Conducted by Protessor Henry G. Bell The abject 'af thîs departmeat la ta place et t0 Serviceof et ur farm resders the'advioe af en ackflOý Odued authority an ail subjects portalnlnlg ta mals U ail questions te Prefeasor Henry G. B011,1 care or Trhe Wilson Publlshlng Company, Llmited. Tc houri." - 7. Anti evon tiieae ..'rlu - _ Je...a ....oe aa ru i êv he i Zaehau 'I L..à the reaie meag whbom tybrrii. entdo wiihsvervle ntocoave>' the bits of «rast wflsat Or pati' liaI le, if yen have a inay ales be advantageouily emple>'- - becmse ailiei lie piniual srany grain drill iItid tthélic iWng aied for- hors. feeding. ERower, r-y. 'The Wah Rag Tuika. éasofterbighepiuisre ats~~ , t i l mse djuslable ta shbould bie used inlamoer-mîon. inac me Rot- headers of the. peSoel. Itwua ie> For a star-t, a ginter ati twa g.. tseeding cibirley. Il mot, pr-c- tuaIlpr-cce .wi have fournd it t, "ewho oppoamd1WIsalahn me et are snfficîent. 'noir eagabeing .Pre the;emd-bed*!MI andl lien&seat. give 'lurses ladîgeatian i tee rt.* "Boo,:e.o:e!, r-ng i ofetdivin. revelation baek of vey fer-til. ais ae e b u sie su d a ba w ti t te e tee re.! ' u ~ ~ " W e , w m !"l e m an lia ep p osition an n t e a e u a .y a Thewas ra stppe cringto ortofthe polîtclmsa, .#1wt Il requîres à full menth te hîtcha ista li ÃŽe towel boo-hooing. strobg dtinnk-Jýudah1 on lhe whole, goeoegig, andtIincubation la perfieru "Wiiî'î ie mlter" ascd Uc albi cnî ot yo'1wilh luree d by 'sItuer a hen or a goie. A good. FO D SH RA E U G STO SWashgag ofithe rowel. but oves ber tli e betng snhem é bnwili coeovr ive-eggs, anda ivrnjo -SORT udmn SU M O "W Ve he attr wth ou » wsion a long lime .been drunkesmai.goonc omn et iras au estfi. lie r-cpi>'f et .Towe. . walbowod np ai wine-PerhaI asbto4taa> ili "I wai crying ta lhInk haw tirt>' 1ter, "eontui.d wili wln.,» o o0liy tt.goalelo ha n o h Beane Cantal,, , Lrge Amount of Protein and Their Food Valu u"mwidtue Wsh ag "Jmmych er-bdl tîmr motuga ig ae atexsp irou wam" ii wer ati W ant«."immy lsDe.velume1nZ-r accident or- exposa-e, ta bar-d atprns la Therefore HIgh. the dirt On- me lastitatiof pywasblag it t her redin. hl1,i> j~wi,811 e- ag ________ ~off wllisaaand '&lo" . f I ivomit mat filthlmes.. UlÃtsew tyou are for. Be héo! Literail>'»setues.w rdsoi*jtb> pr-oh- wmhlwah, wah!" Tho, Tawel wabeW hot r-eteetlsg viviiy li awfual atot ( D>' Henry'G. Bell, Agronomist. eniiig 10weep on" e.r& U.0f thtlng.existing la aristocratie social yreth ir-t on me." tcir-ees f e Jy. wu a rt Beai. ' roundtilimeulont or'n air-shaked dlýp"tane yenfr ».".rIî,luî<.as we rca.itbî»e wordi of 'bèer-ila IahcryUtlb.hé **,yté trop reports Intileate whmt May limie tote bm e-. Ou ur-I Il no&-50to ', , tise aimilar ualaea#rui*à , ctshgjclh tkc1Nuuhs amount tla c tesperate shortage In 83.Prepare mediumn deep, fatb ir, hedrto--u tl n ly îm*r tbdra lla@W fc tuthi e< 004a br Peidl mpelamW~1 foot next wlnter-. Wiiiî- hle coun- seet-bet b>' plowtng, dlsklmg tdber.- ne.Towb aloppe cymgcn ud' ho vi h tek4 try . Beudemare liaanylhiiagbie la oit S*MMd; ,leU hot"kiwago b ps r-ewlng. o blghlfootvalue cr-opsInlas a sue!bulk 4- Farb0eit resuis, ferli» the Dic a. usoc&1»Iuig auretort Of ti0 noblis.andt u'" ~ a- tIntIo 'a. juoslble; foor tiut--wili ktop; food crop wtWILI200o000 U>&ie- t tl ere *p1 ih as nm attc, mk ed i f-i 4i h utisseb0 a1>s t D ra.. oi nùimum bulk whlcb.omân b. readly ai fertfliser- crrYlng 1 te 8% as&Ma-acta m e bmwh* tir -t>'I iM 4eTm <ioé so tur eult ut e t - aor-ed ai ippea. mOala, 819 10% plseapberioMWan ud «*w. t sb.oubâ ic tdot" rb" t uai- ges 8r7%e 9 u 10 anfd 4ge la tvo. jAn sci-. oi beans, yioldlng 28 1.%PISb U l0i miIn j notatio*an ur eoituamlb sm mi> si ce atutrole ed bbels, produete asMe el ri'î fertliser.,la bqat p»e' I>'erd Ibo Tovel. 10* Y. m4Prs> fr *POUIfi s enýrg-pr-oducIig foot asau n acre t rhiugIt litite c edt4lreu "You den1% gay, s61" lsae-.Io Hra Iwheat y1didng 20 bushoe. A 28.lte fertiliser - ropper ofià c990o hi$l. Il wcUJIsai'MMY OMM4fg. j et nqmWdisy lr*i o nm ro Sa lot,êOf p '~buîh*t.Ioe-.-acrop ofap ai bs pr. If yedo Bol bmar- cdrî%lU, tiiteet. - t 84 fr n i--Msue4i»tu duces ovser8%t3méua. imuca ità . fcr-lser M v éul rethlie beeu ian -Yw a.21'amtno a*d.d l to, M m A1I lHS is' le b i 'rdn4,ing,,foot mu a 2Q-bh.-o-lie- mmd wOrk Iltatthle soU! b>'dlkiagnt~ ~ssnsg vrsmgar ela cend COM r-la v on tlwb aceOp #1 visaImu an -r-awidu befre the becaaneI 'eresltonn ts pele' Onlrl rouc vr , Platd. Tiie a glable phbaot'WI A;; ;, i -ban o 5100 mr-a " of-uuc bea lcti-ui h st. O i> o . Uiig ellt icik Avr e* ripeslng o ea " . 1p, iee-m eu. et. u'taerag >icId la 16.3 busiiels pur f 1chatanosmé1i'#êL 'ê0p. - - " "l"'a es 4" 0 ' s<JbrdO'Po. o o u" j b A';ru pcouirctetfraI Byi> fro4 olîïr m Soi. ÃŽS ft bcaassobelpviti M ot e"tmeBepuio tm(iéShe-amb ar Wbnpb ofg m i d>'boeu pas.o p e-ili tIh ~~ n ~ *. ' l # e * n * s m i 0.- y-M "Fil 4K, 0;"«p w9u -nw ., Ei ppeur in sniu column in th erC111aInwhieh they èrc reeelv.d. As epace ils limite It la advisabie where immedîserepiy la necessary 1ha \M44 ow! à Setmped end adda-esaed envelepe be enciosed wlth tl 0. r-GBelL question, when th@ nar wîîî b. maiied direct. QUelitloa-....L. S-Ihbave a pleco ' iaîla a bushol antitir-e, pecka ta of iamati land whlch lu pr-cicaily un- acre ai goot bar-loy seti. A vaii Productive. Would It bc Iw!e ta aow that bhan given the beat r-salin Cl t ta sweeî dloyen ti spriag wti ti-tarcle aMntiacheuri. This ln a vrie caver cr-op ef r-ye? 1 waaî la bîlilti il deveiopecî L'y Prof. C. A. Zavilz oai1 up, but de mot know tie mail praclical tai-l Agricuitural Coliege. la anti qulck metioti. cent yers a sehectiun han heen ma Answr:-Sweet doyen wouhti ho a 1fr-ana iulabar-ley under the nam ofa goati cnop ta put an tuis tha sai.J A.C. No. 21. 'nis la super-Ion Untier normal conditions Il can bei Ir-eagtb ot îtnaw ant inisailitl acwn wiîî nyo, !owover, I qu'estion if beavier yiçlder- tian tho average hi lie r-ye ha.nflot grown too rank §or- le>' la Ontario. You cas lce te lhis spriag'a aowing, unies. >'ou are ofaitilb>' addressing Pr-af. C. A. Zarit eeting l wiîlu epring r-re. If so, Ontarioa Agrieuîtural Coilege, Gueli r-ou shoulti prepare the seeti-beti weli Question-C. D. ---Coubti yen g-i sla pr3paring il for whe.t, anti ho- me Information cancerntag the mo, fore harrowing the grounti apreati an"i ng af aweet claver wlth fait whes to twa tons af graunt i imestone or a Wouldthle claver- ho &Il igil sown1 tan ai air--sbmked burat lmeaven lhe the spring the mime as June ciover grouno>. Work thile ln thoroughinlaIIw would yeu sow l?' Wouid r-' or-ten ta sweolen the grouati. 'nia dr-il! il ln, or would a tr-il cult should beho dne, if porsîbbe, a week be- wheml rols tee muci? How muc fore lie seoti luarown. At lia lime would r-OU 50w per mer-e? of se*ng, s0w about liroe-quarlers Aaewer:-Sweî claver con be smoý af a buahel ai unhuiletieedti thle eti wilh fuîl whemt ai dr-y, as tisril acre, or if hulioti seeti lua btaîneti, Jetinl answer ta question No. 1. Th about lweaty Ibaunds to lie acre. Ina t olime te seed t its arI>' lnainn entier te mako sure of a catch, 1 would If you have machiner-y for dil!lng tl admise the application of 200 la 250 seeti, yen can gel s 11111e. evener- ti * pauntia per acre af fertllizer, la order tribulion andti hé ec! will ho planto ta giv. the >'euu>g rop qulcklr- avait- at an even tiepti. Be aur-e anti & mile piatouti, which wiii cause Ilta not gel Il pianti le. tdeep. As inake an early vigoneus sta-. If yon r-l n i n ch ta, an inch anti a hall ar-e sawiag tis seet on top ai failtideep enougi for claver- seoti. sewr' r"r, fcaibaw lie meeting b>' har- Quetlo-J R. M.:-(l) I heu4 rawiuiir the rys, belag sure liaI lie a i pecot o ld meidow i whlch 1 hernawvs run wlhthelb.rews anti net wanlte plant potatoea. Have pleali cerout e !ni. This harr-awIng wilb ef manure for- mme. I wamlta opies lary the îweet claver- seeti anti sionît Petatoe I. Weqiti r- a dvise put. Ive !t &à goot star-t. If r-eu ar-e fer-Il- tlng inaitune on sot, plowpeltataes ln i'ng the rye i t lie lime ai aeetihig ant ius-bar-r-wavmter plewlag? sweet claver-, I woulti advise driiling (2) Ho, teep aboulti sot b. plow. or broiicialling lie fi-rlllizer- befare et for potatoe.? r-au harr-oi the drap. 'rie second (3) Whoa la the bost lime tio pla year's growth ot uveet doyen ehoulti polatees le gel 1he boat r-iebdlaj b. plawed untier as suon as Il has craps? matie maximum grawtihalnmnrY (4) Doe. r-yo cnt groom make igrax îpring. Sweot claver vil! att cenaiti- herse foot fer wlator footing? enable organic malter anti meme nitra. Anuwe:-Ia pneparing or-o lc Sen, aince il luas on its roots, nodule. memtiow for a lpotato palci,. I vauld whare the awoet claver- haclenfa live. advins plawiag dowa lhe soti, about Tiese bactérie, have lie Poav er-of aiek- five or six Incies deoep. If the manant ing nitrogea out af lie sout air- ant isbuweli rott,appîr- about iAve touts Incar-poraîîag itlnlathi rooti of tie 'lu the acre, anti thon tsati harr-au aweet choyer plants se liait the solitl mb loth ietal thoroughly. If Itlal nicher ln nitrogen mter growing sweet fresi lamnuro, ta net put il an r-aur dloyen than il 'was heore. 1 patate paInh, ince Iltende te bar-bon -Quetion-S. J. r-I voul i ibis.ta patate scab spores. In enter- ta gel know how le, gel a sur-e catch ot claver bar-goal yields ai beat qualît>' patatees anti how ta -teitset . 1Ivor-k 20 r-ou w ili do weol! toadt, la addition la acrers, keep îwo bea's andi two eews. lbe manuro liat yen put on lie sai, 1 so#eti four acres of r-ye on vieil about 60 Iba. of a fentlizer carr-ylng îlubbbs hait falanti atar-qt It. <oad 3te 4% ammonia antifr-oua 8 te stand af r-y., andt owî1Want ta fte 10% availalebe phosphorie acit, anti Ibis r-r- withh dorer andta e tt!. aiike.posaibir- 1% poass. Seatter 20 lbn.. lIow woulti r-u do ilte gel best r-e. ai thii. fer-tillern per acre over lie saîts? Woid Yenulurr-ow ît a îîttl* greunatbefore tlenhasiimrowiag, anti seeti andti len gIs over 1h with a wiich will work it1mb 1 he sout. AI I de 1aieo vnt le kn.ow how hetmeyu r lantiag your- poli- ietdinl bar-le>'. Wblch la the i>st loeasIntike th. plaw tur-rows andti lin barley? Whieh hi tie besl bar-le>' t. sceller a liil tiustlag ai fertilizer &iD sowmatiwhe-e ca ige* ~ -up lh. tnrrew. .Follow tlii.b>' put- soandwer-'c nive t ta questin itaalilg il cqyer-lagotsoil over the 'Anser:Theaniwetto uesionfer-IIIzer,-,i4leacdrop lie potitomi anti No. 1 caverm lhe asuer- otae lisrst caver- ms nana. Patatesshanit net par-t ai question Ne. 2, grmnteti thal Le planteti unlil liere is reaienibe r-aur r-e r-e itse not made 100 greal certaInty'of lié. carl>' sprouting tubers-s a grathi. Il il bas madtiboa great escaplag fr-at. ,a Inte central part a gr-owth lready toa llew ha.rr-owimgt, et Ontar-Jo, tuba vonîti dela>' lie plant.. de o laI.alempl choyer saetihmg antllhW-,guntil sarl>' in May, ment season. Claver- seed abou1tibé Bye cul green malces a fair qualil>' soya on top the winter- viesl or- rr-e ba>.'.Il allove t tegrà w anti!I Isv sa soon as lie fr-at st aout Oethle t1ioraiI- ien1, tcit- » e greunatlui té spr-lag Il mieulti be lativcIp0ar and Imta a nuiaueut. lm aley S ok nt vui ay as gveH4C"in h a w "etlisà ntFcd 4 &m%;f;iacuIl UlIeRseand corne1 0115 Positl~ian I etho shoulti loe. moi adcown, for te-ta>'I mstatbid. aI 111>' lime la esc nu Lngilfer a place et1 i heuse."-Luce x-1X., 6. sctty. Ten. are tmm en oseput- 'noeeare tva dlasaiofsianerses- ted up vitihem ojrprid. mandar-r-agene 8pOecllY PtOmînentl I le ver-ldtoa-ay liat, satvlisbtapiîug al lihatI Ossi&Mt r Ibace viahoar-e tee big up adti lIi«* man 1.tlicin ethe pcerft her P04 vi Woar-s tee 1ev towa, but of lhetvo alies, liey r- e ,r-eady *tea tor-wc lie fer-mer ula ib>' iaerthc mont pr-L- argue about 1* iii. e >p mudet- toaa position. atruçllofldt ie grava about thou r r- Tbel masscase la nover hopeles imet. Suih * à ogauiceanmud self-Côni vieha bauais*0e 1evina is ibame andtidAtnceapplue4-ta pir-al thlig humuiîlton tisaI ho eesa iuseli lis b. wouit beati a ua taargue villi a <Cer unworlisy oet liefavor and mere>'oai mas suunarftwe' coimnattic-lter hc OCt, but vien a man r-iese blgh l la utbeen toit te ge off Ibe botl is pr-lt. anti seli-iighteouneu at l Zcc-ou ihaveargewI look tovm on Godth«tien aeeti, hlm Ibt Masr-lu iaI stidajy san iti:-",1N position la manl perlions. Lord, I vou at re fot <#Ilm 1 ld Za-ccbous vi i tIle Is iodYrmi ac Indontîit hes crovtwd se' sou!. îtuaIday as the Master toast ieyr-à avms-y bat lt1 Sas#%#l - lm, bsutI wih1eos ine or-es barêd von'l par- hhir tl,- suitand rýî li dova' liragi allî thelarag andt blu#s et bout- their taxeà wbcp 1 "go seai ai ir-#e- »eecamore -ee tocaileçt lens Ih uitslir* bot' ui rseI [eue beitul, Ihovever. - H>I.tM Juà t'etýà à tiraggng liemmen pvmr t i . tald hNu. N eeluttstas 1I'ýe mil rigisI for-n to e011mbb, nt, ho à a danger-oaa pogltUoui, *s.hfi he5îgbbta o gt a botter vlew'.i Chr.isute ut-c ama doms. rts sar off, but wbe i oe 1rw mds ftecod le- mut$couse 4#d" uIn erder lbat- ve Isita uiieep, à ilntasaitiId' c- Msay recclvt lils.christ vil! »«is.lna that' 96ve M,, gm. Li"the .. - id CONCRETE ON TilEOf the clict whch their saout ON T E A -Mfrorr tlbovah 'wili in the en rn LO Us Lwfirt and Its DUrabilty_ Mk Cnrt. A ANADIAN GRAINS. Etonomical MateriaL Varietles Recommended For Use l The se a conret by ii. Lrmr en. A entlatocanbe rovied b fa fnt the policy of the Exe- The ne f cncrte y th famerend A vntiatorcanbe rovdedbymentali Fara ta advlse the cultiva_ Mothera andi daughter. of aIl ago* are.cordialiy Invlted te write ta thiS has become quit. general thraugh- the simîle process of ernbedding a SIX-! tion of new varleties of grain which erte.Inias ny wIll be published wsth each questian n d Ité Ne out the country, a condition undoubt- inch tîle drain on end in the concrete. haefo e be ufcetl etd fSeeras a moins of Identification, but full name and address muast bOé ýn. edly broughi ttensuthbyure o n i m prvps na otheg samore d teided lCanada, or which when tried have Maîîe@d direct If stamped &Md addressed mnvelape la enclaaed. ceono.y wich uayattns h sipe mottCon- ipoemeofthe armstyl h a th re-sbown no superiorlty over older and Addres1 ail correupondonce faf this department ta Mrs. Helen Law, 235~ cree. Itisusaîy snpe aterplclg f heai syl cw sablb botter known sorts. d Woodbà n.e Ave., Toronto. ln for a farmer ta obtain sand and one having A' concret* floor with a The varieties here reconimended ro. grave! and the only other matons!l drop gutter, pipe ritantebions and pipe have been thoroughly tested and have! H~ . :-1. salotvryne MB.-.Allinadsiv' ~* cedd a te crnntwhch an owstai arttios.At scp ne ee trm hown excellent qualities. While 'from fifteen to lfty is wearing ber marked with the. bride's initiais. ed be obtained at a price casily ti e rotting timnbers, the ger-ms and the they may nlot be adapted ta lvery con- s kint short, you need have tic fear of yu ae".B"sol emrbroid1 4t th Prebl he al.-t setafhch cn-lssbl a entabole which Itim-; dition of soi! and climate, they have flot being in the mode if your skirts! ered on the linen and engraved o0"114h h bbln he air usdati hc -'ona l te iicleanlîo nes ndhiJenthedemonstrst,<i their suitability for, are wit.hin an Inich or two o orbout- silver, 2. A corsage bouquet af rosee cret wa pu onthefar wa fo th anlarge areas in the provinces for whicb t4,pe. 2. As to the important natter1 would bc entirely suitabie when rnar< the arnsand the buiding . m nt wiiýhla e 8 the re ecom ende .aO wearing your hair tip, you w!!! bce ried in a travelling drese.- 8. A bridi lety The concrete roat cellar ins'a farta ec. A five-inch concrete fluor is laid Ote eygo otamu r5 uhmr esbe ta wear it bang- sbould write personal etr ft O-stutur which bas found groat pop- t on six Inches of well-tampcd cinder3 quite equal ta those mentioned, could ing, claaped at the back witb a bar- to aIl those wh-o have sent presents lt lry-rn ege bs n atclr-o rvl h lo cnitni rs ave been added ta the list, but it ap-, rette or ribbon.bow, whleh te the moat ber. 4. It is not good form to i et« Y u tat. egmetbeanroti raor gaeto, tef a luruley t ing, n crops pears undesirable ta recommend an 'suitabli style for a girl of sixteen.dress a wedding Invita >tion "Mr. an~ rii !y èotaoesssast e pototadrroe sctin, i a afeyOf 6cour, drap pr b een n-cold. A concrete root ceilar, built gutter l' 4" wîde, 6 Inches e wteunne esrl ag ubr o fcuse, you haep- babi Mrs. John Smitb and famuly." Sen, ade into the ground on a uide hllI, rnot only'alleY love!, a sta!! 4' 8" deep raised1 varietiet. told this before, but it is true. Re- -one invitation ta Mr. and Mrs. Joht O. mae reigipsil u na-ice by h oe ted lley - pring Wheat.-Red Fife and White member, in a year or two you wiii be Smitb with the name of tbc dauglutet in dition affords protection from water v-y a manger Wall 7 Inchès igh andi Fife are good standard sorts but rath- Putting it up, and muet wear it au for written underneath that of er ParJt tr late ln nipenlng in northern the remaînder of youi lite. enta, wbîle another invitation sboull4 tle- D. rmbrown nmi nc s6icestlk age ' s aiirfor the hc addressed ta the Messrs. Smith(he rae ieadsures n Leaaily 4 foot 8 Huro, Marquis md Erly Roc! Fi8e baby laernost injur:ous and sbould on sons). eéd kept dlean. A six-inch ,layer af inches above the ste!! floor. Iftojaecriri ioig na account be permnitted. Continuous C .J:1 f ht ikwit tgrave! or cinders is firet piaceti and rows af dows are te bc kept in the1Ali the varieties mentioned are good 1suckingo nynp-e i ikl afater being wasbed in warm water are,' Ph. well tamped and on top ai this la laid stable this cross-section may be ne-! for bread-rnaking, but Huron JE not 1causdi eeano d enlargetn asilpo rne n iea six-inch concrete flo?-. The follow-: peated on the other aide ut the build- equal in this respect te the others. in tfllilig tcth, ad m2.aOpen jas. 2 Jnover I ng day the walls, which shoulj b, 8 ing, in such a manner t th cttie ihwveenricinyvîoosm Headacho la4 not a disease, iR inaa back a bacs asuse the phase "respectfully yours" un-r forme k and it usee tessarytaoetTerWl bc e - are amay bcpreferroti, In extrema northern districts, Pro- you, look for the cause. And by allel s wilna busti ess alettn. 8' 051 fnid ormad hIt nych casart ai i ict h e re r any othen ways ln which lude will bc îound valuable if the soi,, ienesdo flot mereîy try ta stop the' newed ppientru .Staltey r kher-t 'Ouinsdefore, hih cnsitof inh'concrete can be ernployed with great1Jefil ihadternalsuIc edce. Tsçnb oeinadr nte la' ho sheeting with 2" x 4' studding spaceti advantage on the farm, such as fenco ailencnadth amfîlsf tc-hedause.ofte pan. Beuno ein] a ws n pb leaan aor n gcl ont good many ways witbout correctîng Wie ueliminated h piki t ýh 18 lnche. centre ta, centre andi braced poste, dairy bouses, ice bouses, poultny In Southern Ontario, the very late hcuse aie;tho paie n. Buetnurosi coleflorwt nlie ie acrasa between walîs. 'The roof bougssanti piggerles, apringa, wells, vaniety, Blue Stem, givos good results. cue lanmae;ryougave niyda» eetryd coler foor ith uon a ckredlime.sait ýd aboucd be 6 Inches thlck nlaing toa a dateraand watering trougbm, drains It la rather mare reaistent to dro'aght tedne iga ho a be r> n so pet ionm arpiget trsat, Ib peak, reinforeed wth 8-8 inch rodas, and septic tanks, bee cellaris, bridges thnms ot. Ga westlaue Ing t.')tell you that aomething Je the Ou Rto evntmring the carpe- ho spaceti 5 Inclues apart, running froua andi culverta, ciimneys, fireplaces, dip- fui in extremeiy dry localities, thaugi mealtyerst ou-theea yo ar not a wAhen beingswapt up. g.eave ta Peak andi 8-8 inch roda spacod f ping rata, engine bases, foed trougha, the price ai thia vai-ety in ofteiu qult. elh esn e utr a .L .:l hruhSnbt ho 18 icie apart runnlng froua endti ta porches andi retaialng Wells. iaw, as it la not useci for bread-inak- N. M. --It la usual!y ativisabie taiJ the best tbing for mattressos. Pil-0 là - - slow chlldren to have candy in mac!- luws abouid be hung iin thoebade auý _____________-____ _ing. Kubanka, - claseiy rosembiîng eaio. Cd) nla* sgadthe lut ai the sua brnga out the oi do Goase, makes excellent bread, but lit tsestion.h an s i argeo vlyut, iaup nd te eathrand wili cause them 4 su different frora ordinary wheats that sTaheig tod vlu, a Itu he aiter ralersoOettMgidlgi. *om dren ovor two or thnee years ut age and pumpkin pieis raiso in the centr'é JeKuaka or.rdutve ta may uauaiiy bo given cindy in uni la because ut air under the crusy FeKuana amounts wlth one af thoir daily mania. Prenne tbe tin and la>' cruat on antS Oas-Bne niLgw r w ,tsiouid b. pure, bard candy that cal en at une sida and amuoti taotie I _ _ _ _ ut o tho beat sorts. Llgowo is ulightly e auckod, praferab>' bomemade; nat otige leaving n-o air bubbiesi in, the I wTelllag Stany. . INTERNATIONAL LESSON the enniier ln nlpenlng, but gonerally of the chocolate cream uordor that in pionce crust ln bottoim and aides tvlth I kowai by tatm seeyproducos a amaller crup. Dmubeney usuaîîy macrated ln the moullu and as sali fork. Presthe cruet off witif, Ino c an iby tnaag hsea, MAY 20 ray bchousoti wlere extremes eariineas îamtiîy 1swaîîowed. Iyeur bande instoati of a knife. cAndtelleye utndnut utay o te desiret. O.A.C. No.' 72, (ILisee- __________________________________ Andsathe Loyss tViat. (Tmperanceyesspnn-tion fmon Siberlan), is a ver>' produc- Wiletie goot-nigitryra i.Lso II.(eprnL»n-tivBaley-Maauian and Ontaria blaves ut biossu butis ar, it Andi the wiispereti "Tel! a 'tor-," 'The Importance af Self-control Ivele-Mauivaniety Ontrioout a quarter tab al! an inch--d<elky SSaid la such eacinawsy way, Ia»"ah28. 18. Golden Agricuitural Coilege No. 21 are nocom- drattOa-ie-upu Moas me hein the bolle af Drearalanti, Toit--I. Cor. 9. 25. mendeti amang the six-r0w sorts. h ra o 'feetbed f8 for scale sud blister~ mite; "bIa Thît ring at close of day. Verse 1. Woe-Tie Hebrew word Duckbiil, andtihte bout strains af caws duos not chura alike. jfo o 0"tree-qu9;arent in1«« g o a t a s o y a l n lth u a tra n aa te d J elaa sg ei nt r e t o C e a i r arho eoae d d î u g i r e fa t g lo b u les in t e m ilk of a g a llo n s f r a l i ; a - o a e u o ple interjection' rowng thetT6-6 patuds in 100 gallons for leaYc d Wbât shall the stery be? indicatÃŽng distres. Con or pnide two-row sorts. Jersey or a Guernse>' cow are langer: ruIler and case bearens. (If tii d0f Little Boy Blue in tue haystack, kiSaagdoa, tcaejtalo he ummth a No variotios of bemntilosa or hulleais than tiose af uther breode, sud c eufs- sryisapid twiînt t Andthle sheep ho fails foaseee. ow hill1 the aides of wîîcî wero ter- br.'c4b eonnid ucaaqot> ra oeoSI.Vary ta piake the "dormant" applica-. As hey îbbe te matiw doen, nacti îtivîayar-u ati ardas nti(beardes) ia ut very eany ipeang If the milk andi creani cntinng to Whilî. tue eowa are in tecar-?a? bout wiicb sla a tortuIe val.> habit.. large fat globules andraiik contsiaing1 When blussoms show pink-blossom 0 Lttl By Bue tha e wk p n a i sofEpzratra-The diasà olute Peas.-Among yeiiow peos, Arthrur amali fat globules are mixeti, thene pink spray; lime-suiphur 1 lu 40 for, F or ii. er m e blo a il ion ar istocracy af the capital cit . 're in m o t ighly recom m onde c! o n ear i- w ili be a lose ln the chu ning. s a ; a s n t i l a i 6 6 p u d e fading flower af iels ioius beauty- nns anti productivoness, Golden Vine, Il la ail igit ta divitie tue caîves 1 00 gallons for buti moth, case bearers,i Or shah t b. li star-yElemeats ai social doca y anti disin- Chancellor anti White Marrowiat are with the boys, but dion't forget l tc. bakbi4"i itl 0 ao 0f Little Bo Peep ito1 ,ertelei andwr. i-ai'eiet'O am ot ot.diietepaod ite saies,,too. ions ton dark applo roc!bug. Andtiheb aiep e buot anti mourneti even> it.Prussian Blue, Wisconsin Bita. antid t aiwalhisalswth: As for -2. Armi luht>'anti strong ane-Re-Tuchpotwte edttcnawufaeefierrgtatxeAsla pwrwhc Englîsu Gr-o>'are gooti coloret peas.- pure mir *verywîere. j Vg bon thspraytof te-suptas re 1 Aas ia bainhtrfaeitei ,fbovahsExprimntai Farne sNote. Theing-calyx spray, limo-aulpitforr I t Wallto e intruentin jhoiahsb. produceti for the dir-'cow i ifo(scab;ansenate ai Iead -6 01und Oh, lie pige that went to market- hanti for inMilng chaistisement on bise omî' galî 'i"bak lns o" une lat a maîotî Tiiat'à the tale for me te tel'!1 apotate. people. cobnai io alfla ati ensilage. Iac ef4"oepn aln 3. rôtdeaunder :foot--B>'tue in- The o. ne safe guide ln aicorteining 1ton brlght appie reti bu Adthe great bit plg ati hO itle . atilng ar-myai the enemy at the tino an>' caw'aannuel production ut milk Lnter sprays ta bo ÃŽle * ineti ofte ulflmen f hvhajd-anti fat laliste constant use ai the! oto Juil look at Lb. baby, bleus hlm- ment aanat the nation. -Hints on Goose Culture. uceles anti test.wotrcndinsa corie 'rhe littie-nogue's faut aaheep. 4. The tir-t rie til befors the aura-.4- cb reaeo ed56pud w tine, as la other fig-pnoducîng coua- gantiera are usuel!>' unreliable as Apple Spray Sciedulo. . 10glosfrcttun mt ni Win gI a iieBoPep. trielemain craop Of figeJ r e is eetiersa mte? about aine y'eara aid. _Before butis star-t, dormant apriy- -E b on E. R ex iord. b y a f ett -qpreci eb- -