41 GILET'LY iBetweeu C uLIIIn I ANs OR, A DECl<IgATION 01P WAR. ' CHAPTR IV.-(Cont'd) lher reaise tediccyo h ujeet' "That was beatuiful, John-beauti- Wsix1. be o helkdbe o» full1" ah. sald te him at home, utilln s.me more easued on 4,he, n i ,*~ amkn atyteb~ e.l~ ~S~ a fiurry of agreeable uxcteaient "But uwr.I Sntbd ntewoe r bandb ivn i h n'el eii 1eou den't belong to them only, o eelnformed nýe, thou hh ail tcs beuee nea oda osbeadkeig~tb them untl p&horyas 'ecinthat;e1 w WhereuPon John smiled tend~~evtenlye asdei tat toe.Il teudnehg ite-hrdi Sdoteoý e pleased wlt1eeyl l f ' but abstractedly, being in spirit itilIl gne ontdesuethtak psrIit.hoc l i i t h e p u l p î t .m i g h t l e a d en e t e fi Y 'O U p r t r , a u h o h w u i I g e h Ž thtnh. hdthe D TH IT C f sot hotnlig an ukwnO n was ate tia g-et hig e btt.r things. Everything la rather PA TI LLCNLE beogte a mani who uiderstô,d bth1 i hroostelatuto, business, Ella refieed, hpIc.' ed utth roomu t . itoation, eraeued ofesi ut epo the emotion o o! heatlugn ordBu ii.11.tt 'ioaii' tte l.jLIJlP CII htytog n e sptan. fer Bishe Oue.ever no much better. ~ ~ I~tjiaebsr n oln-l hle n those few final moments had coul- 'neo ON vrthn prantg ri utparyl aclOru I s- ie * ~ ~ ~ eel ovr the negative effecet e! 1THI) F andMAINEcibl. Hve ondacoo tio. Fr fot1 Shavi~ Sin Ie H31ed erY well for canrylng ber throug he codoe te r pwelle pai acelrd inrur lr a i4ilitary Hq.spitatf higtfire triwek ; for th ttrerTBLEQRAPHY. dbtrcbuieuodFroy Nt wi islbly hampend his breathlng have bouse. -and gad -f à isot.pl.Thlatrlexllnfometalo i I t.~~ can ap"Pealed tolier soarc.îy more thon in "Mm rather er st nwwh6tlier, l deof lHrs« Rwin to a-a is 'rpi etbte utb hc Oniy those wno 'have ueefl there cm hLduclc 'trouseils' whbe the round- the.>"îhave oui-out. 1icknottadge cj n l vnbotrI ii atl eyed* siny-!acd whoeegioves ene te I ck'm ottage Raider snd Bent Heefe hiuil ahdoio t tl 'ye- hlýv--acd e&n, w eglvsatter îcavlng Me. He bega n reaize what the Gillette Safety Razr i18 Ure cvidently buratlng aud who Wed nmttg aot eodvst but she promptly uuppremsed him. AantBr fe etai ehv etyta e i berpecet-aud.rcî,khi er audaomtiososconl, 1it lihtflsy aoI endrtlthut alnand- a dl nt I e5 t ail. What'U fui for ber in cerne ways.1 wonder arla culgti tini.sn-c > h diino ite kn Clean shaving on the firing lUne, pOsible on19 wIIo the(ug&hi was maiing couver- mwonder stilimore how they will pull Iportmrcd anthvestaey o! tiderc fftue. Tîle qa vilca iI.tte, ha& saved endies. trouble idressing aton when *he wsadlseuslng te ti.tet" hi ran thve seleof e gahial edrcdrdcl h face ound. Inthe andaof oderl ~ ~COLM;ffeto::of Poily, ?(Te b. continued.>tien of ahippln« by the. Qerncr-go eut eapeac n destryer uyei, cerfiaJohbn'ssor, t muh lae exenso fc ons Intehnso mr o us t were @in leas ympathtc, for Jean HELO MorLCate.de.tAnyerson. f than regln l ikn rI isawy ok I shortens by precious minutes the preparations foi wBs t leaut jr!undy respec TH LSTWHE sate.An, delbron.of hechwumkUi urwthhafintonoad operatng. Lter, ri th bandaof ti. patentsLt ~ OlIIin virtue of hier eidor-isterahlp, Fortunat* Endiag te a Seenlngly Un- bïthe.raider whil, on lber wn rmorterutilbeog.Patfr ablcssing indeed 1 teok It upon herselfte obc fimiliar and avoldable Tragedy. New York te a Franch port.poesuîb.ui.tnairoedaîîp everi Joculr, te a p oint whlch oZ1nd- Tt was, the Puyrna ccorngtltIearrthnh.tt lowfrt e cd Ela'sflue sesibîiti'.%%en Mr. Ralph PuiVar returnad JAS soon as their strength begins to returr, they "Many'e t.he tîme Peî'klpthim." te the French aviation fild miter a Caplh tadoroltawiche, n hGcreoe. We bkn jlyt tho Inuighed robustiy, right Into ElIa'ciight with an expert piiot, the. day MounIh toaepleandelacirelGoricndritpmaeanniso inho ?Ti get the Gillette into action, and fairly revel inI the face, and pointed a rad inger at the threatencd te end Ia tragody. As theMotacnuitdbreteadpceamilunl-h- flnising tuch wich L give to te welome cean mntîliter. "Net thât ho much neod- aeropiano came teo astop a mochanic prisoners on t.he Yarrowdale, o hc dpae fpptnte.Icsu.Tts W ciihn oc hc tgve o h ecm en d skaîpiug," ahe prosently admltted, rs.n up wlth s pnoumatlc whoe. osl te wero rnny mncnth ie.e hepeGlk lines o hosita hf. Fo thughho a use but idexcept for forgettin' the thlngs hoe Ho speke a f ew saap words te the Ameng hmwrmayA CUwac sent fer, John always was abit bakîng, paetryeraquiros inrom 9Othponcli onie hand-and that one shaky-a mnan cari shave mconstruc plt asti.ato e vrUcanc eesd m klto4mnte. -tiThe return visite wero a barder tack Front In an Aeroplans. andl the pilot Sacrificeofe Animai Lite.tei l'iimself safely mnd -coinlortably -with a Galette atiîl. The thought ot cntorîng a aaked nie te get out qulckly. 1 jumped Pteî cnaatn. h ik eCp li aty thiitched hut as a vtaitor had ceet out; the. maciinist sera mbled Itito myInettiMonTmpendtofur.4 pshtnng Safety Razor. hvItnhd glo otu- oft t ati ' ' - hersast m l Elles mre eleepieasheurs. and would plnce, carryln-g the pneumnatlc whecl,! Georle, both'et which carriedhn l lu m sIctlgi h haecn ie oehdsh o tn pano it r I eiorenenndnia mxtue lethkefin &ild It may ;e :a kite lldng Io you ot i&eI o hl tladiýes mbe ntm hteen cdlan ed cross the ie ld and 1.5p- drds f hrssan oge. Ca-ml. ixtapat 'hth b: ldYuknow O>i'eas, bli Io 0hlm il i-l me-an ao much Z1l asbenefacters, et course. It n'as th i gin fies ain, uibe ardoge 7Win hos awtrioloiti hotocutIpi oH b. e-von moi. a ~thng cas ut distrblgeTi ad;but Iasked what wnsthe mattoi-.They It was painful te aee and hear kctgoeyhIi~ s~ Tk appreckMd ~h. ~ tiIng became beaabie. ut was po ta amachine a few tiiousand hundrodsa o!horesanad-doe it? Ifdlrdsuicnt h thinga ceuld, b. peese, uh in et ae usug nndo t ue te t lai sd-ecîye BEETO WN BONS. andin the ranco-.Prusan wà r, counsels a' ~ ~ <e bv and explainodthat col-lu Igling and uwimmîng about, a inua bt~e worde, leavu r un d ewees heaitms niirortg~math etieci.tet and lier mena and grandsons have %,as with tkiis %ieiw that sic bega oe pnutlwh.sTeaitr "Anothur appallng sacrifice e n- ~ (sadPe Frenchi Weman 'Tends Graves ot Bri. falien inth -b present carnpà Ign. Se, cultivate an amiable condeaconslon et was Igniorantofethte mrnlap, and un-! mal lite took place with the lk gs alsorssgr ic -oe Uesh rioîlîrs' Sons. îavîng est ber own men, sîs d e. ranner and tiat particular affabliîty lois@t-bey warned hil nn e hie n' ing -of tha Georglc whlch carridn at ' ueiil.ntig ili A ahtcliteeioe oe rmclded toi reprenant t-he mot-hers of hcâl understoed to e h-e char,- chine would turn turtie and kil! hlm, part et lier cargo, 1,200 borse.T, ulmiad ua.rroefo Atpethetie nt-t-ietishsoaedcorns frorn Intersti fwh ay ic pilohé atrged e up eb aning.pylosion e t-ho tored eldu. Liopet vihpyr -a t-own in France through wiiich t-hou. ti alItnri-.h a.tiohdatisc et the dyBuiul. ha n iloti-l e te met itlng yiisa ethaeadbyth x tveadco d egwl oi sanda et our, troopa are alweya os-g von theirivs Now a lace et' weathering an experience whicii. nfi.r upper air, and by wavlng t-h. wheel tliiGoerte oe wchdti~-adcsad-S>ikewt umg autherities noticed t-bat a woman ot Xnd t-here were compeunsatilon»; for warn hlm to land on thbe left whoei ons i 8 asatne vr uiloa!Mra. Medley lhad returned. and the tv.di iait stt-oria Dcoîc 80 ers ttonod ver bural ! 5 Love i.la 1*y te maic s fuel et a hpymornant ot crosaing t-eand*t-be t-ail ef hie machine. etft-hein plunged itt-ho suyes.Breflvro c iar.Bk nnqik~ Rr h oldehandpdiera reandan bupmnaconarewal n c tki-est-hl hrehhsppy refrachedUIes le nt-hondsbPor yrneth handfreebeonth upor t-be grave. 8h. lest ber bus- CIae. ".- wiigt ks escpitehidandtoEniMk ances. ~~~~~wiîh coumequences te bt.r mental, lands ho la a dead mân," saîd t-heofe- 'iel mtcattt cquiibriunn which chu hercelt n'as 1ficer. t aidetnafAnîIcat thenittclurncmia-tnne,- ' coe isdi scarcely aware et at t-he urne. BSe Tuai waes adramnatic spectacle--onu toree tyshioot te rew wr o eprtr.lc aim cae iatetberprud omnt t-aviaier on guard high in thbe sky in reolvers. This sheot-ing ceniudPeovlgEg.pog returnlng Mrs. Gordon's visit-in alcomplete unconectouenesa et t-ho death 'frhi nhu.1) th '" ' oaperforce. Tuer. n'es a dark t-aiforrlg cail , an hilourtins bltupon iaid!ib toevr hfr aited hlm; another, clîmbing Job hsenidefitakowefogtdtiterer and nearer, thon cl-dling round Sysgtem of Tolegrapby. t1roaî3cnta onnnofn Po C- 0 èPolly's visit- aheîld ho ret-unîod at t-be'and round la narrowing cirlc. Fin- Darbn -eapaar !tel. Sxmn-eItrtepîeice "mre tima, and could absoiutely net ally t-ho first inackine st-art-ad down. Gerenan raider n ho ahsan -utlih obe rtaI n #PL' ~~~~~~ of' h~~e otuit-otue t-bat t-hure n'as auything -H. undeotands," seul seme oe. Haiibjorg, Capi. Anderson sui, pigeg o îeiyh etoo ar e nu iflOit VIaUBusU sOi-W - I~n t-ha ieast ndecerous lu eo* frein1 *' - . nW'a&id t-h.e t-beia. 'The rail oet the Puymeinesdel î-ltehg rc et ypttn -u books jCniyu nMtonethebigbouse te th' --onrleco Nt- . ' cet Ytwii fPoU -rl-t-be t a It-eri-u fr mesle "Get- tbe ambulance readyi"'ordered ciroppea and thio voseel which w dtendw ae î's ~ihcnbdl re.ndAte anlut-oren foea od etssEdem. usd ;a hnrd ffa icit-y she would scarcely have yield. Uic aviation captain;anit@OtrietenfraarlsEniimr-bpubaeatduc-rsfoaot PI S c~~~~~~~~d, and even au it was, the dtdgse eftht-e mot-or ambulance began t-e cbug' chant-mat rovealed hersaIt no% ea2 etee ur. .te JoUars ia ne!" shen aa t.i1_1_ - r5colve ordenat a distanc eu . *ila à a bledat t ll n, &_,My rt-hat a cana Man could un pume ' I thst- beaigy* ah-wu.aV su d th* t.mnirpbi. II»& ow t-*lia ator em pietouapffaret on t-ha horiot -h incae.I-ucaay toth i.c 1 Éli milUaiay aasat acopltsm s W'was immedtately terwardt -ejrh olcla- us ape madie a t-iiriag -r cpaue -aFn .abb e~lrysdo n drams e t-i-o a ivils ovar tb-h a rhigt. uantugtal f*- ~_ _ _ _ _ 1vT opDb ei tl 9» b5JIOha tura ~A FALL9N NATION. I altrils. ie ni o-.hurc-i-cis onbbad.id t.jLiam t-edo WUt-bdilIgenei«tfe Dntgfl-a ay~yka- tiiisdc hi, at t-at- E te rutgnp aiea i-as i-bat ~ r~-1 iar Ceaet t. cdiu. .lAve ot a good i-ona-nla t-h it Dntgnth ay*% aba atN oor". u0 Pxsailrm n rgco» es~ uutyÇ0~îOa-tt *0 udast Utuif t âprotectionm u eu baveo ayhlu eii~ygev oa $004dLwa yom b« -hthi. sf l ua ar" aser 14aJy damgoee.ce rik~ww a$w ~ Y d.~u ~ n a m i a ~et- b * m s oMi-W- b r t-olnair e t * 0 u h a i - . ee»st itntcie es eeechuiean-'cdosdo l u bliy 1 ll.tbt ha v a d y A 0s wm0 3b -b n t~ m ;att""Ousw* lt- à Imimor« C ii5~aIU teCssopbmmu **t-rfonda doralts habbysuhIsab omtli -~~~ ~~ -t-flP4lr « lw t" et-<tte v o dataa,«rYitete ot~ ___ t d44e bl nu" an4#mb. bto lw«mo d PIKr" 4w i ia*Ok ta5stve -b. le skk babybét i b 11004w#WPZ bu, .rt-M<oJpha ' tr4,goy. ~ ha~- u--« 0" y oocSq* te de. t.ut tb, b.ollosIo tu PARER3 YEWOIm>mLMIKDustade.'t IL_ gsi ~oxox mTORONTet-«» I)vtIing for uhe'chiffl u ihoo able muaterial, nnd kept cit-un andi ired. Ijcavy contforters should euseti. vays 'ae«h your bande hof'ox lag t-be mllk bottle, and wash 07 oùihof bot-tic before removing, p. Keeping ('ooked Potaicen. lettover cooked pot-at-os art d oui on a large dinha instead ocd on t-up ut une another t-hey ilt aur su qutckly. Waalîing Oven dmos. ting is as effective a st-rang ,da wtt-r for waching oven doomi ihave been disclored. For The Invalid. wbhen making soup or bec! t-c ,i nvalld tiqteneresacry t-o cool 1% e, pams itthrough as dean cdot-i atoi wit-h cold water. Net a ýl ut fst will ho left in t-he boat- (irease t-heo olIer. Lhe bt.iîr lmmediat-aly alter une ývhiie mtili warm, te rubbed 1 .vit.b any guod. household euap, il ýrvont rust and iîll holp t-o make uie ivien t-licbolclerifllcd foi- - exi worklng dt. Marktng Lineas. on mnarking linon ivit-l indolible Irai W'rIte t-be namne wit-h a leati 1thon write over t-be ponc1 witbi tarking tnk. The pencit prevento k from spreading - At The Uor. you wlch t-o make an attr*activt jet tnexpeuîslve door stop, get & and caver it wit-b donita or bur-, ýi a culor t-o harmonize with t-h. %uned in thie particuler roem.- greet caro that t-be mat-erialI ts crnoofîly ovez t-he brick or t-ha wtlI bo very ugîy. If deeired, >p ut t-ho brick might bu emhroid- in itoma coaveniunal design and dgos 'outîtnod Ini a ruîv uf cross ing. CORN POR ENSILAGE. _. 1 From Dominion Experlmeata Farr n onCorn-GcgQtng. -n wiii grow on any woll draineti 'oll nianui-ed soul. d mothods are essentia.. avy, well-drained clay will gi-e recuits. fnîl plougbed.- Spring ýhing la, fer avecrago soil condi-' ugh ra t-er shà low-four t-o IWGl deop-accordlng t-o eoii, tura-, flat score, roll and disç or drag. w nt once if posnible. and con-; these operaions unt-il tie seoi-k tdeep, Invel andi teirly fine. nt carly ila May .when t-be vea- îîdj soîl have beceme warn. &n in-throe sud -t-hoother Wlt)iI tý-t-hi-ei. lu requires frein thi-ot hors"s t- o esat-e, dcpending on' f machine ati horses. It savte~ el oeaman. h ave à relier, employ î& wlsely,.- reaarslly usadtito put t-le finlslb--. ýouci te seeiding oer.tioùs,' s. lts citivalue.l .I- ftrmnag - 'umbling t-he raoll p-yost-o j. New Al«&eope Rifl. tha iariseman t-o Inti tt-hiqiiký »~ay part ofhs body, ls- n.Mji--. 'rut insqptle sto b.offiWs th# -aaim~ The eit-iaSpab"SOpe.x -4 494~