Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 2 Aug 1917, p. 6

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SI s. s 4 ~fi'4> 9- - i 'i -e '1 - t' ࣠Plu TH *0ING t q euzàe, imab a theW' t: tROe 11Ee teacl t rs coehjy standing in IT IS A VERY REAL TIGI felUI a deafenlng crash close by, .----~' ENGLAND NOW. and. tIsrhere "lsgna of paic moag ____________ thee maller clildreat-wiienthe heati- master, pushing me int» -,thse eae-dDP A"'s C0IJISE 1W HOUSEHOLD SCIENCE COMPLETEIN'ilA An Engbishwomn Describes thea Aw- roomn, sali: Were ai l gt, cblîdren. A AGT HT Sec, hece's a soldierl lVho's alaiti T" TWETYFIVE LESSONS. ip~!UtSII 1 m flUI Sces WhiRlC eOIw a Then he shouted, "Are we downheart-- Lesson IV,-Cellulose. 3 U D II 4m ê "HoetiWeAfr Raid. ed?" The reply came immediately, ln The human body le tthe most won- to perf orm the'rfntospoeli *PM w dunauelu a thunderlng 'No'!" derful piece of- machinery In existence.'ie necessary to(n od wihhv PBESERVINGLABELSM E Fin ' .nu -To be bombed in broad daylight by hstepo rterwantec-buk ba rcro oP r ae ieGaua oie arrflsuzue isontissue. - n o var- 10f these foodth'otueflar tion. O.rdex uy naine fom In London we are growing accus- DAYLIGHT SAVING IN EUFROPB. specta it may be lilcenea to a eteam, vegetables, whihntliycnanCNTUTD Atlantic SuM tomed te that highly unpleaaant sen- angine, ber-aUse it must have fuel a»d minerai salt. usiecnanclu Refineries Ilmited )'OUr grocer. saî. ý lbiation.An MoNIIULI 10, 20 & 1004L. uck-2 & Sal. cartons The Germans are determined that Han Proved a Success and M*ana urctin n like the. engin. loge, a substanceta eacmutbe 1 n figtunss hl hl wy vr Svigi -n aa which Iaav'es a quantity of waate mat- Bytswem n th atcluoeis newevc HlaSmderen 337 "frthe fuLdn e"sah hid ea oer DyitsavgingMa bVvna suc. ter caUled ashes, so the body produces drge4ed, is noe ovre nt io; Aeae lt onsHg the Lndonstrets, rxte an ng- ayliht eyinghas een sucece aste products which. muet be elimin- but it ie valuablebcuei sit h - _____ h~~~~ishwoman. in Europe. Twelve countries are ated. intestines to dichretewsepoThrMakmnh. Last year we Londoners could look workingz.and reating with the 'dcock The process of digestion starts9 in ducts. up on fine days into a sky of imitiese turned forwaa-d. The systezu is 'n the mOuth, is contina i e tomach, / P hk o nt rfe agttit cre blue. W. couid dream very 1rett ff ect in Great Britain, France, Ger- and finishes in tlbe intestines. The .iurnish themnwt ufcet xrievne y emrws o and quit. harmiess dreams of freedomu! many, Austria, Italy, Hoiiand, Den- solc and intestines perform theirt'often suiffer frmcosiaonnnaUiedSas ry ndnv ce Te akNstoSwdenotual1hn mtw n g h . tif y. it .s treesIntie y contract.ing and expanding.! vegetable diet l hrfr seilyblgue xesvl ytt B et ee C o s ila ' ton igh b atff. Te tretsIceýand.Inti way they absorb all the .iutri-1 goor for them. i mrnsatdii might be dusty. The noise cf the Lon- According te the London Timee, llmn ftefe, icrihn-iu aceado.c h be eeisj h trea ecie don traffic rnight b. nerve-racking. quiries in thé Ieading centres cf in- mnt eomf te foa i te a.stefrni the anitansponeu fseiiu rnet:IsrtdWrd osssc OR, A D~CLARATION 0F WAR. But there was the sky. Idustry indicate that the operation cf body. In order te asaist these organs en with each mea.mr eplae hnavr ___________________________________________________ -Now, however, we live in tumes cf the Summer Act ils, among other va-________ S uC ER IV.-(Coll bent' What do they ccnsist cf" and see a white wooily cioud drifting the output in shipyards and engineer- Biackberries are exceedingly rlch in tweive minutes. Pu noseiie aîundo riayloe- So scceafu hadEhl ben ain-j "When.are they expected?" idly across it, we remark t'Il wondering wcrks. io n hymk. riai di ucaoso ors<nl cculating hcr chidren with her o.Wn' There wa.s but one breath te 'the àf that's s Hua aercpiane ? " i Additionai evidence cf the benefit ieonate they diet. Spce lacbe rrisc glass adleorfrtw aychnroc]frngjit social views, that when -plucked away two questions, for the curiosity centr-- There's a horrid littie shiver back of the Act from the industrial stand- fren uet sed fe itestnal eries ceas h s aanr Tsjly hnte il uUte unexpectediy befere the accomplish- i'ing'around the new possessors cf Bai-.aroint conies from thorraiiways. Ildi- '- l inthe il ment cf her work, Julia and Albert'ladrachit was of rnany menthe' stand- of our r'uestion, too. . - wiordb. firm the cut îîae oneretrs.ese plates e pa proved thèmseives perfectiy compet- ing now. By tueliîngering end of For the peril from the air is very. bas been' stated la the officiai pubîx- 1 To dry the berrnes do not wachb Pickled-'Blackbrls-'ea5iebc sniatgfra u ent te carry it on. ~terpwr Captaîn Gerdon, "ho had taken three real and very poteat these daysr' càtion cf the railway men in England 1 themn sort thezu, removing ai coft or tbag cf one teaspoflowhe oeseecrcl onat Tisc Nor did the task txter oesyears to die of uhe-wounds received in We watch the littie harxnless-iook- that the alter-ation cf tue clo&k rusedce. Paetefuto r-'oetapofl hi upc, n ici ttn nncao greatiy; for in the victim thus care- Scuth Africa, nnd, dyîng, had dragged ing cioud for a few minutes. Then- been folloved by an improvemeat taIng rmsl h reraddyeirteaspoenful of woemcoeeii h iltannitr5 fully prepared for the marriage-mar- bis tertured mother into the grave bang! bang' bang! Yes, sure enough, the werking of long distance riight ing asinpaeth ree nddrugihtsc tc fcnÇmn. Tei ic fpin. Te plgrl ket ne resiâtance had yct been met. with him. the Balladrochit succession it hidsi a hostile neroplane. goods trains. It bas been found that. Ideas imbi.bed with the mnother's. milk has failen, net into aay Scotch, but .Perhaps;, when evening cernes, we the extra heur of daylight liz nseabled air or put the drier in a current cf air cheesecleth. Jwptfu urapat n u ici sbc ae oic g enrnliytehefectiy asiilt.- wi it rh sicaly n gli bsh ha inds-feel a littie safer. We gaze up at the trains te be madie up anidloaded i fomane laetrie a.-F.1tejrof blackberries ntepeevn e- Ti.tagtgnriyuc and the ight cf "Duty- once turned ones. But even this h!et couîd b.e deep b lue sky nnd wntcb the lit- inrie less tua..o upon any particular course of action'overiooked for tue ciike cf tue iigbts tic stnrs corne eut, ene l1w one. As a gtep in national econemy it tewiltheoujabresaigdw eirp twl e atr d ercp fu ig ftet~i has a way cf ieaving even thiags that which would once agnin nhint in the How pretty and innocent they look! has proved a great saving in iighting Nwcvrwt ihrfl fsgr ami onIn. Th speial ommite.boiling water or a syrup madeocf two gar, one-haif cpu fwtr d nhs n torn"cn lie close by in a pitch-dark shadow. solitary heuse across trie water, andi 1 But-is that n staradhaig h pca omte That se should make a -good" mar-1jtue smoking chimney-a-tacks, se on-g "I say, you people there, is -that a appointed by the Parliament cf Great cupfuls cf water. two cupfuls cf su- the epic. bagadcokfrneaftl rtetueage.hti most as nccessary n part cf ber life as! inbabit.ed every houe. that is a bouse 1nervou'sîv 'ýystem reporteti that an avernge re- directed. Place the rubber andi liti in'place the rubbe n i npstoIreîtrtelt ntsn that she ahould get up ia the morning'heromes a public bent'faction. No; Bang! lBang! Bang! lt's a Zeppelin, duction cf 20 per cent. for lightiag Pst ln arht-alytte bafoentth atastein ol rypae h bl'-y l n o and go te bcd at niight. Nothing' ene looked more eagerly for those aferal' 1purposes wns given by tic power com rn-miues nat.e tebain t fr wyta. e Bstckerr urtinhttces orrigc could he more congeniai than the piros- iîghted windows th.an the irmates oci' - Vlnegar..-'Ithreeityoneprvae cmpnis had, scf the îger tratme cfse hdtyihah>itd Bahindrcht near1 50 any More pregress, 1 suppose. And that estxnîated a reduct ion cf 23 per cent., iove from the bath and ceai. Test c f blackberriesoeino!wtrtotelepasr'ngdle ofth ilhr tatmso scet nhbie Blndohi ren emayfor leaks and store in a cool, dry place.1 pounda cf Sugal oepa fcdrdiiin fadc ae had appeared te ber not unlike, possibilities. imeanas tili less pence. . and sixty-four municipal plants re- Label and date. 1 vinegar. Placei rsrîgkt1rn fte.emr lts glinMpseeof a sort of ea*thly paradis, They are expected on Wedanesday,I "As for us ia England to-day. we ported a rt'duction cf 18.3 per cent.; lcbry a.Tre-ureso rooe, woaderful ptures s ct loertex I j te auhte wo 1 ', 'ateex htti ilad'nstofotif omug puadcfcuar eghec cncs f trun.Fucetsstrofzd art r bt. sapÃ" o onori vthitu and a hutndreti daintinesses which heiress, anti it seeme tint shc inten b l 1soag says. Even in breati daylight, la France an ir.quiry into tue e!- hernies. Place thc hernies in n pre- ties. Put ian htwtrbahadtenctnua agt stroagly appealed te sornething la er:! to pitch ber tent bere for gooti. That wixen tu,- summer sua heams cheer- fect of daiylight saving on the con- servxig kettie andi mash well with a;, procepm for tenmntsrtrtebl- ifti aimnlt h one day procure ber ahi these deligbts proslpect. 1 fsncy. since il isa't likel y fplnes ovuonus teer u emyadr-sumptin ofgus eîea e c t iuntil sugar dissolves, then cook until sealing wax. ~ha ftem~%t u shoulti hot onlly 'b.rich butgjlso "nice" that an heires3 cf twenty-two wilh live panes woke hoveriag oe u ' s ha noor as > eig ea' thdi k botminuts kb C T ' tu eidapotht oudbio hati been a sort cf accepteti belief, tee the life of a bernait."tirh-oicoumis. calitcf100tnsuulyfryaear asp-s np latent te have reacheti the stage cf "What'a.iot you eernte bave fouati Whst e Day Attack . m nth. re or1Ts ang000fer Cr . muet b. tpaciiraaketo remet scncider olry.godSihclilaa oio l okfcta atc terdhy's sightrioftMr.place-tl, ctu100000 tonsothes the kettie.daPoercentorjars, crocks orto100,pi0ttcfsnter. Cee .ethe.bernestotjarcontactkandrdonesptue on teraye igt e M. arei cupedorneoby tis abunancehcfawfulaemsof à auIylght" 'zlasses and ca uem yceeigun o thte u iog ieo orscda agtl with the theught ef him as n poszible nrat on. arrtak Ngh ad r aig-ve n total ssviag cf $6.0a.0,000 for sthle naies am ycvrsieve unt i ti,on -fvner, te -pi. busband, to itubbrtncve "I've fojund out anether thing. V've;teopofhecnaer t ndd, optimlsrn on this point. Until now, foxjnd eut what Lady Atterton was be enough-but somehow o feels 'safer'« gas andi ele.ticity. w ae iv th'uuehsadhdrmaie oehrma'ig.durng the nîght. But te be caughit' I is calculatedti tit in Vienna aloe. vx. Store la a cool, dry place, pro. peunti cf hrown uaoetbepc-eceiaP PiaeBnk purelyabtrabstract; ayforyheterday, bd forly t ak.dJuNitinthefulbadgtsofreiy T"e f nceketie pJuliansmein58lie,0f cnil ltecgitthecffsday-toic, b.ulfforcedm firat time, he bad threstened te be- with an âaamej look towards Fenella.. te witaess tue nicet horrible scenes eof Tee tof gas enns antired S14,00000 Backberr .eliy.ore p o wtr uicf musetr, ntblespo cnu fgnersesteaanltr yet necox'ered frcm the shock received. gr-and eitbher, a g3verneqs." midast-words caa't express tih. fee!» cic e fggienna orequire 14,000,000 bfhockbernsca Plt c th e r, jie n tabiespoo riful c zmg w Jeleclrdgnlmn The man;iger's fortlinate favoning cf There vas a certain tilumphant irg. -- ng Blncine uereot u t hrnesa re srift. Daintuoui astirnng otnai. Botewic pheitW]scns rmteh Joli flletihulting sens. Jring in tiSé'word wiich cslled for ex- la tue h.art o! Loade, for irstance, a '- elly . eneut. r i hoh.a tii. ni p na-ate ii ete n tt~aiuc cf danger e pd ierw snex was pianation. temncplgswrs eine 1jlybug. esuith uic. Re- h ot, pourlng 1aponu gaittfor tie momen, ootarI"Isa't that 'ratier disappoiating?" 1 W'tflO55ed the rernpval of saeaof i. uiiplga aend eNcrned thr ttetepeeý-i«ktl n sldoli rldtaet oohra decreaee duning May adJn,1916,tniittti.pervgktteadsadilateah ot.Selnd entma mafnex candidate loomnetion the. horizon; for neketi Fe!ella, a littie blankiy. the victime cf a daylight raid. They t 0,0 ui ers.ntihtn 1 OlfrtnMnts d neuli dptetpo might it net agfain lbe somebody whom "D)isapýoi tiag? Say, rather ex- xwere about a dozen Young girls and îte fOOcubiç tr9,00o6 istne- bell fr en mnuars, Add n teqsu-i dpte o ! h otiwamxtdnmi soe naeuof Bertie approveti et more th n seddhi) aine A wmnwoheb,% cide.Thepave nt 11 jtejalfy ra gas me- m ue- f ug- 9U uti-t _u-_n 1reettu a-u- to.C And at the thougit cf n confliet with 'gun l In oechociroa, anti trieends wit.b blood. A han cerne meterear tr eeptU uigti ie i '--- ---- -- ------"----Tcgetvlee h e the virtua) henti of the family, and ne a banenet's widow andtihte mother hunnied up and the. chauffeur and tue;- menthe o! I915#ý bnd the. records fw'oxn ENEFITS OF FRESII AME.l i i.tA.~ lbrsvn notwithstanding his lîberai remarks cf an heâress to fift..oa thousantia fer Wpoagt hrebo teeirl'Atnathe olflcial tn ncras 1TwoAutr about nt is cietinw rce uaie i iii hon. O'a more have sof ethiinto thie car. The dclicate gray Ian-1 o! 2.4 million cubic metres output cf i Proper Ventilation Essential to G-oMlGallipoli Peninslwrratdw ec it-oriintrdtxa Bulntion hat wd h caideneic-n hb. d9neewlhmo iuka nti gof >h1 tuer cushions and fittings cf.the ca-gas as compnred witu 1916. Heaith a'nd efiency.i get s box of muion. We th-aoreeradtwtymn te be likeocf whom bth she and'managzement. 1 coafessa tn ' turned into crimson and apparently --------- IN reh irleoo t uruni itod it Up the. bhte eaetrd ortrêaI prto Bertie appreved? For the first tUrne quit. as çtrieus te make the mother's two of the girls were dying. A third TBINGS THAT COUNT NLF aua eonaaalbau h annd sut deo e1 s niemk.o i m hn-nukn y sh. began consciouslv to speculat..'acqunÃŽnt.ànee as t.he daughter's." w&5 consciou&-her arm had been 5018 and litMil heurs, It Il essential General Bir]od-asdi h icsnecmaye e upon the personaaity o! tînt coiJ..1 "Oh. 1I et*0 suit Fenella, abruptiy compietely severeti andtheic chauffeur Impomsîbility for War te Destroy -te lite andi gooti heaitu. Of recent meantime. $etrtpkny otc caenxmeetstsl.n- busband, anti wandered se fan in ber'pençeiving wiitber the Imoral was tied his leather hait round what was1 Lite'. Real Posmeaion. yeans more attention bas been paîi te et hlm. A lieutnn ioswteI-frymnts noésn speculations tint wben Julis abruptiy pointing. . 1 hft ef it very tlghtiy, se ti*t C Ocetiihes recn ita icenfilcent influence inta tu regard. fcîdent ruahetiars agtre iiàtayce observeti: "It le quite elgit hunei cU1"It's au angressing eubjact, but it po hldOgnno le todai eutytiemots ofountu tisbutfar toc many people regard ftreou1 Me thunderad W intyuw-i soe htaeae witi the perq nisites nenrer aine, 1 muet stand cvrc fer the . -pc-aent; befoeathey got ber te tue hespital. brougit ot hs a steindes- arbut masfrtecr f uharn eati shoulti sar," s ine trasreduceti te ask- siace l'ai off te the loch-end. Don't ,.tnuctlbility cf things tuat ceunt ila air sa enas p fuo tuendcurec - uci spteatent?,e enrlBr-bglrprmneu tti-t iag blankîy: "Wbnt le?" expeet me back befere Saturday aigît. torude otheesctthn l tii te nthe f fapol.Ti l h ra oi;i: ntaeutl eonzd ,tiem "Mr. Berrell's inceme: Arn 1 netI've arreu-s te catch up, -you teredabutschtungi t.lie t eohe hi l uehrattdUusa nt dautay eoglzdDrS.ik e inC.sld W.usra Pia e necnoy bsie right,, Bertie ?"t and w. ht3pe te gct the tr a~,rted Most haart-re"dng thlag l in -h1athem asz.dby r.C.s. theey ceattdiseuse preveative lan. "Was tha idod"wxtapast eatnbu This te ber brother, whe, nt thnt fila week. And, look harra, Julia ewl îma r ctuaîy happea, wben h. aays: knowu. "Yea," mid teletnn.tnt o odsoe- moment,, cap anti stick il-a maimatie mind ouden't let father kll hineseff 1 waa walkirrg In - Street ( ti Ne.tu ian oa faa cbase Naue atdnher at a u- arl wyde' h ea afw n adspt uy . ue on. et hie characteristicaily, brick en- over t blasting -buainess, t's ex. censer will nôt let me mention namau hig bst-ewa1esrye;plylng pure air. Wheva i D.fauir ii ay ter tbrdwoO>?" ftegalprosdedtiae à tries. To see Albert M'Donnell traor-diaaî,y howh. ta.kes tulga Co la tue heurt cf Icudoa, whscn àa jy.. "Knowhadte za uaimnjaircd. ,portuaîty laufforded, the air usncn- bs4lrryb3~e dutcin a ie onrgo eut et a rooza beart. a e u seen hlm tO'-hy ?lght raid occurced. At iret w. "Net oea cientilic (juth, net on. 'cnually cianking by natural zactuode. Mîdulgît su] xusoaaenwb. dr business heurs tas te tik cf Ob-spealc of the devil!Monlgthugt in te hîrig srelaespoerbaet uenaui r la, a es.eantbweec 1ro cedeid»ii panedteti Yko tam niin I yurp-dedesnt ee a wel 1-oued machine working att hight-fatue t" BîUh rinte r es P"et n tact atavcosev fa ortcwae reybuaoy b YISM 18. ýallrs ta her la ýtsel!, in- at navy it by the y ant isl antry anti n the Il- notlitag Ically an- actuattag a, wilci style an- ag board shes lieto e morves ;tant an loses the. ati drops le fintng ras thc en. a Inthe it incites, aches la forty-stx istlng of Is 4 by 6 ng tangot unik the 1plate cf 3nsists of tue leur lie tiree andth le Irregulac shape ef )aper tar- six teet tour ring )'ock of Ian plate Vmales cuneiator miniature Upea the a four àai ,n which Sa lonti cf )on ne It Litem 1gsu ator, a nt s fast as it àb~ iota. each stes wltl ider thé- tema. - 9 .redt hpur anid selt.acor- ceëquired, 'ty pointa or oppor- for such,' room bes cd by Juliasa unleeketi-ter sucets. ida Ue.»@d 'ut eei ta u ted rt peri . fou the d te bép, dacsmiyorqm o140cudà maavf on s f fe tua M*fiSeabut h ea» en tb*theson*j a t ft" mt. Tifamesd~ -li i.ilt et o uacocseetPi.$5~,~. lut. heurs Satisflcd titis your finit mebs tuufl WOIe ISNb <' I4O~~u$espq t<dsbe0 h TCI< ror. ' pue» ba 01 ben a' tw BI t.r.«. fpP1W . l ûm 4u titsflcâ, anti only socry that *ld imu ;e tehvee- Ahuut tx rlit-. bi. « i, b tmm a Ie. ü" ï t,ü»O p t b tIsr t ion't n second la viaif, Why, o s$' Iwbli q t~i ie ~ II fIutI tt ttise 1 wfq It aMày e two ym efo he" p tic,. - t t am Do ou m ne iof *ta wm* hm. Mai hzvtant fflWgs tat brM& rbafl beh* pIi* "Idubt It, now tsaV BailadiocIt *-e't ettise lasaa or *l<51 W I5 bitl1 ment of8 Paebota mprwcmVM kSi t f!Wtê cnb.dpanamh.c'We 1rosliytan It aver wusla Mmorlncau5ibc>ydu!» obet 90 per cent. of fl >'u 4e1dRI EIO&, IS t esa 04 iihtio orm Ifa$ is 9lr4 rrobiatVint-mbdyssy t ctd~tbpI !aoa, nai da rd.it. ubatéwed#tiiio& *th1*hd. mlg" iet g*T# ee ~~~ngS"p y.trdylmats atpu>.m l.«.z.psia. ;br abccdm ue! 51.1. sito YWI&thubi. bdx Tiesur, *kigî in tj» tlir mupartgcd wftOut.tag - the ubcb mo4.& wua h.1.t lwca ofb j feu iee. ~vs~*lvgwu sixmtuu U" cm,,, laii. o t*%~~~Ps lefl t 11.Mm ~a .uàhmku M" S w U Ib y - i m e b e - t-, - -e J fi- '~~' 't

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