Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 17 May 1917, p. 8

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WAGC BIGHT - THURSDAY, MAT. 17, 1917. led onthe Ian Ideal pl and shoul next. Aé iproceeds, te be devc bine patr] ~Ji-.be ai Bro Th e Wt BROOLIN.wili serve BROOLIN.the Fair 'Pte. Ketchien. grands9n of '%c. Alex. ladies of Rêteitnî, accornpaniied by ilis sist-er. coutnrya spent the s eek-end with friends in the cakes. teu VlIllagc'. Help will Mir. Fred Ciiuîrî. of Toromto, is home Entire pi, vitht bis nioitecfor a lutte. it iîî -M.Ennis Is relporteti very iow from Lawl'eice plettrisy and heart trotuble. Ing eofMn Pte,.C("drc 'Kîrcli, of Skîo. Theesic aon oef Nr. andi Mcc. Klrcli, oethibiis tîy w place. inn azaîi lu i, i..- hlosp)ita i l, Rtf.. dunr Fr.alce suffering fro i'iotunds. it belng Sei)ttenilte -lie i9t'cbîîd 41nie torluinî. Il is itot Th e an knowtn as yet how seriotîs tlîey are. men'S MI Tine siglit of the nid brick siore ai District v the tîori t i h '.ipl ian- bfilug olie-uu-4 lI Si h,11iil again showts ltai buiiî jj i iint- but. 'Fier provin:z. Mr. Goodztow is tuiriufng j ¶' m. andi \ i itiii>.io.diip garage. Hi., ith ~ e hsslnanct of -1r. Carl Sibeucer. tint. 1redir W l i'rnad to ii>yall the. iitetIrt, iistionai Of ir-nia-'lrrn Itlficlron th nu, main bots . roati. Coit- Io an 1iT, fi () tt M r.R- th rîtrgri t.î t learni of hiss ,.rinus .1n ridetin . l CemIIIIrg 1 lnnsaiuH.le nims.nê-d hic . fofttip- iti f, 1. iljirii,, his4:n an ýw 11 I h t if fooliira :aîd f Il iiîinr i..In.--n ,,,lii, Mo tearint.cn;~rn n- o Il i-, tîng.r.- hq hOo4h'wiII i1 t .ofi tlimet- \ I restor-c i ts i.- ismni ini,. h M msjEda ad ,. ori McNI grouWL& Vlpond's 'Grove lu ilace for afi êvent of this kfrd. uld'be çrlwded àn ' '.urçday dmissbon will be 26e., and the ,oven aud albove -expenses, are oted te Red Cross work. Cern- 'lotisu with yur boliday, and -okhin Spring Fair. Vonen's Institute et Brookîlu ee meais again In the tent on ,Crounds on May 24th. All ofBrooklin and surroundlng are asked te contribute pies, ta biscuit-s, pickles. and salads. Il be appreciated ln the lent. oroceeds for Red Cross. 1 py yen te take advantage ef *'s moneir saving sale. Morn- lay '2lst t'he button Is pressed. tores and. business places of will elose on Wedniesdays ati1 ring Julie, July. Auigusi and îitual couivention of the WVo- lisslonary Secilely of Wbltby, wiii be lue-i t is PrIday. May tlhe Metlîod-lst Churcb, Brook- -e illiibhi'twe sessions. at 2 at 7.10 p.m. Besides District ëaders. n li will take part in g. \Mss Prackbltl. retturnefdl 'y fcom China, will speak nt duu1m(1 s. Tii. public are ivel- *ttn-îîd. Sîprv-111 be servtkd g, ladies ii lit t<-Sîuday School -I Nfo a tll"thcrsI>ay secvice- i(' n the lit' i-iodist ('itircli iouîtuit. Tit- t.a.iur. R-sIl. Frcanchise. XHltida ofutToronto. inn il LU p -~ -t.,- -'t,-, ~,, -~' 11. ~rn, r r t 4 t, t I -e T v 'r t~s '~n t. 4 rit., 4 J N.. I. i r- r 't t' i 1! A, .11% 4 ^ Qi FOi Ch.tA-.ss, Somewhere, i between the over-weigbht cars at extortionate prices and the under weigbt cars at figures that are frivolous there is a value which is the "happy medium," equally fitted to your purse and its purchase. If you jay more forjrour car than the price ofth RAY DORT you will flot get pro- portionattjy more merit-for-monçy; if you pay Iess, you will flot get nearly so much saving in service! Two years -of test and precaution and liberal designin<g preceded this car's a ernce, beforePR Ewaseven thought o. Th e resuit is a happy-medium cost for a superlative - performance car._ A Gray Dort Ride ual!! halo, 'I I W. F. DiSNËV OEALF.89 M iliTsV TUF. GRAY-DORT MOTORS, Llmlt.d Chatham sOnt., Fi Newsy Laeruafrom 1 ~rCrepaet Btr LAGGOTSV'ILLE. Mr.A tinTcipjr. of Bowman ville spt-îut the. week-end iviith bis parents. Mr. David 1Biriîs. et Broeklin, bas IK-1-1t delivering nuursery stock throtigit herî'. Dave 'saY& lie- Werks iWenty lîours a day- Mc, GeGorge Tripp) lias pti-cliasM a iawChevrolticar : also H-enrcy Lynde sports a Ford. Mc. R. E. Pardon antiV. F. Bays unoteredti t Torontio one. day iast week Pachi purchaslng a car 1usd of cattle. Ott Tiîesday of last-week Mr. W. H. Cuthlr li aS th-e misfortune ta have touir of is fat Cattie killed by Ille 8 o'ciock C.N.R. train taMri. %IcBriens crotsiing. THORNTON'S CORNERS. Protessor Johiiston, Oshawa, spolie la the. Sunday Schuooi iast Stînday. ifis address was very mucit apprecinîed by ail. The- atteîîdance was ninety, wblcb bas broleethlie recerd se tar. .iss Pearl Pasce of Pickering, vis- Ited at àic. Edward Pascoe's lnst weok. Mc. and Mî-s. Fred White, ot Oshawa, visited laust Stîîday ai Mr. Edward Pascoe's. Titis colu, dry weallîvr bas been Yery unfa%-or-abit' for crops. It ts feared the hay ccop u-ill be poor. Wlntec s-emns loathinteleavu us. COLU M BUS. Mr. A. E. Grass has a new Chevu-olet auto. Gtad to report Mrc. John Guy lim- proving afler bfis st'vere attack ot lélood poison ing. àtr. George Hayes bas purchased a bouse and lot from -%Ic. W. Puirvis. aud iu busy reîîovating the saine. Big Intecesi is always taken ln L.awcence's sales. Starte Menday, Nlay 2181. Mr. Howard James was in this burg on Sunday wlth his new car. Mesrs. Doolitile and Shontridge are building aew stops I front of the Couneil ,Chamnber. Mn. Andrew Murlaoa la erecting a new verandah la front of bis bosse. miss Alberta Booth, ef Toronto. vis- lier ber aMster, Mrs. Fred Goodmnan, ne- cently. Mn. flobt. Jewell bas engaged with Mr. E. Snudden ton the season. Mrs. Fred McGee bas been under the docton's cane laely. miss A. MeKay spent the week-end with Mns. Burin, @of1Prospect. Mrs. Ir. Gibbons. of Ciaremnent. usent a few dia wtth ber dauter, Mrs. &. Speana D. and Mns. Jones and isa Betzy #Dent Sunday at David Ruaseira. Fred Ward ahlpped a er load of bueg from aDgmar on bMoada. -I E.vevy fhill.go FàimNeesGe ip»pcaruî -leu*a ag Iii t i ès a M i i Owlng te tte dry woather ef the paut week the farmers have neariy cern- pleted itheh' ieeding. 1May * th te May 12th. seven days' sale of odd pants. overalis, and wonk shirts. Hamr T. Thompion. Mens- wear store, Whitby. M . Tordlit vas la Toronto for a few days st 'week. Mr. D. G. Rops receti ed word on Sunday that bis son Leonatd, who is somnewhere ln France. had been ser- iously wounded. We trust that he.wll soon be restored te his former activi- ties again. Mris. Grange and family. ef Toronto, spent the week-end as the gueSts of Rev. Mr. and Mrs. NickIe. Seeding operations are finished for the -seasffl. Farmiers are now busy preparing fer their root crops. L.awrence bas bis eut for a big sale starting Monday, May 2Ist. May 5th te May I 2tlh. seven days' sale ef odd pants. overails. and work shirts. Harry T. Thompson. -Mens- wear st6rp. Whitby. $100 REWARD, $100 Thie readera of this r per will ttc p!'ed to leste f bat there làa t lenst ane dreaded diseuse that science ha* been able to cure la &il it.o mtages, aud that in Catarrh. Catarrb being grcatly iulluence-i by c -ittuul eaitiona requCreea econstitutlonal treatînent. Hall a Ctrrh Cure la taken lnternally. and acts thre thie Blood on the linceus Surfaces of the bsatem,. thereby «Iestroying the foadation ole gss. iving the patient strength by buldngup the constitution adass.ating bae n o mF&ithlu nthe cutative powers of Hall'. Catarih Cure that they offer One Hun. dred pollars for an y case i hat it fousa te cure. Send for liât of teatirnontal. Addres. FP. J. C il -- 1 VY & CO.. ToIe4o. Ohio. Seld by &aI ruggiat% , bc. OSHAWA. The Oshawa Town CouncJl bas been askedti t give a $16,000 cash bonus te the W. J. -Trick Ce.. ,Ltd.. whose plant was destroyed by fine a few mnonths ago. The town has bugkî a IlibtCbev- nolet tcuck for lte -Msa ot the Town Engineen and bis foainn. Pickering 'Village ta'xetiioning then Grand Trunk for boeg train service. A PRÂCTICAL FARM HELP SCIIEME WORKED OUT.' For nome turne Canadien ri lias been endeavorn.'to« tilt out the "wheat trom ltee hula inte efforts. ot cilles and towns to ,suply lte aumer w oh uch nedhep for t"tsea- eere -and patrlotlc. ne on. ean doubt who cornes la toucb wltb the men a- th. back ef thia inoyerent And w.- refer more pricuasoy here te thec moveunent la Toronto. Thse men In tbat cIty who are efflavenlpg to work out some pruactl nsettor utfllzlng ctty laber on faruas are la res eurust. Tl'ey were, psi'bapn-4 bit late hI 1* gtmn& ng.d d414 mot get O offtaa nîit ruutrL>U they at the beglauta; cail- ed lIn oin.repreSeatave fariera or mien vte kae w emothiar about lte kind ef bcip requtred ou tarins or thse eharacter et-the. wark exDpe"of et ty belp tiiey -uouId ha-e savcd theun- aches a* lot of worry aad would have zaudo ewer biuaader. But wtw wIll let tluit pm 1These inca. -ter xpioltlng thia a *" a aximten vth a vlew te ý ei1si Itm »oethla, u'ortb hlle. bave ueeu- faili seenred a tie mpeic.The ébalt or a ereat deM i t 1.basi b.* .llaiatrd.and &s t*a eV~ 4 ita*t ýpractiailvaluela *Mtlag lbe ProaaMt - pfflaglthe itoffls "M thé. fam" pIa bas bsea reIgtod aM fer la thie bsckwe.4 as possible., sUm L U*,, wSw Il a b. t ebu vffl ixii Q* r-' ér -o 'tbiieàu OLWbu.h thi e t et- NATIONAL "WIN THE WAR" CQN- VENTION, MONTREAL, MAY Zl2et te 25tlî, 1917. A National'%War Convention et cep- restutative Canadians frein ail parts of Canada Is te mneet in Montreal on the 23rd, 24tb and 25th ef May, 1917. Representative men and women frein ail the provinces will attend tbis îNational Convention. and we show be- low naines et prospective -delegates frein yotîr town foir titis Convention. A CHANCE FOR THOSE GOING WEST. Homeseekèr's Excursions ta West- ern Canada at attractive fates each Tiiesday until October 2lst, via Can- adian Pacific, the pioneer route!tythie West. Particulars front any Canadian Pacifie Agent or W. B. Howard. etis- trict Passenger Agent, Toronto, Ont.- Uxbridge wiil have a Siîring Fair onî Miay 4. Train Time Table. 9.T. i WUITBY JLTNiCTTON. (bing West... t.5;a Rait-.$otng Hast 2~.~5a .n:~ ..o .Mu Sunday trains leave for Torento ut 4.52 à-im. and 7.20 Dii. Prom Toronto -trains stop at Whitby Junctien at 8.20 and 10.10 a.m, and 9.30 p.m. .tUP-TOWN STATION. (Iolng North _&5.3o a.m.j0 .oing Sout h ..7 Il a.m ..4 13 P:.l1...1%tNPm :oo W.-6,40 DM. - ___2 41, pna.= 4.55 s alu1f 23 t ALMONDS.1 Miss Bail, et the Ontai Ladies' Col-1 lege. will give us an address lu the! Sunday School here next Sunday. Mn. Ben. Willings, et Toronto. vis- Ited on Sunday witb MIr. aud Mrs. Lonne Ptuckrln. A large number frein here attended the funeral et William Morcoinhe on1 Pniday hast. The sympathy et the comniunity la extended te MIr. Thomas Mlorcombe. Mcs. Coolige visited ai W'. Kenip's lasi Sunday. Cengratulations ta Misses Hilda Car- ruthers andti May Kempthorne , who have received tbeir B.A. degrees frem Toronto LUniversity. The stores and businëss pinces ef Wbiîby »,dit close at 1 p.n., on Wed- nesdays during Jtmne. July, August andi Septetuber. -8 .%c. W. Dingman was at Omernee ft few days hast tveek. wbere lie bought a nuniber of caitle. Mr. and Mccs. J. Draper. of Picker- Ing, visited ai F. T. Ruîve's lasi Suin- Mis. NV. Gaston '.msited ini Tort-onuo la'I %vtt-k. Mtr.. W. Morconibt-. of Otnemee. i.. 'lsiing s-ith relatives anditr.nt7 her-. A nînîber froin here atiended the- ft- îieral ot Mrs. Asa Blrown at Oshawav on Thtursday lasi.- MrIs. C.-lorcombt-. of Plymnou.th, 1fid., \Irs. ('iîsweII, of O'veiî Souîîd. Mtrs. R. 13. Snow. Tuoronto. 'tirs. %%4 Mlorcombe, Omûenee, and âr 1 orri- Son and MISS i3riglrs. of Wib.vs ited aI Thomas Nlorcomnt)e's on Mon- day - Tbe Eîiworth League' luere joineti with the- Taberntacle Lengue ii enit.r- talnng thueconîvalescent goidiu'rs inthii. town hall on rciday eveningias- A t ery enjo>-able lime is reperîcti. -hùCiLA X (Too iste for ias issue). M.%iss F. L.t-e îï-pent lte week-end att lier humie in Greenbank. Miss Mary Kê,llingteu is noe: takla-.i rausie tessonts iront Mrs. L. Toi-d'i*f. Miri ïïe. Ntiss t\gî'OrmIstout h .- liOlît. Oshawaî ut nkr' a position a-, tr msu- wlth Mu-s. F'. 1. Fowke. Eve'ryi'ody la bouse cleaniîîg now. andi thte apec hangers are bîusy. Five ni,% members were eiîrollod tvith ithe Epworth Ldeague on Sunday evenin- ist. Mr. Jas. Deaeock ad-. dressed the League and a fine mneeting was hold. Trhe t. anaial meeting for the- Epworria Lea.g u lea ielt laut week. The buisi- ness for the year was transacteti nnd the follewinx officers elected: Presi- dent, F. Nottingham,; lst Vice-Pme., Mc. Wm. Keltington; 2nd Vice-Pres.. .Miss Eva Brent; 3rd Vtce-Pres.. Miss Violet Stanton: 4th Vice-Pres.. Mise Lottie Kellingten; Junior Vîce-Pres., Miss Rosy Brent: Secreiary, Meredith Dring; Treasurer. Wmn. Thompson. 6.30 P.u sa-aoc 3pi.. Lh-- 6 4 .w. Mrs. Margaret Moore. of Seott Tp-. celebrated ber SGth birthday on May W. O. Webster bas been appolnted Clerk ef Scott Township, te succeed the late Allan Gray. HOMESEEKE RS I IEXCURSIONS I MAY Sdi TO OCTOBER MOt Every TUES DAY -ALL RAIL" - aise by THURSDAY'S STEMER "Great Lakes Routes" <Seasn Navigatuon) Your Future Us ln the West l'ho fertile prairies haes put WNestern Canada on the map. Thero are ui thousanda cf acrmes waittia for the mati ..t.o uzotaàanorme and pmpr="iy. Taioe élatataof 1gw Rates aad tra,@ ia Ca3nadian Pacifie W. Bl. HOWARD. District 1asseiîger Agent. Toronîto. Ont. . " -OW, Agent, Whlitby. Ont. HOMES'EKERS' EXCURSIONS Itouni trp licketi to poîntx in l.ntI&Sst .t'hrwnn nAndAlbert.srk v rinth i'y. Crchrimie rti ~~ 5lRut.. - r .laCIic.". et- IPaxul -r Puixttl..,ti'%lee Pýr '. 1.Ttu'ely ltntil OCt. 30thi iiictlîiîe, at 4bs (i.ï Through ToUri5t 3leeping Cars to Winnipeg on above dates, Ieaving Toronto 10.45 p.m., no change' of cars, via Transcontinental Route. ltKTURN LIT, TWO NIONTIIS Frelul4e 0of te o tfs%4o'. Sertit resenstion'. andt fifît parti&itlirp. at all Grand Trinnk ticket office:% or write C. K. i,rnlng District Pa.'.tenger Agent, Toronto, Ont. K. bTEPHIt'%;FON, Agent, Wlîitty. Sm E STANDARD BANK 0F' CANADA MEAD 07InCR * ropOTOm Money Orders and Drafts are issued by this Bank payable in gv se ' 1fu è alLparts of the woild. SWHITBY BRANCH IC. A. Macta&% Maa.r Pz'ofeilsioma Car&t LEGAL JNO1 E. FAREWELL9,N. C. Barrister, County CrevnAÂttoruey ad County Selioltor.- Offie, south wing Court Houa., WhltbY A. E. CHRISFIAN Barristai. Solcitor. Notary Public. Etc. Offie. Brook SL. Opp. StandardPiaul Jon.Y to Loan. A. A. ROBINSON Undertaker and furniture dealer. Bell and Independent phones. Day or nigflt. BROORLIN, - ONT. DENTAL Harry J. Hudson, D.D.S., L.D.S. Bucceison te W. Adam&a Office, Dundas Street, opposite Post Office. Bell phone 122; Imd. 54. WHITBY. ONT. BLAKE B. BEATON, L.D.S., D.D.S. Graduate of the Royal College et Dental Surgeons and University of Toronto. Dr. McDowell, of Toronto, Is taking. Dr. Beaton'a praetice durlng tie ab- sence of the latter on miiitary seri'icr'. OMce ever W. M. Pringle's hardware Offie 1i..nrse Uto !13 i 5.30. Ind. Phono. e11 ItouPhone.,?O 0. Arthur Lee, L.D.S., D.D.S. Graduate of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons and of the University ef Toronto, desires te' announce that ho has taken Dr. glssonos practice and le prepared ta continue the saine as Office ever Allta's drug store. Heturs. 9 te 12 a.m.; 1 te 6 p.m. Bell phene 87. Imd. il Hgarriage Licensoe. A. EL ALLUN. aInuer ot Marriage Licenus. Corner drug @tore, Whltby. Ne vituessea required.L 6. VOUNO SMITH, LLA. At Ivelli hDmm o»poulte thollst Churh. 146' vitÉuuesrequirgi. WM. MAW LICHNSRD flUCTIONBER liNO VAIJITOR AUl kiadue ofsalespromptly attnded,,te.. Arrangemento for aes un ibu made at- the Gazette Offie- Tenireasoumable.7 Bell and ladeedant Phones. WHUTlY. ONT. 211 You'iI R egret i-t Uypu fanlto get coOpy Of the 1ow,ýpri ed are seli gnts.. ~tARTI1 "100% 18 aav#n~ de #arme1~a ol STAGE. Ljeaves ton Brougham at 1i Edwarda, proprietor. MAi ~CLOSEN For West- 6B4; ais. For Port 'W 10.15 a-.. 6-30 Ps. IFor Oahas For xast-7.3e &.M. Ujop .M. For North 'c Iliat L( . t mi ur! .\n- o s l r-nmm ' 1 tt 'vi.1 l a sstfk ir v . M tii'llcl i r nlime. withIii ii big sîe tniis rany 1b)ul:-111111 -91 H itl i i in 'lnn iinnn nnnd,- r id- t t.I I .- îIeas-.-d l St. i- hu I ll reco e1r N, i:ýonn-î:1 i- [.1 ni r ye5rrai ar...MVIiI. sofIO Mtr 1n i '.nnr[n.rnrr --- .i-Jolti. tof Se-atacave. wiit oft1' iiÇ. I.'mn iini-tn ' .~(oitindci iii. intrcli service' nexi 5Sun- ist irin ad r-r.'s ttli-rn-, i.-cl 1.1 dY nîicit liig. MIr. Niluk le w I .jeceaclî and . 9'-hi' trtrrr-h,-'n inn,- <tn Saun- n11n,- aliiit-rn-ary ar-r,. itcs rai Seagrave. dIy. li ii. lliil in flt'îî-t tt-hqtiur rs. iioï 'IuI(-"and l iliren. of trafilui..ntnni ,-er t inr-- imbs a c-Polt: ~poo.'ai, n,ý- u-*-n vislting ni J.E. gradiinab t n- b liiîî loinnjn off l<n i > ilit- Uain- iIlr;tcock*,. .1 da T'i'.înrant t-,'Ar i il l ni tn a ýr - M r i-I Ilait and faurily. o! Toronto. Mtaliiti buit nthft'-rouis . Tht.' tji'-'Si lit hant. imur- -'d Iotht-i c former home ht-rt. 281-Ced b%.Ituiy .s;îs -lavfi, f' itfdfol' Word 'ias rcetIvt'd front France last a Dttiiiiltninn i t 1101%-- in , N* .-:s. t. hilin' t. t--k titiat Pite. Iý.. Ito5s was serloxisly thé. root s taii t t nt-t' is gritrîtdattgo'rn woiiided. Of iht irn-n aron,',ll gittaaain. and ians ioniz ! snnn jataîtat icsn-hv as a oir'itiiain t-'i ih'i-- as w ork for rtîrn.'ni freni a trip to the West. tai Soriletv.f. MiF1. )I'ksoti. ot Toronto, spent Tht- folmnUin S;ring Filr on M'Suîn. at lits home luere. 24 t lu aiv-qt itroni Isf uft hiýii g ilt'tbei- _____ ter i liait t'n t- i.- Iche ilsit ows s$71 iMYRTLE. bèliita offi-ct'd, whlitInn an tie-ast- of M er )ry fWib afr $!4)ovn'r Isat year. Ther.- wili i.e o hty :fr a bg atieti prgrinandbad 1 me citizen of ibis neighiberbood. vis- aitettdaîict.. iU-reshnuentss Aiii1be .se rv -Ieêd a nume fhsodfinal wr-rk. 1$, L ý

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