Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 2 Aug 1917, p. 2

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- .. r~. - Meàlth I The Ëouridatioii of Good Kealth. -. Good health ie a quadruped. It bas fouïr legs-diet, water, exercise and freali air. The diet should be varied, Well-cooked, well-masticated and welI- balanced-but not overattractive. Most persona eat too rnuch. If they eut their food down- one-haif they would be much better off. It ie not he amount we et, but what we do with what we est that ie of consequence. Variety should be attained by changes frorn one meal to another, rather than by a multitude of dishes at each meal. A wilderness of attractions is likely Vo lead the average mortal Vo a line of ac- tion that je ruinous.9 Spices and other stimulating acces- Bories also tend to lure one into the samse deadly mnare. An appetite that bas Va be incited to action by stim- ulants or an array of fine dishes needs a vacation, needs rest; neede a course of treatment, in which -stervation îs the chief factor. - It.. j a foolish notion many persons haVe that they ought Vo eat at con- ventional intervals whether they de- sire Vo or noV. "Food le poison Vo a system that lonthes it or je indifferent to it. An appetite is noV naturel un- lees plain whole-meal bread and butter or plain breed without butter astes delicious. - 6tarvation is one o! the very best remedies for a large clas of human ailments. 1V 'enables the eliminative organe Vo catch up, rest the overworked stomach and refreshes the, whole system. Absolute starva- BLU TIE 11L AD "Loýrd Gôàl a8w Look upon 0=? oWbig; Blesa the-littie garde,1 -And the. good ireesa groingI- Give, us Sun, Give us ren, Blesthe orcharda And the grainl "«Lord God la Paradis., Please bless fhe beane and peas, Give us corn folcon the ear- W. will praise tIýee, Lord fu- tbeael Bleus the blossom' And the root. Blese the ssed And the fruit! i< 3' 3, "s' 3, .4 $ s nes. Britannia's Heudquarteru ia a Muet Usipretentious Alley lu Londoa. tien is noV necessary. A diet consiet- Downing street-A blind alley about ing o! fruits,. bran, tettuce, celery and 100 yards leng whith je Vhs headquar- similar coarse thinga, , avoiding fats ers o! the Britiah Empire. and protein, talcirýg cbisfly uncooked Ten Dewning street-A brown brick fruits, will change the intestinal fiera gable roo!ed old house, just stress the and eliminate the miachievoas germa. blind alley from tbe Foreign Office, Two moeale day are better than which for 250 yeare bas been the of- three for those noV engeged in bard ficiai residence o! the First Lord ol labor. the Treas4ry, who ie commenj> i Water is the greet soivent and puri- Premier o! Great Britain. yth fier o! the. body. A cold bath followsd There la practically ne garden about by a vigorous rub je the beet o! toniets, the place. The old bouse, as gloomy and a hot bath is the met marvelous and uninviting as coubd possibby bc o! aîl poultices for hs relie! o! inter- imegined, looks as qf it might have na]l tongestion. been dropped by a el ent under Vtie Slcb exorcise as walking, running, le. o! he huge Foreign Office build. u-owng, wbeeiing, cbopping, playing, ing just acress Downing street. mountain-climbing, skating, gardon- But nons the lesop Downing street fi lng, punchîng the beg-enything that hs headquartez. o! Vhs British Em. stimulates the lungs and heart te vig- pire, end 10 je Vhs residence o! Vhi oroas action-je o! benefit. Premier, saya a writer in hs Ne% Exorcise sheuld be earnest and, York Sun. I wonder bow many Amer. whol-souled-something that wilb set' jeans, or for that matter Bnitîsheru the machinery spinning and beave the'know thet Downing street was nameý body vigorous and dynamit. Outdoor after an Ameican. IV vus. exertisea are by fer hs best. But. Whether Sir George Downing wai indood exercises are immensel y super-I actuai!y bhem ut Salem, Mass., it noi bm'Vo eneet il. IV 8 nV ntes Iquite certain. Thi. records in Mas". isntcsary t have a lo !peae ichusette and the histories in England je oV eceear Vohav a ealpig-,have been seerched wth great cari skin in order Vo punch Vhs beg nom a without msking ths miatter quite cor. rats-course in order Vo run. If you tain. But it is pretty weli entabliehe are realby in ernest about it, you cen that b. was bhem in Old Salem, and punch metaphorica.lly) a spot on hs there le ne deubi he wes ths son et well-punch et it-and run while re Emmanuel Downing o! Salem and hiu maining in the saine place. wfLMwownasse fGv Ne peirstn cen be permenently weîîvfLc',vowsaLitro e vithout !resh air. Even hs poor Winthrop o! Massachusetts. Appar. bl'rds and monkeys dis o! coneamption nly onngwsotbgyetsa mter a littIe while when they are shu ed, et leaust by soeao! bie contempor. up in he devitallzed atnuosphere of arisa. The editor o! Vhs Cleadar ef our homes and menegeries. A plenViL Treasary Books (1660-1667) charact- fuI uppl o! ~eshair s e orml erizes hum as e "double pejured trait. necesaity o! every animal. Open he'or," but admit. b. vus -a mont cap. windows and let iV in, dlay and night. 1eble oificiel." Stop e minute b.Vween exercise nu-,Thia enterprisine New Erglander, bers and wabk s.reund a littîs, drinking, who maneged Vo occapy an important in great deep lungfuls ef luscieus oxy-pont in he Cromwelllan arniy and gen. Ifo'w , uxurious, simply to afterward Vo make bis peuce wit> breathe, viien the air is fresh and purs I Charlsil. and to serve. hs StaVe wlth and cool and go-es fari- nto hs utter- 'aometbing cf distinction and a good mosV cella o! theîunigsî d5111 o! profit Vo himselt undor Vthe Restonution, may or iuay- noV havi deserved ths reputaVion he enjoyi DEVICE FOR FISH..CATCHING. among nomne Englluh istorjin. Peo - pie vho bave rend Pepys's Dairy vil WI SCtMp Up 60,000 Poada Per perhaps noV rscovnizs the Downing th Heur, Freezo aed Pack Thei..whom ftroquent reerenes ane madi Tc atc na lie whileget t 'I;temein Ni hs Sir Gsorge Downli To atc tilulik e iii gta hsmvio auccsed ia giving bie aime th a machine bas been jnvsnted by aths headquamters of Brltannia. Brooklyn ma Vo bnlng - I 60,00 _______ pounds o! ftsh ia an hour wltheut book, lino or bait and thon treseecnd TEE QUIET MIN». pack tVbom by hs simple operati 1on o d, I I r I I t i r r, :1 IL 'j i s few levers. He le nov oi-ganlzlt ag a "- L ' m s s s company te build i thing boite fi-oiaI the Preseat Tlias. plans ho haî drcwn-. Now oe hnenrVh ied The. boat puasa sbe!ort iV a buge ne"»a ths cool. asau.qilig vWuus scoop Vo wbbob hs eisb eu-sattraeteti calmase. reticonc,temperace caid et night hy povort oarchlghts..self-contr-ol. Tho vqrd "conol" tl! jFi-sm the cnov sud o! thes coop af machinta hs air; and it or cIL, IV èonveyer caries Vioni lp ItbitVhe ahould cpply Vo t thtifeat raie ovr. body o! ths, beet, vherwe tîy au-emes. owe belng. 0r.ten la ho thMa ici-ted and i an. emieti by icttral con-; ruleth bits spirit than ho "tt aksth a? voyqns Vo the.1refuigeratis n andtans- tW; i w tiecsrsi or batue4ioande- hmg tun.Ila tVeh hamea st. -h - i.methois e! operating he fiuh- Curreat histony peea monu 1k. Kit- Ing nmchino la issenibod t sfollova by sn.cly ati VenirMabostoertag alov "tmhý1 ntr moIs violence. Noble deoda aiem t "itot hlg archlgbte are ued 49»le baîq cor lae p bhIaddontiIum to 1thbe water ton miles ebeeti 0d ThotgIsths mtuel èaùcjimoauy the boat. As sur speod vii tIste take place apon a ublUme Itati li scoop tli position Witt b. -about kL ar a timomltist Vite oarct Mae Mailes an heur IV vill give thseilsb cai47 dyby long adis alant prooeueaho MI11 ouu hto geV imtelino. !orehcnd. Yoe pros c botte amnd c "Au ths rcy s!i lightin la ry vide etI 115kVla bora, but -y« d4W aot nic he i thoefcrther eend ced beoeSucombata- lOIt-7ou M«MuYruled IL. %ir miarover as hs boat epir --ile1 latu » ait arb forces o!400o4s sud vi ind 'as ths wldtb ettheb. hghhla re- VIai MausIs at alet, TIse eagtaor duceti no graduibly u Vo permit ail Vileva cdam 0«0s» rly a Ï&11 icMit- tIcRabsin laths vlelty t. b. drava posais.the wëffl r o&cattiala a tuile Vhe ami-ov strip o! vater cuver- "0kethatsuplies a nesO vIssa tu OI bïi aeHlght dru*Wtl f"ront of Btais muIS 1. nrTu feraa u O 0tà il VUhe OàIsab lchkbav, sc- vrel"d aidvlle e etO s " tMmm gèbI sudd<guideti r b le vulis te! wt = d'iizie suhiawl « emubaam ààà t -*4 pé oi evoye w1vo tayourtotmber a"d y«lmu, vPm w» of, 0e Ughti viii seluui ck eVh Ilea piti tfal*a avec> h ai- ré ~Ut~mSfra.strt to 111W o suua. U04M a*ps er vueWl.o toiWt* dmp 4AtIe0rate* tpaa dht*vtImt Odwlua a ithmte SI#M *iau" asa 1VOt1vetoIb <m Ibh. boat ý t&Iiig"t ta &vu thtl~' If mht *ê aPM UNHARWISTHAND The treaty éf 1arîà-was signed by the plenipotet1taries with a peu M- SMR MOr4TAGU ALLAN, A N-OTED ~e by tne Empresa Engenie. It Mle Quantîty and Kinds Of FOOda CANADIAN. ~ w ade fromn a golden eagle'a quit1 RqiedfrHrvses5 CANADIAN. ~ and etudded. with gold and diamands. eunfoHmsr a Two pena used- by Cha$eg Dickens Estimated by An Expert in were ,sold at auction for one hundred Household Science. 0f Four Children Only One in Left t. and two hundred dollars rspectively; For an accustomed cook, the work of Hlm, And She in Nurs- one used by Sir Walter Scott at Ab- peaigmasfrteetahret botsford brought ebout-forty-five dol- hpreprnees for teexalere t ing in FraaeW tara bna, pttresnt o aecilpfoolend I In Berlin museurn in th~e pen with is amttper anibling food aind Upon very few of the notable famil- which Queen Louise of Prsi>a* *g promy peaigi i.peiil lien of Canada han the war Put so ber will, and beside it je the one with Tways veyfrmwran o heavy a hand as on that Of>! ir which the grandfather of the present Toal ever y fam wmanhoa Montagu Allan of Igontreal. When Kaiser wrotýihîs famous letter tc ee, one n appalling ftrst time the Lusitania wept down off the eoast Queen Augusta telling about the vic- wuenshe nd l'o selmuch she muthero of Ireland he lbat two of bis three -tory et Sedan. paeto for a iven umbser fmusn. To daughters, and bis wife waeUinjures& Ten years ego the merriage regis- phiaestr in nwaded ourmntoa On Monday week officiai word wes re- ter of Mr. Ward, son of Lord Rangor, duty o! ecor.omy. We Are aaked to ceived in Canada thet bis only son, ws.s signed with the pen that the dip- peaefrortbe o omc Flight Lieut. Hugh Allen, bad been lomats used in signing the treaty of prt epe or o als wnoV 50lmont killed while fighting Huns in France. Vienne. This pen, wbich has beesi used acceptably and economically nourish Thus a family of four hias been reduc- several icies in t.he Ward family, for bvdies for the work they must do. ed Vo one-the sole survivor being the signing of marriage register!s, was In view of this situation, many of Miss Martha Allen, who went Vo Eng-i obtained by a former Lord Rangor, my readers may welcome an estimane la.nd in the feu ofi 1914, and bas since when as Lord C.stlereath's secretary, o! the amocunt o! food needed for one been engaged in nursing there end in he wae present et the important conl- meal by one nman ernployed et severe France. Lady Allen in head of the ference. work such as threehing. Canadien Red Cross in Londnn, and Persons who are especially intereet- wI amn reproducîr.g here the table Sir Montagu is connected with the ed in e, bill passed by the Unitedi which giv'es in ounces e balenced ra- Canadien Pensions Board in London. States Congress often receive from, tion for a man o! one hundied and The whole family being overseas, the President, as e souvenir, the pen jrf4ft-four pounds. A littIe study of no one but servants have occupied with which he signed the document.1 the table as a whole ill help the palatial "Rsvenscrag," one o! the show The pen wýith which President Wilson; houctewife tounderstand bow this bal- places o! Montreal, for the pat two sigDed the declaration o! war on'April j rsre n o oetmt years. Situated on Pine avenue, on 6 will undoubtedly b. treasured as anlat eLe ill eed at owurnis otive the lope o! the mountain overlooking object o! great velue, and will prob- !e or twenty-five. the city, it ie one of Canada's mont ably bebgazed upon with awe by fu- _ gorgeous homes. Even now îts con-1 ture generations. Man at.Se'-ere Work ;servetories are open every SaturdaY1 One of the best-known pens in the Kind o! Food Ounces for the. deliglit of flower lovers., - United States in owned by Mr. Isatc Breakfast: Sir Montagu in the son o! Sir Hugh! B. Re"d o! New York, who et one tim e Alln, neof hefouder o th IrefeedVosel i fo seenhunre Apple sauce.............. 4.00 t lln oe fth fudes fthlefse o el t orsve -nreOatmneal ......... .........2.00 >_ Allen Line, which wae taken over nome! and fifty dollars. Its value arises f!rom1 Cream................... 2.15 time ago by the C.P.R., but which aVilI the fact that, aside f rom having been. Sugar.................... 0.56 reteins its name. Beaides beinglused by both Lincoln and Grant, it ISuee(ok......20 epreaident of the Merchanta Bank, Sir was made from a carved box in whicb' ;Bread ....................2.60 _______________________the young George Washington kept;, Butter...................0.60 parts of hie surveying instruments.; poth1toes.................. 4.00 The box itself was mnade froni the ld; e !cp.......04 e.~ o! e desk that belonged to the captasaý1A9 o! Vhs Mayflower. Ce- ............1.7 eant ro iI As the value of e pen increases lI10 eiete S proportion witb ths importance o! Vhse oa.......... - thon begian. Hi ~' document on whicb it je used, Vhseone 95 n hywr > with which Vhs reety cf peace thet Dinner: day came f or t] cencludes the present wer la eigned Boiled hnm............... 3.00 f ront. When t' *sheuld bring e price that would help,! Potatees ................. 4.00 Canon, for Vha -arot..........40 remained lookîi sonewhat et Iest, in aleviating ths t - .........40 suffening that Vhs ver bas caused Turnipe.................. 4.30 eceded, dwind] __________Corn breed............... 5.20 spot on Vhs h( Bread.................... 1.30 pearod, carryin WAR AIRPLANES. Butter ................... 0.76 slgbt for ever. Cold slaw (crean)........ 1.33 But Canon', Anti-Aircraft Guns Make Aviation: Pie, mince................ 4.00o hie mastsr's lo -Daily Mors Perilmoi. Tes (1 cup)............... 0.40 day ia strongo: Th tndac i arpans asben Sugar....................0(.28 tions, and ho ri Vo run Vo, tva extremes-for fighting, Crean . .........1.07 tien et Riomi. l as amali and fast as possible, and for- cbtanh bomin, s brg ad owelu a - Total .................. 29.63 jplatform, rus possible. In a three-seater oespais- Supper: carniage, lookit sesiger site eut in front mounted in ae Drie<l beef (creenied) .. 1.00 affection-until machine-gun -turret. The plot t0U155 Cream .............. ..... 1.07 he in hef. Vo ga Si onau lianeint, immediately bebind Vhs motor, Fried petatees............ 2.40 once i 1914. ai MntguAlav hile the second passengor site behindi Bread ..........1.30 _____________________ -__hlm mounVed in another machine-gun~ Butter..........0.7651 Montegu le c diector of a dozen cof tumrt. yTus i-no lacapalejet ............... 4.00 Canada's big 'corporations . He î arryig many Ildedpouad 0otex.- Ginger bread .............4.00 Somneviere, Oiu iatl"latic bor&oman, luiavng en More' plosivos, and, bsing veMyfs n jjsimd.......94 ot than on. occasion annexed ths Toronto 'hea'vily m ,ginrlyac p" - (uht q Queena.Plate. He is in the million-' its mission.Ttl .........-2.2was clvi airs clasm seveal inise over, and basn The Gearman "Albatronse" a capable Totat for day ........... 73.11 Juet, a boy vhc given large donations Vo pyblic'of a horizontal speed o! 300 kilome- P eeliag Vthe harvoit belpers î ad badh chamities. a gesura caitsVrem-for the womaa vhs cannot have suit- (Soiasvhers, PROOF 0F GERMAN chine guns vhicb, being eoutroled by'aî pîn dbsV 'pn n m h~ PRO FGRA LT.'ýmakoshift. Ready te temotor, shoot auamatieaily and;Aog Vsbltluenial Lk u Plas ofHuns Te Foument Uprisiaû smutnoalp ogiVspople.tbree or four gallon double boilier for Just a boy lulrlcd edîa~a iThe ight o! these veapona convoi-ges tmwo inIrlad n Ifi. tapproximataly ffty yards ia front mcakicg coups, gravies mand puddings;, oeve Proof thut hs Gemn mitary au- o! hs cii-plane, making Mte.chance o!fieabresemcoo hc u thoriVies vere plotting te toment up- bitting tho opponsat three times as tae cars o! fiftéee or tweaty boaves Idle My visel, risngsin reandandInda ameint sue.ot broya broad or aeamed puddings, spiiiing riinuleIrundcd1nd am&e-.cr. ;once. (Ah, but ie Vhs bauds o! the United States Gev-, The pîttell anad dangers vhlcb mn Agn oeeetes okr a h emsiment viien agents o! Vhs depari- 1eviator muet avoid eutVhs front are bs-AyUl lielp la oîn e or hcoled So setherosO ment o! justice mided hs oflice o!f ýu>mcng More numerouzs svery day.', - il n okn an rble Smwt U Wolf von Igel, fimerly German cavai ' Anti-airerett guns. mouated on fast Ievreo!trîn V 61 p wiry (By ltt attache to the German Embassy md, motercans, chus. &round Vhs country m wt ed httkemc nst'c kV aIse concercsd vlth Capt,Karl Boy-Ed, bébisd hs ines. mad prevent theii'fm e la criu. ropgana ativtie. P- enncyciiplae. ntizepelis prepane. Ons choulti aot try te o ~ a c pneau-s o ang Vhs rai ensuiti 'emaîaig oversurnd epWrrtory. r ,iserve pies ofefon, uniesetho". h pbenty (Goi, oaa per sezei duingtherai wee aid rmmin ovr or trriory T i ofbelp.- Rolling trust is slow von iCeep hlm,4 et ths icie te cean"l canmsaM e vi- I types!f bcttery waa respoamble fer 1h. oven for a awtftple.mer. I Semevierg dence of vide-apreati plots aainst ths i ppeli sbrougbt dccvii&utCompiegns jThr*o gallons o! tapioca ci-oa c" a . - neutralIty baws o! 4ho United States. ; a Aprîl, 1917, apd Revigay, li April, Ib. madtiatscs lua cbig double bell-f- It la believed that iIba, videace formal 1916. Ia fcct, tia invention vus ams i.-almost as eIy as one quart. Pleaty et a1 hs bais o! the SaFranciseo lndict-1 oftVhs Iminodîate esuis e! Vf hsGe->~, mhlavlabeIVenecohuY iihop ment. luit reV»rae. I macs fgivlng up thsir "strafeine' with 1 inpcdlasaulb vy Thmough Vthe information obtai»M'd Zeppoils. Thi eorSd for distance= ~by hs depwtartu «do!Justice, Sgoveran d bheinlahui!u a placewV a ieune way lre uctt ment eUIica c rrested last Mari nciiu" iitype o! cancnn a 1,000 foot la Of b" pudiLtmay b. mixed z t 'Nov York Chbadra Hanador Chakrc..'th* air et 9M00yards distance aco otas .ie.A ébe-tcks temore quely T berty anti 9. L Gupta. Rimat tudeata ,eouàtry A v" ylarge crtw la requit- ianstledtiapie ci-tet. i~n Clubi Ud rutz acd Dr. ed to axam ot m .D- W« i o b @.te? ky bmed TI on charguofbavlug degagd in # rfPuft 0 * figub «Vpos ither w m of &ë (am ù«d ftt be pwot* naet on foot a cilitari- enter- 1 Gs-maftmachini I Éing. exp.cted ta =&kg lt. r>e.eghnute r.- prina Ù aiitGrftt biltala, tberoby Q<p»re couddreblo hcndlingbut fit._Lstvl v»umma tntIse scutmaty mvi o! thi u e ha bie r ut n Unlted Statas. CkakuahrVy Ggpta TRE LAG TIIAT ALWAYS WAVES' moi-e mm bcccit o u Iiia an t ui W amd Dr. sakuunaMvesehcngud viV - -ua1aTb* &c hi so r u"ctafatory. t '*W,;- heeI havln » oe bn .-i." y t- seOstr Immara Detts TIr mpma t "« p< r.ý<u-car*eot tIi. îood inth ue &W qtffra., O'4scgu miltay #tbolU w a-B«r . Wavtmg »N.te nuV . i ot et. thêt rmmaiso l *km.t Una emd eadc aa cia ucmed et 0. » Mo# Uamd of mtwm bi not Vo hup mboIs ovon nom da" la #>cVI IL M o IIIl u ai Wi tblrom te et, 4 i. ment eterr »D"vc vei ts- a dy.ta eem*nou am pure"» earma anMd aimimaaela"cati *a >jwMurett. , N-J, "va4 a' ' mo>ie ' "iet"O < ma ta v Ice aV*0 p t hlp twM o t veitbmIudi a* I la. vvq~ , rt od Ielsma iI.r- ~ - 1»pap.m c&uIMMta Vm WÎget- 0<PftvY înv.u4*"me -flatwa'df qofta4, Tri a. -to baeM~ji4 )l1,a aImaewhst, Sm. duscloani tIsetuet aUmmrossM tb. e uvi i.c V ta*oCoMmaa'î hiffg t~W< li eruan t . la u ti persoulalStts î in' atm th* . apei~ ot* 0= * liii. 140 wtmbMUaaiam h (6 mAkh a =.rw.i 1 La *0e Ut um*m Mt oui die pou « îf~ ~ a} pwo4 unwa ot b. pia O ak* ~ in~ th a ot xS.'beula JaPS&Ca, pt vu ~~ lwelas tom.uamtu "tia b i 1%aMPe OU anm iigesma odauelt~l ic. S&«ai wodîn" &rMaso.. *7 *SM îw PtiI."Msid nd t . . s Gupta &a M thit krob.rt W to t ~u*g a ta O Qwfistokow =.uni.Sà m i t morneSl . Hua. Omph, et. Imm's t<aM"np. 't. O - tai o. - mur.o CrI.I t e * csv u l cool tu <là o out cebgâ awsKUatd&L --.-W*5m twu P. bm 11 ILhp1 laot.«"lm ml ady 'mt b<W-Atm le Om la a ttma I ot 0 à 1 ü ud M [ ~ om MSa.tfm ~I W_ moi) Vhs cannons fiai-, you bear my pnayor?) My boy, fi-sm bai-t re, OuItb1erq. Mlare aid Iowe kesp Vt he efe hUis Given plenty- efranet gr"aubppen ant hm i4 vogetallïm onved -4e6, vm coorancd nuis cf vrions :coaeto! alalug*km wbsu hao propurange tlai pW o tunkey i-stalg, at inGm o tof s flhi-véstlTma. Md ci Y. cather tic.tmy6 bt1 iona-u "Lord God in Paradise, Trembling and advsnturing, A miracle o! green. Send sucb grae As you know, To keep it sùfs And make iV grow! "Lord God in Paradise, For the wonder o! hesesed, Wondsring, 'ne preise you, while We Velu you o! our need. Look down f rom Paradiee, Look upon our eowing. Bless the littue gardens And the good green growing! Give us sun, Give us rmin, Blesthe orcharda And the grain!"' -Loaise Driscoîl, in New -York Tirs DOWNING STREET. '4 N 'i I E. c, r * LEAR Ag~ AceoetpUsI abl eu..ta By all meam important and any cilier spor, sideabove that, Vo swim ensil3 tixne be the solg lif. and the livq that, there is a venturing upon be felt by the lcnow how Vo si .There is nosic ery required in if you go et iV i a spot where yards in every your breat. 1 tain knowledge that you cannol partly inflated, tirely submerg pound or two effort in paddli your hand ije n anid Vo send you the foot movel art. At tiret you learning Vo esi else; the doggy the etart-, ai tei Vo float on yu lungs. Practii kinds, bath gra, do the rest wings, corke yourself on yc strike out, and o! it. WAIT For the M aster tam Froi Somewhere ii bas heen waitir for the return latter wvill nev sleeping where firet hattles of story le told b .i M TO, SWM , I mnent Whichmay Ba- iSave Hamac Life. is learu to swini. More _______________ More fun than elmoot- rt, it bas alec a utility INTERNATIONAL LESSON of exercise-the ebility AIJGUST 5. y and well May some emeans of saving your- ies o! others. Besie_,ý Lesson VI.-Mecasseh's Sic aN R ed sense of comfort atoôut Pentance .2 Chron. 3.-1-20. ithe water that cannot Glden Text-',IsgC 55. 7. person who doos not Verses 9-11. Sin and punishmeflt ol wsm. Manasseh. Manasseh-Son and suc' isk and very littIe brav- cessor o! Hezekieh- reigned fromi learning how Vo swini, about B. C. 697 te B. à5. 641. Seduced in the right wa>. Select -By exemple and administrative the wcter for several polîcy. Verses 3-7 and 2 Kinga 2Ld way je noV deeper then 3-7 give e vivid description of condi.ý rhen rely upon Vhe cor- tiens. Assyria-No mention is made that>~ ~ot of Manasseh's captivffy and sub- that yu capsequent restoraton in Kings or-in Vhe ýsink if your lungs are Assynian inscriptions; neverthelessi [that when almost en they may web have taken place; (1Y ged you weigb only a the states l'ong-the Mediterranoan and only a minimum ICost were involved in a rebellion ing- %-ith the broad o! against Ashurbanipal of Assyria, in Be -quired Vo keep you up C. 648-e47; Mf2 Manasseh je named ini M along, added Vo which Vthe inscription 's as Vributary Vo Ash. ment will completee urbanipal and Vo bis father Esarhad- tedon; (3) the treatment accorded t6 Maneseeh is the treetment which, et- Swill be clumsy about cording Vo the inscriptions Necho I of vim, as in everythingEgypt received et the hands o! Ash- y troke will b. used et urbanipal. er which you cen îearnj 12, 13. Répentance and resera- nur back with inflated Vion. Humnbled himself-The Chron_- ièe f sroks ofvarousicler records that as the resuit o! hie aceful and effective, will dsse aase ube isl t' before'Jehovuh, turned froni hie evil You do no. need wnter wnye, end sougbt Vo undo Vhe evil or floats;: juet throw committed during the . ly part o! bis iur face in the weter, reign. The Cbronicle,4 s source of in1- you will forever be glad formation ie noV known. The et-- cou.-t of the repentante ie, perbaps in. tended Vo explain why the wicked Ma- ING IN VAIN. naeseh enjoyed such a long reiga, when, eccording Vo common Hebrew ýr Wo Wll NverRe-opinion, the wicked dis young. r ~ IN~V~ e- 14-16. LaVer deeds. Outer wall--i >m thce Battlefield. A walb outside o! ths one already en-4 in rane adogwais--circling Jeruseleni. Gihon-A sprlng n Frncee do wets-in the velley o! Kidron, enst o! thé rîg since Auguet, 1914-. temple Mount, the modemn Virgin's io! bis meeter, and the Fount. Ophel-The southemn spur vor ret ursi, for ho lieslo! the temple mounit. Fishgate-Prob- ehe !ell-in one o! the, ably in Vhs north. Re sougbt Vo, un:< fthe great war. The1 do the earlior wrongs, firat by remov- j, the Figar'o. A pee-- ing the idolatrous practices, then by Puy de Dom. jolned bis restoring Vhe worship o! Jehovah4. lForeign gode.-O! Assyria and other Lm when the mobj lza- -hb n ~bring nations. Actording to, le took hie dog withbhim ,2K'ings 23. 4-6 these reforme werel eInseparable until the; brought about by Josiah. Peace-of-j the man Vo lbave for the ferings--Scrilee offered for the urj the train steamned away,lPose o! maintaining or restoring rlgh Rt wes the. dog's namne, relations witb God. Thanksgivirng-! îng wistfully et it as it Offerings in recognition of the divine! led away Vo a mero As in the beginning ho had used, bis' torizon and then disap- royal euthority te root out Jehovah-i ng bis master out o! hie religion, so after bis conversion h4 used iV Vo reestabliab it. faith in the power eof ove Vo reunite them one POWER FROM IRISH RIVERS. r than Vhe will o! ne-- refuses to bauve tho ste- A Plan Io Harns&a the.-.hennon and,, Upon the-4 arrivaI of! Erneand Strangford Lo.ugh. deehes out on to the, first Vo Vhe locomotive' Irelacd, driven Vo act by war pricesý pers fromn carrnage te for coul, in figuring on cihoapor powsri sgr for the object ef hie by developing Vhe rivera o! the island I Vs wiste bowea i One plan proposed is te utilize fhel aze wiat!ully, as ho did flow o! Vhs Rivers Shtannon and Erne, A second in Vo harassa Vhs VidaI move4l AL Imonts o! Btrangford Lough. 7 UT TUIERE. The rivera would eecb, it is bleved,, I urnish 50,000 borse power for elgbt ut There, h. Is--just a anontha of the yeer and 20,000 to'40,- t'a ail-'_00 hors. Power for fo4ur monthi and parkled in hie eyes-.he it woul4 b.simle ngnern1m mys sînglingt) ter te transmtte oe rom thel ao answered when bel Shannon Vo Duhlin and lmerlck, ori Je country call; from, Erne Vo Belfast> and Derry. ()ut There, b. ls--how The VidaI scheme* for Strang!ord' gbts go winglng!) Lough ls a dîfferent matter. "'belougl' do or dare, la an oasV coast arm of theosea wlth ligbV was bis haï-!) an au-sa o! about twenty square milesi

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