Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 13 Sep 1917, p. 1

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r Vol 55 Ne'11 -WHITB' -GO0U'FELLOW&SN Buc FINISH Kilts ail the Leaf Eating rInsects with one applica- tion. No mixing. Ready for use dry. A fertilizer as well as a poison.- Pure Paris green J. E. WILLIS lDrugglst and Optlelau MEDICAI Brock St. LHALL a WbItby. Car Camnl Coal Just krrived Present conditions secin to indi- cate a severe shortage of (3annei as weii as other coalq the coming season. We are suggesting to our old friends and customers that tliey order now. Our Mill Creek Cannel we regard of exceptionally hiighi quality-tbe best we know of. Aiso car of the celebrated LiIIy smithing, coal received this week. Soft coal for threshing atways in stock. -E, Re BLOW, Whiiby Bell phone 9. Home phone 14. WHIGH SVROOL îe ATI ]B3u*.ne&«Ç.Metge» are n.t alike. ia National repultion for highgis4le work and the dewand for %gr Gratuates la Car greater than OUT aýpP 7y.0 YOU risk la thintg by attn4 .th.. oc là-t1t ls t.zeLidand truly-tersterl. Wrte for oUr large catalogue. Kter any itai.. Toronto lu the brut place ln Ontario for poiiilhns. cor. Ycageand W. à. Bllett. Chs.rtea 51*. Principal 200 Acre Farm For 'S ale. $60 per acre, Wlitby Townaship farm1 for szalo. day loam. 1½i miles fromn rail-1 way station, bank barn. 9 'rbomed1 dweliing. spring creek twenty aeres bouse wth siaatiacreage tn part Day- ient, and for balauce give good terra& John Fisher & es. 4 Aftlaide Fait, uTORONTO Ssms!Vm* ust .4 ) PotI4pi.te Dui.r., Fatalst#. Mnaged, gtls*l.lo, ? Inot Loans Arraaged, Fains .-Qf Ail. Sizis Watod 1 3ythe W. zi;le,a sWeiaIty 0ftland elllng. 81t401w place WIUI uirfor4oodi e lm Gffl* O ïPo8 Boid.St Wet, UOasw& FSAT-AL AUTOMOBILE ACCI[ * i O ClamaA toleiat,*iltircou"der 12 Y".m:CIlam 3 illic 2 'ast - wzrl. W. Sparks A terrible rallway cnesalng automo- bile accident occurred on Monda.y even- lng at Pickering G.T.R. Station by wlîich WilliamuM«. Sparks, ex-Reeve et Pickering Townshtip, was iustantly killed by lits automobile beîng struck by te eastbound local **flyer" due aI Pickering at 6.45. Mr. Sparks suid Hamilton Calvert liad been ioading coal at Sparks' coal yard just wesi, of Pickering station. Comple.Lrg flus work Sparks jtimped lin his ato and hurriedly set oui foi' bis home at Frenctaman's Bay. His habit bad been te go home by thte KingPton RJoad. but on t tis occasionj 'di. tr.rned sottr to go home via.-.-hel Base Une. Aplîarently lie forgot thau thre flyer ia about due. and ueither lacard itrc aN-the approaching train as tir rail ip the incline fromite yard to lte racks. The npe.ed ai whItlh t hîe train was tra%-eling-n mile a minute -niewîi tira itil ivould be ouscured fro rni pr ks 'rvitw by the stationa as 11_ appt iozich-d irie traCks. and Ihat lie coîald noî see it utili lie gel raîrly clos.ý. Thé, supposition, homever. was that hie was absorbed in thought aud \%as iini awart. of hIs danger tîtil ton 1tle. Tihe front wheels of the~ auto- miobile had jîrat iassed aver the irack w hen tire smash carne, This la evi- deîîced by ther scoop IiiLte saîîd beside te tiacîr made 1» tlite frontw hi-els. Ti-elodr of Mr. Sparks was found ]W (f fet ensi tof tihe cresstng. 1> ang ani ilite ditcir. 1lima ht-d us adl)>smashi-i î'd, sl{rrli iont- and rd ains helng scat-1 ie>rr'd along tire grass. His rightl leg1 m-as trokir-ut it t wo places, one,- buing a roiupounidfracture, The s rrcked body <of Itecar ivas sixty fetêt frontîVire crossing, whiîe frrrgiwr'n, t-r' strewn along lie' irack4 side forc210 feet - anrd portions thirowari iio an adtjoliing field Some eggs4 lirai were' initire car wvere found lu the - fit-Id 200, fer-t from tire crossiîg, one o! hin lw aing tunbrol-vi. Whirtire car za 'irr-rrp of ruina, a dlock fast- Vlred îr il n,'vec slopî,ed. .Nr. ('aIr-eri, a ho folio-ued Mr. Sparks 1I AGRICULTURAL Si SUPERB School Chiidrcn's Exhi Theîi liînual Fait Sz*tiQn cf,1the1 Whlîby Horticultural Societyr gave evi-1 dence lt rithe local taterer>t Ini llwer anîd vegetable gardeniiîg la on lte lu- crease. Que ceuld not WlS hiW-o-S> ai nny o ethéit ogular hIt-nfra': bêtt*# clas<of exhiits et flowrrrs suid ve4e- tablesttan those touîd'ta te Cetîncli Chamber on Satunday lant. The Her- tlcrltural Society la accompitahiig titIs, tat it la îlot onily wldening te circiti ofiflower levers In Wititby, but lt la educating ils membens te a better and tuIler kaowiedge oifte pninciples ef gardeninglte resuli et wicta 1 l seanin lte lncreaned beauly eoflte4 gardons abouat towîî. The exitîbits filled te Council Chin- ber accommodation. Long tables were covcred wit collections et beautiful ilowet-s. occupyitrg ever hlaitLiteroa lte resnaînder ofthlie space was taxeti to teutmost wltl te vegetable ex- iibts e-ofte sctooi -chuidreti, and a large dtsPlay of vegelaliles f rom te Grangé Farmn, VWiitby. Tite collection sent for Uic exhlbil by te Grange Partî was a stplendid. and imueh adi- intred table. AImout eveny klnd o! vegetable tsed on te table or fer pick- ling wu$ e-hibited-ftae, -seunid, lus- clous Vegetable lte produet e theI lient gandenlng moilioda kuewn. lit was a revelation to spectalor ltatinl Whitby suîci splendid garden truck la produced. 7%e seiotool hiidr.nsa vegetable exhiblîs were also surpris lag for tier finc qutailly andi for.Lt Squash, aay elter varlety.--Clm.s A. Denie Ferrester and Alice Cenreil, lot pnizes. 3 Cucumnlers.--Clans A, Annie Vanel- esky. Norman Uoldting. Clans B, lat.1 ne naine, 2nd, Ellen Jackson. S Tomatoes.-Clas A., Arthur Rice. Clas . Edward Oke. Plate 5 F1911 Appies.-Cliqe A.'ltom Renhtoei. Rose Clifford. Collection ef Vegetables.-Te. rîen- stock, Roy Blow. Gordont Bird. OPEN CLASSES. Collection ef Cut Flewerg.-1. Mev. Je&. Fletcher, 2 IL W. WtUcox, 3 IL Eldridge. Collection ot Petteti Plants.- Hm <r>CF.McGillIvaay. SPECIAL PRIZES. FNld wera-Rwoe Cifr, mer-C.F. Amnot. Japsiieme Sunllowen. - Wesley Ge Augustus. Plankm-Tom fHensteck. Zennîtas.-mss.rt 0k. Dabita,-A, E. Luito. Suftflowems- Loîtie Brow, 'em ORANGE PEELINGS#" On W.edmwb evenlp the membei-a oft'Vimy AUdace 14>.L, it. M7 ,betti Orante t-ta»overthe .Sladahdiapk. t0 presure of lodo gé om ail Ilttnionï b atih>b ywtoitanMn th ike ntiet neeUiqtWbkbuin I be boa on WO"Ujd" . h#it -9f»~ am,, brere,tea**I <l'tu and SERVICE cail on a.T,, Law.ler The &rocer *WHITBY I~h~es'Bell, 7;lundependentt 470 AT- PIC emitfqf Tneuey )onter'hs b ail a bid sffée&on te attendance turli ft L D 1n larnessa elass-. intJty ,Idat So)uth Ontarto.Aîgrçlcdral Societra5 es- A nutmberê ry good pon1ews i____ were also ju4e In the light herse- FaIl Fair at Oshaa, hhwa8 open- ring and riblions were awarded te ed'to Public that #tèënoou at Aler- Itiiese, the, rorty..of the prlze going on foot from the sheds out to the cross'n,.Pakzgd hose who le told te apiMXtre yt tto Ing, declares that lie neither heard nr n aprr4e0mssd tsg B Mle wihf Ial at f otawrtq saw the train until fi was almost upon à! aâir day as eYerJhappened, because. sbo*n la the, clama fer CIyGeales, furt the automoble-too late to cry a te- ?-atherWnla ïe aftr:noa as81pzegngtW.. eel 010.i warning. He heard te smash, and ca that côuld,,.e daslred. - manvîlle '11e colts and Wes of 1917 anîd passenger disappeared frorn slhj Entries luIn-dsss live stock. in te heavy classes were al very good Wben te train had passed and he had agricultural prüd -sandi mitouls- mies, te bedt being the stallion colt rushed to the spot, Mr. Sparks was, of~ course, dead. of re are more flh4erous tianl24a any *own by George Reesor, oif Oshawa. The body was taken te t e rev1 syear and t.e qiisiity in every Laking moons of C. H. Burling in theta-Re ig well UP te t e stîndard. The S5DN~(OT$S vilg.and Coroner C. Pt. eitU'rny exhibits lu the y 6Ious buildings at- The greatest attraction for te crowd vilae.trctedl mucit atte ont flowers, vege- was the harnesa raclng. boti thLe 2-.16 1- wasnolfie. Acodin tolawan a-tables,*butter azid home eooking en. and 2.50 trot or pace being well filled ~'uest is imperatîve la ail fatal railway4 tries beiag very ceiimendable. sorne of 'and ai the heats well contested- thougli accidents, and on Tuesday niernîar1;he Iic rAeP81 wtuuts In tbele classes nu plifTiomenai time was mad'e. Con-. the' Coroner empanelted a jury for that îeing. Flowers-WÏ M. TonkinansuIiderable excitement oecurred in Lhe pur>oe.Th jryenseictd er~ Sns Oshawa. #4tale- oer îeen heat oif te .l5 witen F. Mont- JohnMurar (orean),W, . C r ks.Oshawa. M-rit-Jonas Saines, I~x~ry. of Peterbero, drlvlng te black- neit, W. J. G3ordon, John Anna.n, Lor- 1 eWate.Bte-X. Mi, Brook- t stallilcu Jimmy D~irect, was. thrown i~îzoBahi, . J Cakel, lin- tram his sulkey on te back stretch Powll Athu Byc.1 Marify of the horsWClasses and ail of tbrougit the borse takiug hlm tb near Tlwjuyaferviein Ie od, the tattle rema1nedrto be judged on te hilide ban king of te tract. rTe were driv-en to the scene of te ajcci- Wednesday, and tuito* o the eize rib- ldriver was, rortunateiy, unhurt except* dent. Relurning Up town te te onswo o Teda wret9a ale bonswon n Tesdà wee,ý hena- 1fora sligh tI1y spralued thumb, and te doný Hoeled trtenc fDr.el ad tahowartled ns alilthe prime witers nmust iborse went te distance by bîmself aud tio à-es Caleatrenhe Ravcidn, aas t- appear lu te lîve sý,ck& paxradeor loge tItan continued for an extra half-mfle t~prm Ioney ?tgen Ciarece Rainewa tak w~hen ani adjoki-ument was rnade for pimoe.-Th enecass htwtheu-t a mistake before being halted on,- week. w .Sak were judged on Tiieqdnywere ail fair- b> -.nverai of lte spectators. The' late W .Sak was a prom- 'y Nwell fIUed, a spec1lii srong lot of!1WcedltWy was an ideal day, an-1 inenh citizen oif Pickering Towntship. single drivers undeý! 161 hauds, and *the crowrd at the fait was large. lie m-as a coal nierchant resitl'g aI ___________________________________ I'-e f'nriais Bay. He w". a big, ro-! bitisî mn .and took n lively, interest lu miiiiicpai mauters. For înaný' years THE - CT SITUATION Counicil. being elected Nevevoand Dep- ulRev nany lianes. This brouglit To thle Edîtor Gaxet*&,Chrot'lcIe- P. progratu of building Neverslps tlit lm to tie Coultv Cotincil, on whicii Dear Sir.-The cýance b - ste t lüi s more certain and fiancially aL- lie %as a worker.trcieta vrfrhywl b Froin end Io end oif the Townshlp he No'veîslIp titra tractor at te Toronto iat ine theCdan plnfor Ahey wllb was m-elI kniow n. suad esteemed where- fair, off wlilcit you told readers li list lightit I throw7n. on tire tracter situation ver kaaowaî. iwreks pa;ier, lias led to a- reawalcened by what Uic writer iearuied trom Mn. He leaves a widow and fauiily Of lulerest on the part -of mauy Wiltby T. X.Runssell when ta the city on eilîit grown up children. M rs. Sparka* people witb the further thotiglt that Thitnsday lant. One oif the greatest ef maiden itatue was Miss Sarahi Worfolk. possaaîy nometilng q»ay yet lie donc the Canadian captains.of tadustry, IL of Whlîhy, sister of Jaines Worfo k, 0seueib oato t I ndust'y. wIll lie remembered that he was ln- barba-r, aiid of -'trs. Thos. Ross, ot It la weilî flh-theikvafitre la se de- -trested la Whitity tice lte war braite Wbit». tsirable a direçtlon îb-*t your wtdg tou- out ta establishla.arge manuactory lu the death of Mr. Sparks the Town- ntltueuey et readern .ku"ow tbe Neyer- here and lie evinced a contigance et 1:4ialp oif Ficiering loses a valuable cI- slip la to.- take paut next week Inta U tai Interest In Whitby ils a favorable izen, wlîo nave oif bis bestIin lte publ- 1¼rreat tracter demonstration-on te To- location for lnutitrikt ente rprîses by lir service. ronte iýndustrti a t-is a few miles up asking me wlîat was new. Nafiunally _________________________ I oage Street. andi e~1yaceu'ible by te reYii-al. o!cite Neversiip TPiacter te trolley ruluningo~ia roati. Start- prospect was related to hlm. rrnîe I ing Tuesday4 te. 1LIt,the show î'uns te surprise due te bis statement that ýOCIEY lI AS fon four days, or- ole.-inore titan lasi lie itad &tended reeeatly te great -nat- year.s on the Flemning'-,fer:u Junt west tonal tractor ahewv at Ptremont. Iowa, FLORlAL D ÇDI AY o<f titis town., To titoge -hvlu;mon with te view oif getting tato the trac- FL.JxnL I ~I LII cars I i lIl be a îpleuéid, ttnp wltit the t«w-Apne huxnaelf inttis country and adc value et enab)lçif citisens tosee ljl ntenence, frea what lie adiltîti, ibis cr Fr~tCisInl actual 'use piowingand. pitted a- the Neverstip w a aigit but net a- iibts crcFirt Car . atnthLe bet -thet-e ar -In Atrlca, V walêlifor bits purý1oes1 atnboulh ne Ifor ail t e puabe ýtratt6rs are teoml11sed ho mlght have someihing for laite part ta tI shw. Stace -a Whxtby later oh. The point was tbat' lai-y Clifford. May Roacli. Clan 13B, year mgo hêDold the i Nove- U Noerahip. trm lte ojtiwalnlves-. Edward Oke, Percy Wt1lnrs. Jean slip bve gseartiy iuiDrm-ed. While -ttgatio et titieXpertumanutacturer.; Stewart, t bere Were ýtii , a Mieo n thie ibore eut ail tbE , w M Inad traeleê Ears Golden Bantaxa Coqi - Clase iinPlenenting bvw' -c!.maa atho.g& umani te ast fail te pro"u u Do4by'Robertet, Qiant.,L e, 'R W 6 Eau aay other variety ef COI- twortit white, to-day the situation bas Iany- rosichançe Of 'etln he -nir- Clans A. Peter-Foley. Ellon Richtardison. vaatly hmproved& A fnpany,,bas becsJ'slip ýmatie. In'Whitby' flasRI1l a mOOt' Css B. Catlietiue Anderson. Ceci, foi-ned w1tli a 'Caniadian charter having I question. -I t ehtoves'us, thougli. te Stewart, Ethel GrIlls, an autitorized capital Of a mlili and. keep infornmed* ou the subjett. Tbat las nesponsible, business -!ùen tanttis coun- wbly It Ouglit te lie tetlo*ed op by, as -Cnbbage.-Class A, no eatry. Class try are alrcs.dy IdeatifictIwth-It t as -many as possible e0w' peeple seding B. Mande Brown, jdlrectoi-s, but: evea better tita» tllat,, b. trator eshow Wit lte Nereri Hulibard Squash.- Clans A. Doris tihe -endors 'aecureti trom lte-, Unitein t Ltiis comIns ek Roberu. Audrey Lawler. Sinclair Robi- States Food-Ceatroller Hoover 'Warrant , ? o~sAxs ertaon. Clans B, Tom Brdiin Emma Vickery, Mabel Symens. O&-line of for Mën, Wom.en, ând ChdrÇA is conptete, BRIDGE OIVrF5- ýWAy UNDER_-MO.TOR-,TR A Hantfoýrd motet ta-uèk. weigtlaag ]Bt-cnmas at CadyIle were wîi » lt <"d aout ar.- , s,ý b ext t bite meves befo tbrougit a bridge ovèr Lynde-a Ct-ui but beadtth Ie"rues ou Bse Ln. n Saurdy. ati miii. trocm thet op 'ut*U tg resu lanttue waters «_ tue creek>, tour tirternmoat, wbih- bet 1014 , Mt beiow. tortuuutely. hitwever, ceu. ImMi he rom. ta rmai-lo lonins liue bai-m to-tb*e o odefCsrle e u*na eut <ti upon te, vetile. 'The truck ' whIeh and -bhMuth1i by,,, b<' was te propenty ofthLie Warn ttut- waa Uninlured. l1io» Palna Ce,, et ¶iomwto. aas eu- 'Me t1w4p. wbieh là Ïaf route te Oshawa laden a-li lau. l'h yards a-est ut Blory*a -tltio driver' Frank Bronna,,adtia teilo*DBueLiUne, la 42 t"*ý,oSil *orlwsa. Jés. Carl-le. "Pe the b.t"W*lvc est Vldè. : t "*1 zeat.M ant atht-d wor wsrldint s>*oagsubatW - thul i en the lba beh MLi hent btsabout #OvUettly bec"e «Ite te autIddie o e id c:ae hm#)trae m er lte -»u structiar, aittwaeaig.-'-s>ettit-ê .4 tuons the-Ntb. àý *4 doa-n labo tlb «. k, it a fi -8dI of or, I Wu rendinç tItub a ,and, - îwJidItue thie Some- o unti*Ap".bu bra«mes, >tr Uvtir" Ulm"i tei IDthe bave.-the pn0m ýtuiklê fçl- t-titI, andti me'osas.Tho toP ith t. t. lruunc h Atiubal tà '-cr jaioat anmrgsê an ft theut. ull-'Tb*e ootru te , frust Portion hzauey la Uthe'wal*, and .té 4> t 400*1. t r a-n ttitcf asiidtaait auananngle uat .4.L b i the aé - Alsou60 <O.rtc& «mngm; 'Ph.mati*bêroda the d ridg ele wtl 4t.s r0 1c let liaithe -sitlaItii ecth 1 - F0OTWI3AR j i n -41 j -. - :f. 7 3E %-T Our stock of. Summer Footwear i*nclude3 the very Latest Style Pups and Oxfords in Vici Kid, Patent Le ather, G un Meial and' Dark Brown CaIf. See our. une of W iu cANVAS ý' oI diIo cKSIrr u r OOTs r~ 1 wMh or ,withI' Iabr tube'

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