Soom full 01 1tS( nal.. *S&. Sold dencas,S la sealed \packets oruy., thecours \P willonce Ni1 l borhood back wit] terinal was cou, Bëtween CQusins, ion ot] OR, A DECLARATION 01P WAR. deepest parisabt as hoiy1 CHAPTER VII.-'(Cent'd.) end holiday tisat was causing hlm te o!ftiseb: "It willî gîve tbem a leu îaw opiniai emila ta himgelf as ha packed, but ýkept var than if they had f our.d it eut fer them- more îikely it was something aise. Him heroiam, selves, as they wère bound te. If worklng quartera wara comtartiaaa, vain. pra-iarication wenld do it, Idpr- and the usual raseurces o! tise loch- varicate cheer!ui ; but when atigand consisted ef the pramenca of rougis can't be hid, it a btter brazened eut, workiien, and tise. priadicalinispect- Tise i aa I always say about c'ur bals'. JulI~iaug.vysit of some higiser engineering sama wm la for maklng i t darkar witb poig- autisority; but noue of these things ed, says etunx; and so would 1 be if tisa pom- mâttered to Albert, se long as they front af stum w.'<pr,pery: but 1V o-, 'aeýrved biseud.-naines% -you !naku- your L.air greay and And that end tionai s' yourself ridiculous. -And baaIdeWo" A very simple oua, sud a very sinlu gie n sddad Albert, as ha dipped hlm oatsena: that o! "arriving," as our "allie îg a suota vigorously, "you muetn't -torgjt. eighbors put it with a coucîsesesSWe ove-r Ho that Lady Attertan hersai! le rben1 ssal). nYer reach--f achlevîng lais spir from thee ranks-or vary neaariy o. 'aomethinigi" ot hecoming "eamebody."i more ho If se dÃ"Wn't think lowiy of hersa).!, I oor Ells;mlght have sparad hersait Withi se wen't thýkk iwly ai us." tise troubla of haem sowmug the seada naw arn Thara wae a silence, duriug whicis et ambition; . tiera are sema e lla glowing Fenella turnad back lu spirit to tise which pommais if spontaneoualY. To iuxurloualy furnishad roem, tisa dainti tad tilupa ia evi sigede lly set-eut tea-table, lataly lett, and hlmi by Fate had early struck Albert w tiis hovere4dlightedly round tis.-lascin- as au lguouiny-ahneat a cowardi4ie.wtns * atiug vision. 1 If ha lad declded for engineeringit' tisa gra "Wrhere did you get that cap, Fan- was beause in thile maciine-made age on it in ells?" 1t saaued te offer the- most possubili- comase Fanefla, awaking -from ber vision, ies. Thse Giasgow Vnmversîty wich, tisa berc became awaraetf ber brother'. oye te tise father, had beau a prison-bouma, way. fixed upon ber with a radiantiy ap- wss te tii, son a palace o! delÃŽgisi proviug gaze. but of purely intellectual delighte,l.Wea "Thîls cap)? Fren' Obane ince ho was far tee prudent, as ew.]wbre1 "It suite you splendidly: dos-n ta se far toe dermluned, to wasts A>?e. aruiY r the greund. But dont you tink it'st cious houri upon thea orthodox (ollie. ways ne timie for s isew l'rockt ?» - ïTim e eough for that latui' en-whan raaeh tj "Julia told me she cau't afferd oun e hsad igarriv.d."- Thora heha d Cateau just now." naIlt drunk vlth rspturo thé creedao! the whre "Shell afford oefatesaugh when wîh h -oenta oldt ag-*Wlc he oe h w d ofaliingj 'ive-glvcn ber my views. Yau sail eniergy and intellect, and put up bar-~e have that naw frock, Penelis. You va riens only te the stupid sud iazy tnued asrned it this afttrneon.'91 Froin thance ha emorgad a socialit ara "By eating se many cakes?' laugh-inlutiiory, contamptuoualy intoieraut ed Fanella. dt the tyranny of clama distinctions, "No; by leQklng your hast wbile yeu and yet eaimly prapared lu practice Ourc ste them!. ' te profit by them,, liould tissy happen, whseret And a moment latar hea ddqdluatte serve hlm purpose. Thay vere _Ésaz bal! soliloquy: 110W p108'iOd poor ridiculous, of course; but s0 were They w motisar- would bai" Iarthingu lutise1 weld. a -. C C C C 1 bis - Lgbian"canisieis' wh-ch told war That avening, the. dnner.gori&,at hmta is is es ihn tlnirad Bsîladreebît'w..- -once more precéoyoez w&. net yet coie. _ eci by a short conVersation betweem.&T.hsTie vr* adiaau<oM7suw~mai Cousiw"- ejin$. furte Ãœgbting antieips ~~ natl f ive?!p.wera iisrle fomfeu' tIsmage tender, s an en rk .11k iekngsur o weeoitMn froel- iy p "r 1 1 hi ti - shý dhamm«. - Most Iceenly wms ysa rathera sç1Succsa.'. e a _ea*r ita oiin etbsfuiy o ntsa tit pXan iio, udiwIir 1a*xTe cf *yPmledtWM ýf ïnà ti*uzsolveo d , beOweà smmp adéoab P8eS51 lce;aa. s o by. OtWOO1 ti ôoii .eutI .mnPei-- a 4aos inlïe, d 1w1,im.. /Ihat tus 'tr" [;W ou i - -'-a' ty is fýIl cf draniatic coinCi- sud it may velI be that, lu rse of events, the British ArMXY- eagain find itsa in the naîgh- [o! Mons,4'Whencé, lu thaef ste- gust of 1914, it was falîiug bth ail spead, toa av-id being ai- ledby a Germhan -army that îiug agaluatjtit l the lgopc;'-1 three ta oua. rery mention af Mens siirs the chord in aur baiug, fer net iour minda la its mamnorY lui- biy plantadi our hearts, ground, watared by- the bleod bravast e! Britain'a sons, aud Sdant by tke dews of -their iwhich happily waa net Inu The Land of Shadowa. great army is going b ack -thé ,y that tise littia ,aruiy ratreat- s a Lendon wekly. It ba lias ýfit roads >and villages whosel wiii liva for evar lu aur lhs- gtory; ronds and villages where nd gniling courage prasided- bmerle combats, and the daunt- irit of the heroas who eaunen kiid up the Cermas floodtide. what burning emotion will the iais survey the scenes o! that gepic! How tisa hearts of ail ril1 to paon thiîougli surround- îa vary badges of which bear ste the great pari] t'bat becaule mt triumph! And as they move may se.em that thuir task ha. easier bacausa thea shades af oic dead ara thiseate peint the are. goingt back alang tise roads Frencb's tirad and dusty litthe ear t-o destruLction. We 0beai the Plauewhere the guns at IA Lroared thelr challenge, "n ansidat fire and shahl, with daa around thamn, the gunueris pon te ,serv their eightean-pon cavaiy MtU 'ne ,day, staU the .9tb lanceisuafd thç 1i8t1b zu iâê -tkeais hopatea éarge. l'Iitdà 1through t&e -hamiet Lise r3ordontand Mûnstars wan Iu. ;i~ehl.At, tke thought 0o ng, 4uesh alîowed grouud-t iatîon hýapa, snd tise heaIt, 'l t901, prepafes itâ M oiSt ablepi r he, bew armiez wilfight wisb o srep*1saath Ia raipon tqem, sud -but' -.~adu c"Pne, à ~ 'Ua yu ws IJIL met1 I I t B a Il Il 't XII. eeis. Thé grains used in preparing cereals cereaja WiU, cauoe intestini are wheat, Corn, oats, rye, buckwheat FoV/smal children,-afd ir and Larley. Cereai foods contain Ic0eals shouId be atrained protein, carbohydrates, fats, minerailfne sieve to remove the cg saits and water. ,. lose.,, Proteini builda. the bodily tissupK; Oatmeai Gooclies.-~Mi- carbohydrates (starches wanugirs)I order: 1 y teaspoon baki furnish -warrnth and energy;efaits'tableapooii wter, i ClIPc supplyyP~amth and minei'al saits and meal, %k cup saur*crean water are necess§yy for the perfôrm- molasses; 2 tablegpoon co ance of the bodîly-funicti Ons. There- spoon- cinnamon, %,4 teaspc fore it 'Yrill be seen ithat the cereala nutnieg and cioves, 1 ClIP1 are inost vaIuà ble iSds.- dried bread crumbs. Mold Qats iê the nç j tei balla, fiatten between thg and fats '-wheatr the hsnd and place on pans third. Bide ft. ed for crumb crackers. 1 Cellul 4*iW.- b èro1sit aven for ten minutes. lias n fof 'uýt -à ufli sd. Crumb crakers: 1 ixi~di eO1r!rýg of oereascrumbs, 3. up white fic lée #v e"à étÃ'tbe presence 'Graham flour, 'À cup 8sui ùf I celrcl, whieh is spoon sait, 'U4.teasPOOn1 pu in englosed in a teB.sPOOn ginger, 6 tableî CtÃœJý-nd long cooking is Mix dry ingredients, rub iom '5 * s this cellulose so ing and dissolve % teasl t h,ýh.di'eaieJ-pices may act upon soda in %4 cup saur milk the cooked& starch.- Foitowing is a tablespoons molaBss, 1 table of propeortions in preparation of egg and 4 tablespoona fi breakfast cereals., citron. Mix to dougli, Cereai Water Sait Timne thicIt. Cut and then br cuPful cuPful tea.spfi with granulated sgr ' RoUdIwhIt 1- 90 min. Use level meaurement créaof wiheat Go j mn. hakee cookies on up-turned bRie..........t à 60 min. greaae well and then rini 1 A double boiler -should aiways be cold "ater before placixig .used for cooking cereals. A firelesa on it ta bake. -cooker is the béat method. Bpii cereal A cup of cold cookedi ,for five minutesplace in fireless coolc- ta pancake batter improv, ; >r and ini the morning it wilî need only ed -cereal may aise be ad< te be heated tirough. Pooriy cooked mixture. Methodo of Serviug Calibage. a bot oven for twenty-f Cabbage centaine about 85 par cent. Cut lu quartersansd servE watar. 1V lu vahîfabla for iV mineral sauce. saIts and it »ffl uf" -shan attmectv*- SWedih Bralaed Ca mneal. To 11e -oit '*.uld uaeî £heaid of cabbigo fine* Wi fi-m, we-11-daveldoped head :with frah of cold s-star. Drain, laves, free from worm holes and sauçepan and thon add decâay.- AlwayS waeh -the c abhage ful of -,*ater and steam vol). in -PientY O! cold water, adding thé csbbage is tender.1 about two tablespoantuis et sait. This t'éasÃŽoontule af sait, oi will ramova -any insecte that uiay b. -spoénful o! white peppe on tisa cabbaga. spooliful of gratad onion.- Place thse cabbage lu boiling water fuI o! sour craam. Hi te cook Cover it closeiy,,and cook cabbage - ln very bat, quickly until 1V le- tender., Drain at triangles o! teast. once, If ceeked siowlyaud lotitu ise Alpine b3aked C4bbage "ater, tise-caishage will buteüngisu chop fiue oeehadlumi-3 strlnu. Overcock ed cabbage is al- cabbage. Cook utilÉ waya inipli andi withbut flavor.,. ing, watar. Drain and-i Bake Stulfed Cabbsge--Select a baig di. Côver tise looe ieas eteabaga Reovealine breadcrumba. Plu discoloresi leavas, trim the astallc clos et the ,cabage, seicr tg tise heMansd washs Place Vise saIt, PaprIka sunda spriu wWoe cabisage lu a pot «et eing w- édiseese. l<ew put i ter, ant bol. util -it «c 1)mii b ie dbread etumtbe, thon tho y ily 'wttb- a- teric - -qmOve sumatise diii l lai Pour pme tecold w*mer. Drain . *éI1 bug ùbek iiist. and4 riW back the o'utaide .leave-s. lte- wstis reau cruue-ad- »meve ,tise cuter. Chsoi it fiue,'ses-B aker ia leot uaw ft moe sud add a4ii up oftk Inutes. evI ts crai auce , -oUp ofe!bread mito -sauce In eLb-yn1iU à i mbs 7a ie. a' ,onI~fai sn v o1 t~ ban taai@eif~o!bdu di.Ostes'Iiai> n .'- ~e'. -'-I E~TE k ng pow Oe f> eaps and makas .îl troubles. nvalids the through a !orse cellu- ~(A ! was far-eerproud bý'-îèQept a Pnï ~ luthis uAL LIXU IBdLL I forexpêiae too.jeaouls that'any one x in t- ssmg w,à to LmTà ýe the honor Of TOTWda 1qP% bur][ 9 "oihe b*rsei had eet DIIIIYL edtthe TWIi1tRAeVEoBà ,aud uis0ribýdthe )con 1 ea-A dre , o! vhîte heather lay on ýoo, achafSOME TOUCHING STORIES 0F the grass abov-he grave. 'And the I into 1mil*- UEWRL WR ramn and the dam had blurred thr e nt malHE Ã"o! AR writitig o0th4'cross-r perhaPs - plm fwas the er's tear's, __- sa ei ob nLla-hpansu aos And as 1 drew nearer 1 %rend8 BakeinhtA Irs hpansd aFmu words written in much smalier cup bread Highland Soldier Both Answered ing beiow "The Last Cal]." aur,~4 cp , The aat al~"They wer« "Hie answered It br ourU cu "Te Let CaL"iy, and as a soldier." gar, % ts- He was the beat-loved padre on theP' mutmeg, ý4 western front-a fearie3s man Who WOODLOTS AND THEIR VALU1, iOns slrdn scorued bullets, and whosa lit e was pan bakiugn given over ta ministering ta the f ail-, By Proper Utillzal.ion a Permnanent £and add 3 an, writes an Enýglishwoman. Wheni, FuPtel 'Supply in Assurett well-beaten the men went out into. No.Man's-Lanl Woodlots on the farms can be m- ade Moly chopped on that deadly business known as an an Important factor ln the relief or roil % incihodh hwette.Noncui the threatened fuel shortage. Farm- mhtheto hldhi back. ers and the rèsidents'of sînaller towna Bake in hot "Mother o' God,# 'tis he that leadsansd villages à lttuatetl withi-n hauiing es. the charmed lite!" said the regiment: distance of w *odlotb shud-aa t. Alwaye uon smh measure of practiçatý patriotîsm, use bakdng pan- edL And lndeed his was a charmed- wood in preference td coal. se well withlie Few farmers reaize.the value of the' ethe. cookies Hall of shrapnel, patter of machine- 1 opwiiicli can bt obta±ued from their gun bUllets, thunder of howitzersanad woit.I vna nalpooto cereal added theavI=s~one o! -Heesapemate hinof the attention gîven î6- other-cr0ps as it. Cook- th1e~ ahm aecpddahb were devoted to the protection and lm- de omufina iraclea hundred times. AIl overpoeetc i bs"agolfnn . ah ord n mauy a ifteid of attli rvmnfth bsi , bdfn for many long years ha had keen cil returu ceuld be secured.- ,Azide know andhonoed.And t wa onfrom its value Iu affording protection five minutes. knoen anefd tthne. And t as on-againat wind aud storms, Its Irqior- e vwith cream thattiwuefed.tHe at ha endailat, or tance in the conservation of soli mols. taii wonded Hawasbendug verture and Its aesthetic value, the wood- the body of an Irish guardaman, band- lot bas a considéaeble value for thle agng his Wôunds and cheering hlm. crops which can be -hsrvested from it 8511 j~leityÀ thud, a suddfhi hoking sound in theevryartamiiu exns.t la e p- irlt nd " ha' m sa hould aýve a place on every f arni "ne-haIf uP' brelathed Father Simion KnaPP as h*'Live stock should be excluded air Ntiy mxt tl fell forward. He died within a f ew they deatroy the naturai repoucin MeowI ad W minutes. Injure the larger -tress and pack tho er nei S "Sure *e'Ul neyer have another soli se that the growth o' . te trees i nete"- padre has equal," said an Irish guarde- la retarded. Défective and diseased euoe-hait iiP- man, who toid me of the impressive trees should be ramoved iret;2 t-i - ýet until the funeral at the front ýWbeIL e thos fpo ou-i~i~vr .,Serve with Veci, adjutant fet ýereéginent, laid cerookd or very branchy on?à whch e W the decoration of te Dstinguishd J interfere with the growth f botter- noWah sud Service Order on bie. coffin. formed neighbors. Thé trees o! the iised head of! t was in Landan, lu Kensington,' les valuable speefes. such as dog- ender in boil- that I attended the malouin requiem '11Oo, îronwood and hiornbeam seuld asen grease a oung for thia groat-aouled padre. A itiien be ramoved. Every eff ort should otoiwith party o! Irishi Guards were present bo made te secure naturai reproduc- "e lu a lyer and forxnd a giard of honor, with, tin, but, If that be Impos 1sible. 'pant- lightly with arma reverse&. îng wll be f ound proftabw~ lkling et grat- -AÂnd the wrivems ad mothars and ais- rrh4 tendency hem beau ta encourage iu a layer et tars of soldiers ha hW helped were te golg fsft os utbie for eabbagetheunab- there, the loua of' a very lumber, such as pine, sprues and ce- îove rih e brave and nobeman. The churcb dr, but. the unction eù a farmer'. grated --heese. e o detb. rlêo iebti-woodlôt ta lietter fu!flhicd by Drodue. chese tweuty-flvc te l ng hardwoo-ds for fueL 'r w'my-ivÇ illdthat waa mare wondertful than Thefuel value of ona cord et sever- 4b 18 W111to'ý this," 1 heîrd a- soldier- wbhisper "and ai of the common knds o! ,wOod e-,~ bbig treuh ~waaonthe býttleftiId tiie padre ' asequaiL - te ifoilowlng, Qilantiti'ELs -t- n- o! StWdt. iihn isls a]Wouldcerne. 'Foranthracite coal: 4wo sudk 1 'beys,'ho would »aY,, 4rd lUt. -te dia, Hickory and bard,* iaple, ~to --. ~ alugade y, fghti' t thaend"' 3,000 Iba. ofceai;white Oak. ~M , IUê'WoodOU ÃCross. 1-.716 lb.. of teai; red Oak, bIk pèe oQie 0è» ?It'l ws iu a reniai par o!the and baech, 11300 to 1,450 Ibs. 0f -Coal; ca I)ub ,aditù iiiad !Sctadne e long! Peplar, chestnut and elm. -940 ta 1-'l'ou > lsh, à de ag tiet I Umae sarosi a littie grave- lb. etcoal, pine, 800 to 92ra ibs: o! hii4 wfthýbe-ard" Most e! whee e-wezru temb- ceai. - ne, eunber ~u dated-back te the' fift ee nti cen- Therefore, hardwood fg5NZOrtb1t te.tury. the ewner of the wï>adlot, (ro1i $8.01 ~~, Baverai e! il. lisscrlpt4ons were te 1900par q îascmae&ith ~.»u~ potian u r e sd tobe the-Ceai"St $10 P* ton, pluVs the o~ nblab, irtomthne bc bet « "'¶ W. AQt owUtde art Irevuied lste i X Wh q >1 y- - be