'T'hp stor'y told by DrW , , SldaY nighit atth masâ meeting -in connection "with theý MlsatonËiry Cou-- ference was- the atty cf the greatet religlous reîylval %Ince the dawn of Chrfstianity. Nothing more thrilling, nothIng of more vital Import tô go Maani people ever was told to mortai ears. 7Thousands upon thousands and thousands more of the people of Korea ivere brougbt under the Influence 'of the Gospel and into the Church In a few yeare ln that heathen country. And this was net a znere ephemerai, effervescent movement, but a caty- e lismn which wrung the souls and lives of the people and transformed them from vi.lenesâ Co a purity of lite that was the marvel-of aIl beholders. What? How Why' One feels like asklng. How could sucb a transfor- mation ociwur ln a heathen country~. lvhen Chrlstiantty does not-s-eem to SO efteet more civ ilized and cultured peopfle, People wlîo have known the Gosjxl story ail their ]Ives?. Dr. Go- forth says it was broulgbt abolit by Prayr-by Christian men and women. ifissionaries and natives, spcndIng long hours in prayer daily for months a t a time. The resuit has been the greatest up lifting of a people cver known In h1stony. The Chr1.ctian1t3 of1 Canada and of the United States is put bt shame by the tervor and zt-al of Korean Chrisllanity. It seema Ilke a new brand of religion, If that were pos- Bible, Plat exercises silch a beneficent Influence upon the Koreans. But Dr. Coforth would assert that hit JEihe same Gospel power that was.known to Pente- costand has been exercised at' varlous Nydlyop i Bicycle --TRONG EN CONSTRUCTION S ATTRACTIVE EN DESIGN SPEEDY U4 ACTION SAFE TO RIDE Made ln Cummduf«r28 Yogis. Ride a Hyslop pas SALE ft GE-O. lvi. RICE HARDWARE, WHIIBY, ONT. the part of a nuimber of peoplei.1 one feels lilte a*in, ê' oi coantry and peole.wýser -'t4. o ýG 10 -Preaehed ibe ui-fit1 ld r'a týù -1- the vortex of a religions maelot'r The answer cannot* be thattheé ramighty would not want al pîeopil Ibe thus brought into obedience service to Hlm. It. mtut, therefori that there s iacking that body et- and women, Hia servants, who -wilI do as the Koreane did-pray pntil geat Pentecostai day cornes. He wi be a Stony-hearted pérson. who et listen to the story of KoreWs awal Ing without somje littie feeling covetousneshat such an experli miglit corne to his native land. Eve.ry reader of hie piper adbî t0 sorne religions creed or organ tion w4à h b elievea in :,a Go. a, x aflar. an a aMorat' sCa4hdar4* toà - lire. It seemas, bowever, as if it w merely a mental adherence to thei eIts of the church, as compared ii the soul-m-renching. purifying exl lence of the Koreans. If a whoie 1 don can be brought t o rd throi the efforts of a handtul of devoted 1 pIe, what a treniendous responsîbil rests upon those who profess to be1 people! £ditorial Commente LReeve Xiason, cf Oshawa, reported the Oshîawa Town Couincil laet we btat 95 per cent.' of the Cotinty Cet cil] wanted Oshawa te remain la County and net w-ithdraw. Loes S 95 per cent. et 25 members le 23 or 94 membere. Wonder w-ha thbe0 le w-ho wants ta set rid ot Ombavi Let hlm speak hp. As ic Ce-resuit of a <uarTel over liglous malters, Samuel 'Rodge-m Il lu BellevilIlc gaol charged with cai ing the 'death of a netghbor by strikil lîim over the head, Aimoet the on Uie somne people show hoir rouigi( f; %wben they get inCa an argutmei over lt: ilien they qukarrel and pro, thev haven»t auy after' ail. The Province of All>erta new h. Prohibition, the LIqtîor -Act amln 1 mente goiug into effect On lUlY .5t fUîîder the amended Act as o1 force itle îîo1t permissible for any pe son lu Alberta ta kp iquer lu excek of eule qtuart of spirite and twoý.gUoî ot malt. This i-nIes ont everything i the w-ay of warebouses sud commi elon ii-ut. It le aIea a provision( fleic ien- AtC lýaCthere shall ehoneac véet iskng of wuy descripton-ln'-the Ir ti-rt-u-ts of any kind of liquer. Thtis1 cnsdei-abIv botter than Ontario' ian-. llite )"ItilC.hL 1(i #j'- , e of o o Its -Issue of Jtlie 90, maltesthe dgruni -statement rognrdlng the war t ît w, were- on the w-ny to certain doee w-het-Che United States çatoe ln.' "Our a le sno£ deteated.' but it ha benrenidered useleÉg>s bY Germai mines saddeubratires. ThbIsmenacd fi; becoming lncreaiLIngly succesaful. Si fai- notbtjig bas N-en devlsed to et fectually cotlnteract it."' ' The ~o argues hat Sir Robert BordeÈ "tm other publice men hav e drIlbiatel' couceaied fi-rnte peopl~eat Canade I tle seriousnose or the situation. Wert 'Ibis situation (uly >;known, the, V-21 ieaims. Canadiane -ul#* if- 'defence oethIe 'Empir, naea scrappin-g over conscription ahd tur thler participation in -thew-ar.' fHOw litle things ofjen turat thi ceaie ln Important issu«'11baille la tre. EXýýCURSION 14OW RETUiRWTRC F-T"9 O WMA$tRn ~ »a CANAIMNACIP IMI pitUIfeszie.,Rmeetlya~ua u~mw now ert antintgê4. et nire e i 4.-f Shorts. Dc ton nay. 087 te o eeka late. Pete-ibor.- NP-AT. POULTRT AND PRODUCE FUi whist viii Iverge anly halt a Cattle. dreacd .. .....17.00 te 18.00 CroP. ERlY aOw*- sprint "aissa"o MIab. usob......*a..10 e U» zampromtuln& but fropn 10 te 15 da», lit. dresed.... .... 19.00 ta.le 00 trop lithtbi; asPotatoi .0. 1. 00to 10,00#JS4 l'OtSM -a 4u>dtas cIL Waterloo CçblckAnDer lb.......021 o.» N.R.-Whoat ezop mWInaijusmthodtng Duska, Per lb....... #ýU*te 0 «. -Sprint eroMPr romise fltdCi Omo».dre& : W *J- oi te -shows Puer growtb. Potato« look B u t r . . . . . . . . .0 3 5l s a m k i m - r a t i b & a . b o h a i .0425te 0. 3 ve*late.POW*.va liftbug ver l.. ........le0te OJ aoin&.No applex;- A-trmtA owop- lame tae zoot .m primntgrains! pi-ouis. 'b V«OP., Ray. - loyer petMtWtn ppes15 Per ..... ew Uukar&-î*m Tomf*a cs dis bo M Y mu- sodG, pis faIrse **taveraa" e mi md Pasture. 0*1114.. Wlk u d pgovlug wet1h AtareOLPet.serts La-O îotg fIOreat Lakes - Yla #WINSOIIIID Ici i... i 4 4 Ci '-.4 BUTTR S 1~ t c. v-4' t.. ~4 "il ~ VtUBJ ~ UJL -mine 01nerni.e h -nA U SU NI" qul~4. IflI - hJthé!utmer as to tihe prompt -delivery s >n- orfte outP!ut. The -contrà etor prom- ir IMrr nr wh, sed promrt delivery, but there ae tr NI rrf I juy smt a dobt as to the elDcfency of the tun ~ILiILU *el train service, bence the contract went .r into esewere. A- committee of chool "'it a.uvi om? trustees, considerlng applications for Fuf-Fe Ai- a position on their staff, noted that A fW ItgO i le tu om orn f the applicants had miEspelled AsD Ai and the Secretarys name in answering the OZUlLI.A, O'tT ,-Nov. 28th. 1914. ee be advertisement, and immediately their '<Fr Or tr te-.%yemr, I waa troubled =nen applications were thrown aside. oui-ti with C"tpuew~Oroawsu:#ea, Lacé of 1 not ers bad been carelesln choosing pa. 4 l:eitandHe<d, s. OnedayIsaw 1the per on whieh te write; one had w-rong- YOw Si,"n whic-h read "I-'ruit-a-tives ,uld ly arranged the address upon the en. makie you feel like walking on air."e "uld velope. 'rhese were onîy lîttie thue. This. appenled to me, seo1 decided ta ýken- yet tbey were big enougb to cause the iry a box. In a very Short tiMe, 1 0 f rejection of the applications. The young began to feel better, and tuw Ifefipe- ence women wbo Wrote these letters may I havc agood appctitc, rchish e.verything have been excellent sehool teachers, 1 (flt, and the "Ileadachies 'are gane ieres perhape better titan the one w-ho ,were entirely. I rc-cormcd titis ,peasant ,iz. Dreferred before them, but the 'care- frUil InedlCine ta ail iny friends Il". -f ere- Ile"I1C65 hown la appl;rIng bowled *DAN McLEAN. Chie them n tt. Herein le a lesson wbich Mec. a biox, for $2.50, t'rial size, 25e. vere may lbe ufseful teo mme w-ho may reaci A, ail deaiers orscnt Po5tPaid b>' Fruitc Cen- these lines. ACent ion ta detaile la i- a-ti-es 1i4mited, Ottawa. wiih portan t. ýper- * * * *Out the AsQultb4Grey-Cburchilî crowd. na- The inequaiity of Whibys assees- bringng Lloyd-George n, filling big Qgb entbasofte ben te sujec orJobs.,fnot with party hacks, as in the mepbsefu-be heebec fPast, but wlth Flaveiles, Gordons, lMa- lity critlcIsm, and Very jusi criticism, we grath, Hannas. Cink. It oimîy requires exalninatîon Our sources of Information on the His ofte a bscmn al aso o great questions before and since. the of te asessent.roi] w h w war have been more Important, more unequal and unfair Whitby's asses- rellable than those of any newapaper ment le now and bas long been. Eiter ln Canada. They had to be, becaUse some properties are toc low or others the MOSt Important financial and busi- aretochig. Fr Istace.an xamna.ness Interests of Canada reiied uipon aretooh 1b.Forinsanc, n eamia.them. They could not rely upon Asl- 1 tien af Dundas Street discioses seequiti w-ho cheerf uliy told the Empire In .I t nequalîte which are rather eurilus. 1914 not ta w'orry; lte W-r w-ould be eek Of tw-o its on Dundas sre po#, ov.er sonner than moet people expect- un- sre po' ed-and Most people expected It w-auld teeaeh other, one le assessed for $200, be over hi tbree months. In Canada tethe other for $250. QL-two lots aIde Our Mlnister of Trade lmpp.rted prac- ee ba ide, one Is asseased at $200 te ticaliy the camne advIce. and oui- Min- Ister of Finance created the rame im- onother at $100. Another lot le assessed pre-ssion ln hig speeches on boans and v!for $300. a lot across the street la taxation. ra.$20. Set-eral lots are placed at e160, During ail Chie timne The' Post wile athere further from te centre raised the on13y "aice in ail Canada of te tyrn re 200,$25 andý3 warning and elling w-bat w-as comtng. o! te twn ae $00,250 nd 0O. Without exception the Information r Three lots adjoining are $225. $250 and gîven and the pot icies adNocated ex- $300, the rate eesn ihthe dis. C iii lY Iheae fC011lu~s since the les tance from Brock Street. There may w-ar began have been proven correct. us- have enraoswihee dgd Therefore, there Is every reason why benresn wih emd odanythîig w-e May Ray now- shotild re- ngte the aseeseor for Chese differences, ceiv.e at jeasC carettîl consîderatlon. "Ybut tlîey are not apparent ta the or- We repeat what w-e eald verY defl- ondInary citizen. We have no d.oubt an nltely, six weeks ago Chat w-hen Mr. >tassessor meets many probleme n i Balfouîr arrived at Washington we in isw-ere faclng probable deteat. DEfeat -ork. Preblems which cannet ait be wotild bave meant the immediate ap- settled according to a fixed standard, Pearance et the Germans at Quebec. and that hit s ea.ier te criticize than Halifax and eisewhere. wlth perbape to Oferbelfulsuggstins.Butwehall n million meni* and iv"ith nrobably toofrbîpuasgsios u - another enemy knocktng on our Pa- id- dot s orne of these inequal icfie doors. Wc WOUld be ai the rnercy t.m iglit be aLjusted by a carefulases- efthCie Germans. The), would make the sor, and we respectfuliy make this sug. tUnited States pay Che ceet of the w-ar. in gestion teth aseso for 19174. These 6uggestions were lauighed at by Cr- polIticians. Last-week a Uinited States SE Cabinet Minister, Ini a public address, trankly warned the nation that Chose naA Warnirig and an Appeal w-pro the dangers ahead. Anotiter [n speaker sald thé Germnans exPected tu 1- (Prom the Financiai poil) colleet a hundred billion tram the of The funtgiPost. of Toronto, lni States and te make Canada a German ,-Ita; issue of June 23 Publlshed a w-arn- Rae ing and an appeal which ehould be hSa far no Canadian Minister has n- heeded by Canadians. The article le l hnted at any sncb danger. The lead- 15 as follows: er or t he Oppositlon-rays'. sucli a stig- #s Ouir reporte freai ail parts of Can- gestion le abaurd. A leading Lîberai ada are nlot favorable to conscripîlon. paper of the country, edlted-by a pro- These indicate hat on a national votefeuianal pacîfist, in ne boîter. eDompitieory servIce W04119 be defeated Lot uts mà keL tise maCler clear. The r'-perbaps overw'helmîngîy - without comlng ln of th«- ULlted States may In the Quebec vote. Il the voters k.né.W sa "eusz or a bre4kdow-n lnu Germany îg the reai facts, te actuai dangers coj m.ay aaCýe us. But vlctoi-y le stili wltb ,e frontîng us, there wotîld be no née the eneîny. If It continues, and they ,t for conscription. There w-ud be a Wear* us down ln Europe. the men of- rush e enlt. Canada, we can be sure, wll become. The l'inanciai Post han made m slaves t0 a Germait ariatocracy: whiîe utate ents sinc the -ar roke qu , w e cannot be sure hat our people m ay n thai were generaliy classed as absurd. nt e sîin ete d heouagep. 1tn often condemned by publice men l BilaiadPoad e _ à 1 x a- gt. 66 -$,t4 t ' 'r,1 NJeBLY PRJNTBD '-'t 'r- -l RI3ADY FOR' USE OR -PR OMPTLY PRINTED TO ORDER -' ' 1-~ 4.-' - 4.$~ c'O île GoGfeI1ow * on 9 -, ntario Whiby, Onft arlo- Cownty Mà p ony Sc I SoId by C. A. Goc'dfello0w& Son- Acaro Prove t e ~f HE Ford car-lias been on the market. twelve years, -.surely long* enoUgli-,- to have.proven ita)s hqaiy Trhere is niothingex«Perîmenta but. -IL EvR1ýrpart h"as tood -the test of tim 'a roe tastab.ility with, - lard service. No other car liasever, eeproat4ed the dda -iy- records> No mattr whatpfîc yowu payfor a carjo cannot gef one wltha stauaçh«,rchà is. Gie ment, Laboratory tests 'ýbavc sown lîhit tb<d'à r.-; eu-ent parts- of the p1rt iýïa steupeuior to thos lan any oôher car. V wÃ~i..lh*ê. beeî Cqutleil In atfgtl. 4 fyou vant a cari tl*at cati P1çw rèý ýth - t Y- WRAPPI3RS r w~ 4. WJI 15 .i~ --4w4. Gel You,r COal Where you are ure it wiII be Cloan and»BIght Our CORI il WeIlI *reened. WVe-guaranto. prompt de- liveryand good service. Telophono No, 182 Jas.Sawds, Wwstbv. - o.itat4o Th, qexprce on Ct tCheou it i the p ver-y the ct ment ia Pal - establ estabi and h but..o sures, ing c;~ stead y Keel .Saints' opn Ch The k.nowlce by Mr. for tht Mr. Ia Whl tbroug RET S Oyer Engla ' day JYOl T4~D "i lffl TT. R- v -i 44.. -À 1