Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 30 Aug 1917, p. 7

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#*~e nkc lt ,two thuémen halh sc tII~ Imose RUdà f m~~y~ a*8 ~ ~ ~ ~ "' for --the nation., per emfLt..Pèr snnm. Nt-ccr Unkuown Magnitude. int te Mii. ims f u" But be-sure and get the iight, The foUo tWUliticism of tbe poiicy lthSitaTopis n.ipe ubiîttt for meat 1làia -,Of thé Government in "respect of-the net proceeds to be'- $9t2W o et digestbleC=r. SIUMd<ded (Jaadia N 1ortlhern Railway ia mades: $96,111,111, andl thaithéii, oniasiona W et ici is the ideal Thei. Government bih to authorize and charges were 1% per ceht . He sbttt o et ti _ete purchase by it of the capital stock we iýeaking of a two-year 5 per cent. 0 e et hl ha cf the, Canadian N ' en Raiiway lsa f-l. Tiie cont wouid be 8 per cent. balf.way throug btffHouse- of Cern- if the 1 % per cent, cornes out of the XpYd li iettl mons and will shortly be in »>e Sen- $Î6,250,000, but not oitherwispe It form. Two or three of these bec-rneslawi il impose future credit may dépend irély onlittie 0aves Of baked whole on Canada, at a time when the coun- the belief of foreign bazilers thnt god Wheat mnake a noUriShing,, try ia under an unprecedented strain, money wiII flot be sent .after bad, and satisfyig meal at a coSt of a burden of unknown magnitude. One that speculative enterprises wiil b. only a few cents. Delicious certainly grèater than any ever be- allowed to find the financiai level with li k or ream or fruits fore imnposed upon this country, with called- for by their intrinsic merits. of a.ny kind. the. exception of the war debt. T h ndersigned, a$ of whom as in- The purchaseof a defined plece of vestors have a stake, in the prosper- j Md i aaa Vwyproperty ia one thing. The. ity of this countr-y, desire to cail the of stck na comany ttention of their fellow-countrnmen wt o the grave risk they ail are i-un- raE aaaJju .îaàcertained assets and unknown ning Of having their own earnings di- tiilities is another. Once the Gov- verted for the purpose of securlng ~ent becomes the principal owner profits ta lboncholders and stockhold.- R A O E 1ýe cmmonstock, it muet provide ers of a concern, the equity in whose cornmon e~~nterprise han been declared by thePR IET0FTEUIN F of boans or taxes for ail the debta only people at ail in a position ta RSDM F IÉUINO o .11,r railway due or to become due foarn an opinion to be cf ne value- It STATES CALLED AN EMPIRE. and for ail future lasses in operating 15 k lso urged that the strongest pas- The etimaes o expnditre S i sbie protesta ho imade before it in too -, ii.estiarytue oaexe rnditre stîl ate ta al senators, andi members of DO«a Not Possesi a Single Power mecesfigres. Noe oae rn n no r- tParlianient. Ta a ;tB-ç ofre mou fiure. N on nw's What Montreal, August 20, 1917.ThtasNtenCofrd the reai extent of its obligations are. F. W. Maison, James Law, H. R. pnH . The raîlway has bonds outstandirîg Drurnond, Geo'. E. Drummond, Ar- mnand Chaput, Ferd. Prudhornme, As we arle Constantly talklng of the and debts unpaid; so have itas Ili. Zeph. Hebert, A. J. Brown, C. S dernocraUizationocf Gerinany, it le well .,Rdiaries. Thore are guarantees given Garland, H. A. Ekers, Chas. Chaput, that the editor of The World's Work, t to other companies, unpaid bal- A. Guy Rose, Joseph Ainey, C. Mer.- Ini a recent issue, should aupply us, ('Y on contracta and upon ne- dith, C. S. Camnpbell, W. R. Miller, under tht title o! "*Germany'ls long GereCvnii m catr .Rond ta Democracy,- witb esnp butto hatexentta nknw1 W. Blackweli, Andrew J. Dawes, dtiOfo the varlous forme o! govern- assets are is equally un-;RbtHapoG rg R.ope ment In Gerxnany. On. bas oniy te rIl Il t operates and is interestei' George W. Sadien, W. W. Hutchison, pick up the average newspaper ta un- companies, land compahies, Wm. C. FinlyFHWisnGF. io one knows how far it 23rd, commente o te aov as fol- anal oteti Kaiser," that presuruptueus what their assets or lia- iews: gentleman who daims ta, rule hua cm- norto hatextntthe THE RIW YPOLICY. plie tergtt ul ydvn P tes agint te prcaseof heCan- monarch. any any of the ieading capitalista Of son, the King o! Prussia, who bus bIs- ifbusiness men wouid eranteas:s ad abtia, M:ntreal, and tuis pr'otestin BnOt; ta:tWyadvertdsedMhmsef asa Son e! erson he sses ad labiitesandehold earT Wll heownershlp of one cao understsnd the German sys- ante tht al sppoed sset wold voiabl wihoutdan erto atinal Agnin, the newspnpers contain con- be eriere an tht n uniscose ineretsIf he ovenmet wasdi.- stant reterences to the "'Enperor of debta or obligations would appear. To vorced from, the. enterprize, the. an- Germany'" anditi Epr !Gr flnd otteetig,>hr.sc wrt ay ieayohrbs-mn. There la no such thing an an nes unertkirlitheproert soul, «Empreo! Germaay," aay more than and uarnteecanot e stw i itso~njuee, andi undergo there ta any such persan as an uEm. h4 t usual course ini the Unitedth te courseocf liquidation through r.- peror of Genxnany." There in a Ger- Statess been te place tht rond in celvcrship, ent ,e gmaUe~op n Empire and a German Emperr- the and ofa rceierwhoe saffstronger condition in respect of lia- a Deutsches Reich andi a Deutscher thehana f srecivr, hos ~ bilities both of current and cf capi- Kaiser. çsnauérai tem ad lae hem, tai accounit. Thnt appears te be the1 At first it acems that only the mets- before those lnterest.d in an accurate view cf the financiers whose state- physical German mlmd can grssp the and clear; statement. Systems quit. Ment we print, and there la force in distinction; yet the disticinl m as large,, notably thte Uion Pacifie, the viw. portant and tu Itacîf largely expiains the-tchoonTopka nd ant Feand Tht Canadian Northern Muet ho the Germansaystem. For thie Kaiser, - th4tciso Topka nd antaF. nd arrled on as an operatlng read. Tt Qua Kaiser, te really net a menai-eh et the Roclc - Xpand, have In tii. United serves a great terrstory and ýa lrg alSovereignty, that le, does not re. Statea bées tkhreiigh îhi roms ndcommunltY <f peopi. whoae welfare aide In perses. wt au la dependent upon the. operation of! h German coeeptIon of a mon- WIthths rallway, but hatring exhausted its arch ta liat uf a ufan who in hima.!! ,,.cten Jcown te correspond t theInanctal rescures the a fltentv faoepsesssvrlapw iLéy not unreaaonabiy assiiwiy. Tlu." bIS 8« Oiisjatd O"bade et bina. ;~e xecisn ti<.rsit 1cmexTrailway ina ine properhy wIthb ex. #u-a b ntbe tvmu ~. ~Içejlent prospects,hbit afh.r au i on s lm . ' 6powU'5m - BSteprecise No~seiiatOr obligation ta pur- J sad, tin las business- venture wiikil 1 set dovu la a Irtttaa o8uttm chas. la Produccd. In fact, noheudgI ioubd h. allowed'te jfc ee i. u are5i Mr. WllàMoand sud .nmt luth bu etranopîreçi except verba, m sd lu ofn actau;leeuty~ OTIYI150 0ii om th*n b.tWe.n members of the GovOrn- shoulti nct be saddisd wlitâamy avqW oms. 00 citalua alib»,al a05rtmSut t mot Uffd end persom s vi &boée ahiUt>'. 1--no*« Wthe y tii. « a ýii4ýIii f I uer a re.s itai--,.1 Às qtibec&l lt. b"ey. f pld orItwha ~a <~~ ncwalg. ovScueusettaxti TIWW PUÏOIIW fs k$OWI 'UMW îlfe Cou14mt bé. ftWludd In socb .thé. OBasila ou. a~~ dynsstk »d Wtt$ i u W a ; 5 7 a $ S O p t 1< ~ " ' u i I 1 5 o W sse r te -d t,ï b=hp t R ai 1% whâ k ~ ! ~ < l, I S ONLY --SUPERMErle4~ NO Departuent 'Of. Miiai-y As Dees AvIation. Which way la up? Whlcii way lia down - Can you- find the earth if istiln armincloud?-. A French filer recentiy, v 22,000 ftct altitUde, became1 storin. lHt wandered 5roun< Cdouda aeeking a fanilar 1 which wouid guide hlm te Il heatiquarters. Wbl. la bbc m densie clouid, dodglng up hill ai he droppeti hie chi-onomobter. surprisedti t sec It fali 'upwa couid set telf whlcb. was -- Whlch waa "down»" This French avlator, say t médical officera. was "-near-alg bie balance gense and "deafr equilibrial sense-ln ailier wc beiow normai in bis acuity af balance. Suci an avistor mia aponaIbie for ose of the baS ftailure, of reconnaIssaCe nma reacli beatiquartens. On thetOticr band., an avis tuil normal balance sens. nu the grounti sa!ely ev-en when of vision eattreiy. Thtis wma to the attention o! Unitedi St.a Offlcers ln the case Of Miller. -R NO 1heart for anlYthinh", le the Ory TOS f thCusands of meni and-women who' rnlght!-be m ade well by -theéiiew, ied fbloôd Dr-. Wilnas Pluli Pie actu&fly Mlsery day andl nlght la the lot or IhoaitÏ.of men- and vomen who-are to- 4RY the victime of weak nerves. Their I ale. drawn faces and dejeoted atti- Service i'tude tell a iail tale, for nervous weak- man&l ness means belag tortured by morbld thoughts and uiaceountable lits cf de- pression. ThÈèse sufferers are paInful- ly -sensitive and easfly agitated by some chance remark. Siceplesenese 1 o r robs them of energy and strength; their eyes are unken, their limbe waxae at tremble, appetite la poor and memory îoet ln a often tale. This nervous exhaustion dn lathe i l one of the most serltous evils affect-, landmark lng men and women of to-day. The he sector only way ta brlng back sound, vigor- ilidst of a oua health le ta feed the atarved ýnd down, ner, -s winch are clarnorlng for new, qewsrleh. red -blood. This new. good blood ti. er.n be had througb the use of Dr. WiI- U-p.adlams' Pink pms,-&mch fact accounte lie army dieeases brouglit about by this power- Shted" Iln fui blood builder and nerve restorer. .. in hi Through the fair use of tuais medicine 3,d, a thousands of despondent people have f sensing been made briglit. active and strong. ht be re- Dr. Willams' Pink Pilla are sold by ountable ail dealers I in edicine. or may be had iLterlal te by mail at 50 tente a box or six boxes for $2.50 ficm The Dr. WllUams' Medi- 1,tr wlith cine Co., Brockvllle, Opi. ay reach I4 deprlved AIR-RAID VICTIMS. brought~ Ltes a.rmy Innocent Martyrs of the German Cam- aviaorWOO RS t5l.We iluw ill51180 Thetôttais cf the ecasuaities &mont 7.000 feet above the. gro6und. womcn anti chltiren in the air raids ý1ODae descrilng bis sensation, ùb in Eagland ta tht middle of Auguat saiti: "Somethisg seeuied tob. guld- arc as follows: ing me," and he made a succeseul Women killeti.......... 102 landlng andi le receivIng treatinent for Women wounded ....... 60 hieslbat vision to-dayin lu te United Cude ilt------9 SttsChltren wounded ...235 Qualifications Requi-esi. la it nny wancier that public indig- No anti of tie service makes such nation is ah tie boiiing point over tht exacting demanda as dees aviation. assaults of Geu-many's air ficet upon FiNst o! ail the succesaful applicant unproected places, preferably short- muet ha Physically acceptable for mili- resorts where many babes and inva- tai-y service. He muet b. sound luIn its are te be founti anti retaliabion is bodiy anti iIm4, normal In vision, hear- least likely? War ia awtui enough lng anti caler ptrception. In addition, wien man meets brother man in moi- h. muse be natui-aIly athlette anti bave tai enceunter, but it la infinibeiy worse a i-tputatlon. for rellabillty, punctuali- wien tics. wio have passcd as men ty anti honesty, a cool henti la emor- corne under cover of darkneaa anti ie.- gency, ateady hanti anti scunti body, lease destruction upon achool cidren wlth plenty o! reserve, quick-witted, at lhiu deska and molliers and nurses hlghly Intelligent and tractable. seateti on park bencies or trundling a An applîcant May have ail these perambulater. Ib is not easy to con- qualifications anti be famillar wlth thc celve cf more tievilli work lin Iis. tory anti pratice o! militai-y affaira. But- we muet net biink et lb only as. tht practice of photogi-apby'anti wire- a depienabie txajdy taking place atar lesa teicgraphy, a knowledge o! map off. We muet tte.the leson te msklng anti map reading, normal Per- icart andi acutely realize tint If wt do ceptIon o! color. ateroscopie vision. not by ail meane oppose thoit uho and yeb. If he Incita a full normal perpet-ale tics. rutilesa deeds ticy, balance sense he would b. dîsqualifeti will extend thir dastardly operationa for the service abscluteiy. te us ne they faIn opperbuniby. Tiet A man may be perfectuy acceptable innocent martyrs whose blood ia for any other arm o! tht service, ytt retideneti English soit might have been lie sulinormal l tuilesase.e and total- oui- own. iy unflt te depend qipon for the exigen- To aclaieie tliy total cof women and cita o! aviation. -cilîdren killeti anti weunded lie Ger- Whea an. in4iv1d*aIaoi rat ii-a »mnsbuillI up a vaseial a-arnent hiele te bch, hua vision, and bie heai-.&t a prodigous outbay. They danben- Iag are contlnuously -oeat-hbuting ho ed't4 sky wi lie wings oethle air lita orietation, enablitshlm (lu con-1 fleet ne part et n delibrat. campalga' junction wltb hua balanc e nge) ho te inspire terrr. malataia himasit la prope r réition tao Englnt I jil e calm sud ikasfraid. lita envircunet. His balanSco esse Englasd till11declines rcpolyl muy te avayt boiew normal and yeh Murderiiy s.ndtng ber airabipa te un- wlth the add.d Iaelp cemat 1frnttii.,,f etid towns. cUler sources the, indîvidual may Itlte And habas o.rmay gaInegi iy out is 111. vithOut the. realmalon ef b« pr<>eure? Onby the intlgeid mach of a handicap., d"tesahlon et mankdad; only -tiinl- Baa. Berne.Moç$ lIportant . crM" ddetenunnahion te extîrpat a Whea lhe athoapîse owvr, te lesd dynahy, a militai-y sseupolitical th. bird lite- bise nwale.iobt ntsd PbiloMophtat-an o e M ad une viscral seuser-contntu btnhhins «tien umuiei w >ahlpiot& athe . "Ualbinfer&matnfeorie alui etst .nl<hied W ecSelonc ýE. aei vision la a bist bterla acoomplls. a:r'adta cuaIsie fei b luIbýtis air crlentatCOuiis- be fl Motosse lihusp iit 1tbe . esllasm-n4je wbere lie lieMe-are sud bnow deinila fies s2w their soignadeioi t. ly that tuat dIreetIn Ite. Wheu a i k redresa elouis, naista or dsrkeaàe euh et ils visoun e h.tais bqok-bolely a IiAYCOSMR bis balancee TM lus4eilcah aI- t huis n.eaisu iclme, ml ou- CaPIt Wmwm e tewart macie, '*ho water-or luaair,.vilat il isti a put-heedlbMiitiry Crosfor tu. t wltiaoutt$bgtu4the ettu Us, la a s son of Mr, et îas« -* lf Dy A. D., MTs- sei agrt M ~ ~ ~ Pr Mu.ce es. atera i l*os the b.Canadime Facuo es o th 8e r 4.. ucI RMs. ay. Capt t. 5T1.s wop e tie saaiy-boonad*ebl* ams or ftro 1tvh thue firtaI »mdiCuls àallism' syi$.i0 ~5to, g <Ot &" bas btsvlw oul w ndo& the amea ehher tuplas,was mvortant 550 Lina t Ypres nd * Iset»at Viiia toi soi-amiCapt. MaeTi*- vau «--hée Qoma 1»- reMetabsoutelrjoiee"ulat IUmdstlt, akiitM ler. 'Mee beeM a t -ffttest ti .zntuie a man. A p-IlOoq,~,,lewm 6ë tifgffltiru g - muiAtua >The. &eais ' aàaaealive k ReXli 4n - ~a.ra ta the ni-hi u(itt,Of et ii ÏW4e- 1qeg i minent iieay moneta~yie, s ies. i-rate Voa e ppcrtuniti for- *tticrig ItIeter Wm in V w aùe- their educational Plan sud hhoul&. be~ ,~0 eure tue most,- ecoiiomiAa utilized. ý-Exhubits cf fiWâehtin oi oi f ^the tracter -large -fields equipment, short taika cxi lie dangerlhlogfurosa» ecessary. The' Of carelcas iousek"eePMÎ, inegl"¶ted feer the. fieldsap, the i. basoa t r cineys, carelessness ut I lghts -in] la cf Tendandili.ea r i 0-t c barns and sheds, etc., wiil be helpfuL 1 trcl weed- growtis. e Printed mottoes bearing th'e iriforin- Il l»otesusigfaIb atien cf Canada's annual total cff ie, near future, the. P adopted_ hy s losses, as comnpared i wth other coun- Si-ant ceunty fariee isgenerally :foi- tries, and the number cf lvIf v -Iolestlowed-th iig,side tram tbuiougicareicssness a in he use 1orchar4, iawnt ctc.ý1 teÇ whoic tarin et c0ai coit gasoline, etc., would' b.enchloseà , by permnau fences, with: effective. 1 movabie fencea for telprary Changes Te-day the fi-e ciiefu 'reputabion' foilowing upon crop rota ton. dlepends upon hie ability te, prevent: fires, not on bis expertnessa-in extin- 1 5GauatdEcis gulsiing' them after thcy break out.' G.m ,ue ym saei This resuit can only b. achieveti by g,,,,,%amInaedb ceaseicseduestion dethle public, Con- i-reled b uie. tinual and rigiti inspection cf, piemîses NSut lJEeCs%,u for ire riska and by the entorcement, O of by-laws providing foi-the abate-, MwiuseE>te oDruml.» eOr 5 R»&. Shla Tob.. US.. Peet-ML» ment of hazardous conditions. ;,-*lmruicii.R." ..CIe. fPotates in GreenI'nd never grow <r larger than a m4rbe - YES! MAGICALLY r IMaouJilia ue ui,10 'r CORNS LIFT OUT 1 Tht future of mankind isl oui- trust WITH FI!11GERS te maintain andti t defend,-The Ex~ P ROFT-MAK N NWS AND 3015 tcwns. The euhostusefui &Wand ni of aI -businue..Pull inforinatton on aPPlicattou te Wilson Publlahing Cern- Peau-7 muA<elido Street Toroente, C ANCER. TUMORS LUMPS. ETO.< internai sud extonnai. cur.d wlth- out pain by aur homne tregtrment. WrIte u n before to c ltl . Dr e m a M e c i Co-. I nt.d. Colinorwood. Ont. The. Boul of a Piano la the i ~Actin. n1"t on thé 0OTTO HIGEL' PIANO ACTION MOTHERIOQ WOMAW$ JO! Sustons toCh Ies "mcn ie vàu-tuesof Lyd IL'E Pinkiama Vegehable Compouin thi b abiily ho correct steriit inthe cases etmay omen at Weil eýLnb=*be as evidençet- by the. oleing ietterand h U'drede cf 6chie we have puhiaed la tii.. c1um - You say to the drug store man, "GiÎve me a amail bottît of freezone." This wili coat very littie but wiii positiveiy remove every bard or sot coi-n or callus fram ene's feet. A few drapa eft lis new ether comn- pound appiieti direcliy upon n tender, aching corn relieves the soreneas in- stantiy,'nnd soon tie cati-e cern or callue, root and ail, dries up and can b. lifted off with tic fingers.' Tuis ncw way te id oet feet et cerna was introduced by a Cincinnati man, who says that freezono drues in a moment, and simply sirivels up the cern or caibus without irritâtlng tic surrounding skin. Dcn't let fatier ditet infection or leckjaw fi-cm wiittling at bis corns, but clip ii eut andi make hlm try it. If your druggîsb iiaan't any f reezone tell hlm ho order'eai l bottit trom is wholesale drug house for- you.. Wilhelmb Oh, Me! Oh, My! Anti Iikewist 1I1b I i Bih sitili, My curîs, whie I allaI., Me, I. Myseei.th e thi-one, thé Stats; 1 amn the Eni-hi, the Moon, lie Sun- Ail robicti in one! Bath hemispheresamar V Oh, my! If lier. uer. tire., the .bhiee I'd be 1 I amnthe Dipper, Nigrhh and;! Day, Notisand South, Poles, lie Miiky Wnylq I am they liaI wahk, or tfly oit vlng, 'Or swua, or cre.p. -I'm ý'VERY- Il tloh Ix dsys toe th le flaD .5 Oh., t'm T. universe? An easy taule. But R- Qed reat peu mort-y gentlemen, Lot ncthlng yen dlsuuiy 1 . , 1 - 01 1UsIl eiir , et. Ilt linariadeUis m6c tboifor il tie mus gah aide t t hi b taut Tomui it- I j -4 I s j. 1 -

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