Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 24 May 1917, p. 7

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Coaductesi by Professor Hemr G. BeIL. 'i.Th imobjsct 0fth,$sdepaiSment le to Plao@eait th Sev<*O!ur fsrm readers th*. sdVice of an acknoWLk f dgled sOUtIorty on &ailsubjeots pgrtaining t Ie sud trop&. >US -FL WHRW tbe I'ly la flio îrld. svil « ilbow t.. e four wittti of ord e:( But unt- f bestnioutit - S'the' hotuqe- i, StjIIlvuî¾anid pet breeîltng ttg rItotqtl iof lm for t 11 pOrtIutur ariti t;tu, îr h iV 'eii, li tfre the oIt i tokill, try'î it %Orly spiwt nl tWic i tl tht ,it lit t 1 lm Prot ii ' tv re i n t he l t tO Rdk lit. nonce il e lph i t ilfa ) ertuoftthe cttore 'peau tltuulida nr- us- m0fmmh,, r ue pier- tulangr i , madtul l 1of tOre ton-' olutiy't COi- *aalLll to a the- proper 1 Aalicylate lving three er. ablespoonfil bIack pep-' flilesPt pny~ except t eet the of OH1 of snMequan)-, finon glass. i roiud thol ithe dining enl on -the' i mfreshlng *»~~~ Adoreu ait questiont 50Prof,..,' Hiiui 0, BellI CarsOOf Thé Wil1801 PubUs.hIig Company, Limited. TO» eonto. and answers willI £ppai ln tus ocolaamn mn t1110 Order ln whch ttey art rwlvg.d, A4s <p a fMit ( -- 5la advlsable whart IMMedmat.rmpty le necesarY thit à etanip.d and addr.a.d env.elopeb.e bfldwith th* flnyG. Bei. question, when th@ anwr wil b. mal.ed dirot. Quetio-T. A, L :-What le the! plants, they infect the other planta best way for puttlng fertillzer on for with late bllght disease. To prevent Potatoes -and how aiuch fertilizer this the potato grower should spray would you put on a quarter Of an acre? hie crop witb Bordeaux mixture AlV@ Should the. fertilizor b. mixed witli to seven Uies durig the growing su- earth before the. potatoe are put 'MIson. Begin as soon as potato plants or would it b. ail rlght put ia the. are Up three or four Inehesa snd spray Mis wihthe sme.d* I havý. Just rea.d at Intervals of 10 days ta two weeks. it would burn seed. Bordeaux mixture in composed of 6 Answer:-Two hundreds pounds of Ibo. of lime, 5 lbo. of copper sulihate fet1* ert h u-re-cei a mod.. and 60 gallons of wator. Dissolve fertilizer should analyze 2% aimonia, ieparatoly, then mlx and dilute wlth A. 8 to 10% available ph'.sphortc acid and the. water. Apply the Bordeaux mlx- 1 to 21,1 potash, if obtainable. ture immediately, since the mixed mia-W In applying this, scatter 100 pounds terlal wtll flot retain Its strength il over thc quarter-acre when the ground allowed to stand any length of time. has been dug or plowed. The harrow-f The dlasolved lime and disbolved cop- Ing or raking of the ground will worki per suiphate mnay be stored un-mlxed, this available plant'ood into the soil. and just sufficient for the spraying When the hales or- drills for the pota- inixed up at the tixnes deired. The toe5 are rnadt4 acatter the remaining proper quantitie can eaaily be calcul- hundred pounds of fertilizer i a llght ated froni the mixture given above. dust along the potato furrows, or into To prevent scab and tta asslat in con- the holes where the potatoos are to be trol of the. spores of other diseases, it dropped., Cover this wîth 'a llght i. beneficial ta dip potatoes in à flUx- Choiçe of the Wo 03ô- dusting of soil before dropping the, ture o! corrosive sublirnate, one partV potato pieces . TÙ're in no danger of to a thousand, by weight. Dissolve a I fertilizers burning seed if care is tak- tablet li a quart of water, or an ounce en to mix the soil and fertilizer as'in 30 quarts o! water, and soak the. Sohd f0. attractive P~tob described. When the fore.oing has! potatoos for two houri. This material L T7>1 ebf'/LLIAPI P/Aelvo Co., L 7r. OThiiia, ont,ri.- been don@, dro, the. eed Àn-1 cover à is very poisonous and must ho handled usual. lt i: sometimes found highly'with rat care. Potatoea which ________________________________ advantageous ta scatter another light have been treated should nover be used applicati on of fertilizers around the for humait or animal food. potato his or along the rows when Yeti can prevent potato scab by the plants are Up two or thre inches. soaklng the potatoc i a soluton of Tlhis can b. worked into the Ïoil when 'one pint of formalin to 80 gallons of___________________________________ the potatûes are cultivsted. water. Tbey should remain i the Question-W. W. ,. :-leaiie send solution about 20 minutes. F9rmalin The Educattonal Value of Music-The Power of Modern Musical b$e1 full particulars how to treat pots- hs a cas dissolved in water. I t ills IsrmnstoRpouead arpe heOdMses tuea before planting ta prevent top: the spores on the surface of the. pots.atu et oRpoueadltertteOdMses blight.to but does not injure the f ood value. Anwr:N repaîig tin- Qusin-,D.E-s ef 1ie That some knowledge of mugic is mneans of the player-piano and phono- nment can be given to potatoes to pro- that has been stored up in a dry shedesnta awl-ancdheino grps vent blight. If possible, make bur) for two years as gooI as fresh fert-il- an almoat establjshed fact. Music,, Inasmuch as it would b. of rricelesi that the poItue8 being uised for seed, izer? let it b, noted, la the instinctive im- value! ta have such recordings at this were riot produccd on a fleld thnt has Answe:-1f the fertilizer has been 1 pulse of tii. buman being tram the. tlnQe, present..day pupils and teachers been infected with blight. The bllght stored in a dryplctwiInthv cradle up, and il reverberatos the. wil l nd, and soute have already folund Winersin hetubrsnndseds Is at l plaocerouh toragl et hove world over. It la the adorablerit ttraum experience, that the recerds wino! Godn thechuinstnandvelyds iks;tlestadeaby Bornehofuourseminent ar'w- c fine thrcads up thrctugh the stalks ever, before you use it, you îhouId fGdwih ntncieysek la bY8m f u nlnn, r4t Shere they tlower <n the Esurface of empty it out on a hard floor andexraminroefuaoft-yafrdpsb nqsld the eavs o th plnt. Whe 1h brek i upby undngattr w i îrentaily naturel, pelittpa, than speech facilities for acquiring certain phaies disease matures it senda out large should ho shovelod through a sand bh as not been attracted yteo musical knsoledo. he eaer quantities of tiny spores. When tites. creen. This wîIl put if I good con- ~h yti !msclhscy we elwn spores light on other damp Potato dition for drilling. 'cooing mnusic of the cradled babe long OPOchs and events, glvlng biographical ere ît aought ta utter a word. Do.. It sketches of Composer-s and classifylng seoni naturel tb 'ustinctiveîy crave tb thediferent acliools and forais of iweeks of are they broucht $60. express on.'. every sensne ofeeling music- wlll find the, player piano and Sirnilar ducke that were sold in the lni speech?7 The. laîms o! nmic for phonograph, or either one, invaluable fail did not psy for the cost of fee. greater educational recognition are sa by demonstrating the. record ouitable - I~oIters o Markei. fMaiet la Junc. manifold that on. wonders thst It la for the. occasion. When studylng M oito! hon Marketinugysod.l ses ldhts ery~ not Sgwen ore promnence and taugit tonal effeets of the different ntru- is t o m~ telaarkut olitry o ti. Aeil re ocs, odhns aryboi-more thoroughly ia Our public achools. ments, the phonograph record would yea th t i , l t i! uternss greng tii . t r t w e a J u Il h t m g i i eindeed b . very ielp ful and hig ily in. reCuithpr ines thdeIy fu hnfAims ff à Deeo!o 1mv fui tii er. are for the. pupils o! to-day te tarUg,ý rsui e bou rey tall eîî. 'n. on- ' de. ipo s biorr, a ftr i.tbed.enhance their musical education, as While perhapi bins efficient ln the. eans th a pa t o il uaI b. ag e ai T ir Ptr m et < , co p r. it ie b rd s rl i g j art o f voice prodnUton th er e are m any gestion'i nata ato t utb fte l atrwo a -cie teacheri who are fer from *belng mas. put labo \old storage, and produce flek ftr (is at cassea wofti od asters, w iiohte ntat fItsrt once ~ oos no bringso à 1 million dollars a er to C leslvswthsc lmtd ntff-iO in epcaiy the 1 It. ni~farmers threogh the. sale o! partlaîly ment. stiol easOnth t ti, gr aea aris, forthe treea 1 ef es uai. T i 1icubated and bad eggs la the. produ ou imagie howariffestly grateful raou hyhaefo dti mev ,N rd frtefanmer . wîî omro tIi lne n tirodmsesoppotttilty of wltnessing perforai. Tw <remedY fies withîuthe.producer, hle amarketed. AUl Old b»ons bave betti ad tli.y~t teir dis.ancen by artiats o! the higbest r k Iîe ahould distribute his producoer el le emreeda hsdata, In d anvoastdslaheDno more 0f lhe tweive montha than ha poaI ucihigigrd »aoi n vocatlf stusl aslie ohion manulactured to-day, capable o!f IVaP ain teI sfu s- uci does. To do tbis requirés different asu éluo iltatgithebornes of mnaay ultrythan ponding ta every emotion' It ln dl!- methods of bandiing his pouryta ficult te conceive howit v" possible he'ha. practised ithe past. For! bahfl miiot I ii olà ui pler-plano 1d ponoial instance, initead of keeping the. aprinir forl thê îd astste g ndimme t;al: Mes of- tenblae thand .pono-M chicks ail sumnier, îome of them! Foot puacturea, caused by treading vorba, handicapped, we mîghî vrap have beea fully realllit k as P might b. marketed tiiroughout the 1taponsharp obiecta, resatitnaIma ,vthsc nelr~an ertremely delîcate and diffl<mh It soason as brollers. Brollers brins 'an& lat many came.,the mai or other, they ln possession o! such perfect.d ntter te ceavige su"Ch artiste as lm two or three times as, mucb per ,objeotteh risible whm ea foot la llfted. instruments as we have t-dy, ii atit oflbeoslbIllr sso.! et.w poun inMayandeany Jne s tey emee frela bdypare wali! could conjecture what undiscovered would bring as rosasters la the tati. down te the senalitive ' part, 01i t forai o! munie mlghî have been bsinded phoaograph. as lIcevdse lil waî Pattr. Broilers are cbickens weiching un- openlng villa 1 part lodforga te6 dowrn taus. esli Grelg, Mosahovki, ste., in r.- der 2 Po und&. The. bcsb way tblpart# beradic aeid aud keep s o util Promth eueAioalgatd t te - iaye-plano. ItleIlidt feed broitert ln te Cive a palatabilolam eet-a isa par, tin gl t1io ptuia o-- h 1 - '.eorao see !(hu ases au zeathers. shouid be nianietat ea.riy A -ProPenly fttefiwlaell fot rmb u b -t4AM 4t iratier than b. kept untîl fai. The mrp par th le sud r. Colls-n IL.Th Bl>5hI aj i i 0 t Experimentai Pasm at Ottawa r.- mab"ldfit snugly.,osqJopandt " n he k--J*E I m s214 te . MoeI& poeics o!age5 roug cit on t 10%lol'9 Ça"_______ 1&. 39a 1e#gm l ports ofha 65 oug du«c h e d i1") 514 _________ , manrket about 200 p.: ceU ntmoetà" M~Iyj..~U Ohiyi l<ie WtSm5 i oul ho fed hein, Oo% h er cordey ths.>e aue et snajfop.l they cost for feed M20and at 1O Sa*iL ,ss.. 4b ____________________ _____ 109h ward wiui,. etru Iw. i"o t 'rdile u b a.eida S ~ 5'b. hi ~ ~ e a u Go?: Labor -in Hait u am ~s 4ldnteot,&a dthon whtîewa,,jhlatri er 1 ke.P your istabIe«, d&jrl«s ad ,pgUiUy house~s brgtglu. di.eul l"d fui et lice, Mites. Uy eggu LD4 e germasof roup. -*bite 41mbqi., cholers. gladorsetc?1 Such a Mexhod la a vutseta Uni. izoa. a~ aho,, CIbola118tu ..it 1 i W~t5Us71O to 5iWU U41ts 1*lobW5a t .I e 1 la eamrte. ill pstes S l a «' eaa mesre fieitheer s, tbff Ù 2 c n b e t î m W " . a se r s i nb u t 1 5 h a r # MWi d roemm kmaj asibutter 1w. antithe egptra la thât telb. dtLc fertiMlg vWal« u c.b. se twWcet e eIet"I15d b ifdb the tau& Lw tes»M Cive tte o«a W oofesIg of bal', Pt 8 bl=Sdo ~b.foetumrnlult*. tie fre5h matum:a f be«r X scusin laIrmalsa tu f«Ma tetee lb. o!la t. te The. cou eb e kf It'itbSte P»s- lo Up Utepl, bMsahé tm &y. I f ' - -. o tepherson, iVWeuinea-, au report tant. Sir 0 ('itida', of onu i fluiuc 'vit-' pèghed, eus of 'a,ý tex ture, ycooîlie. tuq;ues- -te., thel vain do bursqday' he State< O sub. Mts ahall rad ln~~ e' latter nM ak EPUAY LIFE OF THE -( Play Devctops the Physic of Our Young Peooç il uHILDj lcal Life pie andi Miothers end daughters of ail ane" are OordIalIy lnvlted tb write .totmle Our Surie sggti ister d*earbrtia?(kW. MtH b tWmtvuLenLo gettdmis I.s*. C "WbY ar0isestdv,4 My o ipu r 't« u ita? ntiwly a-tthes lsqlaetdlansupp)y ef fre.lu *ir, We do anet-, 1#7 hopè heulat Go&".-Psaibx xli., i#-am Çod ta help U4 out of sm plgi.tOur emmesm aen(ae le" luat suclu p.epe-ae'W'e us-se l-*&Ou lot 10m p5 =*d**.jug 44Tb"? Wane$g euorssIvu &Bd ouwv wutw t tkb lt &KIAamvent "l"t.tu- so mucith t*er,-tha doa mmra ". r% MW t tii.M sWb try th* wei, t' ACES liai" 1 Olvn l mah ltS r W.1s -o oew» o papar only. tmsWers will 0 The play life of a child ie important' malls@I direct If Otamnad andi adidieostd envaibb. la encloseti. from thea standpoint of its physical, Addrssa ail corrsponcd.nce for thia doepasmen:t toMrm.Helon Law@ 230 mental and spiritual dovelopment, and WQObIno Avé., Toront. the parent who negiects ho, undersaad 1 . -. Betweenlw and tire. tirely proper if they are quîte . ail wba li ply istict ean an k1, before the. ceromnony la the tiune and nicoly applled. 2. No 5flUwOrid help to direct il into worthwhue chai-r-eeks rotivttin oawd eqie oaWdin noneet neis in more foolish tisanthe man dong.annoutceinteaytions h o ntd euse os bdn noneet wiao went away to seek bie fortun>in îg znueot a .sn L. R - vegetarlan diet ineludet the oil fielda while is own fan was hies . Tiuio ont atedlb er-ail] thegooti grains, .nuts, egrgs, cheose, underlaiti witb the rich f luit and bis mohany attenatslapefet ayquet hmforiican dand h<cbulde s i.i cattl. had long refuaed lu drink of l..th venoa Ttendns ue on rsiaddldfut. This doo$ brook that fiowed tlu-ough Il because Wedtga iil bride may wear a veil not »ound lUs. starvation, doise 15? of Its tante n ahesimple white dclisaand ýýIl la Ratier 11k. a gênarejusplanty. TIuroé ut ls has e a t i. Wab r.not !ieea ary le vear g1ov«a w h en nealsa a day w ith n e iUAS la th PlayMew»Belath h. aleevea are long. a. Tes, have duel rile, Pienty of tresh pure WAs Tt is noces"r that the. young chilti Musi. vrY loftad sw.t turing the, ter, except wtth meals. &ffee andi abould play and kick anti crow ho de- cereraony. les are alloweti, but il la bolter ho do velop iha muscles and lunga an ho W. E. B._:-The" a"esoma O!he wlthout theni, belp buta Up the largo quantlty o!f1"et81colimoI1lY kaown meange St- R. P. :-Tie auther o! th. poen bodybullding niaherial which muat b. tlciedtitecertain flowera: Oak, "OreenTigaGo In" l Dînait taken ln durlng earlier years, IIs ePatr-iOtt.m yrtie, beauîy; olive, Mdaria Muiock Cralk (1826-1887). 8h. noticeable that animais play la just aOce; lvp, rovefry; roses, love; appie was an Engliai tiovellat, beat knowut lte rlgbt way wluich -siîî mak. hem rossoin, Preference; buttorcup, rihsine i aeo Ma uok m stnog fo hem particular mode of anemone, f altY, anticipation; dan- 1 as tue auhor o! "John Hallifax# life. The. et rune andi jumps after dellon, coquetry; daffodîl, unrequtted Gentleman." lie bail, chases Its own hall and de-. love; lilas, fashidlousnesa; narclasus, W. M. :-Here lua as et o! rules whicbi velopi a !aculty for qulcknest la orden ei-lMv;rnaigold, contesupt; golden.1 every boy and girl would do well ta that Il may catch birds and mice, and rot, encouragemnent; Illy, mnajesty,.l follow, anti whlci I hope wtll Snswer the. young deer leaps anti Jumpa and Purfty; calla, Magniflcenb beauty, for. Yotjr requiremonta: rusa and niakes its muscles strong. £nt-aio-nOt, toue love; Poppy, oblivion; Be brave. Courage is lie-nobleet of. Thechld ha do nt lntga'nris mmlao tiy; gentian, Vir- ail gift. ilek chut. Tbrougrh play th, m gin rnprit. geu-anium, dece1t; foxglove, Be allent whule your eIders are stimulated, for chiltiren love butl o! lnsincerity; hyacinth, 8orrOW; honey- apeakln, and otherwise show them aIl to improvise their aurroundinga. A suckie, fidelity; Pansy,houghts; hello- deforence. sot of blocks makies a first-elant train trpe, devotlon; sweel -william, gai- Obey. Obedience ia the ftrst duhy o! cars, a few bits o! broken crockery lanty candyluf, indiffereace; cow- o! eveny boy anti girl. a splendid set o! diahes, or a garment 81PYOuthful bOauîY; white violet, Be clean. Boîh yourseîf anti the froua tue ahtic a robe for the pninceas mnodesîy, and snowdrop, !rleadisip la Place you lîve la. Ttla lPerfeclly naturel for cbiltren ho nord - Underslani andi respect your bodyu fill out thein lives with lmaianine M. K:-It la nul natural for youri It is the. temple o! thue Spirit. and t l- ahapy fculy w ilffaesicld ta b. afraid o! theo r. H Be the. filent o! aillharnlesa wikt theni conhenteti witb what the3#hve îould neyer b. allowed to belleve liat life. Conserve lie woods and flow- develups their rsorcfunea anti arkness holia speclal thonora. peersroueul ad. s antiespecialiy be neady-10tl fght tests thiser angenuit>. mit no une ho frightc3uim by playing wld fine in forest or ln towii. i "host.5 Permit no one ho tell hlm! Word of honor la sacred. Trains Character iat0e Of o! gruesomne or lie super- 1 Play -fair. Foui play la trnchery. Sonie boys are nul popular with chil. naturol. But in eple O! ail] yourl Be rêveront. Wonahlp tue Great dren. Most little peuple would rnthen precaîations, af ans- one ~o! lhe house.- Spirit anti respect ail wonship o! HiDi hav, a crude toy wltîcî îhey cnna holti shows a dread o! the. tark, thua by others. aperate than a mochaniclal contnivance dread in likely to be noticed by the Be kinti. Do athlest one aci o! un- whieh leavea nothing to b. done but te t cbilti, and you knout oxample ln slrong. bargatntng service everY day.. vatchitl. Childrea instinctivety liko or Ihat precopt. Be belp!ul. Do youn shane of the the, boy which is naturaý and nat, T. H.;1, l.t la not gooti form hto use work. - grotesque. 'nie writer's' utIle boy. any inlc except blue black for connes. Bejoy!ul, Seek the. loy o! being whule etilli n dresses would go labo the pontent,.. Sealla on lettons are, e-1 alive. house of a îueigbbor aknM1immetintely hu m ît a ti g d îl îti 1 h. f a c t a g ro uj-ud s w i th k in d ly s u p e r v iso n , a re tue Wall. Tii. toli vas matie on a g-rowingU more and mure aumerous. back~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~o slcig oly lai at h e ! evelop mnenî along the sane ling. I ~ L P v1 5t bultun eyes - Whensket wby he al-The nation vili b. nicher in years 10 waYa tuned Ita face ta the Wall, lie re- tomne for thus providing for-the play plieti, "I ces can<î hou tthe pin 'Yoyzcilite o! ils childnen.-E. G. W. sO " q her."- The sboebutton eyes were 11k. lie black hatpin headi %wlth wbich i. Tii . Stop of Rusuble andi Grumbl& was famîliar, and ta, recognimedthat THE BUPREME SACRIFICE Runýi~e and Grumble were lhe sofl he "pin eyea" w ere flot natural. London Boy W ho ". U nseifîia A ct Lod o! t heAuii.i e r , W o c u e TIheospiritual sit, o! lhe play tif. e 6bbea1Berwooepe not tq b. overlooket, for as soon as to Hi& Death. aclonfortSîble cave in lie Yellowatont the hil laoldenouh t hae cm- esesvaton. Rumble as troger tii. cbid I oIt eno gh e ba e c in- H ow IL soldier actilioed Mbi l ave i n voce h an on is legs., anti G rum ble panions the elemneati o!f fir play, o! for aituor nman-and aubeequ.atly oas stronger onIde legs than on is honesty ait o! toing as pou vouitld oais. fe-wa» relatet bibitle Bigbep of voice, but, anyway, . they goe ln tione by appear. Evea young chultrea bluku-dncnltmohalar at oe a is are oftea beard te bost absurdly la nia tcp' Mnoone-e aBLa stoay ba ndbr ohere car. ote thein play, and bers Inoderahlon of ThGe benlad, betregit Up a nth- asOn. dy b1&ubotonan.-eat p iay , sp e ec h , bo e ty a n d k n tl tu es su o r n t h o m e , w o ift e n b ol n g s fou r t4e ets p e a v y -c m th eb pa r en t s, W h o - can ho aube dt. j worn aneon mtatbs at the frSua,,wroe wre Indutriousy pclgbers-etan d lb iasbee sat tas e ever raiy to bis p&-rnta, via wosrevS7yfontd' aatt ofb bm.lo. " vi kno w per ose, eve alh oug v e on m , s yl ag tlAaî h e as expectl g be perfpctly aie! m" i um b I,, "fort wltu liem, until vs bave playeti viiluta, if aayiag happens,-I havo only-ho blein. 'nis la true, because wos-k may , i Joh oi aea m m oeflvleatyuyu perforaieti accondng te bome aoter letterce»trom ee- flegat ertngcU. else#s Ides., but our play lite expresss elasyp. oMtiewif'adaJalriflg . . UQ. « sol"growl e ount w an d j e nt r g rd h B Iuse-J ma~~in a clone b y m e *hvi e sm at i G rum ble. T hq vý er . retlier - i nenî rd O jeym at. J4 l t as, m 'W ba'm bthe fla t, r, Bllh?' spoken youn g h ,air , s yen viii notie - Take a miterest ~ tii. ,bbhad Juat Iteard liat Iii.lUt- from tuait speehch, ming i t »etac If parents vouit keep lte vonfq4ence tUskl i W» , sMd ho ooi net get wuthtouristi, asi they didil ci thelr chuîdren asuituderstandt hem, les-st& go homeeand neber. 11%e sun a* h ot suid tie t M-11tae tiey must talc. au n luhratla thejr 1M krI kov 1h vOlb. a greasby the-tm* IttlWbaa.oubsymryrugî Play. Tis doeu do,. iot mesu thot dleppoithmesî toM uht 1veut to and lstouy. ha 1: t l - o g tioe ft la enougi O "tew hch oum-play. We M~Y 00106sr and 5usd hMm iter BAIl Rouble salti hualegs er. golsg bae must geltites- vlevPOlah, uudenstauti ooulq V«l bae leave lute" iof me. on hlm, vhlci l, nolier vay eofshv* wt i ilMean» tunt s ndAi,-lfpsibe lsoi hos *" ~i~d~ ngi vstkid. rbte a D*ne!e play wih them eombum.s. A MfW d'0lte lsMother ne- MWint hah iluroloes es*&stllnemrt A telime lie-e vas ho place lI Ceia*ed a-WtegrauS slyaur li ler lad lsud *1it,1 hy *v e41CUu15rt a-

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