C t-- ork, &Yýria:icn lid Ci oss b -- tCxi,'diîîî lied Cross maku. e no gentral publir tllit-il ior foinds, so wh*.n once a; c 1,, on Trafalgar I)ay, ulhe people of i. aoare askied 10 iveof tair ii.is foi- tht- support ot' the British l,-'C (rct- là îlir lit.h duty- of 4eV01'ý tI), te c o '-, czi!ifor fondo, 1Io . riî'lit f c-ad etafo i lo fr 10e xx-iîj .:ý-- ca d sî- .Ti,, P, d Ci-( î-1 1- ho ii iý f , i os (c 01111.1 ()N l v, tj irdnd C(aiî,î-dlonii bo:,.9. Tue'i- ihc rufore an io ctabi t 1v 111 ril ('l' ili. eu011t 11lie ccasionl of Clie a! i -1 tail ,tii pî-ople of th(' (À î f ;h1tb3 ai!îtt 1'i.2 micd la 191G tho cîih aînpalggnraïs- * O,<20. 5.Thîis yvar, tin ordcîr that t1];wurk o-f the lied C(rs shah netf htlaec, Whilhys sinre Is $3000 al -at.The DriticO Redi Cross-spnt $15,10O0,00O durlng tho,-first two years (if tht war, and during the third year il- î->pndItlnre was necirly $9,000.060. F'or tht-- comiiîg voar filIs estimated ilitii n) te $15.000.000 vwiil be requireti. W-Who are safe a.i lioc- esur-ly can- iti! fitil otîr boys at thé front In theîr n (-i( 0. While they iglît for us it is 0111r part to provide attendance and c-ar( for thie ' Nondcýd among themn. Withthle exiteadIlîre of the Redi Cross rnoîîîinýig eaeh year the contributions rwist aise increase. As a malter of lo,nliy. not only la the Empire, but ta aur rt-latlx s anîd friends ovcrseas, we muetgiew01lîrdlgn- o us 1 y,, eaeh itersoi aecording te hic- meanis, w lien the campalgneoonmmlttee cailis n us. May Whitby net be teunti wniti ng on Trafalgar Day, and mnay the ireptitatien fei- generous patrletic gtving be sustaineti anti enhanceti byl rcachlng and exceedutîs the $2000 mark. MYRTLE STATION. -at r., oWi * - ' ot.f axstook _ i ùieùtâ-ia.ý corn î and- ree_tt.e kety'1 Rchard ffi tJwlq T e' hl - Uoar-lot 2 ,coni.--.2. Whitby -Tp.,114 igmiles north of e,%.tby tpWn, Sale at 'JIIDve.w W à itonsix iock hai f4 m'm. M aw, auctiol- 'Le vice now..Pr Plèr WeVdaesday, October lOLli. -The un- ,alS Ir. T. Y-,At-b" o sonteséla. o bUsl e fonu1aoeVin0l dersîgned -bas- receiveti instructions Mr. John .-GrigBn bas completeà ID~t roecnvincUIigy -thà t it bas the - rom Thoras al esi ypbi gu%.--Wrong tÈme with.:Mr. MI. ÉEls. .r t CreasHtll str.ngt.pbli Autos stfilIcorne. niht anti day, la ___ to reae<-, * ' auct.on on lot 12 Côn. 7, Eut Wbitby, etCMLve " IO farta stock, inchtiing herses, cows and -hopesofcosn bemrhbig. à o = - ~ citcr.lime unr s.Bode Pigs, rmots, andi farm implements. GREENWOO-D. Terrms, etc.. sec bis. Sale at 1i1).m. ~\ r. . L Gren iIlholi a autie ~ wonan whUoysabtt1ecf sharp. James Bià lop, auctioneer. a few doses of Beecham's Pilla sale of bis heses, sbeep ant Iimpie- conditfor andWe iterufl-owunervt a___________ and avoid any serlous illness. H m en on edoesey ctbe N odiin I iùsafI p ngi They are a fine corrective an b ped i edcfJreycihewl ave -m e~~r~'be,~ 8,111siiBiiin on bsold some Lmé inI the Newv Year., Yôq-see, there lu 'no guess worlc____ tonic for the system, and a micrioneer Maw, ef Whltby, lias been aotVni.ftis, fornina proves CUT FOTRO gret elpinmamntaining good en"' -Ad te handie bothflÃese ---ales. ;about thng!W i ,P'al ea9 health. A single box will PORT WHITBY. ru - ow,ôvetwOdEdnevos9en"' prove the remedial value of and wSmen and for feedIe;e*ld people . i. îrrymi E. I_. M.naeiQ. WhILby. Mr. Chas. Goldring anti Meuers. Ceci] and del te childânca.T17 it once crk-Jan. ;:. Feb. 15. Mar. 1;, Art. 8.' Mma ~ - -g anti Lvelie Goldring motored (rom To- andi b. coni; e. Dto 4.Jn .S3.I)8_ Ot 3 Nv.5 PI-LLS Lngt Sale f nyIediclue I thei.WuLd Sold evoe7wboee.labozsZS2c. BîrocizlirI>on't raisi tais opportunity à Mr. rund Mr. Ceo. L--wroc,, of Pick- in-, tre xtsitiing t Mr. F. flrown's. M r. flic kson. of Tcronlo, sW]xnt iast week at Mr. Jas. Dlckson's. Nlr. 'P. Nanderson and his sister mo- t cd lA Kiing and spent last Sunday thvre. Miss NI ry XWir.defrman, of-4oronto. spent Thlankrgiving. with frh'nds here. BALSAà ý Farniprs are busy cutting corn in Ibis viciîîity. WeP arep tleasecd 10 know' MrF. Rich- ard Ward is« recovcring from bher rt- ca-ni illniess. Tlie rains las? woevck were welcomed by thie farmers mwho have ploWing te Ido. IMrs. Esî1her Palmer, et New York Jitv, is visitlng MIr. aud Mrs. W. H. Ji es.. .J4 iAJ. J dr. E-1B. Doollttle and famil spent th e holiday witb trientis bere. Mr. A. Grass wears a smile that woni't cerne off theSe days. Iie's the pround tather ofl a baby boy., ThoeeIntendiag te Instiall ýhe Hydre light anti power1 are. preparlng- te do se ai. once. A jnnlversary services -lanconnection --Qulîte a number ftrom ber&attended %vîth the Methodist church will be beld Markham Pair. ý 101 Sund*$r October 14th. 11ev. A. C. silo ftiI1Iný t the order theie days. Crewaý, .D.D., of Toronto, wlll pu'eaclîi Miss Dalsy WVilcoxson spent the bolit Sunday monlng andi eveniingr.arvtces day at ber home beré. iat 10.30 a.m. and 7 p.m. Speelal music, IMr. Thomas HalI's sale on Wednes. by the choir, solos by Miss D. Stantcn, 'day was attended by a large cirovid and of R&agIan, and Miss. E. Jehunston, of high prtces prevailed. reute andi spent the day with relatives.,4 Misses Gladys ant i Eceli Ashl>y s'pent the week-,e-nd witb -their sistcr, Miss Brooks, ef thpc city, visitd wlth i :tf ister, Mrs. Sheldon Watson, for a few days. :~ -- Mr. 3MelvilleF#r, of Toronto, spget M1onday with friéiitis here. Miss AtdileeXd .1r. Ernest Gai eýng. of Teronto, vMl1ted wlth their parents, Mr. anti Mrs. R. Goldring, over th e bol- itiay. Mr. Woodhouse, et Montreal, visited with relatives hcre. - Miss Marjerie Goldrint, -ef Peter- bore, Miss Ethel Gelting, e? Torgnte. anti1.Mr. Wm. Goltiring. of: Belleville, visiteti aI their home bere, Miss Margaret Kennedy., ef Torot-to, spent the holiday with hçr parent!s. AUDLEY. Silo tlling Is tbe erder ef the day. Mr. anti Mrs. Harry Powell spent Suntiay with thte latter's mother, Mrs. R- Puckrin. Thanksgiving passeti off quietly, ow- ing te the busy scason. Everyone was; around as usual. Lawrence Denny dispeseti of a fine bunch of perkers te Levi Ward. J. H. Harris Is just cleeing a suc- cesetul seasen ef garftening. He hati a buimper crop eftutmatees andi entons, but net nearly enough te supply bis cu3torg. Personal Me ntion Miss B*atUlce Meeker was homne for the houldY. Mr. ahd Mais. RI' W. Evans were lu Mancbester on Monday. Mrs. James Smîth" vlsited ln Seau'- boro for a few days this week. Miss .aisy jones, of Toronto, was wlth ho,,Parents -*ve-r the 'holiday. Mr. end Mns. J. -ltowe and, chiltiren spent Sunday wlth.triendi ln Port Hope. MissJe-au Jolinston, -)f Omemee', spent Thanksgiving-with lber mether Mr. S. D. Terry, now xnanaier of a bankln l Toronto, vas home for the weekend. peope that s0 mali y yung Canadians bave joineti the -inog~.,diMeult andi ar- duou.,s service-.- al-o, te be f urther proof of- Canadae -d4ep antidiceeinterest ln the mwr We, bave aý largezf range of mediim-- prleed Ch4stjnas eards than ever be- fore, (rm.12 adznup, printeti with name of sender andi a suitable greetlng. C-et. your choice of stock.by ordering bow for dellvery any time betoFre Cbrlstmas. Then you'11 have that much of your Christmas shopping off ybur mind. It's an inexpenslve but appropiate way of re-membering your friguds at the Christmas season. Cali and seec cr samples or we can send thexn to your home. C. A. Goodfellow, &Son, Gazette and CChroalcie OfFice. (OSIIAWA-Miss E. L. Macdonnell. Whitby. C:ierk--Jan.3e. 6, Mar. 6. Apt. 4,. Inhy 2, Jizte 5. Sept. 5. Oct. .4. Nov,IL Dec. b. Jan. 4. Isis. 4. BIUOUG17A'II - M. GIee-sn. Greenwood. (:icîk-Jen. 4. Mar. 7. May 3, July 6, Sejit. £. Z\'v. 7. Jan. 5, 1918. 3. P'ORT PERRY-J. W. Buirnhamn. Port rci iy. Cleriu--Jîo. 5, Mar. 8, May 4. Juiy 6. Se.pt. 7. Nov. S. Jan. 7. 1918. 4. VXIR1DGE-11. J. Moore., Vxbridge. Clerk -Jan. 12. Mari. 16. May 9. July 10. sept. 18. Nov. 23. Jan. il. 1918. 5. C.4NN!N<I-ÇTON-Thos. IL Foster, Canning- tron, Clerk-JanL 11, Mar. 16, bMay 9. Jui> -11. Sept. 19, Nov. 22. Jan. 10, 1918. 6. BEAVERTON-ChîisA. ]Patersùn, Beaver. ton, CCtrk.-Jan. 10. Mar. 14. May 10. July 12. Sept. 20. Nov. 21. Jua. 9. 1913. T. UPTErbGlIOVE-Danici Leonard, Ather-~ ley. Clek--Jan. 9, Mar. 13, Maty 11, July -13. Sept. 21, NOV. 20, Jua. 8, 1918. (By Order) J. E. FÂRÉWELL, Cerk of the, Peace Dateti ah Whitby, Novernber 6h116 À0';d RO-B 1NSO iIndertalÉti'erand (urniture 4ealer. Bell 'anid Uh'cependent- phones. Day or ight. BROORLIN, ON-T. I ROYAL THEATREI EVERY NIGHT <'The Xaice, on'the 'Wîre, featurn-1 Ben Wilson. every Monday niglit. WNednesday uiglit, Broadway feat ijre. A nlso-d tils 1e, (hi!drein -o.1 ~peîa shw e L a!.le war tax. MRS. PERRIN, Manager Marriage Licenses. A. H. ALUIN. [asuer et Marriage Lîcenses. Cerner drug store,- Whitby. No witncsses requireti. G. VOUINO SMITH, LLB. lesuer. Churcb. No wlt.neses requlred. AUCI'IONEERS WM. MAW LIeENSED 2iUeTIONEER AJI ktnds of sales promptly attended to. Arrangements for sales can be made at the Gzette Office. 'rerma reasonable. tll and Independent Phones. WHITBY. ONT. i~ ofssOn> ard LEGAL JNO. -E. FAREWELLi K.G. Barrlster, County CroWu Attorney a" County Solicitor. Office, south; wing Court House, WfftbY A. E. CHIRISIrIAN Barr later. Solicitar. Notarv Public. Etc- Office, Brock St., Opp. Standard BanIL Mouey ta Lcan. DENTAL Harry J. Hudson, D.D.S., L Successor te W. Adamp OiMee, Dundas Street, oppr- Office. Bell phone 12-9- WVlITBY, ON-. --- BLAKE B. BEATON, L. Gradiiate ùf the Royal Coi Stirgns aad Universityt rD.P. Cook, of Toronto, t;Dr. 3e atca's practlce dîiring sence of the latttr on mtilitary 1 Office over '\. M. Priîgl&s dýardwarb tîfl-- Il ii-C t i1144 Io -G. Arthur Lee, 1.0.8., .... Graduate of the Royal College -nt Dental Stîrgeons aund ef the University of Toronto, desires toannnounre that i he bas takea Dr. Slsson's pracîkeç and 1Is prepared to continue, the sarne as test.iblishei. 6nlice o,.t r AI*n*s drrîg store. Hours 9 te 12 la,:c.: i o 6 pin- Bell pboner . .- *7 - 4 e-jA0 rI,< fi - . 4. >1 Pe.erepor chageýs requk-fd to 0 1~hBe1 Teep -,eCo* Of Cauad giving Parents, n»e 01 ler =~YoT4- el<91~S - -MmS (Dxý) M*GXUilrY - 3M. Jes. Kea.u atteýd4 4th* fPXebYterfa mcetin% beld, %ý,È'0rt Pexy wgn Tu-es- day. sudlrs. Pawou Sheppard, o! Troïmntc, were guestà he behofldt attehomue -et, r, cati .. 1ac Mar.' acnd 2&.. .$mibaind'son., o! Toronto. visitedth r "an MrsMn.W' ). Smnith and Wi. and iinJames, SmUh o ver the boflday- Mu'. and Mia. C. H_ Plum.erfült, et?. Unlenvilk Who bar. -betn on a trip' tbrough New 9ufarfo Ottawa, >Mou-. trnI andi other pla<n. »et 8aturd&aý wtth the former'a s*tîer,. Mrs. W.-A Mùr. andi Pars. J. E_..Waterhou& mue-- W re o Upton laIM week tePay a VIsIt te thei1r nebhew. Ktacby G. Wa.*w- bqoei wIio eft for .4ôverceu Fl'<JOy luti with the Quee"s .ÙUniversity'Naval Flylu; C<>u'm quati, se f -~% c - 1 4>->7 Lr- of - more a tOile tif bis lisuehip s p~ttane.1.-r -- ~Inws. Tnb~te Il I y-t 1 IK;