Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 25 Oct 1917, p. 1

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dry- A applica. Itady ferfilizer as a poison. i i N M .< -1 I 4 Brock st. Whitby. tanne1 Ceailiust Arrlved Proent conditions seeza La mndi- Cate a severe shortage of Canne1 as wetI ae other coals the coming season. Ve are suggesting Lo our old frienda and customners Ilhat they order-now. Our Mill Creek Cannel we regard of exceptionaiiy high quaity-the bcet wo know of. Aiso car of the ceiçl.rated Liiiy i5mithing eoal received thie week. Soft coal for threshing z always in stock. E." R. BLOW, - Whtb Bell Phone 9. Horne phone 1L. '4 i s1~ -i i - .5-.....- .Aa »a. a uvru* l'iUT Auit E m-aAU s Wouu BvuHfoR SALE* $100beyomulNewnnrket ; twenty. ine mites frini oronto"lnile antd a bal fromm s-oropoîtan alectii car line; cou- vinlinelovi Ilap! e;bn acrieuf îuaple baîh, mour's tarin croiislng. about haif a mile west ef'the C.P.tL. station at WMIt. b>y on, Monday inoQru when Georse Gimour, son of thie ate Win. Glimour and Mmr. Glimour. was &truck by thie morning passenger train due at Whit- by at 10.11 oclock. Mir. GlInour.. wha was 58 yea-s, of agp. was on his way trom bis home 19 work on tRie faru' of W. H. flldon. He apparently vrac crosslng the tracl< at the tari cross- ing tntendtng le walk down the awteh or second track te Mr. Balsdon's tarai. As lie approached thie track Rie 81w thie oncomIng train but set-med ta ibink lie had time ta cross lu front of It. The train struck hti- and he w- arie on tie front of thie englue for Rome distance. until thie train could be stop- ped, whew lie was fouiid lu be quite dead. The bamse of hie akuil was frac- tured: both Jegs were broken ln 5v eral places. and lits rîgRil arin was broken ait the elbow. Death was saud to bei nstaî.taiîeoiis. Thie body was initen te the tinder- taking î,arlors of Nicholson & Sel- don. andi rernovi on Tuesday t the ë,ýbut dld Rot watch hilm fiither. Whin th&e trin passa!trader thie brtdate COR"fêyooked' downt ud saW thie !body on- thie <vnt ço!-th* eauglte4 but did not kuquw thena tt ILw GiO mour. Be had known the decease for a great ma"y years,.and.eomuder- 'dhlm axe to taxr e m0f ,lmlf. Thie Crown Âttoruey questiccd SMr. Hugil Grham. brother-1-IlW fthie deeeascdi. whether Gilmour eould see azidt hear ail right. Mr. Graha~m -sald h. eould. Ife alto bell.vod <llmiour!a mental condition 'was sucb that he cuid taire care of hlmsolf.Re saw dpceased fur- the ast lime that knorn-e1 Iing la thie laite near thiebhrn, wben Gilmour said ho was golng oser to do sorne work for Mr. Daladon. F. T. Chubb. thie fireman on- engine No. 2234. of train IN-o. 20. said Rie had been performing his duties on the en- gine. and lail jîtat got onto bis seat ut tRie north aide and looked oui of thie window. when he saw Glmfour beaidie thie track. Thie man was about to cro.%s ln front of thie englue. and lîur- rieti ta make thie distance. ChubRi saltd [o the engineer, «*Dtd tRiat man g.-t That tube I~.Rel M Iaý e ltecehe ich.eartwand reacbed tire pociret fwhitty -peoplela sbt>ua bii tlie aped&~ u tthe csnv:is oi ýThursadaylast. 'T* Wibitby cenmittee set as tlieir -bIectt*e tJ0,-and roped thl it Ig ht4s 11 u1915 -thé Sumf 'of $17" wua glyen;lufG 26 wus raL"d - by a "Tag D"ay~ppesi by tRé-it Is. T1113 Year tile MesU nderN teck the* work. *nd thc aid'boys dIdb't Of'course Whitbp might hivrï don@ more, but shp dît! very weIL, Indccd. WRicn il la eonaldred that the. lus' liait- of thie mulelilil takes falls duï- on Noveniber 1, w#Ich w-as a 6,rtain handicxp 4t. thie ipnd, the r-sponse made assumes ýtbRie charatterbf a re- cord cf whlch w-e h"ve no cause ta be ashamet!. 'e ire wa rdsut <the te" nwr-e eau vassed by liye team. In thie four up- town wards thie tennis were dIvieeclet. i tu paLme. andl thus tRi# work wm mtade1 co:nperatlvely liht. lit ward une Sit. Wm .Downlo. 's Cai-L. bal asm MA' assistaîts. MR\ or NV'avre-n and 3-iq. WVht'é. obt. Thorniî A . IH. AMlln andl Thos.Colin. )L.. D. Gaibralti.. .... ...... ..... Ma . On ... ......... .. Amaiainael arpeutéesand Joliers.......... G. garron.... .... Mies Armant!......... Uer. W. J. Ryan ........ .. Dr. Lavery .... ...... ...... >a I. Blow ........ ...... .... W. M. Jermyn. . .... ........ Thos.Harris ...... ........ Miss M. Raýy........ AIs . SZtLsbu........ .... ... Geo. S. Johnson .... .... .... .. Gec. Kerr .......... ...... .... F. H. Amnes... ....... .... ... TRios. Jubb ........ .... ...... ,Dr. Brougbton:. .... .... .... 1Mtss Mary Laidlaw.... ..... ... Miss Browna.. ...... ...... .. 11W. A. Broughton .. .... .... .. Mre. S. A. Baker.... ...... .... W. J. HuIlet. . .... ...... .... JSWhiteado................... lXly reon ene. a in mu ner- vs icrn'ts I .bu 1Eacb pair xook a ce-rtain section 4<'ttMrsE._NV. Evants............. lîn-él n Vdedlitnoon ttr- c ssc lm bt Ilaa ahat1 W ward, and Uic' work WU sqUiCkly Ci. Y. SMltli.... ... ..4. ... mînfln nd'lt nlt eee>. ty.' refflâed thîe enginteer. mmdwild onc. ","" R e*. 'R1,%. *VÀ Allen. . . ........ The laie Ur. <-;ilnîouir had llved ail xthn I ~e-,s wceve hit htrn7 sali W~ard two iras sxmaller, and i was cov- jMr. Alien, §~r....... .... ...... li* lite on Iliv Gilinciîir amn. on which ('iubb. 'We'd better etI'lIemed b> C. A. Goodtellow-'s teamn-cc Rîev. A. Il. Poster .... .... .... is sitîtatedth te welI.knoamî Gilmour Thrie>-dit so andth len dftcovred the sistting of Dr. Procter, C. A. MeCllait John J. King....... .... .... brick yard. b%-Ibch years ago produed body of Gitmnour cxùght onithie front George Robb and K W. Evans-. IPrank Jonues..... ...... .... .. most or the brick used ln Whitby dits- @Y Ithe engtie. W t e u loaopra uhJfre ..... trict. Air. Gilinotir wua a quiet. simfple- Mr. (iîubb sald the bell wa-t rlnglng ' ndtrvwa ioacrnaa. J~'........ living nîi, wlIQ seul abouit among anti had be-n xingîng for sortie urne'i uvely light d istrict tu cosci-. but yirid- t .M Jbso...... .. .... .. the' ft-meri;'woî.i*,iig toilis Iivelillood. The' wlistle hnd becul blown ai hie d a goodly contribution. CapI. H. T. J. Mçeintyre......... ...... ... lie wa8 tiîumarrl#.d. and lived wiili his mile post andi agun at n eut ln al aIThônopson Riud thie entbusiastit assint-I P. T. Matihison ...... .. ...... inotiier and gister oit 11he homesicad.. leîi's tarai. loth- ocaMîons hlîîg prî..Ianacof Dr. MeGllivra-- Russell Col- Miss DeHlart........ ....... .. . Thie farni If; now oip.-rateti hy his broth- vs to theti-accident. Stî u ore al F. JVea deon.... .... ...... er-in-law. Mlr.,HtlgRiGrabam. IDavidi Marshall, tRie enÂieer, aub- Ward- four came nexite OWard One In aneton.............. '.îantîIaedtheIi evIdence of Chub. It.H site and burden of work. but yieldedt~B iaoi....... T. c~:(OViN:l- I<QE'. 'id fot soectRie maxi about to cross thie 1the lai-geai cffertng of aIl the w-axds.;Misa Cella Gi-ose..... ... . Çoromîcr Dr. C'. F. Nlcillivray w a ak. as lie n-as ai hý tRier 1W,- oti f'Capt. Geo. A. Ross had aplendid wo-c: James Stewart .... .... .... .. îiottti.-d of thie arcid"uî slorily aft'-r t ait-). He sait Rie set thie autonia;ù tex-s iu Mesers. W.-M. Pringle. tf N. Edwin Copp ........ ...... .. tt occtrred, anti ai once oî-derepd that a bl-l riîging ai Cberrywood, andti haît Past.tFnîand lson. A.H T. er. : w. 1). lI.... ...... .... jury Rie empankilei. ,At 1w-o o'clock it had bt-en rtngimîg al Rie w-ny along c- n îe. .' ter s.D ison....... ont Monday afierîtoonth ie folîowîng to Withby. He aIso liad blown the' i Wûrds three andilotur w-crs cxîenlet,W . j W doî........... were preseit Iu thie Cotincil Chamber hstleinice, as stateti by Chubb. .îo thie rillaa truck so abat ward 5 'S. F. Muroh...... as Jitîrors. W. M. Jermyn (fort-maxi). TRios. îÏogg. foreinan of tue sectIon! xgiib or-all adldR D rp. D laiîlon........ ...... . Johnî Seldti. John Gitublet. Wm. Hop- gang. heam-thetti train wbistle, anti as4SeYmour Whiltney, andi Messrs. Bird B. Bryan ........... per. Wm. Mnaw. George Robi. ~ArthuirRie looked Up Io warn lits men. Rie saw andi H. WlttL. Their district Includ- 1 Mrs. George iep*.*......... Ellis. G. MV. Goedfellow, R. B. Colline. Gilmour walk lu front of tic train. ted -R. Militai- Hospital. The emPlyý- M i~-i...... .... .. .... Tiie Coroner, thie Ci-own Attorney. George Hosi- and George BligRit, sec-, exw*ngged libre were sensmae 1~ .u~ry...... Col. Farpwell, and tRie jury viewed tRe io' imen. were also called. but oulthetl5PiiI80 J.Met lnne.............. body of tRie deceaseti and adjour-ament udd nothing ta thet evIdence. WRe Retsm e h biyRobt. Beatty----------------.. was made untiliTuesday afternoon. Thie jury were tRion adaessed by 1nThr SdaereUlug 111 e u « tea Jt!~iAP tt .. ....... .... ~wben thie train crew anudother wit- tie Coroner. and, aller a fea- minute%.s. ,fe rkectos. If vs-aentistti oh imlt#........ nesswould Rbe pi-citent. ie înî bsviie:$ 0 mr -ud i ecd sd isC,. A ina ..... .. retirne ths veffit: passed. On Friay anti -SaitaY 111441-Miss A,1a Gregory .... .. .... On Tueeday attemnoon, thie i-st "We. thie jury empanelled io enQUire tional sUbacriptlon"a am li, snd It W. D). Dykes........ .... . w-tinette aas Clief laeGi-otty. aho test- Iio thie deaih of George (lilmour. fSud becam@appartit mal44,000> vouldi be J. T.New-prt ...... ...... Riel to thie injuries receiveti b> Cil- tial lie was acciticatailly killed on Oc-,1gvnacos bv w i. rsr........ miour, - ober 22, 1917. by being struck ýby C. jT no one in- tRie ,wf la icT CNéiIt PYM Joft .... .... ...... Rjuimplirey Cofey, aw farmer living on P.R. train No. 20 castbount! st Oit- âne for the splandid reput tRias 3£80«, MSavn....... .... .... t1je,319 4opWssok ii'6Wlî ttby. îold of îmouefui-m ci-ssin; <a-est of ovei, waseren. Fro th# -mmt witen Rie . Sri being on iieovembeail bridge-justet ieal bridge) about one-liaif mile w-es-t habued i *icati' itesaiXtgon'A. c Smith......... .. of where thie acCident ocqurmed. Be ofthte -station ait Whltby.. idyu&tli s w G l e r -g l g thm 6ùgb the fa r m *uW e alo fluai t Ws ne uc bi -m a i na i bi 14 -* . gaeonothcro.aing over thc right attacheaite the trai crtew- tô air tie e aa-d 1h.gaveunaiwne-Y0(Sie Ofj, 1j~ .:: of way. He saw hlm stop toclos e t ber person orpersoaa"' Ri t w t bl s-i jt-neS i jThie tocs-tclergymen etm41to -ha&- BarIo jr . .... ... .. campas-n uthuiaatst.ly s-f M1SS HICKSLYNE ,INOS j oo'lservic.et e. lt< ' N. MIt. lhut is autmwmshut 1 sood aeMtUit., M lenu Ip[V anni- St. Skhool.. AT RED>C O OCliERT1bao tbw ilîtary oiptat BSud Pr ! (sr t cio.. tst l tra cnd*re for th.ocion <uVt GeorlW Cormackr.... Thie Red Cross concert under thie contribate $25 teiRled en>oaS- . ra i * t c cufiè. 0*lmssa att l.L ibet..... auspices of tRie TriLfalga.r Daugiters, cléty and- make a isubstantial donation gb <> it o o. I . W sand CU WRilîby Chapîci-. was attendel lW a btRie muai fuud eê< Uic iIta ,'y COTRBUIOS.t uCs40#. .:cw fd.~ large number of townspeople, on Wed- . I tIO .SMIth.r m .Hny 0etM and men f rom tRie 4lltar HospltaL Be.C.Ld TRio. Icee weather of the day uit-. ,'fmouo- . - ralqtable (or tituber- andi engar.nîakîug-; coubteoti- anecte a4av-rftli>Me ue trî- - --z -MWimpmJohn Tbsblg "s unnings sroai; bearing ai-cRard; eigbt- Ont, as li t tie evenluXS Alu was falling IfuIs-uy *â dc~a roomeddwellinig iu good orier; (ranisbai-a about tReiie te R. oncert W-us t* ci-it.Y~oinwui MAna -aure. Tise.. AÀO Vi. t'Q1Î1* 'stables; lo7atîd ianice counitry res- mie. Bsai iii wetthtr PrOO5otIIRetes-s-Ian bS mstýIY me.tIM O«thé 1a R osa . .... %l district. Pri'os, 83,M0. Ricin!bottmr -tRie aiat dat "otilaprob- IWs.r Relif flocliyw-Os hem e, -th u 1UO@R114 .......... Idteaew nce ee uridItgY laisi nt0t1,, w-lUi the Pi'esdent >$JM J. e>tM". James Rute.o., 'Foisr d Cou. iiedî* î#ro aUiee- i-g c-pay. WlIisn III.chair. CUIOIte lo. 4&*. 1 4. ~des SuIdladMissWis-tredl*Iwa5yn. c To- Thie Treaurer's report for tRie utRiWnM.DomsI. . . . TONOroule. andth Re »asaio! <hi-I" WR I<b- 1 lwu »as foemaF. .Warrms...... te ltary HoUmIW',Provldedi the progrnt D<,.. ,Mcouvny . ~~ ~wRieh i as of tRie bis-heat ort!er thrcilaxi Cash on liautt sept, 1....-,j7 .... 0....... out. . ...fl7 immt4"islieaLyi.wbh ia tudied tu 0»otl0tO 'ifllia.P. Joues s.oo in Prla. ILon ,andi other Europea e<41 a Ws.DJ.i'abot.p .- s - h., lâ les indter thie cMalfatsoas maater*.ia Its-t........... .>I.L s14tiw..... madi--ie Most cf ber wonderft ltraini- -S. 1'F.P p.........00 -4otear. o *.mmUbY Otarlo htîs. mid gave a pros-rm 0et s- sl- -Mli MOllIvra 4 às- t *-..... MuaSI zotaI. l)e.1era1 Rnati..Mardas-et, t!om sia ais-a n «» le net, ant teu s'0r@ ldbl rosmi concert Hau Oal6ected, FîrtatLoins Arrneaoften stliliraM oDue tndlytlW UiI au-lthe 114 sr" ire,,. 400» <-et i4ê*'t5, I Uobous-ht Andisol& M ler Mle«mucus lciuded as-r«Ilp o rua-. . . Fe Io 'gl a Gifla,,WoÇk 8t. frencb song. SUnS-la tcnietoeM'P0- >" ei.Tmt5pro«lwo «0 m ly us-ai tonof m .,é1r, 'Nw m Farmé of AilSiz» Wutgetseebaqs- s d a-s-u- fie-i -a 1cvê t Protis-"*Mcetgvlb Br ime14nAespm&nr**t "Vas-osn tilt mid, Tm Mis'ri o co, ~ .g *~ ..~. tassa Fafs hilllitUA" hffa erpasse.and mutaileu'Mm *1 . Msl.Tisx .&dlne Jll apnlattse pies-aid MssKmss-ceTormi . o 5we III*# s soeatI t s17 i a itol-s. formas-ce. 1Cmclasins-numsber, *LanMd 1.>eo~i5uti-i. ji LItt*yotr pusoê wItb us or goot! ne- of fHo ».Caimryni. 1W EIas'. w»as a oieW. ct....- 'u w ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Te Î" « ,~.. RsRm*O ise Mlua" flbptlal CU4ikiti o M ws-q'U 09, ffl "~'z adted 1e.l a1a 1 t*u tlSy VL. .. .~*M~4 %Iwo fflt91«ýNO rais al Mt- 6.00 5.00 500% 5.001 5.001 9.001 S.00 -6.00 6.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5»00 5.00 5.00 6.00 6.00 5.00 6-00 6.00 6.00 5.00 6.00' 6.00 6.00 5:00 5.00 5.00 5.00~ 5.00 5.00~ 5.00 5.00 &.00 5.00 4.00 5.00 6.0O0 6.00' 5.00 6.0 5.00- 5.00 4.101 4.Q0 and, cau on - AleT. Laiwlerý ,,The Grocer Phones :-SlI.47?s Independent, PI?. Pee1's, Shoe Store ToCýONf'"STANT DEMANOD for ahoc8 th t r tylish aud at thé same Lm osa durb ~le ltes$ yet aent xesive in price, cau, be metwin our strong feature Unes fàrd MeU,Woiu-en, Goln6irs ByMisses and infants. 8.e ur pc !"e Ey D"Work Boots for McenaHys st 'Pin Paris green la1b. , 34lb. , 1lb. pkgs. J, E,. WILLIS, Dragglst end Opticlan MEDICAL HALL Yo.u eri aaewl l a Idemiio- 1 ftrom 9» to 0100 por month andl others At t ramS 8.$50090 P,00< r asum. ltpart t.,ga &0 LDît ms. u.atSAif us1 a the ulgbt am u c l &au m"& .du il te@ itais .vboot. alt i Ovte au car. Vauge mi"d W. J. Culotte. j'

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