Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 25 Oct 1917, p. 7

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d d eevm"t [i8~ M ~ im~ ~ e e c 'o b ifedfthe wbokwheatgriinLe stlê ngadyûee Fuima M pr«di=& Cm Sck~Oingl aranemeunt&ý Uide the08 ~ ~ ~ l ~ ~ W ~lw&w~nyrke ir lug Future uet Aircratt ri ahuibt~oîgohi- kdiesM etw h d1o Eeo "Captain9"1ubuti, et the the in- Air Service, flew on MXondsYfemdeslxthsrt tb-ednmeto ftlt baa w Yeteyhrdisltehr of 650 mles iehut stp. H cr-ibadly coe âdbadl serve dlthe eatvpýebtge rie a atoraliletter from th it en trequm*ty itysd lvenly. 415' Ring eofItaly te King George. The. In e C u"e, a tim h1Iym Journey eccupied seven houri 22 cuis- seldiews eqpecialy needed aýPàtGig fodte strengtheu them in theirun- ~ekbssedsdbsfpa~ "Shertly befere tes-time on MondaY, wont-ed labers, mauy suffered severely Fe- frWe hheemmade undernedtffitlgeswetlI BlD FOR quarter ef a century fer an Overdra1tmorning lpapers fromt îtaly wereMsale from te etou andindiestibe mpetrc *nn 1 D r R and was refused. He got it frem the ly landed t Hounsow," ays tiemlaptbfr them Moevr TRAi.)EGermas 1ek lr is English business London Tîimes. there was A great deal ef -waste.L der BÎ I I as well as fr is German trade with "'Thia very reSarkable et 1s The firt wqmen cekainu-the British out a question, and seedlesa te say be achieved by Captain -iulio Lauresti,' army were emplyeMa&ugat 11, " or Gdb te e afterwarda transferred as much ef bis accompanied by Private Michael Au- ut a conaest camp, and sù ____ -iunnen ftiey GERMANY ARRED ONbusiness as possible te that German gelo Tonzo. Our Allies may *ell be. montis later thse formal recruiting ef Thtihee 110W GRAi D 0Nbank. 'proud ef their gallant andd akilful air- women for this work was initiated. THE BANNER PROVINCE. WeeschTetegieu ENGLAND BEFORE THE WAR. The ingenieus a cheme by which men. Fromn the accoutt tise Jour-; To-day there are more tisas 6000 Ceeku And streAilheCanadaWluds tili bi English banks were induced te finance ney which we _give elsewhere it will'and waitresses in 200 camps in Eug- Ontario LaaAlCnd uSua lyr eda. IGermas competition with Eugland be secs that the actuel turne frosi 1asd alose. VWomen have aise takeni Scisool Work.-Fa i Semn was worked as follows: British busi- peint te point was seven heurs over the kitchen service in ail tise 1 'Clrk Flodd Lndn, ea ness enere induced by the offer ef twenty-two minutes and a halt. Canadian and Australien isospitals 1The last report re-ceived frem itIlthse Business Secrets and Reported long credit te buy Germas geods, even "Tise travellers started frein the old' and womnen instructors are being e' rov Inerna orlpCeentienshagto, Tu Hun Cop~inies.at prices a little higher tan thOse capital of Savoy at 8.28, Italies timne, ployed in the regular army scisools of 11914, showed th;e Sunday Sehool en- WT UTPI asked for cesupetitive Britishs geeda. asd arrived et tes minutes te four. cokr. Os oa h neldrelment is Ontario 100,000 more tissu Thse story of German penetration of The British -goods, lsewever, were only The. distance in a bee-lin. is about 660 as a cook two years agis and who is'ail the remaining provinces of CanadaCnlnaimsti 1wedr ofbtissad ison of thermances so asither f rish or n sorterdfs' ilsbuttht ctaly oveedfrinooy teny-woyersoldba rescobied.Wht hage hae omofbuinss ndh nl tothr x-Asson s tefriiss mprtea'bus ieth o arh aaaaitte ve 66 a henas etspeestndntas ' ln tsepat lseeyeas îî le epot-l acos rreport- t it ample of the wonderful foresight and! were received biy the Germas manufac- misles. The speed, including the~ time respessie for the whole service i su on when the,tatls are s.ssembledTof thine. capacity for organization of the Ger- turer they were taken te the Germas spent in climbisg and laading, kas 80 a campof 22,000 men. for thse International Convention in man people. For years past the city bank, which dsscounted thein and sent miles an heur. TherAij>s were crossed Ts csm eutn ri h m Biao Otrel sbrn tts of Londen has been flooded with Ger- thesu te its brancis in London. Ie a-preiat Ingte pooetetwmneokl a s oestics no* for preseutatios et tise Pro- emoadwoe man clerks. Many of thesu were what Information For Competitors. test ebve sea level, a.nd tise Channel verY s oe aeeefce i vncial-Conventions in Chatham nsd' la known as "voluisteers," which is to Ta rni hndsone hs p*sage oecupied ne more tisas e quar- camp tise daily nîessisg charge wes io- peterbol-ough, tisese reports te . tiitaal kle o befor, iys isi as heur.tendicune thm 1 u dwithin e few weeks frei ixty-1 s efce o ie C? icnaiatoiy eas m eythat they worked for nothing. with the Britishs joint stock bariki terfa ou.fv cents a day te thirt-yione cents, rcnentionnd exfcfrt heuBuffalo doae reoeaîle Ietyo ,,,~,, Well-educated young men f rom the which would take the;n -with the back- Airraft For Pesce Purposes. and i addition, a fund et~of " ConveA ion mpaî u tie tdd ' ee,1ahn o- rcla tp Germes commercial schools came over, ing efthtie Germas bank, but wbich 1 "The airplane was an 'S.I.A.,' as saved for misce.îaneous cm pur- ofs'eudaet once and seau tise oorn or te London and offered the+r services declined to touch thesanme bis when, those built by the Societa Itaiana pofsunes..hol wThe. aurateu hadeedcaiiloseia o'meu i' chance te learn the business, and the ois ested hartishemnuftisearok1t erIat.'Thareurnley wasn h n earedueed te eighteen cents a day. uni known as "Tue International'] aa oU.e reen oavr " easy-going British merchants were eut $250,000,000 of sucis Angle-Gem-'-a brilliant success, thougis tise flort-SanadLIo a evligenuht hv hm nteerthgfor__ortanard S cisol» ad be e sred - .a n rgsoe u 1 o wilin eouh t hvethm <r'thseman bis were held in London alope,!west wind was contrary, and rugsNEW IE ALTH O R W for snterth a er. , n iln.g >t elytk f vr ado otcr terms. Particular attention was paid and serious hardship was caused in and tricky over tise mountains. d O W IIN saetd thlannf therinig iseu Ti hol o re, by these volunteers te the colonial, some cases by the efforts ef the panic-j -The route fellowed corresponds iThse most fatei'ul ymars In a womsu's sainet ise teto tts niIul. nepnîea< l adntt r anbouss wre andof the s hi n stricken British banka te colleet frein'generally to that et tise reilways over life are those between torty.five and esthenaoisiervacoeofato-Sntiy- Ityr rgstien nyreon bo uaowbeenllortelze tatmo thc Britishs drewers. Lý s ais egreat part et the jeurnejy, and re- fift'y. Ma.ny ofthte soi ester thisS&iool Day"wl ieb osd$p.tî l ogta ml otefrio Ithsnw enralzdtatmsThe Germnas banks in Lno tas reasments were carried in a thermos period under depresng conditions yFloweralsare m orefarnws tieehewleeae rgbus. et thee youn men wre noting scounted bis direct for Britishs bottie under the airman's coat andtlsrougis overwork or werry about tihe stn is sot ahinisg on tfiesi, ac-ordingftetafades1k.acrxemy more or lesa than commercial spies. manufacturera and traders, and it isaubserbed tbrough a rubber tube like home, or tisrough a condition la wl,* ite a Frenchs scientist, becaUse tho i lsitio In meny cases, indeed, they made reg-! alleged that by doing se they obtaised that et a baby'. bottle. tbe btloi la weak or wetery and41 a4 that produce tise perfunse are forced____ ular reports te German firs sfethtie veluebie information for tise Britons; "Although this ia the. greatest inter- they sufer heavlly. k:mong tise e>"-otbyiswaeprsueutselnt "semn hoa ridtbrug in others they returned te Gerxnany frein these bills, ail tise secrets ot their î cd, it cannet compare in the mil'eage foelt smeos a paapl c e t Mise n i i imnshdbys as soon as they had mastered their British customera, their markets, theiri with Captais Luureati's recent non- b.art, dlazluess, backache, depression Besrtegetieeîdnablk wolL employer's business and assisted in sources ef supply and se os, and it is 1 stop trip in a simlar machine fram sud otiser we}ir mSgnlzed dlsturb- r u reagdwate te ilrenbats tkLme ae .mg getting it away from him, with tise'aileged that this information was sent Turin te Naples and back, whes .anse h.btswlhe; rubbes isnd tue blood leaplsgthrough aid et the Gerr n banka, which were te Berlin and distributed emeng Ger- traveiled 920 miles hetwecn 10.7 8.15. Uiat tise blood reqires atnin ievlst ur iet vr at ehrJai er ae9ube aise deepiy coeerned in tl>is gaine Oet man manufacturera and traders. and 8.40 p.m., or' wlth tise Prenchs Wemea urýgeatly need rlch, red blood er peaceful penetration. 1- 0o- Lieutenant Marchal's fiigist 'et800J- ltiser lives, but aces ere«se than T hai nothing quit. se, good as digayhn ets ut en Gra lrsUno.PLANS FOR FOOD CONTROL miles acrosa Germany Iu July. Inmdl-ie when the nerves are uplced apple jelly. Te make, pare, coro esmu pyIptsos artet Evidence ha been discovered now " 1 Tue peint et reul interest in thii aise weak and-overwrouglst. n ateapeco ni f Lhat inost ef the "volunteers" wcre: Great Brifains.Food Controiler Issues , achievernent la thet it brings ucarer' Nsýw every womaa cas prove Useetendstricks o!tcina m bi-k, egs atdt.wssersmth ehm financed by the German Clerks' Union,; As Appeal te the People of Canada. te us ail tise great future whîch lapopthî a're< ebe elt yce ckuds o i asice. Darop i.t tedly4tit fC which in turn, it is beiieved, was con- Baron Rhondda has issued e state- opening te aircraft for pence -pur- renowlng sud building up tise hlood. jute two quarta efthtie appieJuice, and roiied and financed by the German nient explaining Great Britain's plana pse . It lg a test tisat D an f womau batingsol ebiigpit at Erovernmept. It is certain that it was for tfood control. Prophees es Fulfisacut , make by taking Dr. Williams' Pinkt thi. frequently, and whcn the d.slred rma.J yeu issisted by the great German indus- Food regulations in Great Britain "Lord Montagu et Beaulien and'Pilia, fer these pills mako icis, rdsic lvo a be tie rmv ;rial trusts. ae uh moe d *sic tha t < onothers have foretoid tuat betore many biood, wlilchIn luure itimUlates the e ic faver addsubendobtained ramoie Tue moat inaidieus and mest dan- this aide et the Atlantic. Neverthe- years mailsaund passengens w Iudi pe' e t geetenre n aigohrJly rerustetur e tis eaetl'riva- icas they are voiuntarily, net compul- travel regularly by air between e-rsorfi ~nat hoalth. Thnu- makiug etuir jelly, 5ihe Deuthat Bnk, edbthe Draner soriiy, ebserved by householders end don, thse Cape, Egypt, India, and Ans- i nda of womeea have found lu Dr. ofe, euiwar ned be te deofsrtooo theDetsc e BaktheDrsdnr:othera. "If voluntary meusures fait," tralasia te the East, and between Lo>n- Wllliams' Plik Pilla new health and tisCntnet. peîll .., i Bank and tise Disconto Gesellocisaft. says Lord Rhondda, "I shall have ne don, Canada and the United States teý an& vitil these a sew happi. theis Cotinhten havespéeilmaa isl.kuk~ #Q. U~ IS isealieged that their chief function compuniction in putting tise nation on tise West- Tuie public listen, te tise. Suad Interest Ilte.liotis tthruhthnia ee me mii- -of Il îvas tisaS et commiercial spying. 1compulsory ration." This crlsply de- prophecies vitiseut gnaping imow n yoensuteravitiyourself t ieares ithnoeof h ts e lm Net gr-Caeyu uie In Germnany, fer instance, a manu-1 fines tue spirit et Great Britain. Self- tisey muy b. te fulfilment.Tes e ofetthse splendid home treatuxeut Obiae su soi tue large' ete. lr.Cso-e itrwie e wvorth et gooda can take it te hi. bank keynotes oft tie' nation'. attitude, Me», a postal air service te Sicily, geun, easly aford, -and yeu wîi e a tise guas-baf" intsmat a b ueer ber vs reets A'.y li' 71 -and ruise a loa for wages and raw women and children are proud te do an object-lesson in tue psaipsitise who relolce is regained heaitihumdoawos tad, Smier etugawoudp-nedtTt ld pwtcr"o meterial on the order as isecunity. A terpr nsvn oded in j- bilities etftfight. CaptasL aureti!'These pilla are seid by a» <idealers 1>aa luegetdale at, SA'frtu creuin prodcinvfoodpaandn ineot tes wm hear wvemsiio -do Cue--in, trader cas pledge his customers' lia- Isht ic-adu i ualti vrin mediolse, ermay be. bad by 'm"ai t bilities te hum in tise saine wey and oe tiens tis, national effort ia suatained seven heurs a Jonrney os which the60 cents a bou or six boxes for $250 thes' ewn eokins sy that by the. tise ioMsae tontto01prtdJ ateasdy foryhigipî.c. ablettithby seame an A Britiis manufacturer wiso ap- BrnRoda hoghteF01hte-obeeLn more tIsasthree tia ., B r<> - e ut. u. aytehitigtOnt l knev that it weuid b. uneless, but ,,nbeen mde reposaîle for féod cntso-e su UIl*bloek, sad" btl is i~s druS suelghty-twe id St ar d tkis occasion h. seaily needed somin a us- respective counts-les. Food cous- tis position etishe book vus ehs*ng.dperfsmily per your. amQ-or ii.Pue. imnéa extra moey and h. determine; e'trei ina oseSmust b.e djueted te tihe as, ocslus wqu'ed.Wut e& *3Pb 1 of C.usi* mouu. 20,S0oP -i», try. lie applied te tue ha ithis:requirneentu o!i&L, - TIserufesm ehiei r'nuet"f1. smirlposdaar ,S#S~. ~ tmih,.ossa4-.& »e&taus la whe ebdbe elnrfra1must vork tegeter to u aed ilah of eMsx mo vetv ebouts r.quirod' PoftMeb *06Mtte O@&-b« ~~: <~~wiee visici ho bd bec dmalng fo a, Our poople viù havt roes tèto temeipùlate ivobume ,od .hsOIP4-at ls1505d. knev thetr profitoorlnt gi lu vld JMWseW»,* of ti'* bbah i14 u ý .wu ** * O~ M ~J~~M Q ~e ua tout-thut it la 10w tst deuIerN g se vises tb4Ii. ola Opqe.d la m us- "Mo.boteIid-t*wsVlum--- te exiat they-ae .attr"buWdte -vkinlamvt uit - -4 o var conditions. iuIil* Wb" If"OrDwt bMen rm-m" o" à ao bCompreuessve plaié have beude. a dom a " 21.MUâ ne4$oit ma oI4 m yeloped vtserby a&U eualusipur- e Crft OstSIi5thaarme"- et ' 1tbe a O>i - d to GrutlrtaMssd bw 49W& $0p1amsiviio."pu9»<or, Oa AiucStrub pbua u.m lm b. su5. i1ub hddIeo n Os t n lNo»pr* strletly rglated #JsUMm plou's» Ck1hbBu*t W o'b * t C" IMO o - -taBU bwLord E bueu.rts, 0wmla Cai*us Wl*ewloar ba" eof rybdth .~aa ps ~ ale &9, be Isi.* <S sbaokeftbaDlu a~d l'. IP.1.and t~p~abyqom.tifnnat Wrlti ibi f 19pbïwlethe- SKIN TROUBLES' WTk UICR Bat6 ewith .Cuticura #ply th0 Ointment Stops itching instantiy, dears away pimples redness and rougsness, ne- noves dazdruif and scalp irritatièr, beals red, rengh and sore bands as well as mostbhabysumors. You necd net buy. tiem until yeu try tiseni, Simple Rach Fkee by Mail Wi h 52p. 8km Bock (Booup te diasas ma.d Otnznet to b«Oa) Fa. sa=plesa& o CRISIS 0F' change Safe!y Pasod .by TaidnLydia E. Pinkham' -Wl et l îE, P 1- s, te 'Ie ~'as * rse the tShe his jieir the wil 1 Iof- the that the bped re- thse eves, great ýha i-ba t

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