Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 13 Sep 1917, p. 9

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Tue pubio 5iWo~puilluthe cdis- -à "ai li l gge »Àficimil gro àuetMoi7diy; e teitbcr,17 . e brise ists reeut,'aud even .Classes, wItb- -a f0- t '-l-o-ýabolit 175- p&çtloii Tliotoc the public speaking end the'phyËicaàl tultüre!ekgrelseà, as well as',,thle sports -contes, are Irigttres that wtllI ýadd làtilàdInterest to th~. far Thepo granfor the aYsat1osil.m, cxmncep e 25 IWIcb '>.M.~Ibm; '4udif cotest. judgig alves and- éolti; 1.0, public upeakipg ' Z m 200, sprta .20, - tent open 'for fispetion fexibUts; 4.15, remiêyal. of czlibite.. Parents -e- peclally- areW'vtted 10 jt tr ýazk- ets and make - th1e -day thc big-Chlld- * ren's Duy of the Mer. Pr V- . Eatty ýwou a number o! prIzee ~Lubib stock aM tje Cànidian TorùthùSe Who areter-ofetbird lite, tl;tis usertir anê pI,ý tcal sxgsin * tabouiifromi- Popica frt Mcliiue- nsy *apeal: 'Cut ahole fi t le crown of au old hlut, tIta n al Itagainst a b0aid of prôper BITZO -and t10 Vroteci h agalusi -1.init put a roo -b er It Such a lbird hise =li be ý gald aganst- -a -,-treè.", There-.ure spine birds which rte-, m -tn ith us all witor, and lte robin - z lnz as:eaýr1i 2a3 h doep miaÉ-litid a Sosy ,wok4,-roin tl't odbni Our. S$1dbi34 edied bý thonsands Iis - ~ ~ s s of-shoped1:lIat eaclionle. W R., Rl. Foerof ,Toreuto, . lloYs Leia4er luttte Y. M. C. Awiii -to teen ageý boes o! ite Brok- IÎ Ltes, li l-.Methodist Churcli - jiiter t%êfla ,being îaàkeh la the end, ç~~ aseplire oïl satinday JS~Q st'I uthopitua- e e..the 6(,IýI dlstla tîboine. -';; Wle*r vi le *ehbding 6ip eý%4e thédWti Church Iti k1*P Iï41fene4 1o%Wih great Vîe là 1, sildoin 1 nrace o! Shkcl y tiîie p it h lnbe Preshytertian onudy-nbat, Sereau Toriesêc~~ly bas mu- 1 Id re& the 'b-front, and -la wttb hie 1. hiftr A lime. lie has Lbeet thi k il sme of tu- e tcnt batues, but bý.emIl-home- auflllea1tly IW llfte'en- pop>eýlan a patient la tbe o Col We * W, 'rrport tat: bUrs rÉée, bai$ bè'fim inomiatIma a M -W CL With.la 0- Mi.Wos. Wflcçxsu istecriends The itàt rost *cf the season aPPer- ced lust Suudaynl'bt-and did coazier:. ûile damage. Mr. Thos. IH as uapurchased fthé bina. R. Wilcoxson'isilted her daugh-*1 'fer ln Hauilton réety. IM MisMiof* L.orevlie, bas been: visiting wth -Miss Zva Wood. Mr. Neil MeGregor,ý of Toronito. vis- ited ai thc homne o! his, iother, Umr. *miss Gledys Ashby, of. Port- Whitby. spént Îhe wecedIhMits Gertrude Nr. Wng IBrown lef t lait ,week for the West 'to,-elpcipth lte havest Mlsses.lelia Emmonf and Edna Me- Gregor *;èrelun Toronto and attcaded iheExhbitonlait Week. A number from hure atteuded Osb- awa Fair this week. Mr. 'sud Mrs. 1rhos. - Bainer and daUitÀir,Mrs, S. A. Clhue, of Whltby, spent Siiday *WithMi, sud -Mm-. C Mir. John Fawcett bas returned home I~I b. atler- spe 9 i aweek lWitt Mie. M ,Le. - - Mm .WM. Frurey ud sou; Neormqan, bats- bfeviRitlng with MW'. M.Lee. Mir$, R. Howland qsot sai. e LU at the home o! her fathet ln Brookln. KINSALýE. Many from here attended tbe Ol.- awa Fair on Tuesday and Wednesday of tuila week. The farmers have completed Uic har- "ýMâj na t e,~o liA Setr.aryBoard itTrade, ~~ ~ i~oi~ lait ~~ab~ ~ gI'~-t Is1h e nition o? the ' C m ofte28hBLtHx - nuët tu caù out. Lor sevi io lululn, scmomdo ~ue atw- ý thé nnt cias inder, at -.ýn I&týb' 0,thebési4fatlondl S&tfb - ~ ~ ~ ~ e 'Âeàè-ý-At, naniely-, m- U etomau uthe2ts, >c et ci-tor 1tt ii UIzeMý '4d' tdwr l~' arge iiumber .0f -t)&men ~f""Ci ;ar don. aledd eviebee- a- es e of 20", 24. p. aiy, rmht1 s Osha&wa, bal 4tet,40ath.& Soeinedelày- - wll, neeessarlly"be ln- 1hé _a poîntmexts recentiy MimLyll1a. MêWIle. 'lih Xa beeù bu ~maid~ l W lnteresttng 't-to rae ln - oronito fo' 8 ,onths eiln mptUona u!a provlded by --the Te apouinnswere iêffective Au-' ±~~ fb en Acf. It liu PI course obvions that onlygutlt. b"rumdtmerhoe RIè sUio are pbysically, lit cM WTnTob.A.$rest-.--op H. LU 1tt~a rd for service, and fI has been Eit M1 Wh tèbedoprÀMsehooima th ouglathat It wlIl be..of advantage-to To br£La &e.s -k.-Cpls., B. biPSWig been âStOU BO I ailco4cerned If the question of phy- J. fàypW àd M,,112 Morton. here, -bas. ulade an 'eellnt Imre- sicai fitâes Snube determined à a To be A.-Cpis-&.-LU-Cp1, J. F. Bain, on bp icole C Uc cmmuht. e.rl' e dae a posibe.L. BatkK, É. A. Dl3WchfoÏd, R. J. H. W. rus eh mUmee wth ple 1ùdLt1Il benefit th' eployer to know co>ê>l T. L'Qyr sucea.ipyhe ebol.deOitey. hf h ! las mplyec ~ To be A,-L-Cpls.---Ptes4 C. W. Pe- !iTire trot gMor lu*,I thls district eXempted on the ground of pysical are eue . *d aU'tcmP41iing 'o! the unfine&s, ,so that he 1nayjnow tee er .FryhA .(odn apple ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~h ~ rp tI oc~dbalta ett~ht i uies~a ex IThe Whitby and Oshawpboys wrIte Uicf-co ' ceno thrdp Ucavrae arugd sd ts1ir hehr pîlï arê ailweUlI1an are takIngý thethid--t'te aeraeý rraged - nd onsderwheherappi- corselu musketry. Th4 seuci their »Me nthru pentapples for catin for estmpti n'o oet! any o!hi% m em- wishes te &il tiiei rjends hlnîlbe bdnecosua~tiu.ployées who are found fit shotild be two wnf 011 "- er fleny 'vwas. aMlle" on i4Me,othôer grounds. Monday postings ýblU obis bIg care >-h ,-wilUlv eipte ,members of theDR '~4ENED 'cams called out to einow as woon as pos- BELGIAW H DI ýE E *hl Oi ~Ïibie whethertbey are physicaily -eli- ING OtUL- iLes Som tk l-icauun ~ gible or not., If they are fouüd ni tit The C6mmittee of the"'Oeuivre de Hoe re lt ônecio wth tuethy 1ýl' upon applicattan le the 10- 'la Santé -de l'Enfane Bel ge" lu Hol- eburb. We bve et 'eled t ~Cal Trtbunals ho exempted. -If found l and, moved by the alhrring and ev- funite lafornitIon f Ürther tfitht, they mmay cousider whether- theY er inereasing mortallty aÙmong the lit- il llItak plce S tsual moine lim alould -e.pply for exemption upon any île chlldreu lu Belgtum, have since ln the futu-re. gr<ouud or make their &arn.Eements! Augut, 1916, and with thé permission Miss 'Carrne Lawrene 8l- greatly for gtving up civîllan lite. l fof thèc German ýauthorItle, organtzed taken up with ber "ecool lu the 7tIi It wih also aasist the Government the bringing of starvýed, beunsumptive. Wbftse, d es omai Uic endMr- ,to e able te get tbis portion of the rlc'kety sand aiig little~ ones from ibewee fr oer IVery large amnouptof work to be hand- Belgtum Into IlollànO, wliei' thcy arc tbewe trivr unay led covered as soon as possible. cared for, bomeli, tntenslvely led, Miss Aunue Harbrgon und Mrs. MaYne - I s' therefore proposed on the re- medtcally attended and elothed for a and chidren are speuding a few d*Yys commendation of the Mlitary Service period averaging six weeits, until they- wlth relatives ln Oshawa thîs Nrtk Counocil' to establish ut a very earlyj are restored to heulth. Tbey are then "t s' 4 86 Drayt6n Ave., Too. Nov. loti,1915. A beauti-ful omrplexion is a handsouie.- wornan's cliiefglory &ndilhecn'y for ler less fortujiate rivais. -Yct a sort, clear, 1 I as troubled for a considerable time witîî a very un/'leasant, diefguriug ___ Rash, uhicîx eoverrd rny face- axyhrkrs~' whîch 1 usedl apphMaions and rai naval wthout relieyf. Afier using "$t-,a, but lives " for one wcek, t he rash isi that pletely gone. I arn deept)-thankÉt;from the relief and in thte future, 1 wiil not ing without " Fruit-a-tives" -NOUAI-I WATSOWN. 50c. a box, C, for $2.50, trial site, 25c.~ At dealersor sent pos'tpaidonreceiptof \. price by Frtiit.a-tU"es Limited, Ot1:aw&. liavitig gacined la welght morne 2 to 4- lbs. per week.- Ijnfortuntitely Ih la not' possible t6 do more for lack of fltnds, for, theré are at thÈe presqent mnomnnt 15-,00 or more chîldren walting la- flegumIor. thxefr turn to go to Hiollaud, aud.-,the: niînber iureases wel nlep41t ly since t.he dep)ortathôns or *-s.1tty.-- iOnly a partial. alleviation o!fh~~ fürlng!s of thes" poor IRtIe oCT O- sible. but we trust the _gppeal- - fundeis adè hn Canada for -the, Ilrry - - lng on-~of ibis work and 1-îÎrliws:ex- tendi ng it wIl t e oni4de-in v1 t> Fron thUicpoint_ Iof' bumsity, lteý 11111e childien o! BeiunI, sitould, çome- be-ore al lInobtaiatug uyipathy .ùu4 relie!.,iand you necd only picture' to youraclf wbat you- would do, w ere -- 'olir child clylng o ii)tarvatlon. Io'de.- ,ride . whetber yen w.111 ussist ha is good work. - Prom'the éttnt.4-vIew of xiliere- I -* en iream.i din i.

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