TKUSDAY MAT 24,-1917.- PGEIV FOI~EBRIDE HE lndixl -gift the. that pi aseg mos't. Whaý.WiIitbe-a cake basket, ',!t pon brç'ad '« ay, - s4;N1 ..t a tea ser or a. couiplete service, '*f ta6le lle ware? We bv iliverwame and siIveipliteiýlhat make exquisite -weilïgin gifts and in a variety cf formsg. The price rAriges front $a to $ 'oo, a-ird- gives you a vide soIeét;ton. You-- çan, secuire any piece youvatfront our open sets of 'the celebrat- ed ware. ABSITT MiSahu «d Optisia lathe t hé Saony. SrooSt. WHITBY W Ce Te U IN A NUTSHELL- Dr. Bernard Fantus, Chicago: "T thdnk 1 -can say that the medi- cinat uses of alcohol are detinite, but that aicohol là § net indispensable even In therapeutice. I belteve that Ir the human race was rebbed of -Its alcohol It would lose a consoler-but would bave far lees to console. As a rule, alcohel has no place ln the welfare of the humain race, and uhîle the loss of alcohol would lessen the sense of well- bleng of the huinan race, it would ln. crease the welitare ofthtei human race.". 8ev0ttofethde business places et WhitbY vi»close at 1 p.m., on Wed- uesdays 4urhi gJiae, July, Augutîatand Septeînber. The anOual ofsig t ti Trafalgar Daungitens vill' )e heiti on Monda'. M ,ay 28tb, t 83Q pan.. ai. the O)ntarlo LaedIes' Cetiege. é<mbesrs are request- ed' te sent in uo4cial noinautis n woon as possible e Mrs. T. G. Whit- Mrs. (J4«r . M eriti aud i lttie 4ahIsÀ*ferrived in Whlîby on Thurs- >ipw latit. Mn. andi Mrs. Mernîtt arc, nlov gettlng settled lu thelr nen- home èu Brock Street noti, Sergt. Edvardis, vieoeapetifrein Getmany ater beiug a prîsoner of war there for 15 menthe, wiii be at the E0pvorth League at Amenda on Tues. day evenlng nuit. and i vii tell some -cf -bls experlenees. Everybody '-yul-, Ceule. Meeting commences et 8 o'clovk. -Mr. and unirs.#.Kellerman, et Dash. woad, On-t, annotince the engagment çf their daughter. Ethel May', te Ern- est AfIred Broughtou. M.B.,"eoftiie lVbltby Militar>' Hospital. son et Mn. and Mrs. W. A. Breughten, Whilhy. TPh.eiarriage vili take place en-ny ln June. -Mr. E. G. Mazeil lefi on Monday te taise a position lu Huntsville, ont., wliero he viii be a member et thé a plendid baud lu that tova. comnposed ef nea.rly iity nieuners, aIl et whom --- tire muuîclans of tiec Ouest calibre. Mrs. Hazel sud littie son n-ilromain S la Wiitby fer a few veelis befone ieav- gfor thein nev home. Victor Dehart. ef British Columnbia.. a nephev ef Mrts. Ariur Richanrdson, ei Whitby, bas been painfuily vouuded. In France, susitalulng compoundi frac, tures oethlehip and arn. Pte. Dem-nt vas bhem li, Whitby. WELCOME THEIR PASTOR. The members of the ~.tYoung PYeopie'a Union belti a socal un Mon- dey evening, atwvici a prograin et readîngs, muie. etc., vas I zven. tel- ;iewed b>' a bt-lut informai recuption te the rAew pastor. Rer; )Aar.ey mPrrItt, Au eaSirsasor vaiceme vas rosa, te r- whlCb D M eftitî m»ionded fttiolly., A veY *no3rale Ue wis aent. Tht aUmement van , madeo- 'Wduffla> Mest that the viusi canr- -Aug thse 182n4 OnUiro ConU lattaI. 'Ion ' h« arrd sa e"17la EIbU. ..laue hesi câbles have beau recliresi fi teres la the, atbsilonhstattug tisai iii. SONS <W ÂTlim:N BÂKFROM FRANE..m Pte-T W. Qammaonhas arrifvd in 'Wbitby item France, hterh eut with the, llGth Battaliln. Pte. Gaiu'w mon. han tMoSOUzwith tue 116Jitiud 'tW0 wlth other unuits, makllng lu anl ft f -- the raiiiy who have been ln 1lchaIcl. Pte. Garmmen vent te France. but dld net go te the front, owiug te his ag". Most neople, hevever, viii agret, that lie has doue veil enougi lu sendlng four sons, and ln trylug te go- himseif. ,iWHITBY BOY TAKES HIGH MARK. A despatch frein London, England, dated Thursday last, gîves the results of the uxaminations at the Canadian, School et Musketry. In the Ilit tof these vho were awarded "Dîstinguish. ed" standing,.appeAra.- the naine of [LIeut. . A. MacGroUL ,.son et Chief jMaeGrotty. oi Whttby, vie ranketi secosnd. Lieïlt. MacGrotty la attached tthe 2nd Réserve Battalien. The, Oshawa Relier Rink la open lever Tuesday, Thuroday and Saitur- Jday, -bbth ateecnoon a" i ghî. Band- lUn attenda*ice ea of et heabove"Ymen- ALL SAINTS' CHURCH. Tht, Venerable Archdeacen Warren, of Toronto, viii preach at boti ser- vices.u Suuday. May 27tb. WOMEN'S INSTITUTE. À Meeting of tb, Whitby Women's TnatUte Wiii bu held la the Asricul- tIlial, Rooms on Tueeday atternoon, i4 ~th, at 3 o'clock, viieB Mrs. IM. Boîtofe Wlarton, viii speak on the subject, «'Economy ID the. Home, lu Tisse, Moriy and Emergy." Mrs. Bol- ton la an ex-acheel teachor, vie bas hati a vide experience ln the verk of women'a erganlzaîlons andi ln cbiid velfare work. As an institut. offieur and leader lu rural community vork sh, bas been mioat socceastul. asti ber thoreugh, carpful iandlag etftthe tub- Jett, aunountesi vili bu fouati botb helptui and Instructive. )Àrs. Boltoin vIY &ao speak on somu features ef gsrdcning ln connection vith Ib# »eed5 distributed. AIl voimen are wel- Large pavillon at Heydnsbore Park te rent. Big btislneîs iis season ex- Perteti frein Convalescent soldiers. Apply Park Co. 0- DISTRICT MEETINCI. The annual District Meeting fer tie Whlîby District n-as helti on Friday, May igti, lu lie Methodist Tabernacle Eaci circuit vas represented hy min- Inter and layman. The reporta presented b>' the eleven circuits were gratlfylng indeed, show- Ing a market! Increase for tic District ln eûci departîmeut of the ciurci's vwork. Tie churci rnembersblp for tie dis- trict nov numbers 2520. The Mission- ary Fund n-as lncneased by $301.00. The Cenuexienal Funde -were ail wei, austained. Rer. John O. Tetten vas elected Statîstical Secretai-y. and Rev John Bedford was appoîntei teOie Statlening Commîtte t Conference. Mnr. T. G. Whîfield and 1Mr. W. J. H. Richardison were appolnted te attend Conterence at Pîcton on June 101h. Tie ladiesfethle Tabernacle enter- ialned th1e delegRtts fer dînner anti tea. A iearty vote et thauka vas ex- tet-ded te lie meinhers efthle churci for their klnd iospltallty. -0- INSTITUTE OFFICERS ELECTED. The annual meeting of the. Whîîby 1 Worn'f Inatitute Was held on Pridayt atternooti last, wlttý.a gooti atteudance.i The Whltby Institute la the, second1 oldeat lu the Province, the oldest belngq tint organlzed ai Stoney Creek. 0f- ficers were eiected as fellows: Hon. Prestdents.-Mrs. Jas. McClel- lai4. Mn. Jet. Fletcher. President.-Mrs. Geo. A. Rosa. lîi Vice Pres.-Mrs. John Peel. 2nd Vice-Pre.-Misa M. Wlllis. 3rd Vice-Pres.-Misa M. V. Powell. Sec.Tréa.-Mlss 1. V. McClellau. Audltors.-Mls EdIth Cenner. andi M4is. J. E. Wilii. Dlrectoma-1f lasAunes, Urs. J. 3. OmConnotk, Ira. George Anderson, Mms W. M. -Vanvalkenburgh, Mii . J. M WîJIjs, Mrs. U W. Dudley'. District Dheeor.-Xrs. 19. E. Sar. Representattves te annual meeting. -Mis a nnes. Miss F. WillIs. Mru. J. H. Dewney. FOR SALE. A liait waggen. two buggies and a dit for- sale cbeap: aise pony bogg. Apply M. W. Colins' sho store. SIX., YOUNG MINISTERS IN ON£ DISTRICT ENLIST. Sinee the var broke eut it fthe Yoenus Methodist ministui on theu Lindsay- district bave sipnei up feir o'verne" srtleu. Éour surina the lest sIx mentis. 7iere are cayeun otiier districts in th@ DaY of Quinte Conter. encu vhilc are alto affectesi b>'ea-t illstment. The eutlook la that te viii be a great s"rcIty ef Youmcmm for thie varions stationsvwhcn th*eSta.- tionlng Çomnfltee -cet% dovu <i lil; labors the lai et June. COnfereUce mieetis this yesr la Picton. AZNNLAL DISTRICT CONVENTION OF W. X. 8. The annual conventIort of tbe W&oJ FUEL IS SCAIICE. Yc'u can do ail your work on this Oil Stove. Cail at our store and see it1 de.monstrated. 'g.. EO.M.RICE-,IWhltby Everytlbd. Un Hardware atÉoiqeà t Prces. j LQQking I3ackward - Our Secrettry, wben giving bis annuel report, said that on look- ing bAck over the put two years that Our attmndace had been greatet by 700 in the lait year than in the pravious eue. ai, havig added muuh to our achoo'a efieieney. entutigm heybadbranchbt e ur eg-nervie. I ll orscoaysrpr okdqieecuaig 1frein West China, &ave a short taîl rOn the introduction oif tie vonk lu LChina, lber twentv.oue Yeara of ser- vie tiare ma»kiug ber an excellent au thort-ty on these alttera. Hon aveet iface ans cisanming manuer held lbe s udiencelu the, deepestiIntereat and rattention. i Atter tic District Organizer, IMn. Jackson. hat been r"e.eed te thal position for tihe ensuiuig yeu r, a sort but heantlelt memnlra'il service vas led b>' Mdr. MovbnaY, Kinsale, fer Mrs. Jeffrey. Port Penny-Oice oe W. M. S. member te have died during tie yeaný The meeting tien Bdjourned and tie delegates vere ,ententaineti b>'thc Brooklin ladies for supper, and a so0- cial heur spent. The evening session epened ai elgit o' dock vith -Rev. 1fr. FoIe>', pastor, lu tie chair. The pnsj-er sud praise ser. vices were followed b>' the chairman's address, aud tien Miss Brackbill vas cahled tote efluon, aud tielîghtetiber bearens with a mestI ispirng addness, and lu hen smllng. sincere and con. vlncing va>', sioeet tit China la vaking up andi muai be dealt viti; for, iaving an autientlc hîstor>' for 2000 years B.C., and baving Wbeeelf. rnaintaiaiug for centuries, with ber houest>' andi lnduistry ment pralse- wonthy, aie la dernandlng western civl- izatlon and la callîng lever more laud- 1>' for evangelizatlen. Miss Brackblll madie a mest eanuct appeal fer v& men u'erkers, telliug ver>' clearly the neeti - ln medIcal vork, training schools anti day achools. Most compre- liensîve ls tic scepe andti tieougines efthle curriculum Iu Chiese schoolis. anti therein i îes lihe stpossible evau- gelîstie agency. Atter lie reports ef the Courtes>' Cemmlîtele and the minutes et the1 eveniug* session, the meeting -%=s braugit te 'a close Jy atnglng lie Dox- ology. Duniuig the da'y enlo-yable mûi- sIc was rendereti by Mrs. A. H. Pestei, Whltby; Mins Rollday. Brooklu, anti choir of DreokliluMethodist Church. -- HONOR ROLL. KII IN ACTION. C. H. Browell, Whltby. E. A. Bath. Wblîby. N. G. Balley, Whitby. A. T. Meol East Whltby. J. W.GarvOsa. -.W,,' )Lea4sâ, Whitby, W. E. G. Lyndu., Uxbridgu. R. M. Butt, Port Perry. weL-.IDEl>, V. W. Joinston. Port Perry. C. M. Scott. Whitby. G. Smith, Oshava. H. Elson, Clarcinont. J. G. WigaIns, Setih avaiL P. faUaqher. Obava. D. Crovie, OshLava. A. B. Wilson, Asbbori. C. J. Hannon. Brougham H.H.Werry BovmnVille. C Gourlay, ffigkiin. M. A. Ansicree. Oshava.. W. W,.ie usua FOUR IwlnTn? Boys iL > 11 [NACTION.. Wh"t> 1% " 'Il rlish grovlna .t thse eXPOMgi If btbu ng lites Dur- tug the %sl w*ek tour more naines bave beéï &audddte thse lin or thSe Wtitby boytsvise bave puald e a u- proue serti. , ord v v ovd b>' t"iserealolrus 0etisa&*0Uu in=la"t vet and 14on Mnay s;lea=« e ver Publiasci la tsecatit>'118at DaviBath, snd gvsnda.n oSMroi, Johnt Bath. ot Whitby, la ou et thon «, the iIM BDattallon, 4Mvest o«w a*wttl& tht unit. solintM t» venttiwoue h. bettit et Vil"ay a. î*£tly,-sMd vW" premw e - AUe. Oorpoal. le vusby l.ccupsaieh* tae- grah urisu. aag ee.»wd -là »'i prelti.silp iti, Mr. 5,. M Slow lU tilt, bdWI i t filhU& Je A WH[R.LWTND CAMPAIGN FOR THE ONTARIO LAIES' S1OLLEGE. The cam»Pai&U fer the raising ef $5.000 for the puri" ofe saving the College iluthe Tôwa of Wkltby vas cOMMenced on Tu4edy meralg laut, the teams belua un6es'L the Sirectucia Of Mr- Thomnu Celli fo1r W&rd 1; Mr. W. D. Dykes fer Wsg* 2; lir. A. W. Jackson fer Warti 3_ Col. J. E. Fae- well for Ward 4,- DtePY. Warren for Ward 5: and- Mr.-'-, . ?N.Baasett fer sureunlding CounîrYý Oelng, hoeyer. to the lnclemency of -». veathur the cthtnvsa bave Oieo unpableuviishb tcmmUtean hae'eefunabig fn ish b continuetl fer the baisué, cf this week. IL la hoped that t.he encouragtng stand. ard set on the Ofrst day w1ii b. kept Up that the full $6.000 wîli. bu -tub- scribed before Saturdà t night. BIRTHS. MCLEOD.-At "The Balmoral.- 42 Warrior Square, St. Leenard's-n. the-Sea, Sussex, Eagland, on May 16, 1917, te Lt.-Col. Geeo. B. I.eod. and Mrs. McLeod (Jtuby Stephenson), a son. MIDLAND WEEKLIjES ARE TO Go UP TO041.60. TherneI-annuel meeting of thild- land Presa Association, van held iu mise Kate Wright Pubils PreParesi Mr Toronto> Cou- «uvto" ry UDiuIMt&zaminations Refflente t ffMiss , Mclllivrylî,1 Byron Street, WhItby._ R. CommeI&so GOAL DEA LERS Phoine 7.0 WE ARE INIBINESS. ÇXPECT TWe AROOgS 0IF c AISO lorgnpuStty Cah.- iiu IEN - n ' Pb~ ~ W~tfTOU GýROÇIERY .I'trt ]Hope on- flday luat Quite large number ef delegates ,were pi eut. A ver>' lnteresting and prx able addreiss wau delivered by A. Alloway, Assistant manager of Canadian Press AssociatIon, ot rente. The question et increaslng the s scrlptlon price efthLe weekly atditù frem $1,00 te $1.50 was djscussed,a ail the publishers presen fdgreed te opt the new rate cernmenclng on Jt lst. Objection vas made te Grove nuent advertlsing cemiug through ag, dies. and the Dominion and Provint Governinents viii be pettlonned te ha ail ativertisements corne direct te t publîsiers. Foliowlng are the efficers: -H( President. G. H. Wilsen, Lindsa Prestdunt. C. A. Goedfellow, Wbltt Vîce-President, S. Keyes, Colben Secretary-Treaaurer, D. D.- C. Dav Peterbore; ExecutIve Committee: J. Lee, Fenelon Falla: M. W. G. Pursi Port Hope:, T. P. Lancaster. ilavelet' W. Give-n, Millbrook; J. W. Deye Lindsay. Pe-rsonai Mention Mrm. Hugi Deuison and daugiter, Isabel, vlsited vitk Mr. anti Mra. Jet. Kean. over Sunday, Mr. Norman James, cf the Bovinan- ville Stdente, van ln tovn on huaI. ness on Wednusday et last week. Iss Dorethy Sis, et Toronto, for soin. yesrs a resideut of Whltby. speut Saturday slght and Stinday lu tovn. bir. Jos. King bas returued frein a flising trip la Musiioka, vicie he spent ever tve veeka vith a party et fniends. béret. Flummeret, et Goetivood, who bas beela vitlng ber daughter, Ifrs. W. X. Henderson. bas ret urneqi te ber hoe. Mfr. K. W. King. the Tonante rebpru. sentativs ef La Presse, Montreal. vas a visiter lu tovn on Saturday, on bis way 10 th# Wln-tbe-War Convention la Identreal. Mesurs. Walten Bunn and Geo. Hut- ley. Who bave been in- Nobel. OxiL. for saveral inenths. engaged on the con- struction munitions plant there. returned te Wbhitby en Thurs- day st, and wilI probably remain hure. Messrsa. C. A. Goodfellev and E. R. Blow are attendlng lie Wln-the-War Contention lu Mentreal, vici began Wednesday mornlng and lests till Fr1. day afterneon. Thcy left Wlitby at 12.30 Lin. Monday. and vure et the party tiat lft Montreal Monday rnorn- lng on a metor trip t10 hree RIvera sud Quebue, the guests of tic Quebche Commlttte of the Convention. - OSHAWA. oRnFrSlEc Thomas G. Campbell, et Bèlleville, a ToR tFrSlEc G. T. R. brakernan, vas iatally inJured last Wednesday, vien su englue rau hlm dovu at Oshava Junctlon. He ORGANIST WANTED. vas ver>' hl at> ntgled eue leg being1 Orgaulat van-led fer St. Andrew*s counploely severed at the tbigb. An ,Présbyterlan. Churci. No duties as eperation vas perfermeti at Oshawa chelntuaster.'Appllcations statîng qual- Hfospital, but ho died on Wednesday Ifications sud saiary exped wiiI ho night. recelveti unîl June Iat by Dr. C. F. Tbu Oshawa Bourd eof Vaier Coin-* Mc0lilvray, Whiîby. misaleners la faced Ik~iti the nucessity ef instauling a gravlt'y 011cr vici I .ECHÂNICS WANTED). viii coat about $30.000. BoyIidrcbie aes rm The seventi sunual meeting ef tuiel OYbitea abntm-inI Oshawa 'Y.M.C.A. vas elti ecentl>. mers, painters- sud audy men fr va- Reports showed thai the organizatIon ouasepartmets. Appy Chevrlet la enjoylug splendid ueeas, aud i res- Mater Co., ef Canada, Limiteti, Osi. pects are for continued progres. ave.-4 Councler L. J. Rogers dîid era- short lllness frein bleot id olsoiug. Oshawa la llkely te recelve part of 10,10 9 lts ceai suppi>' by watér this yeýr« AUTO SERVICE -SE Parties visbiug services ot*auto for - Sçr-yu edCr aterneen orevening should cetumuni- orBe Crn1 cate n-lih inisight; Quality guarantoeec A. B. EDWARDSi Bell phone 57nS Wlty iuprvd LeamIng Me@ Drirlur Pou>'fer sale. W#"Bin-m s79 -j- aI,~. rus- en-t-lit III Th.r'ê othi"ng foo Good For Baby. When -there is a baby ini the house it creates a demajd for a large variety of Nursery Supplies. ý,Wé"han die ail of the best baby foods, hygienic feed4 and other things which are essential to baby.'h ealth andcomfort. We exercise especial care in the. selection of such goods and guard against their deterioration -while je stack. Wheà n,,n a hurry frayhni hsUejs phenelt 17,..foanhi;nthsnejt W1 TFE1 ELD,'S DRUG and STATIONERV STORE saeBYStfo - Oik atensIrn Sole AMent for ButtelcPratens Sole Agr e for Piano Preprawtlan. Leave your order for Piano Tnuing uviti ns. t, WJIIT' RUDYARD KIPLING REDIVIVUS. The opeming artIcle of the last Sat- arday Ere»np p<>,g Ila astudy of the war f rouI the'Wlew"lnoiuf «i wouunded hure frein Indla vue tells, ln the torm of a letter houhe. what he thînkas about the western theatre of the world draia It là by Ru.lyard Kipling. en- ticd, -The Ey'es of Asqia," and Is the oenlng of a seriez. Airv'ady Ibis ré- vival by Kipling of bis Indian Inter- pretatlons la awakenlng the literary conmuntators. D. M. Ted, of (Jahawa, has been elucted. Presidunt of lhe DomniIon Bread Manufaeturura' Association. -0- SALE REGISTER. Saturday, $day 26th. -Auction sale of bouse, lot and furniture, tlhe proper- ty ef the, late Wm. Mercembe. Broei< Street, Whltby. Sale at 1.30 o*clock p.m. Wm. Ma-w, auctioneer. -47. ami. ERHEmoT ob 0'DELL m (F,440eým -lem~O. :" râm .C~iaa. i .lt'Chah AT IIsusIA,1W Y«nvi a louent "M il b- lit. - FOR SALE. .4 quiet hackney diriver, guaranteed. -APPlY M. W. Colline' sboe store. FOR SALE. Onie Perfection 011 stove, 3 burueri3, &n(g(od condition. Appiy te JuIIn MarEdward, Broek- St. isoutb, opposite STRAYED. Straved frein Horue's farin on the 2'ud coinces-sion cf W'hitby, n chestut mare. Information as te whereabouts wîl be rewarded. Phone W. F. Bayas Bell and Inldepeudent Phone&. FOR SALE. Fresh cow, grade or Holstein, snd ieifer. Bernard Baker, Byron Streé,4 whitby. HOL'SE TO RENT. North oft C. P. R., 6 reooms, 3 pece' bath, furnace. open grae i laiving roem* îown vater nnd light. Rentt412 per menth. Appi%ý Greater Canada lm- provemnent and Land CoLd Wib - Ont.e. Ld. hty - WHITBY TOWNSHIP COURT OF REVISION. 1917. 'Notice la hereby given that the firat alloinge of the, Court of Revislon te hear and determine complaints- of wbiclî due notice has been given, against the Assesament Roll-oethe Tp. of Whltby fer the, year 1141, viii' ho helti ln the Council reom, Brookiu, om Saturday. the second day of Jufle,, 1917,, at the heur of 10 o'cleck arn. D. HoLLiDAY, Clerk. Brookiu, May 16, 1917. tNOW. -OnIy iimited ljuantit' 1, gormiuating tout 90%~. - - t 1. $2.50 per buishel VeIIow et .2 p bushél, SoJ8 ~abov.rie..only ii bâg.3*t)-bg~sa t "tL -fl * **~:~, tby n n TH EATRE ERV NIOHIr Ight Broadway Future. lItS 1>1IIZIN, mnager. N n nou gh ~uali ty. .about le test y witlh iS ever ecoîds a"you Overn- tediff- those never îrotl&h felds, te the- -least t --car ,479 On il. 1 , 1