Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 13 Sep 1917, p. 2

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1' i.- Hog ollers too expenaveT Then tny makdng sôeoat homne.Take 6l gunny eneks or pieces of hurlap and '~~ ~:achk or -tIe tirer on ponsnth. ie-og YP" iM!5I1% ,Ã"T1GRaWYt >ibge are accustomed t1 -W OURO1NtàLjVw '.he clothe withr crude red cover i ~-oïl o kcI3i p;iid see that tireoc J» a~orae~uason tht ~ irrsii ~r~my ~, not ea -6w..e4very7 fow day5. Go slow 1IS4)ve resalsanstred sfter tii. tstJç4- -it es Ma- 4s on trees, else Wop iiýs been removed, will pro- tire ment valb.se * *jdowtutsae 010 £oop«well-Matured see. In- Where the crop in less thanono fokS ~ tad0 or timîg thre second crop for higir it May ho eut with an -ordinary. *'Oi gadsantr '4<14Z II o p&turing it on, as it trequently irrowing machine. It- ila 'usually advis- 1a ïusa.,,i1 oh hira ih liit te beet turne. Us bappes,-ptougimg It under, why-not able ta have two men lollowthe me- 10,20an indheOlts an shesks shlow thiS croP ta mature and save chine wîtir hùmd rakes and move eacir 2 kid 5-11b. çartoii5Atbnic St' a h lt adshd, thre eeed Irozu it T ewath eut frente tnin4rp aespuinaiv or spray plienol preparations Dy naising your awn claver seedyou few fooee tin rmtheostaire » rop a rder 16... og-REerciesLimite<I about in tire cracks oif the houses teotining eeed frein plants which, thre eut loyen wll b.euto the way runcfckgetrwe »uniug Supplement tirese precgutions witha *bytiroir very existence, have de- tire hans e mdmi e utofth B y of ow- L l general dlean up, and make ther. su- ~ostatd her datain I esr lg in apntde itm sor cavra______________ _____________- -ficientto keep tire disease awny by Müsrtdtei dpaintoteigti --tc ihshr lvr maintaining- a strict quarantine conditions prevailiag on your tarm, great denT obseed will b. saved tiret/ against LIdoge and animale tram infect and ln your mmmediate locality. Sucli would have otirwise bo tirnesied by'T R IR F~et. G sfra oke zood, it la quit. reasomablo ta suppose, thceirorses' foot, and thereforo lefttila OT LUNuJiLtTUR Uh' S HOOL neighbor out of tire lot if iris hoge ar 'W4 produce Plants whlch ers equally tire field. sick. That - won't be,uaneighborly Well adaPted té local conditions. For Whore claver is on. foot or more In Tesitimony of Two Teacliers As to the Practicabilityof Serving In one oithtie western states let * tusOlen hooegnown claver seed la height tire ineet atistactory impie- - - Mal a Non ml a buncir of Sopteinber pige wa, renlly more valuable tiaMeut ot the inent ta use for cutting le the binder. Wav. - tt oo. ed on a ration consisting af pena soed ebtainable tiroub ondinary The cord aiQuId ho removed, and the sot n akg.Te ees ciranytele af commerce. *spring on-tire knotter slackened s_ A country acirool teacirer says: 1 ciadren who were neady ta help sor t a ntkakethey were o Quite ottea veny poor-looking fields that it will trip centiauously. Usually have t oumd nothing tiret bringe about tunnisi tire food matensals and help do o afiee-Cea akti acra et second growth red clot'e.r will pro- there are two boards that irald the co-aperatian between parente, pupils tic work. à fe to 57 ed nte duce a profitable crop of seed. In! sheaf; tlbese sirould aIse ho elackened and toacirers, like the irot lunches seny- As sean as I was sure tiret warm fd on barley, shorts and tankage net M4caefilswhbcr tire claver la8e thant tire coe clhaeafe d at noon. Since wo began adding -a lunches could ho served witirout tak- ted only $4.87 a iread. Peas and bar quite tuinanad say only eight or ton course to tie re nd dhave a hotdial te eur former coîd lunches, i a Tucir frein sholtime, ly ee eledaetr sin nie e Iaches irigir, wilI yield aven one hum- te tire ground, the seed wiîî not ahoîl tire parents have awakened ta tire tact cd ta have anc regularly on Tuesdays. ton. dfred pounda oft dean, well-,natuned and tire crop will b. îeft in îloa thiat tire teachen je rieally wonkiag for It worked so well and tire childrc.a Breed for winten pigs now if Ybu thecomortandwelareofthechi-'bgge qohad tat t ws nt lnghave tire buildings for tirein.Thene l seed per acre. Usunlly, however, an windrewswe reit will dry quickly, tieocinontandwefar aitieacu- eged o iar tht i as ot on average second growth will produce and 'can ho easily gatiened witi a:dren. They appreciate it nnd have betore Friday aiea becanne a "htot lunch n esnwyaswcnntms aaywire from 160 ta 250 peunds et barley f ork.sirwn tiroir appreciation by donatimg day." We have quite roomy cîoak itrwles srainthnot s eed per acre. Tire lengtir ot tino tint tire doyen food materials. rooms, and tire girls willingly gave age. Tire returs train tire sale o Tire red claver soed cnop eirould ho should romain in tire field would de- Our iret ettempt was vegetable iraItaoftiroirs ta ho used as a kitchen tire litten will ho welcoine about cao- eut when tireireads are dark brown la pend upon tire weather. Genernliy soup. We purcirased a twenty-five Here we placed our stove and cooking plowiag time next sumaier. caler, and cantain irerd, well-deveîop.. speaking tire cnep should be plnced cent seup banc, which we coeked until utensils. Our cooking outfit je very 4 ed seed. In iarveqting ail unneces- in tire row or stack wiren dry enougir tender. The next morniag hefore simple, consisting of a teakettle, a MY OWN LAND. iÛry irandling siro-Ild ho aveidod. ta keep well. It can thon ho thresh- scireal, tic aider girls prelar'êd tire large stew kottle, a fnrying pan and a * Rougir iandling, frecjuemt turnîig, etc- cd wirea conveaient. vegetables which« had been brougit large pail. Besides tirese, we have ~ Thou beautitul for sunset skies, _______________________ y thre pupils. These wero added ta large cooking spoon, a coup dipper and Fan epaciaus lake and plain; IVX1~c'> ~ ~tire stock and allowed to simn¶er ail saine ether amall dishes and pails. For inountains where tiere iight i f orenean. As aur acheel i aom con- Èacir ciild bas iris own cup and spoon. deep, tains only an ordinary heating steve, Tirs wonk j ai donc by committees And fleids of amben grain. IJ~ O N mttr ow nui m e ccm-our variety iras been rather limited as'and the chldren considen it a gront 0 Canade-my wlad ~~I 'V ~ jf'~~plNoe b ameas, it jchen wie iag yet. We have had cream- of tom or ta be -appointed" on a commit- Rise with tire meaniag son, __________________________ te eop a finineirand and a wsouthi sta oup, bean saup and hot cirocolate. Our A committee consiste of twe, Acclain tiy rigrt ta Freedoin' on ule t tresinîhr niy beeenext attompt je ta b. cresmed pote-t or four, accondîng ta tire amouat migit- ThoFaenWircFaonrWa auy -adsaiothe alre. Ga tre otes, and tien macaroni and tamatoos.' 01 wonk te ho done. As a rule, I Strong and sufficient be. - When fathen ived here on tire tarin ok waes utInoe py a l addition ta enjoying tire palatable'tink tire emaller committees do botter Oh, it was long ago- take chances. lunches, it affaords ana excellent oppoa wonk, as esci one la irelil mare ne- Thou beautiful for coimadeship Could ho have had tire funs I have, Profits and lasses in cattle fcediug tunity for teacring the pupils irowota eponsible for tire tasks. Wlen move tire pilgrim foot, And knowu tire thinge-I know? 1 can net ho detemmed menely by a propanetre thef ode properly, set tire; We begin ta propane aur lunch usil- Where tattered wigwams once wer Wiy Ihae ec afo t-dy, comparlson of buying snd selling 'table, serve the mènla, irow ta, observe, alîy et tire merning recese, and fiadl spread, W hyI h ve een a f x t -da , p ice , b cau e i a ix ont s' ee - t bleetiquette and w ash dishes. The ,tint a great am ount af w oi'k can be W itir star-hung roof te greot. Ontut te mino lttre b rook ing period a thouad-pound steer pro- boys do'their part by keepiag inna, accomplisied in that fifteen minutes () Canada-my own land- Tha flwubelw tremii, uce tire tefor tns f anue.supply of wood and waten, emptying, if aecessary. e- nve ttm1 e Thy migirty chorus sing- 'Pie je a source et revenue too seldoin -acrapa, and have evea donc tiroir sire have more tiran one ii ntr an The soul et Empire none can stay. And 1 knrow where wihd cirrres grow, taken into cnasidorationofethtie disirwaehing, and anc mare tia day, and as yet, they have beem very God blesu aur noble King. î And wbere thre wood grapes are, The meet -important factor lu tire williiig ta do something ta "get evea" simple. We have had coo, coffee, Andwien trebruret a ar s-et production et higir-grade butter la h it h efrmkn tr rtl pas ptate soup, bean coup, toinate coup Thou heautiful fao r enees brave, Tirai sugar le, by fan. propen coollng et tic creain. To sible. An'd just ta tee tiec cisdren'and vegetable scup. Tire vegetable Witir firin and valiant tread; And thon I caughtý a firelly once,- maire the beet grades of butter, the enjoy tiridnnor marc tia repaye' soup was the most elabonate ot any- Who tear n unseen tirruet, non pain, And found wbat maires tire light; cramn eiould ho sep4ratod freintire, me ton my troube.-ftiing we have undentakea, as it con- And naugirt et doatir de dread, Andone Iberd n wl Wlao milk witi a dlean sopanator, kept sepa- Bore lu tire testiinany af another tained ment, patatees, cabbage, car- 0 Canada-any own lad- wio<:~ -rate frein the cold creni sud cooied teacier: Wc began eerving mm - rots, onione, etc-, ail of wicir d ta lIve bound my seul ta tire. * esd h o adaPngt immediately ta about 50 degroos. lunches Vhii yean for tire irst, and al- ho put Virougir a food chopper. How- God shed His grace on aur Iovod race The use etfirard faoons lu Uic dairy tirougir1I md tirougit et it for some ever, it proved quite a success and tire Frein sea tee tartirest son. 1 alindat caugbt a turtle, tee, barn suggests the use af a cister» for time and we bad raisod money Va hbuy committee wero very proud ta have Frein ses ta fanthest sea. Down by thceliy pond; savlng the iquid manure. Iî'es a a three-burner ail stove, it waa a aew made it. -Charlotte Carson-Talcott. And, anyway, I saw a bawk geod suggestion, too Scracse» dat n ftie oee iee0_______ Fly tram tire woods hoyond. can ho built of concret. and cennected munity, and I theugire it best ta iregin about furnisiring. I kaow Uiey have BLM 4-SFR RSS Wb*nfate o th farm, wi ersby ean 61til rahersloly. We began by serving tire weitane et their chihdren at heart -hn baier lived irene o ic comentedatirhe jointsmenas tifltneh- only once lna ewile as and it le wortir any trouble on rny part iBAESI FO CR1. Se very long age, Dsaffection mn usa Tm I1 wbader if ire hd subir tua Butter eirouid not came Ia lees than a epecial trèat te the ciiren. I wase tiat 1 mai' b. toreed' te taire iu orden rogRsinTop hall heur. When it coine tee sean, not veny sure at firàt just ir6w_ it woaiTd ta, make these wareai lunches possibl Due to German Agents. And kraow tic tiigs I know. -tiore la bs et fat ia tire buttemmihir work eut, as wo have avor sixti' chil- ta cse the bappy' faces of tire ciidren Eveats of the greateet magnitud In haying timo I irelped a lot! Wiren Uie weatier ia waniu it la beetfdrer inlasehoal, and 1 was afraid I as thcy tarmin la ne and mancir up a are crowding on Uieireels ot caci I helped te raie the bey, te lowor tire cbunning temperature might ho iiadertaking aometliiag that ton tiroir portion of the. food, wiratevor otiror with suei rnapidityi' t le hqnd And igir amngtiere altons climbed several degrees. The tompenature would net peve ta ho practical. How- it mai' ho, that irelpe ta mair iorpsibet irnce thein mcr a To tedtir oad wy.can ho raised more easily tialowered cirer, 1 tound eut that if I1lied sixty celd, ottentimes trozen, lunches appe- posgiblvo chsoed s temnt. Tre 1u Thon oncelwe toughta w wa Ictaftor tire churnnng iras heen started. ehildren ta ecook for, I aise had sixty tizjng ansd nourisiig. -turcveta disilned la toements et But &otty tound ber tracir, -- - -'- the~ liti rriU, wricir lot tire Au-t Befoire h rougirt hem back.1 And one-lit frlghtened me a bit- I found a cave one day. l'in ure tnat pirates lived la It, Or nedakias hMd awayi Ch, evýry day brîngu s omething nt Fan Scotti' sud tor me- A theussand-wandroosthingetado, A thousand tisings ta elt w Uay will not ta1ke the place of grain for horcs doing bard work. A pound of hay each day for every, hundred r ound& of their weight lu enougli for orses. Mules will dowlth less. 1 Banos can not b. neglectd wth- out lessening -its hif. namnoylng the hors.. A soit, pliable rnas , a big help in getting the, most work from a hom~, with the. least fatigue. Waabinr tlie leather n iiwarm water wlth a neutral soap and a stiff brusb, and applying ohl before the. leather lias completely dried, wlpreerve the. bannes. ani please the. borse.. To barden the. hors..' slouldes for the. fluplowlng. bath. witii eold sait water several-timnes a day. Keep the. bannes. dlean snd se. tbjt the. hmet fit the. colla" . IU the shouldens be. corne chafed, duat wltb takeum powder or flnely uftd uIaked lime. A Unique Service One of the. mot roankable hurl services ever held on à Europpan up tlefleld is descrlbed by .tie cbaplain of. a Western Ontario battalion. It was that of au. Indian killed by a bomb, SixtY Indiana, conirnnded by an In. diair lieutýenant, attend.d thr. limera. They represoiited thé. Mohawks, on*. Idas, Onoûdagat, Caiuçss. Misais sauras, Delawares, tmoque,. snd liaik. cletinlg uamed are -rhW~ the. oman te tan umca"d C"C8p. J l their haut. thi.exocmuom*awo~ 1108Y snd w.r.kiiow iIthe me suf.éred ano harm. Aln - . te, lar"e. -Wbu t b aw trd el% s.0 ho resosétùy moN=th*. seat frmwich ire bad watnd ti9. pro- esoding&. IOflOm»a@md repos wte whl by lad . th. nob. hd coM», tu Sro*euo IlS8WSUangalbo Siby tbo.au 28 tbo G;W,ǶmhatI.M bave a long 1 'It ci -~wf* a dusnpluanofow tir ba » ww0 14 Still, fatheo euh'miles -and ayc That v.ry long age Se had the mefame Ifun I have And knew the thinge I1iruow. ?tato Flour Potato flour is made by dehydrating or'dryitig the. potatoes sud thon enid- ing theii. The Potetoos are sliced or eut Into cubes'and dried. Wlien thor- ougbly dried the 'piecea or suices are * qut. bard; thes, are 'ru» througi ai mIl and gr-ovnd intô floun. Potato tlour la used for bred making snd for gonenal bakhrg' pÃŽ*«pos. .Mixedi witb wheat flour It makea bread that' la considened betten than bnead made frmnwheat flour a1ono.. Fali of thre right sort consiste ia alWayO looklngfor thre boit viiether, * e are old or young, ricir or poon. We . b~~a-rgbtto think each day tire b..t day yet,. ami to try te make àse, bY llng la 11h]. botter tira» wo Yver * did 'ou any ober day. * LoiiXI Ti h FiyFumiis Dasgiel 8-.douTest Orffl M et Mothers uned aughiters of aif u1es are cerdltfIniglte t. vits te b Eopartment Initiale oniy wili ber publiwhed wiîh cacti question and 1 IflSwer as amias of identification, but full came and addresi fnu«, hO liv.,, On each latter. Write e on aside of paper only. Answers w~iiha MahIod direct If asmod end -addrssed onvelope ie enciosed. - Addresmai g corresponcienite fer this departm.nt ta Mm .Ho0lanL&t2 b.~uine AV*q Toronto. Subscrtber.--Perhape the following lection of magazines, a stack of news- will give you an idea for your bazaax: papers, sotne ernpty botties and a At a ChUrch fair hold recently, one quantity of tin foil. A hall of stinlg bootir was noticeable for its business- compoised of many stray lengths wa" like appearance and for the large aigri marked, "Save this-it caosts three an its arcir, which rend: times as much ag it.»sed ta coet." Economny Booth Thre economy boatir is sure to be %"Il Pay Ten Cents And Learn How To Save patronized and se it'erfornis a double Ten Dollars service-collecting maney and promnot- The curious crowd that sean gath- ing economy. A wide-awake coin- ered found the notice as good as its mittee wil be able to think of nuin- word, for tire committee in charge had erous other useful suggestions inl sav- taken a census of favorite economies ing fan and near, and were prepsred to Hostess:-A game that provides make practical demonstrationa of tire instruction as4well as fun makes a ideas. double appeal and la sure te prove Each of the four sides wvas devoted popular. Well-known f aces is a good ta a special class of demonstrationa. i example of this kind of game. It is Thre cooking ecanomies, At course, oc- j.played with a hundred or more carde cupied the front. A good codk dem- nmade of pictures of famous pensons onstrated in a miniature kitchen same; cut train magazines 'or flewspapers of tire acceptable dishes that can' be adpee o wdordmuisof made froin left-over portions of food. uniformin ize. It is permissible ta without spending mare for new in-! have several different likeniesses of gredients than the lef t-oyers anec the saine jndii'idual. Beneatir each worth. No dishes were prepared ex- picture is inscribed thre naine of the cept those that were actually hased on persan, the piace and date of his birtir materiai that otherwise would have and tire reason why ho is farnous. been wasted. The lessan in economy, Any numben of players can take was later eznphasized by selling tire part. Deal seven cards ta each play- food ait five cents a plate-thre best er, and lay the remainder in a comman way of clinching tire point. An as- pile in the middle of the table. Tire sistant in the kitchen ehowed how ta abject of tire gaine is ta see which peel fruit and vegetables with the Player can first get rid of aIl his carde. least pas9sible waste, and anothen as-1 The first player draws a card froin the sistant sold economy cookbooks. j pile, compares it with his irand, and Tire next caunter was devoted ta!1 proceeds ta discard as many celebrities economical ideas in sexvirig and mend- as may be grouped with It, if the oth- Ing. There the onlookers , Iearned, or players approve tire classification among other things, *jhat old stock- that he makes. ings can be cleverly fitted with new Far example, persans bora tire saine foot and tire tops of new stocklngs ne- year may be discardod together, or inforced against the wear and tear of thos-, of the samo -calling, or those suspender- garters, that a second lin-! associated in the public mind with the ing will save tire back breadtli of a, saine cause. The most des'irable silk underskirt, and that attractive classification, naturally, ls tirat which collan-and-cuff sets can be male tram will use Up tire greatest number 01 - worn linon akirts. Anotirer ýcounter carde. was given aven ta miscellaneNas ideasTire other players draw and discard in ecanomy iflustrated by irigeniaus as their turne came. Each of theni littie makeshifts of ail k>ndse hias tire additional privilege of adding A ulga aven thre fourtb' counten read, an aPProprite card toanay group on "How Ta Save Your Luxunies," The' the table, pravided tirat -graup does denronatratians threw surprising light mot aiready contain fou r carda, wirich an thre way People sametimes waste; canstitute a complete book. Thre first tire supplies that cost mast. A strîik- player who succeeda in rW~ding himsell ing illustration of tire lesn was af alliris carda is entitled ta one point furniahed by twa tallow candies af tire for each of tire ca rde still held by hie saine size tirat were set burntng aide campanione, and is tire winnen of tiret by aide at tire same time. Ã"ne irad round. Thre more woll-infomme.d and bkren kept in the ice box, the other on quick-witted a player la, thre sooner ol an open sheif, and it was interesting course ho will play eut his carde. Thre to note how Much longer thoe cold1 gamne may ho played eltirer lor a cer' candI. held out. HaliOte eaie tain number of rounds or until some caunton wss used for an exhibit ef particular score bas been- reache&i things tirat may ho profltably saved Pragressing frein teble te table will on sold. The. samples inctudeel a col-1 add to thse fun. 'Phono are two rossons w tamssaouhd maintain eheep. finat place, this country bias te ber et yeans been producini fractfon af the waol it uses ____________________________ Uermans tLoighSAf, was uue eiitirely Io wat eao lrin suppai'eut . itire agitation of oxtremiets wiricir is a senlous siiortago. ]y Il everi' 'day shows more clearlyi'letire the demaurd fer ment hec bi Ilwonk oethtie hiddea irsud of Gemma» that a gcocipnico fer mutten Maie Cledr je itispies. Tire imudence<>of tris propa- vailedfoa long time o. i Durng September makether, cmgande le almot past Qe. Ia the thing tola emovo the. di teaded for markoet seu besol ,- i li Ijy the sdvantagof ethUic neent a-sdte oi saîau fore Uue ..ît. e to HaliezIn case tire Russia flocks.- fore t ew o ouul beleat.al nema Anacmaltroops compoaing Uic advanced toneg JIn planning theo sheep bat ]atrgrken*duena rs, greon g..... eia mayexist quit. unsusîpeet- are netiring west ot the Senethir i le tn or' filteen square leet Young stock, if -they have b. kp e y t victim. It le a condition due grave danger. eogatr ids ppe rsu honima. IH ina'od rwn cniin sio l a bck afpropon proportion et ned 1 As if tri is unote o tecomn- dosupran oei ino akeoos er' nomndtion, ear- blood celle, or of coioring natter ina munique indicates insubordination hus square teet of glass ta 100 sqi ac, showing aigusetiproper develop- tiere nd cella, hemoglobia. mde headwuy in al par eiOts ofo spacohe.unl rranglel ment for profit. Many distnessing dlsturbances et ami'. If thIc bad bappened ln a»MdW s0thsulgtwla Cetiorlk hto tbl nn r ihbealti are due te tits. Imay b<airer army one inigiriconiftdenthy re Ileor. proorcane, a re tunned nta cii- maitest as langoun, fatigue, disabii-' dict its final deteat, but Russiazi sy- Tee aasy feeders ottertai lent fnyiasg chiekens las lanunny.I', ty (eveas sometimesjas wolh-asoirished1 ciologi' le capable of sueir extraordin-. in a trick worth trying. persans), as dizamasess ea, vomit- an' changes it may yet h. possible z Februasy-batcbod pullets, or tiiose ing, headaches, coastipationdgetv that thre situation nsy b. saved. 'Phono brouglit eut la earlyMarci. aron ean digturbances, hyperacîdîti' of thii tl etsmecmo es tiroir layiasg age, Tire fonner, boa- itomsacl, dUMu~~lty in- breatiigjieartj amongat tire leaders of tire ignoraànt, ever, arm apita ogo inta moult '>x<e> palpitation, disordenly pises; or itimase inoheritai'juetrograbl "Gather Up The. Pm, now, wbieh wilJ ;ve Vhom a tempor- diuturbances of Uth erm'ous aystem î aue rpryI a ute amy Stbsck lastiroir hayîzsg. and tir ezomtlons saueb as rritabîliti', the goverament t> son. tihe situaction, Hesaenow catering Into their ptlac , r pst iasd nealowoly. partlcularly as tiU»povllonal i- < wicrn moult, ulici cuts clawn the suipli' af The causes ot manse m a nui'.enmeut iras deelared Iit a Cern-1Temn ntewle tes .snaldersbly . 'Piey -re able. o ThoY May b. iAPropernutriton, lsek jmittof etPublie Safeti' wlth thé-e aup;' thO hUlliV multitude IMMUi lea s ew eggsi theeanly stage01of ifresirait. ovenwork, mental, 'dis-' port o et .vst ma$ority et the Cern-tGmt 'Peher, ami tii.hait- moulting, but wi.eu the iasi of. gra- 1tres ;tiey qpay b. se t orm!.tt.e olin'sdWorkmeu'4sJiehld lasBelgi nesud Poland taug tire Meuot corne, it wUiel ure a1crîdeiit or fron açute ,on clit'*icd ,Pt* gates. O1y ,to IV. niother a&à tii. b.d and energy po,.a.ble t. 40' hemorhages ot alkIdab; tirqmalh1 gir wlduly dIffeterbyt1 , the work proerly. amind n aterll b. e sosoussubstancesfroz» dissses Nairasso i 4 PeoTcmhanko, Ï& Yi-- ï<'City» patir~Orstirleîm minb ire 1<1ta ao c.r ga Uire tWpbîlla -«- matanial lavors;tliey tisai dctatar. UaIl in t.r.t.du îýa 1 li ia. 55Pt 'WbU, Moulting, hm *Mud bave »»Y b. océup*tiOna l oaos, sa a~bionod itapkIonlos, md -fl ii ervrl8WU ta uvtrt todetaulrgeos mtir11han C r-ils "lenu ortbeyr mar- b.econ- .eloq*teud a+la* re nawbat~toi T.tos og bonoeo) atue.Oatà us utlowe ditIOn- nlsh It n en.pparstly1 ae ucWwmy tobrin RusastbmghY7ugb it at zOu o'clocL'. ir-e.dabeld o ed, sud abc ut-fiva.otaowy tvW81-ofwicel nudîcal ýtirhe ri4l,- 'Th. revolution snd -tR o f hbigri' tifortusai pourAns e01i "MM-MWl shouald Wb u 43cnesir otyet 410oversd *u tatsee tUM«OtbWodIpln daugr, De. vint a blUg tiat osp of de4 t e everi'100,pouodîa tasha", eêbsrct.r. O1V.Dtwe eaôitîea l.due reed ythe sitoitWon i &m s band i»Ql te àsi - I dM toII< tfowar.d give y.bm>~t toa»mbe ftouSuf cbwde. Wftuh otreag t i 6.ttremig .1,s, Vk4le uigo ln iI tmâ ragot.ton lanssd alepar*» Inpratî*9asw¶tlii f-e idoaSi peaatla: s~atr.ady àriv sby ',',o~.for q, h b puack bouldb. tSuued ltý. a M!*Sopt4op * e4 psm- .tmm. . ssasi e b pm r. l rua, sMd ho.4e u soev Set'a. deibis m'a un ts&-Wor semai!. ioo W , batett1m 6.COMsuItsee ilof 8sf.' ti a . liife# or and .. àý_h1 -, -- -, W , , - 1 S1U act u *îadiidferunt t.thre unoit wdltbud bc M li k b l -nc 1mi, whItIbig"a A m t iâ andthe men' Vii s tvat *a Il yft filt, for 6. trop tang rapttM. lgç i perat.... 1.. naisêtr 500 usaum forp tqr w wIatitodla, .k.ane *"W tu.,M * t~ eed by.m 1hu~%Àt~- that a carcass needs only t6 b. fat- Iwhen they prepare their sheep, for market. It bas beer sliown that .the lamb with several inches of- fat -Ialla m~ ~ore to top the mnarket, while baif an Inèb Iin th of fat mWakes a fine carcans., Young 'r a nuxu- lamba are -not 3o0 bkely to bo overfati, g, only a but eider stuif must hâve a shoitoti i.Now, feeding period or lesa concentrates, 00, there Drive the. stake-down well wben Ias. foreover, (tening the ram these-days. Once a mnl suCl sep geta the idea eàt iehoC=aripl ltas pre. 'out ad drag away the b r or sac mIly, the which faistens hlmn, thre.is l1ttle more Pý*raisins ,nt tarm if> we would live up to our ýowri r» l1ow j1d6ýIa& Iastead -of attemnptlug to tlàd of, fioor jout what tirectlior tellow's Ideats are, ipt -the1 we would misa lots of -tryhrng.expori- ave :tour ences, for, ycu are ln,, your amUI or Irofot ine r ani I hn mine. You' eaunokwear tii win- my coat nor I yours;, we aSye separate,_ stke t i ndividuala.,..And must.,lye~ our oWa. lves In Our own way, bot la. the-other n thie ldea tOlQW's way. g#meuts, That NotIdIug' -Lî mea wheeu4duou' but;o'f ô lrbuùteu...Wo:-ued

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