Mil; Great Oritaifl Ãœri1Y declincÉ Lb b rushed by -Public nentiment lt'r prisais (orthe Zeppelin raids. upo English towns and ciLles. British statesmnen cannot'consent ta the nation bfecmring baby-kIilers. elule rnany people believe that a dose of their own medicine would soon cause a cessation of such Germait raids, one canflot but feel a sense of pride and exultation that our country maintains lis hlgh moral tone in this respect. Tixere are stgns potnting ta an eas- itfg of the coal situition ln the United Stais. which may have a benefkciai et- feci tfion the mnarket in Canada. Fuel controliers appointed by bath coun- trics, after they gev their work fully in hand, rnay be able to bring order ont of the chaos now prevatltng. How- ever, 11108e Who are itutting ln winter sîîjpties svill ai least have the advant- ige of heing sure of riext winter's corn- fort, eien should fut.ure developments restit tln a rt-duction ln price for Inter TPie Orgaittiation of R(sotirces Corn- mii tee ta making ail appeai for the constflîtion of more fish as an article of diet, which reminds the witer of ilie htîmoroiis rî,mark made by J. G. (lloiiohit. the Soilctor for the Trades and Labor Congress. at the \1t1-Wr-Convention in Montreal. H-e %%i;s îrî's<nting the report of the Ilisoltions Commt tee. One' résolu- iion siggteet*-d tmeatlftis- daý s, and '%r. t)' i)noîtie satid lit, vvou Id, as a (Cathb- THE LIFTUP BI1AS FILLED CORSETS Pas, rivety t le mî-î cffvctjîe cîiret for,,' whio require abdoinal eu Lpport. A)U te latcst styles of cor.hts tg) sut any figure. CORSETS MADE TO ORDER Wîlîe us fer cc.aaogue and sicaslltcmcflt fOr., JiEPRESIENTATIVES WANTED %Vtrte to-day tcr pztultru ta D'partmr..t A BIAS CORSETS LIMITED 39 BRITAIN ST. TORONTOI THURSDAy, JUE28, 1917 thre.1. - Piece et ofroide, were atrong fol it a8dgktton of agood.roade systernput ,now betità e naeted by ýýttv,-t -Cüt oni the House of R4presentativ ' *l «W h i se toentry ' muatnîitîes could not ii~~~d1cat~ee thate lrbbuiyvaue to their districts of lm- power W11 be &Iven Io;to nrident Wil-Proved highways. Durbig' tie past, x- o 10makit dry" ""h ,,* few Years. however. iemn durtng, the eontinua.nce of lte war. The food situation la scii that lu the interesasot humanity if 'beioores aul countrles 10 probibit the wast.age of grains . lnthe manufacture af ilquors for -beverage purposes. If the United States dots xlass* prohibitory legisla- tion of tbis sweeping character, as a resuit of Uhc Iaunchlng ofthie war, the war may prove a bleasifSla n disguise. Could Biritisht and Canadian statesmen follow the saine courageous practice, much ot war's wastage would be made up by the' saving thua effected. Tht' discussion in the Canadian Par- liamEtî ver the' Government*s Con- scrdption DIII is ttesting and trying outr aIl cf our Pariianîentarians. Many of them are revealing an honeat and cou- scientious adherence ta lirinciples long helti dear whfch is trUly praiseworthy. A birh type' of qrataiýY bas been brought eut in the debate. and.many constîtuencles ai now be able ho ap- praise at their true valtie the' men '-ho represe-at them In Parliament. It itouiti, hows'vcr, have been a more che,-rfui siehl ta have seeti both part- les stand staunchly for the strongest possible mnr measures necessary for Ca lada ding her fui) share ln the' t'rug&ie now iïnging fer ovîr libertir and monld dimocracy on the battît' fitis i f Europe. rather Uxaîx te argue i-tîIesi~ t ir i(-crt'nces andi pollit. mcai t-xpedincy. In thlt ict' of Herbei C. Hoover iFoed Controit, r, tht' United States 1 Goeramlent Ee-ma te I have plcked out 4 mighty bIg KMan, onlt' 0fthe' men Who do tîitg.s by erg-anizatioan andi superb i-%f cutîlv(- ailiîy, If onc e ista jîdge by a lQng bîography of M.r. Hloover la last v.ct-ks Sufurday Ert-ai èg Post. Mr. Hooi ir is a mintng engineer hy protes- .sIoît and as such bhas heit big jobs andi accomieislîr.-d hard tasks in almost i- -~country la tlie world. H-e tvas tliti hend, befarc the war, af numerou.5 compani-s cari ving on laýrge enter- pîrises lun 'arlou5 lantis, The war prac- ttczatly swept awny his large interests, buit luIt t hii is grent abilîties andi imimensi zeal for tvork. lndeed, th1e viar si-cuis to haie developedt tht' mai ilt a ttarkedwa.anti as admiinistratar- ot Deifgian tRe ief lptutathe' entrance ufth tIiluititi Sý'tat(es mb ite var, he lad the dlsbitrse-taeîîit of t-entty mili- Ilon dollars n mantix. Sa weil diti he itatdîî i lie tvork that he wonî tht' es- teem andti tnreserved confidence ai ail tho- Altitti Geverîntt'nts. Upon bis cot:try's elîtranre- mia the wuar. M-r. llooNtr ttîruxeti over the' work of Bel- ,iati Rleu-f ta others andi returnedti t Itte Ul'iitd State-s. wlîere he was au onte singit-t out t the m an wiîh ex. perience andt abîlity t à bandiethte toodi situation. Our awn Food Controlier, M r. W. J. Haruna, han been In consul- tation with Mr-. Hoov-er. Gooti roads for Ontario County werel brought rneasurably near ,r' by lte ad- opt ion bV tht' County CounJli- titis week af a g4odroads acheme. The Passage through Councl of this plece of legisalaloîî, ioVed as 1t WaS by an old'timt ' opponent of the good roads scherne. recais the action of- î former County Council ln adop ing such a niearnre. oniy to have the by'iaw rts- clnded by tht' following Council. Let ut liope. anti we -do hope and believe. that no such fateIlA la Store for te present sciteme. During tht' ieteruun- -ing I-cars nuch proirreu s bas en mnade ln edueating the Pulic 10 a be- llietln ise valuso! good roada.Espe 1eiauliy las ibis been lt e mla the For T4ktfsrdtse Jrta ~Irpom . ,-l TUF TIII> TUA? IItE1VIFAL' farmers,. have purchased automobiles, I UIU1@) MUIIM up Bu andI there la no form of highway -1!J~ transportation which more ylvidly Wb' - IO and insistently reveals the need of Those who take "Fruit-a-tives"' for good roailsttan does the automobile., the first time, are often- astonish4at It la doubtiess due to the adoption aofttc waY il bulda- tlae»i«P an' Ike titis modem luxury and utiiity ltat themnfet bd/e,' ai over. They Ma bh titis conservatIve aid Caunty lias now taking "«Fruit-a-tlves" for mre spleo voteil 10 adopt a County system 0f' cisease, as Constipation, Indiges ion, good ronds. ('hronic Ileadaches or Neural la, Kidney or Bladder Trouble, R. 'eu- matisrn r Pain in> the Biaek. And ýhey POINTS TO CONSIDER WRiEN PUR- ibd when"îPruiat.ves"shas cure4 ta CHASING A ]RAILWAY TICKET. disease, that thej feel b'etter land A Canadian Paclifie Railway ticket stronger in every way. This la 4tie to does mot reprement merely a means of the wo'tderfut i bo>rzîof t4ise trazsportatioyi betwen glvin poits. famous altrdefofuijucs IL. in addtion, proffdes the traveller tbes aeta ri ucs with every comfort and celavenienee We0. n box, 6 for $2.50, triai size,2,c. developed by modern raîîway science- At ait deaiers or sent "otpaid by Fkuit- **Safety F'iret," wits up-te-ate eqiilp- a-tivcs Limited, Ottawta. ment. unexcelied dining service, palat- - ____ tan sleeping cars, la a word, every- thing that a rallway tan protide for HOSPITAL AT WHlTBtY IS nyELL the coufortable transportation of its CONDUCTED. Damegers Incudig corten. --2 Dr. J. W. S. 3McCullough. Ch le Pro- t. i t- i . ~ i. THE UNION S. S. PICNIC. Arrangements are progressing satie- fattorlly for the. union Sunday School pienie ta be held ln the Town Park on Wednesday. July 111h. A big rrogram of sports, Including races, jumping, foot bail,' basball, tennis, etc., wili be mi on. and will be open toaal mem- bers of the ' Ove achools participatIng ln the plcnic. Ih 19 expected there will be a big afternoon's entertainment for everybody. There will b. no admissrio ta the grounds. and everybody la in- vited ta corne and have a good timie. Definite announcement as to urne of starting the. picnic wili be miade next week. It la believed by the committee ln charge that there are thoaj- who. while flot engaMt directly ln Stinday School work. would be pleased ta give a rspeclil prize for paricular events. If there are any sueli. ibeir donation of prizees wotild be welcorned by any of the' sports committet', or by the' chair- man, G. M. Goodfellow. 'The union scboeis wish to Invite everyone ta corne to the' picnic. to make the' event the- succese It ought to be. WHJTBV MÀIRKETS 'Wheat, fal...... .. .... $2.00 ta $2.25 WVbeRt, *gooe.... .. ..2.00 to 2.00 Earley ................. 1.25 ta 1.25 Bcsu îs.. ...... ..... ô.00 te 6.00 aye .. .... .....;... ...1.26 to 1lm Peas ........... ... 2.00 to 2,00 Buckwheat .... .......50ota 1.50 Qats .... .... .... .... 0.76 ta 0.80 Red -Clover ............ 9.50 to 10.00 Alsike clover, per bus .. 8.60 ta 9.00 Hay, pr ton..... .. ..12.00 ta 13.00 FLOUR AND FEED. F'lour. pler cwt ....... .. 5.75 ta 6.50 Choipped teed, cwt ....2.75 ta3.00 Cornmei.l .... ..........8.00 hi 2.00 Bran, per -ton...... .... 40.Ã"O ta 40.00 Shorts, per ton...... .. 46.00 ta 45.00 MlEAT, POULTRY AND PRODUCE, Cattie, dressed ........17.00 ýto 18-00 l4Dlbeui c.... .. ..10.00 to 12.00 i{ogs, dressed..... .. ..19.00 to 19.00 Veal .... .... ........17.00 to 19.00 Chickens, per lb ......... 0.26 to e.30 Duceaper lb.... ...... 0.23 t, 0.36 Gk+ne, dres*. per lb-.. 0.26 te 0.20 Turkeys,, per 11).é. OJI t 0.49 Butter....... .... .. ...2 ta 0.38 Egu ...... .. .... .... .3 ta100.38 Lard, pêr lb......... ..0.20 ta 0.2 Petatoee, Per lbu..... ...4.00te 4.50 Apples. Der barre . 1-50 ta 2.00 il11P IMD Iiii suf1fi ATF COUNTY-O1ITeQi loi? Probai witua-t &HTYMasU aMa0u. make a1 Whttby. a"&& N8kI I M,.able tai 0. AI* a. M" 41, in»4,JuRy 1 SqL 4. Ou . 8. Ney. si, O&, J. i1» i ns uc Wbltb, VIt-.Jm, 8, PIb q. a t h e, ci AM 4 xvt 1O su P&E vii«t 8.~~~~~~~ae 0IUHM-M b.s.a. uv wee âpj-ý- -m. 1. MSU.aMTurfi jwat P. & Gut il. Mari,&*mu I r q» Ii 81<. » JeT. 8 &MMUL G.é 1$.MaUN.13. * . ua 19, ~~~ bLDMv~a.3.98 ,ox] L ~ ~ ~ & IAuUVU lime, w,~ * J.a.3&IIS. so.3 oo t- Ma-aII& u# eSq, Gnzo 4- N", . t~ac Jeu. 8 ab*8 «.ocm pou& »Mt w» piei 'tnelal Heaith Olicer. who returni t t Toronto thse other day a!ter a tîtip or inspection over the ,9oidie'rs' HoWtpi at Whltby, deelarei that the I istitu- tian is adrnirably suised ta the hpeeds of the' convalesceni soldiers. Dii. Me- Cullough was assured by the' Knany men he interi-iewed that the), were well satIsfied hu every way. and 4peak- ing trom his a'sn observation ht' sid. "There la no question about lt. the' buildings are admirable. lte! food 11; gooti, andi the kitchens are retnark- ably eMient,." YOUR CHANCE-THE WEST 15 CA LLI NO. t Horneseekers' Excursions te !West- ern Canada at taw tares via Canýadian Paci cr each Tuesday unI Il Ocîobk r 20. inclusive. Particulars t1.0-arnanCan- a4lan 'Pacifie Tickeêt agent, oetVW. f Wroward. District Passenger Agertt, To- -konto, Ont. 5 DISTRICT DOINGS. Tht' Council of the' Village ofi Can- nington bas atîthorizeti the puitchase ef a atone crusheî- for us5e ln cnishing sioie for tbe strets. Pte. Gordon Pargeter was gWen a cic recepion to hie home lai Port Perry on his arriv-ai there cm teà tit of absencte. He' as beéri Pt the ront since t-he -Pir-st Canadian ContLlngent w-ent over, andi lias been a caetalty Oive urnes. 14te is to report for duty again la Augu5t, Elmer, son of N.I-r. and Mrs. NVealey Motaîljoy, of Biackstock, bas paÃd the !èupreme sacrifice, Robt. H. St. John. proprit-tor ft tht' Mansion House, UxbrIdge, was rvlit- ]y Ouned $200 and costs ftor sellin beer over lte aIiotted 21, per cent. r-e bas appeait'd tram the decision of M~agls- trates Hamiltan anti Lapp, andjth 1e case wiii probabiy corne before a Ceunty judge. Tht' dates ut Part Perry Faîl Pair have been set for ThursdaY antI Fr1- day, Septembber'13 and 14, Stotiffvllle Teown Council are rot al. together sated with the workng of local option in that towln. and have appointeti Mr. Ralpit Rat' a sWe1 1 con- stable tb enforce tht' Teniperan Act. Miss Margaret Camero». of B aver- tan, dieti recently. She was a sister of Major iiarry _D_ Camera». Captain G. C. Bonnycashie. <jX.D. C_ o! Bowmaxxvlie, bas ecnuy.een piaced ln charge of the headquarters dental ecinic ln London, Englanit. Fifty Orillia ýmen have given their lives turing thse present war. RACTIVE DINING CAI ily nothun.g bies mai maIlIw>tjourney reae11y i a visit ho h,. D8 Ij if Itýbe a Canadia 1 ar, the. passuer ! *e liif etom! o 1< 'alfaury&atthhboemu btat thie inaketaffordi on the scimuuflcr Lt O'Ditettc Blmuding. favoite dIsit, as you liti flhJYu t tlIOfD* duI tiu'ouauiinp, uile tho Canadten Pacfle. iter eu dme.a lmio*-oasurL4 twue ur ireu t.W- bo I14b-t" car., aci*tc la au-1 PMic t,* mzetea1 i. BUTTER-. WRAPPERS NIeI3ELY PRI'NTED READY FOR USE OR P ROMPTLY PRINTED Te ORDER ek . Goodfellow & Son Gazette and ehronicle Whitby, a Ontario O&ri~ ontyu M&p ay6 SoId, by C. A. Goodfellow & Son I 't - - CANADIAN. P GatLake SteauîsbIp servie'Vc via, «ENSOUND p a J -i 1k -60t Vour Goal Where. you are sure it wiII be Clean and SrigbI Our. coal s well screened. W. guarantee prompt de- livery and good service. Telephono Nos 182 Jas.' Sawiou Wbitbvi - Ontaio lii uumu Uri 1 gaki