Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 24 May 1917, p. 2

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Between Cousins; F01<&RNIACOFT A OR, A DECLARATION 0Fý WARQ PICTIJRSQUE RIECORDS IN, SINGING THET TRAMP DOWN IFIGHTING lW3CORDS. LoNDON'STREET&. CHAPtTER V. likewiae beeri reaizmed. The, picture Proper Food For The Chikiren. WbySolpri. A year later the question of how site saw froin there wa8 extrni*IY Brtlah pilote Dlaplay Great Skill ta Men Proudly Parade Tbrough the. City The growing child Iacks the reserve The care o!fh hlsfra ethi thmy would "pull together" was being to)pchin: ayoung wite, living a lite partlally ansee.Dro u arlmost forlorn, eut oet by ber prenant the. Management a confident of Vlctory on the pOwer of the. aduit. The. organs of Important becaueth eiho h s...- a odiany se acD th ad r delicate atate of healtli frein au as- Aia~BJf. digestion are delicate, and hie vitality permanent seisarel y eedn their plain face~s right througe ï. ailtafles ahé migbt otherwlm. bVeflxi flsutficlentlY adaPt.d to hi& noeds. 00on that Of tetntst1Tesc rose-colored voile of ilsinhitherto givn ber ohlbad and thus virtually The. neroplanes are reveUllhxgle Th oeetftrpa houb eas.ttegetacntsofheodtth remhlrerhnte huine had re d ut -u itaas othdr point on-vsprintwoan in days of golden sun- London ha& become aucb à commoYl cbîld, ho fleoda food that quickly pro. firit and conseqetyndmoer Ellhexns d.netJohn's ocui ai edas- h oint of"aaplraon ofeduina shine id constantly are adding mnt place event tint the. man in the atret UCO bont, energy and muscuar i tegum tion In parcuaJhn'sdraedu aaly. land ! slbrains, and id tIn itueqeiciet o i.fgtins hardiynoticed the. paLsing o! a coln- growth. The diet o! an adult would vslopment theaw mutegie CuousyInoriulier, dir a<f not y .- man Who. ol ltudntn errcrs tt osbe o or. opn ibt alin &af up te a f9w be insufficient for a growing child. plontY of exerce.Cneutite gn te grasp te extent of hie dutiei- rual wants. The. vision caused more record only a few of their manY ex- w.eka ago the men In khaki theml- Until the. child la lweive yXears o! chid shouid hav le it nld both towards ber-sel! and towards bis than oas flood of tears te uise te her ploita. For siample, thenrs l a Br-lt- selves marched through the. strelets age two pinta o! milk s ouid ho incld witsmehrt celg os own position. It Wua al right, o! ;yes during thos. Idle daysapent per- lah pilot who recently attacked an quietly, aimoat moroseiy, writes a cor- ed in bis daily diet. The. nailk may swallow wt course, bis devotins hirueif Vo 'his force upon hes ofa In the mueh-im- enemy machine ten miles over the respondent fromn London. b. used In soupe, cocos, custards, pud- 0TU5t8, hard c-akrctinru _____________ minlatry; but did hia duty demand of proved sltting-rio, drawing-room.. German fines and iminediately was set To-day there la a vast change in the dings and punkets. Wsli-cooked like apples, sid eeals adKîrsFnyCr hmtold wothmbcandor ml des rJ afther shoudthavpose ctaf.ge ohn uoby three other hostile scouts. spirit o! the. outgong columne. Thé. cereais play an important part in the, méats, ahouldprid Vhfode- whWs too atiff opinieg ocrn itl a.InEl' on, the wonut The. Britisher, however, pursied hie men ares snging and the curbea re dally menu. Bariey, wheat and ont- mente aeeded frhatytehi h natmbl hc 5 and fetch thsesItual consolation she syinptom o! ail. Tre, 'nhs had b.ap- original prey until h. sol hum crash iined with people, who for Vhes firet meal arnsthe, most nutricious eereals; child là thrivln.Gmayfrteprolus Imgie hrei n eda! What ed at the firat intllWgence, mutaft-t igond thmaongh f .u tîune sine the war began are taking a they contain the needed conetitu.enta eosilaadwihh strength could he have remnaining for ed Cod upon« bis knoe for the faver; feeL He then turned westward, but renowed intereet in th tghtlnIr for body-building the:ea, urýént cmIIS, If!-ho .xbîuated but bis renuar-ici h cmigevent i"W b.oould not force liii MY' force&. Frssb bread IuuMneyer bs given What Sb@WcLoig~ ett odn utbfr i biinl intoe purey optional one only too learlybt!ydthe. subie.- truhtetreGra ihig Oetoogfr hc oncet hlrn sd mtecac -fer thie was a palishof widely scat- Vv ae t< u. Vheg h ie emnf~ t Oofn d Vor'@ugre whti connec-t a u e ie stAied frtbanceth tsi dc ftand man a mile ofrouhi "If it were a hoy Ella--oh if îmahinswhich were awaitln hmiteonLno's ts riwy e- cus Mrc nu,'si teadsoaeuo soru .VlRr nfmsr odgetr dsubncs hele be ud o ilOOV wal inf waas entalled It was for Itne were a boy!" mad bee almost Ïb ifrst Thereupon, he decided Vo practice a minais le used more extensily thon action upon Vthe Voth muet ho consider as er tapnd oncmmi Iubus' hdwnr hecrlisb cake o hie work itaelf that &he pro-, words. "What happiness VO hink bit of deception anld pretOIided te land. i>! other for tr-oop inovernenta. A& a ed. Toast&, ane-day old bread o "Coeming dow WasyiHi îottwaûnhdad a rd test.d, %a. Msured hlm. As for ber, tbat perhapeseme day be ma3r b. able The. hrebostile machines proceeded ril. tbe biggeut detachunents Pais whole whemt, grs.ham or cereal ar control of me bk, adti a. ib'ti out emts> hi own àaimi, she did net wish te ut' te ta ke up the work I shali be lorced te do the anme Vo make hlm prisener. down thie avenue i the early hours mont deirable.1 In the. sari er ttenutmr ald yEglhep 4hem forward, hough . IV was rador jte lay down!1" Juat as soon, bowever, as the British o! be morning whiul tse sr>oien The minerai constittlênts o! grain- tîrelysome timsVofave V aininie a'lti a inti. whuiellanwarly are i ler aaw hie adversaries tuuch the are polishing the. door handies and Vhs heip in mnking bath muscle and teeth -ing a neighbern aie rvlgV otlxrlu uooiee tionelyome tinihes olT a evenn ad Upo fantlwliiEllla nyrsiser-a ths fair aaw iedroilayeac-ndtepceadfo Vt least four ailk. Oceo te lh tha I houl noV b. a iround b. star-ted his engin. and tiew wheel traffic le just beginning tc dail>' Frmth eggis, propeni>' cooked, are a twie hha hzaroda eny e-boy. A dauq hter 'would, bu In mnfy *w0Vmyehie hein* station- rumble. valuable addition te th cuds dc..~ lHilel.y o oehn eivdV .arcr o OU h a aade etyr-Fie od5ol ounder azxy cir- e'HI. proachfu! remark In which the wor-d ways pifera1.é, If <>ly )tmcusè h@A Suceemful Rus. Hotel Guesta onAISt.1sdfodshul eWhatls up?"hcald Wa h wb .eet"h dbeen plnyfu l tb 'wul er more hand u Vo hotrinpin the The startJed Germane alse t Vun- Owing te the tact Vint Londoners as cumetancez, bo conuldered In the, inlht yeu b. oke gfr ohr? h egatadVeI poIated; but h. had Iook.d st trw hthder aw banert be rlîny u in de s bga arul ar elté r-isermthey miss theus chlld's allewanoe. Do net giv . n no naive an astonishment thnt per- wsy e. woud conider it. WY 5Ol-lm nt s but 1fte j<jj.renunder tour years o e i O'sdti l ay ln sa~ cnesn bu i e at wns In favor of ber wîeh Vint the. pursuit. They could net overtake hlm, 'hand. FarinurGib! yboletVe * p'imasnrrdan force sheiod her tongus. And this baltance of Fate inlinod. however-, and asebs neared the. British there are man>' réuidenits o! hetels exceon ei i. advice et- a physicien. icontr0î o' bis bk om onbr vnlo togoog o' biindness of big held good witb reçardI The news met John six miles t rom lines hey were driven bock by a heavy &lorng the. lin. o! mB.uch wbo never fatl Greens and f r.sh vegetables, euch àa-stedy n tsi otheru et ber wisies. Theoretical- otr u omttrwa h orposasparau n pncaead lis existence of ail these humbly sit- tr-CflltiISd in hie mind for many a day The yon British pilot who "mat and watch hs columuis o!fnmen until: Vo theechlld's he.ltVi. Lettuce should hm""o l enterfe, uated. blood relations, *but had noV Vo Cmbi came.ek ao ndthI edpari tthesane.Thlieutenant.eaonng Bilo doubted that they could b. "kept in; He had been eut ot the bous for ee aba"a e ek g n e dinsaea nhs isute gTiiibuae aed wlor seovnteing. Belor "n '0 aon't their pince" by judicious trentinent. 1 twerity-four heureseummoned te *watcied six G.rman neropianes climb- cn hsmntmte e jla.potatosarme n ayte the n potatha John wbuld hear reason. A-s matters Vie his. His taek had been done ore eecaped, -and who belleves heoivili hey break ranke for the outgoii.;g-wn hl.1n euymlmeotblî> !plefsty stood, they actod as a dead-weight to nightfali, but a violent thunderetornu neyer be kllled, had a ver-y narrewj trains. BI oed.ureci ee no biea a hereui- ad'are usrpssd mogte the souaringa of social aepirataens. had kept 'hlm prisener ail night in Vie squeak a tew days Inter. It came attsr' The hayt-mtapo i e-i okd ne ocrueacswndctmesi teiti uaily Api !gohearstrm, lePOfte é Tii ne gherhod ! te qarnes aadistant croft. Even b>' dayligit tie, à day of excellent-work. He iad drîv- 'vice boocts can b. beard fer up thbe tll<o Vie chiid ta est raw ve"stehîus aInd resîstanceteunaadiseta hgVoavdonaVeb Thnil arievofs treiaii WhaV i amaller hurna, Vie mhppery rocks made o onshsiearcatna o ket, Windows go up with a bang, The starciy ceil-like structure called, tecks. ___ the good o0fcarefully avoiding every pars lwanddfîu . Asihe e onahsiearrf erN h refrene e tom whn Jhnon iltramped through the wet heather yelies, and had attacked and destroyed and curtains are pulied aide as h'elulh ose nef e .sot cn dby Vi,- possible occasions pluinped eut wîVî beaten al away by the. violence of t-ehi hoy w ctdabars utw tmo f s !the mong pected hin theruicecn efr tcnb s sorne reIminscence ofhise wn werk- past downpour ne was thinking a Cambrai, when the idea came te hm i t m o! tiecos.af punth gby V e h inll i sbs aualentrtin ing days? And haV ubiquitous slate. good deal of Elia, muid hoping tbat hie Vto dinh above a bit of cioud and v lm tti.bos coumng thugh Fishmurnestv ableutrtion. l atone, froyn which thme.aws ne get- abseunce weuld net have diste Vihe- for any Gema machine whichthe quiet streets ti oeo the C r utb ak n V ro oam l thFee ' Iln awny, in the bbka cp-tp er, but ho wais aise hinking a good' mgtaetr pje s a duck hun- i ont increases and the. words become bi»ies. algadholn r i "--'~ ~ G u anti ïýtsbit, and even 4ubr. irregular d 1 f eo l.ad woman whoee eyea ho er would watt In a blind.Icer:btmVhdo!okngfs. ni 8. 'Guraed paigjuîst a fhuiitto had cused ,lust night and of tho mar- jSrr ySii Keep tie home fires burnlng, Puddings, custzirda, juikth cand ~ ituyX -' 4"eh apeclal ploasure in proveking Ells by dom a a hc 11'ioao art snetubt ia- Wile yaur eart le yearnlng. pan ae . ter ' " V'h'i too lI U reminsicrm et the rure subjectl rnwn by eiçhty iyears. adben He o wi oet ,btfnl Though Vie lads are farr sway fruit. maake desirable and - ,,, ou If ohn onhi aie, as nl inia- mooth d eu in a !ew minutes by the i îy another two seated sîbatrose Carne They dream do home.dmet.-rr ~ '~ u' tinctly aware et somethin in bis mar- n det aOth ' inte view. He atarted in pursuit, but Acipn fRya lîgCrs Fresb fruits and their juices are riage which toit short of'Siie expecta- '(To b. continued)'the hostile machine immediatol>' put A opnyeeayiFylgy desirable. Appîe, raw, mrnp- u65 tos tw3fricply cueteisnsedw n ld h rts;mecianiea, youthful looking, clear sver-yar tIon, itirasrinlpsly buausethe - ut nas dow ani fld. Te Brtisi 'ccd boys, le the firut Vo page. TheY 1 ed, bnked or made intosacsre- marriaire itsee had nover been Ve hlm -CE pilot aise put bis nose down and fied a I >'ktto teohrgo. Peeoapiosan'rn the event which itV md beezm Vo Ella. BOOT CLEANING IN GREECE. fter iim. Wben about f1ve hundred1 carry a liherkt in h eiergodeds aDiats and ruisnes If gradually ho dr-ep ped eut o!f i. tthrente '-uniowevor he 1 branches o! tho service and. merci ' mu tbucke. lneanrais habit ef dlacussiag h isa work with hie The Natives' Idea) o! c Pleassuit i tisi otea machineva utby wt qikr ard1an hir ît muet have Vthe seeds removed, Fige wite, whom ho tound generally toc rts cu' ahn a i le vnta teSoc;aecmedbefruei h hl' inusc éiýoL.,Wth domeatic "un- Afternoon. jan anti-aircrnft high explosive sheil. ca stalerenVan Vie scTh -e; emzmnai e seu i l' pns*~at~' &Ind lm anundlvd- -.bonnet, give thern a cockeure air.'~ it The juice of sn orange la valu- edý16 '*tsmtb hi w n ra ar- Belnig enset ieindor e-Al the contrais, with the exception o! words of their sang are cienrer and the 1sabe. Bananahave ne place la Vhs fie, etc.îc ws fr or ntualcrations that Salenica ofere, -Tanks one part et une ofthVe elevaturs, were iameyimospnund.yaungster's menu. te. hlmticnepasionrwhirh adl amangtVe national Industries ot ehot nway and the. body o!fVthe mn- ' tact, boun euly a ,pnsaing phase, artifi-1 Grecce. Te ait drlnking lîttIe dupe o! focie oas t ,é exlsindamnged. he Cag Fo indiauenJorna aton of Preparung Spriag Greenis. " "' cal>'provoked. With scarcsly a pang thlck Turklsh coffoël, and having hie free î xlno a uhta elwn hmcmaabtatnc * ho revune Vobsfre.xcsiejboscendatbsmerneteVhmaingVito a spin. Spins, Canadienn.rtiller-yiuin.apparently r-et- Occa e ,onaly s former.excluie 1 bnts. lsn tr tuetnes,"last dangerusachin*etbut emana geiztg eut for another go st Vie Hors ar-s a !ew metbo s ervlng self-communions.- Gr-eks ideal o! a oatafternoon. o* areros any tie u hen une. A mener-eus baseaî'ole t' gardon greess,:Uîl essenti se, a hmldThew5 srs luscaiiy tii.Gr-eek ahoe-black se cloue Vo hs ground they are geimer- rseaboe sthe. net can b. board lead- BolIed LeVuco-Wasi lettuce well proeviients" *lla udr m wulind ic lIled, hough ueually of ally fatal. But hs young piot cdorer- It ým"tes4d hnti ae coe ovor lm. Te ta pmmd teder gele atru ar-iet Ho ir-t 1>puild mie littie fighter eut o! its lIg tb au &n"-,'*- ioug that W tu -mvV.sad iettl a-e ~ u'% ~~ coepr-e hh The aid-o!-aIIwnas decdr a aapese r ote an t s mmi- covulions, and evcatusllyr.turned pepular Ini Canada and the United fully, discardln.g the blemisbed and rrously compelled Vo don bstou-eest fragments c! muti, then wip.s 1te Vthe er-cdr-orne, iers heomade a1.Tet' ina pe V ie ftrs t tro bu t thlui arken orleve of. Ticlpina ea YCoNEDkfrj opening' tic door, the desserutplates thmicnrefully so ae Vo havs s perfect- perft Vlandlng. 11.I ea eu'rtct u h inapkiuin o r piceo cbeeclth. minutes.6 tT muid the flnger-bowls (out e! whtcb 1> leanbackground te ver-k on. Âfter topDralysikV Vssnet aibin a ter th r'wetymin«utes.8O8- ho b.d began.-by trying te drink)-tith.pîeaVsbcknet y OLDEST LOVE LETTER. vwers popular when tiey joia.d up.D-i>udc!i-wV r-ans'ue thsrrn4~~.rothiut o sppseeatheangetohg, lM I This Canadian unit vas sinngi Wa ' Spriakle vitb, a toaspoonful et grated S.Lwec s irodEtaGaume hd thr eet isqul tuange to hU7,dmlfbîi the blacking-bruslsh t thgtlo laAthéus ii, u aie'DralaTe esiehvtiasmcici-Shee.rerees- vgtaaefo-avi tealecut rcdà feilo-ai fporte ciâ$ngs îf5 colt svsu-y onag, G nd implemeats ase nd uaes e G>.thuswinuTenessiee ballasi lu-het ,1 b .- ho-_dnr. q1_gVusdtaV . k .lus n _.n ela u«_,i,&teaI.lh.wr-ds loa ovete a_# 1eali.jahu lo 1,Wshm pe rCiIttles îsresigfuuinwhc smtAbà I ~1 s 1~ il bullt ln ae ofEm- ad beeii ke vai- VO >dye bau a Danieli ou alncqp ered soiti charges. erts Vis ver buit, Luction la Scar. iutenant iv recruit, 1 'e don# lp lu Vbà, ant. sugge1st-, pull 'im ýent, di- a lînndy ara. et !ewgst 11* Whth.uwse ~ 4# ~ a ~'45T~ UUEINP~ $WM~ ~ ~hI~4 1màjg~o~ uttmuti ~ihM~1alk __ s!'eveidoeMlsstru- ai-tir __ ' - ~hOw~bt~v1sat - --clii i-,t~SiWWOd~ ~ i~ 4~~6~i ....L. ~ 41. 4aDhju ~MIT3 Q~hk j~~mI I~4I8~ v toximas lmVI. ile ,tis Dverssuie r-ila Offu!'For a whots month yen have ,mot th.s-e m utse t Vhstur-o!f*.&l et céancoftuat yar té,situation, plantaéamn go thurug tils l"in, laseat mabody te a«k about My vl- ut u rat iet hepeoetionthse carb,, Fur a soldisu-, cnotbgI awl mght have bien iumrsd up u '*atramsmdaaehUspt f.aif itheass Ve r-Itui e r-Vous all eote cru-bapt wteV" mutumi but net yst qscute dlsappo1nt- op4sd Qto tss uiNvIdrctSsmeeilutaseiftse exubrthee!iVhs uTomIe s e kU nittC 90.Tseast0mpor tat ment. Coasoions ohoit uasde, sabCouiStha*i 1kylulcconeOfwith«dule lt. o WtS&Ùpr nt »te«bu f*t clous on Vis other and Ic i-. Veil s- milyjieoeçwihdi noyu ha ateeupm»iasd eti b>' thsemso;raVIon ef minti on a broya tkky paEst. " mn *o- et n îi> lt t a-e'ma , il<t ii qapuu-Sled tlm ad s hs elle! objeci 1hW1<tic mm,' 90 ttrongIth*iti, 51d5'd Vmeplte tiots oanf ale, MnoV vNîvêt& auta lot eofusslesartiétsto r-e- right thu-ugél1 pisode o! marrîi salnanmd sra. f'Vls pu*%.,Wth, am introublé. EglhVie Io iNeuzymember sou b>'.but Vie?. are a num- To Maytàt labati entirel>eictMI hsput lto Jr.LVe uV'If yen atm ï fetmai. e MVr-a1 i viii . ]ero iUuisie> dou o hav Vevar-bler iiucband wemld b. unfair.' made into 'înilpotmd. ba>' For la-taiesIf >ouviatu e hav Ber admiration for bis persn peu-P"- «almetInch" t 0A mneat dlq»h fr- I.uDn o o ldier wrfte tg yem place a aisted, but cf heu- enthuslasn o ~ f or ihluitoiu. hiChinaIV W Give q"alk7>. y*&>S» r«-r-tbg #«a ketlua ebag flhlsd viti stamped work ther-.- nêmalned but the ashes. n~yue r5Uokbigo teitiss IViWht yemud -deduci fr-s m oa- AIeaPIiBrw~1sreenet om st"pf4meUVIe>' -1î , a du-wLclca cf buer uurond. toawor- pure.In a maiinl' Wla titIs., to elr m*o*64- lum -hopeesyetl Vede- 1EuiOpe b là Uesdchici> for- lui' M fe(O.r oitM, sedti IV moe lg*st CU7 'bu , u wd » Ut a'-*llt<Ve-inla- 'et llgbtmabshe md expected -Vo dr-av frointlaudanuman d pngrl.Opium te futur- Ueiontst.. ~a- e5~itu .. 1Wrta oe oai atso-ne tý1rctrsue elemni1t&>The vepqules t he uer-r-sa m uid slys pela,agfrt e m«u la té» Masueo h eo! hoISPISatisa Vh b a sii or- ales acoiaI , boellpped ta' piéttêâueni ws nt o th eo SMfor tbt rMr- Vie«. To *lu4nla »r eh *Msj- uviffpe s o Vo ndy fe ~r-bich appecled d fer that r-Ots a a veinamn bis letter- le mdlr-essed te Vo, e t»e- g.tattstwb.ieuc VIIh&P«e o lier. except la di-ng. but IV iuolul"e>Wnbetonlsl gr- Kmp ud inUm was tohgh andbrca in on'u'erd,.! bu isrcrdon'.byphi. bstIsud, foreit, S W t= ten5Ws tar tiut tee igfou ber- porsoiatty, wIethér r- CIpou "Me>' le à" ir 0astaIuIagl o! mmnd or- body. soneaikin .tmi-a it ler c outi ~ 115 bq~ manur*Piat.*7 WPlacés for UV-IIrmle t1rOptbeas WU' s1*at-Pmat ftfle j sitel .aUe4 t. pssL mental beUsoa efore-mtlon.d ls oron. I ebu@ wa i r lssr'r w rmfig* se"t r iei- ote OMb 1M "deu le MM jV»irlest.1<*.'wtt&.id* the k"-UIII4 Of *#Itb *0~ . tla."a Wd do me i t»o iII"Itùkvmsesun Iea t6hP 0is8'b ' Ml M i «P <Y 'I t k' I $ 4,. -'z'-'

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