Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 13 Sep 1917, p. 7

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ORt; A-DECLAR$TION OFPA CHAPTER VI '-(Coiitd) pans, under Geqçg th second, you &,If it- was not from the huge proitl know, Mabel, in the year seventeen A. 'COURSE IN HOUSEHOLD SINE C MLT N ÏATA Iintend toi- dx-aw from your presence,"hnra-" TWENTY-FIVE LSOS the hiresa~as xplasing t her "No; I know TICthiflg at ail," said Tefrs LeonX. hePçeafDgetn cousin, "I should neWer have waited Theeodlihe neifei~hr -tea for yoiU. Four-thIrty8je ut heur, self against the tee ample information f r t-iu . in the process of di-, soona h odrahstesoic yuknow, because cf mamma's tea- exhaled by her :mother. From long '5 gestion ie the chewing or mastication! Strcyndgsînithrsut I WYhI p ain whi1~. c on unctallyat practice she had developed a habit of oftefd. orhiWenfdsaecwdwete 4OBSOO_, f ur, andinfitke her very difficult to excluding either direct:or indirect in- - teeth are necessayy.. If the teeth are bstheslai h mth n hn deal with. -Believe -me or nt hen struction almoet as automatically as oprte iodsarhshv enpatyatduo I tell yeu that te corne between a the valves of a submarine boat close dcydo ee h edwl e e~e hyaetasemdjt h E ILT lienesand lier cubs, would be mere atthe contact with watei'. "I nye tey-e r oe efand i hat ae aguoestttepecs fdgetcTR ohild's play compared te interpoIng 1could rememiber a date in my life, you 'st-h lroge prton hc sdaldi ha a e ls. a! tiud ytheso91hfli yoUrself between mamma ana r kew, and I don't believe I ever heard inothsavawlbeot! four-thirty tea. Judge, ther. hero tebtteo kntùpn. The aduit vwith good teeth 'a-i secrete Termidrc h odi ovr- WNIE hopeq b aving "~~~~~~~4My dear Mîabel, what will your'eineatckfudorisug f________ dared th8I'sit cf n hu fr" in cusin- -about one quart ef saliva a day. sod'adudesd atcss- Lady Atterton shook ber stately "Ronald koslUsaou tthnI TeIrps f h alv s w-n head in a stateiy fashion,. jifpossible," calxnly assured Mabel; 'sth fodsetht it mnay esand ly bes-tefei a ee ovrtdbbh "My dear Mabel, what extraordin-! and -thbe blank look on Ronalc's face lthefod second, ithyeaslivabriswa uth adstmh id. Itsno ary exaggeration! What wiii your seemed to confirm ber estimnate cf his i uScodutesaiauing, cousin think of you7" hjstorical knoWledge. - about a chernical change in the starch'redyfrurhrigsonntei- "You don't seriousiy suppose thý.t e tiat question exerciees my mind?" when, a couple of heurs later, the c --oughindyinche d rokn u,jen thran- lnthitsiete odi ce From under ber thick lashes a cousins met again in the same rcom-fre noacuetsgr aiduo yvrosfuds ahhvn t OTFAI glapce of provocative inquiry.went te- rcspectiv-ely attired in black cloth aud -f " gose. ed foa o lstnswg alldadenpateprfr. Th bieIV TI wards lionald, whe during the wbole - In piuk satin, the gaze with which g. lue.roceafcon Itinueswn the steacbeuciisth : adth actni cf.hcî- addres3 had been piacidly stow- Mabe] mea. e erget was plain- tf ro tessntiesiry inte s. If flue cmltster ieto.T ing away bread and butter. H1e an- ly oe eof disapproval. ritwnyûtht mues if;i swered the look with oue whieh was (To be continued.) Cas Sichoot Where Soldiers Wéarmg Masks Are Tested. the food is careiessiy chewvod or hast-'fidnins h poesc ver open and fricudly, but with ne- P RUUS soîiers waiting tbeir turnaitthe gis cheel behlnd the ily swallowcd, this action cessas itsia es is t Str thiný excited or exciting in its quality. - HEROF.S 0F SAVING. British lunes in France. The troops go Into the gus bouse or school eih o The person who had nswered the.ap- - wearing their masks te cee if they cani endure the poisoneus gas. If, because Fo duess eai cf the letter *j'ss a large, fuir- !,Niany Deeds of Purest Self-Sacrifice of sonie ph3 sica) disability. the soidier canuot stan-d thee 'attack,7 other workFoddjnt- sic.Ctthccu es îoninhLwF crdyugmn0f aottiny han fightIug la found for hlm. The maska they are shown wearIng Iu the Beverages snd condiments are the b]ok u d h oin ~dwih si, yt ong an cuarau tenty- A re Recorded in Medical Annals. photo are of a uew type only receutJy lnvented. The sign» on the gai achool two classes cf food adjuncts. They foreeypudal(ee uflc oeta speak cf, but with that share cf chief- We applaud eut heroes cf war and idct h agrc on uwtcttems.canet be termed foods as they do net bronsgi. Paetecuubr ugsin o iy animal gcod looks which are lu- buiid monuments te their imemory. But rnn a r A h nigetiorne autthsius se mwt a]ae. Iru t ol n e ae separable frem heslth, youth, size, a war dees net furnish the only tberces. thediestveDIV('and as.:rv e expression whicb was at Iset neg- a-' yta idthecomoestbeerae onc ofclees crc unc cfwhle oneapear m tiveiy sgreesble, imasmuch as, though fi ce and heroism'is'recorded in medi- " " " JIl' fAUWTaiterais e om te fith ceasscg lsic.eeoe ec01demcc dagn o pebae tife omolnt i ws cal rimais, oiily to'pass unuoticed by 1It an8~A J1iIUAI od incaies. Imthdce t prssoduetreoneff ut aseoe-îwfyn ip neither 'morose, fatueus, nor 11-'the world. Mr; heExicRons TheatUE, but Nfoo p it c t a s crrir te ah hî rtdrumg orsik fcu b gis natured. Thero was the merest eug-j Marvin, . inbis bock,ThExuso! etbti asasacrertal eio f superflueus fiesh upon bis cf a l3ooklover, dives us an instance cf' prsc h ey n sit nt-nmn u niltdppeCt~ egdUbss bî, ell-set-up frame, and occasion- such berdism in the story of Dr. Muel- STIRRING TALES 0F HEROISM WITH ARM BLOWN OFF, CARRIED guiating the temperature cf the body. Itiuypee. Paeiapeevn hmsE a alliy ealiclous people nught feei te»iPt- ler. AND SACRIFICE- MESSAGE TO DESTI4NATION Coffee je the berry or seed cf skti ,naoronvn huni t'cfteLk ed te run a pin into it eomewhere, just 1 Dr. Frn kle o ina h tropical tree. The berry je roasted 'coe eeeic ftetp<t h'eiîaelti ln order te aee a less coutented ex- if Frl a iz Mucher ucf ena Vue and grouud; theri it ie boiled, or pet- Con t fth ete ddtesgrapae~hc prssonuonth ai, oyscfceleuaticîet tebuonc lgu clte. ofe atsa astmlataudbsn ta bîstso-iifrorelaantediî soua andue ercoin eher i the sieepy 'whieuthat disesse was iret under bac-i Modeet and Retiring Are Our ýrave. Russian Private ln Sainep Battahion to, the nerves and relieves fatiguoe. It heu. Si rqety sigcr bu-yscudee arywake up; , eriological investigation ln 1897, cou- Men andi Net Prose toeakCpue i emù n bas ne food value.n - Zone ~ ~te a aiohe ichprides itseif trtbs ' ýcl fTer detrs ptr i ernû niTes, the 1 .'uves -if a plant. coCaêins utork ccmbs.Sljasu on prcducing a. greater proportion cf tbatho was infected, he immediately Gun eine, wbîhic i s timulant. WbenTescub uei'tee'as Terixan wellgron secimns f muhooi tan ocked himself lu an jsolated roem and Modeet la the hero cf the aid raid, Que cf the most heroic deede ut t e l alowedt t annd hih aft reisnaemidlces anyotht. tpster. trnc alacaor t he mbuaocrnorcortiretheambaiencopsciec -it eveoprtaninrdhchisn poson Sot ickea.Fifecccourprs hesubarie he otdamseo a wîîîuuwpau'. details o their adv' . Fresb boiling wster ehoulti be poured frmtericuhioeinbbcs, now said, widr cold rgrtwbicb 11a suffering from the plague. a trsMustet wrbgni hto unr«oe elaete h iudpue' regret nerirs quezd utofCoonl thedrsAlerubmtalon however seemed powerless te affect Please do net send ,a doctor te me, as tbe almetoistai tsuezdeutiet Col h oel OrmotetsAlbrt bataios cvtthealeavesoth e th lid pourel redpnexalwieoii~ u e i ~~~~~~~~~~~~~bd. t bas rie feod value. attudblfo thsemne.baycnath As once more he sfretched bis àn or Av~e days." te their superlor offcersi, sometimes ted was hotly engaged near the chalk-l Chocoîste and cocos, whether esten' Dan n tii f~eeve etepoe thete 'sas a- suhriek <tom Mabel. ailfet- ee ou pyii n irt way menthe attpr. OneeOfthue 'take back te the battalien headquar- i "Traitoti And on your own native with much te live for and with fl etpth-i d iralomad-tosoebuud ou wliich shela - e food vale. Weu e ibe c e rae c bl iatssdaupccietbe Hwte soil! How date you est brçad sud kuowjedge cf the chances te which, ships et the Brtish "Tommy' sas te- falling contiruousiy. Be had net'mntsadsre eybt butter from a dish flanked by oit- thcy îvould expose themselves, ste' couutcd by a (aradiari oflicer I medl- gene far.wben he was seen te faîl, and'mntssder-cveyo.'-iersubigtenh. Cok eicwihi ca no neher! Ne d ei y u'th aed owr n o u fee hi cal service lu s letter wrltten homie. 1nohrturner sas at once sent.eut hebaniest, sauc nes, lvugex-i id-ot btesu as.atc ti Scoch ookwstefrtatceisrie but ir some cases begged te 'i had been ordered forward" h e with a duplicate cf the message. The itr.act nsd seeds. They -give food- tr n zcidr lc. h ighett procured?, The bread and butter be sent te Dr. Muchler. The patientwle,~r ihePeImsWr second messenget was killed midway a pleasant flavor and should be used icedOis-U tein witcfhesigt olnct esalon . fitws ta eusdt eri t n id ln pre'-ent us rmfcigo wyps1 a ocsinte maznma. And, by-' At. the end he wrote a fareweii let-fomorigetayps wards thefirst one atrived at the bat-, menteti juice of cour wine, or apples. 1teoseth ks. Ple.dten Tearpt t-eby- ter te hie parente arid placeti iti what had been ther firat lire Germas talion headquarters with bis le-lt arm ___ Shepu dowu thetea-pot---at which «&ainst the wiîndow so that it could be tronches. We kues' there wero blowu off rear the shoulder. Ilie eibeRcpsfrPcls rn ht ilfota g o umrn' e set the Queen-Mlothel breathed a sigh copiod rom the- outside, and then s'ourided about, sud as the shel tire 'terrible wound had been reughl-y GberkîL-Prepate sinsîl cucumbera sslupeycfcdwtrsdpaethsra lo mock-tagin erloueeu mnt bauds, lest it might be preserved sud niy face wae badly terri by ftytnug frag- serge-r, fat spent f rom bs cf blood, Istrong sait brine for four days. Make cepr kme ikadtoprsapece t dering te present3orself- without a: carry eut th£ mysteriouis sud deadly mDens aud 1 feit as if I had had a bad hacl tIer staggered on te do bis dut>'. a brine that will fluet an egg. Bring wtj o1getyfrtrimnts ea h ii kilt?" 1germ. chave. Iwcrawle ue s hel Thol ntHe was removed in a dying condition, 1ta a bell sud thon cool. Pour it lovet ra! u ahl otftr nits- umrn.T "A how-Much?".asked Ronald, hiel And that nameless British surgeon foa scwuio in ley bad -but ho carried ,lus message to aith pickls. Weigbt them t< o kc otls. Fi sîedbedbtab-fr haund-arre-sted lu mtd-aluir-'tm the.'ocf wbom Mr. Day Allen Willey ites been there four daYe Wlth nothlng to destinatbon.- te-m covered by the brine. iear Leslut saiminr arehu.' sheer '5150k of thse astonishment, jgThe ochnçoiWorld rijll remain 4est but thelr eme-rge-nc:y rations. . . - sud swings toiwet ickm-wetycuumeT "A kt-the Celtic gsrb. la thit iunkuown ta lame lu spite cf the fact 1"Onue cf the Mon fias ego badly eorfulsetauein SwtI>cl,-w ty ucm'rfectupndpkl. cleaea nu b? -y"sa.n newver oukeis itein ise condel h Dot culd rotmevA, fAinee-examlmplfe bsof r su r.-Ite tanbdie-,fift-ontinthhie Nte-Cokig lumil su s'aer lanwdhitei re stucteu!nButwaI den't pessessia sncb a $hingi'harda mate courageausly, or more un- wil;_seetefwi-eteelue-yhut.sureflnsews ivn y usia uios ue emnct n neisiepounttieinonncivootng'-Us ar, udth- give yeu tisis, .1Iftise-se- are p'ur aainOfierSy PcfseM gt e-corsate take-e tousistise mIss s 'it thiseltmachine- gune. e roir-aovinte tise- shedse frei sh osamcin-pueee ie -Iarvil principles, then I suppose you tdon neE oe d SUR <jlt. aiy «or -weel-y te-observe- ioth&Yl __________- e roofe-<lije-we-nt away at nd es ovn ortutsi lene asg-ien spenk Gaclie eltiser?" I ame-r ae Tise-y s'e n tckuaned 1 - fer tisses ouan Uion Il "DeI't knos' s mortel word of ik. OPA Canadien srtllery office-r et -thse 1Cook*,$ Tourste." Tise- Germans APPLAUD REROIC TEACmIE. a op e-an brta ary lataetinon. ije-lt "Thie- i. becomiing serions. But yen front writiag a frient lu Ottawa, e- e # t> ,e-maoça t C OU)d b - - ee-pAed1s t et lontiseThon e- -toeaae.k cant lelpknwln sea.ScotIcaà. says: "4Tise-Boche bas pre-ducet a ne outrminot visen antiwîor. ths e-lét WIOCeudd ill < i~ul aicuiu»# g tt lnut. ien het u'prasbefo u ea lu> >-io I've learnt ta say 'feckiese-' ati type-cf iselliski ge, whichis ipr&Ctil- sd atnîeld atisent ;abis» . bd ce-uar. <j ow om-c ilg ouetPn~-selydn.,uui sOe>-hry 'frugaý,!l..and -'ve masterot isti ifoer. Iy odorless exoept, a&aeo t ih vn-eoîlb s-te aO ute tr -,- or-u, ie evoeah--&ttWemlidi fhi-amatit nv-g-al-tieeaot ie ete niwtha9gtl ence betwee-n s 'baims' sud a 'bure,' îng states, te-r 'alishut OderhUke gerlie,91 old e ettw0O u treim Of. xw Ffille-tth w1thi ok.')the Watcdr, pfabid froni fil -but I'm thlrsting te enlerge my voca-tb e tobudd7M 0 ri--atwtigs-lts-e u "Mydoa çUd, iteroset ise er- xpeetti rn ,-culoucensef1 u t u~r- ascsImistte-aie-t iimeQvii > utinueo te te f8Y tremb t ii hngu ie ae bulsry." -- i i *I tutu i ue wb e o»Sç&gn n&clb Aoeçal"te-oith te- neh govornes- "iîtîslaonîr tise- Ioeerclasse-g yourself lutoe ternlty wltttheuLraing w-tîttieate-ehîd nitie atol-d lgtIhbenirdtnte ts--etd and fdritttonabttr, iontneee.llu udi oahr o 4udniIa Who ueise-Seresoo.Yen cee- a hatr ,Re-we-ve«, if you e in vsc u p.smr or lkusW -a train ed1118 tleeil t>.lnantry vsr u t. iie e-tfl r- ef sl J bslugbulill5te-nete- p4 -eie 00 Atd ai eI? bçiet. peesibhy omp ay them in trawiag. Urne estCdgjoure-un aimaek ou t le j usîlaise- s-e-tt> -s-uioe City w-a s aGtnu ie-i. a teoei-se Piy >W--d fnetwerapoe-s geatasnctoe oou'oa-ontso e ruoms~~~" aul nlgt, except tisaS it peetrats ' w appIÈ *W .4 s'eeieutW by ber fl'bttt uekt-Btelng-bd < -etfua"btstepbailc r.te-tso;s eurcoic at as- i>. evt-cher iacuIre uilnebuIrep eaI.le '-teeni hi peIlehtst uoumt eh-iu d est? I me-an se ho an inacrator la Sera utos jour aris 9or whe-rer eeol -Cot- LvisJmN e 7"Ned1!ol-dso otéwU U.t., iii-XioIiti dtdnot'laBllw e * diG.db'to~ e'1> n this respe-ct, Gre-at reformena bave- te lie- s te- t t.e * igist'ý ateet] j 4 re emny menlnust bet thS tiel usiePn')I>» 0 WAe-o'I-1> e-' oo wVas4 ete- latiisd4sn-cîg e-' Q'j aiways get te Pitt up with a certain Jw d otebx ed emount etopfrsecutien, maware-; iullatum rebmeieatbeIs e-su.,I1 iehu' ii»etish aoneaum-î m-uiltart-emiee-va=i>tsaIsf utiiba e-t-dSte-, 'IeSc-U .Tser.ae-.-wi -tàu QuIte prep&a retL-nMy fstA.- Vite Wa ltef-h>' aIiI ngie-. Culatestoldltrt w" é ifte la e4i.#tbOliS# ii -e iSloe )t.l- en ~o -n ~ ilrepçund -rn>' nvîs ou tise-subje-ct Bob ioere - eout bore - * wSiIIeisarcon sa ulaef- stWe-" 'Uuolne*4 çIoricamly oe-aélold e-f luer in de-. AnQoua>ont »Oe-~eîa~i ik a oer unÂ~) ê4s,' &' "088as80o11 as l'y. de-neputtàngs ïtthemup Iciu gm , 1k. ftMljT-.aya >.a ardfri o lofee-i !tw>7' otdo >t> tetal tào100 49as-c ef- e--*o u __gRotrnlel No blibts fre r;the é alglt~.~i< p~Cn 1 aisi e-exect erf 5~te- t'O 1*t fie-ni * e1tfme. ~I -L e 1bPrieie;Pu Pi80 -ol ' tfh ortheUM Pueog. M Ue c tttiodthi bIe*xsn t â«'te brmt ota yA botr'n Qtbor de-patentns. V*uo guLt f oteest tO0.su e uitt'-*&tffre. i t u u for tirt *14 * luUnd' li.f bok4yufra pthrvie - ' I18' lta' "4wlube ,, beLj I atSt aut--eAnsoee- -p-wt th&e bea-ee-n e-i.e avi t desuà a vilgar Otbltg e- "a çp~4aeufttiatu *0'uIdP etSe-slwtbua:- t, ilt of k e s a e s .r lw '-4- -Sra o --'---- - -4 ',-« *i of w_____;w_______ - 4---or4 -i of 4- - i i'. ______ ~ U..<CL L. 1..IL -5 .of the -- ---- - - - 4 qTas InBOT the Su oirin Hh sîu P ae 000 inentosati dbn aa ntse --d MseADcE t rvler~ .-N sr eteîaa Cn sAmeD Au MAr fesIe a ta îbsO 'O h NTerIe type cfmai submaine ls. Lrake wd bni [ig foPlbannes s te-ta0inveits ynd tine oy. Te re-ut <S-- cansentoths.va> emore importhan t b man te crf omg ans liteane c os-n trie boadside r. Ari eptisLute wate by led mehais-sm. reetiits isetoYn --s-Y mnt df tispanu eve bobresiporsant- lot tisnerfbombin un oas whthocage-sotiee' riwoig s' ieairpîsmie basne prase on.th rhomb ucontinue o Iad tiebul, is. ir bmbi atn es tie- sus- ... ireuie iexplodes thé luen plane. -pan- ber- esitide, fr<t e for n instantenthon thd bou theisak- e-ie-. - le thse enuergency dn- be, nti fth ispe-u- hre nearter and ouer. sable thse- snbair. the s-t it hle Frpt -, o Sota. -ste-Ei- ifeothepodcote' ia4è in -bardl or soft II, oe oe-ef w1ibbhuna 310'4 P&Ode in eut éltýPt ilÈ -IL.Thob~4pim- nd 4 4'fe .-Iam triot a ~v -"jWm ee- na !el4 f -pa;i the, 1 i-

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