HoIpe. ur far m. Iow ofie :îrk, beit Detour r infor. nd. tby it nI Iii III>> inan V )' r t E r t r! )MI and'Er I ( 0, Wblthy- l1C. Etc. dealer. Des. ]Day- ONT. L.D.S. te Pont s. D.D.S.. ut Dental T'oron ho. l.4 taking VIte ab- Tservice. bardwart, Dr. -. tarrha iîce and ijame as e. Ivîr. athodian BER nded to. msade ut WHTY NTRO A AD$14,R-AA GcT211 Vol. 55-NO 5 -FARIS WAIIED. Small farina wan Led for buyere between the llighland Oreek and Oshawa. If you have emati farme to oi, lot us bave description and price. Sft Femi, Dmy ad Fruit Faims Fu Sa1é. Soranton Coal DEPOT Egg,, Stovo and Nut Goal. À. large quantity of best quality Lump Ceai- for Threshaag Dow in aiook. .Âno ar i-wjll soon arrivo pocaI price iftan frein the car. John Fisher & Co. LummiesuBuilding le t. B.LOW# Whî:byl 9011 phone 9. HOMe phono 14. Fali Terifboi Aug. 27 * Torgato, Ont@ b ~uqust.naI7on* of >Canada$ but ooniunrclalshoola. Thoe daigfor our ~r du*tos te far boyond oursuppl rmtaatutarnc. t. got poafllons aaui.d &Il of Qur atudeuts *ho becomie oOuptenk. WrIte to-dai for our band- aZ cutue mlifnio Cor.Toug mmd W. J. Oum"t, laidCo., Umi Si whitby *Outarlo Buta COoliocted, fbat [osasArangudi fropurtise bought and uoid. ï4lr-teme &?IyH.ad Office, Bfook St. 80411 lae1 7u. Phom. 70. Butim hoole, Tcroto:. Tue work mortesloto Autumn Torm f rom Be> tomber,4, wttout say break. Courses ftieidescuib.dla aew, catalogue. 1ïiIt. tir it W. H. h#w.'Pr.Yon é -I.wrd .ut&a-7- 'Mu. WMTSVé- CHURCH 's NmsFINISH !Kills-'à lI the Leaf Eating Insects with one applica. tion. No mixing. Ready for use dry. A fertilizer as weIl as a poison. Pure Paris Green J. E. WILLIS Druagglet and Opticlan MEDICAL HALL Breck St,, * Wbltby. meste to icCrown. Tosula-e iOlronl ,Gmg p 1 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~i J ss l t, Ilida âfapnmcd bY Wadiu» w«» lederou <pn1,c .jaa.TOU ~~ l ubrmittd.A imaple of por tteta part 1 b@io»M>, ,.Mtiri<pt 1". han 24 Dper' ent., bai nom# ai* .O.M. M. Kenndy (parts l'a"é 11>, tutdl 4.98,ooasidcrably over the lita - ~ .Mier (part 1),. L LMà gtar4 tL 'Wadhsui- doubties.a,pa n <uI f). J. C.ImtPhali <part i,5,t deavoelng 10 kfeip hheiaw, bat wmmtdeton <pantI> l! ZkT ps CA LL W If1 ' mupliMth e ti.manufacturer, wlt I1. XA. pc 1-Potr<arsIai tie over'streagtii iuor. mai anir tiI..D. parSIg at «1). C yL8We biais. JugRuUy snatalad tic »- U«64» (»n rt I). HW. Tl . Con-ltior4 miWmikaau.la out $390<Pert ,5, P. Wbiatt pvI L e t T u s s d y ' C o i . P & r c e U A i lU r . p - L - , . C s ' k . F 4 0 . U . i g-_ _ _ _ _ _ _ Là o , onceam ore srIsIîed brtd p, N tj Y c . l t1*4<i :M w qEx d o c e U n t T i o O to i m W * o u ' 4 u M s I L . l. £ m e ly- e- tor-wa ,Ug iQuor. et glb t Jaugeob* ÇO doit 0fUdoras4 ameuter' -'---"',-,-' - suie liait, et ou pane > s t e u m w t r il d 1-em c l itie s u o ~ ' WHITBYONTAR[, CANAA, T#{USDAY, UGUST . 1Q~C A. GOOL>FELLOW N OPuhhr <CONTRACT AWARDED FOR IWHY Ne- A -SPECIAL RATE REBUILDINO GYMNASIuMI FOR COOKINO PURPOSES ____ WiIJ Accommodate Classes in Agricuiture.. O~EicdlyU d z Wht ?P R There was flot a large attendaiice at cessary to sectirt the Government mention bas beea made 'dUring re- a large part Of It la used for liging VI r1~ ceotary of the Tac« thit while elec- PurPoses at ni.gbt, but during the day - the sp clal eetin et t e Boa d of Tant.tric stoyes bave be en redReed eon ad- it la a e 10 sy tha t a great dea i of_ _ _m . Mm Education held où Tpesday evening Mr. R. J. Underwood's tender wB5 erably In price asInSo the.ir Introduc. the pwraalbel nsd b ~~K for the purpose of cohsiderîng what accepted at $640. subject 10 the ap. ite y r e engisaPdI soiit o te valbe lutli ed.Why action abouid be taken regarding ac- pro-rai of the building com ittee, he are no dly s t red cin peopldte. for ookingurposze bceoing commodating the agricuitural classes which was te mee a heamnaslum whomes as frat sce a*-te wrat h eigdn1agiy drn a for the Higli Schoi. A suflikient num. on Wednesday morning to go overUrt easn ort t.. waranee t. w en ght nlaflrgequiedurng the a ber to form a quoarum were present. final detaila with 1%r. Underwood. fr 18pe.I undotfbtedly that their aummer montha' at leasi? )however. afid the business piroceeded. Mr. Llnderwood will commence '-1w rork r eaint The chairman expiained the purpose on1 the centract immediately, In erder usepreabet scI rate for current A redued rate as aboie SUggested ýfthè meeting. The situation that to have the building ready for the eectric steves use a fary large a- Commission In any way. Those who,- had artsen was thls:. No special pro- opening of school on Septemyber 4th. moti 'fîrîy mue -ren orIlhtn vision ls made at present for the ac- The Secretary read a request fromouuo urn.uecurn o ihgPurPeses only I- commodat ion ofthie classes In Agricul. the Bricklayers' Union of Whitby for The remedy as far X& Whitby la con- weuid .1111 pay the present rate, be- 1.4 îure at :lîe High Scheol, taught by tlie permission to use thie basruent of cerned seema bo be tlte reduction of cause, as before pointed eut, few reach Principal, Mr. G. S. Jolinson. Uniess B3roch- street scitool ' once severy two the rate .thie 90 k. w. h. peint. The resuit a rooui specialiy ltted for the purpost wiî-ks for their meeting. The members The present rate eiuurged te electrIc would be, on the contrary. te increase_________ ta provided for te cias8 before scbool were willling to psy any reasonable lgh tiusera In Whltb$r. eve.r an-d aiJove the CemmJssion, revenue lhrough the re)-îîs li SPItember_ the grant ai- sum for this priviloge. and to use ail a fiat rare for floor- space. la 3c. per added amouint of curren t used and tel call on = lovtpd for the tpaching of agriculture care In keeplng the roem dean. kilowatt heur fer an utineunt up 10 100 addition from time 10 lime of more %Il flot be given by the Departmenit Thislarpqitest causerd tuucb discus- k. w h.: over t.hat .wAinunt 2c. per k electrie stoves 10 lthe nuniber aiready of Education. The Boeard was faced. sion. Mr. H. R. Wilson. who presont- w. b. The average om uses fror now In use In bhe communlty. thrfoe n1h 1 itCeSsity of taklng ed lthe request for the union. sad itat 69) k. w. h. ppe nth. antdthere Wity ities cnt wold thereown Immnediut>- action. tho oniy reason thge use of the echool are few that use ov r8.s hat lt e public util ts wid e refr Estiniaî,-s en building a new wing was deslred was titat no otlîer meeting average househetder4,>. it c. aese esnai osrk rate O!fA to the. Hiah Sehool placed the probable place at Port Wll:by could be secured. on ail is llghtlng. ~.tiis kind which would be of distinct L cost ai $.iî.anîd ai a previous meet- Most o! thte niembérs llved ah Port 1: would seem rea»onnble for te valeelime tncaseie revnue o! the ~I i o ing o! the Board titis was declared lim- )Whithy or aithbe Hospital. and Il was Public Utllity tCemt"sson ho reduce Comdiý"on without an extra cent o! possible, A tender was then secured L oo far to cotue "p town ho meet. the rate on ail eurriftt over 80 k. w. b. The.Inviwefbb igt rce ie tram W J. lnderw2C. s foliowsaForInr. Kng tofliheScituot font 2c. t fron R J Unerwodan ellws Fo %I. ingtought the request siteutd fm le., thus ýDrevldlng an in. being asked for coal. ceai oit, gasoline rebullding the gyiium, putîlng in be referred t h colProPerîY ducement fer the '-'smsof current b and weod, te adoption ef aseca partit ions. celling, repairing walla. Commît tée. u tse Il more exten4WveY fer coeking raewudhl»t euet e hiicat W II etc.. $640: cernentf foundation titder Wr. Nilityvrk had no objection te ,purposes, and te encourage the Instal- mi oflg. itlî eema te bing 'w l Il f 1building $200: renioving building to the usm o! bbc -basernent by lte Union. 1lation of more eecetrîc ateves I lluh gber veryday.Eerts who knw - P o esg' rear o! lot. $'150; total $$1090. The but he was not sure the Boeard liad Wbty a igtat eeri a.Exrrtsfer ookng.:B I, . nupn e lmtat meeting o! thp Board itad been ad- the right 10 rent l. 'Poere are Many reasens for thia. witen obtainable Bt lc. per k. w. b. Journed in order 10 aliow Uie for tur- l Titis feeling was sitared by otiter Th"o agreement of te Public Utilllyl will cemPete with gasa a $1 pr10 lt-er consideratton ef the amotînt o! jInembers. and the request was accord- pemsre ihlieIydeEetrc1b000l Ca t 80 tn n wor~k required to be clone ho te gym-1 Ing-ly referred 10 bite Scitool PropertyComsin it b UYr-etr Ub ftcaai$.0&oad naslim building. Coînmittee. and the Secrel.ary In the CýOMMîssîe cmIIS foe $300 Der month oil ai $0c, a gallon. On uesay venng urtterdisua-meaîiîe wll orwrd iteappicaionfor current t. *uply te public util- This la a mabter titat lte itimens _______ 'SsOn hook pac e an lb wa ds cuslly eanbte tme îîfor rul ng as ic tiontea. about 150 horst ower. 'This sum are lnierested lu, and would be welli 'S ided too hae, ondle rBu1idly de on, he bi e art of it foa rin ie asltr.muai be paid each> mentitwheter worth te cenaderation of te Public dlcavingohaoeut o thece-nsideratien . te thehtce tMissad Istheornte..ebyngluttoter.idadvisethe e-bMsaiObobitebylpewer avise tse1dor thetowe trobably no Uîility ut Commiommsionn ment founidariori and rnoving o!flte Board o!flte had condition of ltef Jbuilding. The chatrinan stated deaks In ber room. and asked to have>SM M that the repaIrs thuts provided for repaira madle. lis, too. was referred wouid provide (lie acCommodation ne- to the proper comrnittee .XrOM'1EN -OF 'HITBV ASEDTO CON$ERYE FOODFeT I R L . OL S M SH R EPubliC Meeting Next W dedy Our stock of Summer Footwear iicuest WAS SAID TO BE MISSINO enedy Latest Style A meeting wtl sbuIield In the Town to aliow thc conseryatton ef beef, Un- Rurnor Later Proved Unrue. HU on Wdeday 0-euîng ne-x, con and wheat fer ahtpiment overseas Pum ps and Oxf rd Mayer Warren, Wboïj rooleit of the MMs Whltfteld- and Mes. Thompuen in Viclid, 'Patent Leather, Gui ea n Rtflmor hliafit at Lb.-Cel. Sam Hemaya titat te enly manner In whlch FwiCon olsen o Canarareon.rt.J.tlu&.e tle nDark rw f Sharpe, of the ll6th Bn., la issnin nte circultloa ef lte rumor uaa le Foidetro t 0 aadHn .J.Ig tI ot the. Intention. le form Brn.Caf France, but ne confirnmation of the re- accounted for i la t he caauallty ef Hanna. Evcry eltuea Al ivtedt te le any new organîtioae. TItepupos e l port itan been recelved iîiyhie srea- Uieut. Lennox, of Torento, a cousin <>f Piesenl but a »tout rgnt invitation meroiy to preseat the at sgvn e u i.o tivea IanLtxbrtdge. The Toronto daliy Col. Sharpe. whe ta servia.g In lte e tetied te the 4d5. N very wo-_ by Food Controller Hanua, and toene - papers had news of the rumer which mre brigade wftit hlm. Mr. Gouidcdia wo Us ho t oatection Itst the WOMQR « WhlthY mund the tI £A V I a iEUftfi D AP la circultbng hILJxbrtdge, oneetofihinks that Mr.Srehaence. wlth boIlSOhold du - - As aeeed te ms» commuaity lagurll nefrtt Eau5 SS vawmnu v J lhem saying:- -lesaly mlstaken fer lis cousin.- sSaLat iF'ood tios, and tan hip la puttla lt.oeffecî the food "Lieut-Coi. Saîaiif'>8ba paM1 P. eW#prOSettBt cOnervation mvemeat Ail the la. ferridge Onrilà aresden' t U SInSa Franceide, a fsSng n ranettcrdwa.taw Js. 9. <Saf4-o-.(Staff C$i . 'o -4Ieeoglu&utlos l te twn it orloror'wih latho r rbbr oro tan ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ alt %oèt4 a eotl.o&trte a i Dnea) eao ~ <0 lauiot- earaeïstly re4uested'te b. repreeented high heels, h 1» ar raeporat te eprtdl nt orNothÃ"ita1o ot Inoon t. la W.l a *#]"Pmponwhcl 41 ar ber é~tevrTis h w it e r , aea bh h ep o r t d id o ar r th c ; e d t e aZ h r p 0 t. t Ptih A l f i m iiea a U er ie a o e b e e e i g a th o M s W m n niC i d r n i s c m o e e gaephyrculnaio Chouty, n 183, ud al iteut w a ve o laietlgon hpecaW" 1o t * 1Onm .. iPti 0 Si, i ereatof u 8, ayt S om eloc________________________et______ lurce Trhde ept lte feuîy hie To-te of alntee ero« tahin. W. - -Lýti,= tn abefr hspato heNftigl brohor eaadOsoodSae all aSob e xeeareasurlai ablem orrg tlow- ."r fl Mteli-s h osI rac n u-FL E * 'FU ne ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Rn of a Maorfat largeegm nt Lte tu iesreefed sca t of-, vea b1 plce, whic reuitd ta lb, pasing zi 14 %su et-oi.ere a c omm a o r te le ta 1h or ad et t.C t. reune al e- 1Ad4 eenn supyr Ontaro CuntyltIon 1butcnd-I lenox, we a vcusi n 0< the <doe4, -&o 0fthe S sumS O be nodrnlteii <l oent8at, roesl ngn-cIi't 11H watlaajoren, wth was kgInow tbeln maula; ela eudatlue s t 5 fSiEoulilb owre to tue'dW U lained a number 'of Toronto men. It.wet overseas vitit the lIGth. la r.- vGruge* gainstat i ar-time electon sud ibr.P el 5, SO kS.S UI trained at Camp Niagara In te uni. ported tuussing. He is a son et Chasu, uprtsgadugn;lt ar. mer ef 1916. In Eagiand l was broken b,,ennes, cf Toronto, now la France ment et conscription. up te f urnimh r.crults for battalians in witt a censtruction battallon. A ver-y unique meetIng waa held00 lte trenches. It vas lter reergan- Bt '- nge WOn Friday afeo Ized. lumt WbtMi'..J. B. Laidtaw *u uaaauwbout-m w -Mr. Harvey Geuld, of IJxbridgc, COL SHARPE SAFE, 8AYS CABLdE. e«t t@Mrs (Senator) santord 0<'of brther-ia-iw of Lieu.-Col. Sharpe, Ottawa, July 8 Co.Samt SharpH&1111111;011. Mes.- WlîitOuby cura. 1 WINi'RE. WAR.' TED GIW M bat! rccelved ne word Sunday nigitt ILP.. ef Uxbrige. ta sate sud sound at misgs. 0oro n ud &butnt i e Sir William Hearst. Premier0 from Senator qSà ha . vtovas &--e - . ot it- iiiaDprnei.......~'litD W#b mdlef0fOtreM.N w O. J 2 '-'-'s k -i -E- f7 CL