hall. Catarrh OiQre aI once and ge ri of calai-rh. Scnd for Ietiniala. free, P. .J. CHENEY & Co.. Tei". 0 SoIt by anl druirgista. 76c. KINSALE. Theo cern le very badlY frosteti. Thie Harvesl Home services on Sun day %vere weli attendeil. Rev. A. B Feston, et Whitby, gave two excellen sermons le spleutilticongre-gationç Thie Brougham union choir rendore4 excellent music at ecd servie-e. 01 Monday evenlu. oeeof thie larges erewds lu years were la attenitance a lhe chle-ken pie supper, anti later et joyeti one cf the besl programmes eve given nI Kînsale. The WRitby Mett edist Tabernacle Choir excelledti li solves. Tic quartettes, duels anti sole were et lheb.bghest qualîty. Miss J Wrght was lb. accompnnist. Rev. i Feston gave a tirce-innlte addrei The tIru elecutloniBts, Misses Symini ton anti Wharton, receiveti nany wvi deservet eue-ores. The prograni wa coucedeti by oeeanti ail le b.eue( the best ever listeneil te In this vicli Ity, anti n-o as a ceimnitlly feel w ove very mucli te our Whitby frlead who casie'eut andt gave us aue-R splenid Progrmi gratullously. T] net proceetis vere over j$125. Ouy un lo adesnae luepaIen l blail.o Ful partclitre'vle givnt bati.Pularclrs il ege W, erege elaa fIeda Mlrere t Lze aio, he tou mat MptissLlaies, whlelone of bore mosa lier te, butiespent blerr emoday he Wies bt.MsS M brattea r a1 theist MISSbrbod Mand vasWUnua1 reispeceti. Titis nolanluorbeeti Jot rspacthy This be sorod oltin 1 who et ill restile bore and I l-tho Wei Mr. Joha Rodil la eementing bisi D Den floors. Mir. B.Lawreue ta seing le lit Ia new hous e fr F. 4 O rteil. et ,wood. Ed's servie-esare uIWaIU itu d luIand net very quil te meve. the-, "8 SIwhy they had cboseshlm frTeS *~jurer. it wasgfttiliglae"WVr.sn liged ail reBelut for the. material ofpthe jtbe~y 1184gIytu i lm Ulichewpr 1lodge. hi ut fli4fOft8 on eul; n~ uetabesanti be-ge I wsaa*il$ boaY*t - he tb e - A A.L..A* ta hit he ilibr I~ ê*fenid t, ùf ue 4OMas U, Ch UOay, Noiembqr t-.i WG *~1as b~cs ev1c~dgel L< a Lvis wUil mil býy auéietluat lot 4 eco- gathui&i iÉ.SEt ý Whltby# al of bis taM i tOCei N1 < sr.W. J. IL RÃŽ ebrd"n, . i. p elud g le"ea fine muiehCOu. 9 tstew, C ~a~uttT. . Rwe andRuaeilKuie hrse, pgie.Sée ponters. Twele W«ýrritae< Into the Diysterli t fthe monthse credit. Jus. BlshoP, aucticu Oràage Degre. by th, Worutpftul Mail- cr. ol8 01w, outli 191" ter.. Bro. PÏinge. Bro' . I.ODeithe e - gittd or aalt, QI- Ail Sants, presidingPesM M nto A&PpUcatiouS were ais. recelved from uc * Muss.W.B7ard, P. Rice, D. Heard, Mr. D. L. DeHart, of London, Ont., T. Erstne.é C. tc., I A.e Grcen'wood, vlsited wlth Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Rice OffCe, BrO*kB. 9.Sah 1 and J."C. Marston. over Sunday lust.liaà ms The banner- and repalia once the Mir. Wm. Maw lef t on Wednesday for_______________ property or the old iedge werè in a West Durham, where ho will handle a priep lace ix he--ledge ru<fl, sale for Mr. James Bishop, who lias DNA ànîftwu 'the irsio of eDeputy Master i>een tahen sertous1y i. Brd. 0oIdrtng, a very hegrtY votc Of 14r. Jamàes A. Murphy, of Chilcago, Is Harry J. Hudson, -DD.S., L.D.S. tbanks -was tendered te Reeordlng- Sec- on a visit with his mother. Mrs. John retaiT Bro. H. B. Magowan and M. of Murphy. It la twenty-oue years since gueeemsor ta W. Adam&. Ceremontes Bro. Thos. -Crouch. for Mr.. Murphy's last visit ln bis native Olile, DundU Stet opplitO loUt Bei the prompt service they had rendered town. Ofice. Bell phone 122; ln&. St mhentlo. Magowan thg og ht P ythe o garî,isslrene witonthe ronm t, LAKE B. ,IN T .SDD8 tain possession of this yaluable e.iiip- wbo bas been visiting,her aunt. Mrs.S names of Bro. Morrlsh and the Master the chicken pie supper lu the Km saleofDna etheý lodge FtPr erry should Methodist Cburch on Monday eventng. Graduate of the Royal Coflegai ena be couplèd with this resolution, for, Her numbers were tboroughly enjoyed Surgeonsi and ljnveraity of Teronto. the sitccess that attended their mission by the large crowd present. 1 Dr. D.D. Cookc, of Toronto, la taklng was entlrely due to the courtesy and Mrs. Thomas Conlin; uof "Kiiiarney Dr. Beaton'a practîce durlng the a:. cu-operation of these offclals. Green,- bas retuirned home. from a sence of the latter on milltary servie, Bro. Rowe said h. was dielightcd three weeks' visit with friends lu To- Office over W. M. Pringlo"s bardware with ail he had seen and heard in the ronto andt Hamilton. Office llours-9 to 12; 1to 5.30. Orange ýHal that nlgbt. He had nfo Mr. James Smith returned last week led. Phone, 16: Bell Plhone. 2"0. conceptionl of the beauty and simplic- from a two monith%' visil ih bis ity cf the Orange ritual before he camne brother and' three daughlers iun te o L - iberi 10 bear il, and lie felt sire .lit West. He was accompanled h~ome b>- . Artur Les, L..S., 0.0.8. if the puiblic coutil 0111Y be Mu he is sister and ber busband. Mr. and Oraduat ofe the RoYal Collège Of ln regard-tle the woric and puirposes of Mrs. W. Il. Rowe, -of Big Rapids, %ich. Dental Surgeons and of th. Univeratt Oringelim. they would flock to the Mlr. aud' Mrs-. David Wallg. and partyj of Toronto, desires to announce tht Standard of King Billy ln1 Whlby. of Beaverton, motored down on Wed - li as taken Dr. Sisson's ipract1ce and Pr-o. Bassett eX»rePse hiMSPif siîr' nes of last week and vlelted ati hie Nlii-.i119 Drepared to contiue the M*MO priseit by the higli loue of thie ritivaI. ltary Hospital and the Hoose of Ref- establiched. le 'vas partiruliarty struck with 1.11- ugo. M r. Walls Is m anagee of the Boa- 'Offce over Allin's drug store. Houri tmnse patriot±sm, and religtoits broad. vertoil Creaiuery. Mrs. 'Wails Is a 9 to, 12 a.m.; 1 te G p.m. îvndedness ofthte Orange PriiiciP:-tl$. niece of Mrs. Jus. Koan. Bell phono 87. Ind. Il Ti,ere was a lime when he-t-gardcd__________________ oraigemen %s dyed lu the wool bigots, ___ thîaï. as befo;-- he became ediitauod,he A @R BN O hojh ey dlffereutly nî H ie IIII 1 1111 II3A A.R BN O woi0d nul jot, any society pl.*figod Undertaker and furnIture denler. to Interfere with the rights enluyed Iey COUNTT 0F ONTARIO. Bell and Independent iphones. DaY others. and lie was indeed happy in 1917 know that Orangemeli Weru nu0(lhe1i. WRITBY-Mma E. 1. àMacdonneil, Wbitb7, or night. swo: n enernals of anyone. lief 'lt it Clrk-Ian. 2. Feb. 6. Mar. 6. Apl. a. MU7 BROOKLIN, ONT. AI prIviloge lu ho admitted t h- 1 .w June , J y . SP4. Ã"Oct. 8Nov. r5. th .Orange Order. OSHAWA-Miu nE. L. Medonnoîl. Whitby._________ Bro. Knipe thotight the principle uof lrk-Jan. 8. F.b. 6, Mar. 6. %pl4?i. ? Jue . Sept. à% Oct. 4. Nov. 6. D«c.5.Jn Civil and Religious Liberties ivere the 11. lis.___IL_à -oitstanding lenets of Orangi-men. He ?. BROUGTAM - M. Glesn. Greenwood. ýs hait been an enibyru for some lime. buit Clrk-Jeu. 4. Mar. 7. May S. July 6. Sept. ifu o nal mature sixîc ho cae lu . Nov. 7. Jan. 6 l.. . had rapildy atrdsnelecm toS PORT FERY-J. W. urahbam. Port S. 1WIÏItby;- le was now an aduilt Orange- Perry. Clerk-Jan. 6. Mar, 8. May 4. July 6, Higa n so tf-1 ,rmailand would "do is bit." Sept. 7. Nov. 8. Jan. . 1918. Bro. ichadsonin ashort biior XURIGE-R. J. More. Uxbridc. Clrk CA AD BrnRiCSXdSOt. lu short bumo - Jan.12. Mar.. 16. blay 3. July 10,,.Scpt. 18, AN D ýe 011 speech. saidt Lit lie liait beeri as- Nov. 23, jan. 1il 91q. Home or the Ried Oser and the Moose sîired by Bru. Maguwan that-he wotid tCANtCTN Irhsl. Poster. Canning- be fç4,ai o'loc. H-1-as s in on Clrk-an.Il.Mar. 15. May 9. Juy - beIl t9&lck ewss u . 'S;ePt. 10. Nov. 22. Jan. Io. 1913. OPENSE&SONS k terested lun te pruceedings, however, LB. EAVERTON-ChaI. A. Patcrson. lIever. that he %-uuld oaslly forgive the "d.e- ton, Clerg.-Jan. 10. Mer. 14. Msy Io. jliy DEER-Nvexber lst lu Novemb:erý a ception-" He oudar express lu 112 Sept. 20. Nov. 21. Jan. 9. lois.e couidhardl ïruTmGnovBn-Danieîl eonard. Ather- 15111, inclusive. g words bis feelings lu regard lu what tir 'leY. Clark-Jau. 9. Mlir. 13. May Il. 1017 MOOSE-Nuvember lst to November had heard that evenîiing. He coulit say., 13. Sept. 21. Nov. 20. Jan. .98. l5th. inclusive. In some of lte north-1 however, ltat ho did nul Intend lu miss I(By n. r EWL. cudsrcsu ttro nltu i a single meeting lu Ibat hall. Clerk of the Peaee. agami. the open season is f rom Novem. Bro. Rîtaseli. commenttng uipon the Datai aI Whllby. November 151h. 1916. 1 e s uNvmer3t nlsvl or remarkable grôwth of ,Orangeism i.n ber Is- -t at o NovtheProvtinc 0f O. nta WYCanade, said he felt the lvellest salis- lying parthf the CPro ian ovntri- 'y faction lu seeiiig new faces every lime l" E R u meu t a ofwtyfroh aie Quebe t ýl he vislted the Whitby todge. Ho was HOMaMt oli bonday. he ope0seso -ts glad le se. the pride of Canada's manl- EcS eO N foMose le rodr Otheopebe 01 o- I.- hood flocking to the Orange banner. vemb fr loer 3 foth.oer1t o every Tew imember of the Orange -As- rt o oyof"lyr~d ,ro sudiation was a sandbag lu the Bm- iWrThiHte r ooffa lanm"g viug ~- pire's itefences, a brick lu the wvalls of zGm as utn eua1la t. Lr Derry. Gte C. E. Huing eUni lSaton, et. "t Bro. Lof ts, at.tthe reeuest cf the corn- rout.E Orn ,Uio ttin o 0. pany, gave n most Iuteresting andt al l rnoOtpIl$N get ht too short account o f lis experiecail -Kà.UN.Agn, Yit7 with the Princess Pats., His raincoat was the oblect cf muoh interest, it betng rlddled witb holes puuched by M.shrapnel. He said that lie toc was glati ~ ~~T OO E u te see the .Wbltby lodge growiag. H. 11. knew of istaces where OrangelfléliEVUY n- held their meetings' under tire, and if nl they could s0 employ the few moments L E 8D A Y TI s- they sulatchied from banUle activlties. lue'WALL. RAIL" - * ob W' battlofields could do wag te attend their YHUfl5AY% SE MER >t lodge reguv1arly. He beped that no e mi-&u aos is at ber of L.O.L. No. 2697 Would evor be Oo« ak luel %- aeýused of slacknes ln attendance. The tunsN<1)Your su~ wben lb.ascomtng, and let It bh oonYU~ Ush ieWu aig ~ tuTu, au %thatndayweuldob. re 1,t -Fm"lUpIOle ktpun Wm HKarriage Liconse A. -E. ALLUN. laouer oet Marriage LCORSOS Corner drng store, WhitbY. No witnosses requtreti. G. VO1JNG SMITH$ LLBO houer. 't <we111ng houa. opposite, methomml Chur&h.No VitnfleUSrequn& WM. MAW L1e£NSED ILUJeTI99NEER AIND VALUTVTR -a ,iy .mal .fru'9 he Gazette Ofice. Ternis reaaolaluk5~ WHiTrBY. ONT. Goal Doalers Phoneo WHUTBV, ONTARIO We Have Several Cars et Goal on the -Roadi, Orders taken for Nut and -Steve Ceai. W. have alse a car of No. 1 Mixed Siabe. AL8G HAVE No. 1 SOFI GOAL Orders Dellvered Anywhere ln Town@ THE~ OF' CANADA Lirplus earningsi our >epartmeflt earn iînter-s BR ANOHC11 i i t j s 't- 1A4 - lot Con. 10 Con. ccThe Voice o IeWîo e~'"a Dn Wilson, every bMIhe'nB~ igb Weodniaday lgit, fm& htiiue-Adulte -100, eu re : - - special showlic<1tonall.lva MRS. pERRiN, Manager ,&UCTIONEBRS 1-1 iOYAI

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