Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 30 Aug 1917, p. 5

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r '- t- t. - w Maldng OId Jewelry New 1)>%vn tiyor r nig bt x there are Pr tlutîlly if welry that are doirrg iuiglut hueaile te meti- ernie t henu nto tiemir- altpae Psl) anei styieo, or if Iloi pelermly lîrokeun w-e wil i Raken <ASîl 1%1,Lio . %)'sVA C I'for tuemnu. luer imtIantu', rtat oitt W-r1îc-lu. %Worrluyouh noul jreft-r ri meoedern wi-rt ic îa t-rl hke thle ebovc it it plierS owyorn 1 it -ren lue <dorre. 4 il j) 'r> J I 't LGO&L ~APPENIN8S ( '01. J. E. Farewell bas bren Ill sidne -Friday last. Srtnrday. Septe-nrber I, hast day ut -IRunimage' Sale ai W. G. Walters'. Mr. John Gimbloni tuas puirchasucia ne-w Chevroiette car. Everytilng la schneol supplies _gt .The regular monîhly meeéting ofthéb- V. O. N. illl be be l mIte Home on #ruenda>y, September Pth, a! 3 oclock urday, $*tomber lit, at W, . 0.V- Pt.Vatotne vwu oundei and ln- ýValIdeet home, arrivin; lier. lant week Leave yonr-erder for any neaapaper - - 'or magazine~ at Wbiifleld*, privSo sae tInosaie aà the> pnbllahera', and îhey -canbu owrdt osar>'aderes. w-tb- Mr. Arthur W. Lyndt featbes tvoca ln WhItb -.vmVMondor and1trie-sdy n, irougiso tht snnmer metua Mr. C.-i DlY bas Just cmpletedet patnitnget thie viter tower ontuffl "w k He M 4the ver-k la about tfireé Aaays. .The Islj> locha fie aee bin&- bmnuted. SLadima'$2 and $250 wauh"aredffl tG-*BC_ kt -W. G.- Walîm'. o!e cW,.fi aides. vil store will bave the, the reuidence et Mr. !De1 1I o.Byron Street..* Mis. Wnn. Fey, of To - I.l keep- liùg in mirn4 that Xmas le coming She bas sent.,to Miss Cormnack a pair ef - seks loi the boys at the front. Bfr. J. . James le recovering slýow. ly frova 'a gevème attack of lumb&go brought on-by bis fali two weeks ago iast'Monday trore the roof cf a bulld- Ing. . Mr. and Mrs. Johîn- ýamItâ ofe Brougham. Ont., annenînice the mar- Mage utft hein daughter, Ataa Priseilia, to Mr. Fiarle 13. Hoyle-. son oe tr.x' and Nirs. N. J. Heyle, of Oslaaa. Mlenis odd -Tweed and \.ývv gerge Stritq ai s8.40 sattrrday, St-ptembe-r lat, rit N'. ; Vlrs i J, An afttrnogn roe u-ille re-d-art1w ref-.sld<-nee ut Ninie. W'nr. wnle. 1Byron' Sire-t. tirader nlite tslcW)f-hanh (tuild of AI! -Saints' Cliuireh.,septeng*r unIr. fnomn 3.30 p.m. A sae-k kniting eornp-îioin wilu be- a feateure. anti four itrize-t-t Aii ttcaw-arded. Conte-ni beiin~ îrilt 1 15 Pmu. l3ing yeur owir sot Woj-k Io be donc on leg, or afttr tur lng the hec-t, on stralght,PAKb Adisluni 20c., Includes te&. QntL uif jurete-ds tonrîîatr1otIýobjects. -- (ORRIECTION. 11), a lrrinre-r's e-reron A> ast -issue la a hlocalh Iaragraphlithe nanb o« T. Gamn- mton nppeareel e-lere WI- 'tvimeu was lîrteirdet. The «*W" iew-illten t thé tuee-py, tuti neas dropped b>' coin- positonr and onelookeilW rofreader. "ris e-mot la negretiti. tbe-ause t may huave uccaalesned some anna>-epoe or ern- bas-nasuent. te Innocent rcsns CLASS ROOMS PREPARED. Tlhe werk et prepri.na, tej>#pOma ln tht- old gymnazuunbui In; te seçoni. malai e the- ciasa nAgr1Ëcatn'ê sd Parai Nieehanicir An the MI»gb Seool. las almo«t cmpleîa'd. Mr. RpsSeU Un- tie-nw-od, w-ho led <the cohti-acl.bas rt be-d the *g-rk along. au«, lb. rdoms w- ii be read y fer thre cais on' re-open- lng of achoa. t - Messm Jo. ë r kisb. btits>- guttng lbhe graude tb-h$& Schioci a& ,the BroekStWet àýdl gradeti retdy for sborperige,, As enufoiinate tins! iis verli wasont cennpleled lant sprint. 4*-tIsaI -thes couid have buemneno a good cae-h of cma»a*ver tse law1m ~- - CORRECTION.S IN Ex4mJNATIQN 1RESULTS.-ý- - lWkn thp ig oh iuwaat m»l las Tod. row tir a Glasgow baspItal. 14e txpecieti te be- la hospItal for a mentir. bist uîthiir& wax saas 18ta ber -or w-be-ne ire wne8 injuret. Tie nference, bowee-er. la ihat is Injuries are net ef Mr. .JohntiE. IVaterbouse ls spertIng a ne-c car. John feels asingod as ho ;oolis silice going lI tute jhnley busi- ness Také notice that î*Iwlil "et be te- seîonsible for îeny debtaeontraeted by nry w-ifs- Ada S.14e'lds, ar any ether pet. son. Dated lai Toronrto, Auguat 24. 1917. SALE REGISTER. Saiurdrey. Septenaber $,-Aurction sale oft wo trame hoîraisi-an tw-o lot, on livrant Streot sotirt e property ef MiassHiekie. TVie cntpn(tir of 0110 bouse w-li aise -b. otet. 'Sale at 1.30> o'clock sharp. Wln. Maw, auttlouiier RE'V. J. BE 1"'Fr ANDERSON. A couunieation thi Ibis paper frmn Rer. J. Bennett Andersen, rect of et t Thouna Chinre)> BrookIuin, nmie y«»r ate, andt now lu chargeofet te Chumel et the- Asc*nsIon. 'revte, -setain tle personalIniform~ation ltat Mr. AndEr- dmon va nrrted on June -&18M. amd o*Wbtecl bis golden weddIngànJune 4 lait. Xe. vas ei Fbniir$. lie51 snud begmn te preacli ai <the ap -oet 1 Yem ebas bft e«hAu it«oe 1110!, and may Iii', <o do miuel work PersonalMenton ~CUla~ pp~ ' ce. o a)Ã" P11, ltoowiÏer,'Xmn.Bogart Wh16,by. _ POlt SAtÀ OR TO'RENT. 125 acres, amiles -from Brooklin'; lot 34,con 6,WJîtbyTownship. Good buildings; bz4iw1t)>tone founda- tiens. Geod statéet fciiltivatlon. Pos- session titis 1*11. S'ai terme apply te -George JeniM, Picicering, or to Mmrs. J. Potbergiu WÏIxtby. ..f PARMS TO =ENT. Three farinaof 100, 150 a.nd 20,0, acres respeedveiy. to rent. AUl seutb et sudecioee-te , Pwa Frst-ciasa -sol snd buildinigs. -00",s"te ofcultiva- tion. Possessioni te plow aiter pies- ent crop, tul1.,pOa",otn; April 1. 1918. Appy or. D. Cnnt.Oshawa, Ont. Dated Auguat 8, 1917. -t!. SALE EV TEnDER. Tenders?1i,-e requeted for the pur- Chase eft ibat part ofthte nortb hait ef lot No. 6. lu the lza! cone"son et Pick- eriug, known-us tbe Ama Brown f arrm, containing ninêty acret, more or less. FaiM ga-sôut)> side ef Kingston. Road, about midwaly between Pickering Vil- lage and theTown of Wbitby. Tuo barnsevit> mtoe celiars and a diling boueln good repair, twe Wells and a datern, aise a amali orcb- ard. Posession Aprîl lat.,1919. For mirtIculars as te leaïe and lerms of sale, apply te William Oke. R. R. No. 1. Wbltby, or- J. E. Farewell.. Solieftor. wbftby. i Enter the Bread Making ai Rural School Fairs in Ontario The Caimrpbell Flour Mis Companys great offer of the big Or- Il uadred-and-Fifty -Dollar Pathie pinogm~nnPlis (Fieve cf i ta ri!) and otirer valt:able prizes. for the- beat boates of brcad balued it Cre-iaof tht, West flour, us stiinig np trerenriuos bnlcrest all ovecr Ontario., Many girls axe alreidy btrsy as becs p-uî i erth Creaie <4 tire Wutwýt flour. Lbst >c-r mn'eny girls ce "01hr-e , CiriIh-id ealy pnacted, m serre I cu -îhne mon i Dun't w-a t ilik, arnotiir day. Decrele rigr~licv!,- i cinse. Pre.ctise. Pruse wetir Croi theWest Flour 16* 6 ~u6ot feur a u e urantate4 l'orreud Everv lime yôtr halte witlr ift-nrfine)6C lnets qnia!lics ian iti oertIria akes sa1ui pernrdselbig loat-'cciut dedcious 1igýt bread. Prrîctist i In five district. ernch cannriiing sci-eral couriOs et-, e lmS PAUMIION4S i l gite away frîe in lte winnnér (J itue fîr!'t.isrt iza pi"e cf ire l arge c4teîe¶ ,riaphhs. eacit wtthturel1it large cabinet phaorqraph. At <e-b hfaîr there wolt beg ivere recortds. çevetn a* br n-s tes unt.,nat.,ect oerreea. Valur e ». atiemtulclrtc. 81*5 MIOlaZS Mi M. a44 li. igb., n itu oa rzs Prizes Worth1 Trying Hard For be-rutrully isottui. Itunniateti book euh *011 pags O e-c ci firSt at ue tiralîy bccoons co ttorfe 14#te8e an 'ticies tcablubt 5tpttetnpW *mli .-foîwa#Llsrctlrrea-clprlia ortr se-c-mg,*ro leii..t4,titung parterutatlyIy utei-eti lot 1It tPrit.-T'ia - r cett t. <it ~~ ~ ~tls.-'tft1iit ~f1 i4 . i eýI %v it)go'en ft-l,ul essrtdais tvis *t~ll met or a Iliettierr. t Il-ut.s ii -P te4rrcêrr c nsent' eeStl>' lu4n buinaiwI'e- gniu~t beulîr suetî t i riti lt i etrtl u iîtliil; >outi tulml indesofttt7t,' 3M Saoul Pi."IeaOvctse, ae, cbit baund.- -rneo¶tLTi yltuc, #UQ.0.Q - - soreuli bumnd ibook witk manie erelutreed l net, u in thia 20r - tsi IfCin.-.4t ô f <-rtc'Wnlc #ter-ra acdd etesrîptlons Cfthde Ceuîrutrfrc atid- tihe poopits 4idly Itkourd en1utuet w-inth inmrj14 Iiut iettffAronng th6 ý-t ai kaiac t e-mwî@ Launire. (steks it b fiis -Are 'O1v.*tertane ýc(urîilyt ita:- maPrind--"stn.Qum,# G1<1 tutir" bck tip. " 'fleseaeqtwe t-tihenmt entwractpg mites" ot stdêlea. piemure'm and ettncai articlo ea b riue's lied tc rltrl wrlore; Oîie a-e-cds fn-nanea u uitoet it t'iboutr*st-ofer #- Srd4t5, 5 7l4.aj..tt<ëg>&<ut# i~et!lcs it ,în~ ubter xsl*r ot- sacre*y otisf tweed rislelsq. Inusel tnof tabortoîtc - adilat et- trs~andut-eunl Iciss ~li s wi'te'e. Uslesqtt-the t4o eld artilue. au jusi preA te l té1nr-dieStt u4nthe ,uuecsueiee ua c er e , tsuriipri". iiil e î tt5alle. miand t*Oough 4WAs îbo -_tir sud-. uorqr ifgv.nie; *m#4L- isi Lad SrdUY Cx~diionof CutÇA Y e'- town), one day this wýek, and ealled on soine of bis old frtengB. - Mr. G. C. Bowesof NewYork, basî been v islting b Le &luter, MMs.W.,J. H.1 RIcbardson. -IRe arrlved- <n towli on Monday »lght and depa.rted Wednffday Sasmuel Rice, an ol.d Whfitby lboy, Whro has been lving ln thé West for a nuse- ber et yoars. was -ln tqwM last %'eek looking up oW frIends.' Miss Alleen Landrn, of- Barrie, bas been visitfng ber father. MV. P. Lan. don. Mr. Landon's sister, frein Sask- aiechewan, bas aise been visiting hlm. 'Miss M. V. Powell gaee te London, Ontario. early next montb. at thlinvi. tation of Lady Beek, te s4dresu a con- v'ention et Red Crase and Canadian War Contingent Association Workers. Mr. and Mrs. C. A. McClellan and the, Misses Burns motored 1GDB1eckvlle. aend are vlsiting witx the lbatter*s sis. ter, M.%rs. George T, ew* Mr. and Mrs. Nt. A. Fraser. Missesw Carnie and Amy Fraier and Mrs. (Dr.) E. L Procter, were ln attendance last Wednesday at the muarriage lri Torontro of Dr. Wlil Fraser, Mm. Fowke anid ebtidren, ot Oshawa. ani Mrs. O'Donovan, of Whitby, Mo- tored to Orfila hast vreek and sperit a Ifew gays witb Rer. Geo. A. andi Mrs. M'%cLean lit their beaintiful new home. .%r. F. Landon, plumber, wbo hba contraci for tihe plumbinÉ work inaa fine residence that la being erecteti An Býradford village for Mr. Oscar Luker. qpent part ut last week In that vil- lage. anti left Whitby agghr uor Tues. day morping for Biradford ta resumne the work. Mr. and Nirs. Wm. 'Parlianrent and tamnuly and Mr. Parliament'a falher, et, Canniregton, meîered te NVbitby on Sunday and -spent the day with Mr,, and Mm. John MacCarl. Richard Mac- Cari, 'abo bas been emplyed Iin PrIn- gle's bijîcher shop, retuiredl home with these. wbere he Intends utaying fer saieelime. GRÈENWOOD. It As reported that Mr., F.L Green bas rented bis big tWrm ta M*r.' W. G. Ormerod, and that Mr. <Ore". wil di-" pos5e et bis herd et jersey towe and ailier fine catthe. OQ roomt'd bouse, Apply azeaw e- 1'urnsbt< bouse, 7 rooms, wt) con. >'eniences. A4pply at the Gazette cilce. HOUSE AN!> LOT FOR SALE. Tenders will be rée1red by the un- de-igned up te Octeber 1. 1917, for the purchas. et a mail trame bouse and 1lot, Kingeton Road eaut. Lot % aRem Barjiln gOod repair. Sui&)) ojëbard. WiJl bir- aold os eaay terms e vs!o "ytender flot oearU-cbtd AJ>ply te A. Z. WInteir,1 àhawa ee, Th'e Whiîby NIghi School wil re- iliis during the comIng par, on ac- Jobnisoi will b(e-liattefidnce'at the article. BesidtS l)rovidiug rtacks, flan- Higb iSebool <adn eveniag tram 3fpn- net shirts and ather comnforts for lte day 111 Thursday, iaeltiiit#, tAÀl e, boys An Une trenches.7 the Society aise -o- oners In Gernnany, and bas nover re- A gardon Part y mwas lid a-n Vednrlrî'frrsed assistance to any'appeal for behp day afiernocur last on Nirs. ('urrack's Ihi any branch of war work. *A cn iawri on [Byron erre-et, for a tew of nass of tire reu-r 'a-th be muade aekingi tt-( rettrle-d eoldii-rs. 'l'tiri waË one a îuionihiy sîîhscrlpiion of S50 cents for uf a irnihacr hid this suinrnern an var- the War Relief Furid. A apontai tep-, t(lis placcrs In tlIo ni b zret-things,-tueal s ruade te (!le 3-otenn men of the tle-asanuifor Inle'boys lankîraki ' - omîr ro thus assist li supping with --- conforis orur boys wiîo are se gallantly 'Mr. liobe-ris. thre-ie-w cgrçtaker of the- hoding the Unes for us ait the front. Higî S lhàhi., iiiug 9:"Varvalken j-O-' burgits leplace as baggage. muan rtIthe- Two ladiesa fnornOshiawa, whose Juàn-iloi statiIon dutrg the attérs att-ri fiat-nes %% are flot learned. happeaed with st-tîct- on a lioliday Mnf. Roberts. is an - a cliglit raccidentriAn Whlby on Sunday lu t e trguneer oun tht-(le ..and tuie job ati1e-nnoon.* They drove to Wb'itby Ini a of lragg.age- mani conies easy tu hier. buîggy (0 cL<î upon a friend. Whie -->-- standing Ann froni of tire friü-id's bouse. NIr. G; S. Johunsîenr Principal of the Iieir îuouy w-as frigiened hy a dog. 1lilîrSclîee. re-iurne-d irotue from and jrnnitîiuîjr 10 one. aide- upset the- Guelvli onrl-nidne hast hîening cern- buggy,. tIrnou ig botît hadiee oui. The, luiti î a n neo inonil ha' course inn !gri- 3-otunlge-r of ilire- i o lnjinre-d lier armI n I <tlt tint- aunrd 'ari M.eiçchamIt..%In. the-(all tht-e-ide-r. who bolet a vers- h JIli is-oui s raine- aliliarsa înon gn t ih ose youn g h;ueAn h i- r arms, w-as net hort luf thiegicetsfiIe idt n itrarr il, ru lulie-nun rtebabe. I ndced rte babe of rl ci ourse. îiibiisle-d In Illie- 4;lly N% artnon (-% en îî wakent-d froei sleep. The titieof Saur iday hast. horst- vuas eaitti tanrd, the buggy (seing t î~nintjnrud, %res driven Irne te Oshbawa 'I't linirn rnit netslie-ni-f('eute r.illake by a W)u ir by fnie-,nd. the- ladies ueine B. Bton te-un w Itu-ph-a.s.,d Ioknow irhat ar-tt-omne In un autiomobile. lIre ii;,, reeo' e-ru-elfrom sjiî el-ells ai-.o- ireck o<i-r rpuendieiils, la'VIng be-en dAîts- MISS OSBORNE ILL. c-hangs-d fretin rrrnishoit rHosptl. He Miss Osborie<ne tif tire teacdr n r s u pe c-iiontuonvey' lav- e nuvre-etScrooî habeeri fonced cri itrat lnigitint-le lgtiîlrnd.i;of Scot - tir nei'gzir IIn e-sseItie-nde-r lie- r esignL- land. '- 1 tun Io th int'H rdtof Eductaienr. XM issi 1.7,L'os'Twéd ad SrgeSuis, p-Osborne w-as -taken Ilii ntlier bomne la Clfl l1tues, $4.9d rt d.Sere seutaSp-strsttforei. Ont.. rend i-sbound te baVe cia- unete 5.!uOut WG~ W.ltes'. iii aime-le otapîucndieitiB Inan advaneed i - e.Se- w-art itirri-d te the haspital Mur. Henry 'lhson. of Pare Wbtb. anrd optnaîe-d rupen Ilmmu-diatelv. At la roin(ulering ail addliJàý,, 44l 8i~r4- -rat revort rta inrd camte tîrougir the deia on rifracin sy ils-i Mn.worhlsnoperaîlon satcly. but badI t been de- ira doc ~radicullyahitht 'eon - biar-Ia-d a few heurs ftal reaults wotilil4 self, I laraetne-eventaft Mura- h..... eeti ce-nain. Miss Osborne wilt Inge, Saturday alternaoeUlidd holiF enalule te résume lier work for samec days. He will bave a neat tend cota- inoarintn iee lier nosigiratian. fortable bouse when «uMPleteil. and -0 w1-11 have thet- lvs-ny common bunor Mr. and Mra. C. Ted. have recelved n ut bildIg irs oa Irnie.-~ - - b-eIrîgam f rua i lcr son, Lieut. Deug- FOR M-A e'ameainlieuset'or ai r , ly mu«Co ofi lot 85,e-ea. 1,t. par-t e ot 1,ilea. 1, Cood builIdhmnga; 500* tien, PinsasnO#Ço terni &Mr yte MNW&. arom oror eA., W. R by. nt---t A »d -se. aê M L tces4nt miýwna. E,' - St Byromn ~tr.et rm~op.~u, se pv.uublishe th<p e e- f &atu 4ea*Wonsr. Lura 44 tw Juulituer sen B tnal bem granteet Par 1. of tqrpp ed .'@ot. Aluod Yilciardan bas u -p.Ibn . Fr iUderson b be hU- or Matlrtlatien. [resa 360aetn rtrts ASi -t)>fienlu e wa.atwfle. 1 gelapril arelsin mi"iRObifliO. («iwochiu, vw5hiic <wen tasAy vIlli Mima Miai. Iauu"an XIONET 'ORWAR iu liij s»A m 0. O. Il fes ae nmA rait" nWoney laa fsiems8iite, W&', »aUs er>' 4100$INMfor " itý*ar C«aaSi<et ferthe'> u:ar »sM endel e.ow- li<m ~ ,*g s~ woo auneeanu 0M* ues is, hieultiuwit)> Wr- = W.li rE. lth ! 't r' t'- *W. C.T. U. r Stî i t t -ri s 1,,. r I. ld ilfa1ek ol.r . Ir ut liilt i( u-t nld lit r r wpor mnir dquiIiri a(tOi 1 .\ hF rs i ."aiîd t1oflire m i r t1.iri td dii itk thrie ril'I % .U re-n t liofsand id h1d, aré du t-liiig InI iiid t -fiy sel torîlh to trot oue of ail that goûlî seeking iIU)ior, liera ile no liquor bere if, spkf'1'd be..a treak. tkes a strong man soine money. &a isi I l.t annot blow If ln for r iir îî. ruîtarit.taet gin. a.nd 4i tiimes. in îfls dispair. h.- buys itis ti ldrn fchu' '- o Ntear. or gives hili %\ ii a .iargt-)41 11 i l.i whi-h Fiotuid (tel ti nIrlie-brfwtrt ili t0).driven Irarrîle Ii tlie- lau w I t 14bI r lite Ili lice itîr ron is imta - t li t ' (,i std iv sorie fotI criik -lwi m i-ul ro e.y 111 t liel biki or bfr s lu iîsil! t hoUste anrd lot,1 mii tr w Ilh ui rt ouhtot. 'l're fi(t%% s Ourt yaewrs lî4rivt lsW etaiv.t-,t ere ar( ni idol ugs tirt tir ail; ou r pooî île le-tt e tiffle'tîi l'%- el wtitr Vusbands s-># doni lt anthe-wir w e rîîronce a par ;it#n- î)rr >oii bun ks ttrug;igt-d lîy plain or fa~i c,> <1 ruirk s. Il n s rl sr rrîud lite wel le-ad. ai d untucli 1 fur w t-'IIl goo ne se-ad( wen-if ru1lut-o a i bouling kl-i. n.îd rut oîir juil tiiu.se argalii'll-VII1f MJeîpff TU1 #'EVDAY 0F VOUTUfl:. ý 'it le a1WàWrywfh lèuctance that somne -pupils à.t-iw school, but, when they get to work they are enthusýià,stie about t. *~The bappiet daye in one's life are school dayis- provided,. et course, the necessary things are at habýd to mnake goed wotk possible and plessant. We bandie the STAINDARD BOOKS requirèd iiall Sgrades, Our stock of - -ý -SC11o0 *Supplies is large and varied, 80 we can provide anything that' may be needed. PenC1is, Pei, PeU Iloldelme, Érasem's,, Inks, Crayons, Composition Books, Rulers, Pastes, Drawlng "eat~ls, etc. WH I!TFI ELIYS - DRIJ anud STATIONERY STORE WIIITlBY* ONTARIO Sole Adentfo utrk Patterns Sote Agent fer Nyai Preparations Leave youir order for Piano Tuning with u-.; We hal ~ nbra Riemllngtorn, VI'Wn Loading Outfits, Etc, GEOe Me RICE, ýWhItby Everythlng On Hardware. at ILowest Prices. - I 1

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