Newsy L tterafrni 48l De1in t C1rC1sinToronto, ocupe te upi dn o teforwaherc our ~IY8AI@5VMIIS85I@ dy i. A . . zJj. Bl0e1 h o.tec~geao~a ul1u. Cbtnion Allornto, iloupy the pul idntonst.'èpatrtfne Il pt nxt uady, t 2.0 o~ocG ldie 0fthe BOlety meforwtheirnd J3ROOKLIln the Pri yt e CoboCn ufrcmsn , ne ut ta l i cllurie welfre ~fn. D'e~ ba prcheda nw ar. but. Ra owvingJ. elred lheTo.-thc ef U Payer (atflloweid i-cl M r. I' art y, ot or rif , e v si iîî r n tb a nk the ervices a t . The m aPu l- ere i l asnet. T oé (bati G o a n d bIs nr tlerta lii lîîîe t r. tilffl r. Chu r . Cbuna y. prechiocc a e f the S ilet0f olbr altythi Bia n ra ra I N 'î.la otp D. Jh or a ias scd a pomptd, n w i w sucha fi tn g ge ion ofth «Win Mr aclisair 01), 0f Toroeto. but nw (hevr -olef vig car. tu Ro te . eo mrgYle tba osbwd, Mr. and Mrs. R. Hloi'lip of slîama, MYTE conduct the services here next Su were Stinda.i isilors lii théir par-t YTE day taôruing and evening. aise enlts litry. ,1'liw fullowing is"the M~yrtle 1Pulblit' UUca ln (lhe atternoon. .,He Is repoi M r, lDo! g l l3a lutoit r 1l visltlng lus !-eShool Y"Iiart for April: ed us one of the most brainy and bi Moilivr iii I <11101 lioni. Sr. 1V.-.Nildred Ol3nyle, Willa liant preachers la the churcbi. Dot, A pr mvvmri'vlg %wlil bù li'ld Ii lu Nlrklî' 1 l'lt niti, Vicier Hr1idglni. taîl ta heur lm. Côutiîc Iii ri, iOriTt'ay î.vr.ning., Jr. iV-Jh Graint, Aîîdr:' Lam- Mlay .h,l'or- file<letion etof ffIcers rence. Ia b'lîif ot Old Iloys' Union tund, aI lI .oloVli, ablTr $100 REWARD' $800 ia tht' litorvrts offtic VIre lrigadùe. Nlarrie Rcader. Margaret O'!Ieyle. Ieruero9uapprwi Asswai r A Kt'clî'nPresdîn.1IL.ortie Jonîson. Rosst Brîtton, Alyneic. aru i eis there fiat lemart ont drt'aded dlgai Msoci'. < ..dnct-t ai înî-rt-îasdetain1uk-, r(i i<.lrîtirni Geergina Grant, Othat cience ligetreen able -to crelnail Air h mtati .lasdr o ftAge.. andtltituf Caterrit. Catarria bels lirs. Sbr'rlocl< the' îroîify known as ~ ~ greatIy inlluenct.I by c natltutlonai conedîtil tîîe~î e:r'~'e î:n'torv.Nlav 5t1i to Mlay 1h.i seven days' reqthrsa a conubtlaa racLi salv o cèdd nd wor tarrhCure i n tth Day Ilit : ! i î"rit tir ookl>. r taIr in s IIîîrr T. I nîjaîr. M ns. thre frsidatl( c.J. 111 , I. illlit' l r i alaî \IIn'i"ir'rl S i ý r 'I-fr'c'lifl'r o f e dir.e'sse ~ thre patient atrerrph1 relar>. w10llîreiide lilut I'l'e" "hi t ~I-Th 1 1 i lrlgzr, Ir nen<'Mar builitiarui, f t constitution and asalatir tii.MI atue aoi ~a 'wot li. The pro:riet'j bl b' a:f :i fli 01 a i I lI :iJ \!rr ion. . Ifala Catarrir Cure LiraIt tey alier ont liu Mlt IirJo'r i ar.Cl.1-r::n. î 1 i1<ým 1 i o? ;@soli, V Iol.'î dred houaers for au), mcairt i Ifta to cr Vl~liîr.t' M;!..Shir '~ <it i tIl' n .J (rîrî, .1 Senti for iai of t îoait m lZ. - ildd m l'e . dCno Aditrei: F.J CHiIXY & CO.Toled.oOhi Miss I4 ýl 4 oi: r of n'rm-'li hf~~ ifd(0k. sold by anl Druggibta, ý&c. Mr. VW A J<v!'tf r:tl.r <t ' 'ri clltrsri f .l.Janc-uri~t apüiit fle entrll U l <1t ' ,o, n '. Ir. 'ni 1 , t hu;h<tft iie r u n' 11 1 rriîgresn tg favor. îpart cf Htî'" w'.s'k w i tiii dauglîîe Hlgii s'î t I iti>t'iirifri uedî.Mrs. 1i.M I ciiby' et Manchester. 11.' ! uttii 1l n.r <1f tr rîo l ~A .MlK11y sîw'thflie week- Arior )ny w'aa kw id ln lire Seha sp i ' rit 111 1Ilv ' :tP, -tir trdIai KNliit ealie = eon Pz'lday. and eoiîseqtiently (lie >'a. Mtr : Mr ' 0. I l S t".! - tI 't'1 so i 711t tr May ' i .ti t ('i days ' la iruuch ltnproed fdltappearance. ciri lt. 1114k ttAr'k w r h r',Itit r Iii sale, cf ('(14i1 tttn,' aIr, nd m work Tilt' exterler cf Mr. Robt. lierai' Wit over shIrts. I I:rryT'r. Tlionpseii. Menti- hotisp s nearly cernflr.tcd. When tb bir W 't ILou- 1':1a5sIlîî i ta r.' i cst re', WI itv<r I lisi(d i iIb itite ti, %%tq.e'I - 'Ii"1!Jîoî'a s " purchiated n nt'w moidern liuse. A î'îit. rrît .îrt"t li i rngoîîlbîî..r'y.Mrs. R. llerkîey. et Whi'by, %lite fuî di i l fnis.'res rîri irit ..e'lc. N. nid Mrs Sp.wars and Miss Mur- frir'nds here on Alti..I I!i'l f<r mprillg .-i lt tkw.i i -] .1spuni Suî:day v.ith Chas. and] Mrs. NMr. [David fBus-'na cf Iroo"lçlîî, tha telc'.l.îs y'r i n îg n in gndMaka.beau ndelivering uîurs'ry stock thîraug 'tm.L asrrri r i tii r it liot inilsb fil rrltrî I'n'.'y raîir. 1'lh'iiîîarrv friends et Mrs. W. Hird THORNTON'S CORNERS. Mrs. Toir lirison rii lt eir:~rultiî'lao ler WlIlrb' glîtd taolearn that îahe- bas bee' hovon tîtilîroadt Str'e r for îte suii- m- roving nidceîybut Itwagbea o Speclal services wiII be held at th SSunday Scheol iiixt Sunday fer Moth MAIY e!llaIoMay 121.11, 5<tin fl tys' wpîl. Me.hope thiat (bis latint ecorrect, or'e'»t.A rîlaresedall nce e e t, isalo cf unI it r.trr'al tdwork ami thati Ii thîe near future she wIll'beed ltcsaeseilylnîd ei-tii. Ila rrv T,'Ilîii 0ii . trNIiiii- ~arclni;t] stinai. COiC.. wPar sior. ' hlîlrv. 11evlDr, NMarsh, of Pickering. con.- May 5th te Mlay l2tit, seveur dayi Air. Ir)4t. GII roy f'N>is cI"t'r îî ted hi% heial service on Thursdav sahi et odd pants, overahisa. andwor] bOint cri Sîîîli' eveIîlrg of latit week. 1It 'Wa" a fIne shi1rts. l-arry T'. Thompsoiî, Menk .N1ln Lîrlit GI o f 'I'tirnto. lias trent. Thé itîb)Jet waa bandled Ilii a wear storue tiîb)'. frt.î l sli'lgr li nn, .Nrrr. E. lidge. jmasterly way. Shiould (lie Dr. retîtra The btilidinig la contaenced on th V7ier $Qi 'r - qe à rO i F.O.B. C7iathaus Somewhere, in between the over-weîg lit cars at' extortionate prices and the under- weight -cars at figures that are frivolous- there is a value -which is the "happy medium," equally fitted to your purse and .ts purchase. If yu aymorefor your car than the price .fthe tGRAY DORT you will flot get pro- portionately more merit-for-money; if you pay les%. YOD will tnt get nearky so much saving in service! Two yeare of test and precaution andi liberal desisgnine , receded this car'sa ppearance, before PRICE was even thought of. The resuit is a happy-mie4ium cost for a superlative- performance car. A Ogiy Dort Ride wiU 1u.lp _A91MMbr. Yo D«de W. F. DISNEY DMALEII, - Wihu-TB Tifs. GR4,&Y-lOR'à MOTORS, L-mont.,, TI1U2~PÂY. MAT 10, 1917. th- Eta 's, 'k a.s new bSunday Scheol. The cellar has beca t]ug and thuey are ne". gettlîtg neady for the totudatlen. It lsté bhi' haped the building whll ho campleted lu a short thtat'. Milsa G. Clarke. et Huwkestezie. bas aecepted thre position as junior teacher ln the acheol. Maiter Cecil Dean lseout again atter bis serieuis llress. Mrs. ià . lodd le saine hetter now. n.r Lawrence Marnien and famiiy have maved tram Osluawa te MNr. J. Daiitwils resideace. Mnr. George Tîrurr iî ad hîs '..Iîel stol'n frein one of (heho itel yards lni Oshawa hast Mondsy :rlght. flev. George Ytîle's address given to (lie Sunday School a wetL- ige l$un- day w"s very nîtucli alîhreciaîcd ln- MnI. Cruminer, Sr., bas beeii rtaylng at Mr. George P.e4ibon's, ALMONDS. MiessF. Wllis, of WbilWy, vlsited vilh Mies Mary MeGregor on Sunday last. .Mrm. C. L. Morcombe. of Onimee, la vlsltiag at the homae et her parent» here. Misses May Kempthorne and Hîlda Carr'.riiirs, wbo have beea atteadlng Toroate University. are aow at their homnes bore. Mms T. C. Osborne la visitlag with reltatives a at'owmanvile. Mn. C. L~ Morcoin of e Omemee. pald a filn vieilte Wbitby on FrIds.y laitt. Mr. and Mn .A.. &.Edwards and Mise May Diaguna motored to, To. rento on Tuesday. -, -~ . 4 I ~--- '~ Ai aiiý ' Lâ7 Paint The Floors YOU can't "toueh up" WOrii.out spots i he M=or- ' Whcn it'. worn, thotes the end 0o it A Psintéd illoûrSn ib. 'tourched upwbon.yoe shodu" ýfn fwer. it's brigho end cer'-snay..a~ le..u end the oose of pulntiq is a mc rowml. SENOURS FLOOR PAINT OS HAW A. la the noar tif tht' stable of Rural Mail Carnier [Derby a large tiîant il cof papena, lKtbers anid parcels, w cre frind ina amorîre on bassad'.aiicît] matie of de- cay Oui Lx-tnnation thre lettens were fotîrît]te centain va.nle-s Itemns af valu- ablîe Infaoumatiaon toa a llticui, tîu8hncas or ranuantic nature,.lTlie explanatlan see'is 1te130 tîuatIlle nmail caî'rieras Mlght la taillxîg, and] he lias not beî'n able to fsee (lhe lettere. papera, ec.. whîen tbey were joltcd or tell eut et bis deli'.ery wagon.- Mfay 6tîr te May 12th, seven days' sale et odd pants, overalis.tant] work shinte. Harry T. Tlîaun;ron, Mens- wear store, Whiîby, Messrs. Hogg & Lyhle have. bouglît eut Fewke hroi, elevator andi may erect an e'lght-story building. SCHOOL REPORT FOR APRL. Dt' SvIMT 8 rwOeî,. Jr. IV.-Merton Todd, James Braw. ley, lona Rowe. Sr. III.-W. B3radbury, J. Clarke. G. Tueker. Jr. IlI.-Charlie Maw, N.. Cormack. L. Moore, tnt, 1.-Ronald' Thomas, George Dlame, G. Wigao.. Sr. hh,--Emuly iSightholin, Catliar- lr.e Andc'so. Alma~ Rove. Jr, 11. - Frud Wat'.i;, lrtice Corner, l:îî,îettO0k. Sr. I.-Blidie Thomas, Geo.Brown. Earl Sîetghtholnu. Sr. Pr.- Lloyd Johinson, Walter Haves. Harold Tioker. M. Pr.- Marjorie Broincîl, Murray Nuel. Mary Rafla. Jr. Pr.-Albert Blrd, Drury Rldgely. Lily Bartlett. A CHANCE FOR THOSE GOINO WEIST. Hom.scers Exeursiona te West- cia Canada ai attractive tares e4icb Tuesday until Qctober Sut, via Van. adian Pacille, the pioncer route te the We4t. l'articulais fromn any Canadian Pacifle Agant er W. B. Howard!. Dl*- trIct Passuiger Agent, Toronto. Ont.- 46. - DUILDINGS FORt7THE WO1JNDED RETIJRNED INVAL[138 DOUBLED $INCE CHIRISTMAS. More (han twlce au many dtzabled Canadtan soldlet afrlKow boing carQi! for by the MAiUary Boloptalu CommisW Son as werm on (lie rellisai New Yar, À year ap e h. 4oulwas about le U41. DY Dceuber 3nd the figur. liai tison 2,634. 'hen aue a sllf.b ebbi, te 2.40# et Chritaaaa.7h. ie U hau Onace thon beM t owtag strongly. ani htbIOwaer mark wua reahed on AprIl 1Mbulb a-,*totalor 4.477. in apite et tht huadrode dlsctiared la the mean.. Of cerm, tbl. Influx la net the el. fect ot rmaot 0OAçbUt ih nu , Uat a laum ttimbW e cintalns, aow ed, or cobrw lvaldc iotbo a*0 hbave auMengiu~r mvereod taEagta» W-0 Ie me* t 3. mpliet of o ëOlefre sla. tNesrly aOhe borecut a&M"as av# Io iu "wseeot. m.» aada ons4I autte* ta 5g=1n4bave ti* yt gî>Quýi4 %$attoêbt, te aMd qWer w aira.amber *2 et*i omeo." e ~ r. J.ames elybs got bis auto I. IU h shaPe foraftoter season. RMr.: Danny shlpped a o&rlead ef cat. oitic frOm GreenbuMn. onWednesday 1lut. Somhe trom tlile vetnity contrib- e uted. lP1es ranged high. t, The prie Of bïaoad seems te be keep. r Ing stop with flour prices. Our baker a la cbargtag 9e. per ion! with a tend- y ency* upwà rd. In ail probability It )- wit b. ten, cents ay tîme, with fleur ýsoarhig nearly $15.00 Per barre!. Tt certaInly takes semetbing (o bolird a 1large famhly theee turnes. * The farinera bave been qui te heit] tp tby the backward weather for see.diag. *Those having 10w filIds te cuitivate *have bea unable 10 de se, and Pseseral tare yet unfinishet] that wouild have bitea donc hiad (tie mwather heen more favorable. Mr. C. 0. Lawtoa bhs secîired the' services et a yoting inan troin Toron te for the ssommer season. 0 Mrm. Mackey lm reported <prîte poor- ea ly. suftering tram sarielieart affec- l 1Ion. She 19 an excepîlonal wernan for ene neariîu.g thte 80 3'ear mark. A te".' roni lier tf tte.d Qiiitr n> rtielîîg af 7ion last Satbitlr. Il tvasi fliv iast rîuarlerly sertlce for tliqs eur. Rt'î'. Mr. Taîlcîn Ias sprttt'a'rrarm on ti( re Ge'twood Circit andt]'.'as *given a rnarîmous ini'tation te re- turnfor the tIîrd. !rlrs. P' WeIyl'fSille fi c telat fer part tof Iitti ek. Dr. %vîr ias c.ililenb. and vWr' ar', Io a dtarepîort bier conrdition rutIle belvr so. MnI. F. V. E ofne. e Wbiby, îrassr'tl1 thirortitl l"ýrt' lïît wer'k %w li tiaouit t for repiilning ptrnps, MiLy 5111b .NMay' i201. a'Cter dites' sait' cf otd lpitos, e<'an :id work glirrtaq. liarry T. Thompiton, M ,ea' wear «store,. Wlulthy. Owtrrg te Quarteniy se'rvice. hr'lugj etondtit'tat Mouint Ziexi laet Snbbaliî there was ne service hon' other tîran1 the' S. S. ln tIhe afrnuon.1 A tew frein here 'tttendMeth e Bibley Society nit.etinjr lt]lit Grepnweoodon1 Tu."sday ntght. lie%. W'. E. llîîsrrard, of Torontîo. was the speaker. lie \'as a former p.tstor lrere ln bis younger da>'s. and] cotis.'<itiî'nti sotire wera' t ,ry ( île.ised ta be aftarded thie oîrîrrtilîy et again meeting and hîcarinit llm. Miss IeKay, etflBaisant, airent the week-end w..itIr Kinsule friendit. G reat additions and im îr " <nt arc% ling iade te the ucon-mo'futiori for muen inîunediately crn their froneii oer a'a t Hîîîifia tud Qrur'lIecý At Halifax, tht'Imigratiuon Bud' Ing an Pler 2 lins hr'en tmipiufornied lurte atclonring haspîbul ton 450 nmen, aitit] la iilRoaty inise, lPantrt ofthe buling la rest-rvet] for trîherîtuloisi pratients. Thorr. flIcens of a tiospItul shlp arrivlng thie eîben day reýntarrd that bbc> bat] iirvq'r seen ipre'.'lslcns ro excr'iierit fer wouodei men. or iesîtil trains so e god as ;tbaose pravide] fer thec mart' senlotscases. At Quebec, the.,clcanring depot. for- merly (lie Immigration building, le Pickering Coeg at ema belng coînPietey remodelle<j, and w.lIl tormeriY a Pckerig Village Inat bouse 1,000 men or evea more. Spe-' tien, will h. clesed untit atter the chaI accommodation bas been set apart and will h. used as a Canvalesr for the caspsof tuberculesla and ina- Hoapital fer returnet] seidicrs. haVe been'flnlsled, sud' the-tu'o large pavillons are neariy complete. kt Londoni, the tbree ruew pavillons 0Lr% already in use, and an iafïrmary building le under way. At Whitby, where a magnificent In- stitution bas been leased by the On- tarie Governnent for convalescent sol- diers of the Toronto district, the ac- commodation la being steadily I- crea.sed and ili probabiy reacli 1,500 before the sumnier.enda. Another fine provincial Institution, at Guelph, Ont.. wlll be ready for oc- cupatioa by Caniadian seldiers very îbartly. It wiIl acceunmodate 800 men. lad wlil b% the great re-educatior ceni- tre of Ontil-lo for meii who neet] train- Ing for new trades as a resaIt of dis- abiement hy service, At Toronto itself. the OrttiopiaŽtic tiespitai, fer men nvediuîg artitlcinl limbe and kindredt iplances, wilIlibe ready very eoon. The mnain builldinîg. iii fact'---erected hy lIme Salvirî loi Army as a trinîni centr'- l% rv'uiy now. A t4envIci an(] dirîîîig-recîîrr bailît] ltîg have b4n added, aurd iwo watrt biulîdingsatre Inuîiroosi, ,bou i-tIi menci crth.U,' ccorîrnodaifet] fier.. in te lihIosçîl taI grotînda. r h ili nover ia'lht acire's, a unîe.clîi.l toti dliîrg r.'.' III i creratnlfor i lit'Comlsî iî'r ar ll It 1111i bla ic r y, Iîi. ' Innl i oitrr't r Blcîixnn tiî,'.1 A lio<nir, for InurirtIsriras lîr'r<î ait taii!istrd Ilu in' îtr,,liv twn , l"i Frniirb, i te M . s f-~try -" r u l o lloi rie. Il ls i itrrtr. Il i l Ealid liali M ilirtîy t'rrtI"r'i Hos;îlnal. 'lîilyix il i. lins etinlit'w crcril for in tibIs. Ill ir fluIlîsî ti <ot if is: klîît] fr r ('ni îtd ii t f u lîiTloriitt uaioa îrît'îîtrir Ita!? <'lrrCr' ti lt' Sirr.dlia i'îttra' r loil'îiîti rî iassa'îûirs- - uoaasnr lit li nunt- Inuiporlau-Itpairt of 1w relt w r'ri iir'tIlrt in a n y C a s e s o f i ii rie > . i I n r t i n r rind nervi'v tretîbles. At Coboirg. tliti'OntnarioMlbn Hoaifltal '.'.'itav.e lis caaitiv rai' r-t] freio i-I10le275. lir tlit, .'ra'ct ior nf it'w bttlldings. Ti l mai liii r itri%Ill lit reservet] for <'trrîble cae tf q r'li'-l sbiock aund utlw' ierta iroitir A Hfospital for thei, it.ittir' lia.brouit -ccured ahnt '.' î. r t. ri ii ti.' tc- tilil hoîrse i150 or LM.) lrarlr'nis. STANDARD BANK TRUST PUJNDS Our Savinga Dopartne.nt givn* you a guarante. of absolut. security and .*WHITBYBRANCH C. A. Maclepa, Profesaionag Cardi LEGÂ-L JNO. E. FAREWEILL, K.C. Barrieter, County Crown Attorney anè County Solicitor. Offce, south wing Court Bouse, Whitby A- E. CHRISFIAN berrlati. Solicitor. Notary Psrtal-c, Etc. Office, llrock St., Opp. Standard IlaniL Ihaney te Loan. A* A, ROBINSON U nd#'rttk..r uti friiIture deniler. Altogether between 500 ant] 600 Men ari klow at work on the varlous build. Inge ultenitland for the reception, treattiient, and] training Of soldiers %wlio have suiffiei]ln Our service. Hesiutals have beeîr esthbIîsirecI ai lnany ether' pints iin thie Dominion. lîaîutine.-.St. John. N.B., NNu1iit'g aurd Ninr'tîe. t.,queb'c alid .Molltreal, Que..Itegnri tî Jr r..'Stik . it1 fax. N. S., Sydney, .C. Il.. 1.l'nteiî. Ml. Ifte "ancott vîr, ttIicînItrt îi .Sydîri'>', ,1j.(- County Counicil County of Ontaio. N(OTICE Oh" MONEY: Ili' A t l t 'uir t y t i i [tit' - if I l t riti 1i111 tl>« . on i ni (lo hily" nt'1f11rtI l(tts 411 tio tî . 1' :t i'rilri.t u I /e tir. toraiý rils' inninrr. rr' tir' ira> mli i rf iJ!,.. i'tt,,t trI iitilditim "'. i u tî'r In tandî for' ot lier Oi'er,48ti'> ('crtinlty îir.s (lia - ioi 'îr'istf brid]ges lnhor ir . Jîru iiig z thIe Uotinly tif On tario. \Itii l nut1i îîn> Cllty ill Io tobatili ]or <Ctli irib tla' l i is 1li i d Iflui biri1tlb i. '.'.Itlcîî w,ýurks itare lperumahnernft wr. andt Il ii luit exl)-iet trIl i aI t e liliol.>' tir-ltilt-saune shaîl h.r patîtIi o nt',>%var,. on accoturir cffItîrge griutslaniade h>i ia'i ('rtîty for hiatrietic piîrposcs. TI i îe salit t]sben tiir es are, tri be siiwd'ia one' in.' and] the plinnipal o et ltait] dî'bî la eîay.ahl1'b%' ianîy smuist]dtr- Ing ti'ur ye'rrsts. etait] r'rly ims bourig of atîcl rt'spatti te aitinri 5bl t(i ta' an)atit ii'.'.uîîlrilueanh ytoar kb r prricipalandidlui'rest luni'- etîcet tiisait] dciii tliall be ras ritatlylas possible, as îayable ti i 'îcl of tlta' til er riiiua >"a in, a îopy of '.'.liIcli cat Ili,' seen. aI Itie oict,o et tt'(Coiniv ('rk. 'lire rate fcf hrrst cfsat Id t'rii- tures Io lhi'),a.j pr r <ci pler îiriiiîit. rîayîtbli' ytorrl>', on lii,' lînrîl ty ot JuIy lui eaand t ev] '.ery yamt]urlng sait] ton years. l'he' uloiîn f ta be ru iset] nntrtlly> for ti' rîrrsasaforesat]la $36.:I Date t luI Ihrday ut April. AA). 1917. -46 J. E. F'ARENVELL, Cottnty ('iomk. A~L7w QUALIT- t' t' 't t. -~ ';t~.sooa8's ~odwc ~1<~or Paint. > gftaldurc Jbf twhk &..s ~2(ppy3<~dùu,~' f Il - g' I DEUNTAL Har'ry J. Hiudson, D.D.S., L.D.S. Succeaaor ta W. Adam&. OMcc. Liindii4 Street, îîj0,4ît( post Office. Pt-eIl phone 122, Imd. 64. WtIITBY, ONT. 113LAE B. -BEATON-, LDS. .D Gradtiate ef the Royatl Collc'ge of Dentail Surgeons anid University of Toronto. Dr. McDowell, of Toronto, la takinr, Dr. Beaton's practice ditring the ab- sence of the~ latter on rniiitary service. Offce over W. M. Prlngle's hardware tfl1u 11icnrs-U tg) 113. 1ta 5.30. 111à . Plimnie, le-.llPhonie, 920. 0. Arthur Lee, L.0.S., 0.0.8. Gradtuate of tho Royal CollQge of Dental Surgeons and of the University of Toronto, destres to annotinco that ho bas taken Dr. Slsn'a practice and leq prepared te continue (ho saine as c'atabl Ished. Office ovor Allin's drug store. Hours 9 ta 12 a.rn.. 1 to 6 pan. Bell phone 87. lad, 11< MBrrkage Licenses. A. I. ALLUN. lssuer of Marriage Licenses. Corner drug store. Whitby. No witnesseu requlred. C. YOUNG SMWITH, LL.B. luer. At dveillini oum opoalt. methodiat Chuzob. No vitaea. reqnlnd. AUOTIONZIERS WM. MAW' LISRNSRD AUSTIONHUR %INoVAUIO AUl kinde of m&ies prompyJy t4emded to. Arrangements for mal«. ïùnb. made Bt th. Gisette 0Mce. Tqeima reasumbl bon and Iiidepeudt Pliou, -WHUTBYi ,ONT. -Wh*l Prôl 4'- J I - (Mode i Cpa"-) m j ý 1 or illulit. DIZOOKLIN, ONT- mm»fr.