Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 16 Aug 1917, p. 8

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I/e R Give Vour Wife One THOUSANDS of wives and, cars. They use them foi the theatre, taking. the daughters run their own Ford r shopping. calling. attending Schildren for a run in the cou ntry or to school. The Ford is as ea sy to operate as a kitchen range, no Icnowledge of mechanical details being necessary. Inexpen- sive to operate. A woman can cali around town ail after- noon, or take a 25-mile spinfl-in the country, at the minimum of cost for gasoline. oil, wear on tires, etc. -Vou couldn't give Ilher " a Present she would appreciate more than this béautifu,,Lmodern, car, with its stream-line effect, tapered' hood andi crown fenders. Run~about - $475 Toùring- Coupelet - -795 w. Je 1. Ford Dealers, Townm Ca - $780 495 -Sed» e- -890 F. 0. B. Ford, Ont. LUKFI & SON Whitby, Ont* IIEALTKNJL! APPETIZINGI N1GOAT 1G V- ieLa-Ibel aie Makes Good Frlends Everywhere ____________________ Mrs. J. Knott, Mise Olive Knott'and Fýfr, and mis-,Nora Inueil for M.Chas. liollynian,* ait of Toronto,, haviltg passed thetr Higli Schéol pro- wewyL~ esrmr. visitors at Mr.,^. C. liVs mooneantlM - Il MrÉ. Cheyne and Mauter Willie Mr. and Mm. O Sebert have been Chyl are wth M1ra. Tojatinson. ln Lonidoni, Ont., where they went te 4ri epi iu Ms Rv)Jms ars fT-eo t thir son, Capt. L. 3. Sebert, be- Mrs. (Rhte er foame Mas, c0f To-fore his departure for overmeas service. ontmyofil er odfor a ew day, al He left lait week for China, where lie _________________________ o may o be ei trend. as been ordered by the Miiittary îlROOLIN.The many friend& of bfra. Elviss wil Authoritie. BROOLIN.regret to learn that her bealth, whicb Win-ttie-War Brooklin Ladies' Aid Mrs. Janmes Cuttie, with lier son, ia.s been failing forsome lime, is Imach and Red Cross. Moving pletures of the Sam Cuttie, and lus threé daughters, worse. war. Ten reels of pictures will be is visltin.- at Mr. James Skin-ner's. It Mr. Wesley Tlnk. and -Mr. Fred sbown at the Masonie Hail, Breoklin, la sorne years mince Mrs. Cuttl<' moved Skinner. wbo- bave been living ln the on the eveniag of Thursday, August 16, from bere to Toronto. Her lîusbnnd States, have Wen conscripted. b>' Mr. Norman Gunn. of Toronto; Was editor of tt ilrst and only paper MNr. and INrs. Norman ColwiU mo- muaie and songs b>' lecâl talent. Re- prlnted lni ibis village called the torpd to Sunderland on Sunday. turned soldiers from Whitby Convales- 1)rooh*lin TiNCG. Word bau been received bere of the ceni Hospital wili also take part. Corne MiEs Oil'er and Mr. Gordon White dç-ath of Mrà. Gillam, of Sandusky, and lIelp the boys at the front. Admis- have motored to the' Thousand lu- Mlich.- She was the youingest sister of sieti 25c. and 15C. landswhere they wili sleend their bol- ' %r%. James Maynnrd. anîd %petit lier idays.- girlhood days in tlijs viciaity. 'RALSAM. Miss Ethe iol Inîer, of Toronto, lu hIrLq not otteti we bear of the pulpit bisas Belinda Jones bas returned holidaying at Ito lw binx represetd ln the hiarvest field. home frem Stouffrille. buits ruchiw4she case here. The flev. Mr. A number from bere attended the MIr. and Mrs. Fred àMorrimot. of To- Folî'y hlx e- i %orking for sone lRed Cross garden Party' at KInsale. ronto, are ait Mr. Wni. Fow14i s. îe.-ks on the fiarni. At present lie la John Comapton, of Gien Major, la Mr,.M'm. Kerr wa'4 taken qtiits, 111 iîelp)lng hgrvest ai Mr. Ga:letleys, who working for NIr. Appleby these days. on Sunday. but Is irnproved aufficient- la zunable to do bis work owtng to Ili *tr. and Mrm. C. Cadieux. of Stouff- 1>' in be around again. 1hpfalth. ville, spent Sunda>' witb David and Mirs. WM* i.Lot, or W1i't-,.915 stzl>Ifnz Mr Conquerhood, of Toronto,. pe Mrs. Jones. for a fvNv das w ith hur ululer. Nlrm.letalist tri Yotintt leople's work. wil Roy Ward spent Sunday lit Ashburn. Bourst. 1 lroacri l the Met hodist Church inoru- Fred. Ward ahipped a car load of Mr. R.Flemin. of i kham, and nde%,enlng on Stinday neit. luogs front Dagmar on Tuesday last. Ms -La i.of I.onIdo1 Ia-n),I Suil- ,, gratuiatliins toliss Alicé %Moore. Fred Redshaw is busy t1iese days day wit.b Mr. a:îd Mr.. (1anlte Ellioti. Miss Ale o'n Moore and Mastor John helping Richard tDay thresh. fi*ea smore Catkrrb la thia eeion cd the country ttuaai eter dieesesut tniiaether.ed fer yuurs Il wu. suprosed t6e lumpliatî. Doctors preoeribed boéet remettiez. mnd by cou- eIuti? fel1 te aicue wftuh t10=1 remlmer i. pro- osoWtcdt:incuralile, Catarritlaallo idisease, !:grî nfiueoed 67 aonstitutioamlcoaditicua sd i - .1w-e requires conetituihimi l Icl- me«.ut. lait.Catari Cut, ,aausfacturmily Ir. j. Cbeuey & Co.. Teledo. Obi-) la a cou- etltiéoumI vemedy. te taken lîutermahy end scte thm theb lo u tte m's s urfaces of the ygem. Ose liuadred Dollars reweu-d l4 odf. 04 fer suy cseat bm!UO. Ctarvb Cure fatla te cute. sied for circlae ansd teulmumla. y., 1. e EN av&aCu. Teledo, Obis UHI alls s.nia er eousupsuIo. PICKERING. Thie PIckerini puDils uttending the Whttby Htgh Scteoh diirlng the past year are to be congratulated upon their mpiendid record. Eyeny one was mue- cessfui. The follewlag lu lieIliai of pupils and the examinatlons obtained- Entrance te Facultleti et Education, Part I.. tanna Andrew; Entrante te Normal Scbools, Marjorie Allaway, Coll Everxt and OGeorgie Shirley. Jun- ior Matnlculutlon, Georgie Shirley <cemp1ete>. IL Aliaway <paila); Ferla I. rancesShirley. - BAGOOTSVILLE. Haying la Ibis vicinft>' tusa thiag et the puit. and liarveit has begunt. Mr. James Cote lauesthe.sltk tint. ,io friends hope te mee hlm roimd s005. ALMONDS. The. limaof th. tbresbing machine tan bu lietrd orce more. Mr. Chartes Spencer ha# commenced alsike ibresi. Mn. Ceelu Wood. ef Tenante. spent the week-end at bitihome bore. bMn. Robia tNicholson, et Whitby, vWs itet ln ourmidat last Sunda>'. Mms J. Emineruon lias bora rti;lng with ber dangliter at A4lneurt. MIsSt Funk and Mima ieats. et Toron- to, ire siianding two weeksai Miss Gertrude Kemps MiWs LIIA Emnruon vLid aat Port Perry ove-r the week-end,. ]mssMarie >Hill and MIssJean Me. CuuiofetToroate, are bblidaying fer a eouple ef weeks W" hMiss Roie cas- -Mr. C. idempbers. habeena uder- soin; ir"aimet la a Tgreulo tuplial, We boe bis healili may soos 6e lme- Mr'. and M-rU .wes and famil>', ef Toronto. are pending a week ai W. Oingmau Mn. and Mm& 2. Crocher and MI»a Norma Jeomp. ofT 'routo. risfted ai %V. Kemp*,twe ovetie o hldy. Mr. È. Dickit la on the «tek liai. Gtad te report Mr. F. Mackey te tan- provIng alctl>, and is suzpctesd houa 11e. M~ oie, n roOtata Sabbats lthoints Sle buje sl James MeCeui Opea4 u em t *sVIXliptI IOSlýT -S[E I Drsdfu Palm Aul The Tima.Ua Ifsl tmà MpRrrALfTMW".- MYRlk=,- TATION. MtWm GraceeWalker, o r sreville, ls vittnZ at !W. Grahaan's. A reiresentative of the Dominion Alliance wili take tihe service ut cliurcb neit Sunda>' evenlng. Mns. James Diekuon 13 spending ibis week witli friends ln Toronto. Mr. 0. Downey was ln Toronto lait week attending the convention of Odd- fellows beld t.here. f COLUMBUS. Mr. FlQyd Nloon. ef Oshawa, spent the week-end at bis grandmotlier'u. here. Mr. M. Doolittle lias ben appointed manager of the liog snd sbeep depart- ment at the Toronto Exhbbtiotr Contracter Sbortridge la building a cOrnent walk lu front of the mcoov bouse thus week. >drs. R. Langmaid aud family have gone to Toronto wbere they intend to lire. Milss Daisy Wlvçoxeon spent tbis week under the parental roof. rHORNTON'S CORNERS. A ver>' pleasant time was spent ai the picnic last Wednesday ln epite of the Inclement weatber. Miss Gertrude Loftboumse and sore girl friends f rom Toronto. spent last wcek at Mn. P. Lofthouse's. Mrg. D. Gillespie and eilîdren. of Toronto, are vlsiting at Mrs. J. El- liott's. * Mrs. C. Foilest spent a fcw days last week in théelciy. Miss% Loueplla Morris. of Toronto. k; spending a fev days with Mrs. 1. Hug- gina&. diss Ernma %N'ater. of Detroit, le spendlng a f&-v days with Miss Helen B3uss. .Mr. and Mr. E. Lick, Harold and Roy> Lick, Miss Janle Sturgess and Mlins Helen Busrnotored t0 Niagura last Th ii rsday. Mr. E. 'Sturgesu. or Toronto, vielied at Mn. Wm. SturgessuX receiiily. Mn. and Mtre. Banner. of Toronto. visited ai Mr. A. Roblinson's laut Sun- day. Mrs. F. E. Frencli and Miss Olive vistted Mies L. G. Francis in Brooklin asat Stînday. Mis% Gertrude Lofthouse eniertaîn- Pd some of ber girl friends last Tiles- day evenlng. A ver>' pleasant tine- was spent by all. Mr, and Mra. Ira Huggins vlulied frlends in Orone test Sunda>'. . l . G. T huinan Visited lni Uxbridge recen tlIy. SEPTEMBER COSMOPOLITAN. Robert W. Chtainbers' new noyel, **Tbe Rentheas $ex**- a new sten>' b> Fannie Murat, Il Get Ready the Wreatbs"; a thriller, "The. Purple wPWÉR FRMIG InrassProduction ý-:-ý,Wit-h Lis-:IIp We seli1 Avery Tractors suited to the isize of yc ur farin. The best iniestménit you can mace, YcrU Can plow one, acre of -grou.nd on one gallon of coal oil. AVERY TRACTORS are built in the following sizes-5-io, 12-25, 18-36, 25-50p. 40-8o, adapted for ail farm reqtixements-,field work, belt work, road work. With a Cockshutt or Grand DYetour Tractor Plow one man can do your work. Ask us for infor- -- mation. We have a large stock of machînery'on hand. Whitby STANDARD BANK d'lut0F CANADA îvIIeAD oOPVeziCE-ROnNTO FARMERS Advances to farmers are made KSTIO 1873 a special feature by this -Bank. 238. WHITBY BRANCH asý-k. by Gouverneur Morris. Other greai fentuires by Theodore 'Dreiser, Cyntia Stockley, Herbert Kaufmnan. C. N. and A. M. Williamson. Lillie Lang- try. Jack London. Arthur Reeve. Mlary Roberts Rineliart.EIia Wboeler WIcox,. George Ade and many> othere. SALE REGISTER. Saturday. Auguet 1S.-Auction male of bouse. îwo lotst and ioîîseboldf ur- niture, the property of tie Misses Sice- han. Wellington Street. Whitby. Sale at 1.30. Termu-turnittire, cash; for prot>arty miade kuown i t, ime of sale. Wm. liaw, auctioneer. BIRTIIS. CRAWFORTH.-At 143 Centre Street, Oshiawa, on Tliuruday, August Pti,, 1917, te Mr. sud Mrs. A. W. Craw- forth. (nee Ele AniL) a daugiter, (Aima Grace). Mag - MARRIÀGIIS. O'DEll.à-il RTR CK.-A t the rectery,, on Monday. August 13, b> Rev. R_ W. Allen, John ODeli, 0f Uxbridm!~ to Miss Olive. yotîngest daugliteir of Mrs. John Hartrilek. Ash Street, Wtîltby. CLARK-BATHE. - At St. George'e- Chtîrch, Oshîawa, on Satîîrday, Au- guet liii, b> Rev. _R. W. Allei. Eleanor Daisy Baîlie, to Ueo, Cmarf.- botb of Oshawa. -KIRK-CORNISH. - At the rector>',. Whitby, on Monday, Atigust 13tli, b>' Rey. R. W. Allen. Velum Graco Cor- nisb. 10 Erneet Alexander KIrk, both of Oshawa. G1BBARO.-On Wedneuday._ Âugust 8., at the residence ef lber son. Geo. E. Glbbard, 1371 Kiltg St. West, Toroni- te. Margaret Glbbard, - ellct et the late A. H. Gibbard, of Dartingtôn, Ont., la ber 9pith year. GOODFELLOW.-i Barrie, on Th urs- day, August 9, 1917, Joaep-g Qofol- low, ta bis 82nd. year. Enter the BreadMakn The Campbiell Flour Mills-oaa" got.. ~ the big One-Hndrdaamd-Ypifty-Dollîr p&tbe phonograplia (FiveOof thont 1) and otbu valubla t, mêfur -the best ciese bread bak.d wlth ýCrassa etthe West aoôUr, 14. stirring Up treatondoUs Intert a&U ovin Ontaa'i, lL*Ay girls are alroidy busy «s hou practing witl'Cresa iOf th« West tour. Luit y= an ay girl* doei"r", if 1 iê... Only practimed, !1'imure 1 could ha#* woal" Don't waàtt ï anothor day, Decîde right aowt P"»elorq. ê Practiie with l every time you balte wih k you find out suri qusitima In ibis fgoût tbat.,MakossmCll splendid big baves o14.llclous lgt ired. soera conUo, w «n S P -in cabstm will We away free to thwinner o the first district pit* à_- ie t ii m lte aliulst Pliop "Ohap hb.U i tt W lulagoecabnet phonograph. AI cauh fait ibors wiU har fý rme Worth Trying Hard Fo6r- lalas rme- int Oa auai.e rastt mirnrs -Othe rs mbe*4& sep.th" iet boo.le. ga re;* the5. etihadWl-pd ôryuhier# l1% i pao bl et~ ruo-~tns.olerîta **M# ia t-*ubr l r m6'z:uiîuly *Mted Uocal prs.wStel - bet 'Vameus lieu awd#t" Siowne lsitl etprises. 15o )trl£ ?ioe-Tbo - I'athepiue* list t Olnstg telueSa.bit iauhogiiy pionggrapli we, lt * se Il li taiyu endieit plosure iijê uaitaatifeîlma. it bas apaciai nproducer *04. m npaîiaamublihtg y«en ter lmy l-kindi dier##tds etof ater what mM .Th# PA! wredueebatti -oait ubesîrs moit, macjmmu* pimesperrtir îu ee em th* s M84d aWa ai.Sc c iëkehut'works,1 lii'bous-I vvlus-*l MOD niaulstrA$iti», A 0%(b *t cro "011,car Twist" &ed "'O01 U* " The -u iv t iii. of .955 M st Qlraaali s#n vit.t Possesses the delicious hop flavor, the creamy head, the ýrich amber color, rilnc adbody j-- of the .,Older brew, wbich for more- th4n-5o years held premier-place amion Caaian aies. Vôn wiI find4 it a -<Wiçi4us- bciterq,m: We-%F. Dlsney, C. g , .efl .la . 4, y - I min Verona, Ont., Nov. llth., 1915. 'I stîffered for a number ot yrars with Rheurnalhsm c nd sevre Pauns in Side and Dock, from strains and heavy lifting. When 1 had giN-en up hope of ever belng well :gaiu, a fnîend ree.ommenîled "«Fruit-a-tives 1 to me and ll/er usingf t/te irsi box 1udt lsi ouk -hler that I contintmed to take tliem, and now I amn enjot ing the best of licath, tllanks9 to your<ýemedy ". If you -who are roading thaia-ILave any Kidnpy or Bladder Troublle, or suifer with liheumati.,ru or Pain In Tho ]Rack or stornaclî Troubie-givo "Fr t., a-tires" a fair trial. Thîis wonderfui frui maedicine wiii do )-ou a world of good, Us It cures wlien everylthig clýé fails. 50c. a box, 6 fur $2.50, trial size, «2,$c. At dealers or sont postpaid on receipt of prie by ïruit-a-tivcs Limited, Ottawa. home wotinded ho will Certalnly feel he played the mani. and we trust bis old associates and friends will appre- clate lis loyalty t0 cotuntry and extend the welcome haud along with çongrrat-! ultsud beut wisbes for his fu. Jamps Pengehlly agreed to do smre thresbing for some of the Jollses, near Mount ZVon. this weWc.1 -ýc 'b 1

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