"! -and * ire rrTsiin1lfg t a tpes. [otîîýtuel a l' h ictoud rici lier îhey w111 id. rer. ý. iid r ilO1 ?bl rrriiiedtiM is fl id for- un ch d e t ýl lirit f r jrr r th m r-r iv r tc 'r ur l j \ l! r thte ian- - ertîri r lmr i frr~ Un r i CI p'i irie- r1- -,l v i. 1~ I f 1~ a .1 t t tNJOSWORK LI MEORY 0F SON ittELS O?6Onu' STJUNHEO' .1css Men and Breadwlnne" J-s J -ES the Vietiis o! Nervous TREIR NAMES ARE WRITMEN IN Exhaustion. THE HALL 0F FAME. Wheri worry In added to overwork Mon acon leconie the victimsa Of non- VoDus exhauotion - neunasthenla - t-le Canada le Proual ef- Rer Sons of Uthei dciîor calîs it. Some have no reserve1 OtTrngtîh i their b-Yetemne tbboxai-thÃe Maple Leaf Who Made a Gallaut stram; ot-hern overt-ax what strengt-h StAad for Libetsty. t-boy have. If you flnd that you are nervcus andl cot sure of yoiirself, thatj April 22, t-ho day voetbeebra-te. On yenu slee P badly, nnd wake up t-red and t-bis day, just two ytars ago, t-le firut 1 achlng, Ycui nerves are out ot oriier. gi-ont army oif Canadian citizen sol-j Other sigmsaiare tInabIlIty to t.ake pro-- t diery fought witb t-be dasb <of vetes-ans par tnterest In yous- work, your appe- 1 at St. Julien In one of the fiercest- audj titre Is ilckle; your back feelts weak, bloodiest batties cbronicled ini bist-ory, andl you are gi'eatly depresaEd tI spi-- Tht battît st-ai-ted et-fie o'clock otf t-bat rou r'houtd take prompt srieps urit-il mnidnight of t-be 24t-b, wben t-he 811oP rmfscitef by nourlshting the nei-"es Germens t-ook t-ho village, snd t-he w4th the lodalley thiIve on, namiely ýCariadiaris suffered a Ions cf 10,000' thbe rlch raid blooda made by Dr. Wiî- Ikilled, wounded anid' prisoners, eut of liiu'-fl.rPin. lUs. These pins h lave a division oif 25,000. -But- thels- sacs- cured th< usan-ds of eut-es of neri-__us fiee anid gallarit stand sternmed t-be dtutrders, tnclading non-oua pt-onU-a, tide o! battît against t-he allie?-, and ti-n, ura Igla. St. Vitus dan"e andl filied t-ht gap in a desperate situation. DarUial paralUyeds. flore ta an oxaniple: Tht mêe mention o! St Julien ln-j Mr. P. H.(*aflo.r, a wei known busi- I itils pride ti every Canadiari henni, niessa man l, ('-oenin- PE .. says: and t-ht pangs of aadness, vblch brave 1 owe my pro luk.liath, Ifit .Ilfîîe.I deeda- brought t-o every home la for- r it-self, t-o Dr. Williams' Pink Pilis. I gotten In commemaoratieh o! a noble had aîways been an active. mian, andl action. Througbout t-ho longth anid a wluen I beana tei-un down tin health breadt-h <of this great Dominion là foît-d paid litlIe attention to it as I titought t-he deep sense cf gratitude t-o those lt- <i-ly a temperai-y wea.kness. As 'fearless mon whose bones liens acreals t-Aie Pa-ed, hiowever, I tounal my9elf in t-le ploweal fielde of Flandere. But growlng wnrse, andl con-ulteal a doctor, 'death could noV deetroy te spirit n who Baal ihat 1 wm nfot orily bdj whlch encourageai and us-goal<t-bora to-, - i down. but that my nervous system vitory Ia llbert-y's cause, anal whieb w"- badi- shattorei. I lot- fleali, ni, st-i lves on In t-be smen oif to-day. appetIte wffl po-rn, 1I alept badly andl A Bright Flowes-. notwlthBta-ndtnig tb. doetors lneatment St. Julien w-I live as one oif the bgiell e a!t-atd a cninud ot h e my rightest- flowers in Uie gardeii o! vie- busioso -ndwas onlieait-O -hOtoriea, and whbile lt-spet-ais may fal ln blouse - Tîrnt vent on and I n-as etted- the seasoni <of t-mo the seeds whlch lly groNvlng weaker, a.nd my Monerde IV ha-s sownn iii ensure a sveet ' and vert ai-I gueat2y alarmed for my con- Iasting memory. Those mon n-ho st-ed t it-lOM. li t t-a colt-lon I Wuis st-song- bot-n-oea barbaris-n anal ctvillzat-ion ci IY recoinmenidea t-o try Dr. WiWLa-me' wrot-e Canada'e naine large la t-he hlil t- Plnà Pinsa, ad as t-le dortor's medi- of fane. They erecteal not a tombat-ono t cine n-a-s ixt helping mae 1 dedded te that- signifies dont-h and defeat W o ef do so. By tht t-ino Ibard u&sedtiares <is- t-hin by thbe ravagea o! t-he beav- boxes I could t-cle-t- t-hey n-are help- ens and centuries <of lavery, but- a Irig me. When 1 lied taken elgtit boxes monument- that will rofleet in t-lev of thePl e p t-able tW attend t-o inY bbrct- raya of liberty t-ho dept-h o! buiness egaAs, anad people n-e smr- t-hein sacrifice. Anal vit-h bat-h fiick- prised te see me out. I contnnued thbe Irig"jheir faces vit-bt-be fanges<of bell L'se Ofet -.Plla unt-il I lied taken t-ve't-boy cas-yod tht Lady of t-he Snows c boxesy, by whicb Urine I vas feeling as rout- oft-ho rock of t-me, b '%'61i1 e ye- Idl my fi-tenon-nyGreater bat-tle. bave been fought-, b grtul rattien t-o1 Yhee-I. e on m !and greater deeda o! herolsua may ful reomton o hait. 1fee no 1have been accomplieheal at-ut-ber ttine, that If 1 head used Dr. Willianis' Pink1 but- ne meni bave ever befofe gene Wo Plla at thle <ut-set 1 would nt ýa, ni batt-le vit-h a rlobler purpose t-han t htave aaved mnue maey speat in aoc- - thoat Poria of Canada, whe fougbt- analt toees bille, but n-outl bave lumd renewed bled at St Julien for humaaty's cake.IL Ifis.lth 500i18it- I oe.nnotr @Peak t 00 There cari h o n attempt Wo dot-s-ne blit'lul oft t-be uedivine, amu t-I Uti rfrein the counageous sud -gIcjious mc- t reoomsnend it t-o ae>ay mari who feels tien of thbe Pr-inces& Patnicla'sa at t-bes n-tal, net-vous or run don-" second batt-le Of Ypres, or tlioso whe a You ce-n get- tiese ple thi-cugh aeny 1 o Courcebttte, t-ho Orchard -anda, meditatdeeiefor b mal et 5 c8iti Vny Ridge, but-t-bat- t-be mon who e a box, os- six boxe. for $2.50.,ri The fôught at- St. Julien did go with aG Dr,~ WU144lam Medldtne Ce., Broock. gi-ester determîiationi and s-caltzat-iong Vime, Ont. 1 A bhir- - --; 9 THLSO0NG OF IIERRIT. Tt Orient-elI<I. As To What Were .1l Cvil rthex -lit Urg l phttiîg for evel. more iflearF3 - e John Chluantan otten bas peculiar ldeap about the vearing apparel t-bat- ite buymlu Amerlo. For ont -t-ing, lie alWays Vaut-sboots t-bat- are ev- es-ai aises teelae for ho belleves t-bat Inta taMhe- gets more 'value -for bis moncy. In addition t-otecs- N We aize, boots bave Vo pousses t-ber pecuiiar characteriti-es belons t-boy '" me4t bis full approval, as the folIo-w- Ingr st-os-yIndircates: À Calliomnla mss-chant- ofereda pair pf ftne boots t-bat- he bad long kept In " toà e aChinoi, for titredollars. The Oriental- finally took t-hem, but t-vo daysbates- hoebnoubt- t-hem baek. "'What-'s t-be trouble, John ?" inquis-- edtheii mes-chant-. "Hlm good boots." "Hlim no good," deelarea John. "dHlm no - sing-song boot. Velly soox woas- out-. bie 1k.. slngeong boot- or me catche« back t-'s-e doUa'." "S8infsoug bootl" excfiamea t-be mes-chant-. "Ma no sabe,"1 "Me t'ink you msii. al liUte," replisal FUM "Wha' fo' hlm boot no aingee 1~ak squeakl when Chuiamari ~peelle samne good boot-? " *bmn t-h. merchant- bad give i hm- = «change for t-ho fine boots a pair emrurst, cbsap <inca that- squeaked iJjJohn Chinanuan dopas-ted high- 'Lot-tuce, turnipa, peas, beets anal beane%, mat-us-e in six t-o aine weeka, crn from sicven t-o thrteen veeke and pot-at-ce from fifteen to gxý weeks. sxen IWHAT!__ 01 une&Air r&eJVAonsUli3ty anLe gain- said. Tbey blazed t-ho way for greater victories for th9se who filled thbeir rapiks anid ebowed the patb 'where dut-y A Unique Bat-tic. The battît <of St Julien watt unique in several wîays. It wastt t-h firat- gi-est bat-t-le fbught- overseas In wbicb Canada waa representeal by a rom- plete di-vision oif fighttng mon, and thbe iret- battit <of bletosy in wblcb t-be chemical ekill of a nation wa« employ- ed ta a diaboliWalurtnrier. Germany'm introduction o! aapbyxiat-lng anal pois- onoue gases i the bat-tle with the Canadians brs-sdbe as unrincipleal sud tr ihus. fDy lt-a use site viciateal a vos-y Important ad sacred agice- Ment- oi The Bague governing wms-are sinon; t-be nattons. Unders-*ttortueus conditions ana bandicappea wth sadly ifaes-toi-astil- les-y and munit-tons, thébr save Cana- dlans held thehUe mmttl stes- t-bs- da". despite t-rbes-slsbses, thets- de- termInation convicea the Germanao! t-h. fut-Ilit-y t at-temtpti t-o bs-eak t-hsougb. At Somo par" of ethe bat- tit-lei. Caadianssbort oc! amuun- tion, secuntea ort-be euy vit-b fist- and rille but-t. snd so fies-ce vu their ftgbt-tsg t-bat t-he mu&i-pnalse Prussin Gruarda Who vere pit-teal against t-iem, vere forceAlt' t-c icict in cowas-dly failhion. Of Vhs 25,000 mon Who took pas-t ln t-be 1*ttle, 12.000 vos-e infantsy made up 61 t! it. &Wi, 3rd,ct-b, sthi, 7t-h, St-b, lOt-b, lSth, 14th. istb anal ith Sent- t-eAsslet- t-he Treà h In 't-ebe hamy set-ion at- St Julien, wblcb eav more bloodahed al ifloghg for important- peit-bus up t-o titat- tie, titan sny et-ber seet-on of t-be Western fs-ont, t-he Asst Caadian dlvi- sion vas sont lu t-c set t-be Trench, in vr.l a deepmate abltîmtos They had"beeuI n ireedIses sout-h et YpM 1%Q"h.let fas* of t-bu Brt-lin lureadtng lt-a libé ta meon ths altos-alcondItion, <ic tec fo-ted set-freient 9! t-lie rench ad Vo facet-be nos-t-l, anal en at- lino1 Vo tevwatt beyomi L S-.Julien. 'I extenusion eakonealt-h. ins, anal t-le Caaansvos-e osdes-euSt-o stan«hy. -Sbostr*stsward dt-be r-as-e-a t-o luelacyt -b or-i oYpre. uthes-ustoitaipastof t-e i.t-bey wvos-fos'eed t. deper witbout- foodor -oeandceeS, Mn wu tceppileul it-kMW01rounUs of ami;'a Munititon. i Wbac thît.sete. ofa!e Brigliten he Corner!rli whenii you are by eating a il ads of flic MomentI food that does not doîg. th-I 1 fi liver or develop poisons lïI the ~ ~ ~ ~ Dapre coo.CtothevahVsY re leatured isome of the olo. Cu pu heay'te er neestdresses. A vory mneats and -StarChy potatoes stylish costmue ise illustrated ber. and-. eat Shredded Wheat combining a dhapod skis-t wlth a blouse Biscuit with berrnes or- bavlng bod a1 aiaeves i one. This inodel Zud be smoat att-sactive de- othe- fruits. Try this diet veloped I crepe de Chine, foulard, soft for a few days and see how taffeta, or even ini one oif the pretty much better you fee. The summer voiles.- McCall Patterns whole wheat grain made No. 7814, Ladies' One-Pieco Waist; tI digesibe by steam-cooking, shredding and baking Made in, Canada ['hein auccesa was only momentary, for soon they found themelveasur -ourided by a large force of the eni- emy, and desperate hand to hand fightirig occurred bofore the Cana- lians were able to reach their lino. Anrd it was only a remnarit of that section of Canadian boys that dug ft- self tnto t-ho front Une -tronches until next morning. But the proportion of ersnan dead wvas much greater, and In the darkriesa of the night t-ho enomy searched with lighte for their casual- -les In t-he raging bell between the Unes. Recapture Three Guns. Next day t-he rest o! the Canadîan lie started a bruitlant attack, arid suc- reeded in recaptuning three gulis irrhich liad been left by the French tin hein forcod retiremont, and ln another -barge at t-be point of the bayonet they rec-aptured four of t-heur own' guns that bad beeri previously taken from them. Anot-her day of terrille fightung occisrred before tbe Canadians, wbo were greatly outnumb.red, wes-e forced Wo give t-be village of St. Julien to t-be Gerunans. The objeet of thbe Canadians was flot W bhold St. Julien, but Wo prevent thbe Gsi-matis from breaklng through their linos and mak- ing a dash Vo Calais. Saveal the Situation.- The gtory of bow t-bat objet was -ttained thrilled riot only Canada, but tho British Iles, and lmmedlately af- or t-le battît King George, Lord K-itchener. Generai Frencb, Lord Brooke and Bonar IAw, cabled air ,amn Hughes, then Ministr of- Militma and Dofenco, expreaeing their deepest admiration of t-be noble Canadians, and congrstulatlng t-he Ottawa gov-- rrmont on t-boi behavior., And King George andl Fieldl Masshalrenclicon- g-riatulated General Alderaon on thbe herotc conduot of bis troopi. Grên AI- orson paid thbe Canadiana a great tri- bute wiexi heosallt-hà t ha consaereal Ia bigh bonos t-o hav-e commna <of mon of such sterling qualitlea. And those wore the men oif a citi- oen aoldiery t-bat Canada will over ne- membe and rovere. Tbey bave won tor- themmselves undylng glory and for Canada a place among t-be rigbt-eous sUafons cf the oastb. 110W OÙ0 YOU CARRY MONEY? Raeh Natienalti Bas lIa Typicai Met-b.d ô< HangCod.. h, di b il tr zi nr fi c ni a E You cati generally tel! a mani's bis- ttozalxty trois the marier in wbicb h. cans bit poeket-mone. for the vas-ous motiiodae emploed frequent- 17 botray t-he naine of the. couRt-? of wbleb tii.y ane typinai The majority of Britlab people camr thoir moniey-b. It god, silver, or copp.r.-al mixd up hI the rigbt- baud t-ruses- pochet. Upon ueedîng MY7, your tpéemi Bs-tou -au aa md- fui of titis miture, samselecto the outas h. detrr.s iu an open aM n =cn Oe.l.dmannes-.- U" leSUain. oose iBêuudary, bus a "wad of bl&s"ewbkh behoeu ly keepa tu, a long, narrow pock«e- book. Frechino, more oft.u t-han not. anre iaed with an ordînary latb-ý er pur"s. Net so witb1 his berewtary tee, for a pus-se, gaily emh-oldered lu allka. by thei fais- baud of some (hret-cbe. la the mooey-rcetaele of the ieue.t. Tlhe poos- e laMsof thb. ha"sa uc ** hu muail tV a ai a -. 1i7-0010osed bha"dw4elt ,wtdch tb.y myutouIy COsealM cwrà tu their pe«»e. Msyo iEiau of ots'Iciid, " pri fer Vo bide tboir predious s.vlugs, hi t-bol. boots os- ebtii hi o f hbêls AII ORN LIFTf4OI', Sm forlIp-na bard corn*, iasticotas or ao kind O of a ' ha-letr . ô aises; 84 t-o 42 buet; and No. 7813, IL dies' Straight Skrt, att.ched t-o one-piece low yoke ln 89-tnch length; in 5 sixea; 22 t-o 30 waist, Prie, 20! cents each. These patt-erns may b. obt-ained from your local M1cCall dealer,, or from thbe MeCall Co., 70 Bond St Toronto, Dept. W. TIIANKEUL MOTHERSr Mot-ters who have once useal Baby' Own Tablets for tirs littl. cnes are alwayà wsrong tri their ps-aime of titis medicine. Among t-hem in Mn. ar- celle Boudresu, Misonette, N.B., wbo wrlteg: uBaby% 0OwuTablets as-olie. best medicine I-loeow oif for littl. <mes. I sa ves-y tbank!U for what they bave don. for my ohUldm-nY The Tables negulat. t-he bowela and stcmach; eus-. constipation and indigeston; break up Md coandxa simple fevers; i fact tliey cure aIl the mirior ille <of lit-tle onc«. They are solal by medicine dealers or by rail at- 26 cent-s a box fnom The. Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. The Lit-tle Rais. "O0h! she le go4. te litt), nuiniand wel eh.otv'awaous-nee d -Who conet-h in t-he Urne o! aprlng t-o aid the . amal s-aaeda; Sbi wandere wlVb a f rlendly winai ths-ough ailent nigbtrs unseen. The furrows teil ber bappy t-cars nd lo!tVhs )and le green. "'LasV night cloua-ahadowa gloomed the path t-bat visis t-o my abode, Andl the torches of t-be river-boats 11k. angry moto=s glovoal To-day tnesb colos-e brak the sot!, andl Dcvii broidereal lavits ai brtght wt- p*ta-in t-be gas-don 91thte Pu hy L. Cranmer-SMn. A Nov Terni. T«esoas-The sentence, "MY fatb.s- bUd mocy." la In t-be past t-cm&seNov, Mas-y, vhat hansewould you b. speak- log hà iIf you sajal UMy fatites-bas mony ?et LIt-t-lNMai-Oh, that voula b. ps-e-. t-cse f 1 cured a boisCt the Mpnge it-b UII4ÀRD'SLINIMNT. CHR8O>IIERSAU24DEIS. 1ahou" - Si eured a bow, baffly 'tor by a P"tc fok, wtth Ml&I8LN st. P.tes, C.J DW INLIF 1 cwid a bo. oC a bed swlUng by MIARDIS UNINM. satiiorut-", .. Tio&4 W. ?AYNE, At a houge p.iy ni Sauohlesii dî«êbtdr et tbe =. «to ouo ww aa ",frn -Oy aOb. lb.Victoria, aboutbim? t MNVALUABLE SENSF& - m 0rois S SP ROFIT-MAKIMG -NEWS Am» Row Soute People Baru a Living by ofAn 500for misrl Thes- asm aalNoss. applicattort to ?%'naon I Mont pople dpend upon their Plft- 73~ AdelaiIO Se#- oatn banda for their llvelihood, and 90 We have corne t-ospeak of handiwork and!___________î____ handlcraft anŽ "handy." ]But there B y..dfo pcd are many others wbo could survive Icrute tirVarîey Cycle Worla.. the losa of arma ln, such a war as this rtadlia Ave.. Toronto. and still b. efficient for business. (IÂNCER. TUMORB, LUMPS, BTC4 For instance, there ila amari acif nit ieJA ndetra. uo ih ntPaIn -by otar home treatment. Write- every Pen facttory in Biningham, un beforo toc late. Dr. Belîman Medicai - -~soie businessB in glvlng nibs their final SOutamPo% nt- Maylit (Se- test before they are packed 'away in cW1)-Th&t rtieumatiem la cauaed by tf - IWOOb= He rosIJehni dIasrdered kidneys and that Doddle separately, one by one, on a sheet of os I es KldneY Plls wlIî cure it le again plate-glass, anddlhe can telli irst.antly for the Homo Canning of Proved by the case of Harold D. Ber-t- by the sound emltted whether the nib Fruits, Vegetablesanatd Meats r&1ý>aYoug mn ellandfavra la i fit to be packed for sale, or only to, .IM. B0138 Cà *A 00. ran'a oug mn ellan faor be othrown aside as imperfect. I - t et. * - -toiito kmnown here. He had infiammalory Teeaepol h aealvn ___ rheumutjsi for two moriths. Dodd's 1Teeaepol h ealvn xidmey PISa uired 1>im. by their noses, aniffing perfumes for Otî~ a. -. «The doctor asid ny trouble stre the scent-makers, The ar-t of making Sayav with the grippe," Mr. Bertram stts delightful perfumes, rIn which the Jarecs "My hands and teet were badly &swol- ladies will delight, ls mainly a matter ]o&t ion andi the doctor dà d flot seem to b of how much q& this and how littie of jottom 3 u dcdng me any good. My grandinother, that, and there, are well-trairied noses Mrs. G3. Orasser, advlsed tpt tlewbich can tLiit a sniff wheri there is Doxda Kidmey Plla. 1 to=c me box Just the littlç too much or too little or IIloaSjLUO ~W' of tbem and 1 haven't been bothered whether anything ta missing. oin-ce. 1I qn clear or tbe'rheuzatm." That Mr-. Bertram's trouble camne MONEY ORDERS When bï*rIng your Piano tromr bis klieys la sbowxi by hie other THE safe way to aerd rroney by [ hist on havlng au syVn Pl oms. He had stfneu itii e~ mail in by Dominion Express Mone' OTTO HI OF»L" JettA.wa»tired and nervous, and Order. tiiere we.re flashesof llght before iei PIANO AOTION acrosthe loi-na, wae alwa>'a thirety "Which one in the langua.ge of - and tek heai-Y axa sleepy a.fter meala. flowers do you consider the most elo- oxo ID the blood. Cured kldneys &train the 44A Pair of pressed two îîps." AREà DOG DSEASES urlc actd out of the blood. Dodd'a Kid- '11V And How to Feed rieY Pilsa cure the kidne". iB nluLnien umborumn'. Pr i waiw ed 0010 597mdrua INCOM ~ A F.K[~Naming the New Town-. IL HCI-AY GLOVER Collue- "What at'e YOU going to naine our DgRii 1 w ItSrsNvYe India's Representative in War Cabinet rew town ?"S L O A Man of Renown. Cntelyu ehv wfa- S L OSÈ TheGoermeit' coie f ti. " 9OT a bg knce like this, but your horue The ovenmen's hoie ofthe Msomay have a bunch or bruise> on hio Maharajah of Bikanir as India's repre- "Andi it's bard to decide bet-ween \Agkle, hock, utile, kc or throct sentative et the apecial sittings of the. 'en". One crowd 'wante to call it/____ne__________ War Cabinet wIll give greq~ satisfac- Middletown, the .,ther Centervilla!.A" tion throughout our Easterý Empire An aide-d-camp to the. King, bis wiIl dean At ouf wxuhoautn Hilthnes l a vigorous man of Se, the horse. No blister, no l wlth a yearly Incorne of $1,000,000. gone. Concenîrard-oniy a fe Ne' rules over a State of 23,316s square£ drope required set nW application. $2 pe miles, nearly tbree timea the. nia. of 8.4a d flree. Ucio nforB moltlmojs Wales, with a population of 700,000 wu e o&"m0 l4amseme people, and in entitled to a salut. of Io miilaonwloa. Prim il add82 a hotUo l 1Ua beventeen guns when he arrives at or *O .,55 yan ldImtei leaves a garrison town. . F Usghi*8-.4koe sces e q W. F. YOUNO, P. C., 1 iat8:g, M ,C, At the begbmlng oti the war the Iuisp0-lbp* *tusrie m hsii L;U iii lB Maharajah offered the -whol. of bie ~11319iwtl. pt c- - Thlu eeutoepeoemmy bIs*oe7 cf tue ~snedIan £Xpedlflonauy Voue. issan by tue 0.as4iaa @v.mmeut, ho oSIsSaL Year en Field Marsh.al Viseount_______________ Fs-eh' staff, and bas been mention- .d lni despat-ches. _________ lgft Xixas - uiet Lathe houe*. Anvîl Spas-ka.4%-s Good natureolts a key t-bat fit-s mariy> UNV RSITY Religion muât scok n beforo it can ONTARIO floa- outAT Mani may b. t-ho as-ciiteet o&*a home, but vomnanin ethbe builder. M II I EUCATIN Mou greval on a mma's opes il bAFeRDS1EC waits for somet-hig t-o tura up. mnlg. hemc ivil, soaiSl and We say: "This lesa bard olal *onldl" xqmig but wbat as-e ve doiîg t-o sot-en it? t1HOM T$=Y s Golden bopos ol an oetilt-y as-e Ama Coum thy rw pooruc. Dqee bettes- than a sale deposit box ina aPlA05JIs5t-45l bz.nk. S rShe astoShe Tne musietryistzruco M bdJ$ been gt-uhi'a lesmo-'o lMe MrfiNs-t ee pa-tual g-e"set of re- mat. At thé W- . hi'ùd: 0» 4,490t-be. ajmy usiyoa steppealforwssd* luabtw gý ly. os-att-etkaow)dg% 1»fi alt 01 t-h. 'as4-di' -pousat".trlgga' -bw". t-n latr i hbuhiMêc?" C~ Oabge$US1 foi *iIy q«W Me nu «"rVm orer ws.t-é -4 j r- N '-4 - Prved- Once More In Southanpton, On)t. That Dodd's Kldney Pulls Cure Rheumatlsm. Harold D. Bertram Mad inflammatory Rheumatlsm and One Box of Dodd's Kidney Pille -Cieared It Out of Him 6LO;l'elli - 1