Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 12 Jul 1917, p. 6

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%0lii. - 3D~ LV BIt I I I *-uIft.]L 11M. 1W 1tal ~~f9, A, ADeCLAIRATION 0OAR ~ UMMARV Dy EXPE&tRor ON£ Me -*fi III COMBATIVa MEAURES I fight t CHAPTER II.-(COont'4.) 1 tlon which1t1wçutbou: a&H ber toolleh. s "Another plecesof niprudenje, pm na and pvie lterloration of teni- The Navlee of the World Are BattISng The ably.- Aqi ne they'il eXpec >yoU toi perf li e pt bhl patient, an ef ait up a41 night, and porbaps aven tie On -one soltary ouiaclen had Pati- WIth tii. Sternest Menace ln eto Up their wouxide. Pcr, doar fathorl'once tfaiied bise. Tht. lied been dur- But yau've W'elly got. yourueîf te 4ng the umalipox eidemic whlch had Brltalnm H story. there thank for it, yoia know, -fo- imaking ragnd at Ardloeh mone elght yeari reel e nalbereeyaant D yourself too cheaip. Now mind'after hlm marriage o on am teraulisano at te mment, butna yeu're back befor, we are, unfess you thero lad been sicknems about, to etbtmyr watme t, come after you and march'which an noptt doctor ad notth 1 u R mc raot bs more1 yoi home.- Really, I'mso for that been- able te give- a namf_ on Ilove that we shahl ultimately master Th ~ra uPofa Ada. ';Vhat can that da an Oban authority had pro- the 1-boat as there waî that wemlft lie have been after? Here's your'nouaedthe torrtfylng word, and a mbould master the Zeppelin. wrItem mn mns cioak, Feuella,, and the machine lsa ummons arriving in John's absence Englilh authorlty. And we know low' beta watig. No, mdyour flewers!", had been promptly suppresoed by Ella that the high-flying. mwft-travellint a& But eneIla, for a brief moment, had, On his return lhe had indêed oberved acroplane la more than a match for t t%,e M forgotten ber flowers. Hier brown'an increaaodj nervousness of manner, the gasbag. eyes remained fixed a little wistfully and had been cioely questiened as te h umrn il ecnurdtien. aron herfather's face, a ptee-the people he had met on the roa esumain ll b cnqert te y . e 1 ing ou& .le disturTlnce writ- ; but ne suspiaion fhad awakened ln hlm not by eue mnan8a, but by a variety ef lu essa tnthre. A second shaàrp r-pri-'until next morning when a second, means, cleverly oo-ordlna.ted. The la ne mand f rom Julia was required te re- sund this Urne !earful, niessenger burst prubiem, whlle it calis for new invon. DO cal! wr t mor urget mater , into the rooni in which he wam pre- dions. aise demanda the Intensittca- Zpo The next few minutes cirnststed of psring te breakfast. tCharlie Robson tien ef exIstins antl-sabmarine measty those rnpid movements, that ggitatied hadîded in the niglit, it appear.d, s 'ires. suy collccting ef -gloves and fans, that- and new his wife was inking sei fait cendai feverish draping of wraps and tucking that she feit it ueedful te see te her Hu3aaril ef the Soa. lmpreç up of akirts wbich, on sucli eveningmseul. What are the ways Iu wblch the Given as this, mark the final s-tage beforel "Charlie Robson?" repeated John, submarî ie can be touglit ? There i., lng s departure. Even before the prepara- thunderstruck. "Gene a IreadyT Whyteegn lthespeepdenetwhc tiens wero quite fiuimhed, John hliwas 1 net calied ? ',destbegin with, tfraimplearcas et of l-th U sîiently 'vithd rawn. He was aware (To b. .ontinued.)fi The n t*fai-med mrcan-th an the it of being net oniy a .superfluous figure, tr. Te& e ecata hto t but niso a discordant note. Thoughý getE its shot ln first stands a good Thle those three yreungr people were bis owrn R '4 chane et sinkiug its U-boat assailant. needÏi flesh and n d- , Av i,~.i n ua nrARfl,î.T M e lit anlUg bitt t woud iy tegue ftl rmAt tilat'itIl&"m My Deaation la thé. eforti to the subuaarlnem. The Uuwearylng Hunt U-botu uetb. hunted .Itb 'r4ncrulng numbOr Oft patola >ysm meaplanes, andi submarlu0s; Must lie hundreds Of meaplanel ot them and bomb them, and more mainefielda to make their miontm ln the laneis of traffic tar precarlous. bgenlus of Ailled Inventors lai thé course et their expert- idevise more effective means ef ring the presouce ef U-boats, with thelr location, a more effec- neano of mecurlng their destrue- al mnu bulchs, man cari destroy. ience, the problem ef the U-boat greater than the problem of the Jin, whlch we have succesatully ered. It la a question of tirelesa -ceucentratiou-just as air as- zcy la a question eftincreaaing ýement and experlmentatlon. a multiplIcation, even et exiet- Rntl-submartne measures. and, confidence, It tau be sald that- -boat mefiace loesa uine-toenths gravity. destruction et U-boat la, Bas te say, entera into the pro- iltai elii luutny auDuus lr ilial mui i Sv îi u That la why thé Properly-armed lp Iblein; but that la rether a mattor of himn ut fti moment-uer he for tliem. wltb expert gunners has ten lîves cern- Grand Plleet stategy. "Que diable allait-il faire dans cette F E C galere ?71 t TJLLre te thé on. lite et the unarmed TILLfMru"IL hip. CHAPTER III. Thé Uboat Posltively loaîbes theA TI IDV l T.V % armed trswler, and wlth geod cause, ARTIIi YLL OF THEIA It was long past midsigbt when, ARTILLERY HORSES ARE MORE tor eur trawlera have sent mauy ef John, bis body weary, hi.seul bleed- A I ing witb the pit eof the thinga liii ad USEFUL TItAN MEN. the me-pirates te thefr deoin, sitherPR S N seeu, cntered the sai! berool em be tb wellirected fire, or by cnashlug P B M W lad luhabited mince Elia's desth. In- - mb theni. But more- than thé armed te a shabby easy-chair hé sank dclwn R-est-p,,iods--Btwec-n Batties -Are trawler. thue eubmart(ue bates thé thir- FACTS CONCERNINO WEAPON8 beforo theé grate, in which, bore and ty-knot destroyer, at thé slght ef which there, among the dead ashes, an ember Empioyed in Reclalmlng ghé ai once prépares te submerge. snd, 0F;r PAST AGES. gieamed, like nab!oedslot eye. Of theéa-wp ru happiîy for us, ofttn tee late. Thore revellers, ne sign as yet; snd, mince WrSetAc.are anY numi>er of Instances where U- seeee oild .ave te sît up te let Anwadfutu cuainh theni in, it fit a welI behé h seeing A e u ritu cuain ba hbave been CUt lu bwo by violent Modern Gunal, AIth'ough Much More that the pictyres me vividly dilling hisj béen found for the. British treôps coliléten wlth thé Hussars of thée ffcIeAeBaICmae Mmnd wvuld he sure te keep sleep at whou tbey retire for r1êst freni the bat- 1ocean, aud t eau be lznnglned what t EfetvAeSilCmad bay fer sorme tîme yet. It was te lie into the hospitality ef French vil-Imust be like for a U-boat commander With Pmmt "MenaCera." this consideratien that Janet oed roi lages, writes n correspondent frein'te aee thé sharp, ominous fotof eta lhu oeaatundtee laeus ei m er post. Paris. They sée about~ thein fîIld5 Idestroyer raclug towards him, its AihuIueIatone teer As he sat there, gentiy tbougb un- sadly lu ueed ef banda; soetirnes trek iarked by a rlbbon et white efthLe lImmense suze et the heavyr ar- consciousi, e i-cking bis hcad trmnwta Leyhnram aY oa.tIllléry used by bath sîdes Ia the pre- aide te si 'between hi5 adJh owta s nm han"r, a John n.sent war, it shouid be borne la mInd wns aware et n pervadin senne of sadiy in need et reciemation. Duels In the Deep.tltprecleetoilagrdm- loneliness. Ever mince t eeelg Siieshr u hr aeotn Catciiing thé U-boat ln nets la a ter -eré useci long age. on which heansd Eila lad discovéred etfered te iend a hnnd la thé - fields, source whîdî weriied succosstuliy là T'Pli ret piece et artlliory recorded the truith about each other, the ens- but thèse occasions! sud partial ef-thtle earller days of thé war, when thé eamdbySlwtaGea, tien had becu latent, te bicorne period- forts ore becoming s regular part e ubofne pcilze uloawatr.senadte t h wareton a et gunpod icnlly ~tcute. To-dy thé aight et thélets. Mea and herses Thé adveut et thé ocean-gelng Uba,'u13 h man lie loved as s brother, mutllated U-ot n13, wb lthé tii-st use ot artillery and apparentiy d ying-perhaps aise are offlciaiiy used in thé work et pro-, hoever, has Ltmlted thé peslbltles lu warfare was probably made by the tl.at bf his own c hildren, riged eut ductitin, and for that purpoeé releas- of tiettlug thé pirates, aluce t ta Moors -et. Aigecîrea, 8paiu, lu 1343. se b.qavely in t hé liVtry et fashion- ed trom a certain ameount et Purely cibvieus that thère are net eneugli 'Ple town la sltuated on the saine bey had ,erught aboýut oeef et se n1ýo- mitai-y routine, nets An thé world te a.pply to thé soa* eund opposite te Gîbi-aiter. hlat laIn M h héhad hen rwidewr for TIenattached t ifl ry &nétra f t Thug h hd ee awiowr orhe hqaelng trt f eatn treffofteresting te remember tia.t thé pro- ;barely two years, hé bad been practi. edures ote epriet Thé U-boat fears the mine, ant IL sent Speniali governor'a full titie la cnlly alone for tweuty-four. Ela agriculture, whihla 1 doing in th-9 generaliy moves ln the dayllgbt te "Glovérnor et AIgeciras aud Gibralta.r, Fromn a matenial peint ofet ,llmont literai- sensé, yeoman werk for au-eld It, resting et ntght beleur the temporerlly lu thé occupation et thé had lomtt otbing hy ber grud ing auli. French fields, If lt le net turnlng surface 01 thé water, on' thé sea-bet!. British,'" an exemple ef optIugoni that mission te John's wiil; aincelimsa ta the bayenet inte tthe piowshare, iti Mines, nevertbeiess, také a subatan- urely deserves te bicorne clessicai. twe years after the crucial scène, the barnening the artiliery horse into the titi tolet submarlnesi, sud il may be iidward III., et Crecy, la 1846, bat! tbreé thousand pounidi in question lw usn r tatstodw had, by ôeeoftthose' tiuhtie iranien a ln ow, uing g u d acea te ratiltat Au a far- greator extension oetoLur piees of etannoa, and h. alào which Fate del, bts, found their way, tiurshig mchies andhiig iina é uchi more effective U- uset artllery et the siégé or Calai after ail, into ýe? reaýdy hands: the, nêarly àa1million aÛTft.Nb single buet menace. durlug tth. tcilowing yeer. relati-ve whem Mrs. Wason had select- Ctlgnu ln PXàMoe liasgiven sucb genu- Thle aubmnuine cmn aise hé foUglut ~ g mMil ed ne lier heir havig died lntbt4tet,104pluuûteathe sit of this wIee, >i-thé subraarla.If when the w&i nEIbrgt hcu twstaa tresé upn thé heels en t ebe e - p cky anti unmelfah effort te heai the broke eut we hbd edZeppelins, thueyter!fio Lnoetteeqéto tes nEup:igtol e t er- aiso a,èe hl a ea ol otil aebe ergtonLno ttem to est ef kin , Sasm fer ais thie fâpr, ~a.e !wr-ee hl . ae lerbinhae benuset!teOgSirWalter Scott. may be seon Menas et ber incoeéwas ceucern.d, the 1bat- ItS leight. - fght their kinti.Au Itallen subinarise Meg, a large cannlon, 18 test long, anti tie with John lad net been crucial at A Depamtment of-Aguiculture. hbu aboya bow practicabie It laste op- 20 lýà calibre, whtch la saIt! teo alf; and yet iL waa by far the most urulet u ars.Mc bveou ed yJmsIL tth crucial tbng whîcb came tc ellier of The iti-doait. ceamant!of Sir posue aie ealraie.Ecilaebomueib amsI.e h their lives, elther beforé or aftet. Douglas Hmlg!o thet ever àcame direct- ean seok the. other out and! An the atmge e Thileve Olte la 1486. This Aithughto utaie ees othiu vas y tothewrierei,,*" w au dr»matie duel below th. water victer I- «ed atone shot.ive years 'ter Aitheugl te utsie sysaMa gont wthe btott.er boat andrsthe anoun alterd in théir relations, yet.nethiftg struction te a phe'tograpborte take wi otetebttrbi et u et'* KAing met lta deat et Rerburgh hed been <ute thé saine again iter - Irnlme ni~ ter eu-ew. wbIih. ster aitla Sm&Il thaC by the. hur.11ns et IL tUuàlImr cannOE f1pctures fFec o n oe that 'eveaîug. The reprosceblàl, busy in i els.Itl gt smaticysoud ,aiu oa.d. sarmurde- th "Qute maityr-lîké airs by Rillasomeîo hAi I te owwu nYatio bareld thkfr.eant tllr *-d T he tu e n rlbt* oktV coploeèy taII.d 1 etoeh Jbn het coraiiudern-c l IV O10110 810 11'sflQan UC-a « » usuallv ademattine heart. - Neither deep admiration for Moeh Iv ossno sltt nonrsti- uitffly4 ovrCts wamtfure nuc tck e tb.i cusmt-worensant bi pecepion et~,between U-bo&m aandi el"ota. butsat- a proeat fmnCh-rela V. te (loi uaasbaMores, le whalk hai eh4o'sauetIta woIngm aaid bisry VUe.), la et the a ellse -had once drueanit o!gîng vital value of the.irtoil fimiy po. ta e tiri a m a ll art doa mg ions, Hal ba(H er M)1ime t lutw] lma, ldeeti, low ttould th.i-. bi duced th. ne-w departmeant, but it nete iealPMia&ln.adbsCvnrt ote-wU wt mtrnai dutlea multipi n1 ' yra7 or.1lcu*importassesof Airçrait kow ites; mldcgthefr lde ~ ~ ~ Britith regare hoeme i ntereset in eaplanes aie a splendldmsu o "<~ b@ië nî*aeed n e n e t ia0 i3 or 111 carr-y a blte tCalait Ores.- Un W>tn Eff;a erkeof the land! Of lFrWnce, EvOn aithAt ÛMbuUiu thé mibMafLau Thsy ea 'nIbe irgmt boe .rordd la a ïmue itnalalnz i',te evdsntly meant rprov- date a y.an cge whle aeancbing for spot dtheil-boat and ettacl i t w1 14,gr28 lafl calIbre, umate et iSoa- lng theïr seanpers, and incidentelly mSUt*ile vlsws thei correspondent ceame boMba or vttb obargeas. tent. po. da.tututIc seat"nth aise thoir tesète le dres, whie John aeci-osmoi-e tIen n espltuire cd ados volence of wtie xpola stcentury, anti known O a Mitko0 Mo- Umed ! just the »mrn expression fr a British Tommy bandllng the. plow, and detroy any iht co» *ta ls in mutdi,"sgfl Ldi tcPea~ field of iactivity. net euibiaced wtthin ltrpingd.îueun la wt cevIile tterlu-neé mr tti- Bd&». astgnM ghor f te t teha lèr horizon. ltrpln h bv In 4hlt iWy dteel omr o-atSte i a"dt a Yet 'hlm patience neyer taildtti hm. Prench childree tbelr motisers am at vie oatius ci-att dbmsacatsnic& eboi Cade i« oS4b4ron. andi by ethers The *form ' whlch hi& dhmppelntmea g-radperita. 1i1%I ImOrtanceO t airtt tu W8i-nioft ironte teck, was net lrrttation, but c lowly In P'ebruary eoflIAiyear an excel- Jmerohamnm et tb. prmesnce ot U- îA Formidable WU.a gUrowlng roserve, la whldh hUMmI, lest termer--ent! aoldtsr-wbo lau bocî at# hauidy bepaageread. prîde uindenlably lad ite part. Eveny >wed &ta inlapartaof th» worid cm If we 5M uni utuf g.ez y fly linev a t-iwap oeenon uere mot 0matie - glmna ofeMabinner soif whicb ho bat! f&aspartaU AIVUStrali d SUUciez.mUnS o«igtbthl I U tdie am itl t ter-MofUc lte tb çsnp tralid teoOi soinàd eti E. niabnt!. fonmed a littie deparsunent au oflwu:tiw7. Proes0maI irter w.re iba lion. On iboe nI11e f the diaoV. "f acultgrttWitb bW'itC 08»-l (1) 812009I by l418%. a= of h- ot beW. As 1115 d n ery h. 1--ad understoM ,that Jlenceor- lHO himeIf VW&A gAvnaMuioffice la a I2)t>Destrucu*0 nbi- commiion. eaery wo Ii*nt!n romVea W al e c 1 ward lid would heveto go on Ails wey apeclous t*wn hall, where lhe la ci ta) Cetchrit thrnets. , r"o mo mt " orr . aient; and atone le.- laè gene eves' thé elbow o e i.mayor, mend' cen bu 4) lowsg op wltb aMICO, qeSton may b. gcuuins fl nte alone, always wltlî thé wouend Of lia Mue Of thé <Ufriiot andtUt We Dmibep (6) Detr*lang by aubmariea aak dlbaapolntant upon hlm-but net freai F'encî autbotIty. ()Ssl, yarri ois~ de iati a 1 roct actual unhap , &Ince. blé work noesr () Mtklg by-I .,**illw « a, & t u. heprjst failet! hîm. The work ItmeIf lad l Mm Lad Rai<îuoe dth haret lamb. b u 1lif . . disappolalmonta, iLs frequent and! bi t mtbt l ta beeeBi-beegte1 . a ofme r ffl~ t tla u itt M ". t e" ua ter- decoptions; but thé spiritua i s mtolati Wm i t-d gugta»i«Mr rann tbis great edvantagî ov.i-them, ,h" Ual hsoldAcrs mtroIiest and!caibel ti«, muet S ntouUbg uthe ,i, 1. tIa s bovwmp«Iiil-satchp warker thet thé effort ln i(Weitsatîsties t*MPO-crlly fi-td front routîne Mill- t l tatty or ristinsMatte-,, - t ««i uea ps! ot t &orne otherwlae uii1uercbcbl.e ravier.tory work, t itb t» ti taliedMa'wbleb ca-e Moat le 4ftwol.aa~~a. ea .js cend tht ssn fI ueý a tlyet bndt!oe My V.ocl tai-nruror eug ttt,.! Idto te depre si lice t le tbutvisible Zal-,vator wbo a1% >I_'t of taleor. T ursamege nec*eoe1~s t ei b s t ée ure, Ànd lueknows hîsell toe b.work»,,W«k te le do».. la otaUmos-a i 1tM« tes9 1[4 UÙ0- ûut ooiyav 4 W m ,tt» aotma - o boa ingl a fltoi tivîiblo-A- VOla1, iIea e oi4lceltl t. -" t ou as e '1.b? e"eowi ai-mai -paase t 54 iO l tjyider, audli ondItions even ttii. ale- lti.scaee- t s'ytus esi ii~ 7plça lbt.oenofew 'pitasj ud pca à a w 4 - tr $ oumh llngot sarth hInte cnabyse van he ace rk1ýiuott401M - « IK« es u d »,I cohLi»slet! wltb a wboeeurat ti- h'~~us . ISIYioWbttr ears ~t toa>e~-<~g*'. r.saymstli A * IN IIousffltLD SCICE COMPLÉTÉ IN Kac. GEORGE W#JUs TWENTY.FIVELESSONS.SUJCSIIRT LessOn f. Why W. Need Foed. The. fundamental principle of ail power te do work.- Thoy- enter, te a foodas the nutritive value ef the f ood Omalî extent, into the process of build- MANY RECRUITS GAINED BY HI8 lta.llV, If food lacks the necessary ing tissue. The»y aIse furnish leat. LCTUE elementa tiiet are me important, it fala Starch, by the proc'nss of digestion, im OIIT E converted Into a dextrine, and then te a*CoMpllmh Atsmmission in the body. macde into a convoi-t sugar. This Wseat la order tha.t we May work I change takes place in the Intestines. War Mas Brought $ovoegn Inta Thât the wcrkers may eat la an intelli: Fats-The source ef fats la in beef, Clouer Touch Wlth Hlm People gent Manner, it ln Ment necessary for lard, chîcken and other compeunds of hnEeBfo. the bousewlfo te know the principles an animal source, and lu clives, cern,Thn vrBeoo and laws governlng digestion. Fer! peanut and cottonseed eh eof a vege- King Edward and Queen Alexandra, instance, whlo the heavy pretein of ;table source. Vegetablo 0118 are frec duarlug the many ycars t.hoy were pont in very acceptable during coid frozu ail dîmease. Cern oh l a supertôr prince sud Princeser Wales, hait weather, It would b. unwlse te supply te ail dornostic oilm, It is the by-pro- long lived lu the country's affection1 it ta the famiy during the hot seasOn.duct of cern froni which corustarchla lansd the presént Ki ndQeen ha~ etteya.Many of the heavy and'imado. Iu composition fats contibfr them a dîfficeult tarinluflltig cearàe foods that w st during cold'carbon, hydrogen and oxygen. Fats Ina1the place vaeated te them -'by the'ý weather are actually needed. This the body furniali a greater ameunt Cit deatli of King Edward and the tem- la especlally true ef a person whohat than starches. Theyr are used' rtrzetto oillt t worha eut ef deers deiug heavy mnaz- aise for building tissue. A large the beYreve en rMoial r. of ua] laber. ameunt of fat must be usecl during But t-ie ar brouglit tiem ut Wlben the Weetary or Indoor werk- coid weather than la hot weather, for 1oe euhwtl 0 poi than ever, er rèallxes that hi&. dt should be de- the leat radiating over the surface, anysBoverelgu lad been. 'Pheir In-, cidedly different from thé' diet o! a evaporates more quickly in the coid,' torest In the werk and weitare of the porion whose work exposes hlm te tlie or, lna ether werds, the cold oxidizes polterknl yptywt open, muchill-health and disoaise will t.his body fuel. thes heir kand hesymathy wtlik- diaappear. In erder te secure good Minerai Sata.-The source oet the suonfheferlug s o th eraedhulck-, health, it behooves ua te know mat Iganic salta Is picplyingenmer- won heireart !te ir ubet what we are eating. vegetables, grains, mulk, neate, eggs Won thousauds ef recruits trom amng food are: Preteins, carbehydrates, are' calcium, iron, cherne, plies- fats, minerai saits and wate t pliorus, magnesium, sodium, suiphur Thelr MajoelS'ympathy Pitotelas» are coutalned Iu M at, milk, and potassium. Salta are used te re. AgaIn soe touchl.ag aterles are cheese, butter, eggs, fiali, grains, and gulate the body; tliey are aia needed to4d et the receut tour or the King andi letumnes . Proteins contain hydre- for the f ormatIon of boue and teeth Quecu te the industrlai towns of the gen, carbon, nitrogen, uiphur and structure and appear la tissu. build- ner.th. soetimea phespherus. Their chief ing. At eue lai-go plant the Queeu sbot use la tissue building, repalrxng waste Water.-Water la the mtncet si- a wena.n. "14eur long have you been and making Muscle. They alise sup. smary et ail feede; it tormes a part et workIng here 7" piy heat. ail tissues and in the important tac- -Ever sînce It istarted, Your Maies- C*rbohydraeas are found ia starchea tor ln the biood stream. It is pro- ty," ohé repie!. and:ugars, green vegetablea, grains sent in large amount la li body fluide. '*Ând are any of your tamllty at the sud fruits. They are composed of It cacrîes neurishmnt to the. bloodj front ?-"' cerbbn, hydrogen and exygen. Carbo- and regulates the bediiy process etfj VOh, Yen, Vour Majesty. Al My hydtates are used te supply cnergy'or ellmination. i meu are 11galing. or have died figlit-' Cooklag Green Vegetabies. Tbe use of sait, bicarbonate of soda, vinegar or lemon Juice while cooklng! vegOtabiez is etrictiy forbidden. The' chemical aàt)on of these agents whmn comblned wlith the minerai malts con- tained in the vegetabies produce al eomýound that ia not deairable. Thle cell#lar tissues of the vegetables haird- e n, and cause a lois o« valuabie min- orai malts ini the water used for cook- ing. Steaming la the very b>eat *metIhod of coeking ail succulent vege- ta-bIos, but when this lu flot possible they' may be bolled. Thoroughly cleanse the, veotablu,, rinsing thern in plenty of clear, cool wator. Now place theni In a canerols t6iaL cover and eLa" nthe . on: lug. My husbaud sud t-lite sons are Oui heur fer green peas sund lima jt thé front, twe lu* Egypt aud two lu, bias. , rance-.-and 1 have lest a nephéw" Forty minutes for asparagus. Ne doubt Quion Miary-lias beard Thirty-flve minutes for corn,,cut many such nmpiiés te ber questions. tram ceb. but It wss wltli deep eotion sud with Do net add auy wuter. Have thé au lmpulèlve baud cap tlat Lhe aven lot. Quéen eald, -WhaL a splendid recet!.', Te team, u»s' reguier steamer, or, Thé Klng's géenlaiity la Illustratet! in thie abaencéet this, use e stind te by hIa brut ceonversatIon wtth a- fit inside eftht-e seucopen lui whiel the wenicia. who hnd lest his leg 1a' vigetables -are te b. ceekél. T'PlI action- Going-, etraigît up to, ibAIn d- methodi may b. useit for asparegus, tshakJtig lande, thé King asiced,r cern, potetees, beéts, turnipa, etc;' "liat .réglint dit! you figlit la V'" To ceek lu ordinary saucepan, add "In thé Royal Wéish Fusillers," wa eue plut et boiling wnter t eaecl thle reply.4 quart of peslima béans, celiry, lot- "Oh," saiti the King, "that wes my tuce or cebliage. Put an asbestes mat eîd rogimeut" under dueésaucepan ad cook, Learning that thé' inuwas woundedi Remomber tlet usag largo amnounts iu Gaihipoll, the- King sketi lad he' o! water lestes. the nutritive value of 1ne: gel an artificial 11mb. 'lYeo, $0ro- i hee vgetablea. ipitet the mn.,"but i >çasitwert- FRENCI il~ t<j venything Chat can b.' don& te cure end cm f or them Il Dow IWlng don*, coustituting eueeoft he mont ~IW~R ojFJ±Yil ptn- lmetct isu ofset I uuaaaes lronclcommltteea on reconstruction. - I TheiOral stop vas -to remove thesa Wal sohindthétsefront crtis, Thosu DB,4F PROM SHELL 813CK AND) bo wve r iplana vers takon tar SOMETIMES BLINDE!). wcy6Mfreinduiaghtî-and touai! of *hoilm, mauy et them ho tht e-suthof France. Thé mildeat caes, wse there btsa' Ar Woadedor ae ~ put under t-ha cane of tari met-bers- m1mýAn W R&d r ar L00129 hé M uieus esiet muet, ef *bslr Re.mAoa ter Moaths a n ursèmb. bapt under close rmed.lcal i ~~ Os Prombi or#ent»tloe bas a hem- Tls remnc hildren toUm it b* pitl vti 40'.Child patientà aIl under vAl.e e ntIers Frarice .v-acuat-d t-vne yeers of cge. Mof te-hem GuamvA sw e pnomadr m ou*& Omo baye lot logs or du. rtta at Fiasciioessivea, -arma tiierthoir mgît,'ohe ara p lia potr o be cavlger «!14T1Wgfrtbrain tevu ' aput- moda~s vatai.a lraetelstIc as slung *=*mia unden vhihlcltiey rapid- thc laomuse foi-cal5 ulettet! dst! y watscwayo bo4sby monhlu et selei m,______ of y thsss ebtten ai-sorpl&A.a wU<ihine or relatives. Mla"y GURD ON F TIR PEACE lave boss grimvensly wôundod. Most o! mfr frontaepecullar apodu sFédération tDglsof*klgRc 01 taIe, wI4eii sffets th=ti Wsl lmr >ss en lty vutIamsort ettriot 01 Semaeéplwe are optim We emmagl qbavé lad of# end dçatb, b«. etli ttl yts rsn a- roi-a humas anti r Wtt"wesfbas comutd mtkide, Aiea lb l gui .. ~ *51 h57de«Croredt! tm.]!, That laac langer hfle are dered ct! r~flfroa ~>t».steOflI o e 'i-Sjaise 8*i4 foflîcaof tal icrle.(:t ce:hmaéiftsiature. tjvs su erms.c,-eri -B U Ils litIguaranté. t ofii a te « - Y ofahloio t 6Ilsailslu.pcçhgrae pI~~WI -cull115 adesotheaeafi1 I O»o n M'a tilat I. vsry qtsc. bhwPaI ie aIu moasidtlua of Ilie'uiobe s1dmali~ o!mc apeciant mn ent.d 5P*p0 ~*Oitm wi ,üriis sali, lao tv» e su- llv1ag ulr4 Mmybi d"pu*S*d tu#ec Myl#la tou toueor." T1hé Duke Of LancasIter. lut trIp te iuoccbire, tu 101. arouse! gret eathualaam anmi no Ujt.-ý Lte oonaterngtlon et a banquet by au. t go.nthtln du-trng lea-tours lant011 ffluty au e etuld azways De remerredi te as the, Duke etfLUneeste-, vîldl sf one cf bis rlght tt-les. Thé ides ille net appea) to meeet lie court -et-» ScIais, huovever, andti u-subsequent- - corroeponidence with thé e r! Mcyori et lmictadioýr, tht Klug'a SeSrOtary, etatatthat ,whble il'vas His a .R$ty'ls wish thoshenlti'sot ho cae e Dlus ef Laufaqtroi é formai oô matons. he nev*ntheeas bpedtihat1 tteÇo A Cont ?ltbg lie *91111le teestedinlu ton terme, aýndtiibs usaoiJ thée Princma Mary Tmere ùno ncruatint laStvtlon's tb&t PrlUouia Mary ila toe lay a arge aut as le ntr teuy utt ale efforts thea hemhrttoebe île ce. eely we. the~cat ha. bienurinatsa à,thé -Norths Ilse Klug i ilvrtpoet4 meller a't the Duchesa etfW.!- KupVc vartetyu ontraatuxtt varda oet ve ldaig. lier ROY&I l HtgUeeeîý-bap",,' 1reaced ber lwenty-grat year, to theprsent she hi$ gl4* sese la pusbUç4 e l lsc the. <Queen. lzsteed te )'rxé no"bouâelod."'asj n N. '4 PI f5ll 1 =?j ".

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