Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 13 Sep 1917, p. 5

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isonisofs 'J 4 In order.Wo acquaint you with our new, stove and kitchen izoods -store we will- a]ô you 10 per'cent, Off our profits. on1 Thursday Fr*ca n audy a new stove this fal -?-y Are you* interested in SAVE 10 PER CENT*. ON YOUR 'NEW STOVE THIS WEEK. Ail we ask you to do is eut out this ad. and -bring- -it with you. You will perhap our stoves will ail be rnarked higher for this sale. Selling stov'es -we do not fix the price. The m'an Lufacturer does this for us, sMsa th Let us tell you that' under çur system ail interested- persons with the maànufacturer's catalogue, showing bis prices, whichw forced to seli at. As an examiple a $70 stove this week rieq-qv %-te ;,rnu f "r wvv cansupa stove $45, and so c Royal Oxford Ranges. No. 149-199 $43.30 Noe 169,,209 47«80 ~ Mi This week 1 deduct 10 per' cent. mn. ai Positively the only cut in our stove prices this year. Oak Heaters 3 sizes Regular $13.50 15,60 This week deduct 10 pop cent. Imperial Oxford .Ranges No. 149-1 8, $62.85 No. 169-20, 690'15 This week deduet 10 per cent. Nugget Ranges, regular $2 1.00 This week deduct 10 per cent. These are only a fei large selection to be our new store. Tear out the ad. n Get Our Complete Cal of Stoves Now, TELEPHONES: Bell Noé 60 "t 'y4 re,,-4 w of the4 seen at talogue t~MINTYRE'S s- BARQ(A IN H4ARD WAR E lie thc tn a.L No EdioualC@mei1.C. A. GroodfeQiicw&'nPrintng $3.50'broad died evry hour to'save tbeir _____Dlalance on land .... ........ ....countries, wevebabies de thome MonaYOctbe St lis eenfixIdi Te sckconveners, Mre.-George in the same Urne to the scandai o their- MonayOctber8îhbasbee tied î0at and Miss Mary Smith. report- eountry. of ý as the date of T'hanksgi' ingl> *r ed a total of 2:19,pairs of sockià knitted - Among Infections syphilis and gon- 1917. dturing9 the month, of wliich 8 pairs¶ orrhoea stand aione. . rein UieI wvere knitted bY N]tals Clar-a Chatter-; standpoint of race coiservation gon- * *soli, an-d onxe pair by %MIss Marjoriej orrhoea la a diseas of the very first Anoherbigwarlon b ltun fl obinson, aged 12. rank, and costs the country anxxually Anoter ig ar an iiibe ~ufch~ A letter wus read f rom I«dy Rivera thou5&flde of livma, id by the Dominion Govérnntniln 13'Jley. acknowiedging the receip t 'rom the Reglstrar-Generalrs re- 1 October. Save your extra dollars ta I 1Jwith wlxieh 10seni parceis t. port ef 562,00 deathe ln 1915 we l'aye help winthe war.two Catiadiari prisolners in erany. eflough to pot the grad toaai of thie 1 helpwinthe ar.Mrs. Chas. Ted, convenor of supplies, SpirOebaeta palida' above 60,000. anid i ePOrted 76 Pairs of seeka on hand., ta more syphilis ta wher. It belong- * * * *and,117 pairs given ouit t those ftnlng ai the top. au easy ifrsi smeag the In'-' The first frost-of the season, nhich overseaa îarcep, ioions. i liati whitened thxe eaith on Mdonday wTIs deci8ed ta forward 400 'pours 'W*rm«»nsau nonomus lream a rei. e n-tatwner: of Bocks ta Capt. Mary Plwuer.,for ln the a'umber o f ctons is at. rnorning, eiddoeta itr distribution te the menx ia the troes. <iiiqoted tlgut'Ss for the fflrtham re clîilling blasts are flt ot0 very far birs. W. J. H. RichardMc. a con. 71.00 Ces a 1 i anarrhoe, 1 0ob ea..li away. venor of the WVar Relief i'und,- reg. et syphtlis, and p.0 ae ootea. forhi *Ported thît (lie canvais et, he towii cre. In the Cinadien aruw 'Yttera bavé_ ,aIgiutlsvribe d ate. i'Tbe1 to, astir publie opltinl IituhI? MInion AMdland fartner refitstd $6 a bag adj~~wrk h otigpit fo hsoad of potatnes ln Mid&ianti h opsu il- tlue touru e- .L« tlb. eoPM1 and their few weeks ago andi took them home p*re, ta niake et&eenaUesr.tia "t (bey are again becatise he coulê iuot .get $6. W AS f It l sitirewtth 4 btiest- te e t, buan - rithe g>'unt -aaalta b The otlxer day ho returned a twx t lon.ofm whl th*confot ct -ilita." with thein anti eouldî't Ket $1.26 per mail the tavus 'The-proem of et .iUng' wlth . bag. Chorus In unleoxi: 'Serves hilm v1ar during the drud dimeuse, not ouly umdevrz coz. c Tigt."* ** ,DEAU5~ O~dittos but "-ien ner ~ei0Uoaof 01 (Toronto A" s ou« S', DO . Thomas K lly., wha, wlflu the hein ,of promr-nent parllamentari&ns, robbed the- Province oi Manitoba et over a mil- de4le(a n tu .It ueIl lien., has been releai eincmthe penu. xeal e.inwrt ~ -tentlary at Stoney. Mountain owing te, lm c.n ~y.W SU blealth after serving -ras than a ghaj$y salîetg Mr, T. -lieshoulti have been senteneedti tb gh erne avinido ttwiyyears, inst'eati ai two, 4hen1mywrî eOsta - asil is iii 'health might net havei(t .thaulail hi u Intt " on until he hatiservati abnt ten. Ag"s are toa.azom e"1 aie ad f«r CuM&d;thu 'the somme and lent,- 'WAR RELIE? WORK. Pj" th delibrgue w ie reguar Mootbly rmeetin t (hQ hula .Iocm 'A War Relief $oelety vas hemlute t *'adi fi(oi«uw oew0 Ceuncil Chu'm-ber on'Mondar Î6uftornooi ini tt Annuellthwntsu 'th the President, bMrs. -3. IE. WWJIs, Qibf l ut tiy If the t» the cair. - fai JOII*llL sfr Wiia The menUuly report outhoTruu'Cfl<t4S CU er, .34ss Ida McCJellon. va Mos n bca i "1 wIo -1Stb B ock Pund-............d0hi1* b# *u -i" patte$ v orti Li tim )Ogs liys. c 1* me4*oai practi (b. whoI. pr*1 (b, oflricbqiaa DEA~rHS. Vcssei that be took part lnx an engag(- KeNT.-At Myrtie, on Monday, Sep- MetlII which resuiteti ln ahell shock for tember 10. 1917, James -Kent, aged i hm. The vartictîlars of thîs naval 82 years andi i menths. - battît- have be-en forbitiden îîublicaîlon by the celîsor: sutfie h to ay a' dat the- BIRTHS. rc-sult was disastrous for the Gernian SISSON.-At *Wellesley Hospital. To- vésele engaged. ronto, on Saturday. September 8, Arthur has lx-en ln naval barracks 117. tz Capt. andi hrs. E. W. Sisson, since Juac 3rd owlng Io the shell sbock a son <.James Meldrumn). sustaineti. lHe eft for bis trip homei Iol Canada oaiy a week before the LÂST CHANCE FO HARVESTERS.i barracks buildings were dalnagvd by,1 Owing-te the unpreeedenteti neeti for 1bombs ln an aenial raid andi nanyl forfani lbarrs n Wsten Cnad salors killeti. Hie experiences are for the laters i lb. harvCana, 'nu<Interesting ta hear. flad belatne o e adestby r. Me bas been graxiteti a months leavé, rangements have benmdeb h then l'e will report et Haliax anti Canadin Nanihera Rallway for an ad- illîî be retainod for naval work on this dilJaal excursion on September lOih aide ot the Atlantic. He will there- anti Septetaber 12th. tram ail polnta1 fore lie much lîcarer home andi able west andi ineludins Ottawa, Ont., ai the rate ai $12 ta Winnipeg, plus hat1 PrebablY to get eccasional leuve ta a e ini.,..ii m~i@a 'fis .,îîî hJViEstWhltiy frein lime te lime. positlvely lthe lut oppor 1turdîy cf taIi- Ing advantage ofa sroduceed tare to the WVest where high wages nd- every îroapfttot.a lreemoatha'vetkprevai. For tickets aod aillniaruMatoa ap- IFi ta W. J. IR ibardmo, 'Town gent or ctma Passngir Departnc-at, C. NJR., Toront, Ont. The Trossererai the War Rellef Sa. clet>y vwt* to acbaowle4ge recelpt of a donation. at $iOO tram Mm . .E *WTSV DOY Rus 1ffER1TED in e $T Â IN 2N G a - . - r, wuo~ wtth' .FREE WAR MAP. Every home lIn Canada 'shouti bave amap of the great war area ln Etir- ope te Us" where otxr Canadian boys are DOgUngt 'The cored map offered ire-e Irmm the F*awîily Ilerid and WIIITBY EARUTS Whntt...... .. ...:00 to 215 Wheu gaa......200 to 2,00 Barl*y-...... .. t 1.2 iesu..... ....... ..00aWte .00 Pou s . ........ .. 2.00 to -0M SBUCUVUea.... .... .. 1.25 to 1.25 .ut . . . ,t.0.40 to0.40 .AWk. clovwr u ....50 a55 FIéOUt AND Fl»E. C«aoww . ..-.; **** téo to .06 sira p-er tcàs..'.....4000",to4s sboets. Pw t= -. ... . 4600 to 4$M0 KIAZ OIT IY AND pitoDUCE Wed.1ts l , ni ofMontrenýt Is complète in ex-ery detail. It ls the'best ,nap yet î'ublished. The subscripion- price of the k'antîlu liertdld is now, 81.25 a year, but ta o ake up the difference ta their subscribers thîs greatmap which coulti not be produceti xîder iNva dollars a i coy except lIn oucli large quantItIir Is glven f ree la aIl subacribers. new anti renewai who pay a yerrs eîbscrIp. lion, $1.25. It la a great big bargain itideed. Foy informitloi (bat wu lead (o thé dîs4x>vel or wbereaboýts of the pprsan or perttans su(ferlsC tram nY. dimses of te âNerve"-kln-Bloo4d --and Asthlua, Brollebitl# or Catarrh, who enanot be eueii nt ho Olàta*lo MedikaI 1ntUtutçe 203-Nâ,t>ange st.,ý Toronto-'orspnee ivtt COUNTY OP ONTAIlIO." Cii-s.2. Pet,. S. li7s ApIl .M I. Jun. 4. JUly 3 t.PL4.,Oct 3. 'Nov5 è Dec. 4. Jan. a. 1918. OSUWA-Mias E. L admel bty Clork 'c'n. 3. Fet,. 6, Mar. ,Ai4,Ky2 June 5. Sept. 5. Oct 4. Nov. 4. Dec. 5. Jan.ý Clerk- Jan. 4. Mar. '7, May 8 Ji-5, Spt' 6, Nov. 7. Jan. 4". 19"1. PORT PEERY-J. «W. Bilnham.. port ferry, <ei.rk--Jsn. 4 r . M . ,J«3Yý o, sept. 71 NOV. 8. JA. 7,. 1918. - -, I3XRRDGE-.it. 1MOo=. tmbrid". gelub -Jan. 12,Mar. le, Moi S, JxxlY 10, Sept. 1*5.' - NOV. 23.~1s l 98 CANNINTON-ThIL E' P'ste, tiausiuq- ton, Cisiuç-Ja&x Il. lmer. 15, May 9, Juli ton. CIe.û.-Jac.10. Mar. 14, May 10. Sali 12. Sp.2 Nov. 21, 4Zu.I.9, 5 7. ci #Te. ut 21z, 4' q 4 4 - - 'o - - Y %Pu --oUQww CL %a SA OILU 1V ZS. *PJA»w The Store- That -Beats Them Ail For, Values, lId. Noe 64 ýs say thz

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