Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 24 May 1917, p. 1

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WHTB, NTRO.CAAD.ICLLrnv A Vol, 54-No 47 s * 4' go Re BLOW$ Wi;tbyý Bell phone 9. Home phone 14. it vii~awU ra eas re, gaS.Wrna nakd M S IU4 pohuIolal A. 90m ut dsay.I nter m1 n tom L mWeelIga. aaiied m erquesu. ait _- . trict 17 rrai O.lVucd C., i WL Chine.bts liMM Bttu Deal#" Estatuaes aPt, Roula Oiiseted, irsi Losa.ArrAagad.1 Propmrgus bougit &aad.u Fo Wmo:abli Bad OlleBrook8t. jAil ft I Re1Oforneo -Sheil SE£ LUKE fi, L Luke, ruos loi voige-St.0 (uàpstalrs> Toem <opposite Simp»olo) kfser-Amy Tins fra titorougit oue nrseny 0510 or e8atwo Saven ]Busness 8ch<îols, Te- resto. 'Write for free CàtalIcýiî<'. Homue kitudy Courses aise protld. W. IL Shaw, Pros. ibn, Î.AW âge lUI TASUS WHITB. ONARIO.CANAIA T-1 DJr aV W5Am PRY, BEEC-t AND CENTRE STREETS WILL BE OPENEDI Council Endorses Co sertration of Foodstuffs. sp* That Couth Compoulnd Syt'up of WhitoePNe and Tar le -ja valuiaLlo anodyne ex- pectorant.I it iipromptiy cure Coughs, Coids, Bron- dhitis, etc , and reatore the reApiratory organs to a nocinai heaithy condition. 25C por Bottie Jà E. WILLIS Drugglst'and eptlclau MEDICAL HALL Srock st. a Wbitby. t -t IL i n p tj w tc l hi st il ut t: L14 i t Li 111 o' sater vus Stt, 511<50012< 10 18* Che lt es ci tise mltIer tisemaelvo. taet -camp snob 8astlat(l0ops fti. t-cet tbe, Cotull reuif ditouiy ont a bing: ic* f vas,1oM«iI. And it e 9»c lis- bot PMry anat*Rcirttrui iOtUli bu "Oped. *X4 ts sUeety Ms-. BateutavI.ved tise itim el llnluaiyMast hagit vas lme »V t4 Ut- vtY, te ouiltie imnguto bls- Duiisie"gftre ý u Ttrab IOt sait ttaI voisié ebarfuto 0s lem. boh c Mm.GodoI.~ KtitU ou. ts ç l&iihs Mr., 15 u t~Sn 5 KINGSTON ROAD SITUATION SHOWS IMPROVEMENT aton Road Imitrovement, Dow runntng tures. te towntship and eounty would back fate a nuiber of years, la llkeiy-plýy ne more as lis porti6n t ofte coot 0 of," a magnificent new bridge and per- 1 e end in41he Goirernment ai onlce as- fevîtly ente approacbea iocated on a sumlng tlle toad as a part offte sys- ne-w and adequate to the National î.em of provincial itigbways. Tihis for. iHlghway of Canada. direct route. titan t unatê îurin ut affairs -tlZame evident weîîld be their allotiment were týbe pr(,ý;nt antlquat.d amd Inexpcensî'et t rom lthe reception accorded a *big dep- hriiige and approaches renewed. Mr. utai ion from Pickering township lthai Mctean. the Deputy 4Minitotr. niade walted on the MIinister of Public thli quit clear to the depuitatlon. The WVork.s, ltheIl.on. Fliidl#y àMncdiarild. re8ionse Liv the Miniter was wltolly on Tui'sday atternoon. ITherte wtrî, satisfactory. He pro:nised tu git .~ m %ixty-livifarinera (rom Pickering,. medjate atteiition b liteimater y coff, mostly rùsidents of te souttcrnu pr. ferring wlth the Premier. Sir William lion of lthe townshilp, and noulth othe lîcarf, and the tînanhînous opinion of loitrth concession Iliie. They were acý the inenthers of the di-putat ion waslthe com)spanih<'y lthe leeve-s ef the two nf051 thitg 10 iappen, andti iat wih- uotsIj~c Whitbv MNesomrs.owe oilt many days Intervening. wouid jbe aind I)t-nrh3rn. and Rerve Downey, of lthe action hy order-ln-councîil of as- ie ( ouîîîy ban. lThe farinera ail xnnîing the' Kingatonitoad. Titis will motored %ilttutthe city. Thte torren'titi aring wiîthIt repairing ofthlie rend mutn and howling wlnd tîerm only titroitihPickeurltg township witere adt,li o ilivir re-d hot sentiments ln cen4iltions hint' for se long bs-en al- favor of abolishin;gtte mlid on teé loweùl (o drIfi front bad te w orne. Tite rond. They antd there would have lmm*idinte elTect on theo toturist tramei lt iirco 1h ocures as înany of titem,. oa-%ttrly from Toronto-aleng thitKng. titougit. but for aeverty etfte storm. smon iRoati wiii be cmadfe »parent with Soiteii> spoke8m4n tohlàte Min.liLs bèneficlal digtribution of easy mon- ipter wh at ithey titoîgh o ef Litau-e. y h4metorIsts. 'The' annouincemenh lion that hia tdevelr,.,,d ln regard te eft tiiXs Plendid ruroject of uttimatety titis grcat public improvelnent andi iavtqig lthe Kingston Read Impreved sald lhey wouid sot longer stand for mter theo var by the censtrucîIon of a the dolaying efthLie GoV*rnment talcing modem ti gway wlil mere tban any- over lthe rontd. a delay they weto plain I hia; else possible bring Whitby mieo te saywas dite Iarge tu politIcai IcIoner boucil vîith Toron te as te mest mantipulation os t1le part of a few vtof advaintagéeusiy condiined sitburb ef thougit ibey sen omb pirty advant- t icity of hait a million vith thbe aize migitt b. gained tberlib . Amongst Prosr$ect of greving more rapidiy titan the mont enîspoken lni tjyr of tit ias- <'ver befereln lis htstory an the aller- sumpi ion by thft Govbranat o et ii thek-war effecttrem te expansion of Kingaton Ross ad nier the autherity et Canadla. Titis towu la certain of rfap- lthe Hiitways Act as £Se«ded aitithe ing uniolti benefit- from Its adJonirn," re-cent session of théite »Xs*~e were Toronto and poseessing te mesit "d Rot. Buatin; and MlCupa.bu e ans, et rapid transit between a proinent menatla PtrfUt" Villag metropolitan cily and lis mont favor- oue et t» ' uest intrt*lUjg ta_ vol au *Ny 'eonditontt subert. Theo King- convincing featur*09th. UWBUUT l sam sauq ai ntegral part of Cas- lis provision thit "i t teaO*of« 9a*da# iUMoI Hlgitway la botîndti hesavy work like te rébuOIing ut to~ ~ytho Mcml IMPOrtant ParIt lnbrlng-. 1tougt- River bridge andS tPPDSonow ts&4al>mît ti. paw lite andi prosperite whîc t ter are c2trcmnely dangerou otar W>sltby. For over au bouir on Nionday even- A resoiutioai passeti by te City Ing ltéTown Cotincit listenedti o argu- Councili ofChatiham was pres4bnteti. Il m<'uîs(o aud g~ist it- oenlu;ofrecomfmeaded tai the Dominion nitiii fo an agins th opnin ofGovernimsnî sitould take over te cou- Pe-rmy sIro-i nomîh t ot lite C. P. R. trot ef foodstuifs. titat food should be tracks. ;u adniDuce-d hy te parties Inu gîven îîrstereîuîlai îratispgrîuuton by t s-i-ttuus-d A.X l ti<>n lad bs'enlime- th#- rallwayus. and that te ovPrnmnîn sîreîàtd i ut hp- -%tous nit-t-iing asktiin rhb(tets f odtif yds for th,- nlst un g ofthtl i-t res-t. Tht ii. ibrorit i e of fedatui fs b> di- friatlo.r wam re-fi-r-t-tl aaihflit sinué iimsfris mnt cue fino the- Sur..t uuItnitItee, %%,il Ilu iîsi rls' ' u'moveage-u. Il nîso ige te format ion of a d-ls-gauu Io 10 t tiupon ilituns iu-ort ilt h.' hiti it-t ingtg hDominion Govertimnurt lrgîug lte Thto coîuuiiîu,-s- li lbn- s'n1l1iitda atovp n titioned action. look ut-rm th- itioluutu tuauid ntiî-d lte "bs' îeniîîtrs et itflh'hliCouincl lirsuîusrl y note inîté-eussed sil) 'Il-, t xtsrelit entirt- accord mitiltuheu'resolt- e\i i suwModay;t 'euulut a iu-usioîîI 10 .eiosirI ndisrctn h ad resXs iholus s 'oU s a whoio nd PCkrk n ads i lle Ca~it1Nulek rtu'CI!hat iay lusfors' Ilh u i r-i o'ng îuufor or uîbjt-c halno f t luir re-aulitus uss b eç-sbi.-lati t mu p aga tui s -iiiig illitStecu.ii g iti'le ai Isuilion of iti' lo. %Ir. M, W. i il lnu.îr'-inn uz lis mut int tXtî riittct tto thlui-neet i !lît- soli, wîu u Oti bl .m uu-r ic-lui 011 tttu-d ilîtijaction1 i'-rr " uyr---l Tu h. st i h asteu-sf(sr - iuuyor Wuu mm-ut r#--IortpdeinshatvieD- (it1- utrs-u'l iu-u1ii t ý L i'-tuas- lu' 11;%(] îuuriiîuet.-u or PUiriuus, nd l'iiî- ies lud isIu u-i s al- rt li t fronuI o ii' -lotdOr Ille t ls- î"-c'n t msquuu'uu <f thbu îunîr ,andti ut-tde.sIl ou:s o!f l l ousus-il ltai s'sr It. oldtiut uë tliii tîmotus-mu jfor bI)iiliteit mioss litsoit ts'gruuuuivud au itals- whart ticsont- tixlplus i u-d thtai ilites- tsiu luýiciN S ilh iiaut lit for uniloudîju c-ul. M r. Mc al ga 'i- rvecueil uti'o-.uu llermy mtrmel t1 i'Phauli orfte iillammen(. 1usd bLnIn--t al-t'tund thail Mr 'Uhiaus Huirrius W lu il 1)y and inbd aamnîgcd iiitorsi wau isig put ariof ii i.' sue-îfor culilqultc- satisfacîoilîy. Tite Govemumeut t alln aI iuu. uux su funidi-it luirutand %usali-us ore le bi- reiaireci. antd coal amy ot lu-r prmuobiru y <saut rus Io ti -; l111tue welgited ether on tbem or on Mr. "it r-su -Fuii.-r, . sd 'Mr Uslllits. 11ieJolisWtutsexu-gsticalles. hald luad a îirospivelsuîlurcuuss-r (or Lesttes'mo f tutukus ere reati (ront tti' Iîmoiusrly alto, abiht lte sures-t %%*&lit lits' ar Rilis-f Society and fle Sol- uu.-îîn t,. Lis'csi-srefusédttotiu uy011 dlers Conîorîts Club, for donatuions tiilîu tc-coui. Mm. Collins asks'd 10 (rom lthe Town Couneil. haveiliut gute antd fs-ucsursins-i-d s A ri-qîest va" presenbeti (roui Mr. F. fint lu i. rmolsmiy s oti li- in a more C. laîcit for a cteel-sidewalk on St. fAvu>rabls. hosition. lit!- bitt-iiedtu 1John sîreel. utotittu Bide, (rom lByron to futrmimuii- il for salis a ituuîild- Us-itre sireel. Then' vers severaldth-t iutg 'lot. niti waiit-d iis 9itici snt-olir- uPr reeommrieudatltons for tues' vaîka asc.-m.-ult lie -anted i0naeths- tti uiltlod tîy tlie streets foré-Man. Ail À'otincii dtc<idetts- nranud for nit lImie the",e niatte-mis aemetîtersifore rs'ferred whs-titir tht.ir i uel t as lu ltiope-n or itu Sîmuelts (ommittee for imutediate c'iotid. consildérmatiolouu le repomied o i th iec tlenstiipc.n(oîtinciltlor ('onlin anti Mr.n. ts- Cotuncil meeting. C'ollinîs snga;s-d lu a woirdy wnr .r. lr r. C. A. Kinnear. nudilor efthlie Couln dsscliied ltai Mr. ('ollsin s la uîu-ountsa. reporteci tlit lus' lnd asklng for thé oîeîiug of lthe sîreet h ave itis audit. compieî-d sorne tinie ntî-rsly 10 sple Mr. 'Duos. Hlars. vîit titis ues-k. l is ail ready now excepI whit e lia!iuad trouble about ts' ihe re'port onthie PubliceL'îillty Cern-7 luei of lte streét, Thtis Mlr. Coltina de- inIaution accotînîs. nls-t. lt I lu(-sousua-ts-d -hat Mr. (Coîuliiu Tht' immediate action of tite Provin- liai asîsurs- inlm att year ltaIlite cial Go'-ermentInl regard tu lte pro- otreel votilti 1* opeited.andi oi tlitias- poited 1rovincial Higiiway anudlte ad- surancos hoeliad ptreceeded toteplants option etf.iti- Kingston Roaji as part rees andS Improve te prepeniy. Mfr. of ih. vere nuirg a Inte tollowlng mes 'tt-ln denli Itavîng promisedth ie lution Introdue9! by Mesure. Dudley oipinin;oft Lis'street. antd Nr. Collinst anti Balemaianud unanimeusly car- ton ctuarged llivîit delliblerately ré- rlod: - ftag Le ds'al wiilu lte malter lus *'Titabt eresA an Act has bees p&às- Couincil last yi-ar, lunaluits- of tise tact Pd by te Legîslaturit ite Province haL a requsi 1usd beon puat la laxt ef Ontario makItu; provision for s summer aigus-il by most cf the prolier- nmalintlgiway frrn i te* casters le te .y e*sers. Tingut bocame very warm. westerni beundary o Ib Province. ht until t4~e Muayor objected te fiartetr l l b uested. - lte Coancil ef dIsuttilei, adcalci on Titos. Vamuel-tc.- te ,Wtb ib IaL ucli route t nky. Mir. Vaseleaky supportedth ie ris- may be seleed as sha pais Ibrough ' luest for ltee ofl. pg -of thse street. Wiby and ltaI lis.road be bherefter ialnug aise laiMr. Korris hai tfor- malatÏiaei by îte Pr*Vine l dov' XdiSenw hiln tLe une te Street. aniS aise uide 110 tise Act ,-Ie1ulng aà u îch rigitl to culute lto '<AndI 1km ('und olecil rtnomnd Wai of!lit as haiS Mr. Hamrris. "ut a soltable system of repuir ans.i Objections te openiîîg Perry streott upisee> b. lmmeiatuly appliio te ite I ive proenteL-dl by Mm. Harris. Re lubvay, anti that futLer Itsprove- , -label taI so*meyeîurs mgo it, itasiment or constructien ite carriesi eut aà >oughti& l ots frontte late Dr. Bau- a Precees of developmnest In sord- t rod, vite iati secured fromntte own ance vit te noedof theotraiMe, lte h. privîlege of fenclng off PeM-S'i.~ more Important construction le b. de- ortia andui uang fi for hils ovu pure fetTibiSau tas- as ts'-ctlcae mil aller )oses, but puttitîg a 8ale lu lte feucelté,completion etfIbo ver, 'or te use of the public. Bir. Harris t'Anthat a copy of titis roeulutleu ad iumspiy coutinued te u» cf te ho- forwariS e ite Minuster et Pnb-1 ta on Pcrry Street,Ile right cr lie Worku and-«Ighway&- niticit bcd beettgranted to «Dr. B£ut- Mr. Ooifelov latroued a-by- i t rociS. à1r. Harris sali ittai lhe Quît.appotnttag Mesure.John 'Titomson, and ,oaiized that lte att-cet wua tii pi-opor- WMl. Thorndyko sU ffetoVIeve -ra. m y o et lt Le wisiicisouli op« il J. D. Ifovisi lu already an appotaie uiten lb s»w Ut te de mc. Hebai efthéiteCounehl. und lte uloeclIen et lte* touer preautedt lefou-bld auy pétses îo aboi<' ivo vas aoesied by lthe de- se tie tisreet. but lied intrucied tm 00i e ofLite laie Chie. Batenasti n 0 use tige aide oe t hse as mît Io de- te re=IUsafreMts Ova Of Jobs IL troy cs-op phanti-iS tere,. Ms'. H as-i Ttompsos. The by-law wu«Sien ils titi lue hait ti-iiusing a âaui pot- several raiinas uni pameusi. to ef Bosch Street as a Pasture, andiS m< st-.Wbiîtuey and <otin moedl ot 4r. Coltinaslied endpaî'ored le do hlm LtaIlite 'befof lte Fit-e Brigade b ut of lte use of Il. Thon lit. Harris iIiSt-tit<sd toO @ii<iouitihe Itre ongine ia co-4reti Mr. Colln. off liis port. fer a test butor. Jitae lu,unidiaIi on, andth ie latter îtanadoptai Qthelt* Ptcenteigltoci viiAunet tise-te Uan of askine for lte ,îseaing »t engin. eut a«te«daer e Dmb. r-ocw é elos'y ut-et - as a satber ot spit. . Who vte it) ,peform Lthe amous-ly dut-1t [arrias stated taI ho bad part oettlit es. Cartled. 1l rtiet ail rî'a.y for secdtag. undiluî lit-M. Witatsy watti le te w *viteW -ci-e opeunîow hi- vould net b. aibe vas reseffilo .for Ibe street *vela D sua Il- us lte animais gragia a- lut. hitsself as Ciit- a tthe lte fre >ng te Streiet ltera vouliS corne auto mai Llab2t <'cm$Uatoe, Os- titoChàar- Tht-e Rivet-s, Que,, May 21.'ln bte tewn of L'Assouspflo Iri National LTsiLy ant hon».Entente Academny viere Sir- Wifred aIàier are cecupying a large P4 , S1h15 veek 1I vaseducatedti ut-s out *I lits Ps. la te ProvInce cf QutbeL 17rite.a-1îPU@sandiSRey, Fatoers te elcome ON~ tLiciai Ualty Convention l> b eldu inJ OJPM8Y. Diessei luInenat navy-blue Moulu-cal on Wodnosiay. Thurtda uniforme. lte large Ccmpny orf ai-, andi Frliday eofttils.we& bu rougit $Met&S Pre5ti ualttractive sigit togetier ln tii.Provinoe hundfeiset Tite itat of te but-seyvas satos- menand veton %tram allt.éPt-ovin-.flOt-ttuthelitefavelers itariginoti .1r, te" et titis wide4ustg DOMoa a an ltatiil»afoituatt iat eut- destina- bonnte entente mndo*vor, te, the #md Lion for lte day vasThs-oo Rves-s, tat imsans-s maÊbe, i.vhuui hat to te watersocasuerive- mlitî t 'viS hauinte *u*te «th * . have bem iasSinÎt for th# eielualag - mstis w <-ty. À Abig t ie OPllOD, upuogrs-a-s-t t o t e m u t m i à a I S 'v 8 o i l a n e t a s a l e utu ! ippetu fJe> e ~ ~ .Si*51v* ¶91th el a >1* euigtq I" itis mes-nla& eatt., tûregafhsvluteai A I'Yî et lt.e 101 le b-led. 1l,,*; tue Wiuotor lstetef. MeIul mm*sem. s u ats-os lé tmm sProiffl iAi se MIL aid vmoUuka*d ltamu» -Civiebianeut hoid ai 781>lanthé b"ai ,bilas for a «1»y 1id *'ltetse&e- Cit y l*hall. Codi oklest anid el lse ýsÇii ï Tate and speeces astimoas it etot citles inlita rosêTel Osgatath* o dil-Puutois anege st- RlIee-.îatdaift.oef~ee a Od8Mont dottsitul"ovenisg et te St Larence.ad t resualty -MW felboveilp aet it. , . Rivors. At lise point vite.tieS*t. At 1l1p:M. a Portion etftisepartrT( laias-ce emptles latte it 1Lawrence >disg Lte Exeouloumsstte., tes-o use <o obanoha1,iscsu thlb.&p.1vii oÎba* sosn-a boat tor- Quo, peamaço et ts-es rivons. ,v-hile lt#ooties-setof e iiirusaxis et Tis* autle trip wvoitee: ci -lhp- mt 8srlmote OWMrtise nIt4 hProvincIM Jal ilv, - e»00tu * OV111 1110 ainili Purovincial ci aI r e lu tiseDumsIn.U 9" jiez lbvay vut* #«thegis e-lesti.s otse orosto-ie slulu- meqet ste Iy-pomir td ueaîry <olm.aiw Village a" mie tia almeal to-bute"UitavIIs lte Pety . Med mos-o os- tees tb s Uas,&#te it ~é las i oliday spiI. UIl soue WILL CACH A OroL' JK mu prfmom Wt be Sm MWi h&W ». 1%0 Mar* a t stoere f et le. a hug. Md i Aimalma etmuo aisow "a" et ta-eiir t itoesdasm à. VWý maties et "s4 juruaem, "l KIl i .msu o-woett.s"St-1mPIOP eut. momeun-0 iso usshusia=nt vu nafotlse*lbIg tw fcsnp omta lasau tchootl, rnrymury et hs-Is'oroeri5autd pMie. a « en Uula l hu - ute t. -tumne4 « tUss 10 lte ei ie ont Ubici titis va-isa Sagu, lyo tsa(0,-tgg" l 1 bu t hé totulse igeuvo irom "ises Prorisesa. Ami Îusltly and i S*oouua~se 8top WU MMt « m strIui t"i*W . elisU t 'rit. ote, twf1» Vm 11» et »Iertil. udtfis. upasyet P~lte ths~ e rom te m4wil m vos-e 4diibtw"n tvawo . SIe-, aM"dIL 5- h s8 thé£5 Aid ffl* IL IdAl 75q jP«o uj#t brut toi«Pla mMNS 111 lk# ad reuspo ssPas-eqAbdui usil..1- t - . jÎ -o ~NATIONAL UNITY'CON VENTIC C. A. GOOIJFELLOW & SON. -I'ublishers III Y QUALITY and SERVIeS eall on- R lleT.e[awleir The 6rocer WHIlTBY. Phoues :-B3elI, 47 1 Independenty 479 - --wEA SPRING FOOT WEAR, leur Scranton Ceai DE(POT Owing to stringency in the coal market it is impossible at present to secure an adequate supply. Ail oreers and prices quoted are cancelled for the presenmt.- for m .w re«r n4 chi!d. for ateady weat-. * - Il' J a 151, - la eNs lui.a ieaofd GooLFELLOW & SON, - Publishers

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