Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 28 Jun 1917, p. 5

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- - THURSDÂY I - .. -~ .- -~'-- . PAGE TTVW xfflnert linc13n n f  eet»g lu thee iateres t he beld in the Muslc., Halumt ev8Uiig.ý Mu -D .Pool., at the headi et thé mfovement ln thÏs 4Jâtrlct, wa te 6e; lIresent to a4ddress'lte meeting andti t inaugurate thse meurement. A report - Was flot'available ln tisse for tis week's fissué, but willI aDpear next week. WOULD LIKE VOUR 0o Dcn't miss 'hearlng Sem-gt. BiIly At- kinson, C.A.M.C.. the popular enter- tainer, at the big garden party at "'The (;range," Dominion ýDaY: also Mr. Geo. Henry. M.P.P. Mr. Purcell, of the Hy- dro-Electrîc Commission: Mr-. A. M. Miller, Asst. Secrgtam-y of Organization of Resources Cossssiîtee. and othe-r In- temestIng speakej's. Don't miss this op- portunity. Gtae Cee, loc. IWTOMOBILE DRIVING. Auifor parties, trips or trains. Phéne 109, J. E. W%ýaterhou6e, Wbitby. O rdTs can be lefî at W'. M. Pr -g)e's hardware store.- I 0o- ACKNOW LEDGMENTS. The Soldiers' ComfortR Club wishes 10 aoknowledge wlth ihanks the foi- lowing donations: Six chairs f rom Mr. John Maclarn Warri~Y ~ o iU11 ~ .uîdge Mor«,,Cn's appeal. AIl the j6idgs Warkrn. aîaîtvo et e oneurrr-d in the decision, 'ahicIr was foaMs o renda nMcilliofva. rgiven by Chiet Jus«tice Sir W»1liam fromNissFlornceMcGilii-ay. Mulock. Wedneaday was Clran-Up Day In o Whîtby. Refuse placed in receptacles NEW TELEPHONES.. tonvenlent for nandlîng was loadeti The folios ing isiepluones hav-e been onto caris andi carrieti awat- by ihe added t0 the local exchange f f (e Bell toitn teauns. A g-est many citizens Telephone CoDmpany, subseribers look the opporitnity thus aNfomded Io shoulti cut luis lisi oui andi paste Il In geL riti et an accumulation of the iheir directorles for reference. oldti ins andi other .refuse that Invar- I50-Beatîîv Robt.. residence. Byron_ iabiy becorue atiacheti to a home dur- .57-3-Edwam-ds. A. B., mail copirac- ing tAi year. tor. Rtum-son fload- -&-- ]46-4-Hosr, R., Farmer. '%Whilb-,. Thé tîlost fintortant picture of ihe !i 20-illitary Hotital Commitsion. '.ear wM ii 1wseen at the Rovai Thea- Lake Shore. ire on lriday andi Saturday, June 29 71 ihmdo, .Wrsdne and 30. h la 'Mothers of France;, Kingrten Road. iwith Sarah'Bernhardt as the sitar, and 1"-5- Rîudd'-, Judge, residence, it rzhows the inost remarkable wam-r ht~ scenes filmed under the auspices o!f te 16WlaiDavid, paitr andi de- French Go'-ernmneni. and ti t ells an in- cornIer. Dundas. tense, thriltlng and înterestîng sîerv. ]86-6-Wright, ('apt. W'ard, resi- Il las press-nuei by the Peerless Film dence, Heydnrhore Park. Company. Admission, evenings, 25c.; Saturday matins-e, chiltiren, 15c., A f'ARM NVORTII SEEING. adults 25c. l'art tîroceds for War A vis t t "The Grange" on %londay Relief Socly. next, on the occasion of the big piri- '-'o---- ardenpamty, vtll rc--al i mcluof 'TO AUL INTIERESTEDIN I MUSII?. niense tuierest. The Grange tatin Is A meeting la calieti for Thursday 'up-to-date In every respect, havlsrg for evening, July 511m, at the heur of 8it centre the olti Grange homiestead, o'ciock in the CounciliChaunher.,i o weiî known li the history oet %"Bitlby iumg for lis objective the formation OP~for lis hospiîallty, Mlany menwlres a Choral .Society. Chair will he taken jcugt t cupnyb h Am ai 8 o*ciock sharp bý the Mayor, trong t, tie Higgln amiy teaNdrmAi Warren, Stewarta. Mr. J. B. Laldiaw bas equip. Do )-ou know that if your I's trouble you 1 can fit your I's with proper lens, so that they will cease doing so.l wilI refund your money if my correc- tion is flot satisfactory to you. IBASSETT Jewlser and Opticiau ln thé. Stor'e Wth thé salc..y, Brook St WHITBV J W. C. T. UJ. WALT MASON ON JOHN BAIILEY- -CORIN. "1 seem id be ini deep disgrace: * they're shuttlng ail doors ln ny face," siglus John l3arieycorn as he s a lows a hem, and tbree or tour chasers ta chase. "Where once 1 was welcome as guest, they split Up my coat and my vest, and tinst me witA chairs, and kick * me down stairs. and say It la ail for fihe bvst. Oh, once 1I%%-s lhaughîyý and protud: my dtarnonds wcre mnany and louti; 1 lraveled ln state. and was close to the great, and looked witm dis- daln on the crowd. i handeti dovwn laws and decrees to lienchmen who got on their knees. tolilst tb my rede, for favors to plead- and fawncrs were busy as bees. But now mlien my vis- age appears, the people don't greet une w th cheers: anti cabbagî' andi sticks and tomcats and bricks are spoil- Ing my bat and miy car;." 'h people,"- John Barieyeorn <aid "are ctttng onit viniages reti, 1 do flot see why they go back on oid rye. un- 'Ieualbhey've beea countim& their deati." 'Will J. Vlii.- andi Jules1 lue at AudIt-y Garden PIarty Fuller particulars lafor. ---J' litazil wtt! Jul>' 201h. A mestlng of the-Sottiiers' Cornforta Club o! Whitby N-îlE bs held inh the Li- bmat-y on Tuesday afterneon, July' 3, m' 3.30 o'Clock. Theicprofutse anti CmequenImaine havel madie garden vegetables gmow lusthly; alse the '*weeds, whlc-thhe meque-at rainas malte diMlut te keep tinter, The Young Ladies' Bible Clasu of the Tabernacle 9. S. will hold a stman- be-rt-y social on lte chut-ch lawn on Wednesday, July 18th. Fum-them- par- ticulars *w111 lue given haler. Mm-. Nei Yellowlees wilI be la Whit- by shot-tly to tune pianos, Ortiers may be le-Ct at A. H. Allina drug iteme.-Uf. -' A nuimber e! Whitby Masons mnotet- edtot Port Perry on Monday evening to * pay a veilte Iote Pot-t Pe-my Lotige, wherc Installation of ofie-m-s took pace.0 Thle Wam- Relief anti V. 0. N. fie-et Syour help. FËnjoy yourseif whtle'selp- t-n-g the solidieu-u anti the _ - hildren. Corne to the gardea Party on Juiy 2, ut -The Grange." Gaies opeu 3 p.m. Admission 10c. Wilî J. W~hite and Jules flralil wili be at Autiiey Garde-n Party July 20th. Fuller particulare atr Tite Treasurer of the Soidiem-s Gorn- forts Club acknowledges wttb thanks a grant of $1500 frein g#lie Ccumnty Couincil, andi a contibUtion of $10.00 Crmu Dr. WVm. Cullubertson, of. CARD OF TIANKS. Mr-Agites ae n aiyws forexpreasiona ef kintineseanti syn- -pathy dum-lng their recent bereavenuent. D)E4TH 0P MIlS. CIAPPLE. Tb liedeath occurred asuddenly lIn-n .-nlpeg on Saturday, 1»t following an .-Ã"peration, of AIrs, T. W, CDappîe, wlte orjudge CbaipIe, et Ktnora Deeeas- cd, la a isister ef Mm. W. 0. Waiters o! M thi owR -.th. s o-,ek. ur wu6e a bUsi-1 4..- '~ '-. t ~Wea - s--,ri~ i t-.'.- kwImpovoj FUEL Il -SOANCE. Yeu can do ail your W.ork on this Oil Stove. Cail at our store and sýe it demonstrated. GEO M.RICE, VhItýY lEvern4hIn ion Harpdware at Lowe't ppui es, Mlorson was sueti by the City of Toron- Mm-s. Trewlck and daugluter. of To- to for $126.98 arrears of muffliial ronto, were Sunday vIsitors inluown taxes for the yeats 1912 and -"1914, wlth Mms Albert Pl4nch, Celitre Stfreet. Iwhlch lue refuseci 10 pa3- on the gi'ound Mm-s. Trewick was a resident of 'NhbIt- that under the British North Amnerica hy five years a"o. ati on under provlsional legisiation In ' respect of bis salary or Income-as a RTS jutige. Jutige MeC1111-.-ay.decidýMI a- MAFFEY.--On Thursday, June I1sî gainst him, and the Appellate _tôurt 1917. at 712 Manning Ave.._Tor4nto. sustaineti hJs decison anddis,, rrpd - I _A k- I lkl "-'Il VI s . 1 U11 .tilut. i l as 14a ir A change has been madie ln ime li Me pia s. especiaiiy the Shemmer it-riga- misesKgeW ih table or ibe Canadian Pacific Railway, l1 ion system, the neat 11111e wîorklng whereby the aflernoon train whicm for- 1gm-entxosse, the mtîshm-oom house, the 118181aSIPMau-AIPmPI mu1 merly went tlurough Wlultby at 4 .5 5 splendid underground drainage sys-i now gees twenty minutes lter, namne- 1tem, etct. Ev-ery avallable foot o! Pupils ptepam-ed for Toronto Consèr- ly ai 5.15 'clcck. The mldnight train grount Isl untier cuitît-ation. andi the vaer or Unve-sty Exaininations.- golng east la now su t 1.8 lsta ownspeopie have every reasen to be- of 12.33 as formerly-. These are the, prend e! the locat ion lu iheir midst Re-aldence at Mms Arthur- Rtchasd. onl1Y changes thai have bs-en matie, jf this medeca fat-m an4 countrv sone, Byron St., Whltby. Phone 204. 0 -- omiemepmesentlng the rsuccesetof - HYDRO-ELECTRICI SURVEY %IÀDE.lanti rs. L.aîiaw's seven years' work. Mr. 'Stanley, of the Hydro-Electric Commnission, was ln Wliiîby on Mon. ~ .T .E u ,Ot I day iooklng. over the situation anti W.C. . U CONVE-NTION. makigg a stîrvey for the Comrmission. Thé tvpnty-seeoîîd annua! .onv'en- W AEBE in eponse to te request cof -the, tien of te Ontai C-o 'T . . . o ar d e t T r a d e - f < h l b y f o r a r e p bx- t w a s b çl d Il u t e ] b o gts < t X I -c ,T E L E A I U P I C by portion o! the' preposeti Hydro-Elec- 1 'fle attendance o! delegates was Up et Toronto trie 'Rallway îhrough thlis portion of - te thie average. eMoeVa the Province. A report froru the Comn There weme thu-ce sessions e!t the FrMu.T mission-may be confldently exuectted convent ion-morning, afternoon aind TWENTY YEARS~. within a few- we-ks. t evening. The County President. Mm-a.T -o-'-- A, J, Staller, of OshaWa, preSicleti NV14ITBY SUNIMER CONFERENCE. 'flu opening devetional exet-cises F E EmGIj The ahnual Mlisslonary Conference were leati hy Mm-s, Jes. Kean, of WluIt. hld at On tam-le Ladies' College wili by. FiEn Lukeg OTCA comnmence next Tuesday. July 3m-d. As The reports e! officers, supet-iniend- y t. w.sn- OgmuI usual, a number o! mîsslortaries rm-'enta f et ipartssents anti commît tees 167 lYge S . san YTOR turuet f rom the foreixnaMd ielt l e showed a wlde mange of work carrieti - .oppost. Slmpsoa'a> pt-ssent, anti others prmoxinent ln lihe on, ail ot whlch hatilx-en mnamkedly ________________ several denominatlona wiIl assistln lu îccessful during the year. tlie Instrtuction ef the -at-louai classes. 'fle main atititesa of the conventionG en ., u The Cenference will be carrieti on for was tieliveret by Mm-s. Pugsley on the GEe o u a week, concluding on Tuesday, July, subject. '*Woman, hem- Worth anti iMPowrusCO« CuMsI lothu. IWerk,-whlch iwas weil pmepared sand w I - utrbe moll7 flo -o- Ienîertalîîîngly dellvered. wlIstndA for hue aotenoy 7alte'~4 Ho' for Dominion Day eheap out- Thice pecial muste teatai-es conalated, OIA-iIb a i.RylBtt Ings. Buy your tickets at Stephen- of vocal solos by Mms. D. Archer. Mm-s Wbitby, till mioos, from tiueme Vii r aion's up-town ticket anmd telegm-aph of- J, W, Bai-ker and- NMm Brandon,.- êed te C. J. Spmett'5, Erooklii,- a4 lice, Whltby. Good golng June 30. An lnteresting IlUizn on the evenlng>s Doon01tensu& July lait anti 2nti. Goodti t retut-n tili pregraun was an exerctse or dr-il by TL'USBA - Aftem-Sori, will p July 3md, inclusive. Ail stations ID aa uniber -of boys andi girls. "'Auera , (o r a i. x troit, Buffalo, Suspeiaon Bridge, Ni- 'foilowia: -WaDvElDAY'w~ill jnuiOod bway agara Falls, Ont., etc. Buy your tIck- President-Mm-s. Cult-, UXbridge.- Connbnet C J S u4ros oktls et outtits at Stepheasou's ue-ad at i Ve-Prt%.-M-s. A», J. Stalter. Ã"sh. vweha bOvUliii Wmla-tl ImThudaj isa youm- le-taure. He redeema bis Issues if a-a.. TIuESIMY-Aft4mom@, lp preven ted uslag. Also chu-p tickets Rec ec. «-Mrp. CliII Cannington. 67 W&Yo em0Q f 9W0<S@tutSa g" te aummer tourist points at Stephen- Cor. Sec--MrsJackson. port pi'r". 1fine50 ta, MatAI.w, hithy, wlui son's. Choice et ail boat anti malway -Tmeaurer.-3mrs.Gants, CTXbritige. wyul mu 1il W Iitiy'E routes. -supjirtntcdenta oi thé '<SelotIs de- îATMMD1, li rew 0o--pLi tments ef %-om-k vere aise appoint-"J. Sp1nasar o@kar., ime-re6eil SALE (0F pROPERTy AND p'URKI- e!L U4»i RS aturdayaso TURE WAB BRISK. e Or b y- L. ea n d vMmfpCtfl b ava; Despite the poum-hug ren. t e c >tm*J. q-. A. <,,<,-: O.ksswaz the houtecild furnittura id Droporty felUOw, ieb.viauI M94 of Mrs. Arthur Smith ut Peta Wttby -m-T. W. eRsuplj. "o On Saturd.Y laut WUa vell attUend d THE CAD1AI< nOoe anti brought gooti prieei. The houa. and proPlrrty wctc aold îo ir. VFrZN. ' Dt844h1Y nt4u> Butns. whose aemmecufut bld -s-as$1290" bigest DohaAft . o trsa5 Auctioneer Maw wIelded the baiwrst~D I¶ ui4ii 111 t i to 'mr. andi mrs, V. maITey %nee Lillian Thompobn) a son. Saturday, June 9, 1917, by the ltev. Harvey' Merritt. F'rank Orvfs Cc' mP.] ton I0 Nellie Pearl Wrlgbt, botU, of Whlîby. i t COCKBURN.ÇDOWN't]R.-4n Satur"y, June 23M., at St. Mark's Angi ýcan Curch, Toronto, by Rev. W. L. Ars- itage. Kenne4h'Cockburn, M.A., pen of Capi. Malcolmi and' Mrs. Cockbxprn. to P-dith Liian.-only daughteri of Mr. and Mm-J. M. Dowiwer, 1Dý_AT»BS FLETCHER.-In Toronto, on Mon4ay, June 25. George W. Fletcher, be- loveti husbanti of Julla Disney. : HARTRICI(-At Vancouv-er, B. C.* 'on June 15. 1917. Jane Lezvens, wlàow ef Williamn F. Hartriek, of Picger- lng, Ont. FOLEY.-In Wbltby, on Vednesday. Jâne 13th, 1917, Jerlemialu J. Foley. ln bis 62nd year. LOW FARES TO WESTERN CA NÂDA. If you are golng West. talte adv&n- tage of the low Homeseekers' Excýir- sion Fat-es offereti by the Canadgari Northern Railway, gooti leavlflg Io' ronto et-ery Monday. For lîtematire andi ail Information apply to W. J. I. ]Richardson, Tovi Agent. -4652 and kept "hé rewd ingotihumer In $Pite of the ul1cmfombl, veatber. The tam-allure andi other bou*eholdet fects soItwi vLt The RoyalTissata'. on prlay aMd Satur4uy,. June tb andi 3Q, vil! ba"e the honor et ahowiat' <'Mthersof Fraince- thQe photopM la u vtcU lia lu tbe Frenchu trenches and menthe battleflttia-The production la la iMx reels andi la a mueiplece. 11 French G(overument hol4s8 a part In.1 terettlui the. OInsbut lt.heerlee film Conmpany bas&steuredti tIe rlghia.Do Duot miss tbip importn tr.P Admsimu.evuia,2e;Btdy matinee.blde1katil 5 o wam- lxx. ure*iatytelm Can £ P.s.eu' DaWy - iCU5nâ '5#romtlè e-Ter MN"day. We.ne.su' at p*r- &Wda. Vir attaisve bo.bta. tro*Og deee. antituli ntosuaUn. apply t W . 'IL Rkbhardom4 T»r* àApL-p,, Pu," *JMM&*io aie. Il t ett ut. ltigvibe Sitar lat. May"", bt Mie n nde.. 1TerçAf..ý uY"dles wesk à tu ie ift 1yadê UmeS UM4014 a. tTveSto4l laTI Itor wfth & W *""r&. t,«=& To,.-Rent, Fo Sale, Etc COTTAGE TO RENT. $lx rooms andi bath mmoe, furna eelrc 1llght good orchard. Apply Miss McCann, Whltby. FOR SALE. -Kltchen cabinet ln first-clasa CoI, tion. Apply to Mrs. J. H. James, IW mit St., Whitby. WAN"TED. Girls for dinlng room and hallsf SUmmer School, JUly 3 to 10. App matron. Ontario. Ladies' College. FIOR SALE. A feW SUrplus tomato plants ný be obtained fross the Ontario Ladiý GIRL WANTED. To look after two cbldren. Geý summer home at Lakeshore. Apply Mrs. H. Paperiick,. Heydnshore Par TO RENT. Five-roomed fiat. Bathrooni. watg alqg electric attachments. App]y to R. Blow, Whltby, Ont. Bell phone Homne phone 14. HOUSE TO RENT. Seven room. brick bouse, a&l con-ei lences. bath room, electrlc liglut ai filtures, and furnaée. LA* rentaI. AI PlY to M. W. Collins» shoe store. -t FOR SALE. Six town lots fronting on Ches;tn-l street, west of Brô&k street. ia th forth ward. opposlte -the residencec Jos. White, Esq. APPtI< to W. Ne% port, 138 Silver Bit-ch Ave., Torontc Ont. -5 1 HOUSE TO RENT. Nor-thiof C. P. R., 6 m-cos, 3 pic, bath, turnace, open gmte In llt'in room. town water and Iliglt. Rent $1 per month. Avpîy Greater CanaRda lm proveunent and I and Co., Ltd., Whltby Ont. - AUTO SERVICE Parties wlshlng services of auto fo afternoon or eventug shoulti communi A.t B.lthRD A.llB.honeA57r MUSIC UOS MR* ERNEST O'DELL (F.A.O.O.. A.C.O.O.) Or«wM@ut and Cholrmasi.,. AiU S"at' Churel Whithy, cms -reeve a limied auraberc p4wils fer 0SAx. pWl m is o. ED THUSUYOF Mm Prwamt for Toronto Oommrvstory ezarm. h cludina A.T.C.M. Tesa.wm' 1).oiom. de bs:ccuagsus,111n w AàUras. -St. Peter.t St..WIr. AT THE CENTUL BAlIE AUTOMOBILE OWNERS Von will lad' it te your interest -te o4il ou us, if YQn requin -the serviee of mot ar enin.exprs &Il BIakes of cmS vorIutd av& raie t. give urvioa. A lino of Repaîs and Auessor- tet, Dominion Tirue etc., alwsys on hand. Cars oleaned by the. uew eptemn -Wonder Min#. Rte It demos' atru ted. skilled mechabeaalyonucrtiet. Air, Water Adylo. .and Bmsil Adjustmonte *rte. Wst l «Amuui. Auto LW"or. Charges Moderat. ATTRACTIVE TR1P! Ce, Fte for ply iay ta tr E. 9' -tf. nd -p- t. lit he of o.- ce 1g 12 nY. or Li- Yu. je 1 a - TO UUSKMLI MUS PA~ UAU~PAW*1E 11V!. ~ANE M SAV MAWATUA <MIES tria lewlst &lt*ta noves wylo iL PARIS. GREEN ARSENATE 0F LEAD wlth'Gpeat KiIIing Power It is a waste of timne and rnoney to use either Paris Green or Arsenate of I..ead that isri't f uIl strength. We have brands that are guaranteed- to be of the highest efficiency in killïng power. WHIITFI E LD'S DRUS audSTATIONiERvSTORE WIIITiBY. 6ONTIE> Sol@ Aient folm Buttoplck Patterne o"M Aient: roi. yai Pr-eparatiou&. Lesve your order for Piano Tuning witlî us. The Jubîlee of Confedleration YOU wvill surel3 'tant to know much about the begin- n ings an-d history of Confederation at t1ls tisse of national celebrat ion. As a gCxxudCuinaclian. RBs R Citizen. as one desIing 10 be wiell- afre bout matters of deep ronctrn and iuiterest. i-ou have ;""dsi.-c md need for knu< ledge bupplied i MAC LEA-N 's MAGAZINE FORL JULY This mnagazine gives yen the sum-vey of Confederatlon you *You wlll flnd the-re Po,'tu-ats of the Fathers of Con. foem,,tioo---tbue Sait"e,'oeo 'hO tlnhtl Caipda oit her Sjreer 'm-e StOrhr o! Confcderationm vhy It -ras engsam-y. andi howv it t-ane about. The Tskinu Over cf the Northu. Wesit Territou,îe. (Tom the Hua!- "On'u Bay Company-a &Jirring «torytokW by Auntes C. Laut. The StOu-Y Of b-e C. P. R.-toid hy C. N. Mackintosh. a maun who kitew lntlugateli, the men who init'sated.L uolit andi develo-ped the Caumtiian: Pacifie Railway- --thie coud nf Confederation. Te Induaitrial sund Business De. t-ciopment ofte pasi 60 Ye..rS --byi W. A. Craick. A wondier- fut Miory cf prog'es. Conditionsa Defore Confedferatlon Gontrasted iWth Tlmose of To- day -by Fraubik Yelich. An en- orabestd c coara«. Beyond these spocial Confederation features of the July MACLE~ANSw1i be thse cmstomam-y provision of fine, short ritories, a.nd the department.s which make M.NACLEAN'S MAGAZIINE eo enjoyable andi valuable, Io good Canadians e'verywhere. Get the JUly MÀCLEAN'S, double size, AT YOLYR -BQOK5ELLER- 15 Cents finest andi 'most interesting wlll tinti ln any periodical. Canada', Provinces interun'etîng the xne.niog o( Cot-federaliou, andi defining the outlookl n ri-. tu- t.tht-i r .esiv,:,>-r A Stoi-y-"Thte Draft." f.y A. t'. Attion.ndeniing %vtt-lbte pà,-t thât certain couî'aMeus and adl- ventu'eaioee Caitadjinu.tcok un the American Ci%-ii W&r, jut before Confedieration. A Puottisple4--A Dusmatlc )do- mnent-bY C. W. Jefferys. bull- liant Canadien artist. Tbe scne is tiepictetl 'i-bn Sir-.JotnxA. MeDonalti andi the Ilon. George Browvn atooti in the Hduse--one on one utie. the other on the ethe sie, of s centre Une. A. tenue w...f the feeling bet-en the t-o men anti the liartliz% they rêeranted. A Fine Cia-et Desixn-ynmbolic of Couftseratlon, in thueeroi. l ors. gpecisîti drawn for July Don'LoseorWa.y k & 16or Tris-t of On~taro Couinty -15 on "f, the-nesrc e h ave th e most -up-ds-te !fml] tibI~beL~ Kôw altheMa rv4 111:- 50c- T trove real ýy ius ýctual Ipos- Ëem- Othcr 'su t. ma - - TRUP-SI)àY.,JU" 2&ý-Ul7.1 . - - ý .- - e - Urhitby 1 KI '

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